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ember-model-validator's Introduction


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Add validations to your Ember Data models on an explicit and easy way, without a bunch a validations files around or complicated structure.

This README outlines the details of collaborating on this Ember addon.


This Ember addon was born from the necessity of having a validation support for models like Rails has with Active Record Validations.


Install Ember-model-validator is easy as:

npm install ember-model-validator --save-dev or yarn add ember-model-validator --dev


Common options

All validators accept the following options

  • message option. Overwrites the default message, it can be a String (with a {value} in it for value interpolation) or a function that returns a string.
  • errorAs option. Sets the key name to be used when adding errors (default to property name).
  • allowBlank option. If set to true and the value is blank as defined by Ember.isBlank, all other validations for the field are skipped.
  • if option. Validates only when the function passed returns true. function(key,value, _this){...}.


A value is not present if it is empty or a whitespace string. It uses Ember.isBlank method. This can be also used on async belongsTo relations.

validations: {
  name: {
    presence: true;


These values: ['1', 1, true] are the acceptable values. But you can specify yours with the accept option.

validations: {
  acceptConditions: {
    acceptance: {
      accept: 'yes';

The accept option receives either a string or an array of acceptable values.


Validates that the specified attributes are absent. It uses Ember.isPresent method.

validations: {
  login: {
    absence: true;


Specify a Regex to validate with. It uses the match() method from String.

  validations: {
      format: { with: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ }


Specify the lengths that are allowed.

  • A number. The exact length of the value allowed (Alias for is).
  • An array. Will expand to minimum and maximum. First element is the lower bound, second element is the upper bound.
  • is option. The exact length of the value allowed.
  • minimum option. The minimum length of the value allowed.
  • maximum option. The maximum length of the value allowed.
  validations: {
    socialSecurity: {
      length: 5
    nsaNumber: {
      length: [3, 5]
    chuncaluchoNumber: {
      length: { is: 10, message: 'this is not the length of a chuncalucho' }
      length: {
        minimum: 3,
        maximum: 5
      length: {
        maximum: {
          value: 3,
          message: 'should be smaller'


Validates the proper format of the email.

  validations: {
    email: {
      email: true


The value must be a correct zipcode. The countryCode is optional and defaults to 'US'.

Countries supported and regular expressions used can be found in postal-codes-regex.js

  • countryCode option. The code of the country for which the postal code will be validated.
validations: {
  postalCode: {
    // If no countryCode is specified, 'US' is used as default
    zipCode: true;
validations: {
  postalCodeUK: {
    zipCode: {
      countryCode: 'UK';

Hex Color

The value must be a correct Hexadecimal color.

validations: {
  favoriteColor: {
    color: true;


The value must a well formatted subdomain. Here you can also specify reserved words.

validations: {
  mySubdomain: {
    subdomain: {
      reserved: ['admin', 'blog'];


The value must a well formatted URL.

validations: {
  myBlog: {
    URL: true;


The value has to be included in a given set.

  validations: {
      inclusion: { in: ['Jose Rene', 'Aristi Gol', 'Armani'] }


The value can't be included in a given set.

  validations: {
      exclusion: { in: ['Gionvany Hernandez', 'Wilder Medina'] }


Specify the attribute to match with.

  • A string. The name of the attribute to match with (Alias for attr).
  • attr option. The name of the attribute to match with.
  validations: {
      match: 'confirmationEmail'
      match: {
        attr: 'passwordConfirmation',
        message: 'sup, it is not the same!'


The value has to have only numeric values.

  • onlyInteger option. The value must be an integer.
  • greaterThan option. The value must be greater than the supplied value.
  • greaterThanOrEqualTo option. The value must be greater or equal to the supplied value.
  • equalTo option. The value must be equal to the supplied value.
  • lessThan option. The value must be less than the supplied value.
  • lessThanOrEqualTo option. The value must be less or equal to the supplied value.
  • odd option. The value must be odd.
  • even option. The value must be even.
validations: {
  lotteryNumber: {
    numericality: true;


The value must be a Date object or a string that produces a valid date when passed to the Date constructor.

