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teamviewerps's Introduction



TeamViewerPS allows to interact with the TeamViewer Web API as well as a locally installed TeamViewer client.

Installation & Update

Downloads and installs TeamViewerPS from the Powershell Gallery using the following command:

Install-Module TeamViewerPS

Execute the following command to update an existing installation of TeamViewerPS:

Update-Module TeamViewerPS


The following example code shows how to interact with the TeamViewer Web API functions by retrieving the list of users of a TeamViewer company:

# Stores API token for Powershell session
# 1. Create a TeamViewer API access token in the Management Console:
# 2. Enter the API token in the shown dialog

# Retrieves users of a TeamViewer company

Another example below shows how to display the TeamViewer ID as well as the version of the locally installed TeamViewer client:

# Returns the TeamViewer Id of the locally installed TeamViewer client

# Returns the version of the locally installed TeamViewer client

The documentation and help can be accessed using the following commands:

# Starting point of the documentation
Get-Help TeamViewerPS

# List of available commands of this module
Get-Command -Module TeamViewerPS

# Help for specific module functions
Get-Help -Full Get-TeamViewerUser # ... or any other command


The module provides functions for the following categories:

  • Computers & Contacts list
  • User management
  • User groups
  • Roles
  • Managed groups
  • Policy management
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) management
  • Local TeamViewer utilities

Please see the TeamViewerPS article for a more detailed list.


TeamViewerPS requires one of the following environments to run:

  • PowerShell 5.1 (Windows)
  • PowerShell Core 6 (Windows, Linux)
  • PowerShell 7 (Windows, Linux)


Please see the file


teamviewerps's People


alexandrosalexiou avatar christianj-tv avatar danieljoos avatar karthickgandhitv avatar koutsop avatar otterkring avatar skeller-tv avatar stefanhubertus avatar


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teamviewerps's Issues

[Feature] Detect Host or Full Installation

When deploying TeamViewer we need to ensure the installed version is host or full. Due to there being no difference in Registry name or locally installed file names, the only way to detect this is with string checks on the registry to look for HC in the version number. The use of HC in the version number in the registry also prevents checks against the version number in Intune from completing successfully. We need an easy way to retrieve this.

Expected Solution
Move the 'type' or 'mode' of the installation to a separate registry key and stop using HC in the 'Version' field. Concurrently store the property in the device object. Return the property for Get-TeamViewerManagedDevice, Get-TeamViewerDevice and add a new command 'Get-TeamViewerType' or 'Get-TeamViewerMode' as appropriate.

The registry changed would be sufficient but the addition to the API and PS module would benefit more people.

Add various properties to Get-TeamViewerManagedDevice

It would be great to get more detailed information about a device when using Get-TeamViewerManagedDevice, for example membership in managed groups, applied policy, last time seen, custom config, etc...

Expected Solution
Add a properties to Get-TeamViewerManagedDevice for the added information



How to assign a TeamViewer host to an account?

Currently I have to find the TeamViewer installation path and run the TeamViewer.exe with the assignment parameter and assignment ID (rel. assign-a-device-to-your-company). It would be great to be able to use the COM interface for the assignment instead. I tried to find a way to assign it through the powershell COM API, but it seems that this is not support (and MachineSettings as well as UserSettings are not implement atm).

Is there a way to use the COM interface to assign a machine to an account automatically?

Add-TeamViewerCustomization , not working?


In the docs, there is a mention of the command Add-TeamViewerCustomization , however when trying to run the command on a machine it reports an error 👍

Add-TeamViewerCustomization : Le terme «Add-TeamViewerCustomization» n'est pas reconnu comme nom d'applet de commande, fonction, 
fichier de script ou programme exécutable. Vérifiez l'orthographe du nom, ou si un chemin d'accès existe, vérifiez que le chemin 
d'accès est correct et réessayez.
Au caractère Ligne:1 : 1
+ Add-TeamViewerCustomization -Id 'xxxxx' -RestartGUI -RemoveExisting
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Add-TeamViewerCustomization:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Is this expected ?


Version 2.0.0 - PSGallery Release Date?

Is there an ETA for the Version 2.0.0 release within the PSGallery?

I see the changelog shows the 2.0.0 release was dated 9-13-2023, but the PSGallery only has 1.5.2.

Test-TeamViewerConnectivity gives no output, no timeout, unable to abort

I have a working TeamViewer installation. GUI works, ready for connection (secure connection). Remoting to many partners during the day.

