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  • 自安装脚本的修改
  • Linux守护进程模板: tpl/run-cmd-tpl
  • 增加脚本统一入口:opscripts
  • 集成开源java运维工具脚本:housemd、greys、sjk、jtop等
  • 部分脚本的编写


  • Linux
  • git1.7+



  • curl -s "" | bash -s
  • git/svn checkout the source and make install
  • git/svn checkout the source and set bin to the System Path to use the common usage shells


  • 直接运行:
curl -sLk '' | bash
  • 下载单个文件
wget --no-check-certificate
chmod +x show-busy-java-threads



opscripts uninstall


  • opscripts

show system command

  • opscripts list

show command list

  • opscripts update

update opscripts


  1. show-busy-java-threads

    用于快速排查JavaCPU性能问题(top us值过高),自动查出运行的Java进程中消耗CPU多的线程,并打印出其线程栈,从而确定导致性能问题的方法调用。

  2. show-duplicate-java-classes


  3. find-in-jars


  4. housemd

    housemd [pid] [java_home]


  5. jargrep

    jargrep "text" [path or jarfile]


  6. findcycle

    findcycle [path]


  7. jvm

    jvm [pid]

    执行jvm debug工具,包含对java栈、堆、线程、gc等状态的查看,支持的功能有:

    1 : 查看占用cpu最高的线程情况
    2 : 打印所有线程
    3 : 打印线程数
    4 : 按线程状态统计线程数
    5 : 垃圾收集统计(包含原因)可以指定间隔时间及执行次数,默认1秒, 10次
    6 : 显示堆中各代的空间可以指定间隔时间及执行次数,默认1秒,5次
    7 : 垃圾收集统计。可以指定间隔时间及执行次数,默认1秒, 10次
    8 : 打印perm区内存情况*会使程序暂停响应*
    9 : 查看directbuffer情况
    10 : dump heap到文件*会使程序暂停响应*默认保存到`pwd`/dump.bin,可指定其它路径
    11 : 触发full gc。*会使程序暂停响应*
    12 : 打印jvm heap统计*会使程序暂停响应*
    13 : 打印jvm heap中top20的对象。*会使程序暂停响应*参数:1:按实例数量排序,2:按内存占用排序,默认为1
    14 : 触发full gc后打印jvm heap中top20的对象。*会使程序暂停响应*参数:1:按实例数量排序,2:按内存占用排序,默认为1
    15 : 输出所有类装载器在perm里产生的对象。可以指定间隔时间及执行次数
    16 : 打印finalzer队列情况
    17 : 显示classloader统计
    18 : 显示jit编译统计
    19 : 死锁检测
    20 : 等待X秒,默认为1
    q : exit

    Enter command queue:1;5:1000,100;10:/data1/output.bin

  8. greys

    greys [pid][@ip:port]

    使用greys对java程序进行运行时跟踪(不传参数,需要先greys -C pid,再greys)。支持的操作有:

    • 查看加载类,方法信息
    • 查看JVM当前基础信息
    • 方法执行监控(调用量,失败率,响应时间等)
    • 方法执行数据观测、记录与回放(参数,返回结果,异常信息等)
    • 方法调用追踪渲染
    • 详细信息请参考:
  9. sjk

    sjk [cmd] [arguments]

    sjk --commands

    sjk --help [cmd]


    • ttop:监控指定jvm进程的各个线程的cpu使用情况
    • jps: 强化版
    • hh: jmap -histo强化版
    • gc: 实时报告垃圾回收信息
    • mx: 操作MBean
    • 更多信息请参考:
  10. vjmap

    vjmap -all [pid] > /tmp/histo.log

    vjmap -old [pid] > /tmp/histo-old.lo

    vjmap -sur [pid] > /tmp/histo-sur.log




  11. vjdump

    vjdump [pid]

    vjdump --liveheap [pid]


    • JVM启动参数及命令行参数: jinfo -flags [pid]
    • thread dump数据:jstack -l [pid]
    • sjk ttop JVM概况及繁忙线程:sjk ttop -n 1 -ri 3 -p [pid]
    • jmap histo 堆对象统计数据:jmap -histo [pid] & jmap -histo:live [pid]
    • GC日志(如果JVM有设定GC日志输出)
    • heap dump数据(需指定--liveheap开启):jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=[DUMP_FILE] [pid]


  12. vjmxcli

    vjmxcli - [host:port] java.lang:type=Memory HeapMemoryUsage

    vjmxcli - [pid] gcutil [interval]

    使用唯品会的vjmxcli获取MBean属性值以及在jstat无法使用时模拟jstat -gcutil。开启jmx时可以使用主机:端口号;未开启jmx则使用pid。


  1. c


  2. colines


  3. a2l


  4. ap & rp


  5. echo-args

    输出脚本收到的参数,在控制台运行时,把参数值括起的括号显示成 红色,方便人眼查看。用于调试脚本参数输入。

  6. console-text-color-themes


  7. tcp-connection-state-counter


  8. parseOpts


  9. xpl and xpf

    在命令行中快速完成 在文件浏览器中 打开/选中 指定的文件或文件夹的操作,优化命令行与其它应用之间的操作流。

  10. show-cpu-and-memory


  11. monitor-host


  12. check-vm


  13. get-pip

    安装pip, 将pip程序封装在了文件中,可以避免网络安装pip过慢。

  14. redis

    redis ip1[:port1][,ip2[:port2]] [port] "command"