  • before option. The value must be before the supplied date.
  • after option. The value must be after the supplied date.
  validations: {
    birthDate: {
      date: {
        before: new Date()
    signupDate: {
      date: {
        after: '2015-01-01'


Define a custom callback function to validate the model's value. The validation callback is passed 3 values: the key, value, model's scope. return true (or a truthy value) to pass the validation, return false (or falsy value) to fail the validation.

  validations: {
    lotteryNumber: {
      custom: function(key, value, model){
        return model.get('accountBalance') > 1 ? true : false;

this has the same action as above except will use a custom message instead of the default.

  validations: {
    lotteryNumber: {
      custom: {
        validation: function(key, value, model){
          return model.get('accountBalance') > 1 ? true : false;
        message: 'You can\'t win off of good looks and charm.'

to have multiple custom validation functions on the same property, give 'custom' an array of either of the two syntax above.

validations: {
  lotteryNumber: {
    custom: [
        validation: function(key, value, model) {
          return model.get('accountBalance') > 1 ? true : false;
        message: "You can't win off of good looks and charm."
        validation: function(key, value, model) {
          return model.get('accountBalance') > 1 ? true : false;
        message: "You can't win off of good looks and charm."


A set of validators which are especially useful for validating passwords. Be aware that these all of these password-aimed validations will work standalone and carry the same common options with the rest of the validations. They don't only work for passwords!

  • mustContainCapital (capital case character).
  • mustContainLower (lower case character).
  • mustContainNumber
  • mustContainSpecial
  • length (explained in-depth above).
validations: {
  password: {
    presence: true,
    mustContainCapital: true,
    mustContainLower: true,
    mustContainNumber: true,
    mustContainSpecial: {
      message: 'One of these characters is required: %@',
      acceptableChars: '-+_!@#$%^&*.,?()'
    length: {
      minimum: 6
  someOtherThing: {
    mustContainSpecial: true


This validator will run the validate() function for the specific relation. If it's a DS.hasMany relation then it will loop through all objects.

Note: The relations have to be embedded or the promise has to be already resolved.

  validations: {
      relations: ['hasMany']
      relations: ['belongsTo']

Using function to generate custom message

You can pass a function to generate a more specific error message. Some scenarios are:

  • When the message varies depending of the attribute value.
  • When you want to use model attributes in the message.

The message function receives the attribute name, the value of the attribute and the model itself.

NOTE: If the function doesn't return a string the default message is going to be used.

import Model from 'ember-data/model';
import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import Validator from '../mixins/model-validator';

export default Model.extend(Validator, {
  otherCustomAttribute: attr('number', { defaultValue: 12345 }),

  validations: {
    otherCustomAttribute: {
      custom: {
        validation: function(key, value) {
          return value.toString().length === 5 ? true : false;
        message: function(key, value, _this) {
          return key + ' must have exactly 5 digits';


Ember-model-validator provides a mixin to be included in your models for adding validation support. This mixin can be imported from your app's namespace (e.g. ../mixins/model-validator in your models).

By including Ember-model-validator's mixin into your model, this will have a validate function available, it is a synchronous function which returns either true or false.

You can also pass an option hash for excluding or forcing certain attributes to be validated, and to prevent errors to be added.

//Using `except`
myModel.validate({ except: ['name', 'cellphone'] });

//Using `only`
myModel.validate({ only: ['favoriteColor', 'mainstreamCode'] });

//Using `addErrors`
myModel.validate({ addErrors: false });
// This will validate the model but won't add any errors.

