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stubble's Issues

SetParserPipeline and ParserPipelineBuilder


BaseSettingsBuilder.SetParserPipeline exists today to be able to set a pipeline with own parsers, this is used in project to be able to add template methods that is executed instead of inserting values for the tokens that is found. This SetParserPipeline method is little hard to work with when you have multiple extensions project that all need to modify the parser pipeline. I think this should be replaced with a builder instead, example

new RendererSettingsBuilder()
    .ConfigureParserPipeline(pipe => pipe

where the BuildSettings() is calling the ParserPipelineBuilder.Build() to build the parser pipeline.

What do you think of a change like this?

Repeat sections

When creating templates I sometimes have the need to repeat the sections X amount of times. If we see the current sections implementation it handle number as if-condition (0 = false,other value = true). If the section got a list or dictionary as value the template is iterating over the items in the value.

Is there any possibility today to do something like this?
Is it possible to add the feature into the SectionTokenRenderer so they from the input data; when a number that is positive value, creating a list of items that is used?

Example data:

  "count": 5

With template:

  Item {{.}}

Should generate:

  Item 1
  Item 2
  Item 3
  Item 4
  Item 5

System.String implements IEnumerable

Since System.String impements IEnumerable it gets looped through as though it's a list. For now I can just add certain types to an IEnumerable blacklist to avoid this.

Namespace Class Clash

Would it make sense to change the name of the main stubble class (and interface) to StubbleRenderer?

I noticed that the class name clashes with the root namespace (Stubble.Core.Stubble) so references to the class need to be fully qualified. Your tests don't have this problem because they all exist in Stubble.Core.Tests.

So for a simple contrived example: -

using System;

using Stubble.Core;

namespace StubbleTest
    class MainClass
        public static void Main (string[] args)
            var stubble = new Stubble();
            var output = stubble.Render("{{Foo}}", new { Foo = "Bar" });
            Console.WriteLine("Output[" + output + "]");

You get the compiler error: -

Error CS0118: 'Stubble' is a 'namespace' but a 'type' was expected (CS0118) (StubbleTest)

On the other hand, maybe I am missing something obvious...

A way to globally disable HTML escaping

Hi, Thank you for this system, it works great so far!

I have a couple questions:

  1. Is there a way to globally disable HTML escaping, so I won't have to use triple mustaches everywhere in my non-html templates? Something like overriding 'escape' function in the javascript SDK would be nice.
  2. Currently, when a tag or section is not found or is null/false an empty line is rendered. Is there a way to just not render anything instead, so that the line(s) occupied by the tag/section will be trimmed in the rendered document?

Newest alpha release not available on Nuget

I understand this is kind of a ridiculous request but I am working on an porting an app that used Nustache to .Net core and it seems like your previous version wasn't compatible with the latest version of .Net core. I'm assuming the new alpha will have compatibility so I was wondering when it will be available on Nuget?


Update the "How to use" section and put it in the docs

The "How to use" section is not up to date.

The example:

var stubble = new Stubble();
var myObj = new MyObj();
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(".\Path\To\My\File.Mustache", Encoding.UTF8))
    var output = stubble.Render(streamReader.ReadToEnd(), myObj);

should be:

var stubble = new StubbleBuilder().Build();
var myObj = new MyObj();
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(".\Path\To\My\File.Mustache", Encoding.UTF8))
    var output = await stubble.RenderAsync(streamReader.ReadToEnd(), myObj);

Culture is assumed to be en-GB for tests

The culture for the tests is currently assumed, we tried replacing it using both the xunit sample for use culture here and with the extension library by natemcmaster here.

It only seems to fail when run via Cake. I can only assume it's something to do with paralellism but more investigation needs to be done to fix it.

The PR we had to revert was #57

Add asynchronous loading to IStubbleLoader

It's certainly possible that people will want to store templates on the file system or in a database and so loading interfaces could be blocking.

We should add an async method to the IStubbleRenderer which calls an AsyncLoad method of IStubbleBuilder. For efficiency (since the majority of the calls should be non-blocking) the async interface should implement ValueTask

Can I use one StubbleVisitorRenderer instance per application instance?

Thank you for this great library you provide.
I have a question about its usage.
Is it safe to use RenderAsync method of a StubbleVisitorRenderer instance in parallel with different parameters?
I am planning to provide it in a service wrapper which will have one instance at a time via Unity.
Thank you,

Visitor Pattern based renderer

Change the tag renderers to use a more visitor based pattern so we can have different kinds of visitors that take the same tags. This will eventually allow for different kinds of renderers so we can render to a string, or a function or even an assembly.

