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googlepolylines's Introduction

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A fast and light-weight implementation of Google's polyline encoding algorithm.

Polyline encoding is a lossy compression algorithm that allows you to store a series of coordinates as a single string.




From github (dev version)



Because googlePolylines uses Google's polyline encoding algorithm, all functions assume Google Web Mercator projection (WSG 84 / EPSG:3857 / EPSG:900913) for inputs and outputs. Objects that use other projections should be re-projected into EPSG:3857 before using these functions.

googlePolylines supports Simple Feature objects (from library(sf)), data.frames, and vectors of lon/lat coordinates.

Supported sf types



googlePolylines contains functions to encode coordinates into polylines, and also to parse polylines to and from well-known text format.



# create data

df <- data.frame(myId = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2),
				lineId = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,2),
				lon = c(-80.190, -66.118, -64.757, -80.190,  -70.579, -67.514, -66.668, -70.579, -70, -49, -51, -70),
				lat = c(26.774, 18.466, 32.321, 26.774, 28.745, 29.570, 27.339, 28.745, 22, 23, 22, 22))

p1 <- as.matrix(df[1:4, c("lon", "lat")])
p2 <- as.matrix(df[5:8, c("lon", "lat")])
p3 <- as.matrix(df[9:12, c("lon", "lat")])

# create `sf` collections

point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(x = c(df[1,"lon"], df[1,"lat"])))
multipoint <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multipoint(x = as.matrix(df[1:2, c("lon", "lat")])))
polygon <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon(x = list(p1, p2)))
linestring <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring(p3))
multilinestring <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multilinestring(list(p1, p2)))
multipolygon <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multipolygon(x = list(list(p1, p2), list(p3))))

# combine all types into one collection

sf <- rbind(
	sf::st_sf(geo = polygon),
	sf::st_sf(geo = multilinestring),
	sf::st_sf(geo = linestring),
	sf::st_sf(geo = point),
	sf::st_sf(geo = multipoint)


# Simple feature collection with 5 features and 0 fields
# geometry type:  GEOMETRY
# dimension:      XY
# bbox:           xmin: -80.19 ymin: 18.466 xmax: -49 ymax: 32.321
# epsg (SRID):    NA
# proj4string:    NA
#                              geo
# 1 POLYGON ((-80.19 26.774, -6...
# 2 MULTILINESTRING ((-80.19 26...
# 3 LINESTRING (-70 22, -49 23,...
# 4          POINT (-80.19 26.774)
# 5 MULTIPOINT (-80.19 26.774, ...

# encode sf objects


# 1         POLYGON: ohlbDnbmhN~suq@am{tA...
# 2 MULTILINESTRING: ohlbDnbmhN~suq@am{tA...
# 3      LINESTRING: _{geC~zfjL_ibE_qd_C~...
# 4                     POINT: ohlbDnbmhN...
# 5                MULTIPOINT: ohlbDnbmhN...

# encode data frame as a list of points

# [1] "ohlbDnbmhN~suq@am{tAw`qsAeyhGvkz`@fge}Aw}_Kycty@gc`DesuQvvrLofdDorqGtzzVfkdh@uapB_ibE_qd_C~hbE~reK?~|}rB"

Polyline to well-known text

enc <- encode(sf)
wkt <- polyline_wkt(enc)
# 1 POLYGON ((-80.19 26.774, -66.1...
# 2 MULTILINESTRING ((-80.19 26.77...
# 3 LINESTRING (-70 22, -49 23, -5...
# 4          POINT (-80.19 26.774)...
# 5 MULTIPOINT ((-80.19 26.774),(-...

