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react-native-popover-view's Issues

Dependency Error

So I just started trying to use this, and immediately got an error:

Unable to resolve ../../react-navigation/src/navigators/createKeyboardAwareNavigator" from ".//node_modules/react-native-popover-view/src/PopoverStackNavigator.js`: The module `../../react-navigation/src/navigators/createKeyboardAwareNavigator` could not be found"

Not sure what I did wrong here.

Popover is shown under text elements

Describe the bug
I am using the component with tooltip mode. It is shown under text. z index won't help. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
Thank you!


Add parameters to control animations

I have different situations where the default animation is acting strange. I'd like the ability to adjust duration, easing, or turn it off altogether.

sound during popover

hi, thanks for this library.
Do you support with option to have a sound when the popover show? if not can you please tell me how can I do that?


Can't display a dialog after popover did close (iOS only)

Describe the bug
In popoverDoneClosing I want to open the Alert dialog. On iOS, the alert closes straight after it showed and after that the app freezes. You can't tap anything, my guess is that popover modal doesn't close properly and overlays the entire screen (like in #16). If you wrap Alert in setTimeout with 0 (zero) interval you may get this behavior after the second hit. You can try it out in this Expo Snack: With 100 interval, it's pretty much ok, but it still freezes occasionally.
Expected bevavior: I call Alert in popoverDoneClosing and it displays without closing and freezing the app, without the need to set a timeout.

Device/Setup Info:

  • Device: any iPhone
  • OS: iOS 12.2
  • react-native version: 0.58.5
  • react-native-popover-view version: 1.0.19

Debug Output
This bug does not reproduce when Remote Debug is enabled.

Incorrect popover origin when size changes during animate in

Describe the bug
If the popover size gets bigger as the view is animating in (for example, if content is loaded async and then re-rendered just before or during animation), the popover appears to be originating from a location that is below the actual fromRect.

Device/Setup Info:

  • Device: iPad Pro 12.9"
  • OS: iOS 12
  • react-native version: 0.57
  • react-native-popover-view version: 1.0.16

See CC Orlando App - Bible Tab - Top right button

Debug Output

measureContent - Showing Popover - Animating In
getTranslateOrigin - popoverOrigin: {"x":908,"y":30}
getTranslateOrigin - popoverSize: {"width":380,"height":911}
getTranslateOrigin - anchorPoint: {"x":1296,"y":42}
getTranslateOrigin - shift: {"hoizontal":198,"vertical":-443.5}
measureContent - new requestedContentSize: {"y":0,"width":380,"x":0,"height":984} (used to be {"y":0,"width":380,"x":0,"height":911})
handleGeomChange - requestedContentSize: : {"y":0,"width":380,"x":0,"height":984}
computeGeometry - displayArea: {"x":10,"y":30,"width":1346,"height":984}
computeGeometry - fromRect: {"x":1296,"y":22,"width":70,"height":40}
computeGeometry - displayArea: {"x":10,"y":30,"width":1346,"height":984}
computeGeometry - fromRect: {"x":1296,"y":22,"width":70,"height":40}

Element from which popover was opened above modal

Hi, is it possible to make the clicked element that was used to trigger the popover visibility appear "above" the modal background of the popover? At the same level as the popover.
I tried messing around with z-indexes but with no luck.

Thank you.

When click on button for multiple times popover is opening and screen got strucked?

Here is my sample code you can look into it.

showPopover() {
   this.setState({isVisible: true});

 closePopover() {
    this.setState({isVisible: false});

 render() {
    return (

    <TouchableHighlight ref={ref => this.touchable = ref} style={styles.button} onPress={() => this.showPopover()}> <Text>Press me</Text> </TouchableHighlight> 
      onClose={() => this.closePopover()}>
      <Text>I'm the content of this popover!</Text>


RTL support not provided. PopOver view does not display when app switched to RTL

Describe the bug
What is it that you are seeing? Please be detailed in your description so that I can help fix your issue as quickly as possible.

Device/Setup Info:

  • Device: [e.g. iPhone 6]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS 8.1]
  • react-native version: [e.g. 0.57.1]
  • react-native-popover-view version: [e.g. 1.0.7]

If there is a visual issue, add screenshots or a video so that I can see what is going on.

Debug Output
Pass the debug={true} prop into the Popover, and then paste the contents of the log here.

