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astor's Issues

Cannot change TANGO_HOST in ASTOR 6.5.1

The menu to change the TANGO_HOST is available but no popup windows appear and the call stacks shows the following errors :

Build GUI :1450 ms
Total time to subscribe on 3 hosts : 214 ms
Total time to start Astor 1324 ms
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: fr.esrf.TangoDs.Except.throw_exception(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
at admin.astor.AstorUtil.readFile(
at admin.astor.AstorUtil.getFromEnvFile(
at admin.astor.AstorUtil.getUserKnownTangoHosts(
at admin.astor.AstorUtil.getAllKnownTangoHosts(
at admin.astor.Astor.changeTgHostBtnActionPerformed(
at admin.astor.Astor.access$300(
at admin.astor.Astor$4.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(
at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

Reported by: buteau ( )

Original Ticket: tango-cs/bugs/702

Astor fails to recognize status of newly started Java Tango server

When using startup script to launch Java Tango server and there main class is named differently from Tango server's class Astor fails to recognize server's status.

This will fail:



JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1G -Xshare:off -XX:+UseG1GC -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"

/usr/bin/java -jar /home/khokhria/Downloads/TestServer-1.3.jar $INSTANCE_NAME \
  > /dev/null 2>&1 &

While this does essentially the same, but Astor correctly sees the status:



JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1G -Xshare:off -XX:+UseG1GC -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"

/usr/bin/java $JAVA_OPTS -cp "/opt/TestServer-1.3/lib/*" hzg.wpn.tango.TestServer $INSTANCE_NAME \
  > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Reported by: Ingvord ( )

Original Ticket: tango-cs/bugs/744

[starter] spelling error

Debian is your friend, it also find spelling errors in your binary ;)

N: Processing binary package tango-starter (version 8.0.5+dfsg-1~exp1, arch i386) ...
I: tango-starter: spelling-error-in-binary usr/lib/tango/Starter Unkown Unknown
N: Lintian found a spelling error in the given binary. Lintian has a list
N: of common misspellings that it looks for. It does not have a dictionary
N: like a spelling checker does.
N: If the string containing the spelling error is translated with the help
N: of gettext or a similar tool, please fix the error in the translations
N: as well as the English text to avoid making the translations fuzzy. With
N: gettext, for example, this means you should also fix the spelling
N: mistake in the corresponding msgids in the *.po files.
N: You can often find the word in the source code by running:
N: grep -rw <word> <source-tree>
N: This tag may produce false positives for words that contain non-ASCII
N: characters due to limitations in strings.
N: Severity: minor, Certainty: wild-guess
N: Check: binaries, Type: binary, udeb



Reported by: piccaf ( )

Original Ticket: tango-cs/bugs/562

license of this repo?

Hi Pascal,
reading the repositories of tango-controls, I've noticed there no license is specified here.
What is the license applied to this soft? Is it GPL?
Happy new year:)

Starter on Windows should be a service

The "Starter.exe" that comes with the standard distribution of tango is a normal DS not compiled as a service. I think the starter on windows makes much more sense if compiled as a service, because otherwise you need another program to install it. So I would suggest changing it.

(apparently it used to be this way, there's a line in main.cpp that defines USE_SERVICE by default if we are on windows commented out on June 2008)

Reported by: ollupac ( )

Original Ticket: tango-cs/feature-requests/26

Gitlab Migration: Please log into GL with your GH account ASAP

Dear astor contributor (via commits, comments on issue or pull requests, issue creator),
If you have contributed in any way (commit, issue or Pull Request creation or comment) to astor, please log into using your Github account ASAP.
See for details.
Please click on the following link and add your github account name to this framapad when you've already done the login to using your Github account:
Please note that login on using your Github account is safe and doesn't give your Github password to Gitlab.
For convenience, here is the list of contributors we could already find (and who did not signal they had done it yet for another repo):

Thank you for your cooperation.

Astor : Double Process display

When a DeviceServer has been started 2 times (which is an abnormal situation) the current 7.2.0 version of ASTOR show it in the host view as shown in the attached image
It would be better to display a least a visual worning in the general view showing all hosts so that the operator can directly see something wrong happens


[starter][8.0.5] uncatched exception

Hello I am trying to start a starter which does not manage yet devices.

Here the message.

root@mordor:/etc/init.d# /usr/lib/tango/Starter mordor
Failed to import EventChannelFactory notifd/factory/mordor from the Tango database
Starter::Starter() init device tango/admin/mordor
UseEvents = False
interStartupLevelWait = 1
serverStartupTimeout = 1
fireFromDbase = 1
logFileHome = /var/tmp
StartServersAtStartup = 1
AutoRestartDuration = 0
----> starter_log_file = /var/tmp/ds.log/Starter.log
----> starter_stat_file = /var/tmp/ds.log/Starter.stat
Call for servers on mordor
Starter::dev_start_all(): entering for level 1... !
Starter::dev_start_all(): entering for level 2... !
Tango exception
Severity = ERROR
Error reason = NO Server controlled !
Desc : NO Server controlled !
Origin : Starter::dev_start_all()

Received a CORBA_Exception

How can I start a starter the first time ?
So there is a missing try catch somewhere.
Or even better why raising an exception when ther eis no error ?



