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laravel-blog's Introduction

Laravel Blog

Blog based on laravel 6.2 framework.

1. User authentication

  • Add composer dependency: composer require laravel/ui
  • Generate UI view: ./artisan ui vue --auth
  • Install node.js dependency:npm install
  • Compile vue:npm run dev
  • Create database table:./artisan migrate:refresh
  • **Forgot Your Password? ** Error in page sending email
    • local.ERROR: Expected response code 250 but got code "553", with message "553 Mail from must equal authorized user
    • Solve: Add MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS and MAIL_FROM_NAME to the configuration file ".env", and MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS is equal to MAIL_USERNAME.

2. Add RabbitMQ message queuing support

  1. Composer installation laravel-queue-rabbitmq
composer require vladimir-yuldashev/laravel-queue-rabbitmq
  1. In the config/app.php file of providers array, Add:
  1. Add the following configuration to the connections array in the app / config / queue.php configuration file
'rabbitmq' => [

            'driver' => 'rabbitmq',

            'dsn' => env('RABBITMQ_DSN', null),

             * Could be one a class that implements \Interop\Amqp\AmqpConnectionFactory for example:
             *  - \EnqueueAmqpExt\AmqpConnectionFactory if you install enqueue/amqp-ext
             *  - \EnqueueAmqpLib\AmqpConnectionFactory if you install enqueue/amqp-lib
             *  - \EnqueueAmqpBunny\AmqpConnectionFactory if you install enqueue/amqp-bunny

            'factory_class' => Enqueue\AmqpLib\AmqpConnectionFactory::class,

            'host' => env('RABBITMQ_HOST', ''),
            'port' => env('RABBITMQ_PORT', 5672),

            'vhost' => env('RABBITMQ_VHOST', '/'),
            'login' => env('RABBITMQ_LOGIN', 'guest'),
            'password' => env('RABBITMQ_PASSWORD', 'guest'),

            'queue' => env('RABBITMQ_QUEUE', 'default'),

            'options' => [

                'exchange' => [

                    'name' => env('RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE_NAME'),

                     * Determine if exchange should be created if it does not exist.

                    'declare' => env('RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE_DECLARE', true),

                     * Read more about possible values at

                    'type' => env('RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE_TYPE', \Interop\Amqp\AmqpTopic::TYPE_DIRECT),
                    'passive' => env('RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE_PASSIVE', false),
                    'durable' => env('RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE_DURABLE', true),
                    'auto_delete' => env('RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE_AUTODELETE', false),
                    'arguments' => env('RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE_ARGUMENTS'),

                'queue' => [

                     * Determine if queue should be created if it does not exist.

                    'declare' => env('RABBITMQ_QUEUE_DECLARE', true),

                     * Determine if queue should be binded to the exchange created.

                    'bind' => env('RABBITMQ_QUEUE_DECLARE_BIND', true),

                     * Read more about possible values at

                    'passive' => env('RABBITMQ_QUEUE_PASSIVE', false),
                    'durable' => env('RABBITMQ_QUEUE_DURABLE', true),
                    'exclusive' => env('RABBITMQ_QUEUE_EXCLUSIVE', false),
                    'auto_delete' => env('RABBITMQ_QUEUE_AUTODELETE', false),
                    'arguments' => env('RABBITMQ_QUEUE_ARGUMENTS'),

             * Determine the number of seconds to sleep if there's an error communicating with rabbitmq
             * If set to false, it'll throw an exception rather than doing the sleep for X seconds.

            'sleep_on_error' => env('RABBITMQ_ERROR_SLEEP', 5),

             * Optional SSL params if an SSL connection is used
             * Using an SSL connection will also require to configure your RabbitMQ to enable SSL. More details can be founds here:

            'ssl_params' => [
                'ssl_on' => env('RABBITMQ_SSL', false),
                'cafile' => env('RABBITMQ_SSL_CAFILE', null),
                'local_cert' => env('RABBITMQ_SSL_LOCALCERT', null),
                'local_key' => env('RABBITMQ_SSL_LOCALKEY', null),
                'verify_peer' => env('RABBITMQ_SSL_VERIFY_PEER', true),
                'passphrase' => env('RABBITMQ_SSL_PASSPHRASE', null),

    1. Modify .env configuration file

# Here are the new configurations
  1. Create task class
./artisan make:job Queue

After execution, a file app/Jobs/Queue.php will be generated. For example:


namespace App\Jobs;

use App\Entities\Posts;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;

class Queue  implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

    private $data;

     * Queue constructor.
     * @param $data
    public function __construct($data)
        $this->data = $data;

     * Execute the job.
     * @return void
    public function handle()

            $insert = [
            $result = Posts::create($insert);
            echo json_encode(['code' => 200, 'msg' => $result]);
        }catch (\Exception $exception) {
            echo json_encode(['code'=>0,'msg'=>$exception->getMessage()]);

  1. Production, put data into MQ queue

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Entities\CostaNews;
use App\Jobs\Queue;

class IndexController extends Controller

    public function index()
        $data = CostaNews::get();
        foreach ($data as $item) {
            $this->dispatch(new Queue($item));
        return response()->json(['code'=>0, 'msg'=>"success"]);