Well-known text to polyline

enc2 <- wkt_polyline(wkt)


Encoding coordinates into polylines reduces the size of objects and can increase the speed in plotting Google Maps and Mapdeck

sf <- geojsonsf::geojson_sf("")

encoded <- encode(sf, FALSE)
encodedLite <- encode(sf, TRUE)

vapply(mget(c('sf', 'encoded', 'encodedLite') ), function(x) { format(object.size(x), units = "Kb") }, '')
#           sf      encoded  encodedLite 
# "38750.7 Kb" "14707.9 Kb"  "9649.8 Kb"

sf <- geojsonsf::geojson_sf("")


  google = {

    ## you need a Google Map API key to use this function
    google_map(key = mapKey) %>%
      add_polygons(data = sf)
  mapdeck = {
    mapdeck(token = mapKey) %>%
      add_polygon(data = sf)

  leaflet = {
    leaflet(sf) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
  times = 25

# Unit: milliseconds
#     expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
#   google  530.4193  578.3035  644.9472  606.3328  726.4577  897.9064    25
#  mapdeck  527.7255  577.2322  628.5800  600.7449  682.2697  792.8950    25
#  leaflet 3247.3318 3445.6265 3554.7433 3521.6720 3654.1177 4109.6708    25

These benchmarks don't account for the time taken for the browswer to render the maps

googlepolylines's People


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googlepolylines's Issues

error if sf is not loaded

This errors

df <- roads
encode(df[1:200, ])

But this works (the internals)

df <- roads
encode(df[1:200, ])
geomCol <- googlePolylines:::sfGeometryColumn(df[1:200, ])
lst <- googlePolylines:::rcpp_encodeSfGeometry(df[[geomCol]], FALSE)

Decoding polylines

What's the best object to store multiple decoded polylines? list of lists, lists of data.frames?

Switch to C++14 under Boost 1.75.0

As mentioned in issue 76 at the BH repo, its new version requires a switch of googlePolylines to C++14 and will no longer compile with C++11. I have checked that this works, and can confirm that C++14 is allowed at CRAN. I have not checked if the switch to C++14 causes and issue under the current BH package (using Boost 1.72.0).

It would be great if you could consider upgrading to C++14 and upload an updated package, likely only once CRAN reopens in January, A simple patch is included below.

Or, per your open issue #44, maybe you prefer to no longer use BH which is fine too. Either way, I would love to upgrade BH without breaking any dependents.

Please reach out if you have any questions, and a big Thank You! for maintaining googlePolylines on CRAN.

diff -ru googlePolylines.orig/DESCRIPTION googlePolylines/DESCRIPTION
--- googlePolylines.orig/DESCRIPTION    2020-11-01 06:30:19.000000000 +0100
+++ googlePolylines/DESCRIPTION 2020-12-12 22:35:22.793196326 +0100
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     using the 'Google' polyline encoding algorithm (<>).
 License: MIT + file LICENSE
 Encoding: UTF-8
-SystemRequirements: C++11
+SystemRequirements: C++14
 Depends: R (>= 3.3.0)
 Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.12.13)
 LinkingTo: Rcpp, BH
diff -ru googlePolylines.orig/src/Makevars googlePolylines/src/Makevars
--- googlePolylines.orig/src/Makevars   2020-05-25 02:21:49.000000000 +0200
+++ googlePolylines/src/Makevars        2020-12-12 22:35:30.685619918 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 PKG_CPPFLAGS = -I../inst/include
Only in googlePolylines/src: Makevars~
diff -ru googlePolylines.orig/src/ googlePolylines/src/
--- googlePolylines.orig/src/       2020-05-25 02:21:49.000000000 +0200
+++ googlePolylines/src/    2020-12-13 15:33:56.057435649 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 PKG_CPPFLAGS = -I../inst/include

remove Boost

Just playing about with the library - no longer need it.

Handling NA input values

I ran into a few instances of encode() and decode() handling NA inputs in interesting ways. Here are some examples:


#> [[1]]
#>      lat   lon
#> 1 -8e-05 1e-05

Should this return NA_real_, or a data frame containing two NA values? Either could be done within the Rcpp function rcpp_decode_polyline() without much trouble or additional code. I'd be happy to submit a PR for this if you'd like.