Reported by: piccaf ( )

Original Ticket: tango-cs/bugs/616

remote login

Hi Pascal,
I see in the dedicated doc page we need to Start a new remote loggin session to start it from host popup menu.

When I right-click on a new host I just created, and select remote login, I'm asked for a password.
This is not the password from the user which starts astor, who's password is asked?

Astor display verion is incorrect

See screenshot:


with the blue rectangle actual version number is highlighted; the red ones - displayed version.

Solution would be to get the actual version from the maven, for instance consider this article: link

exception at startup when FQDN in a starter configuration

when launching Astor is v7.0.9 on a Debian9/TANGO9 server, an uncatched exception is launched.

Here is the astor startup message:

$ astor
Display is localhost:12.0
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at admin.astor.AstorUtil.getTangoHostList(
	at admin.astor.AstorTree.initTangoObjects(
	at admin.astor.AstorTree.initComponent(
	at admin.astor.AstorTree.<init>(
	at admin.astor.Astor.buildTree(
	at admin.astor.Astor.<init>(
	at admin.astor.Astor$
	at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
	at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(
	at java.awt.EventQueue$
	at java.awt.EventQueue$
	at Method)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

Reading the device configuration in jive, I noticed a strange thing: the same server appears 2 times, on time with fully qualifed domain (FQDN) name and the other one with simple hostname.

Moreover, FQDN device seems badly configured and makes appear following Device info:

Device Info
No IOR found in database for tango/admin/
(Maybe, the device has never been exported...)
Server:          Starter/
Exported:        false
last_exported:   ?
last_unexported: ?

Polling Status
Desc -> tango/admin/ Not Exported !
Origin -> Connection(tango/admin/
Desc -> Cannot import tango/admin/
Origin -> Connection.build_connection(tango/admin/

The simple hostname Device info is the following:

Device Info
Device:          tango/admin/thomx-serveur2
type_id:         IDL:Tango/Device_5:1.0
iiop_version:    1.2
host:   (
alternate addr.:
port:            46803
Server:          Starter/thomx-serveur2
Server PID:      13435
Exported:        true
last_exported:   26th October 2018 at 09:25:10
last_unexported: 26th October 2018 at 09:25:03

Polling Status
Polled command name = State
Polling period (mS) = 1000
Polling ring buffer depth = 10
Time needed for the last commands (NotifdState + HostState + RunningServers + StoppedServers + Servers + State) reading (mS) = 0.053
Data not updated since 948 mS
Delta between last records (in mS) = 1000, 999, 1000, 1000

Polled attribute name = NotifdState
Polling period (mS) = 1000
Polling ring buffer depth = 10
Time needed for the last attributes (NotifdState + HostState + RunningServers + StoppedServers + Servers + State) reading (mS) = 0.053
Data not updated since 948 mS
Delta between last records (in mS) = 1000, 999, 1000, 1000

Polled attribute name = HostState
Polling period (mS) = 1000
Polling ring buffer depth = 10
Time needed for the last attributes (NotifdState + HostState + RunningServers + StoppedServers + Servers + State) reading (mS) = 0.053
Data not updated since 948 mS
Delta between last records (in mS) = 1000, 999, 1000, 1000

Polled attribute name = RunningServers
Polling period (mS) = 1000
Polling ring buffer depth = 10
Time needed for the last attributes (NotifdState + HostState + RunningServers + StoppedServers + Servers + State) reading (mS) = 0.053
Data not updated since 948 mS
Delta between last records (in mS) = 1000, 999, 1000, 1000

Polled attribute name = StoppedServers
Polling period (mS) = 1000
Polling ring buffer depth = 10
Time needed for the last attributes (NotifdState + HostState + RunningServers + StoppedServers + Servers + State) reading (mS) = 0.053
Data not updated since 948 mS
Delta between last records (in mS) = 1000, 999, 1000, 1000

Polled attribute name = Servers
Polling period (mS) = 1000
Polling ring buffer depth = 10
Time needed for the last attributes (NotifdState + HostState + RunningServers + StoppedServers + Servers + State) reading (mS) = 0.053
Data not updated since 948 mS
Delta between last records (in mS) = 1000, 999, 1000, 1000

Polled attribute name = State
Polling period (mS) = 1000
Polling ring buffer depth = 10
Time needed for the last attributes (NotifdState + HostState + RunningServers + StoppedServers + Servers + State) reading (mS) = 0.053
Data not updated since 948 mS
Delta between last records (in mS) = 1000, 999, 1000, 1000

Do you have any idea how we could solve this?
I think probably /etc/hostname changed after the server installation to be completed with FQDN, and the issue begins at this time.
However, I wonder if this issue is due to dot in the device name (see
If not should it be preferable to catch this kind of exception to avoid blocking astor if one server is misconfigured on the TANGO network (ideally with a warning)? I am not an expert of Astor behaviour so I can miss something.


