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murmur3's Introduction


Build Status

Native Go implementation of Austin Appleby's third MurmurHash revision (aka MurmurHash3).

Reference algorithm has been slightly hacked as to support the streaming mode required by Go's standard Hash interface.


Go tip as of 2014-06-12 (i.e almost go1.3), core i7 @ 3.4 Ghz. All runs include hasher instantiation and sequence finalization.

Benchmark32_1        500000000     7.69 ns/op      130.00 MB/s
Benchmark32_2        200000000     8.83 ns/op      226.42 MB/s
Benchmark32_4        500000000     7.99 ns/op      500.39 MB/s
Benchmark32_8        200000000     9.47 ns/op      844.69 MB/s
Benchmark32_16       100000000     12.1 ns/op     1321.61 MB/s
Benchmark32_32       100000000     18.3 ns/op     1743.93 MB/s
Benchmark32_64        50000000     30.9 ns/op     2071.64 MB/s
Benchmark32_128       50000000     57.6 ns/op     2222.96 MB/s
Benchmark32_256       20000000      116 ns/op     2188.60 MB/s
Benchmark32_512       10000000      226 ns/op     2260.59 MB/s
Benchmark32_1024       5000000      452 ns/op     2263.73 MB/s
Benchmark32_2048       2000000      891 ns/op     2296.02 MB/s
Benchmark32_4096       1000000     1787 ns/op     2290.92 MB/s
Benchmark32_8192        500000     3593 ns/op     2279.68 MB/s
Benchmark128_1       100000000     26.1 ns/op       38.33 MB/s
Benchmark128_2       100000000     29.0 ns/op       69.07 MB/s
Benchmark128_4        50000000     29.8 ns/op      134.17 MB/s
Benchmark128_8        50000000     31.6 ns/op      252.86 MB/s
Benchmark128_16      100000000     26.5 ns/op      603.42 MB/s
Benchmark128_32      100000000     28.6 ns/op     1117.15 MB/s
Benchmark128_64       50000000     35.5 ns/op     1800.97 MB/s
Benchmark128_128      50000000     50.9 ns/op     2515.50 MB/s
Benchmark128_256      20000000     76.9 ns/op     3330.11 MB/s
Benchmark128_512      20000000      135 ns/op     3769.09 MB/s
Benchmark128_1024     10000000      250 ns/op     4094.38 MB/s
Benchmark128_2048      5000000      477 ns/op     4290.75 MB/s
Benchmark128_4096      2000000      940 ns/op     4353.29 MB/s
Benchmark128_8192      1000000     1838 ns/op     4455.47 MB/s

benchmark              Go1.0 MB/s    Go1.1 MB/s  speedup    Go1.2 MB/s  speedup    Go1.3 MB/s  speedup
Benchmark32_1               98.90        118.59    1.20x        114.79    0.97x        130.00    1.13x
Benchmark32_2              168.04        213.31    1.27x        210.65    0.99x        226.42    1.07x
Benchmark32_4              414.01        494.19    1.19x        490.29    0.99x        500.39    1.02x
Benchmark32_8              662.19        836.09    1.26x        836.46    1.00x        844.69    1.01x
Benchmark32_16             917.46       1304.62    1.42x       1297.63    0.99x       1321.61    1.02x
Benchmark32_32            1141.93       1737.54    1.52x       1728.24    0.99x       1743.93    1.01x
Benchmark32_64            1289.47       2039.51    1.58x       2038.20    1.00x       2071.64    1.02x
Benchmark32_128           1299.23       2097.63    1.61x       2177.13    1.04x       2222.96    1.02x
Benchmark32_256           1369.90       2202.34    1.61x       2213.15    1.00x       2188.60    0.99x
Benchmark32_512           1399.56       2255.72    1.61x       2264.49    1.00x       2260.59    1.00x
Benchmark32_1024          1410.90       2285.82    1.62x       2270.99    0.99x       2263.73    1.00x
Benchmark32_2048          1422.14       2297.62    1.62x       2269.59    0.99x       2296.02    1.01x
Benchmark32_4096          1420.53       2307.81    1.62x       2273.43    0.99x       2290.92    1.01x
Benchmark32_8192          1424.79       2312.87    1.62x       2286.07    0.99x       2279.68    1.00x
Benchmark128_1               8.32         30.15    3.62x         30.84    1.02x         38.33    1.24x
Benchmark128_2              16.38         59.72    3.65x         59.37    0.99x         69.07    1.16x
Benchmark128_4              32.26        112.96    3.50x        114.24    1.01x        134.17    1.17x
Benchmark128_8              62.68        217.88    3.48x        218.18    1.00x        252.86    1.16x
Benchmark128_16            128.47        451.57    3.51x        474.65    1.05x        603.42    1.27x
Benchmark128_32            246.18        910.42    3.70x        871.06    0.96x       1117.15    1.28x
Benchmark128_64            449.05       1477.64    3.29x       1449.24    0.98x       1800.97    1.24x
Benchmark128_128           762.61       2222.42    2.91x       2217.30    1.00x       2515.50    1.13x
Benchmark128_256          1179.92       3005.46    2.55x       2931.55    0.98x       3330.11    1.14x
Benchmark128_512          1616.51       3590.75    2.22x       3592.08    1.00x       3769.09    1.05x
Benchmark128_1024         1964.36       3979.67    2.03x       4034.01    1.01x       4094.38    1.01x
Benchmark128_2048         2225.07       4156.93    1.87x       4244.17    1.02x       4290.75    1.01x
Benchmark128_4096         2360.15       4299.09    1.82x       4392.35    1.02x       4353.29    0.99x
Benchmark128_8192         2411.50       4356.84    1.81x       4480.68    1.03x       4455.47    0.99x

