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cep-bnw's Issues

City-State greetings

In vanilla the greeting reflects a change of the gift depending on whether you are the first to meet this city-state or not. 30 gold if you are and 15 if not.

With the mod activated the greeting still shows a distinction between who met them first or not but the described gift is the same. Or sometimes there is no greeting display at all and nothing is exchanged.

What exactly is the desired result?
Are these CSs supposed to give the same gifts to all they meet or not?
Is there times when the greeting display panel is not supposed to display?

I would like to see some sort of diplomatic boost given for being the first, and hence probably the closest, civ to meet them. Maybe an instant and permanent +20 to the standing. The gold gifts are pretty useless.


The Danish Beserker is described as a Longswordsman replacement yet once it is available to build the Swordsman is still available in the build queue.
Is this by design or error?
To have both available is odd.

Swordsmen upgrade to Beserkers so there is the strange occurrence that you can build a Swordsman quicker and cheaper than a Beserker and then if you have taken Honor and have cheaper upgrades as a policy you can then upgrade it for less Gold than it costs to buy it outright.

At King level it costs 450 for a Swordsman and 720 for a Beserker. Yet to upgrade only costs 65 (with Honor policy, 100 without, still cheaper).
To build it is about 5 turns compared to 8 for the Beserker.

Diplomacy interface

The diplomacy improvements in Civup focused on showing us what resource trades and diplomatic deals we can form with other leaders.

The trade section of the top bar has three icons. These icons show if we can form a trade deal for strategic resources, luxuries, or other deals. Hovering over any icon shows a dropdown summary of trade deal and resource status. Clicking any icon brings up the Trade Window. This window shows every possible and active trade deal in a simple grid layout.

  • Enable top bar enhancements from pre-BNW
  • Update trade window from pre-BNW

Wonder Updates

  • Enable the updates to World Wonders included in the mod before BNW.
  • Basic updates for culture and Great Person Point consistency
  • Advanced updates, such as where both CEP and BNW changed the same wonder

Auto-Annexing Bug

I finally found an relatively unmodified, older version of TechTree.lua (so I could compare it to a patched TechTree.lua) found here:

And it turns out that bc1 had solved the bug way back in June. I can make the update(s) to our TechTree.lua and that should fix our problems with the auto-annexing bug. I just need confirmation on whether or not Thal wants me to update directly to the master branch or develop branch or stackpointer branch....

[3.9] No Culture from killing barbs after Honor

Using 3.9 I get no Culture from killing barbs after selecting the Honor opener.

Was reported in the "3.9 - Policies" thread on Civ fanatics but reported there as always getting the culture boost (even when no having selected the honor opener) but this is the way I've seen it in four test games (used fire tuner to place units and add culture to get social policy).

No other mods and cache cleared. Logs attached.

logs zip

Rename vanguards

Copied from old repo:

Now that the 'Vanguard' name is no longer used alongside any units, and the errors with the table have been fixed. There is still the minor issue of the text appearing for certain types of units describing them as "Vanguard Units".
While the actual fix is easy, what exactly should the new name(s) be?

It is not just 'spearman' type units, Modern units like XCOM are also described as 'vanguard'.

Any suggestions?


You're right that the word "vanguard" refers to units promoted with Recon 1-2 now, not a separate unit line.

The words I know to describe the units we're talking about are:


We could rename the combat class to infantry, and change the infantry unit to something more specific, like we did with the Cavalry unit (Dragoon).

Machu Picchu reference problem CEG 3.8

I like the mod. I've encountered no errors up to turn 50.
AI seems strong.
I already posted the error message from database.log about techs and units not "existing."Example:[18176.562] Invalid Reference on Unit_AITypes.UnitType - "UNIT_CONSCRIPT" does not exist in Units
Here is the only lualog error that I have encountered.
[20462.453] MT_Initialize: ERROR City_GetBuildingsOfFlavor: BUILDING_MACHU_PICCHU does not exist in GameInfo.Buildings (FlavorType=FLAVOR_CULTURE)
[20462.453] MT_Initialize: ERROR City_GetBuildingsOfFlavor: BUILDING_MACHU_PICCHU does not exist in GameInfo.Buildings (FlavorType=FLAVOR_CULTURE)

Enhanced User Interface Integration/Compatiblity

(formerly: Enhanced UI by bc1 on the Civfanatics forum)
This mod has some very fancy tricks in it that we might like to borrow if at all possible.