Example 1:
NA inputs round-tripped through encode/decode return numeric lat/lon coordinates.

df <- data.frame(lat = c(NA_real_), lon = c(NA_real_))

(res <- googlePolylines::encode(df))
#> [1] ">>"

#> [[1]]
#>        lat      lon
#> 1 -0.00016 -0.00016

Example 2:
Data frame with four observations round-tripped through encode/decode returns a data frame with only three observations.

df <- data.frame(lat = c(38.5, 40.7, NA_real_, 43.252), 
                 lon = c(-120.2, -120.95, NA_real_, -126.453))

(res <- googlePolylines::encode(df))
#> [1] "_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_\016\x9e\xd7"

#> [[1]]
#>       lat      lon
#> 1 38.5000 -120.200
#> 2 40.7000 -120.950
#> 3 40.7024 -120.954

empty geometry causes crash


These all cause RStudio / R to crash

googlePolylines::encode( sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multipoint()) )
googlePolylines::encode( sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multilinestring()) )
googlePolylines::encode( sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multipolygon()) )

non-MULTI* objects are fine

googlePolylines::encode( sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point()) )
googlePolylines::encode( sf::st_sf(geometry = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point())) )

googlePolylines::encode( sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring()) )
googlePolylines::encode( sf::st_sf(geometry = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring())) )

googlePolylines::encode( sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon()) )
googlePolylines::encode( sf::st_sf(geometry = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon())) )


return void as the 'sf_type' is not used.


googleway can't handle GeometryCollections (yet). It needs to be split into its constituent geometries. Should this be done here, or in geojsonsf, or in googlway ?

encode valid range [-9999,9999]

coords need to be in [-9999, 9999]

e <- encodeCoordinates( lon = -9999, lat = 9999 )
# [1] "_u`drz@~t`drz@"
decode( e )


  • store Z and M in list-columns


currently it creates a new polyline for each individual POINT. Should this in fact behave the same as a LINESTRING? (given we keep the attribute so we know the geometry type)?

tbl_df causing errors from encode(sf)

This comes from sf::read_sf("/sf/file/.shp"), which builds it using a tibble.

But, sf::st_read() is fine...


  • test on googleway
  • test on mapdeck
  • include a test for custom classes (and tibble!)

sfc objects

0.6.2 returns an unnamed list for XY, and a named list for XYZ[M] sfc objects.

Should the both be made consistent, and / or return an sfencoded object?


encode( sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(1:2) ) )

# [[1]]
# [1] "_seK_ibE"
# attr(,"sfc")
# [1] "POINT"

encode( sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(1:3) ) )

# $XY
# $XY[[1]]
# [1] "_seK_ibE"
# attr(,"sfc")
# [1] "POINT"
# $ZM
# $ZM[[1]]
# [1] "?_}hQ"
# attr(,"zm")
# [1] "XYZ"


restructure everything


  • use sfheaders to go to & from sf objects.
  • wait until Rcpp is on CRAN - r-lib/fs#256

encode SF

  • separate MULTIPOLYGONs - currently using SPLIT_CHAR
  • keep sf attributes (unless strip = T)

wkt updates

  • wkt_polyline on non-sfencoded objects: wkt_polyline(x, col = ... )
  • polyline_wkt on non-sfencoded objects: polyline_wkt(x, col = ... )


this needs to be handled



  • ZM attribute column, with attributes saying which of Z and/or M are included
  • decoding the ZM attribute column
  • speed test
  • decode() to return Z/M when decoding the Z/M attributes
  • sfcs converted to sfencoded object, or keep as list? - keep as is
  • use paste0(geomCol, "ZM") (or similar) as column & list name in encoded object?
  • use XY or geometry in encoded sfc object? - defined by the sf object column
  • print method
  • str method
  • removes zm attributes
  • column-name conflicts - e.g., if sf[, 'ZM'] already exists before encoding
  • googleway still works
  • mapdeck still works
  • bump version on merge
  • subset method


the 'LITE' object may need a different print method. Or classed as something like sfencodedLite