Usage Example

import Model from 'ember-data/model';
import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import { belongsTo, hasMany } from 'ember-data/relationships';
import Validator from '../mixins/model-validator';

export default Model.extend(Validator, {
  name: attr('string'),
  login: attr('string'),
  secondName: attr('string'),
  email: attr('string'),
  password: attr('string'),
  passwordConfirmation: attr('string'),
  bussinessEmail: attr('string', { defaultValue: '[email protected]' }),
  favoriteColor: attr('string', { defaultValue: '423abb' }),
  legacyCode: attr('string'),
  mainstreamCode: attr('string', { defaultValue: 'hiphopBachatudo' }),
  lotteryNumber: attr('number'),
  alibabaNumber: attr('number'),
  anInteger: attr('number', { defaultValue: 111 }),
  anIntegerGreaterThan4: attr('number', { defaultValue: 5 }),
  anIntegerLessThan4: attr('number', { defaultValue: 3 }),
  anIntegerGreaterThanOrEqual7: attr('number', { defaultValue: 7 }),
  anIntegerLessThanOrEqual6: attr('number', { defaultValue: 6 }),
  aTenNumber: attr('number', { defaultValue: 10 }),
  anOddNumber: attr('number', { defaultValue: 3 }),
  anEvenNumber: attr('number', { defaultValue: 2 }),
  anOptionalNumber: attr('number', { defaultValue: null }),
  acceptConditions: attr('boolean', { defaultValue: true }),
  socialSecurity: attr('number', { defaultValue: 12345 }),
  nsaNumber: attr('number', { defaultValue: 1234 }),
  chuncaluchoNumber: attr('number', { defaultValue: 1234567891 }),
  theMinimunmTwoNumber: attr('number', { defaultValue: 3223 }),
  theMinimunmInterpolatedTenNumber: attr('number', { defaultValue: 3223222222 }),
  hugeName: attr('string', { defaultValue: 12345 }),
  postalCodeUS: attr('string', { defaultValue: '09011' }),
  postalCodeUK: attr('string', { defaultValue: 'KY16 8BP' }),
  postalCodeCA: attr('string', { defaultValue: 'T2A2V8' }),
  postalCodeZZ: attr('string', { defaultValue: '09011' }),
  mySubdomain: attr('string', { defaultValue: 'fake_subdomain' }),
  myBlog: attr('string', { defaultValue: '' }),
  otherFakes: hasMany('other-model'),
  otherFake: belongsTo('other-model'),
  asyncModel: belongsTo('async-model', { async: true }),
  thing: attr(''),
  otherCustomValidation: attr('number', { defaultValue: 12345 }),
  otherCustomValidationBadMessageFunction: attr('number', { defaultValue: 12345 }),
  date: attr('date', {
    defaultValue() {
      return new Date();
  stringDate: attr('string', { defaultValue: '2015-01-01' }),
  dateBefore2015: attr('date', {
    defaultValue() {
      return new Date(2014, 7, 1);
  dateAfter2014: attr('date', {
    defaultValue() {
      return new Date(2015, 5, 3);
  images: attr(''),
  condType: attr('string'),

