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iotagent-json's Issues


Create the scripts that generate the IOTA RPM as well as the linux services and configuration.

Add support for configuration attributes

The devices connecting with the IoTA using MQTT need to get configuration values from the IoTA.

The following mechanism is proposed:

  • The device publish in a topic /{{apikey}}/{{deviceid}}/configuration/commands (where the IoTA is subscribed) a request for configuration.
  • The IoTA publish in the topic /{{apikey}}/{{deviceid}}/configuration/values a JSON with the attributes of the CB requested by the device.

Change the configuration format

The current configuration retrieval format returns the attributes as an array of objects with the "name" and "value" attributes. This representation is two long, and it should be changed to a format similar to the one used to report measures, that is, a plain JSON object, with each attribute being the corresponding NGSI attribute.

Support conversion of timestamp attributes from the South Bound

The MQTT-based southbound API should use timestamps without separators in order to save bandwidth. This timestamps should be converted to regular timestamps before being sent to the Context Broker, and should be converted back again when requested with configuration commands.

Add generic IOTAgent functions to the client

The generic IOTA client expose their commands for its use in other IOTA Clients (commands related to device provisioning and context handling). They should be imported in this IOTA's command line client.

Passive reading of attributes.

Is it done yet? If I register Led as passive attribute and I ask for it from Context Broker, IoTAMQTT shows this debug

time=2016-02-04T17:17:25.922Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.NorthboundServer | msg=Body:

    "entities": [
            "type": "Device",
            "isPattern": "false",
            "id": "MQTT Device"
    "attributes": [

time=2016-02-04T17:17:25.922Z | lvl=ERROR | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.ContextServer | msg=Tried to handle a query before the query handler was stablished.
time=2016-02-04T17:17:25.922Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.NorthboundServer | msg=Error [Error] handing request: [object Object]

After that, context broker replies with:

    "errorCode": {
        "code": "404",
        "reasonPhrase": "No context element found"

Error on provisioning - "message":"must not exist"

I am trying to provision device with:

(curl localhost:4041/iot/devices -s -S --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Fiware-Service: mainflux' --header 'Fiware-ServicePath: /mqtt' -d @- | python -mjson.tool) <<EOF
    "devices": [ 
            "device_id": "DevID1", 
            "entity_name": "TheDevice1", 
            "entity_type": "DeviceType", 
            "attributes": [ 
                  { "id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "float" },
                  { "id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "float" }
                  { "id": "l", "name": "luminosity", "type": "percentage" }
            "commands": [
                  { "id": "t", "name": "turn", "type": "string" }
            "static_attributes": [
                  { "name": "serialID", "type": "02598347" }

And I am getting the error:

    "message": "Wrong syntax in request: Errors found validating request.",
    "name": "WRONG_SYNTAX"

Here is IOTA log:

drasko@Lenin:~/fiware/iotagent-mqtt$ node bin/iotagentMqtt.js 
time=2016-02-04T23:26:13.513Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.Global | msg=Activating IOT Agent NGSI Library.
time=2016-02-04T23:26:13.515Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.Global | msg=Falling back to Transient Memory registry for NGSI Library
time=2016-02-04T23:26:13.519Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.NorthboundServer | msg=Starting IoT Agent listening on port [4041]
time=2016-02-04T23:26:13.520Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.NorthboundServer | msg=Using config:

    "logLevel": "DEBUG",
    "contextBroker": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": "1026"
    "server": {
        "port": 4041
    "deviceRegistry": {
        "type": "memory"
    "types": {},
    "service": "mainflux",
    "subservice": "/mqtt",
    "providerUrl": "http://localhost:4041",
    "deviceRegistrationDuration": "P1M",
    "defaultType": "Thing",
    "iotaVersion": "0.1.5"

time=2016-02-04T23:26:13.533Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.ContextServer | msg=Loading NGSI Contect server routes
time=2016-02-04T23:26:13.534Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=n/a | msg=Loading access validation Templates
time=2016-02-04T23:26:13.541Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentMQTT.Agent | msg=IoT Agent services activated
time=2016-02-04T23:26:13.556Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentMQTT.Agent | msg=MQTT Client connected
time=2016-02-04T23:26:13.556Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentMQTT.Agent | msg=Recreating subscriptions for all devices
time=2016-02-04T23:26:13.557Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IOTAMQTT.Executable | msg=MQTT IoT Agent started
time=2016-02-04T23:26:41.729Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.NorthboundServer | msg=Request for path [/iot/devices] from [localhost:4041]
time=2016-02-04T23:26:41.730Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.NorthboundServer | msg=Body:

    "devices": [
            "device_id": "DevID1",
            "entity_name": "TheDevice1",
            "entity_type": "DeviceType",
            "attributes": [
                    "id": "t",
                    "name": "temperature",
                    "type": "float"
                    "id": "h",
                    "name": "humidity",
                    "type": "float"
            "lazy": [
                    "id": "l",
                    "name": "luminosity",
                    "type": "percentage"
            "commands": [
                    "id": "t",
                    "name": "turn",
                    "type": "string"
            "static_attributes": [
                    "name": "serialID",
                    "type": "02598347"

time=2016-02-04T23:26:41.733Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.RestUtils | msg=Errors found validating request: {"valid":false,"errors":[{"attribute":"additionalProperties","property":"","actual":"t","message":"must not exist"},
"message":"must not exist"},{"attribute":"additionalProperties","property":"","actual":"h","message":"must not exist"},{"attribute":"additionalProperties","property":"","actual":"t","message":"must not exist"},{"attribute":"additionalProperties","property":"","actual":"l","message":"must not exist"}]}
time=2016-02-04T23:26:41.733Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.NorthboundServer | msg=Error [WRONG_SYNTAX] handing request: Wrong syntax in request: Errors found validating request.