Multiple geometry columns

sf <- st_sf(a = c("x", "y"), geom = st_sfc(st_point(3:4), st_point(3:4)))
sf[["geom2"]] = st_sfc(st_point(3:4), st_point(3:4))
Simple feature collection with 2 features and 1 field
Active geometry column: geom
geometry type:  POINT
dimension:      XY
bbox:           xmin: 3 ymin: 4 xmax: 3 ymax: 4
epsg (SRID):    NA
proj4string:    NA
  a        geom       geom2
1 x POINT (3 4) POINT (3 4)
2 y POINT (3 4) POINT (3 4)

should encode.sf apply to multiple columns?

sfGeometryColumn.sf <- function(sf) names( which( sapply( sf, function(x) inherits(x, "sfc") ) ) )

Installation error with old g++ and CXX14

I was trying to install this on Debian Jessie (where sadly the libjq-dev package does not exist). I manually downloaded and installed a later one but then had error:

* installing *source* package ‘googlePolylines’ ...
** package ‘googlePolylines’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** libs
g++ -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I../inst/include  -I"/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Rcpp/include" -I"/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include"   -fpic  -g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g  -c RcppExports.cpp -o RcppExports.o
g++ -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I../inst/include  -I"/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Rcpp/include" -I"/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include"   -fpic  -g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g  -c encode.cpp -o encode.o
g++ -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I../inst/include  -I"/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Rcpp/include" -I"/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include"   -fpic  -g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g  -c googlePolylines.cpp -o googlePolylines.o
g++ -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -I../inst/include  -I"/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Rcpp/include" -I"/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include"   -fpic  -g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g  -c wkt.cpp -o wkt.o
wkt.cpp: In function ‘void addLonLatToWKTStream(std::ostringstream&, float, float)’:
wkt.cpp:17:9: error: ‘to_string’ is not a member of ‘std’
   os << std::to_string(lon) << " " << std::to_string(lat);
wkt.cpp:17:39: error: ‘to_string’ is not a member of ‘std’
   os << std::to_string(lon) << " " << std::to_string(lat);
wkt.cpp: In function ‘void encode_wkt_polygon(const Polygon&, std::ostringstream&)’:
wkt.cpp:301:14: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘i’ with no type [-fpermissive]
   for (auto& i: pl.inners() ) {
wkt.cpp:301:17: error: range-based ‘for’ loops are not allowed in C++98 mode
   for (auto& i: pl.inners() ) {
wkt.cpp: In instantiation of ‘void encode_wkt_linestring(const LineString&, std::ostringstream&) [with LineString = int; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’:
wkt.cpp:302:32:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_polygon(const Polygon&, std::ostringstream&) [with Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> >; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:383:32:   required from here
wkt.cpp:265:42: error: no matching function for call to ‘begin(const int&)’
   for (iterator_type it = boost::begin(ls);
wkt.cpp:265:42: note: candidates are:
In file included from /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp:16:0,
                 from /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/algorithm/string.hpp:19,
                 from wkt.cpp:5:
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/begin.hpp:97:55: note: template<class T> typename boost::range_iterator<C>::type boost::range_adl_barrier::begin(T&)
 inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_iterator<T>::type begin( T& r )
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/begin.hpp:97:55: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/begin.hpp: In substitution of ‘template<class T> typename boost::range_iterator<C>::type boost::range_adl_barrier::begin(T&) [with T = const int]’:
wkt.cpp:265:42:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_linestring(const LineString&, std::ostringstream&) [with LineString = int; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:302:32:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_polygon(const Polygon&, std::ostringstream&) [with Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> >; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:383:32:   required from here
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/begin.hpp:97:55: error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct boost::range_iterator<const int, void>’
wkt.cpp: In instantiation of ‘void encode_wkt_linestring(const LineString&, std::ostringstream&) [with LineString = int; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’:
wkt.cpp:302:32:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_polygon(const Polygon&, std::ostringstream&) [with Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> >; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:383:32:   required from here
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/begin.hpp:106:61: note: template<class T> typename boost::range_iterator<const T>::type boost::range_adl_barrier::begin(const T&)
 inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_iterator<const T>::type begin( const T& r )
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/begin.hpp:106:61: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/begin.hpp: In substitution of ‘template<class T> typename boost::range_iterator<const T>::type boost::range_adl_barrier::begin(const T&) [with T = int]’:
wkt.cpp:265:42:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_linestring(const LineString&, std::ostringstream&) [with LineString = int; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:302:32:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_polygon(const Polygon&, std::ostringstream&) [with Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> >; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:383:32:   required from here
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/begin.hpp:106:61: error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct boost::range_iterator<const int, void>’
wkt.cpp: In instantiation of ‘void encode_wkt_linestring(const LineString&, std::ostringstream&) [with LineString = int; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’:
wkt.cpp:302:32:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_polygon(const Polygon&, std::ostringstream&) [with Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> >; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:383:32:   required from here
wkt.cpp:266:27: error: no matching function for call to ‘end(const int&)’
        it != boost::end(ls);
wkt.cpp:266:27: note: candidates are:
In file included from /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp:17:0,
                 from /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/algorithm/string.hpp:19,
                 from wkt.cpp:5:
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/end.hpp:91:55: note: template<class T> typename boost::range_iterator<C>::type boost::range_adl_barrier::end(T&)
 inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_iterator<T>::type end( T& r )
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/end.hpp:91:55: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/end.hpp: In substitution of ‘template<class T> typename boost::range_iterator<C>::type boost::range_adl_barrier::end(T&) [with T = const int]’:
wkt.cpp:266:27:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_linestring(const LineString&, std::ostringstream&) [with LineString = int; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:302:32:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_polygon(const Polygon&, std::ostringstream&) [with Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> >; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:383:32:   required from here
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/end.hpp:91:55: error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct boost::range_iterator<const int, void>’
wkt.cpp: In instantiation of ‘void encode_wkt_linestring(const LineString&, std::ostringstream&) [with LineString = int; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’:
wkt.cpp:302:32:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_polygon(const Polygon&, std::ostringstream&) [with Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> >; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:383:32:   required from here
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/end.hpp:100:61: note: template<class T> typename boost::range_iterator<const T>::type boost::range_adl_barrier::end(const T&)
 inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_iterator<const T>::type end( const T& r )
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/end.hpp:100:61: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/end.hpp: In substitution of ‘template<class T> typename boost::range_iterator<const T>::type boost::range_adl_barrier::end(const T&) [with T = int]’:
wkt.cpp:266:27:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_linestring(const LineString&, std::ostringstream&) [with LineString = int; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:302:32:   required from ‘void encode_wkt_polygon(const Polygon&, std::ostringstream&) [with Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> >; std::ostringstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char>]’
wkt.cpp:383:32:   required from here
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH/include/boost/range/end.hpp:100:61: error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct boost::range_iterator<const int, void>’
/usr/lib/R/etc/Makeconf:141: recipe for target 'wkt.o' failed
make: *** [wkt.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘googlePolylines’

For reference:

g++ (Debian 4.9.2-10+deb8u2) 4.9.2

and Rcpp:

[1] "1.0.6"

and my MakeConf

CXX = g++
CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g $(LTO)
CXX1X = g++
CXX1XFLAGS = -g -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g
CXX1XSTD =  -std=c++11

I'm no Rcpp user so I just edited my CXX to

CXX = g++ -std=c++1y

and I could compile the library without any issues so far but maybe you know of a better fix.

List objects

this works

point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(x = c(144, -37)), sf::st_point(x = c(144, -37)))

Need to make a class for the list (or convert to data.frame), and allow polyline_wkt to work.

