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teamviewer-iot-mqtt-sdk-python's Introduction

TeamViewer IoT SDK for Python

This documentation describes the use of TeamViewer IoT SDK for connecting and pushing data to TeamViewer IoT Agent using python.

Getting started


1: Python version >= 3.0

To check your Python version please run the following command:

python --version

2: TV IoT Agent up and running

3: Some of these libs can be asked to install:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python3-pip sudo apt-get install unzip sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools pip install --upgrade setuptools sudo apt-get install libffi-dev sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Download Python SDK from S3

Download and Install SDK

pip3 install  teamviewer_iot_mqtt_sdk

Find examples here.

Use the SDK


The client is the main class used to establish an asynchronous connection to push data to TeamViewer IoT Agent.



TVCMI_client(parameters, user_data)

The constructor takes the following arguments:


Can either be a JSON or a config file. For both of the options the following fields must be initialized.

MqttHost - The host name. As of now only 'localhost' is supported.
MqttProvisionPort - Insecure port for certificate exchange.
MqttPort - Secure port for establishing a TLS connection.
MqttKeepAlive - Currently ignored
CaFile - CA provided by TeamViewer Iot Agent. The default location is: /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt
CertFolder - Folder where the certificate signing request, private key and authorized certificates will be stored.

Example of a config file:

MqttHost             localhost
MqttProvisionPort    18883
MqttPort             18884
MqttKeepAlive        60
CaFile               /var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt
CertFolder           /home/pi/Downloads/certs


User defined data that will be passed to the user through the callbacks functions.


import TeamViewerIoTPythonSDK.TVCMI_client as TVCMI_client
import TeamViewerIoTPythonSDK.TVCMI_error as Error
import time
import json
import os.path

# Obtaining the path of the file
dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
# Choosing the location for the folder that stores the key and certificate
cert_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "../certs")

# putting connection parameters in JSON
connection_parameters = {}
connection_parameters['MqttHost'] = 'localhost'
connection_parameters['MqttProvisionPort'] = '18883'
connection_parameters['MqttPort'] = '18884'
connection_parameters['MqttKeepAlive'] = 'None'
connection_parameters['CaFile'] = '/var/lib/teamviewer-iot-agent/certs/TeamViewerAuthority.crt'
connection_parameters['CertFolder'] = cert_path
connector_params = json.dumps(connection_parameters)

# Creating a new client to connect to TeamViewer IoT Agent
client = TVCMI_client(connector_params)



If user_data is not set when initializing the constructor, it can be set later through set_user_data function. The function takes the following arguments.


User defined data that will be passed to the user through all the callbacks functions.

Provisioning / Deprovisioning



Checks for a private key and an authorized certificate in the CertFolder location passed to the constructor. If key and certificate are not found in the folder, this function call will create a private key, certificate signing request and will insecurely connect to TeamViewer IoT Agent to obtain an authorized certificate. You must wait until the callback function is called to make sure the function finished its execution successfully.



Success message: "Client is successfully provisioned."
Success message: "Client is already provisioned."


Error message: "Error writing the certificate to file."
Error code: IOError.errno



Log messages generated during execution.


# Callback to be called when authorized certificate on provisioning is received
def on_certificate_received(**kwargs):
    # Obtaining the response message
    message = kwargs.get('msg')

# Setting a callback to receive an authorized certificate if the client is not provisioned
client.on_api_response = on_certificate_received
# Setting a callback for errors
client.on_api_error = on_error

# Provisioning the client

while True:



Deprovisions the client and deletes all the data associated with it. After this step no updates can be made to the client.

Connecting / Disconnecting



Establishes a secure connection with TeamViewer IoT Agent. Must be called after the client is provisioned.




import TeamViewerIoTPythonSDK.TVCMI_client as TVCMI_client
import time

# Callback to be called when connecting securely
def on_connect(**kwargs):
    print("Secure connection is established.")
    # Setting the flag
    global secure_connection_established
    secure_connection_established = True

# Flags to wait for API response
secure_connection_established = False

# Setting the callback to know when connected
client.on_api_connect = on_connect

# Establishing a secure connection with TeamViewer IoT Agent

# Waiting to connect securely
while secure_connection_established is False:



Disconnects the client.