  • The toppanel has less useless info and added 'bling' like great people tracking.
  • There is a particularly nice trick where the city view opens immediately upon founding a new city to allow setting the first production queue.
  • Improvements to the citybanner. Similar to what we had before in GEM.
  • A display of workable city area on mouseover etc.
  • There is a really nice audio alert when cities grow.

He is probably willing to help out if needed.

Mayan Long Count Bonus Suggestion

When you get your choice for a free great person you can only click ok. I would be good if you could add a cancel button to double check what great person you need.

City-Capture/Pop-up Queue Bugs

(Formerly titled: City-Capture/Puppet Status/City Governor/End Turn Production Button)

I have given it this title because I am not sure which area is the problem but as they all relate to one another they are included in the description.

The Aztecs, with 3 cities, DoWed me and I was forced to counter and take their cities.
The first to fall gave me the correct city capture options and after choosing FORCE I was left with exactly what was expected.
Next was the Capital which fell but did not give an option on capture. As I was going to select MERCY and puppet it I didn't feel too bad as the city "appeared" to be the same population and it showed the "puppet" icon as its status.
The last city fell and it too didn't offer a capture option but again the result was what I would have chosen.

Now the first captured city soon began building as expected and it kept pace with the rest of my cities, however, as I was preparing to build a few wonders that require buildings in your other cities to be built I was surprised to find the former Aztec capital included in the calculations.
Despite it showing a "puppet" status, I had to manually assign buildings in it so as to fulfil my quota.
Now the problem presents itself this way.
If it is a puppet it should have its own governor assign buildings and not be included in my cities.
If it in fact was NOT a puppet, then the "End Turn" button would be inactive until ALL production queues are filled. But there was no indication by this method.
Lastly, the third city which I assume was a puppet also never built anything after its capture. I never even went to view it unless it too changed its status and became one of my cities.


I updated the milestones to show plans for the next few weeks. Each milestone shows a due date and issues linked to it.


Activate and update the stories from GEM for greater fun, variety, and importance.

I'll post more details here once we get closer to this milestone.

Dummy Policy Branches Error

I've found the cause of the errors but not the reason why it would. In CEG\Policies\CEP_End.sql line 3:

INSERT INTO PolicyBranchTypes(Type, Description, EraPrereq, AIMutuallyExclusive)
SELECT DISTINCT Type, Description, 'ERA_FUTURE', 1
FROM Policies;

Commenting this code out fixes all the opener/finisher issues but since this is the method that creates the dummy branches we may want to find an alternative fix.

[3.9] No free great person from liberty finisher

Reported in the 3.9 - Plicies thread on Civ fanatics and confirmed by me:

You do not get the option of selecting a Great person when you finish the Liberty Tree .

It seems to be in Policies\Trees\CEP_Liberty.xml and I can't see why it shouldn't work. Don't think there's anything related to this in the logs.


database log
lua log

City liberation

With the change made to the city capture function, has the ability to "liberate" the cities been lost?

After a protracted battle between 3 civs I had the opportunity to take a city back but despite a tooltip saying what would result from liberating the city, no such option presented itself.

