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terraform-aws-elb's Issues

Unable to set access_logs

I suspect there may be an issue with PR #20 as it relates to the use of the access_logs field. The relevant parts of my module looks something like:

module "elb_vpn" {
  source = "terraform-aws-modules/elb/aws"
  version = "~> 2.0"

  name = "vpn-elb"


  access_logs = {
      bucket = "${}"

and the output I get when I run:

Error: Unsupported attribute

  on .terraform/modules/elb_vpn/terraform-aws-modules-terraform-aws-elb-63ebc39/modules/elb/ line 28, in resource "aws_elb" "this":
  28:       bucket        = access_logs.value.bucket

This value does not have any attributes.

Error: Invalid function argument

  on .terraform/modules/elb_vpn/terraform-aws-modules-terraform-aws-elb-63ebc39/modules/elb/ line 29, in resource "aws_elb" "this":
  29:       bucket_prefix = lookup(access_logs.value, "bucket_prefix", null)

Invalid value for "inputMap" parameter: lookup() requires a map as the first

Error: Invalid function argument

  on .terraform/modules/elb_vpn/terraform-aws-modules-terraform-aws-elb-63ebc39/modules/elb/ line 30, in resource "aws_elb" "this":
  30:       interval      = lookup(access_logs.value, "interval", null)

Invalid value for "inputMap" parameter: lookup() requires a map as the first

Error: Invalid function argument

  on .terraform/modules/elb_vpn/terraform-aws-modules-terraform-aws-elb-63ebc39/modules/elb/ line 31, in resource "aws_elb" "this":
  31:       enabled       = lookup(access_logs.value, "enabled", true)

Invalid value for "inputMap" parameter: lookup() requires a map as the first

If I fix my version of the module to 2.0 everything works as expected.

Version info:

terraform -v
Terraform v0.12.3
+ v2.20.0

"health_check" not suitable map of string required.

I'm using a Udemy course that uses this module, but I'm getting an error when I do a Terraform Plan ..could this just be a formatting error? I am quite new at this, could someone point me on the right direction please.....what kinds of things should I be thinking about when trying to troubleshoot this kind of thing?

"The given value is not suitable for child module variable "health_check" defined at .terraform/modules/elb_http/,1-24: map of string required.

This is my terraform code that references it

module "elb_http" {

  source = ""

  name = "elb1"

  internal = "false"

  subnets = ["subnet-a4a922cc", "subnet-8dcf0cf7"]

  security_groups = ["sg-07b2fc6c"]

  listener = [


      instance_port = "80"

      instance_protocol = "HTTP"

      lb_port = "80"

      lb_protocol = "HTTP"



  health_check = [


      target = "HTTP:80/"

      interval = 30

      healthy_threshold = 2

      unhealthy_threshold = 2

      timeout = 5




This is the variable in the module

variable "health_check" {
  description = "A health check block"
  type        = map(string)

Listeners variable use seems to be a bug that doesn't work now

Here is the issue: hashicorp/terraform#16582

Here is the output i'm getting:

Error: module.elb.aws_elb.base: "listener.0.instance_port": required field is not set

Error: module.elb.aws_elb.base: "listener.0.instance_protocol": required field is not set

Error: module.elb.aws_elb.base: "listener.0.lb_port": required field is not set

Error: module.elb.aws_elb.base: "listener.0.lb_protocol": required field is not set
terraform -v
Terraform v0.11.0

Using a datasource for the ssl_certificate_id in the listener breaks the module

Hello @antonbabenko
In a particular case where one can use a manually configured ssl_certificate_id in the ELB listener parameter in the following manner, breaks the module.
The listener configuration code below does not work as expected.

listener = [
      instance_port     = "80"
      instance_protocol = "HTTP"
      lb_port           = "80"
      lb_protocol       = "HTTP"
      instance_port     = "8443"
      instance_protocol = "HTTPS"
      lb_port           = "8443"
      lb_protocol       = "HTTPS"
      ssl_certificate_id = "${data.aws_acm_certificate.elb_cert.arn}"

Above configuration throws an error:

