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cpp17features's Introduction

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Work in Progress! I am happy to see your help with the list! :)

If you have code examples, better explanations or any ideas, let me know! I am happy to update the current post so that it has some real value for others.

The plan is to have a list of features with some basic explanation, little example (if possible) and some additional resources, plus a note about availability in compilers. Probably, most of the features might require separate articles or even whole chapters in books, so the list here will be only a jump start.

The list comes from the following resources:

##Language Features

###New auto rules for direct-list-initialization N3922

GCC: 5.0 Clang: 3.8 MSVC: 14.0

Fixes some cases with auto type deduction. The full background can be found in Auto and braced-init-lists, by Ville Voutilainen.

It fixes the problem of deducing std::initialize_list like:

auto x = foo(); // copy-initialization
auto x{foo}; // direct-initialization, initializes an initializer_list
int x = foo(); // copy-initialization
int x{foo}; // direct-initialization

And for the direct initialization, new rules are:

  • For a braced-init-list with only a single element, auto deduction will deduce from that entry;
  • For a braced-init-list with more than one element, auto deduction will be ill-formed.

Basically, auto x { 1 }; will be now deduced as int, but before it was an initializer list.

###static_assert with no message N3928

GCC: 6.0 Clang: 2.5 MSVC: 15.0 preview 5

Self-explanatory. It allows just to have the condition without passing the message, version with the message will also be available. It will be compatible with other asserts like BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (that didn't take any message from the start).

###typename in a template template parameter


GCC: 5.0 Clang: 3.5 MSVC: 14.0

Allows you to use typename instead of class when declaring a template template parameter. Normal type parameters can use them interchangeably, but template template parameters were restricted to class, so this change unifies these forms somewhat.

template <template <typename...> typename Container>
//            used to be invalid ^^^^^^^^
struct foo;

foo<std::vector> my_foo;

###Removing trigraphs N4086

GCC: 5.1 Clang: 3.5 MSVC: not yet

Removes ??=, ??(, ??>, ...

Makes the implementation a bit simpler, see MSDN Trigraphs

###Nested namespace definition N4230

GCC: 6.0 Clang: 3.6 MSVC: 14.3

Allows to write:

namespace A::B::C {

Rather than:

namespace A {
    namespace B {
        namespace C {

###Attributes for namespaces and enumerators N4266

GCC: 4.9 (namespaces)/ 6 (enums) Clang: 3.4 MSVC: 14.0

Permits attributes on enumerators and namespaces. More details in N4196.

enum E {
  foobar = 0,
  foobat [[deprecated]] = foobar

E e = foobat; // Emits warning

namespace [[deprecated]] old_stuff{
    void legacy();

old_stuff::legacy(); // Emits warning

###u8 character literals N4267

GCC: 6.0 Clang: 3.6 MSVC: 14.0

u8'U' character literals.

update needed...

###Allow constant evaluation for all non-type template arguments N4268

GCC: 6.0 Clang: 3.6 MSVC: not yet


###Fold Expressions N4295

GCC: 6.0 Clang: 3.6 MSVC: not yet

More background here in P0036


###Remove Deprecated Use of the register Keyword P0001R1

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.8 MSVC: not yet

The register keyword was deprecated in the 2011 C++ standard. C++17 tries to clear the standard, so the keyword is now removed.

###Remove Deprecated operator++(bool) P0002R1

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.8 MSVC: not yet

The ++ operator for bool was deprecated in the original 1998 C++ standard, and it is past time to remove it formally.

###Removing Deprecated Exception Specifications from C++17 P0003R5

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 4.0 MSVC: not yet

Dynamic exception specifications were deprecated in C++11. This paper formally proposes removing the feature from C++17, while retaining the (still) deprecated throw() specification strictly as an alias for noexcept(true).

###Make exception specifications part of the type system


GCC: 7.0 Clang: 4.0 MSVC: not yet

Previously exception specifications for a function didn't belong to the type of the function, but it will be part of it.