Get-TeamViewerId with no arguments returns my ID.
Test-TeamViewerConnectivity with no arguments only gives a static cursor.

Ctrl+C does not work.
Tested both PowerShell 7.3.2 and Windows PowerShell 5.1 on Windows 10.
TeamViewer version 15.38.3 (64-bit), Tensor Basic

Add-TeamviewerUserGroupMember - Adding only one Member - Error converting value 123456543 to type 'system.Collection.Generic.List`1[System.Uint32]'

It is not possible to add only one member to a userGroup in Teamviewer over the Powershell Module

Add-TeamviewerUserGroupMember -id 1234 -member @(12323523423)

We get the error message:

Add-TeamViewerUserGroupMember : Error converting value 123123123 to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.UInt32]'. Path '', line 1, position 9. (invalid_request)
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1

  • Add-TeamViewerUserGroupMember -Id 1234 -Member @(123123123)
  •   + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Add-TeamViewerUserGroupMember], RuntimeException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TeamViewerRestError,Add-TeamViewerUserGroupMember

Expected Behavior
The user should be added. Interesstingly if you use two member in the Array it works:
Add-TeamviewerUserGroupMember -id 1234 -member @(123523423, 3012340)

inherit for Managed Device

Is it possilbe to add "inherit" like in Set-TeamViewerDevice.ps1 to Set-TeamViewerManagedDevice.ps1

inherit the group policy to the device in there group

Deactivating a user does not seem to work[Bug]

Tried to deactivate a user using the ID and i get the message : Set-TeamViewerUser: The given input does not change the user.
but activating it with $true is working. $false is not working.

Expected Behavior
The user to be deactivated like he is activated with $true

Setps To Reproduce
followed the example 3 from here. The user exist and i am using the API from with all rights.

If applicable, provide files (e.g. configuration, log files, screenshots) to help explain your problem.

FeateureRequest: Allow MSI downloads with Invoke-TeamViewerPackageDownload


As part of my Intune dployment script i have to keep supplying the latest MSIs and repackaging it, I use the custom parameters so need the MSI. It would be great if I could authenticate with the API token to enable access to the latest MSI versions. This would mean I could run the invoke command at the beginning of the sctipt and know it's always running the latest MSI on install.
If there's other ways to acheive this please let me know.


Device Information makes no sense

Steps to reproduce:
$Devices = Get-TeamViewerDevice
$Devices | Select-Object Id, Name, LastSeenAt, OnlineState

The output of this results in a list of Devices in my teamviewer account, however i would say about half of them have no "Last Seen At" date field at all. Others indicate that they were last seen ~ months ago (but also reflect them as "Online" currently.
We have about 500 systems online right now and seen to report the Last Seen At time correctly (shows today at various timestamps... but they all show their status as "Offline"

I don't know what do to with this information or how to interpret it properly

Data output of Get-TeamViewerConnectionReport

Hi All,

I'm currently trying to script daily connection reports for a service provider we use that uses one of our logons to service some of our estate.

The problem is that the output from Get-TeamViewerConnectionReport seems to not contain useful output, the output fields don't correlate to the output of the web ui connection reports it seems. In the web report, you can get the following fields.


However the commandlet outputs like the following:

Id : 123ab123-ab1a-1a11-1a12-1a12a1234567
UserName : AMS Support
BillingState : Bill
UserId : u1234567
DeviceName :
EndDate : 03/08/2023 12:23:22
Fee : 0.00
Notes :
GroupName :
StartDate : 03/08/2023 12:18:55
Currency : None
GroupId :
DeviceId : 1234567890
SessionCode :
SupportSessionType : RemoteConnection

The output does not contain the Teamviewer ID of the device for example, and in my instance the device name. I have been trying to look up the device name via the data that the commandlet outputs but to no avail.

All I really want to do is get a summary of the longest connection, average connection length and what device it was connected to for a week and month period to put in the report I'm building.