Also will need to work when [ , , drop = TRUE]

ASAN and UBSAN sanitizers fail

Compiler warning when running sanitisers:

googlePolylines.cpp:100:21: runtime error: left shift of negative value -3780749

Due to

void EncodeSignedNumber(std::ostringstream& os, int val){
  int sgn_num;
  sgn_num = val << 1;
  if (sgn_num < 0) {
    sgn_num = ~sgn_num;

Potential solution

void EncodeSignedNumber(std::ostringstream& os, int32_t val){
  uint32_t usgn_num;
  usgn_num = (val < 0) ? ~((~val)+1)+1 : val; 
  usgn_num <<= 1;
  usgn_num = (val < 0) ? (~usgn_num) : usgn_num;

Although this seems completely unnecessary, and the original solution just works...

Google algorithm specification - the 'double flip + 1' step is confusing...

polyline_wkt loses precision


coords <- matrix(c(-37.1234567, -37.765321, 144.1234567, 144.7654321), ncol = 2)
sf_line <- sf::st_sf(geometry = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring(coords)))

polyline_wkt(encode(sf_line))[1, ]
# [1] "LINESTRING (-37.1234 144.123, -37.7653 144.765)"

Handling NA values


Example 1:
NA inputs round-tripped through encode/decode return numeric lat/lon coordinates.

df <- data.frame(lat = c(NA_real_), lon = c(NA_real_))

(res <- googlePolylines::encode(df))
#> [1] ">>"

#> [[1]]
#>        lat      lon
#> 1 -0.00016 -0.00016

Example 2:
Data frame with four observations round-tripped through encode/decode returns a data frame with only three observations.

df <- data.frame(lat = c(38.5, 40.7, NA_real_, 43.252), 
                 lon = c(-120.2, -120.95, NA_real_, -126.453))

(res <- googlePolylines::encode(df))
#> [1] "_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_\016\x9e\xd7"

#> [[1]]
#>       lat      lon
#> 1 38.5000 -120.200
#> 2 40.7000 -120.950
#> 3 40.7024 -120.954

Longitude off by a factor of 10?

Hi @dcooley, I'm not sure why this happened and cannot see anything in the code, but heads-up that when decoding a polyline from Valhalla the lon axis was 10x more than what it should have been:

Someone kindly pointed this out and I've just merged their PR:

I imagine this is due to Valhalla's version, which does do something with "10" from the docs but not sure what:

This is most likely a non-issue that can just be closed but heads-up in case of use/interest.

Decode to sf / constructing sfencoded

Thanks for this cool package! I currently have a use case where I get given a long vector of polylines, and I'm wondering whether it makes sense to have one of:

  1. A version or option for decode that produces an sf object instead of requiring the user to convert the list of dataframes themselves.
  2. A constructor for sfencoded that does the work of creating an encoded column and sets class so that polyline_wkt %>% st_as_sf can be used.

Both of these are certainly convenience functions. I can try a PR in the next few days once I read over the code a bit also.

GeoJSON to encoded polylines

similar to how geojsonsf encodes GeoJSON - use the same 'geojson_to_` code, but at each iteration of extracting lon/lat, encode it into a polyline.

It would replace this workflow



remove Boost


  • remove boost/algorithm
  • remove boost/geometry

Refactor encode() Rcpp code

Hey, so I worked some on edits to the Rcpp functions related to encode(), trying to squeeze more speed out of them. I made some minor changes and got ~40% speed up in the benchmarks below. Most of the changes are just building std vectors in a namespace that get over-written in each loop, as opposed to creating multiple NumericVectors in each loop iteration. Per usual, all tests are passing locally.

I wanted to bring this up here because my one open pr is already getting a little overgrown. Let me know if you're interested, I can either push to the open PR, or wait and open a new one later.