Error: module.elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.instance_port": required field is not set
Error: module.elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.instance_protocol": required field is not set
Error: module.elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.lb_port": required field is not set
Error: module.elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.lb_protocol": required field is not set

Where as below configuration works fine:

listener = [
      instance_port     = "80"
      instance_protocol = "HTTP"
      lb_port           = "80"
      lb_protocol       = "HTTP"
      instance_port     = "8443"
      instance_protocol = "HTTPS"
      lb_port           = "8443"
      lb_protocol       = "HTTPS"
      ssl_certificate_id = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:certificate/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"                                                                    

I have opened an issue in the Terraform repository regarding the same: hashicorp/terraform#17292

Unexpected type string in list

Hi there,

First off I want to thank you for creating this great module!

I just wanted to reach out if you have come across any issues regarding the outputs? I specify a list of instances for the ELB, but terraform seems to complain about the output of instances.

This is the error I get:

* concat: unexpected type string in list of type list in:

${element(concat(aws_elb.this.*.instances, list("")), 0)}

Thanks for your help!

Doesn't appear to support an aws_acm_certificate?

I am using it the following way:

data "aws_acm_certificate" "xxx-cert" {
  domain   = ""
  statuses = ["ISSUED"]

module "elb-xxx" {
  source = "terraform-aws-modules/elb/aws"

  name = "xxx-server-${var.product}"

  subnets         = ["${module.vpc.public_subnets}"]
  security_groups = ["${}"]
  internal        = false

  listener = [
      instance_port       = "80"
      instance_protocol   = "http"
      lb_port             = "80"
      lb_protocol         = "http"
      instance_port       = "80"
      instance_protocol   = "http"
      lb_port             = "443"
      lb_protocol         = "https"
      ssl_certificate_id  = "${}"

receiving the following error:

Error: module.elb-xx.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.instance_port": required field is not set
Error: module.elb-xx.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.instance_protocol": required field is not set
Error: module.elb-xx.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.lb_port": required field is not set
Error: module.elb-xx.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.lb_protocol": required field is not set

No way to attach ssl_certificate_id from module output- work only with plain-text based input


How I can attach ssl_certificate_id from another module output? Now module accept only plain-text based attach.

Example of ssl_certificate_id attachment
listener = [ { instance_port = 80 instance_protocol = "HTTP" lb_port = 80 lb_protocol = "HTTP" }, { instance_port = 443 instance_protocol = "HTTPS" lb_port = 443 lb_protocol = "HTTPS" ssl_certificate_id = "${module.certificate1.cert_arn}" }, ]

And effect in apply
+ listener { + instance_port = 443 + instance_protocol = "HTTPS" + lb_port = 443 + lb_protocol = "HTTPS" } + listener { + instance_port = 80 + instance_protocol = "HTTP" + lb_port = 80 + lb_protocol = "HTTP" }

But when I type any plain-text based arn in ssl_certificate_id it's look like working.

how to use ssl_certificate_id with this module

When I tried to pass ssl_certificate_id in listener

listener = [
instance_port = "389"
instance_protocol = "TCP"
lb_port = "636"
lb_protocol = "SSL"
ssl_certificate_id = "${module.ldap_elb_certificate.arn}"

Error: module.ldap_elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.instance_port": required field is not set
Error: module.ldap_elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.instance_protocol": required field is not set
Error: module.ldap_elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.lb_port": required field is not set
Error: module.ldap_elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this: "listener.0.lb_protocol": required field is not set

Warning: Provider source not supported in Terraform v0.12

I believe the new addition of the provider source is causing terraform validate checks to throw warnings.

If we want to include this change it would also need a version bump to terraform 0.13

Warning: Provider source not supported in Terraform v0.12

  on .terraform/modules/elb/modules/elb_attachment/ line 5, in terraform:
   5:     aws = {
   6:       source  = "hashicorp/aws"
   7:       version = ">= 2.20"
   8:     }

A source was declared for provider aws. Terraform v0.12 does not support the
provider source attribute. It will be ignored.

source = "hashicorp/aws"

Optional parameter: ssl_certificate_id

Is it possible to have an optional parameter ssl_certificate_id on this module? This is useful when one wants to deploy the ELB with AWS ACM generated SSL certificate. This resource, created manually, is exposed by a Terraform data source aws_acm_certificate and can be passed to the module when required.

can't add certificate for https here

it fails if i add listener like that:

  listener = [
      instance_port     = "8020"
      instance_protocol = "HTTP"
      lb_port           = "443"
      lb_protocol       = "SSL"
      ssl_certificate_id = "${module.cert.cert_arn}"

ELB cannot be attached to multiple subnets in the same AZ.

