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polytoria-apis-docs's Introduction

Polytoria New Website APIs

β€Ό Polytoria Offical API Documentation is out now

something undocumented, so it's time to dig down.


  • Parameters is formatting like the following: parameter_name datatype
  • URL Parameters is something like someurl/parameter_value
  • Query Parameters is something like ?parameter_name=parameter_value
  • If Headers Payload is marked with JSON, It means that you'll have to send the data as stringified JSON Object
  • Anything marked with requires authentication

Found some mistakes? Have new APIs endpoint? Issue and Pull request are welcome!

By DevPixels(also known as Hu Tao )


Click the title to jump into!

Title Base URL
Store APIs
Feed APIs
Games APIs
Guilds APIs
Avatar APIs
Creations APIs
Friends APIs
Inbox APIs
Profile APIs Unavailable
Search APIs

Store APIs

Fetch catalog


Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 192,
    "perPage": 15,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 13,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/api/store/items?...",
    "lastPageURL": "/api/store/items?...",
    "nextPageURL": "/api/store/items?...",
    "previousPageURL": "/api/store/items?..."
  "data": [
      "id": 24414,
      "type": "shirt",
      "name": "[Hope] Polytoria Hat Shirt",
      "description": "Matching Shirt for the hat!",
      "price": 3,
      "isLimited": false,
      "creatorName": "hopefullness",
      "recentlyUploaded": true,
      "thumbnailUrl": "[...].png",
      "creatorUrl": "/users/..."

Query Parameters

types string - Types of the catalog item. Can have multiple parameter at once, example: ?types[]=hat&types[]=tool&types[]=face


  • hat
  • tool
  • face
  • shirt
  • pants

page int - Page of the catalog

search string - Search query

sort string - Sorting type Types:

  • createdDesc Newest
  • createdAsc Oldest
  • updatedDesc Updated (Newest)
  • updatedAsc Updated (Oldest)
  • priceDesc Price (Highest)
  • priceAsc Price (Lowest)

order string - Ordering, seems like it's sort parameter dependent desc is descending asc is ascending

  • createdDesc Newest = desc
  • createdAsc Oldest = asc
  • updatedDesc Updated (Newest) = desc
  • updatedAsc Updated (Oldest) = asc
  • priceDesc Price (Highest) = desc
  • priceAsc Price (Lowest) = asc

notice: also look at the sort's ending, it always end with neither Desc or Asc so maybe you could use that too.

showOffsale boolean - self explanatory

collectiblesOnly boolean - self explanatory

minPrice int - self explanatory

maxPrice int - self explanatory

creatorName string - self explanatory

Fetch item comments


Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 12,
    "perPage": 5,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 3,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/api/comments/asset/...?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/api/comments/asset/...?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/api/comments/asset/...?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/api/comments/asset/...?page=...",
  "data": [
      "id": 237,
      "content": "going limited",
      "postedAt": "2023-04-14T21:31:19.565+00:00",
      "author": {
        "id": 3,
        "username": "Bandito Burrito",
        "avatarID": "...",
        "isOnline": false,
        "avatarIconUrl": "[...]-icon.png"

URL Parameters [ID] int The catalog item ID

Query Parameters page int Page of the comment, self explanatory

Feed APIs

Fetch user feed

GET !! Requires user authentication

Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 7272,
    "perPage": 10,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 728,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/api/feed?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/api/feed?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/api/feed?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/api/feed?page=...",
  "data": [
      "id": 45233,
      "content": "Follow @PolytoriaNews on Twitter!",
      "postedAt": "2023-04-15T00:00:17.282+00:00",
      "author": {
        "id": 2021,
        "username": "Jaye",
        "avatarID": "...",
        "isOnline": false,
        "avatarIconUrl": "[...]-icon.png"
      "likeCount": "1",
      "replyCount": "0",
      "isLiked": false,
      "mediaUrl": null