  1. Consumption queue Execute command to consume:
./artisan queue:work rabbitmq

The effect is as follows:

root@9e99cf9fba73:/var/www/blog# php artisan  queue:work rabbitmq
[2018-12-24 07:34:32][5c208bf66e63b3.56379160] Processing: App\Jobs\Queue
{"code":200,"msg":{"title":1,"author_id":2,"content":"\u5185\u5bb9","description":"\u63cf\u8ff0","updated_at":"2018-12-24 07:34:32","created_at":"2018-12-24 07:34:32","id":1}}[2018-12-24 07:34:32][5c208bf66e63b3.56379160] Processed:  App\Jobs\Queue
[2018-12-24 07:34:32][5c208bf66ff7c3.20969590] Processing: App\Jobs\Queue
{"code":200,"msg":{"title":2,"author_id":2,"content":"\u5185\u5bb92","description":"\u63cf\u8ff02","updated_at":"2018-12-24 07:34:32","created_at":"2018-12-24 07:34:32","id":2}}[2018-12-24 07:34:32][5c208bf66ff7c3.20969590] Processed:  App\Jobs\Queue
[2018-12-24 07:34:32][5c208bf6702695.93123122] Processing: App\Jobs\Queue
{"code":200,"msg":{"title":3,"author_id":2,"content":"\u5185\u5bb93","description":"\u63cf\u8ff03","updated_at":"2018-12-24 07:34:32","created_at":"2018-12-24 07:34:32","id":3}}[2018-12-24 07:34:32][5c208bf6702695.93123122] Processed:  App\Jobs\Queue
[2018-12-24 07:34:32][5c208bf6706e24.78015170] Processing: App\Jobs\Queue
{"code":200,"msg":{"title":4,"author_id":2,"content":"\u5185\u5bb94","description":"\u63cf\u8ff04","updated_at":"2018-12-24 07:34:32","created_at":"2018-12-24 07:34:32","id":4}}[2018-12-24 07:34:32][5c208bf6706e24.78015170] Processed:  App\Jobs\Queue
[2018-12-24 07:34:32][5c208bf6709be0.07998731] Processing: App\Jobs\Queue
{"code":200,"msg":{"title":5,"author_id":2,"content":"\u5185\u5bb95","description":"\u63cf\u8ff05","updated_at":"2018-12-24 07:34:32","created_at":"2018-12-24 07:34:32","id":5}}[2018-12-24 07:34:32][5c208bf6709be0.07998731] Processed:  App\Jobs\Queue

Note: to use the laravel queue rabbitmq package, you need to enable the sockets expansion, otherwise an error will be reported.

3. Chat room based on websocket

  1. Configure the default broadcast driver as redis. Set the BROADCAST_DRIVER parameter in the . env configuration file as redis. You must start the redis service.
  2. Add configuration parameters to configuration .env
  1. Update configuration cache: ./artisan config:clear
  2. Start the queue daemons in laravel: ./artisan queue:work --sleep=0
  3. Generate event message class: ./artisan make:event ChatEvent
  4. Add get and post routes for chat:
Route::middleware('auth:web')->group(function() {
	Route::get('/chat', function() {
		header('Origin: ' . urlencode(env('WEBSOCKET_URL')));
		return view('chat');
	Route::post('/chat', function() {
		$room = request()->post('room');
		$name = request()->post('name');
		$message = request()->post('message');
		if(!preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $room)) return 'Room format error';
		if(!preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $name)) return 'Name format error';
		if(!$message) return 'Message cannot be empty';
		broadcast(new ChatEvent($room, compact('name', 'message')));
		return 'Pushed to queue';
  1. Add the view file chat.blade.php:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row justify-content-center">
        <div class="col-md-8">
            <div class="card">
                <div class="card-header">Websocket of chat room</div>
                <form class="card-body" id="j-chat-form">
                	<div class="row">
                		<button id="j-connect" class="btn btn-primary mx-3" type="button">Connect</button>
                		<button id="j-disconnect" class="btn btn-primary mx-3" type="button" disabled="disabled">Disconnect</button>
                		<button id="j-time" class="btn btn-primary" type="button" disabled="disabled">Get server time</button>
                		<span class="ml-3 col-form-label">Name: <span id="j-name" class="font-weight-bold font-italic"></span></span>
	                <div class="row mt-3 mb-3">
	                	<div class="col-2"><input id="j-room" class="form-control" type="text" value="default" /></div>
	                	<div class="col-8"><input id="j-message" class="form-control" type="text" value="" /></div>
	                	<div class="col-2"><input id="j-submit" class="form-control btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Send" disabled="disabled" /></div>
	                <h5 class="mb-0">Message:</h5>
	                <div id="j-message-box" class="message-box"></div>
<style type="text/css">
.message-box p{margin:5px 0;}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ env('WEBSOCKET_URL') }}/"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.body.onload = function() {
	var sock = false;
	var room = false;
	var name = 'N' + parseInt(Math.random() * 100000);


	function time() {
		var d = new Date();
		var t = [d.getHours(),d.getMinutes(),d.getSeconds()];
		var i;
		for(i=0; i<t.length; i++) {
			if(t[i] < 10) t[i] = '0' + t[i];
		return t.join(':');