Not sure if this a bug but running into this . see my code below:

module "apps-elb" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/elb/aws"
  version = "~> 2.0"

  name = local.formatted_apps_lb_name

  subnets         = var.subnets
  security_groups = []
  internal        = true

  listener = [
      instance_port     = "30080"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "80"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"
      instance_port     = "30443"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "443"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"

  health_check = {
    target              = "TCP:30080"
    interval            = 10
    healthy_threshold   = 2
    unhealthy_threshold = 6
    timeout             = 5

module "admin-elb" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/elb/aws"
  version = "~> 2.0"

  name = local.formatted_admin_lb_name

  subnets         = var.subnets
  security_groups = []
  internal        = true

  listener = [
      instance_port     = "32020"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "15020"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"
      instance_port     = "31080"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "80"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"
      instance_port     = "32443"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "443"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"
      instance_port     = "32029"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "15029"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"
      instance_port     = "32030"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "15030"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"
      instance_port     = "32031"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "15031"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"
      instance_port     = "32032"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "15032"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"
      instance_port     = "32400"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "31400"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"
      instance_port     = "32444"
      instance_protocol = "TCP"
      lb_port           = "15443"
      lb_protocol       = "tcp"

My local TF version: 1.3.7, and I am calling this from a terragrunt file and have enable_cross_zone_load_balancing = true

See the errror:

module.admin-elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this[0]: Creating...
β”‚ Error: creating ELB Classic Load Balancer (p1-cnap-dev-nv-adm-lb): InvalidConfigurationRequest: ELB cannot be attached to multiple subnets in the same AZ.
β”‚       status code: 409, request id: 1cc6b458-aa4c-4acb-8b1d-04d965893a55
β”‚   with module.admin-elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this[0],
β”‚   on .terraform/modules/admin-elb/modules/elb/ line 1, in resource "aws_elb" "this":
β”‚    1: resource "aws_elb" "this" {
β”‚ Error: creating ELB Classic Load Balancer (p1-cnap-dev-nv-apps-lb): InvalidConfigurationRequest: ELB cannot be attached to multiple subnets in the same AZ.
β”‚       status code: 409, request id: a0bbba43-be2a-43fe-a177-4c85e835316b
β”‚   with module.apps-elb.module.elb.aws_elb.this[0],
β”‚   on .terraform/modules/apps-elb/modules/elb/ line 1, in resource "aws_elb" "this":
β”‚    1: resource "aws_elb" "this" {

Would appreciate a lift please. Thanks

Error on adding SSL ceritifcate


Sorry for my bad english.

I trying use this module, but when I add an ARN from SSL certificate, this message are showing to me:

terraform apply myplan 

module.elb_http.module.elb.aws_elb.this: Creating...
Error: Error creating ELB: ValidationError: Secure Listeners need to specify a SSLCertificateId
        status code: 400, request id: id-for-my-request1

  on .terraform/modules/elb_http/terraform-aws-modules-terraform-aws-elb-43e3e76/modules/elb/ line 1, in resource "aws_elb" "this":
   1: resource "aws_elb" "this" {

For test, I changing this file:


And, changing the ssl_certificate_id parameter, of lookup(listener.value, "ssl_certificate_id", null) to my ARN from my Certificate, the ACM module and ELB work normally.

If anyone has been through this, thank you if you can help, if it is bad configuration on my part, I apologize.

Environment configs

  • Terraform Version: Terraform v0.12.18

  • v2.43.0

  • ACM module version: 2.0

  • ELB_HTTP module version: 2.0

  • OS: Ubuntu 19.04


No Enable/Disable Option

Other AWS modules, like the ALB module, have a variable that will enable/disable the entire module. See the ALB example.

To stay in-line with other modules, I think this one should also offer such a feature.

