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tools-python's Issues

Incorrect line numbers reported when errors are emitted

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Edit line FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2014 Acme Inc in SPDXSimpleTag.tag
  2. Navigate to the examples directory.
  3. Run the command python '../data/SPDXSimpleTag.tag'
  4. Get output as :
Generating LALR tables
FileCopyrightText must be one of NOASSERTION, NONE or free form text, line: 34
Errors encountered while parsing

there are some extra quotes which may confuse people

In the README, How to use section. is an example tag/value parsing usage. Try running python '../data/SPDXSimpleTag.tag'

args '../data/SPDXSimpleTag.tag' should remove single quotes cause they are not valid path in Windows

Data from parsers should be stored in spdx models only as python types and spdx models

When parsing documents from RDF files, some fields are being stored as rdflib objects and it can be problematic.

All data stored in SPDX models (document.Document, file.File, document.ExtractedLicense, etc) should be stored as python and spdx types so that they are independent of the format to be written or read.

I had problems trying to write YAML files from a document instance created by reading an RDF file because pyyaml was not able to represent some rdflib objects (and it does not have to be able to). As expected, pyyaml is able to deal with python objects.

Of course, almost every spdx type has overwritten the __str__ and __repr__ methods and some others have methods that return the 'str' representation of their single fields, but they sometimes assume (correctly) that fields such as full_name, text or comment (from document.ExtractedLicense) are strings (but they are rdflib.terms.Literal objects when parsed from RDF files), so those functions just return the field (rdflib type).

Again, spdx types should be independent of the format to be written or read.

Report an error when an `UNKNOWN_TAG` is found

Steps to reproduce:

  • When I modify any tag, e.g SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.2 to SPDXVersio: SPDX-1.2, the tool should report an error like Found unknown tag : SPDXVersio at line: 2 but instead it continues to parse.

The tokenizing works fine, the problem is with the parsing method.

Make validation optional by introducing a `validate` flag

On the validation side, the validation will be an option. Fields will not be mandatory by default. They will be checked only when the user asks to validate and not at the time of creation. This will enforce the user to be able to create and dump eventually partial documents that may not yet be fully valid.

This can be established by introducing a validate flag in both the parsers (tagvalue and rdf) and validating only when the flag is set.

@pombredanne Should I create a PR for this one ?

Link CI status badges in README

As a follow up to #4 it would be nice to get status badges in the README.
I tend to prefer ReST to markdown and we could use the examples of the (sophisticated or complex depending on which way you look at it) status badges used in scancode

Build fails

The build fails for this project. The build fails for Python 3.4 and 3.5.I am working on to correct this.Any feedback would be appreciated.

Add a utility to map originator defined license strings to SPDX license format

Package managers or text files may declare a license string that may not be an SPDX license format. For example, many projects declare their license as BSD but it is unclear which BSD.
oss-review-toolkit has an implementation that comes reasonably close.

This is written in kotlin but it looks reasonably straightforward to convert it to python2/3

This would be useful for tools that are reading user-declared licenses.

cc @tsteenbe @goneall @kestewart

Change print to python3 style in example

There are still some codes called the print function the Python 2-way without the parentheses, which may raise SyntaxError in Python 3
here are some examples

except InvalidDocumentError:
       print 'Document is Invalid' 
       messages = []
       print '\n'.join(messages)

Release on Pypi

The spdx name is taken by @bbqsrc which is OK, we can pick spdx-tools instead.
But to avoid namespace issues, either we should find a way to share the namespace (see bbqsrc/spdx-python#1 ) or refactor the namespace used here.

spdx is not compatible with python 3

Description- I am using this spdx as deps in scancode-toolkit .When i running the api calc_verif_code is not working properly on Python 3. Its saying TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing
My source code -

Output -

OS- macOS Mojave(10.14.6)
Python version - 3.6.8

Even your latest version that supports py3 is also not available on Pypi.
Please update setup also

Please fix this API( ASAP , i need Py 2/3 compatible .Thanks

Add AUTHORS file

An authors file is needed to list and thank people who have contributed to the project.

Searching the SPDX Database for a License Name

Is it possible to get a license in Json or XML format form SPDX database by searching through the license names using a string (or a regular expression)? The result can also be a best effort result if the given search string is not exact.

