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auto_tmpdir's Introduction


Slurm SPANK plugin for automated handling of temporary directories for jobs.

The plugin accepts the following command-line options to srun/salloc/sbatch:

      --no-rm-tmpdir          Do not automatically remove temporary directories
                              for the job/steps.
      --use-shared-tmpdir     Create temporary directories on shared storage.
                              Use "--use-shared-tmpdir=per-node" to create
                              unique sub-directories for each node allocated to
                              the job (e.g. <base><job-id>/<nodename>).

Given a base directory prefix (configured at build, e.g. /tmp/job-) the job 8451 would see the directories /tmp/job-8451 and /dev/shm/job-8451 created in the prolog. Optionally, a shared storage path (e.g. a directory on a Lustre filesystem) can be included which users can select via an salloc/srun/sbatch flag. Additionally, each job will by default create a new mount namespace and bind-mount /dev/shm/job-8451 as /dev/shm.

An arbitrary number of additional paths (typically /tmp, often additionally /var/tmp) will have directories created under /tmp/job-8451 (e.g. /tmp/job-8451/tmp and /tmp/job-8451/var_tmp) to be bind-mounted in the job step (as /tmp and /var/tmp, respectively). Bind-mounting takes an existing directory and makes it appear to exist at a different path: e.g. programs inside the job see the contents of /tmp/job-8451/tmp at the path /tmp. Naughty programs that cannot be convinced to create temporary files inside $TMPDIR (perhaps they're hard-coded to create files in /tmp) end up creating those files inside /tmp/job-8451/tmp; when the job exits, removal of /tmp/job-8451 disposes of everything!

Bind-mounting of /dev/shm is especially important since the files in /dev/shm occupy virtual memory space. If files are orphaned and not purged, the system can begin to run low on memory resources (Slurm does not look at actual free memory for a node when making scheduling decisions). Removal of the bind-mounted /dev/shm/job-8451 directory at job completion ensures all space is recovered.

The bind-mounted paths are configured in the Slurm plugstack.conf record for this plugin:

# SLURM plugin stack configuration
# req/opt   plugin                  arguments
# ~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
required          mount=/tmp mount=/var/tmp

The TMPDIR environment variable is set to /tmp by default by this plugin. The value of TMPDIR can be overridden in the plugin configuration:

required          mount=/tmp mount=/var/tmp tmpdir=/var/tmp

The compiled-in local- and shared-directory prefixes can also be overridden in the plugin configuration using the local_prefix or shared_prefix directives:

required          mount=/tmp mount=/var/tmp local_prefix=/tmp/slurm- shared_prefix=/scratch/slurm/job-

The creation and bind-mount of /dev/shm can also be disabled:

required          mount=/tmp mount=/var/tmp no_dev_shm

The scope of the --no-rm-tmpdir functionality can be limited to jobs that request --use-shared-tmpdir:

required          mount=/tmp mount=/var/tmp no_rm_shared_only

In order to make it quicker for the slurmstepd and epilog contexts to reconstruct the hierarchy of directories that are to be bind-mounted, the plugin creates a state file. By default, this file will be in /tmp and be named according to the job properties: /tmp/auto_tmpdir_fs-<job-id>{_<job-task-id>}.cache. The base directory used for these files is configurable:

required          mount=/tmp mount=/var/tmp state_dir=/var/tmp/auto_tmpdir_cache

Order of mount= options

Please note that the order of the mount= options can be significant:

  1. The mount points are constructed in the order they appear
  2. The mount points are bind-mounted in the reverse of the order they appear
  3. The mount points are unmounted and removed in the order they appear

Using the following configuration

required          mount=/var/tmp mount=/tmp

for job 8451 would have /tmp/job-8451/tmp bind-mounted at /tmp first; trying to bind mount /tmp/job-8451/var_tmp will subsequently fail because it's at that point referencing the directory /tmp/job-8451/tmp/job-8451/var_tmp. In practice, if the directory in which you're creating the job's temporary directory of bind-mountpoints will be masked by a bind mount inside the job, make sure it is the first mount= option you present.