We'll get an error in the case:

void (*p)() throw(int);
void (**pp)() noexcept = &p;   // error: cannot convert to pointer to noexcept function

###Aggregate initialization of classes with base classes P0017R1

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet

If a class was derived from some other type you couldn't use aggregate initialization. But now the restriction is removed.

struct base { int a1, a2; };
struct derived : base { int b1; };

derived d1{{1, 2}, 3};      // full explicit initialization
derived d1{{}, 1};          // the base is value initialized

To sum up: from the standard:

An aggregate is an array or a class with:

  • no user-provided constructors (including those inherited from a base class),
  • no private or protected non-static data members (Clause 11),
  • no base classes (Clause 10) and // removed now!
  • no virtual functions (10.3), and
  • no virtual, private or protected base classes (10.1).

###Lambda capture of *this P0018R3

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet

this pointer is implicitly captured by lambdas inside member functions. Sometimes, it's useful to capture this by value. Such change can reduce problems in multithreading.

###Using attribute namespaces without repetition P0028R4

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet


###Dynamic memory allocation for over-aligned data P0035R4

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 4.0 MSVC: not yet


###Unary fold expressions and empty parameter packs P0036R0

GCC: 6.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet


###__has_include in preprocessor conditionals P0061R1

GCC: 5.0 Clang: yes MSVC: not yet


###Template argument deduction for class templates P0091R3

GCC: 7.0 Clang: not yet MSVC: not yet


###Non-type template parameters with auto type P0127R2

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 4.0 MSVC: not yet


###Guaranteed copy elision P0135R1

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 4.0 MSVC: not yet


###New specification for inheriting constructors (DR1941 et al) P0136R1

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet


###Direct-list-initialization of enumerations P0138R2

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet

Allows to initialize enum class with a fixed underlying type:

enum class Handle : uint32_t { Invalid = 0 };
Handle h { 42 }; // OK

Allows to create 'strong types' that are easy to use...

###Stricter expression evaluation order P0145R3

GCC: 7.0 Clang: 4.0 MSVC: not yet


###constexpr lambda expressions P0170R1

GCC: 7.0 Clang: not yet MSVC: not yet


###Differing begin and end types in range-based for P0184R0

GCC: 6.0 Clang: 3.6 MSVC: 15.0 Preview 5

Changing the definition of range based for from:

   auto && __range = for-range-initializer;
   for ( auto __begin = begin-expr,
              __end = end-expr;
              __begin != __end;
              ++__begin ) {
        for-range-declaration = *__begin;


  auto && __range = for-range-initializer;
  auto __begin = begin-expr;
  auto __end = end-expr;
  for ( ; __begin != __end; ++__begin ) {
    for-range-declaration = *__begin;

Types of __begin and __end might be different; only the comparison operator is required. This little change allows Range TS users a better experience.

###[[fallthrough]] attribute


GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: 15.0 Preview 4

Indicates that a fallthrough in a switch statement is intentional and a warning should not be issued for it. More details in P0068R0.

switch (c) {
case 'a':
    f(); // Warning emitted, fallthrough is perhaps a programmer error
case 'b':
[[fallthrough]]; // Warning suppressed, fallthrough is intentional
case 'c':

###[[nodiscard]] attribute


GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet

[[nodiscard]] is used to stress that the return value of a function is not to be discarded, on pain of a compiler warning. More details in P0068R0.

[[nodiscard]] int foo();
void bar() {
    foo(); // Warning emitted, return value of a nodiscard function is discarded

This attribute can also be applied to types in order to mark all functions which return that type as [[nodiscard]]:

[[nodiscard]] struct DoNotThrowMeAway{};
DoNotThrowMeAway i_promise();
void oops() {
    i_promise(); // Warning emitted, return value of a nodiscard function is discarded

###[[maybe_unused]] attribute


GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet

Suppresses compiler warnings about unused entities when they are declared with [[maybe_unused]]. More details in P0068R0.

                 static void impl1() { ... } // Compilers may warn about this
[[maybe_unused]] static void impl2() { ... } // Warning suppressed

void foo() {
                      int x = 42; // Compilers may warn about this
     [[maybe_unused]] int y = 42; // Warning suppressed

###Ignore unknown attributes


GCC: Yes Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet

Clarifies that implementations should ignore any attribute namespaces which they do not support, as this used to be unspecified. More details in P0283R1.