  validations: {
    asyncModel: {
      presence: true
    name: {
      presence: { errorAs: '' },
      inclusion: { in: ['Jose Rene', 'Aristi Gol', 'Armani'], message: 'Solo verde a morir' }
    images: {
      presence: {
        if: function(key, value, _this) {
          return 'gallery' === _this.get('condType');
    login: {
      absence: true
    secondName: {
      exclusion: { in: ['Gionvany Hernandez', 'Wilder Medina'], message: 'Que iNrresponsabilidad' }
    socialSecurity: {
      length: 5
    nsaNumber: {
      length: [3, 5]
    chuncaluchoNumber: {
      length: { is: 10, message: 'this is not the length of a chuncalucho' }
    theMinimunmTwoNumber: {
      length: {
        minimum: {
          value: 2,
          message: 'please it has to be minimum 2 come on man!!'
    theMinimunmInterpolatedTenNumber: {
      length: {
        minimum: {
          value: 10,
          message: 'eeeche {value}'
    hugeName: {
      length: {
        minimum: 3,
        maximum: 5
    bussinessEmail: {
      presence: { message: "sup dude, where's da email" },
      email: { message: 'Be professional ma men' }
    favoriteColor: {
      color: { message: 'not a hex color' }
    email: {
      presence: true,
      email: true
    password: {
      custom: function(key, value, _this) {
        return String(value) === String(_this.get('socialSecurity')) ? false : true;
      match: 'passwordConfirmation',
      mustContainCapital: true,
      mustContainLower: true,
      mustContainNumber: true,
      mustContainSpecial: true
    thing: {
      custom: [
          validation: function(key, value, _this) {
            return value !== 'blahblahblahblahbthishouldneverfaillahblahblah';
          validation: function(key, value, _this) {
            return value !== 'fail';
    mySubdomain: {
      subdomain: { reserved: ['admin', 'blog'], message: 'this subdomain is super invalid' }
    myBlog: {
      URL: true
    mainstreamCode: {
      format: { with: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/, message: "nu nu, that's not the format" }
    legacyCode: {
      format: { with: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ }
    anInteger: {
      numericality: { onlyInteger: true }
    anIntegerLessThan4: {
      numericality: { lessThan: 4 }
    anIntegerGreaterThan4: {
      numericality: { greaterThan: 4 }
    anIntegerGreaterThanOrEqual7: {
      numericality: { greaterThanOrEqualTo: 7 }
    anIntegerLessThanOrEqual6: {
      numericality: { lessThanOrEqualTo: 6 }
    aTenNumber: {
      numericality: { equalTo: 10 }
    anOddNumber: {
      numericality: { odd: true }
    anEvenNumber: {
      numericality: { even: true }
    anOptionalNumber: {
      numericality: { onlyInteger: true, allowBlank: true }
    alibabaNumber: {
      numericality: { message: 'is not abracadabra' }
    lotteryNumber: {
      numericality: true,
      custom: {
        validation: function(key, value, _this) {
          var favColor = _this.get('favoriteColor');
          return !!favColor;
        message: 'must have a favorite color to play the lotto, duh'
    acceptConditions: {
      acceptance: true
    postalCodeUS: {
      zipCode: true
    postalCodeUK: {
      zipCode: { countryCode: 'UK' }
    postalCodeCA: {
      zipCode: { countryCode: 'CA' }
    postalCodeZZ: {
      zipCode: { countryCode: 'ZZ' }
    otherFakes: {
      relations: ['hasMany']
    otherFake: {
      presence: true,
      relations: ['belongsTo']
    otherCustomValidation: {
      custom: {
        validation: function(key, value) {
          return value.toString().length === 5 ? true : false;
        message: function(key, value, _this) {
          return key + ' must have exactly 5 digits';
    otherCustomValidationBadMessageFunction: {
      custom: {
        validation: function(key, value) {
          return value.toString().length === 5 ? true : false;
        message: function(key, value, _this) {
          return 12345;
    date: {
      date: true
    stringDate: {
      date: true
    dateBefore2015: {
      date: {
        before: new Date(2015, 1, 1)
    dateAfter2014: {
      date: {
        after: new Date(2014, 12, 31)

After setting the validations on your model you will be able to:

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

export default Route.extend({
  actions: {
    saveFakeModel: function() {
      let _this = this,
        fakeModel = this.get('model');

      if (fakeModel.validate()) {
          // Success
          function() {
            // Alert success
            console.log('ooooh yeah we just saved the FakeModel...');

          // Error handling
          function(error) {
            // Alert failure
            console.log('There was a problem saving the FakeModel...');
      } else {

Or Usage in non Model(Controller, Componente, Object ...) Example

import Component from '@ember/component';
import Validator from '../mixins/object-validator';

export default Component.extend(Validator, {
  test: 'ABC',

  validations: {
    test: {
      presence: true


Set validatorDefaultLocale in your config enviroment a language, for now it's possible use 'en', 'fr', 'es' or 'pt-br', default is 'en';

      validatorDefaultLocale: 'pt-br'

Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:each to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server

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