murmur3's People


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murmur3's Issues

Python mmh3 compatibility

Hello @spaolacci thank you so much for providing this murmur3 implementation and for all the work you do in open source; we've been very happy to use this library in our code bases.

I was recently investigating some compatibility issues with the output produced by this package and mmh3, a Python library we are using internally. I created an issue in the mmh3 repository: hajimes/mmh3#46.

The author of that package responded that there is a conflict in the 128-bit byte sequence on little-endian machines that is creating the incompatibility and they provided a Go snippet for the fix:

They reference the issue in the following snippet:

There is also a related Stack Overflow question:

The author of mmh3 has issued a compatibility notice on their README and package documentation; but I was wondering if you would be interested in my opening a PR into this repository to help resolve the compatibility issue? Let me know the best way I can assist looking into this; I'm sure you're very busy.

[Documentation] Generating hash strings

I think most bystanders would come here and desire to get a hash string like 6c1b07bc7bbc4be347939ac4a93c437a using Sum128WithSeed()

However, two things still need to be done to achieve that:

  1. Use strconv.FormatUint to convert each number output (h1 and h2)
  2. Concatenate the output

This should probably be in the README somewhere, to help newbies along :)

Difference between C++ and Go output

I've been running both the C++ and this version of Murmur3 side by side and i've noticed that in cases where a null byte occurs in the middle of the input data, the C++ version will output a different hash.

Now I guess this is a bug in the C++ implementation, as Go will iterate over the correct array length, and not just stop at a null byte. But, given that the C++ version is the "official" one, should this version implement the bug as a feature?

Sum() method doesn't work after small Write()s

I expect this code to print out the hash value in byte slice form, but it produces a slice with all zeros:

h := murmur3.New64()
h.Write([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4})

// Output: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]

// Output: 720734999560851427

Flaky "unsafe pointer conversion"-panics with -race and go1.14rc1

I cannot reproduce the panic below with a minimal example and it occurs very often, but neither all the time nor in the same test - so this report might be entirely unhelpful, but I am reporting it anyway in case it makes any sense to you:

When running the Syncthing database testsuite on go1.14rc1 with race detection enabled on linux/amd64 I get the following panic:

$ go test -v -race -short -count 1 2>&1 | tee test.out
fatal error: checkptr: unsafe pointer conversion

