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thebestofbaseballawards's Introduction

Open TheBestOfBaseballAwards.pdf to see project instructions. The rest of this readme file contains information about the dataset.

1.1 Copyright Notice & Limited Use License

This database is copyright 1996-2018 by Sean Lahman. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For details see:

For licensing information or further information, contact Sean Lahman
at: [email protected]


1.2 Contact Information

Web site:
E-Mail : [email protected]

If you're interested in contributing to the maintenance of this 
database or making suggestions for improvement, please consider
joining our mailinglist at:

If you are interested in similar databases for other sports, please
vist the Open Source Sports website at

2.0 Data Tables

The design follows these general principles.  Each player is assigned a
unique number (playerID).  All of the information relating to that player
is tagged with his playerID.  The playerIDs are linked to names and 
birthdates in the MASTER table.

The database is comprised of the following main tables:

  People - Player names, DOB, and biographical info
  Batting - batting statistics
  Pitching - pitching statistics
  Fielding - fielding statistics

It is supplemented by these tables:

  AllStarFull - All-Star appearances
  HallofFame - Hall of Fame voting data
  Managers - managerial statistics
  Teams - yearly stats and standings 
  BattingPost - post-season batting statistics
  PitchingPost - post-season pitching statistics
  TeamFranchises - franchise information
  FieldingOF - outfield position data  
  FieldingPost- post-season fielding data
  FieldingOFsplit - LF/CF/RF splits
  ManagersHalf - split season data for managers
  TeamsHalf - split season data for teams
  Salaries - player salary data
  SeriesPost - post-season series information
  AwardsManagers - awards won by managers 
  AwardsPlayers - awards won by players
  AwardsShareManagers - award voting for manager awards
  AwardsSharePlayers - award voting for player awards
  Appearances - details on the positions a player appeared at
  Schools - list of colleges that players attended
  CollegePlaying - list of players and the colleges they attended
  Parks - list of major league ballparls
  HomeGames - Number of homegames played by each team in each ballpark

2.1 People table

playerID       A unique code asssigned to each player.  The playerID links
                 the data in this file with records in the other files.
birthYear      Year player was born
birthMonth     Month player was born
birthDay       Day player was born
birthCountry   Country where player was born
birthState     State where player was born
birthCity      City where player was born
deathYear      Year player died
deathMonth     Month player died
deathDay       Day player died
deathCountry   Country where player died
deathState     State where player died
deathCity      City where player died
nameFirst      Player's first name
nameLast       Player's last name
nameGiven      Player's given name (typically first and middle)
weight         Player's weight in pounds
height         Player's height in inches
bats           Player's batting hand (left, right, or both)         
throws         Player's throwing hand (left or right)
debut          Date that player made first major league appearance
finalGame      Date that player made first major league appearance (blank if still active)
retroID        ID used by retrosheet
bbrefID        ID used by Baseball Reference website

2.2 Batting Table
playerID       Player ID code
yearID         Year
stint          player's stint (order of appearances within a season)
teamID         Team
lgID           League
G              Games
AB             At Bats
R              Runs
H              Hits
2B             Doubles
3B             Triples
HR             Homeruns
RBI            Runs Batted In
SB             Stolen Bases
CS             Caught Stealing
BB             Base on Balls
SO             Strikeouts
IBB            Intentional walks
HBP            Hit by pitch
SH             Sacrifice hits
SF             Sacrifice flies
GIDP           Grounded into double plays

2.3 Pitching table

playerID       Player ID code
yearID         Year
stint          player's stint (order of appearances within a season)
teamID         Team
lgID           League
W              Wins
L              Losses
G              Games
GS             Games Started
CG             Complete Games 
SHO            Shutouts
SV             Saves
IPOuts         Outs Pitched (innings pitched x 3)
H              Hits
ER             Earned Runs
HR             Homeruns
BB             Walks
SO             Strikeouts
BAOpp          Opponent's Batting Average
ERA            Earned Run Average
IBB            Intentional Walks
WP             Wild Pitches
HBP            Batters Hit By Pitch
BK             Balks
BFP            Batters faced by Pitcher
GF             Games Finished
R              Runs Allowed
SH             Sacrifices by opposing batters
SF             Sacrifice flies by opposing batters
GIDP           Grounded into double plays by opposing batter
2.4 Fielding Table

playerID       Player ID code
yearID         Year
stint          player's stint (order of appearances within a season)
teamID         Team
lgID           League
Pos            Position
G              Games 
GS             Games Started
InnOuts        Time played in the field expressed as outs 
PO             Putouts
A              Assists
E              Errors
DP             Double Plays
PB             Passed Balls (by catchers)
WP             Wild Pitches (by catchers)
SB             Opponent Stolen Bases (by catchers)
CS             Opponents Caught Stealing (by catchers)
ZR             Zone Rating