Assume the configuation:

required          mount=/tmp mount=/var/tmp local_prefix=/tmp/slurm- shared_prefix=/scratch/slurm/job-

In the prolog stage for job 8451, each participating slurmd instance will create the following directories (mode 0700, owned by the job owner's uid and gid):

  • /tmp/slurm-8451
  • /tmp/slurm-8451/tmp
  • /tmp/slurm-8451/var_tmp
  • /dev/shm/job-8451

When the slurmd starts a slurmstepd associated with the job, the slurmstepd creates a new mount namespace does the following bind-mounts:

  • /tmp/slurm-8451/tmp/tmp
  • /tmp/slurm-8451/var_tmp/var/tmp
  • /dev/shm/job-8451/dev/shm

In the epilog stage for job 8451, each participating slurmd instance will remove the directories that were created. The directories/files can be left behind using the --no-rm-tmpdir option. If a /dev/shm bind-mount was created, it is always removed.

The --use-shared-tmpdir option changes the default base directory to a shared scratch storage path configured at build time (e.g. on a Lustre file system). Using the optional per-node value for this option alters the directory naming to include the short hostname as a directory component, e.g. <base>/job-8451/n000.

Building the plugin

The build system is configured via CMake. The CMakeLists.txt file outlines the variables that affect the build:

Variable Discussion Default
SLURM_PREFIX Path at which Slurm is installed; the plugin is linked against libraries in ${SLURM_PREFIX}/lib (or lib64 in some cases), and headers will be used from ${SLURM_PREFIX}/include. /usr/local
SLURM_MODULES_DIR Path into which the plugin will be installed; if not explicitly defined by the user, CMake will search for a file named slurm/ in the same directory that holds the that auto_tmpdir will link against. ${SLURM_PREFIX}/lib/slurm
AUTO_TMPDIR_DEV_SHM Directory under which shared memory files are created. /dev/shm if it exists
AUTO_TMPDIR_DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREFIX Path prefix to which job id is appended to create the per-job temp directory. E.g. /tmp/slurm- yields directories like /tmp/slurm-<jobid> while /tmp/slurm/ would produce the deeper path /tmp/slurm/<jobid> /tmp/slurm-
AUTO_TMPDIR_ENABLE_SHARED_TMPDIR Enables an alternate directory hierarchy (typically on network-shared media) available for temp directories at the user's request. OFF
AUTO_TMPDIR_DEFAULT_SHARED_PREFIX If the alternate directory hierarchy is enabled, this is its equivalent to AUTO_TMPDIR_DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREFIX
AUTO_TMPDIR_NO_GID_CHOWN The temporary directories created by the plugin will not be reowned to the job's gid; this option is always ON for Slurm releases < 20 OFF

On our clusters we build and install Slurm to /opt/shared/slurm/<version> and have local SSD storage on compute nodes mounted as /tmp. CentOS does present the /dev/shm mountpoint for shared memory files. We also have a special area set aside on our Lustre file system for shared temp directories. Thus, setup of a build environment for Slurm looks like this:

$ git clone
$ cd auto_tmpdir
$ mkdir build-20220627
$ cd build-20220627
$ cmake -DSLURM_PREFIX=/opt/shared/slurm/20.11.5 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Found SLURM: /opt/shared/slurm/20.11.5/lib/  
-- SLURM modules directory: /opt/shared/slurm/20.11.5/lib/slurm
-- SLURM version detected as 20.11.5
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /opt/shared/slurm/add-ons/auto_tmpdir/build-20.11.5

The default local path prefix, /tmp/slurm-, is fine by us. The build is accomplished via make:

$ make
Scanning dependencies of target auto_tmpdir
[ 50%] Building C object CMakeFiles/auto_tmpdir.dir/fs-utils.c.o
[100%] Building C object CMakeFiles/auto_tmpdir.dir/auto_tmpdir.c.o
Linking C shared module
[100%] Built target auto_tmpdir

It's fine to install the plugin at any time — Slurm won't use it until it has been configured to do so.

$ make install
[100%] Built target auto_tmpdir
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: "Release"
-- Installing: /opt/shared/slurm/20.11.5/lib/slurm/

With each upgrade to Slurm a new build-<version> directory should be created and the build done therein.

Building Packages for Distribution

The CMake CPack module can be used to produce DEB or RPM package files. The variant can be provided explicitly by providing a value for CPACK_GENERATOR; it defaults to RPM.