Checks if the connection with TeamViewer IoT Agent is alive.




{"request": "Ping"}

Preparing data for publishing

Before the data can be published to TeamViewer IoT Agent, it needs to be formated according to the data model used by TeamViewer IoT Agent_ . Sensor and metric must be created to respectively group and describe the data pushed to TeamViewer IoT Agent.


Sensor is a logical unit that allows to group one or more metrics for pushing data to TeamViewer IoT. It is recommended to update all metrics that belong to the same sensor simultaneously to ensure that the data arrives with the same timestamp, so that it is better processed by rule engines.



Creates a sensor with the passed name. You must wait for the callback to obtain and save the sensor ID. The sensor ID will be used to later identify the sensor. The parameters for the function are:


The name of the sensor.




{"name": "SensorName", " sensorId":"d4170d999b9240a5863df622aad9fc4a"}


import TeamViewerIoTPythonSDK.TVCMI_client as TVCMI_client
import time

# Callback to be called when sensor is created
def on_sensor_created(**kwargs):

    print("Sensor is created.")
    # Retrieving the message received
    message = kwargs.get('msg')
    # Loading the message into a JSON
    message_json = json.loads(message.decode('utf-8'))

    # Retrieving the sensor id
    global sensor_id
    sensor_id = message_json['sensorId']
    # Setting the flag
    global sensor_created
    sensor_created = True

sensor_created = False
# Setting the callback to receive the sensor ID
client.on_api_response = on_sensor_created
# Create a sensor

# Waiting for create sensor to finish
while sensor_created is False:


client.update_sensor_description(sensor_id, sensor_name)

Updates the description of the sensor. The function parameters are:


The sensor ID obtained when creating the sensor.


The name of the sensor.



Success message:

"Datasource Changed"



Returns a JSON object listing the metadata of all registered sensors and their metric IDs of the specific client through the message field of the callback function .



Example message:

    "metrics" : [
            "link" : "/v1.0/c7721a37a2224a0bae22b8ef38e4de80/sensor/6b7b3daad85a41f4bb69a942233b06ae/metric/0cbe4587c32644e0bf84180bf919cc51/inventory",
            "metricId" : "0cbe4587c32644e0bf84180bf919cc51"
            "link" : "/v1.0/c7721a37a2224a0bae22b8ef38e4de80/sensor/6b7b3daad85a41f4bb69a942233b06ae/metric/639847246b5d45b8b759d01035c0b0a9/inventory",
            "metricId" : "639847246b5d45b8b759d01035c0b0a9"
            "link" : "/v1.0/c7721a37a2224a0bae22b8ef38e4de80/sensor/6b7b3daad85a41f4bb69a942233b06ae/metric/7583b1d004604b18b9f7afd934a0528c/inventory",
            "metricId" : "7583b1d004604b18b9f7afd934a0528c"
            "link" : "/v1.0/c7721a37a2224a0bae22b8ef38e4de80/sensor/6b7b3daad85a41f4bb69a942233b06ae/metric/7a75dfa08e014319828dac57e7f65c66/inventory",
            "metricId" : "7a75dfa08e014319828dac57e7f65c66"
            "link" : "/v1.0/c7721a37a2224a0bae22b8ef38e4de80/sensor/6b7b3daad85a41f4bb69a942233b06ae/metric/b41e4458b7254419aaa079af07447d34/inventory",
            "metricId" : "b41e4458b7254419aaa079af07447d34"
            "link" : "/v1.0/c7721a37a2224a0bae22b8ef38e4de80/sensor/6b7b3daad85a41f4bb69a942233b06ae/metric/e3234e29aa1142c28b9e5e4b7b7cef4e/inventory",
            "metricId" : "e3234e29aa1142c28b9e5e4b7b7cef4e"
    "name" : "unispeed6",
    "sensorId" : "6b7b3daad85a41f4bb69a942233b06ae",
    "store" : true