2.5  AllstarFull table

playerID       Player ID code
YearID         Year
gameNum        Game number (zero if only one All-Star game played that season)
gameID         Retrosheet ID for the game idea
teamID         Team
lgID           League
GP             1 if Played in the game
startingPos    If player was game starter, the position played
2.6  HallOfFame table

playerID       Player ID code
yearID         Year of ballot
votedBy        Method by which player was voted upon
ballots        Total ballots cast in that year
needed         Number of votes needed for selection in that year
votes          Total votes received
inducted       Whether player was inducted by that vote or not (Y or N)
category       Category in which candidate was honored
needed_note    Explanation of qualifiers for special elections
2.7  Managers table
playerID       Player ID Number
yearID         Year
teamID         Team
lgID           League
inseason       Managerial order.  Zero if the individual managed the team
                 the entire year.  Otherwise denotes where the manager appeared
                 in the managerial order (1 for first manager, 2 for second, etc.)
G              Games managed
W              Wins
L              Losses
rank           Team's final position in standings that year
plyrMgr        Player Manager (denoted by 'Y')

2.8  Teams table

yearID         Year
lgID           League
teamID         Team
franchID       Franchise (links to TeamsFranchise table)
divID          Team's division
Rank           Position in final standings
G              Games played
GHome          Games played at home
W              Wins
L              Losses
DivWin         Division Winner (Y or N)
WCWin          Wild Card Winner (Y or N)
LgWin          League Champion(Y or N)
WSWin          World Series Winner (Y or N)
R              Runs scored
AB             At bats
H              Hits by batters
2B             Doubles
3B             Triples
HR             Homeruns by batters
BB             Walks by batters
SO             Strikeouts by batters
SB             Stolen bases
CS             Caught stealing
HBP            Batters hit by pitch
SF             Sacrifice flies
RA             Opponents runs scored
ER             Earned runs allowed
ERA            Earned run average
CG             Complete games
SHO            Shutouts
SV             Saves
IPOuts         Outs Pitched (innings pitched x 3)
HA             Hits allowed
HRA            Homeruns allowed
BBA            Walks allowed
SOA            Strikeouts by pitchers
E              Errors
DP             Double Plays
FP             Fielding  percentage
name           Team's full name
park           Name of team's home ballpark
attendance     Home attendance total
BPF            Three-year park factor for batters
PPF            Three-year park factor for pitchers
teamIDBR       Team ID used by Baseball Reference website
teamIDlahman45 Team ID used in Lahman database version 4.5
teamIDretro    Team ID used by Retrosheet

2.9  BattingPost table

yearID         Year
round          Level of playoffs 
playerID       Player ID code
teamID         Team
lgID           League
G              Games
AB             At Bats
R              Runs
H              Hits
2B             Doubles
3B             Triples
HR             Homeruns
RBI            Runs Batted In
SB             Stolen Bases
CS             Caught stealing
BB             Base on Balls
SO             Strikeouts
IBB            Intentional walks
HBP            Hit by pitch
SH             Sacrifices
SF             Sacrifice flies
GIDP           Grounded into double plays

2.10  PitchingPost table

playerID       Player ID code
yearID         Year
round          Level of playoffs 
teamID         Team
lgID           League
W              Wins
L              Losses
G              Games
GS             Games Started
CG             Complete Games
SHO             Shutouts 
SV             Saves
IPOuts         Outs Pitched (innings pitched x 3)
H              Hits
ER             Earned Runs
HR             Homeruns
BB             Walks
SO             Strikeouts
BAOpp          Opponents' batting average
ERA            Earned Run Average
IBB            Intentional Walks
WP             Wild Pitches
HBP            Batters Hit By Pitch
BK             Balks
BFP            Batters faced by Pitcher
GF             Games Finished
R              Runs Allowed
SH             Sacrifice Hits allowed
SF             Sacrifice Flies allowed
GIDP           Grounded into Double Plays