Section 'artifactOf' of 'File' is not completely supported by RDF parsers/writers

  • RDF parsers do not handle 'projectURI' field of 'artifactOf' section.

    def p_file_project(self, project):
    """Helper function for parsing doap:project name and homepage.
    and setting them using the file builder.
    for _, _, name in self.graph.triples((project, self.doap_namespace['name'], None)):
    self.builder.set_file_atrificat_of_project(self.doc, 'name', six.text_type(name))
    for _, _, homepage in self.graph.triples(
    (project, self.doap_namespace['homepage'], None)):
    self.builder.set_file_atrificat_of_project(self.doc, 'home', six.text_type(homepage))

  • RDF writers do not handle anything in 'artifactOf' section. That section is not being written in RDF files. A way to try it is running python ../data/SPDXTagExample.tag result.rdf

Output file attached:

has_optional_field implementation may lead to unexpected results

has_optional_field(field) verifies whether the value of field is not None. But, some attributes are sometimes initialized as some default/empty object, like an empty list. In that example, has_optional_field(field) will always return True, even if the list is empty (when I think it should return False because there is actually no information).

I suggest: return bool(field)

Do not require the SPDX version to be 1.2

@sschuberth @pombredanne
According to 2ecb365, we do not require the version to be 1.2, but we have a bug. (still require the version to be 1.2)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Modify SPDXSimpleTag.tag and replace this line -> SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.2 with SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.1.
  2. Run python '../data/SPDXSimpleTag.tag' from the examples directory.

Output that we receive:

examples git:(master) โœ— python '../data/SPDXSimpleTag.tag'
Generating LALR tables
SPDXVersion must be SPDX-1.2 found SPDX-1.1.
Errors encountered while parsing

The cause of this behaviour is the given snippet inside

if vers == version.Version(major=1, minor=2):
    doc.version = vers
    return True

Parsing the .tag file gives error

When parsing the sample.tag file using python sample.tag, it throws an error TypeError: expected string or buffer. The sample.tag is generated after running python sample.tag. IMHO this happens because when is executed it creates a key value pair PackageCopyrightText: NOASSERTION, here type of NOASSERTION is <class 'spdx.utils.NoAssert'> which is not supported.

Whole error log can be found in the screenshot below.
screenshot from 2018-03-06 18-07-05

Duplicate extracted licenses when parsing from RDF

The field Document.extracted_licenses contains duplicate ExtractedLicense objects when they are parsed from RDF files.

It can be noticed by running
Input: SPDXRdfExample.rdf

doc comment: This is a sample spreadsheet
        Person: Gary O'Neall
        Tool: SourceAuditor-V1.2
        Organization: Source Auditor Inc.
Document review information:
        Reviewer: Person: Suzanne Reviewer
        Date: 2011-03-13 00:00:00
        Comment: Another example reviewer.
        Reviewer: Person: Joe Reviewer
        Date: 2010-02-10 00:00:00
        Comment: This is just an example.  Some of the non-standard licenses look like they are actually BSD 3 clause licenses
Creation comment: This is an example of an SPDX spreadsheet format
Package Name: SPDX Translator
Package Version: Version 0.9.2
Package Download Location:
Package Homepage: None
Package Checksum: 2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12
Package verification code: 4e3211c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93feba
Package excluded from verif: SpdxTranslatorSpdx.txt,SpdxTranslatorSpdx.rdf
Package license concluded: LicenseRef-4 AND LicenseRef-2 AND Apache-1.0 AND LicenseRef-3 AND LicenseRef-1 AND Apache-2.0 AND MPL-1.1
Package license declared: MPL-1.1 AND Apache-2.0 AND LicenseRef-3 AND LicenseRef-2 AND LicenseRef-4 AND LicenseRef-1
Package licenses from files:
Package Copyright text:  Copyright 2010, 2011 Source Auditor Inc.
Package summary: SPDX Translator utility
Package description: This utility translates and SPDX RDF XML document to a spreadsheet, translates a spreadsheet to an SPDX RDF XML document and translates an SPDX RDFa document to an SPDX RDF XML document.
Package Files:
        File name: Jenna-2.6.3/jena-2.6.3-sources.jar
        File type: ARCHIVE
        File Checksum: 3ab4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93f125
        File license concluded: LicenseRef-1
        File license info in file: LicenseRef-1
        File artifact of project name: Jena
        File name: src/org/spdx/parser/
        File type: SOURCE
        File Checksum: 2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12
        File license concluded: Apache-2.0
        File license info in file: Apache-2.0
        File artifact of project name:
Document Extracted licenses:
        Identifier: LicenseRef-4
        Name: None
        Identifier: LicenseRef-2
        Name: None
        Identifier: LicenseRef-3
        Name: CyberNeko License
        Identifier: LicenseRef-1
        Name: None
        Identifier: LicenseRef-3
        Name: CyberNeko License
        Identifier: LicenseRef-2
        Name: None
        Identifier: LicenseRef-4
        Name: None
        Identifier: LicenseRef-1
        Name: None
        Annotator: Person: Jim Reviewer
        Annotation Date: 2012-06-13 00:00:00
        Annotation Comment: This is just an example. Some of the non-standard licenses look like they are actually BSD 3 clause licenses
        Annotation Type: REVIEW
        Annotation SPDX Identifier:

virtualenv error on OSX build (CircleCI)

The error that I get is :

bash: line 2: virtualenv: command not found

((if (directory? "/Users/distiller/virtualenvs/venv-system") (echo "Using cached venv") (do ("virtualenv" "/Users/distiller/virtualenvs/venv-system" || exit 1) (source "/Users/distiller/virtualenvs/venv-system/bin/activate" || exit 2) (pip install nose || exit 3))) "true" (echo "source /Users/distiller/virtualenvs/venv-system/bin/activate" >> "~/.circlerc")) returned exit code 1

Action failed: virtualenv

SPDX IDs format inconsistencies between file formats

RDF and TAG/VALUE file formats have two different ways to write SPDX IDs throughout a SPDX Document (document ID, file ID, annotation ID, package ID, etc).

For RDF files: [DocumentNamespace|DocumentURI]#[SPDX Identifier]
For TAG/VALUE files: [SPDX Identifier]

A problem comes up when a TAG/VALUE file is written from reading an RDF file: SPDX IDs will have the format for RDF files. Moreover, if this behavior is ignored while developing JSON/YAML/XML support, it will spread.

PEP8 violations at a few places

While going through the codebase, I've noticed a few PEP8 violations which can be fixed by a static code analysis tool like coala.

Remove hard depo on nose for tests

Instead the tests should only depend on the plain unittest so that anyone can use any test runner they like (and I love py.test for this)

Update to full SPDX v2.1

Update the SPDX Python libraries to the SPDX 2.1 specification. The SPDX 2.1 specification is a major upgrade from SPDX 1.2 supporting relationships between SPDX documents and SPDX elements.

Add SPDX Document Merge

This would be a merge to combine two SPDX documents without losing any of the license information. An example use case: A SPDX document including human input is already created, but a new document is automatically generated with a scanner and we wish to merge the two without losing the modifications made by a human.

Update .gitignore

The .gitignore file does not have entries for the virtualenv and IDEs file.

Add support for parsing more than one package

The current implementation only supports parsing a single package in the SPDX document. There can be one or more packages as mentioned here. We should add support for parsing more than one package.

Document Compare functionality

I would like to implement this functionality as a small project for understanding my targetted GSoC project a little better. I am planning of making comparision between two rdf format documents at first, then I will go on to expand for tv format as well.Let me know your thoughts on this @pombredanne , so that I can proceed.

Version model fields must be integers but sometimes they aren't

major and minor fields of Version model are supposed to be integers and the class method Version.from_str() is responsible for assuring that.

def from_str(cls, value):
"""Constructs a Version from a string.
Returns None if string not in N.N form where N represents a
m = cls.VERS_STR_REGEX.match(value)
if m is not None:
return cls(int(, int(
return None

If license_list_version field is absent when initializing a CreationInfo object, a default value is taken from the file.
def __init__(self, created=None, comment=None,
self.creators = []
self.created = created
self.comment = comment
self.license_list_version = license_list_version

The default Version object described above is created assigning major and minor fields directly as string values.
(_major, _minor), LICENSE_MAP = load_license_list(_licenses)
LICENSE_LIST_VERSION = Version(major=_major, minor=_minor)

__lt__ method and parsers tests (expect integer values) may fail.

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