Multiple Popovers opening in sequence, second not opening when triggered by button in first

Sorry for my bad English.
I want to use react-native-popover-view as a guide for new user. If user read the first guide and they click "Ok" it will open the second guide. My code is below.
Thank you for your help !
"react-native-popover-view": "version": "1.0.9",
"react-native": "version": "0.57.4",

export default class App extends Component<Props> {
  componentDidMount() {
    this.setState({ isVisible: true });
  state = {
    isVisible: false,
    isVisible2: false

  showPopover() {
    this.setState({ isVisible: true });
  showPopover2() {
    this.setState({ isVisible2: true });
    this.setState({ isVisible: false });

  closePopover() {
    this.setState({ isVisible: false });
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          onClose={() => this.closePopover()}
          <Text style={styles.test}>The first guide</Text>
            onPress={() => this.showPopover2()}
            <Text>go to second</Text>
          onClose={() => this.closePopover()}
          <Text style={styles.test}>The second guide</Text>
            onPress={() => this.showPopover()}
            <Text>Press me</Text>

          ref={ref => (this.touchable = ref)}
          onPress={() => this.showPopover()}
          <Text>Press me</Text>
          ref2={ref2 => (this.touchable2 = ref2)}
          text 1

Update react

Event componentWillRecieveProps will deprecate after updating react.
Use getDerivedStateFromProps() and componentDidUpdate() instead componentWillReceiveProps();

Android Support

Thank you for this beautiful work
I know that this library have problems with android
I tryed this library on my project (android) and i noticed that the pop over is displayed only if i rotate the display after call the show pop over function
Maybe this can help you to fix
When do you think this library will support android?

Subtract verticalOffset from popover height to preserve margins on popover

verticalOffset still required on Android on version 2.x when running on expo, and may update the popover height according the vertical offset too (for better experience on large popovers like the image attached)

here snippet and screenshots, thanks and awesome work !!!

btw: on iOS works as expected.

  ref={ref => (this._controls_button_ref = ref)}
    position: 'absolute',
    top: 0,
    right: 0
    Platform.OS === 'android' ? -Constants.statusBarHeight : 0
  <View>Stuff here</View>


Error while wrapping the PopOver inside a Text element

<Text> <Text style={styles.sectionTitle} onPress={() => this.setState({isVisible: true})} ref={(ref) => (this.touchable = ref)}> Click here to show PopOver </Text> <View style={styles.popover}> <Popover isVisible={this.state.isVisible} fromView={this.touchable} placement={'bottom'} onRequestClose={() => this.closePopover()}> <Text>ReactNativePopOverViewSuccessfull</Text> </Popover> </View> </Text>

code shown above is from my poc . In my actual project all of my components are dynamically created and i need to show popover to a particular text component, so i tried wrapping up the popover inside the text component but it fires error while clicking the text component

Device/Setup Info:

  • OS: Android 10
  • react-native version: 0.61.5
  • react-native-popover-view version: 2.1.0


isVisible:true not popup when open the app by default

Open app and refresh ctrl+R (working)

setDefaultDisplayArea - newDisplayArea: {"x":10,"y":10,"width":391.4285583496094,"height":639.4285888671875} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 measureContent - Showing Popover - requestedContentSize: {"height":55.42856979370117,"width":151.42857360839844,"y":0,"x":0} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 computeGeometry - displayArea: {"x":10,"y":10,"width":391.4285583496094,"height":639.4285888671875} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 computeGeometry - fromRect: {"x":350,"y":20.571428298950195,"width":40.85714340209961,"height":40.85714340209961} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 computeGeometry - displayArea: {"x":10,"y":10,"width":391.4285583496094,"height":639.4285888671875} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 computeGeometry - fromRect: {"x":350,"y":20.571428298950195,"width":40.85714340209961,"height":40.85714340209961} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 measureContent - Showing Popover - geom: {"popoverOrigin":{"x":190.57142639160156,"y":13.285715103149414},"anchorPoint":{"x":350,"y":41},"placement":"left","forcedContentSize":{"height":639.4285888671875,"width":332},"viewLargerThanDisplayArea":{"height":false,"width":false}} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 measureContent - Showing Popover - Animating In blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - fromRect: {"x":350,"y":20.571428298950195,"width":40.85714340209961,"height":40.85714340209961} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - getDisplayArea(): {"x":10,"y":10,"width":391.4285583496094,"height":639.4285888671875} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - displayAreaStore: {"x":10,"y":10,"width":391.4285583496094,"height":639.4285888671875} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:26989 Running application "BoostMerchantApp" with appParams: {"rootTag":61}. __DEV__ === true, development-level warning are ON, performance optimizations are OFF

Close app and open again (not working)
setDefaultDisplayArea - newDisplayArea: {"x":10,"y":10,"width":391.4285583496094,"height":639.4285888671875} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 measureContent - Waiting for resize to finish blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - fromRect: {"x":350,"y":20.571428298950195,"width":40.85714340209961,"height":40.85714340209961} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - getDisplayArea(): {"x":10,"y":10,"width":391.4285583496094,"height":639.4285888671875} blob:http://localhost:8081/3a732971-c4ed-43dd-a0b0-e8e189bfa30e:142043 setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - displayAreaStore: undefined