Deletes the sensor and all the data associated with it. After this action no updates can be made to the sensor. The function parameters are:


The sensor ID obtained when creating the sensor.




``` {.sourceCode .python}
"Sensor was deleted"


Metric is the container of the actual value which is pushed to TeamViewer IoT. Metrics must belong to a sensor and can’t exist independently.


client.create_metric(metric_def, sensor_id)

Creates a metric describing the data to be published to TeamViewer IoT Agent. You must wait for the callback to obtain and save the metric ID. The metric ID will be used to later identify the metric. One or more metrics can be created simultaneously. The parameters for the function are:


The message definition must contain the necessary metadata for the metrics in JSON format, which can be defined in two ways:

Definition over predefined units of values:

When defining a metric with a unit of value that is already defined in the valueUnit table below, the following fields must be present in the JSON message: matchingId, valueUnit, and the name of the metric.

Definition over custom defined unit of values:

When defining a metric with a custom unit of value, the following fields must be present in the JSON message: matchingId, valueType, name and valueAnnotation. This way of defining a metric gives a complete flexibility in what kind of data you want to push to TeamViewer IoT.

metrics: Array - Lists the definitions of all metric objects to be registered.

matchingId: String - Used to match the ID-s with metrics.

name: String - Name of the metric.

valueUnit: String - Definition of the unit of value of the metric. Predefined valid units are:

SI.ElectricCurrent.AMPERE SI.DataAmount.BIT SI.Temperature.CELSIUS SI.ElectricCapacitance.FARAD SI.Mass.GRAM SI.Frequency.HERTZ SI_Energy_JOULE SI.Length.METER SI.Velocity.METERS_PER_SECOND SI.AmountOfSubstance.MOLE SI.Force.NEWTON SI.ElectricResistance.OHM SI.Pressure.PASCAL SI.Angle.RADIAN SI.Duration.SECOND SI.Area.SQUARE_METRE SI.ElectricPotential.VOLT SI.Power.WATT SI.LuminousIntensity.CANDELA SI.Acceleration.METERS_PER_SQUARE_SECOND NoSI.Dimensionless.PERCENT NoSI.Dimensionless.DECIBEL

valueAnnotation: String - Optional field to define a custom unit for metric values.

valueType: String - Defines the type of the custom defined unit. Valid entries are:

bool string double integer


The sensor ID obtained when creating the sensor.



Example message:


import TeamViewerIoTPythonSDK.TVCMI_client as TVCMI_client
import time
import json

# Callback to be called when metric is created
def on_metric_created(**kwargs):
    print("Metrics are created.")
    # Retrieving the message received
    message = kwargs.get('msg')
    # Loading the message into a JSON
    metric_data = json.loads(message.decode('utf-8'))

    # Retrieving the sensor id
    global metric1_id
    metric1_id = metric_data[0]["metricId"]

    global metric2_id
    metric2_id = metric_data[1]["metricId"]
    # Setting the flag
    global metrics_created
    metrics_created = True

metrics_created = False

# Setting the callback to receive the sensor ID
client.on_api_response = on_metric_created

# Defining metric 1
metric1_parameters = {}
metric1_parameters['matchingId'] = 1
metric1_parameters['name'] = 'metric1_name'
metric1_parameters['valueAnnotation'] = 'your_value_unit_for_metric1'
metric1_parameters['valueType'] = 'string'

metric1_json = json.dumps(metric1_parameters)

# Defining metric 2
metric2_parameters = {}
metric2_parameters['matchingId'] = 2
metric2_parameters['name'] = 'metric2_name'
metric2_parameters['valueAnnotation'] = 'your_value_unit_for_metric2'
metric2_parameters['valueType'] = 'integer'

metric2_json = json.dumps(metric2_parameters)

# putting metric 1 and metric 2 into a single container
metrics_container = {}
metrics_container['metrics']= [metric1_json, metric2_json]

metrics_container_json = json.dumps(metrics_container)

# Create a metric
client.create_metric(metrics_container_json, sensor_id)

# Waiting for create metric to finish
while metrics_created is False:


client.describe_metric(metric_id, sensor_id)