My current code looks like this:

#Function to check Basic AMS teamviewer statistics.
Function Get-AMSTeamViewerStats {

#Get the AMS Statistics.
$olrStats = Get-TeamViewerConnectionReport -ApiToken $apikeySS -UserName $ReportUser -days $DaysToCheck

#Cast the Lists to arrays.
$ConnectionList = @();
$ActiveConnectionList = @();
$global:connectionResults = @();

foreach ($connection in $olrStats){
        #Try and get a device name but if not, just get the API ID. 
            if($null -ne (Get-TeamViewerDevice -ApiToken $apikeySS -TeamViewerId $connection.DeviceID)){
                $deviceID = Get-TeamViewerDevice -ApiToken $apikeySS -TeamViewerId $connection.DeviceID
            }elseif($null -ne (Get-TeamViewerManagedDevice -ApiToken $apikeySS -ID $Connectiom.ID)){
                $deviceID = Get-TeamViewerManagedDevice -ApiToken $apikeySS -ID $Connectiom.ID
                $deviceID = Get-TeamViewerDevice -ApiToken $apikeySS -Id $connection.DeviceID
            #F**k it, use the device ID.
            $Deviceid = "API Device ID: " + $connection.DeviceID
                if($null -eq $connection.Enddate){
                        $ActiveConnectionList += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                                    DeviceName = $Deviceid
                                    ConnectionStartDate = get-date($connection.StartDate) -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
                                    ConnectionStartTime = get-date($connection.StartDate) -Format "HH:mm"
                        $ConnectionList += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                                    DeviceName = $Deviceid
                                    ConnectionStartDate = get-date($connection.StartDate) -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
                                    ConnectionStartTime = get-date($connection.StartDate) -Format "HH:mm"
                                    ConnectionLengthtotalMins = [int]("{0:0}" -f ((New-TimeSpan -Start $connection.StartDate -End $connection.Enddate -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).TotalMinutes))

#Add up all the connection time for average.
$totalConTime = 0
for each($_ in $ConnectionList){
    $totalContime += $_.ConnectionLengthtotalMins

$meanConnectionTime = [int]($totalContime / $ConnectionList.count)
$topConnectionTime = ($ConnectionList | Sort-Object -Property ConnectionLengthtotalMins -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).ConnectionLengthtotalMins
$numOfConnections = [int]($connectionList.Count)
$ActiveConnectionCount = [int]($ActiveConnectionList.Count)

    $global:connectionResults += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        AdverageConnectionTime = $meanConnectionTime
        LongestConnectionTime = $topConnectionTime
        TotalConnectionsDuringPediod = $numOfConnections
        ReportPediodLengthDays = $DaysToCheck
        NumberOfActiveConnectionsDuringReport = $ActiveConnectionCount
    "Call the connectionResults global variable to get values."


Perhaps I'm misunderstanding or being stupid? Any help would be much appreciated.


If applicable, provide files (e.g. configuration, log files, screenshots) to help explain your question.

"Last_seen" for Managed Devices


is it possible to add the "last_seen" properties from Get-TeamViewerDevice.ps1 in Get-TeamViewerManagedDevice.ps1 too?


is there a way to overwrite a consistend group from an device?

Teamviewer is installed in Group "installed", now i wanna change it to group "changed"
currently my way is delete the current group and add the new one, exists a overwrite methode for this?

[Bug] (license_required) when executing Get-TeamViewerUserGroup

When I execute Get-TeamViewerUserGroup I get the following error message:
`PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-TeamViewerUserGroup
Get-TeamViewerUserGroup : A license is required to perform this action (license_required)
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1

  • Get-TeamViewerUserGroup
  •   + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-TeamViewerUserGroup], RuntimeException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TeamViewerRestError,Get-TeamViewerUserGroup`

Expected Behavior
I'd expect a list of all user groups with their properties

This is the only command in my script, that is currently not running.

License Required error

I am able to connect to our Corporate account and view users, groups, etc.

But when I try to add a user to a group I get an error that a license is required.


$api_token = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "REDACTED" -AsPlainText -Force`
Connect-TeamViewerApi -ApiToken $api_token
Add-TeamViewerUserGroupMember -id 123456 -Member @(654321)


At line:1 char:1
+ Add-TeamViewerUserGroupMember -id 123456 -Member @(654321)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-TeamViewerUserGroupMember], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TeamViewerRestError,Add-TeamViewerUserGroupMember

Am I missing something?

Remove-TeamViewerManagedDevice Requires Group


I'm trying to remove a managed device from the portal as part of my uninstallation script. I can see there was a commit to force the group but it shouldn't apply to this command IMO. There should be Remove-TeamViewerManagedDeviceGroupMember and pass in the device ID to do that.

If you want to enforce this group property there need a Get-TeamViewerManageDeviceGroupMembers cmdlet or for Get-TeamViewerManagedDevice to return a list of groups it's a member of as well please. I'll need to get the managed device groups now and then iterate through them, ignoring errors when it's not a member for the time being I think.

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