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awesome-surreal's Introduction

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SurrealDB SurrealDB is the world's most
powerful multi-model database

A curated list of SurrealDB resources, tools, utilities, and applications.

If you want to contribute to this list, then please read the contributing guidelines.

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Awesome SurrealDB

A curated list of SurrealDB resources, tools, utilities, and applications.

If you want to contribute to this list, then please read the contributing guidelines.



  • SurrealDB - SurrealDB SurrealDB is a scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web.

Client libraries

Management interfaces

  • SurrealDB Admin - A serverless app to browse and query your local or cloud surrealDB instance. No installation required.
  • SurrealDB Explorer - A simple database viewer/editor for SurrealDB.
  • Surrealist - SurrealDB SurrealDB official dashboard, query playground and database explorer for SurrealDB.
  • SurrealReact - An explorer UI written in react.

Development tools

  • surreal-codegen - SurrealDB Typescript type-safe client generator which extends the official SurrealDB package. Matches your raw .surql queries against your schema to generate strongly typed queries & parameters.
  • surrealdb-client-generator - A handy tool that simplifies the process of generating zod schemas and TypeScript clients.

Deployment tools

Docker images

surrealdb/surrealdb - SurrealDB SurrealDB official Docker image.



  • allographer - A query builder and schema builder for Nim that also supports SurrealDB.
  • Cirql - Flexible SurrealDB TypeScript ORM leveraging the power of Zod schemas.
  • kysely-surrealdb - Kysely (type-safe sql query builder) dialects, plugins and other goodies for SurrealDB.
  • PySurrealDB - SurrealDB driver and query builder for Python.
  • ra-surrealdb - A data provider and an auth provider for react admin to integrate with SurrealDB.
  • Sirqle - Python wrapper for
  • surreal-id - (Rust) - Create custom ID types that are guaranteed to be valid RecordIds in SurrealDB, add them to your structs, and serialize and deserialize from SurrealDB with ease.
  • surrealdb_extra - (Rust) - Query builder and orm.
  • surrealdb_migration_engine - Simple yet powerful migration engine for SurrealDB.
  • surrealdb_query_builder - SurrealDB query builder for Dart and Flutter.
  • surrealdb-extras - (Rust) Creates namespace, database, tables and defines attributes automatically and generates/adds functions like add/delete/update to the struct.
  • surrealdb-migrations - An awesome SurrealDB migration tool, with a user-friendly CLI and a versatile Rust library that enables seamless integration into any project.
  • surrealdb-valibot - Re-usable valibot schema's for use with the JavaScript SDK.
  • surrealdb-zod - Re-usable zod schema's for use with the JavaScript SDK.
  • Surrealised - A Server-Side TypeScript SurrealDB Client with a fluent query builder.
  • surrealist - Python synchronous client with support for HTTP and WebSocket connections, and all SurrealDB features (live queries, QL, Changes Feed).
  • type-surrealdb - Generate schemas and .surql for SurrealDB using TypeScript classes and decorators.

GitHub Actions

Starter Kits




awesome-surreal's People


tobiemh avatar jub0t avatar naisofly avatar odonno avatar albertmarashi avatar nexveridian avatar szabgab avatar macjuul avatar lalanikarim avatar kearfy avatar shadowwolf308 avatar dvanmali avatar amaster507 avatar phughk avatar reymom avatar richie-omondi avatar ri-nat avatar rohanfulzele avatar sachinbhutani avatar sbshah97 avatar metruzanca avatar sebastianwessel avatar stefanuk12 avatar leodog896 avatar tudorandrei-pythia avatar tcm151 avatar vladimirrotariu avatar xkonti avatar syedzubeen avatar frederik-uni avatar