After CMake configuration of the build, a spec file will be present in the build directory:

$ cmake -DSLURM_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
$ cat auto_tmpdir.spec 
Buildroot:      /tmp/auto_tmpdir/build-
Summary:        Slurm auto_tmpdir SPANK plugin
Name:           auto_tmpdir
Version:        1.0.1
Release:        20.11.5
License:        BSD
Group:          Unspecified
Prefix:         /usr/lib64/slurm
Requires:       slurm == 20.11.5

The RPM is created via make package and, if successful, the RPM file will be present in the build directory:

$ make package
[ 33%] Building C object CMakeFiles/auto_tmpdir.dir/fs-utils.c.o
[ 66%] Building C object CMakeFiles/auto_tmpdir.dir/auto_tmpdir.c.o
[100%] Linking C shared module
[100%] Built target auto_tmpdir
Run CPack packaging tool...
CPack: Create package using RPM
CPack: Install projects
CPack: - Run preinstall target for: auto_tmpdir
CPack: - Install project: auto_tmpdir []
CPack: Create package
CPackRPM: Will use USER specified spec file: /tmp/auto_tmpdir/build-
CPack: - package: /tmp/auto_tmpdir/build- generated.

$ rpm -qip auto_tmpdir-1.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm 
Name        : auto_tmpdir
Version     : 1.0.1
Release     : 20.11.5
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: (not installed)
Group       : Unspecified
Size        : 36256
License     : BSD
Signature   : (none)
Source RPM  : auto_tmpdir-1.0.1-20.11.5.src.rpm
Build Date  : Thu 30 Jun 2022 01:47:44 PM EDT
Build Host  :
Relocations : /usr/lib64/slurm 
Summary     : Slurm auto_tmpdir SPANK plugin
Description :
The auto_tmpdir SPANK plugin facilitates the automatic creation/removal of bind-mounted directories for Slurm jobs.

Since the capabilities of the SPANK plugin API have changed over time, it's a good idea to match the plugin with the Slurm version. The CMake configuration by default adds this to the Requires: line in the RPM spec file and uses the Slurm version as the release id on the package. This behavior can be overridden by setting the AUTO_TMPDIR_CPACK_IGNORE_SLURM_VERSION flag and optionally specifying a release:

$ cmake -DSLURM_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
$ cat auto_tmpdir.spec
Buildroot:      /opt/shared/slurm/add-ons/auto_tmpdir/build-
Summary:        Slurm auto_tmpdir SPANK plugin
Name:           auto_tmpdir
Version:        1.0.1
Release:        1
License:        BSD
Group:          Unspecified
Prefix:         /usr/lib64/slurm
Requires:       slurm
$ make package
$ rpm -qip auto_tmpdir-1.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm 
Name        : auto_tmpdir
Version     : 1.0.1
Release     : 1
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: (not installed)
Group       : Unspecified
Size        : 36256
License     : BSD
Signature   : (none)
Source RPM  : auto_tmpdir-1.0.1-1.src.rpm
Build Date  : Thu 30 Jun 2022 02:07:38 PM EDT
Build Host  :
Relocations : /usr/lib64/slurm
Summary     : Slurm auto_tmpdir SPANK plugin
Description :
The auto_tmpdir SPANK plugin facilitates the automatic creation/removal of bind-mounted directories for Slurm jobs.


Building a DEB package proceeds in much the same way as for an RPM. The CPACK_GENERATOR must be explicitly specified:

$ cmake -DSLURM_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \

By default the generated package will depend on the presence of a compatible version of slurmd being present on the system, where compatiblity is established by a match of the major and minor version of Slurm alone. Additionally, the name of the package will include the version of Slurm as the release number. The version dependency and release number can be omitted if desired by setting AUTO_TMPDIR_CPACK_IGNORE_SLURM_VERSION when configuring:

$ cmake -DSLURM_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \

As with the RPM package, use make package to generate the .deb file.

Configure the plugin

The plugin is enabled by adding it to your plugstack.conf file on all nodes. An example configuration that will bind-mount /tmp, /var/tmp, and /dev/shm directories for each job:

required          mount=/tmp mount=/var/tmp

Restart daemons

The slurmd daemons on compute nodes must be restarted for the plugin to be loaded when subsequent job steps are launched.

auto_tmpdir's People


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