Platform and Framework Builds

It would be good if we could target Stubble for a variety of platforms and framework versions much like NodaTime as it would be good for People to be able to use Stubble on Mono, or DNX or .Net Core .etc

Compilation of Templates

To keep parity with Nustache we should provide a renderer that will render templates to an Expression Tree which can be compiled to a strongly typed Func.


Hi all,

Disclaimer: I am not a very versed .net developer....

I am looking to use Mustache templates in PowerShell. Would it be doable to use Stubble?

Add pre/post hooks into the rendering and tokenization pipelines for customization

I would like to render \r, \n and \r\n as a line break. Looking at other issues and the documentation I tried playing with RenderSettings SkipHtmlEncoding true, but this did not help me.
Is there a place I can hook into the rendering process to replace line breaks with a <br> tag to make this work for me?
Thanks for all your hard work!

IsTruthy may need to be implemented for explicit cases

IsTruthy could be incorrect for certain implementations of the interface such as JToken which implements IEnumerable and can have a value but not contain child elements which would cause IEnumerable to be falsey.

It may be worth adding a registry to this so you can override or add to this much like the other planned extensions.

How support dynamic type in view value

the example code:

var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject("{ \"name\": \"test\" }");
var tpl = "My name is: {{name}}";

var stubble = new StubbleBuilder().Build();
var res = stubble.Render(tpl, data);

I expected value:

My name is: test

But just only:

My name is: 

Add Cake plugin

It would be great to easily use Mustache in Cake scripts. I propose creating a Cake.Stubble plugin with some signatures like:

string MustacheRender(string template, object viewModel);

string MustacheRender(string template, object viewModel, Action<RendererSettingsBuilder> configurator);

string MustacheRenderFile(FilePath templateFile, object viewModel);

string MustacheRenderFile(FilePath templateFile, object viewModel, Action<RendererSettingsBuilder> configurator);

The Cake team discussed adding templating support to Cake at one point, but I think it fell through.

set default value if token not found

I'm trying to figure out how to intercept the token resolver so that I can provide a different value if the key is not in the context dictionary. My specific use case is that I will always have an entity ID but may not have details on that entity and would like to print the id instead of the details when details are not present.

Hello {{User.Email}},  //  want to default to value to "user: {{User.Id}}" as this will always be populated. 

I've tried playing with the value getter but couldn't get it to do what I wanted - is there any other hook I should look at ?

        private StubbleVisitorRenderer _builder = new StubbleBuilder()
              .Configure(settings =>
                  settings.AddValueGetter(typeof(IDictionary<string, object>), (key, value, ignoreCase) =>

                      Console.WriteLine("HERE", key, value, ignoreCase); // won't trigger 
                      return value;

If a reflected member is declared twice exception will occur

I am using the type reflection based approach to convert ReactiveUI's EventBuilder over to use Stubble, previously it was using Mustache.

What this event builder does is generate code based around events in a class.

The ReflectionHelper.GetMemberFunctionLookup() can't handle this case at the moment due to just directly adding to the dictionary and not checking to see if the key already exists. It's crashing for me on get_DeclaredType().

Adding a ContainsValue() check can eliminate the crash. Not sure if that's quite desired functionality.

Emtpy lines are renderer for non-existing tags and sections

using Stubble.Core.Builders;
using System;

class Program
    static string template = 
@"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nulla non nulla sit amet ligula fringilla gravida sed vitae felis.
{{#ASection}}Aenean eu dui tincidunt risus fringilla fringilla.{{/ASection}}
{{#ASection}}Aenean eu dui tincidunt risus fringilla fringilla.{{/ASection}}
{{#ASection}}Aenean eu dui tincidunt risus fringilla fringilla.{{/ASection}}
{{#ASection}}Aenean eu dui tincidunt risus fringilla fringilla.{{/ASection}}
Nulla nisl nulla, vulputate quis dui eget, sagittis placerat neque. Aliquam eu arcu eget elit semper dapibus.";

    static void Main (string[] args)
        var stubble = new StubbleBuilder().Build();
        var document = stubble.Render(template, null);

Will render following:

Expected result:

Variable tags in a partial template can be rendered with extra spaces at the end

I've come across a bug when rendering partial templates in Stubble.Core Version 1.1.2
If the partial tag is indented, e.g.


Then additional spaces can get appended to the end of variable tags that appear in the partial.
e.g if Body.mustache is

<a href="{{Url}}">
    My Link

and the data is

{ "Url": "" }

then the output is

    <a href="    ">
        My Link

Note the extra spaces that get rendered at the end of {{Url}}.

See for a program that reproduces this.

If you'd like me to have a go at fixing this, let me know - but I thought I'd report it as an issue first as I'm not very familiar with the Stubble code yet.