Query Parameters page int Page of the feed, self explanatory

Create Feed

POST !! Requires user authentication

Example Response


Headers Payload JSON content string - The feed's content

Games APIs

Fetch games


Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 2011,
    "perPage": 27,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 75,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/?page=...",
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "creatorType": "user",
      "creatorID": 2,
      "name": "Polytoria City",
      "description": "The city where everything happens!",
      "genre": "other",
      "genreIcon": "planet-ringed",
      "creatorName": "willemsteller",
      "creatorThumbnail": "[...]-icon.png",
      "visits": "89",
      "playing": "1",
      "rating": 1,
      "iconUrl": "[...].png"

Query Parameters page int Page of the games, self explanatory

search string Search query

genre string Game genre


  • all All Genres
  • adventure Adventure
  • building Building
  • competitive Competitive
  • creative Creative
  • fighting Fighting
  • puzzle Puzzle
  • strategy Strategy
  • racing Racing
  • sandbox Sandbox
  • survival Survival
  • showcase Showcase
  • techdemo TechDemo
  • simulator Simulator
  • trading Trading
  • hangout Hangout
  • western Western
  • sports Sports
  • medieval Medieval
  • tycoon Tycoon
  • parkour Parkour
  • roleplay Roleplay
  • funny Funny
  • other Other

sort string Sorting type


  • visits Most Visits
  • rating Top Rated
  • newest Newest
  • updated Updated

Fetch game comments


Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 133,
    "perPage": 5,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 27,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/api/comments/place/...?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/api/comments/place/...?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/api/comments/place/...?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/api/comments/place/...?page=...",
  "data": [
      "id": 41,
      "content": "For anyone lookin' to download the client, click here:\",
      "postedAt": "2023-04-15T00:51:26.322+00:00",
      "author": {
        "id": 32619,
        "username": "glutealCheeze",
        "avatarID": "...",
        "isOnline": true,
        "avatarIconUrl": "[...]-icon.png"

URL Parameters [ID] int The game's ID

Query Parameters page int Page of the comment, self explanatory

Toggle rating

POST !! Requires user authentication

Example Response

{"success":false,"message":"Please visit this place before rating it."}

Headers Payload JSON placeID int - Game's ID value string - Like or dislike?


  • like
  • dislike

Join Game


Example Response


Headers Payload JSON placeID int - Game's ID

Guilds APIs

Fetch guild members


Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 13,
    "perPage": 12,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 2,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/?page=...",
  "data": [
      "rankID": 1815,
      "userID": 4764,
      "user": {
        "id": 4764,
        "username": "Kengie",
        "avatarID": "...",
        "isOnline": false,
        "avatarUrl": "[...].png",
        "avatarIconUrl": "[...]-icon.png",
        "userLinkClass": "userlink-default"

URL Parameters [ID] int The guild's ID [RANK_ID] int The guild rank's ID

Query Parameters page int Page of the members, self explanatory

Fetch guild wall


Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 12,
    "perPage": 10,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 2,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/?page=...",
  "data": [
      "id": 8227,
      "content": "Epic 😎",
      "postedAt": "2022-06-03T13:32:41.000+00:00",
      "author": {
        "id": 4764,
        "username": "Kengie",
        "avatarID": "...",
        "isOnline": false,
        "avatarUrl": "[...].png",
        "avatarIconUrl": "[...]-icon.png",
        "userLinkClass": "userlink-default"

URL Parameters [ID] int The guild's ID

Query Parameters page int Page of the wall, self explanatory

Fetch guild assets


Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 0,
    "perPage": 16,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 1,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/?page=..."
  "data": []

at the time I'm writing this, there aren't any catalog items uploaded into the guild right now, it's prob the same as the one in the store api

URL Parameters [ID] int The guild's ID

Query Parameters page int Page of the assets, self explanatory

Fetch guild shouts


URL Parameters [ID] int The guild's ID

Query Parameters page int Page of the shouts, self explanatory

Avatar APIs

Fetch currently wearing

GET !! Requires user authentication

Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 3,
    "perPage": 12,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 1,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/?page=..."
  "data": [
      "id": 24122,
      "type": "hat",
      "name": "Polytoria Cap",
      "description": "Show your support for Polytoria with this slick brown cap!",
      "accessoryType": "hat",
      "creatorName": "Polytoria",
      "thumbnailUrl": "[...].png",
      "creatorUrl": "/users/1"

Fetch body colors preset


Example Response


Note: This API does not fetch your current body colors, It fetch body color preset appears in the body color selection menu.