2.11 TeamFranchises table

franchID       Franchise ID
franchName     Franchise name
active         Whetehr team is currently active (Y or N)
NAassoc        ID of National Association team franchise played as

2.12 FieldingOF table

playerID       Player ID code
yearID         Year
stint          player's stint (order of appearances within a season)
Glf            Games played in left field
Gcf            Games played in center field
Grf            Games played in right field

2.13 ManagersHalf table

playerID       Manager ID code
yearID         Year
teamID         Team
lgID           League
inseason       Managerial order.  One if the individual managed the team
                 the entire year.  Otherwise denotes where the manager appeared
                 in the managerial order (1 for first manager, 2 for second, etc.)
half           First or second half of season
G              Games managed
W              Wins
L              Losses
rank           Team's position in standings for the half

2.14 TeamsHalf table

yearID         Year
lgID           League
teamID         Team
half           First or second half of season
divID          Division
DivWin         Won Division (Y or N)
rank           Team's position in standings for the half
G              Games played
W              Wins
L              Losses

2.15 Salaries table

yearID         Year
teamID         Team
lgID           League
playerID       Player ID code
salary         Salary

2.16 SeriesPost table

yearID         Year
round          Level of playoffs 
teamIDwinner   Team ID of the team that won the series
lgIDwinner     League ID of the team that won the series
teamIDloser    Team ID of the team that lost the series
lgIDloser      League ID of the team that lost the series 
wins           Wins by team that won the series
losses         Losses by team that won the series
ties           Tie games
2.17 AwardsManagers table

playerID       Manager ID code
awardID        Name of award won
yearID         Year
lgID           League
tie            Award was a tie (Y or N)
notes          Notes about the award

2.18 AwardsPlayers table

playerID       Player ID code
awardID        Name of award won
yearID         Year
lgID           League
tie            Award was a tie (Y or N)
notes          Notes about the award

2.19 AwardsShareManagers table

awardID        name of award votes were received for
yearID         Year
lgID           League
playerID       Manager ID code
pointsWon      Number of points received
pointsMax      Maximum numner of points possible
votesFirst     Number of first place votes

2.20 AwardsSharePlayers table

awardID        name of award votes were received for
yearID         Year
lgID           League
playerID       Player ID code
pointsWon      Number of points received
pointsMax      Maximum numner of points possible
votesFirst     Number of first place votes

2.21 FieldingPost table

playerID       Player ID code
yearID         Year
teamID         Team
lgID           League
round          Level of playoffs 
Pos            Position
G              Games 
GS             Games Started
InnOuts        Time played in the field expressed as outs 
PO             Putouts
A              Assists
E              Errors
DP             Double Plays
TP             Triple Plays
PB             Passed Balls
SB             Stolen Bases allowed (by catcher)
CS             Caught Stealing (by catcher)

2.22 Appearances table

yearID         Year
teamID         Team
lgID           League
playerID       Player ID code
G_all          Total games played
GS             Games started
G_batting      Games in which player batted
G_defense      Games in which player appeared on defense
G_p            Games as pitcher
G_c            Games as catcher
G_1b           Games as firstbaseman
G_2b           Games as secondbaseman
G_3b           Games as thirdbaseman
G_ss           Games as shortstop
G_lf           Games as leftfielder
G_cf           Games as centerfielder
G_rf           Games as right fielder
G_of           Games as outfielder
G_dh           Games as designated hitter
G_ph           Games as pinch hitter
G_pr           Games as pinch runner

2.23 Schools table
schoolID       school ID code
schoolName     school name
schoolCity     city where school is located
schoolState    state where school's city is located
schoolNick     nickname for school's baseball team

2.24 CollegePlaying table
playerid       Player ID code
schoolID       school ID code
year           year

2.25 FieldingOFsplit table
playerID       Player ID code
yearID         Year
stint          player's stint (order of appearances within a season)
teamID         Team
lgID           League
Pos            Position
G              Games 
GS             Games Started
InnOuts        Time played in the field expressed as outs 
PO             Putouts
A              Assists
E              Errors
DP             Double Plays

2.26 Parks table
park.key		ballpark ID code       name of ballpark
park.alias      alternate names of ballpark
city            city
state           state 
country			country

2.27 HomeGames table
year.key		year
league.key		league
team.key		team ID
park.key		ballpark ID
span.first      date of first game played
span.last		date of last game played
games			total number of games
openings		total number of dates played
attendance		total attendaance

thebestofbaseballawards's People


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