Hash sign(#) missing in Stubble/docs/

The following example code was not working for me (in Stubble/docs/
(I did not copy the code but used it as a example.)

var obj2 = new {
   Bar = "Bar",
   Foo = new Func<string, object>((str) => { return "Foo {{Bar}}"; })

stubble.Render("{{Foo}} Hello World {{/Foo}}", obj2); //Outputs: "Foo Bar"

I found in Stubble/test/Stubble.Core.Tests/StaticStubbleTest.cs that a # is required in the start tag ({{#Foo}}).

Add render function overload for Lambdas

I'm looking at SectionTokenRenderer and I can't see any lambdas that would hand the current context.
What could be handy is that a rendering function is passed to the lambdas like in mustache.js

Not sure about the code, but it's the idea.

//line SectionTokenRenderer:51
     else if (value is Func<dynamic, string, object> || value is Func<string, object>)
                var functionDynamicValue = value as Func<dynamic, string, object>;
                var functionStringValue = value as Func<string, object>;
                var sectionContent = obj.SectionContent;

                value = functionDynamicValue != null
                    ? functionDynamicValue.Invoke(context.View, sectionContent.ToString())
                    : functionStringValue.Invoke(sectionContent.ToString());

                renderer.Render(context.RendererSettings.Parser.Parse(value.ToString(), obj.Tags), context);
//additionnal function type
value is Func<dynamic, string, Action<string>, object>

var functionDynamicValueWithContext  = value as Func<dynamic, string, Action<string>, object>

value = functionDynamicValue.Invoke(context.View, sectionContent.ToString(), toRender => RENDER_FUNC_WITH_CONTEXT

Usage :

object MyLambda( dynamic data, string text, Action<string> renderer)
 return renderer( "{{{"  + renderer( data.Far.Boo ) + "}}}" );

Hi I'm comming from Nustache, and mainly I want to swap to Stubble because it is maintained and closer to Mustache Specs. I used to work with mustache.js for 2 years prior to going to c# world and I can't find the correct lib to get what I was doing with lambdas.

Now my setup is already working quite well with nustache but for one thing. I can't get the context to apply on Lambda functions :

A. The Ugly I did with nustache (you can pass it all, it will give you the .. context)

I create an instance scoped object that will then be utilized by the lambdas, so I can get access recursively to my data object and lambdas when for instance doing recursive templating.

            _data = new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "Dy", (Lambda) DyLambda }, // this is used in example
                { "Rec", (Lambda) RecLambda },
                { "SkBase", (Lambda) SkBaseLambda },
                { "Sk", (Lambda) SkLambda },
                { "SkCol", (Lambda) SkColLambda },
                { "SkDesc", (Lambda) SkDescLambda },
                { "Math", (Lambda) MathLambda },
                { "Readable", (Lambda) ReadableLambda },
                { "Lang", LangSerializable },
                { "Data", data }

        private object DyLambda(string content, RenderContext context, RenderFunc writer)
            return Render.StringToString("{{{" + RenderWithPartial(content, GetDataFromCtx(context)) + "}}}",
                GetDataFromCtx(context), PartialResolver);

        public string RenderWithPartial(string content, object data, RenderContextBehaviour context = null)
            return Render.StringToString(content, data, PartialResolver, context);

        private object GetDataFromCtx(RenderContext context)
            return new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "Dy", (Lambda) DyLambda },
                { "Rec", (Lambda) RecLambda },
                { "Readable", (Lambda) ReadableLambda },
                { "SkBase", (Lambda) SkBaseLambda },
                { "Sk", (Lambda) SkLambda },
                { "SkCol", (Lambda) SkColLambda },
                { "SkDesc", (Lambda) SkDescLambda },
                { "Lang", LangSerializable },
                { "Data", context.GetValue("Data") },
                { "Skill", context.GetValue("Skill") },
                { "Skills", context.GetValue("Skills") },
                { "Math", (Lambda) MathLambda }

But then I can't consistently get the context of my data :
For instance if I have my data :

 "Value" : "a",
 "ValueDictionnary" : 
   "a" : "A is Cool",
   "b" : "B is Hot"

I'd like to do :
to get A is Cool

But I can only do this as current context is not available in the lambdas :

It also makes impossible any array work in lambdas because scope is lost, I'm not even talking about the memory/processing overhead.

B. The Question

So what I'm asking, is the StubbleBuilder keeping a trace of current context, or is there a way to access it in the lambdas ? If not can we easily get it done ?

Maybe you'll tell me I was doing it all wrong it Nustache ...

In Mustache.js it was dead simple as one of the Lambda parameter was giving the builder with the current scope. The nustache solution was really hair-pulling.