  15. send

    send filename [port]


  16. hex

    hex [[0x]number[b]]


  17. swap

    sudo swap [-s [-r]] [-g GREP_ARG]

    查询当前服务器各个进程占用swap的情况。 -s 表示对swap占用量进行排序(升序) -r 表示对swap占用量进行排序(降序),使用-r的前提是-s参数开启。 -g grep命令的封装,用于查找特定类型的进程。比如我想查找带有java的进程,可以使用sudo swap -g java


  18. tpl/


目前VCS的脚本都是svn分支相关的操作。使用更现代的Git吧! 💥


awesome-scripts's People


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awesome-scripts's Issues


@superhj1987 终于支持Top的方式来获取CPU了, #23 这个Issue放了5年…… 😂

Change Log

  • New Features
    1. use top command to get percent of thread cpu usage 🎩 #67 #23
      you can use -P, --use-ps option so as to use ps command to find busy thead(cpu usage) instead of top command.
    2. support -S, --jstack-file-dir option to specify the dir for storing jstack output files, and keep files. 🛐
      default store jstack output files at tmp dir, and auto remove after run.
      use this option to keep files so as to review jstack output later.
    3. support -d, --top-delay option to specifies the delay between top samples. 😋
      get thread cpu percentage during this delay interval.
    4. support unlimited use name width(use ps wide output) 🍻
    5. support options -s to specify jstack path, it's convenient when run by sudo
    6. support full options of jstack, like -m/-l 😱
    7. support jstack options -F, force dump 😱
    8. support options -a to append info to log file, so as to review later 😋
  • Bug Fix
    1. fix wrong user bug, when run by sudo -u user_foo
    2. should re-jstack when next update
    3. option parse fail should exit
  • Improvements
    1. check os support, report os unsupported info and exit
    2. improve show-busy-java-threads help format 📚
    3. improve output color 🌈
    4. improve docs
  • Code Cleanup
    1. use ARITHMETIC EVALUATION explicitly instead of -gt etc 🔢
    2. use fatal function to simplify exit logic
    3. main function style 💅
    4. reorder functions
    5. fix typo

更多Change Log参见(From version 1.0.0 to 1.4.0):


$ show-busy-java-threads -h
Usage: show-busy-java-threads [OPTION]... [delay [count]]
Find out the highest cpu consumed threads of java, and print the stack of these threads.

  show-busy-java-threads       # show busy java threads info
  show-busy-java-threads 1     # update every 1 second, (stop by eg: CTRL+C)
  show-busy-java-threads 3 10  # update every 3 seconds, update 10 times

Output control:
  -p, --pid <java pid>      find out the highest cpu consumed threads from the specified java process,
                            default from all java process.
  -c, --count <num>         set the thread count to show, default is 5.
  -a, --append-file <file>  specifies the file to append output as log.
  -S, --jstack-file-dir <path>  specifies the directory for storing jstack output files, and keep files.
                            default store jstack output files at tmp dir, and auto remove after run.
                            use this option to keep files so as to review jstack later.
  delay                     the delay between updates in seconds.
  count                     the number of updates.
                            delay/count arguments imitates the style of vmstat command.

jstack control:
  -s, --jstack-path <path>  specifies the path of jstack command.
  -F, --force               set jstack to force a thread dump.
                            use when jstack <pid> does not respond (process is hung).
  -m, --mix-native-frames   set jstack to print both java and native frames (mixed mode).
  -l, --lock-info           set jstack with long listing. Prints additional information about locks.

cpu usage calculation control:
  -d, --top-delay           specifies the delay between top samples, default is 0.5 (second).
                            get thread cpu percentage during this delay interval.
                            more info see top -d option. eg: -d 1 (1 second).
  -P, --use-ps              use ps command to find busy thread(cpu usage) instead of top command,
                            default use top command, because cpu usage of ps command is expressed as
                            the percentage of time spent running during the entire lifetime of a process,
                            this is not ideal.

  -h, --help                display this help and exit.


最近 和 加强了很多,可以考虑合到你的仓库里来

Hi @superhj1987 @lirenzuo

上面的修改是 对原来的使用方式是 兼容 加强的。

PS: 支持Mac了。


opscripts list error

[root@test opt]# opscripts list
Available commands:
============== bin ==============
/opt/awesome-scripts/ line 24: continue: only meaningful in a for', while', or `until' loop

=========== java/bin ============
/opt/awesome-scripts/ line 24: continue: only meaningful in a for', while', or `until' loop

sjk execute error

[root@test opt]# opscripts vjdump --liveheap 18859
==========Thanks to
The pid is 18859
2018-12-05 12:57:11 vjdump begin. command interval is 1s.
2018-12-05 12:57:11 Begin to process jstack.
2018-12-05 12:57:11 Finish to process jstack.
2018-12-05 12:57:12 Begin to process sjk ttop.
It will take 3 seconds, please wait.
process top error, now exit.

[root@test opt]# /opt/awesome-scripts/java/bin/sjk ttop -n 1 -ri 3 -p 18859
-n/lib/tools.jar not found!

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