	$('#j-connect').click(function() {
		room = $.trim($('#j-room').val());
		if(!/\w+/.test(room)) {
			$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' <span class="text-danger">Room name cannot be empty</span></p>');
			return false;
		sock = io('{{ env('WEBSOCKET_URL') }}');
		sock.on('connect', function() {
			// sock.send('Hello World!');
			sock.emit('join', {room:room,name:name});
			$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' <span class="text-success">Connected</span></p>');
			$('#j-connect').attr('disabled', true);
			sock = this;
		sock.on('disconnect', function() {
			$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' <span class="text-info">Disconnected</span></p>');
			$('#j-connect').attr('disabled', false);
			$('#j-disconnect,#j-time,#j-submit').attr('disabled', true);
			sock = false;
		sock.on('error', function(err) {
			$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' <span class="text-danger">Error</span> ' + err + '</p>');
		sock.on('message', function(msg) {
			$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' ' + msg + '</p>');
		sock.on('join', function(msg) {
			$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' <span class="font-weight-bold">' + msg + '</span> is joined</p>');
		sock.on('leave', function(msg) {
			$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' <span class="font-weight-bold">' + msg + '</span> is leaved</p>');
		sock.on('time', function(msg) {
			$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' <span class="font-weight-bold">' + + '</span> The server time is ' + msg.time + '</p>');
		sock.on('chat', function(msg) {
			if(msg === 'HELO') return;
			var val = $.trim($('#j-message').val());
			if(val == msg.message) $('#j-message').val('');
			$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' <span class="font-weight-bold">' + + '</span> ' + msg.message + '</p>');

	$('#j-disconnect').click(function() {

	$('#j-time').click(function() {
		$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' <span class="text-info">Getting server time...</span></p>');
	$('#j-chat-form').submit(function() {
		var msg = $.trim($('#j-message').val());
		if(msg.length == 0) {
			$('#j-message-box').prepend('<p>' + time() + ' <span class="text-danger">Message cannot be empty</span></p>');
			return false;
		$p = $('<p>' + time() + ' Sending "' + msg + '" to ' + room + ' room ... </p>').prependTo('#j-message-box');
			type: 'POST',
			url: location.href,
			data: {room:room, name:name, message:msg, _token: '{{ csrf_token() }}'},
			success:function(data) {
				$p.append('<span class="text-info">' + data + '</span> ');
			error: function(err) {
				$p.append('<span class="text-danger">error</span> ' + err);
		return false;
  1. Add websocket server.js of node.js:
// npm install ioredis moment dotenv
var app = require('http').createServer(function (req, res) {
var io = require('')(app);

let dotenv = require('dotenv');

var Redis = require('ioredis');
var redis = new Redis(process.env.REDIS_PORT, process.env.REDIS_HOST);

var moment = require("moment");
var rooms = {};

// console.log(process.env.WEBSOCKET_QUEUE);

app.listen(6001, function() {
	console.log('Server is running!');

io.on('connection', function(socket) {
	// socket.compress(false).send('Hello world!');
	socket.on('disconnect', function() {
	socket.on('join', function(join) {
		console.log(, 'join',;
		socket.join(; =; =;'join',;
	socket.on('message', function(message) {
		console.log('Receive message:', message);
	socket.on('time', function() {
		var t = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
		console.log('time:',,, t);'time', {, time:t});
	socket.on('disconnect', function() {
		console.log('user disconnect')

redis.psubscribe(process.env.WEBSOCKET_QUEUE + '*', function(err, count) {
redis.on('pmessage', function(subscrbed, channel, message) {
	message = JSON.parse(message);
	console.log(channel + ':' + message.event,;'chat',;
  1. Start websocket server: node server.js
  2. After the user logs in to the system, there is a chat connection in home, which can be used normally.

4. Adaptive to browser language settings

    1. Add the following code to the boot method in the file app / providers / appserviceprovider.php:
if(preg_match('/^(zh|cn)/i', request()->header('Accept-Language'))) app()->setLocale('zh-CN');
  1. Translate the text in the code as follows: * resources/lang/en/chat.php * resources/lang/zh-CN/chat.php

5. Custom artisan command

  1. Use ./artisan make:command DatabaseExport to generate console classes
namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

class DatabaseExport extends Command {

	 * The name and signature of the console command.
	 * @var string
	protected $signature = 'db:export {name? : Exported directory name.} {--format=sql : table data format(sql,dat)}';

	 * The console command description.
	 * @var string
	protected $description = 'Database export as sql file';

	 * Create a new command instance.
	 * @return void
	public function __construct() {

	 * Execute the console command.
	 * @return mixed
	public function handle() {
		$name = $this->argument('name'); // get name argument
		$format = $this->option('format'); // get format option, default value is 'sql'.
		// TODO: Write your code.
  1. Execute ./artisan db:export to run, where name和**--format** are optional parameters,You can use ./artisan help db:export to view command help
  2. You can also add the custom artisan command in routes/console.php, which does not conflict with the command name db:export in step 1.

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