Database Errors

[603190.781] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Help - "TXT_KEY_WONDER_GLOBE_THEATER_HELP" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603190.781] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Help - "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_HELP" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603190.796] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Help - "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_INTERNATIONAL_SPACE_STATION_HELP" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603190.796] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Help - "TXT_KEY_WONDER_UFFIZI_HELP" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603190.859] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Strategy - "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_HANSEATIC_LEAGUE_STRATEGY" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603190.937] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Civilopedia - "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_ABBEY_PEDIA" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603190.937] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Civilopedia - "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_BASIN_IRRIGATION_PEDIA" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603190.937] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Civilopedia - "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_ODEON_PEDIA" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603190.937] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Civilopedia - "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_VEDI_PEDIA" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603190.937] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Civilopedia - "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_WORKSHOP_PEDIA" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603190.937] Invalid Reference on Buildings.Civilopedia - "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_SMITH_PEDIA" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603191.921] Invalid Reference on Policies.Help - "TXT_KEY_POLICY_MERCHANT_CONFEDERACY_HELP" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603192.000] Invalid Reference on Policies.Civilopedia - "TXT_KEY_POLICY_MERCHANT_CONFEDERACY_TEXT" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603192.078] Invalid Reference on Policies.Description - "TXT_KEY_POLICY_MERCHANT_CONFEDERACY" does not exist in Language_en_US
[603192.531] Invalid Reference on Technologies.Help - "" does not exist in Language_en_US

Dutch dummy building "Amsterdam Bourse"

Upon researching Trade, the dummy building now shows up in the building list of the capital.

It also shows a (10) next to it similar to the Capital's Palace bug.

Doesn't always happen. Just started a new game and gave all Classic era techs and no dummy building shows.
It happens when you construct the Pyramids apparently. Why? Beats me. Will keep looking.

PolicyNumOptionsConsidered - Max AI Policy Branches

It looks like PolicyNumOptionsConsidered in the HandicapInfos table controls the number of possible branches the AI can choose from. This may allow us to unlock the AI's ability to pick and choose from multiple trees at once. Below is the code from CvPolicyAI.cpp:

    // If total weight is above 0, choose one above a threshold
    if(m_AdoptablePolicies.GetTotalWeight() > 0)
        int iNumChoices = GC.getGame().getHandicapInfo().GetPolicyNumOptions();
        iRtnValue = m_AdoptablePolicies.ChooseFromTopChoices(iNumChoices, &fcn, "Choosing policy from Top Choices");
    // Total weight may be 0 if the only branches and policies left are ones that are ineffective in our game, but we gotta pick something
    else if(m_AdoptablePolicies.GetTotalWeight() == 0 && m_AdoptablePolicies.size() > 0)
        iRtnValue = m_AdoptablePolicies.ChooseAtRandom(&fcn, "Choosing policy at random (no good choices)");

Error in lua.log

Version 3.8.1

I had the following line in lua.log when looking at Buildings in the game (civilopedia I think). Sorry that I can't be more specific, but I don't exactly know when it happened.

[21209.911] TW_Init: FATAL Turn 0 GetDefaultBuildingStatText lineType=YieldFromTech : column EnhancedYieldTech does not exist in GameInfo.Building_TechEnhancedYieldChanges

I use a lot of other mods as well but I did a search of the community mod files for key words from the error message and it seems to be related to this.


Monasteries description change

Right now the description takes up 3 lines and spills over. Here is my change to it-

Faith buildable Science Monasteries: 4(S), 1(F), 1(C)

Can't select production or research after upgrade to 3.9.1

After I found my city I try to select production and the quick menu doesn't come up. If I dive into the city and click "change production", nothing happens. If I use the quick menu for research, it shows up but has no techs in it, and the bottom half of it shows the map underneath.

This happens with just the AI mod enabled as well as with all mods enabled. Please let me know how I can provide additional information to help debug this!

Readme, credits and sundry files

With the new structure placing ALL the separate projects under the one location I think it is also a good idea to move out all duplicate documentation to either the wiki or just placing a general copy for all the parts inside the CEP_BNW project's main folder.


    1. re-do the facing page on the project here in GitHub. I suggest using markdown so it can be formatted well here but still readable in a text editor if wanted. Now that the process is more structured the readme should reflect how to contribute to it in its new shape.
    1. Move all the credits file updates to the wiki credits page, and just place a URL if needed in the main folder and/or sub-folders.
    1. Inside each folder/project part add a new readme describing the purpose of that specific part.

SQL updates to tables with no PRIMARY or UNIQUE key

Whilst checking on some duplications to yields within our code, I was given a piece of good advice about how to set our sql commands.

The tables must have a UNIQUE or PRIMARY key to actually REPLACE duplicates.

In CEC__Cities.sql, lines 334 to 343 we use some sql to assign a YIELD_CULTURE of 2 to ALL buildings of a 'cultural' nature, monuments etc.