Returns through the callback function a JSON object containing the metadata definition of the registered metric whose ID is passed to the function. This metric must belong to the sensor whose ID is also passed to the function.


The metric ID obtained when creating the metric.


The sensor ID obtained when creating the sensor.


client.delete_metric(msg, sensor_id)

Deletes the metrics whose IDs are passed to the function as a JSON. All metrics being deleted must belong to the same sensor whose ID is passed in the function as well. After deletion no updates are possible to the deleted metrics.


JSON containing metric IDs to be deleted.


"{"metrics": [{"metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ab" },
 {"metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ac" }] }"


The sensor ID obtained when creating the sensor.

Pushing data to TeamViewer IoT Agent


client.push_metrics(sensor_id, metric_data, timestamp)

Puts metric data in TeamViewer IoT Agent.


The sensor ID obtained when creating the sensor.


JSON containing metric values.


Time the data is sent for. Optional parameter, data is displayed for realtime if the timestamp parameter is missing.


"{ "metrics": [ {"value" : 21.5, "metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ab" }, 
{"value" : 21.5, "metricId" : "94c2c5e193bb437195368c08f0bd86ac" } ], "timestamp" : 1531736501248 }"


Since the client establishes an asynchronous connection, callbacks need to be initialized for each method to receive responses from TeamViewer IoT Agent.


on_api_connect(user_data, error_str, error_code)

Called when a connection with TeamViewer IoT Agent is established.


User defined data that will be passed to the user through the callbacks functions.


MQTT error string describing the state of the connection.

0: Connection successful 1: Connection refused - incorrect protocol version 2: Connection refused - invalid client identifier 3: Connection refused - server unavailable 4: Connection refused - bad username or password 5: Connection refused - not authorized 6-255: Currently unused.


MQTT error codes describing the state of the connection.

0: Connection successful 1: Connection refused - incorrect protocol version 2: Connection refused - invalid client identifier 3: Connection refused - server unavailable 4: Connection refused - bad username or password 5: Connection refused - not authorized 6-255: Currently unused.


# Callback to be called when connecting securely
def on_connect(**kwargs):
    print("Secure connection is established.")
    # Setting the flag
    global secure_connection_established
    secure_connection_established = True

# Setting the callback to know when connected
client.on_api_connect = on_connect


on_api_response(user_data, msg, error_code)

Called when a message from TeamViewer IoT Agent is received.


User defined data that will be passed to the user through the callbacks functions.


Message received from TeamViewer IoT Agent.


0: UnknownError 1: NoBackendConnection 2: NoLicence 3: InternalError 4: InvalidJson 5: JsonIsNotAObject 6: MissingParameter 7: ParameterIsNotAString 8: ParameterIsNotANumber 9: ParameterisNotABool 10: ParameterIsNotAnArray 11: ParameterIsNotAnInteger 12: UnknownValueUnit 13: UnknownMetricType 14: ValueUnitOrValueTypeHasToBeProvided 15: UnknownSensorId 16: UnknownMetricId 17: NoMetricsUpdated 18: ForbiddendAccess 19: OutOfRange


on_api_disconnect(user_data, error_str, error_code)

Called when the client gets disconnected. Parameters are the same as that of on_api_connect().


on_api_error(user_data, error_str, error_code)

Called instead of initialized callback when TeamViewer IoT Agent replies with an error. To be called the callback must be initialized by the user. Parameters are the same as that of on_api_connect().



Called on every log message while execution. Logging levels are not yet supported. Parameters are the same as that of on_api_connect().


This SDK is distributed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Bugs and issues can be reported through issues section at

teamviewer-iot-mqtt-sdk-python's People


davidivanyan avatar



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