Fetch user's wardrobe

GET !! Requires user authentication

Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 1,
    "perPage": 12,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 1,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/?page=...",
  "data": [
      "id": 24122,
      "type": "hat",
      "name": "Polytoria Cap",
      "description": "Show your support for Polytoria with this slick brown cap!",
      "accessoryType": "hat",
      "creatorName": "Polytoria",
      "thumbnailUrl": "[...].png",
      "creatorUrl": "/users/1"

Query Parameters

type string - Type of the catalog item.


  • hat
  • tool
  • face
  • shirt
  • pants

page int - Page of the catalog

search string - Search query

Fetch user's outfits

GET !! Requires user authentication

Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 1,
    "perPage": 12,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 1,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/?page=..."
  "data": [
      "id": 94,
      "name": "first",
      "avatar": {
        "thumbnail": "[...].png"

Create user outfit

POST !! Requires user authentication

Example Response


Wear user outfit

POST !! Requires user authentication

Example Response


Headers Payload JSON id int - ID of the outfit

Delete user outfit

POST !! Requires user authentication

Example Response


Headers Payload JSON id int - ID of the outfit

Redraw user avatar

POST !! Requires user authentication

Example Response


Set body color

POST !! Requires user authentication

Example Response


Headers Payload JSON bodyPart string - Body part type


  • head
  • torso
  • rightArm
  • leftArm
  • rightLeg
  • leftLeg

Wear item

POST !! Requires user authentication

Example Response


Headers Payload JSON assetID int - The item's ID

Unwear item

POST !! Requires user authentication

Example Response


Headers Payload JSON assetID int - The item's ID

Creations APIs

Fetch Community creations


Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 655,
    "perPage": 15,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 44,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/?page=...",
  "data": [
      "id": 24114,
      "creatorID": 17064,
      "name": "Ambience Wind.mp3",
      "creatorName": "Emir",
      "thumbnailUrl": "[...].png",
      "creatorUrl": "/users/17064"

Query Parameters

types string - Types of the library item.


  • model
  • audio
  • decal
  • mesh

page int - Page of the library

search string - Search query

Friends APIs

Request Friend/Accept Friend request

POST !! Requires user authentication

Headers Payload JSON userID int - The friend's user ID

Unfriend/Decline Friend request

POST !! Requires user authentication

Headers Payload JSON userID int - The friend's user ID

Inbox APIs

Toggle bookmark message


Example Response


URL Parameters [ID] int The message ID

Put message to the trash


Example Response


URL Parameters [ID] int The message ID

Profile APIs

Fetch User's wall

GET[ID]?page=1 Example Response

  "meta": {
    "total": 120,
    "perPage": 5,
    "currentPage": 1,
    "lastPage": 24,
    "firstPage": 1,
    "firstPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "lastPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "nextPageURL": "/?page=...",
    "previousPageURL": "/?page=...",
  "data": [
      "id": 1947,
      "content": "Hey! Feel free to leave a post on my Wall. I often read my wall and I might reply! :-)",
      "isPinned": true,
      "postedAt": "2021-03-28T22:50:18.000+00:00",
      "author": {
        "id": 7348,
        "username": "baggy",
        "avatarIconUrl": "[...]-icon.png",
        "userLinkClass": "userlink-admin"

URL Parameters [ID] int The user's ID

Query Parameters page int - Page of the wall

Search APIs


Example Response

    "id": 7348,
    "name": "baggy",
    "image": "...",
    "searchtype": "user"

Query Parameters q string - Search query

and more to comeβ„’ hi qqq

polytoria-apis-docs's People


sk-fast avatar starmanthegamer avatar

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