However, since the Building_YieldChanges table doesn't have a PRIMARY or UNIQUE key, those yields are now ADDED to the buildings. So a monument now has a YIELD of 1 & 2.

Not 100% sure how that presents an error ingame, but since it is likely we use similar sql structure in other tables, it might be prudent to check the table before using the OR condition in our commands.

CEC_END questions

What does this do in GEM end?
I deleted it and nothing seemed to change in terms of buildtime, production cost or hurry cost

UPDATE Buildings
SET Cost = ROUND(Cost / 50, 0) * 50
WHERE Cost > 0;

UPDATE Projects
SET Cost = ROUND(Cost / 50, 0) * 50
WHERE Cost > 0;

Additionally, what is the necessity of Buildings tab of GEM_Details.xls spreadsheet.
There are about 40 lines that appear to modify buildings.
Is that modifying maintenance cost or construction time or both?

Finally, the two seem to contradict each other. First we adjust costs, then we override them all.

I ask because I have my own mod for construction-production and I would rather use it if these are relics of GEM.

The Netherlands cant build polder

Both civil service and guilds have been researched but polder canot be built on any terrain. Option to build polder does not display.

[Wonder] MT_Plot.lua:76: attempt to call global 'Vector2' (a nil value)

Had this ERROR message popup in my log. It always followed a WARN notification about my having built Machu Pichu in Akkad (this city only has one mountain plot within its boundaries)

All other WARN messages about built buildings in that city passed without another ERROR following. Additionally all the other WARN messages about built buildings only happen once and are never sent again, the WARN message about Machu Pichu happens twice each turn.

Tech Tree descriptions changes

Ok I'll be updating this as I find them. If this isn't the right format please correct me.

  1. Future Tech description
    In the tech tree screen for some weird reason the Marine and Anti-Tank Gun icon are there.
  2. Unit descriptions on mouse over-
    "Animal Husbandry"- Caravan Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Sailing"- Bireme Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top,
    "Archery" Archer Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "The Wheel" Chariot Archer Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Mathematics" Catapult Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Civil Service" Landsknecht Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Machinery" Chu-Ko-Nu Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Physics" Trebuchet Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Gunpowder" Arquebusier Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Archaeology" Archaeologist Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Smokeless Powder" Musketman Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Industrialization" Rifleman Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Dynamite" Artillery Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Flight" Triplane Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Combustion" Carrier Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Rocketry" Rocket Artillery Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Combined Arms" Airborne Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Computers" Missile Sub Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Computers" Bazooka Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top
    "Nuclear Fusion" Xcom Squad Icon description leave only 1 set of dashes at the top but keep Good Luck, Commander!
    (Double check other unique units/buildings in tech tree)
    (most units have no description and a few do so I'm assuming we are going that route?)
  3. Wonder description fixes-
    "Civil Service" Chichen Itza text error for golden age
    "Printing Press" Taj Mahal text error for golden age
    "Rocketry" Apollo Program add dashes between name and Good for

DLC Wonder Compatiblity


I have again found this error message appear in my logs:
MT_Initialize: ERROR City_GetBuildingsOfFlavor: BUILDING_MAUSOLEUM_HALICARNASSUS does not exist in GameInfo.Buildings (FlavorType=FLAVOR_GOLD)

The actual error is easy to figure out the problem I am facing is, is this building still in the game? I can see where it is defined in the core xml but all the saved debug databases from all the different versions of the game I have don't show it in the Buildings table. I can't see why it is not there.
I know our code makes use of it with 'Building_FreeUnits' and 'Building_ResourceYieldChanges', but why isn't it actually in the database?

I am I the only one with this error?

Modifiers from being Puppeted

I'm doing more testing into this puppet bug and I would like some clarification on a couple of issues I have come across.
I'll split them into different issues for easier management.

I started a new game and found the Aztec capital close by and decided to take it before they grow too large. Once taken, and correctly given the options of takeover, I examined the yields this city produces.
There are some "Modifier for Puppet" penalties that I am not sure are supposed to work the way they are shown.