Frédérique Mittelstaedt avatar Chris Forte avatar Madi S avatar  avatar  avatar Kyle L. Davis avatar Lucas Tabis avatar Ahmed Ali avatar  avatar K. N. avatar  avatar gsemy avatar Sandalots avatar Kwaame Ofori-Adjekum avatar Nick Seong avatar avatar Nick Doherty avatar Ashutosh Sajan avatar  avatar Sai Shanmukh avatar Benny Leonard Enrico Panggabean avatar Michael Gandolfi avatar nemezo avatar Jes Gonzalez avatar LL avatar  avatar 29 avatar Javier E. avatar Jan Čejka avatar Calum Sieppert avatar  avatar  avatar Val Redchenko avatar QuiNz- avatar Nemanja avatar Will Brown avatar  avatar Zac Evans avatar David Basantes avatar Francisco Magalhães avatar Tristan Murphy avatar Sofia Mironenko avatar  avatar Michael Beddows avatar Maxim Khatskevich avatar Kyrylo Panin avatar seakrebel avatar danielsdesk avatar  avatar Adam Lindsay avatar Dimitrios Kapetanios avatar Szymon Baczyński avatar MarcosA avatar zhuwenxing avatar Ihor Kolobanov avatar Artur Daveyan avatar Amit Singh Sethi avatar  avatar Justin Vasel avatar  avatar  avatar Saksham Khurana avatar Zigu avatar Baldo Alessandro avatar Tariq West avatar @Shambhala avatar Alejandro Gutiérrez avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Shehab Ali Tweel avatar  avatar OptoMedEd avatar  avatar Mamunur Rahaman Mamun avatar Bilux avatar  avatar Abdelhalim Riache avatar katy lavallee avatar Hubert avatar Grzegorz Leoniec avatar Siddharth Verma avatar pzdrk avatar Sebastian Fritsch avatar Gio d'Amelio avatar Zeeshan avatar Cam avatar Charlie Cortial avatar Jean-Pierre Geslin avatar Kosidinna Umeigbo avatar Yoshito Watanabe avatar  avatar Aurimar Lopes avatar 跨境斜杠青年 avatar Victor Duarte avatar Katerina Akilah H. avatar Davi William Moraes Suga avatar V. Can Keklik avatar  avatar Boticello avatar


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awesome-surreal's Issues

Hacktoberfest 2023: Call for Contributors!

🚀Join Hacktoberfest 2023 with SurrealDB! 🚀

Are you ready to take your development skills to the next level and win some awesome swag? Hacktoberfest is here, and SurrealDB invites you to participate in an exciting challenge, with the most powerful features, of the newly launched SurrealDB 1.0!

🏁 Objective:

Create starter apps in your favorite programming framework using SurrealDB's powerful SDKs. Supported SDKs are:

🎉 How to Participate:

  1. Get started with the ultimate multi-model database - SurrealDB.
    Develop easier. Build faster. Scale quicker with SDKs
  2. Read the rules & register at!
  3. Contribute Pull Requests against this issue for the Starter Kits section of this repo!
    Some of the ideas from the community are listed below. Feel free to comment on which starter kit you'd like to work on for Hacktoberfest. If you have another idea for a starter kit, not currently on the list, please comment below with your idea and we'll add it!

🌐 Operations:

We're here to support you throughout the challenge! Join our #hacktoberfest2023 channel on Discord for guidance and collaboration. We also offer weekly developer office hours to assist you with any questions you may have. Keep an eye out for our live events in your timezone!

✔️ Success Criteria:

  • Every participant that meets the Hacktoberfest rules and has pull/merge requests against this issue is eligible for the rewards mentioned 💯
  • Starter kits should provide a minimum setup, ensuring developers can seamlessly use the latest version of SurrealDB in your chosen framework👌While simplicity is key, we also encourage custom starter kits tailored to specific needs.
  • Your repository should have:
    • Include a clear, step-by-step README for setup. Include a GIF or screenshot showcasing the app's final result for developer reference.
    • Instructions to use your starter kit as a basis for other use cases.
    • Provide straightforward Contribution Guides for others to contribute effectively.

🤝 Partners:

We're thrilled to partner with @illacloud, who share our passion for innovation and creativity. Check out the SurrealDB announcement on their Hacktoberfest Livestream!
Thanks again to @kunal-kushwaha for featuring this challenge on the "A Crash Course on SurrealDB" livestream!

💝 Rewards:

Not only will you gain valuable experience, but you'll also have a chance to win exciting swag from the SurrealDB Store!

MECOMP music player

I made a music player that uses surrealdb as its database, would that be the kind of thing that could be included in this list?

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.