//compilers which don't support MyCompilerSpecificNamespace will ignore this attribute
void foo();

###Pack expansions in using-declarations


GCC: not yet Clang: 4.0 MSVC: not yet

Allows you to inject names with using-declarations from all types in a parameter pack.

In order to expose operator() from all base classes in a variadic template, we used to have to resort to recursion:

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
struct Overloader : T, Overloader<Ts...> {
    using T::operator();
    using Overloader<Ts...>::operator();
    // […]

template <typename T> struct Overloader<T> : T {
    using T::operator();

Now we can simply expand the parameter pack in the using-declaration:

template <typename... Ts>
struct Overloader : Ts... {
    using Ts::operator()...;
    // […]

Decomposition declarations


GCC: 7.0 Clang: 4.0 MSVC: not yet

Helps when using tuples as a return type. It will automatically create variables and tie them. More details in P0144R0. Was originally called "structured bindings".

For example:

std::tie(a, b, c) = tuple; // a, b, c need to be declared first

Now we can write:

auto [ a, b, c ] = tuple;

Such expressions also work on structs, pairs, and arrays.


###Hexadecimal floating-point literals


GCC: 3.0 Clang: Yes MSVC: not yet

Allows to express some special floating point values, for example, the smallest normal IEEE-754 single precision value is readily written as 0x1.0p-126.

###init-statements for if and switch


GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet

New versions of the if and switch statements for C++: if (init; condition) and switch (init; condition).

This should simplify the code. For example, previously you had to write:

    auto val = GetValue();   
    if (val)    
        // on success  
        // on false... 

Look, that val has a separate scope, without it it will 'leak'.

Now you can write:

if (auto val = GetValue(); val)    
    // on success  
    // on false... 

val is visible only inside the if and else statements, so it doesn't 'leak'.

###Inline variables


GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet

Previously only methods/functions could be specified as inline; now you can do the same with variables.

###DR: Matching of template template-arguments excludes compatible templates


GCC: 7.0 Clang: 4.0 MSVC: not yet




GCC: 6.0 Clang: 3.7 MSVC: 14.0

More background in the original paper: PDF: N4152 and GOTW issue 47: Uncaught Exceptions.

The function returns the number of uncaught exception objects in the current thread.

###constexpr if-statements


GCC: 7.0 Clang: 3.9 MSVC: not yet

The static-if for C++! This allows you to discard branches of an if statement at compile-time based on a constant expression condition.

if constexpr(cond)
     statement1; // Discarded if cond is false
     statement2; // Discarded if cond is true

This removes a lot of the necessity for tag dispatching and SFINAE:


template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>{}>* = nullptr>
auto get_value(T t) {/*...*/}

template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_arithmetic<T>{}>* = nullptr>
auto get_value(T t) {/*...*/}

Tag dispatching

template <typename T>
auto get_value(T t, std::true_type) {/*...*/}

template <typename T>
auto get_value(T t, std::false_type) {/*...*/}

template <typename T>
auto get_value(T t) {
    return get_value(t, std::is_arithmetic<T>{}); 

if constexpr

template <typename T>
auto get_value(T t) {
     if constexpr (std::is_arithmetic_v<T>) {
     else {


##Library Features

###Merged: The Parallelism TS, a.k.a. “Parallel STL.”,


###Merged: The Library Fundamentals 1 TS (most parts)


###Merged: File System TS,


###Merged: The Mathematical Special Functions IS,

PDF - WG21 P0226R1

###Improving std::pair and std::tuple


###std::shared_mutex (untimed)


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