Culture -25%
Science -50% & -25% & -50%
Gold -25% & -25%

There are no penalties to Food and Production.
Is this correct? Are Culture,Science & Gold the only yields penalized?
Also what is with the multiple penalties against Science & Gold? Surely this an error?

I have only just examined it in game and haven't looked through the code yet.


I finished the early plans today (linked above). I need help completing the edits to match the plan. If you decide to edit a policy tree, please post which tree(s) you plan to work on so we don't duplicate our efforts. Use the "policies" branch of the github repository while working on this task.


  • Plan policy updates
  • Remove policy links


  • Tradition (stackpointer)
  • Liberty (AlyDash)
  • Honor (kcinlober)
  • Piety (AlyDash)
  • Patronage (Thalassicus)
  • Aesthetics (AlyDash)
  • Wealth (Thalassicus)
  • Exploration (Thalassicus)
  • Knowledge (AlyDash)

For each policy we need to check:

[3.9] ProductionPopup: ERROR BUILDING_### PrereqTech=TECH_NUL

I get the following erros in lua.log using CEP/CIN/CAT 3.9:

[9840.574] ProductionPopup: ERROR BUILDING_MAYA_PYRAMID PrereqTech=TECH_NULL
[9840.574] ProductionPopup: ERROR BUILDING_SHRINE PrereqTech=TECH_NULL
[9840.574] ProductionPopup: ERROR BUILDING_VEDI PrereqTech=TECH_NULL

The error seems to come when I select the shrine Building in the Building queue.

No other mods used and cache cleared prior to this. Log file uploaded - renamed to *.jpg.

lua log

Eiffel Tower tourism bonus

Tooltip says, the Eiffel Tower gives 12 tourism, but it doesnt. And it's not just a UI bug, there is indeed 0 tourism from that wonder.

Need to fix TECH_NULL in spreadsheet

I fixed a PrereqTech issue with the Shrine being set to TECH_NULL instead of NULL. However, the code is automatically generated using a google spreadsheet and I don't know how to fix the spreadsheet so that it doesn't generate the TECH_ prefix in front of NULL.

See the following commit for more information: 56efc19

Text placed in the Localization database.

I have been doing a bit of experimentation on the TXT_KEY entries and I believe I know how to ensure they get loaded into the correct database.
All the text in the core game are defined in:
... < Gamedata>... ... < Language_en_US> ...or your local language.
We currently are not defining our text to be in the ...< Language_en_US>... table.
If we change this then alot of the db loading will be shuffled onto another database. As we translate the text more and more this will become even more necessary.
I'm not sure yet how to structure our sql to focus on this table rather than the current. If it proves to be too tricky a switch to xml isn't all that much of a problem.

I'm not sure how many notifications this generated, it is very hard to get this formated correctly on a phone. Sorry.


Update buildings and city development with some enhancements from GEM.

I'll post more details here once we get closer to this milestone.

Initial Capital Palace building yields

When you found your first city the Palace has a (2) next to it and 'some' of the yields shown are for multiples of the building.

Production shows 4 from buildings and the Palace is the only building that gives a yield, which is 2.
Gold shows 6 from buildings. Subtract the 2 from the Capital and the Palace again is giving double the Gold yield.
Science, like Gold shows 6 with the same circumstances as Gold.
Likewise Culture shows 6.

Is the Palace building somehow being duplicated in the Capital? I haven't yet founded a new city so I cannot say if it also does this in new cities.

I should have checked the Aztec capital earlier. I forgot that the Palace building also goes into captured cities if your total number of cities is less than 3.
So, the palace in Tenochtitlan is only giving yields for a single building and it doesn't have a (2) after it, so I can assume the building is working correctly here.

[3.9]Select synrax error in database.log

I get a "[9734.275] near "SELECT": syntax error" in database.log using CEP/CIN/CAT 3.9.

No other mods used and cache cleared prior to this. Log file uploaded - renamed to *.jpg.

database log

HUD Unit Promotion Icons

The most important promotions of units show above unit icons on the main map. These are mainly promotions earned with experience (shock, drill, etc).

  • Enable the system from GEM
  • Make the code simpler and easier to maintain, with one icon per promotion
  • Group together similar icons

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