1.3.0 does not work anymore


Im using this module, but since today with version 1.3.0 it does not work anymore.


module "elb_xxxx" "xxx_xxxx" {

  source                = "terraform-aws-modules/elb/aws"
  name                  = "${var.prefix}xxxx"

  subnets               = "${module.vpc.xxxx}"
  security_groups       = [

  number_of_instances   = "${var.xxxx_count}"
  instances             = "${aws_instance.xxxx.*.id}"

  internal              = false

  listener = [
        instance_port     = "443"
        instance_protocol = "TCP"
        lb_port           = "443"
        lb_protocol       = "TCP"
        instance_port     = "80"
        instance_protocol = "HTTP"
        lb_port           = "80"
        lb_protocol       = "HTTP"

    health_check = [
        target              = "TCP:80"
        interval            = 30
        healthy_threshold   = 2
        unhealthy_threshold = 2
        timeout             = 5

Error message:

${element(concat(aws_elb.this.*.instances, list("")), 0)}
* module.xxxx.module.elb.output.this_elb_instances: concat: unexpected type string in list of type list in:

It still works with 1.2.0...

module.elb.module.elb_attachment.aws_elb_attachment.this destruction ignore aws lifecycle create_before_destroy

Using the latest

Terraform v0.11.13
+ v2.7.0

I've setup using the latest ELB for haproxy with healthcheck

module "elb" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/elb/aws"
  version = "1.4.1"
  instances           = ["${aws_instance.haproxy.*.id}"]
  health_check = [

And have my haproxy life_cycle to create_before_destroy

resource "aws_instance" "haproxy" {
  count = "1"
  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true
    prevent_destroy = false
    ignore_changes = [

However I've confirmed still removes my existing running haproxy from the ELB leading to unavailability while it still waits for the haproxy instance to complete setup.

$ terraform apply

module.elb.module.elb_attachment.aws_elb_attachment.this: Destroying... (ID: haproxy-elb-...)
aws_instance.haproxy: Creating...
module.elb.module.elb_attachment.aws_elb_attachment.this: Destruction complete after 0s
aws_instance.haproxy: Still creating... (10s elapsed)
aws_instance.haproxy: Creation complete after 4m51s (ID: i-...)
aws_instance.haproxy.deposed: Destroying... (ID: i-...)
module.elb.module.elb_attachment.aws_elb_attachment.this: Creating...
  elb:      "" => "haproxy-elb"
  instance: "" => "i-..."
module.elb.module.elb_attachment.aws_elb_attachment.this: Creation complete after 0s (ID: haproxy-elb-...)
aws_instance.haproxy (deposed #0): Still destroying... (ID: i-..., 10s elapsed)
aws_instance.haproxy (deposed #0): Still destroying... (ID: i-..., 20s elapsed)
aws_instance.haproxy (deposed #0): Still destroying... (ID: i-..., 30s elapsed)
aws_instance.haproxy.deposed: Destruction complete after 31s

Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 2 destroyed.

access_logs is required not optional

With the current code, if I do not specify anything for "access_logs" I get an error:

Error: Error in function call

  on .terraform\modules\elb\terraform-aws-modules-terraform-aws-elb-c6f9dc5\modules\elb\ line 26, in resource "aws_elb" "this":
  26:     bucket        = lookup(var.access_logs, "bucket")
    | var.access_logs is empty map of string

Call to function "lookup" failed: lookup failed to find 'bucket'.

The way the code is written in the module currently means that you cannot avoid specifying a value for access_logs:

access_logs {
    bucket        = lookup(var.access_logs, "bucket")
    bucket_prefix = lookup(var.access_logs, "bucket_prefix", null)
    interval      = lookup(var.access_logs, "interval", null)
    enabled       = lookup(var.access_logs, "enabled", true)

If this code is changed to the following it functions correctly as an optional value:

dynamic "access_logs" {
    for_each = var.access_logs 
    content {
      bucket        = access_logs.value.bucket
      bucket_prefix = lookup(access_logs.value, "bucket_prefix", null)
      interval      = lookup(access_logs.value, "interval", null)
      enabled       = lookup(access_logs.value, "enabled", true)

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