9.3.4-rc2: Always shows heartbeat errors for TangoStarter

Testing tango source distribution 9.3.4-rc2 on debian unstable updated yesterday and manually installating the tango java binaries I did the following.

root@debian:~$ /etc/init.d/tangos-starter stop
thomas@debian:~$ /usr/lib/tango/Starter debian 
Starter::Starter() init device tango/admin/debian
UseEvents  = False
interStartupLevelWait  = 1
serverStartupTimeout   = 1
fireFromDbase  = 1
logFileHome    = /var/tmp
StartServersAtStartup = 1
AutoRestartDuration   = 0
---->  starter_log_file  = /var/tmp/ds.log/Starter.log
---->  starter_stat_file = /var/tmp/ds.log/Starter.stat
Starter::dev_start_all(): entering for level 1... !
Starter::dev_start_all(): entering for level 2... !
Starter::dev_start_all(): entering for level 3... !
Starter::dev_start_all(): entering for level 4... !
Starter::dev_start_all(): entering for level 5... !
Ready to accept request

and then in a different console I started astor I get

thomas@debian:~$ astor 
Display is :0
Build  GUI :1416 ms
========== ZMQ (3.22) event system is available ============
Total time to subscribe on 1 hosts : 194 ms
Total time to start Astor 1476 ms
Fri Jan 10 18:50:25 CET 2020
tango/admin/debian  has received a DevFailed :  No heartbeat from dserver/starter/debian
HostStateThread.StateEventListener on tango/admin/debian
Fri Jan 10 18:50:35 CET 2020
tango/admin/debian  has received a DevFailed :  No heartbeat from dserver/starter/debian
HostStateThread.StateEventListener on tango/admin/debian
Fri Jan 10 18:50:45 CET 2020
tango/admin/debian  has received a DevFailed :  No heartbeat from dserver/starter/debian
HostStateThread.StateEventListener on tango/admin/debian
Fri Jan 10 18:50:55 CET 2020
tango/admin/debian  has received a DevFailed :  No heartbeat from dserver/starter/debian
HostStateThread.StateEventListener on tango/admin/debian
Fri Jan 10 18:51:05 CET 2020
tango/admin/debian  has received a DevFailed :  No heartbeat from dserver/starter/debian
HostStateThread.StateEventListener on tango/admin/debian
Fri Jan 10 18:51:15 CET 2020
tango/admin/debian  has received a DevFailed :  No heartbeat from dserver/starter/debian
HostStateThread.StateEventListener on tango/admin/debian
Fri Jan 10 18:51:25 CET 2020
tango/admin/debian  has received a DevFailed :  No heartbeat from dserver/starter/debian
HostStateThread.StateEventListener on tango/admin/debian
Fri Jan 10 18:51:35 CET 2020
tango/admin/debian  has received a DevFailed :  No heartbeat from dserver/starter/debian
HostStateThread.StateEventListener on tango/admin/debian

this is using astor 7.2.7. The next release candidate of the tango source distribution will use 7.2.10. Is that fixed in this version?

removing an empty branch

while creating a branch and then trying to remove it, I noticed it is not possible since "Remove" menu is in grey.
Is it a normal behavior?

Memory leak in Starter


running extensive tests for my tango servers I've noticed that after some time the Starter is using 200GB of my virtual memory and this memory usage is growing with newly started servers. The vargrind run with Starter confirms the leak.
I attach my log from vargrind where one can see 'definitely lost' bytes.

I use tango 8.1.2 .


Reported by: jkotan ( )

Original Ticket: tango-cs/bugs/766

Astor : Use a new color to identify hosts where ALL DeviceServers are Stopped

For maintenance reasons (for example to deploy new versions of DeviceServer) on a Tango Control System , we use the Stop All server feature of ASTOR.
There is no visual feedback that on a host ALL DeviceServers are really stopped .
In fact a host becomes orange in ASTOR as soon as only 1 DeviceServer is stopped .

The feature would be to add a new color to identify such an host where all DeviceServer are stopped

Reported by: buteau ( )

Original Ticket: tango-cs/feature-requests/95

STDERR not available on Win32

Our Starter devices are runned as Win32 services

From ASTOR if we use the righ-Click -> Standard Error we only see :
02/06/11 10:52:42

Creating process \\deviceservers\win32\ds_SingleShotAO.exe BAI.1205-pci1h
.......OK (\\deviceservers\win32\ds_SingleShotAO.exe BAI.1205-pci1h)


It seems that the STDERR is not managed correctly (under linux , it works perfectly)

Reported by: buteau ( )

Original Ticket: tango-cs/bugs/440

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