Make style attributes accept an array

It would be cool if the popoverStyle prop (and all other style props, would accept an array as all other RN elements with style prop do. The background here is to apply different styles through a hook (e.g. react-navigations useTheme hook).

const { colors } = useTheme()
<View style={[styles.modal, { backgroundColor: colors.background }]}>

Not working in RTL direction

I am showing popup but when i switched to arabic language. application direction get changed as below :

if(language == "arabic"){

After allowing RTL when i tried to show popup screen stuck.

Getting a TypeError crash


I keep running in the same crash, takes a few seconds to popup but it always does.

Can't quite work out what's causing it.

I'm running it with Expo (v28).

simulator screen shot - iphone 8 - 2018-08-08 at 13 17 43

Not sure what else to provide. Let me know what could help?


onClose working in 2.0.4 but onRequestClose dont

I had version 1.0.18 so i uninstalled and installed newest version 2.0.4, and onRequestClose wasn't working but onClose(deprecated) was working. How can i solve this?
The "Example" folder shows the use of onClose still

Arrow Style | how to add arrow style to mode={ 'rn-modal'}


Can you please suggest me how to add arrow style for rn-modal

                        onRequestClose={() => this.closePopover()}>
                        <View style={{
                            backgroundColor: '#2f2f2f',
                            padding: 20,
                            width: normalize(260),


Android devices positioning popover in center of screen

So I've got a bit of a weird bug going on that I can't quite seem to figure out. On iOS devices, this popover appears correctly at the top of the view. But on android devices, it gets shoved into the middle, and the arrow is dead center on the screen:


However, this popover which is attached to an absolutely positioned element on the screen shows up correctly on both devices?


Sorry about the cropping, its not an open project. Happy to provide as much information as I can, just not sure exactly where to start in terms of providing helpful content.

Popovers don't fade under status bar + modal shifts around

Describe the bug
My app is set up to render under a translucent status bar but modals always avoid it. I'm using the rn-modal mode and it works alright but I can see the status bar area does not fade and the popover shifts around vertically after animating in sometimes. I suspect this is due to the status bar differences.

I see there is a statusBarTranslucent prop for Modal but there is no way for me to pass that in. I have tried the other modes but they do not work for my use case.

Device/Setup Info:

  • Device: Moto e5 cruise, Samsung Galaxy S7 edge, Samsung Galaxy S10+
  • OS: Android 8 to 10
  • react-native version: 0.61 (Expo SDK 37)
  • react-native-popover-view version: 2.0.7

Debug Output

componentWillReceiveProps - Awaiting popover show
setDefaultDisplayArea - newDisplayArea: {"x":10,"y":34,"width":340,"height":524}
setDefaultDisplayArea - displayAreaOffset: {"x":0,"y":0}
setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - fromRect
setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - getDisplayArea(): {"x":10,"y":34,"width":340,"height":524}
setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - displayAreaStore: {"x":10,"y":10,"width":340,"height":548}
setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - Triggering state update
handleGeomChange - requestedContentSize: : {"y":0,"height":290,"width":178.5,"x":0}
computeGeometry - displayArea: {"x":10,"y":34,"width":340,"height":524}
computeGeometry - fromRect: {}
handleGeomChange - Triggering popover move to: {"x":90.75,"y":151}
setDefaultDisplayArea - newDisplayArea: {"x":10,"y":10,"width":340,"height":548}
setDefaultDisplayArea - displayAreaOffset: {"x":0,"y":0}
setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - fromRect
setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - getDisplayArea(): {"x":10,"y":10,"width":340,"height":548}
setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - displayAreaStore: {"x":10,"y":34,"width":340,"height":524}
setDefaultDisplayArea (inside calculateRect callback) - Triggering state update
handleGeomChange - requestedContentSize: : {"y":0,"height":290,"width":178.5,"x":0}
computeGeometry - displayArea: {"x":10,"y":10,"width":340,"height":548}
computeGeometry - fromRect: {}
handleGeomChange - Triggering popover move to: {"x":90.75,"y":139}
measureContent - Showing Popover - requestedContentSize: {"y":0,"height":290,"width":178.5,"x":0}
computeGeometry - displayArea: {"x":10,"y":10,"width":340,"height":548}
computeGeometry - fromRect: {}
measureContent - Showing Popover - geom: {"popoverOrigin":{"x":90.75,"y":139},"anchorPoint":{"x":180,"y":284},"forcedContentSize":{"width":340,"height":548},"viewLargerThanDisplayArea":{"width":false,"height":false},"showArrow":false}
measureContent - Showing Popover - Animating In
getTranslateOrigin - popoverOrigin: {"x":90.75,"y":139}
getTranslateOrigin - popoverSize: {"width":178.5,"height":290}
getTranslateOrigin - anchorPoint: {"x":180,"y":284}
getTranslateOrigin - shift: {"hoizontal":0,"vertical":0}
animateIn - onOpenComplete - Calculated Popover Rect: {"x":91,"y":139,"width":178.5,"height":290}