SSL/TLS Encryption

are there any examples how to send/recieve SSL/TLS encrypted messages?

Is this supported by IOTA-MQTT?

How to send commands to devices?

what is the way to send commands or attribute updates to devices?

For example, user sets temp to 24 degrees via UI app, and this information must be propagated to the MQTT-connected actuator.

is there something like /1234/actuator01/commands or should we use SUB on /1234/actuator01/attributes?

If I understand well mosquitto_pub -t /1234/sensor01/configuration/commands -m '{ "type": "configuration", "fields": [ "sleepTime" ] }' is the way to send command IOTA -> Orion, but what is the correct way to send the command IOTA -> physical_device?

Providing multiple times the same device ends with multiple events of subscription.

I have a device which subscribes to configuration value "luminosidad", but each time I deploy new software, I restart the IoTA MQTT (which is configured to memory instead of mongodb), I do the device provide again, and each time I do this I end up with more and more messages in Mosquitto topic /1234/MQTT/configuration/values:

{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120928Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120928Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120928Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120928Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120928Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120928Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120928Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120929Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120929Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120929Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120929Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120929Z"}
{"Boton":" ","luminosidad":"40","prueba":"15","dt":"20160311T120929Z"}

This got triggered by a single change in Context Broker. It looks like each time the IoTA is restarted, it does subscribe to those values again, but it doesn't clear the subscriptions done before.

Is it intended? Is there a quick fix? I've not subscribed to Boton neither to prueba. Why do I get those?

P1 and C1 Thinking Thing modules do not work in single attribute mode

P1 and C1 module translation was tested sending information through the multiattribute topic, but errors have been reported when the same values are sent using the single attribute one. Tests should be implemented to cover this functionality and, in case the error is reproducible, fix it.

Changes in the Thinking Things B attribute

There has been a change in how the B attribute must be interpreted. Here is an example of the old format: #0,B,0.0,0,0,0,0,0,BS,45.22,-1$ The new one should look like this: #0,B,3.98,1,0,1,1,0,-1$None

The new interpretation of values is:

Measure syntax:


Answer syntax


Both formats must be maintained, differentiated using the number of fields.

Add required files for integration with Sonar

A file is needed in order to extract metrics for the repository. It should be filled following the example of other of our Node.js projects:

Create a new TT interpreted attribute to get codified Cell information

An alternative format as been proposed for the T1 module, called C1. In this alternative, the value of the C1 attribute will have the following format:


Where the the string is divided in four groups of four hexadecimal characters, that represent, in this order:

  • MMC: ('00D6' in the example), hexadecimal (to be transformed to decimal).
  • MNC: (0007' in the example), hexadecimal (to be transformed to decimal).
  • Lac: (0B00' in the example), hexadecimal.
  • CellID: (0D24' in the example), hexadecimal.

Note that some of the values may need a hexadecimal to decimal conversion.

Can provisioning be done from Orion?

I see that for provisioning in IoT Agents, they export and API endpoint which must be directly called from application.

From what I understand in this case, application directly calls IOTA API, and does not pass via Context Broker. Why? Isn't Context Broker a central component through all messages must flow?

I am asking this because I do not know if application can always be aware of IOTA location - when it is scaled and new Docker instances brought up they will have different IP address. How will then application discover the service (when we do not use PUB/SUB via Orion)?

Similar question goes to MQTT server - how will IOTA find horizontally scaled instances of MQTT server (hard-coded location is for one instance only, IMHO).

Improve documentation

Current documentation is very brief and some people is having problems understanding how the IoT Agent works. This points should be improved, at least:

  • Explain briefly a typical IOTA workflow with a device, including provisioning and configuration provisioning.
  • Explain the use of APIKeys and how to configure them.
  • Explain the arcane ThinkingThings plugin (and add meanings to disable it using the configuration).
  • Give some step-by-step guides to easily show how to start using the Agent.

Attribute alias don't work along with timestamp

Currently, the timestamp conversion mechanism do not work properly with aliased attributes. Tests should ensure that an attribute that is aliased to be a timestamp, will properly trigger timestamping mechanisms.

Implement passive attributes (AKA lazy attributes)

This IoTA does not yet support lazy attributes but it support a very similar mechanism based on subscriptions and explicit requests from the device to retrieve information from the Context Broker. It should be easy to modify the configuration mechanism to allow lazy attributes (and consequently, commands), to be used with this IoTA.

Preserve the configuration files in updates

The current behavior for RPMs is to replace the old config files with the newer ones in the code. This should be changed to avoid having to manually store de old configuration.

MQTT Agent should reject configurations that do specify the resource

The resource value is not used in this IOTA, so a check should be performed to make sure it is allways empty (this is important, as the key to differentiate device configurations is by using the resource and apikey, so multiple different services could share the api key by generating random resources).

Add complete commented config file

Current default config file has lots of possible attributes missing. To ease the use of the IOTA, a commented example config file should be provided.

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