From Mustache.js readme, this bold function will render text with all current context, lambdas and partials :

  "name": "Tater",
  "bold": function () {
    return function (text, render) {
      return "<b>" + render(text) + "</b>";

Thanks a lot !

empty Dictionary will yield "System.Collections..."

Hello, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but if I do:

            Dictionary<string, object> dataHash = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            var output = StaticStubbleRenderer.Render("{{Foo.Value}}", dataHash);

it will print System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2[System.String,System.Object]I can also set Foo to null and it will still give me that message, wouldn't it be better to just show nothing or return a empty string? actually this will happen as soon as I only use{{ foo }}`. if foo is not defined it will just return a empty string.

At the moment I can override the behaviour by registering a custom AddValueGetter:

RendererSettings rsb = new RendererSettingsBuilder().AddValueGetter(typeof(IDictionary<string, object>), (o, s) =>
                if (o is IDictionary<string, object>) // this might be unnecessary
                    var oo = o as IDictionary<string, object>;
                    if (oo.ContainsKey(s))
                        return oo[s];
                return ""; // the problem might be that the default implementation emits null, which will yield the Dictionary message

Section iteration blacklist should be able to be added to

Sometimes types are both objects and lists such as IDictionary which you don't want the standard iteration functionality of a section tag.

We have a blacklist for these types which currently defaults to string and IDictionary and you can override this entirely however if you want to add a singular item on top of the defaults you can't.

Add docs for overriding parser pipeline

I tried to remove Parsers from the Pipeline.

First I tried to use the RendererSettingsBuilder SetParserPipeline method, but the ParserPipeline class is internal - no luck there.

And there is no way to bypass the ParserPipeline class :(

But why even provide a SetParserPipeline method then?

[Question]: Configure the behavior if key is not found from model.

Is there any way to configure the behavior of stubble, if the key of template is not found from provide map ?

For example, there is one template {{name}}, with Dictionary {"city": "abc"}, when try to Process by default the {{name}} will be replace to "" silently. Here I would like to execption out or complain the key is missing from Dictionary.

Replace Regex Parser with Non-Regex parser

The current regex parser creates more garbage than needed and also makes it difficult to add new complicated tags that include for example arguments.

Replace the parser and renderers with those inspired by Markdig. Parse the template using tag explicit parsers (which can be added to) and render them using tag explict renderers allowing eventually for different kinds of renderers such as a compile renderer.

Migrate build to use Cake

Since we're building cross platform using the new CLI i'm finding that the build steps are becoming out of sync in the two environments and much of the logic is being put into the appveyor and travis configs.

We should migrate these steps to Cake which will allow consistency while also allowing specific logic for each such as the fact we can't currently do code coverage on Travis due to the newness of the cross plat story for dotnet.

Sourcelink Support

We should use SourceLink to provide symbols for debugging. The only pitfall I can see currently is that OpenCover may not look for the PDB inside the dll.

Stubble Compilation doesn't render correctly from Dictionary<string, object>

I have the following template:

Caption: {{caption}} <br>
Party: { Name: {{}} } <br> <br>

and have following data in json

  "infoRows": [
      "caption": "Caption #1",
      "party": {
        "name": "Party Name #1"
      "caption": "Caption #2",
      "party": {
        "name": "Party Name #2"

Which look this way as at runtime:

When I use usual new StubbleBuilder().Build().Render(Template, Context), I get this:

When I use compilation

var renderer = new StubbleCompilationBuilder()
    .Compile<Dictionary<string, object>>(Template);

I get this:

Why does it work this way?


Is this library still considerd alpha? The nuget packages don't have the alpha postfix anymore, but it's in the readme:


How do I loop over a dictionary?

Hey there, sorry for the question but I've exhausted all the tests/example code that I could find.

I've got a template that is similar to:

// Trying to do a lot of different things in here.

And my data context is along the lines of:

public class MyBase {
		public MyBase();
		public MyComponents Components { get; set; }
public class MyComponents {
		public MyComponents();
		public IDictionary<string, MySchema> Schemas { get; set; }
public class MySchema {
		public MySchema();
		public string Description { get; set; }

My usage so far:

		MyBase myBase = GetMyBase();

		StubbleVisitorRenderer stubble = new StubbleBuilder().Build();
		using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(@"template.mustache", Encoding.UTF8)) {
				var output = stubble.Render(streamReader.ReadToEnd(), myBase);

I was using a different library before that would output the following assuming myBase.Components.Schemas.Count == 3 :


Stubble only outputs:


I have figured out how to create a section with a specific key in the dictionary via {{#MyKeyName}}{{Description}}{{/MyKeyName}}.

Along the same lines, I'd like to get the key name while looping.

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