This is the output from when the popover moved after animating in. We can see it started at Y=151 but then moved to Y=139. The status bar height is 24 and this is a difference of 12. This makes sense because the modal is set to be centered.

Bug in calculating size

Describe the bug
There are two bugs that cause the initial calculation of the popover to frequently be incorrect and cause incorrect animate slide in effects.

Device/Setup Info:

  • Device: iPad Air Simulator
  • OS: iOS 13.3
  • react-native version: 0.61
  • react-native-popover-view version: 2.04


Broken on RN 0.57.0

I think this may be related to #16 . Ever since I updated to react-native 0.57, whenever I try to open the popover the entire app just "freezes". I suspect that there is some sort of invisible overlay blocking all user interaction because I can still shake to refresh and access dev menu.

Custom Arrow Color

Thanks for the great work.

It'd be great if it could change the arrow color of the popover.
What do you think about accepting style prop?

I just want to say this is an awesome component

I have had 0 issues using it, it worked flawlessly, the documentation is clear and concise, the usage is obvious, and within minutes I had popups working in my app.

This is seriously the best RN component I've ever used.

Android Support

It's promising but the demo app didn't work on Android at all.
Any plan to support Android?

error: bundling failed: Error: Unable to resolve module `../../react-navigation/src/views/StackView/StackView`

Thanks for all the work put into this repo. It works really well. However I tried upgrading to react-navigation v2.12.1 and I keep getting this error:

error: bundling failed: Error: Unable to resolve module ../../react-navigation/src/views/StackView/StackView from /.../node_modules/react-native-popover-view/src/PopoverStackNavigator.js: The module ../../react-navigation/src/views/StackView/StackView could not be found from /..../node_modules/react-native-popover-view/src/PopoverStackNavigator.js. Indeed, none of these files exist:

I am not using this library for react navigation integration, I just want the component. Is there a way to turn off this react-navigation integration option? It is causing more headaches than it solves.

I'm using v1.0.5 of this repo.

Does not function on certain devices


It works perfectly in the iOS simulator; however, I have tested on a physical device (both iPhone and iPad) and it does not render.

In fact, trying to present the popover actually crashes the app with no error... it just freezes. I really liked this library but this is a deal-breaker. I am building with Xcode 9.4.1

mode={'tooltip'} not opens popover

I want to open pop over without dim effect, I have tried to use mode = {'tooltip} but after using mode popover is not opening. It's working fine with 'rn-modal' .

<Popover isVisible={this.state.modalVisible} mode={"tooltip"} popoverStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }} onRequestClose={() => this.setState({ modalVisible: false, selectedItem: "" }) } >

animationConfig not valid in typescript 3.6.3

Setting animationConfig to {duration: 100} results in a TS error. Maybe something changed on the RN side of the type definitions?

No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 2, '(props: Readonly<PopoverViewProps>): Popover', gave the following error.
    Property 'toValue' is missing in type '{ duration: number; }' but required in type 'TimingAnimationConfig'.
  Overload 2 of 2, '(props: PopoverViewProps, context?: any): Popover', gave the following error.
    Property 'toValue' is missing in type '{ duration: number; }' but required in type 'TimingAnimationConfig'.
  • react-native version: 0.60.5
  • react-native-popover-view version: 2.0.5
  • typescript version: 3.6.3

edit: small additional unrelated TS issue, Popover.MODE constants aren't in the .d.ts file resulting in TS errors when they are referenced.

Shadow style not displaying

Running on React Native 0.55.4

I noticed that the default styles for the popover include a box shadow around the view. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be displaying.

It seems that the issue might be a conflict with Animated.View and the boxShadow styles. If I manually hack it so that the styles get applied to a regular View child below the Animated.View, the shadow displays as expected.

Popover does not show if isVisible is initially true

I pasted the "Standalone" example into my project. At the top of the file:

import Popover from 'react-native-popover-view'

In render:

      <Text>Hello, world.</Text>

It simply does not work... there are no errors but nothing shows up. I am using an iOS simulator (yes, this.state.isVisible is true). Is there some other setup required or what? I thought the width and size props were optional.

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