I have no idea if these tests are representative of common use, I essentially lifted them from test-Encode.R and just made the polygon list longer (100,000 elements).


polygon <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon(
  list(matrix(c(144, 144.1, 144.2, 144, -37, -37.1, -37.2, -37), ncol = 2))))
polygon <- rep(polygon, 100000)

Original code

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(encode(polygon), times = 10)
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>             expr     min       lq     mean   median       uq     max neval
#> encode(polygon) 388.162 389.4418 439.4863 450.9892 465.9901 489.101    10

Updated code

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(encode(polygon), times = 10)
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>             expr      min      lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
#> encode(polygon) 281.2151 292.136 300.4025 299.5898 303.0663 323.9693    10


sf <- sf::st_sf(geo = polygon)
m1 <- matrix(c(144, 144.1, 144.2, 144, -37, -37.1, -37.2, -37), ncol = 2)
m2 <- m1 + 1
multipolygon <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multipolygon(list(list(m1, m2))))
multipolygon <- rep(multipolygon, 100000)

Original code

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(encode(multipolygon), times = 10)
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>                  expr     min     lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
#> encode(multipolygon) 638.299 657.18 707.6419 720.7405 744.7296 769.4089    10

Updated code

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(encode(multipolygon), times = 10)
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>                  expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
#> encode(multipolygon) 432.4685 446.4945 464.7041 451.4713 464.8576 540.8584    10

Error in rcpp_decode_polyline: basic_string

This is caused by too many backslashes in the string, likely the result of scraping a web page using readLines()

# Error in rcpp_decode_polyline(polylines, "coords") : basic_string

The solution appears to be to use scan(, allowEscapes = T) rather than readLines()


A geometry collection is a collection of geometries. While the individual geometries can be encoded, storing the encoded GEOMETRYCOLLECTION geometries as one 'row' of a data.frame requires some thought:

p <- rbind(c(3.2,4), c(3,4.6), c(3.8,4.4), c(3.5,3.8), c(3.4,3.6), c(3.9,4.5))
(mp <- st_multipoint(p))

s1 <- rbind(c(0,3),c(0,4),c(1,5),c(2,5))
(ls <- st_linestring(s1))

s2 <- rbind(c(0.2,3), c(0.2,4), c(1,4.8), c(2,4.8))
s3 <- rbind(c(0,4.4), c(0.6,5))
(mls <- st_multilinestring(list(s1,s2,s3)))

p1 <- rbind(c(0,0), c(1,0), c(3,2), c(2,4), c(1,4), c(0,0))
p2 <- rbind(c(1,1), c(1,2), c(2,2), c(1,1))
pol <-st_polygon(list(p1,p2))
p3 <- rbind(c(3,0), c(4,0), c(4,1), c(3,1), c(3,0))
p4 <- rbind(c(3.3,0.3), c(3.8,0.3), c(3.8,0.8), c(3.3,0.8), c(3.3,0.3))[5:1,]
p5 <- rbind(c(3,3), c(4,2), c(4,3), c(3,3))
(mpol <- st_multipolygon(list(list(p1,p2), list(p3,p4), list(p5))))

(gc <- st_geometrycollection(list(mp, mpol, ls)))

sf <- sf::st_sf(geo = sf::st_sfc(gc))
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (MULTIPOINT (3.2 4, 3 4.6, 3.8 4.4, 3.5 3.8, 3.4 3.6, 3.9 4.5), MULTIPOLYGON (((0 0, 1 0, 3 2, 2 4, 1 4, 0 0), (1 1, 1 2, 2 2, 1 1)), ((3 0, 4 0, 4 1, 3 1, 3 0), (3.3 0.3, 3.3 0.8, 3.8 0.8, 3.8 0.3, 3.3 0.3)), ((3 3, 4 2, 4 3, 3 3))), LINESTRING (0 3, 0 4, 1 5, 2 5))

Does it even make sense to store this as encoded polylines?

decode always prints the input

I updated to the latest version of googlePolylines and now decode always prints the input character string.

For example:

input <- "ohlbDnbmhN~suq@am{tAw`qsAeyhGvkz`@fge}A"
output <- googlePolylines::decode(input)

This is not a problem for a single line, but when you parse lots of lines it fills the consol with text.

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