goroutine 148 [running]:
runtime.throw(0xd106c0, 0x23)
	/media/ext4_data/Linux/source/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1112 +0x72 fp=0xc00022ba50 sp=0xc00022ba20 pc=0x4630d2
runtime.checkptrAlignment(0xc00011e3f1, 0xc40880, 0x1)
	/media/ext4_data/Linux/source/go/src/runtime/checkptr.go:13 +0xd0 fp=0xc00022ba80 sp=0xc00022ba50 pc=0x4348a0*digest128).bmix(0xc000123c80, 0xc00011e3f1, 0x20, 0x2f, 0x0, 0x48, 0x58)
	/media/ext4_data/Coding/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/murmur128.go:67 +0xc0 fp=0xc00022bae8 sp=0xc00022ba80 pc=0xb649f0*digest).Write(0xc000123c80, 0xc00011e3f1, 0x20, 0x2f, 0xb64474, 0xc000123c80, 0xc000123c80)
	/media/ext4_data/Coding/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/murmur.go:51 +0x127 fp=0xc00022bb98 sp=0xc00022bae8 pc=0xb63dd7*digest128).Write(0xc000123c80, 0xc00011e3f1, 0x20, 0x2f, 0x10, 0x10, 0x21)
	<autogenerated>:1 +0x6a fp=0xc00022bbf8 sp=0xc00022bb98 pc=0xb6558a, 0x20, 0x2f, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	/media/ext4_data/Coding/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/bloom.go:97 +0xb9 fp=0xc00022bc68 sp=0xc00022bbf8 pc=0xb6d179*BloomFilter).Test(0xc000134700, 0xc00011e3f1, 0x20, 0x2f, 0xdf6fe0)
	/media/ext4_data/Coding/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/bloom.go:183 +0x6b fp=0xc00022bd20 sp=0xc00022bc68 pc=0xb6deab*Lowlevel).gcBlocks(0xc000098870, 0x0, 0x0)
	/media/ext4_data/Coding/go/src/ +0x4d4 fp=0xc00022beb8 sp=0xc00022bd20 pc=0xb798b4*Lowlevel).gcRunner(0xc000098870)
	/media/ext4_data/Coding/go/src/ +0x279 fp=0xc00022bfd8 sp=0xc00022beb8 pc=0xb78fb9
	/media/ext4_data/Linux/source/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1375 +0x1 fp=0xc00022bfe0 sp=0xc00022bfd8 pc=0x4969c1
created by
	/media/ext4_data/Coding/go/src/ +0x36a

(rest of the backtrace does not include murmur3 nor bloom).

Do you have any ideas what this might be about? Thanks in advance for any help.

fatal error: checkptr: pointer arithmetic result points to invalid allocation

related issue: pingcap/tidb#29086

We got the following error when running go test -race on Go1.15 and go test -race -d=checkptr on Go1.13. Does anyone know why this happens?

fatal error: checkptr: pointer arithmetic result points to invalid allocation

goroutine 1052 [running]:
runtime.throw(0x44c01fb, 0x40)
	/root/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1116 +0x72 fp=0xc000c9fc70 sp=0xc000c9fc40 pc=0x10e8892
runtime.checkptrArithmetic(0xc000c9fd78, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	/root/go/src/runtime/checkptr.go:43 +0xbe fp=0xc000c9fca0 sp=0xc000c9fc70 pc=0x10b755e, 0x14, 0x20, 0xc000000000, 0x14)
	/root/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/murmur32.go:129 +0x8a fp=0xc000c9fd08 sp=0xc000c9fca0 pc=0x29cbe0a

Consistent result with Guava's implementation

I created a function to create a hash string that is consistent with Guava's implementation. Happy to submit a PR for the README since this might be a fairly common use case.

var hexDigits = []byte("0123456789abcdef")
func guavaHash(h1, h2 uint64) string {
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, h1)
	binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, h2)
	var result []byte
	for _, curr := range buf.Bytes() {
		result = append(result, hexDigits[(curr>>4)&0xf])
		result = append(result, hexDigits[curr&0xf])
	return string(result)

Originally wanted to do a BigInt version as well but since bytes are signed Java and unsigned in Go I passed on that exercise ;)

Tests fail on big-endian arches

When building on s390x, tests fail:

--- FAIL: TestRefStrings (0.00s)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: 'hello', seed: '0': 0x84c85fd5 (want 0x248bfa47)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: 'hello', seed: '0': 84c85fd5 (want 248bfa47)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key 'hello', seed: '0': 0x84c85fd5 (want 0x248bfa47)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: 'hello, world', seed: '0': 0xa98a45f8 (want 0x149bbb7f)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: 'hello, world', seed: '0': a98a45f8 (want 149bbb7f)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key 'hello, world', seed: '0': 0xa98a45f8 (want 0x149bbb7f)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': 0xa74dd6ac (want 0xe31e8a70)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': a74dd6ac (want e31e8a70)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': 0xa74dd6ac (want 0xe31e8a70)
    murmur_test.go:58: '[Hash64] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': 0xcef175caccc2d982 (want 0xb89e5988b737affc)
    murmur_test.go:65: [Hash64] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': cef175caccc2d982 (want b89e5988b737affc)
    murmur_test.go:69: [Hash64] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': 0xcef175caccc2d982 (want 0xb89e5988b737affc)
    murmur_test.go:76: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': 0xcef175caccc2d982-0x43fd5acb8ce000a8 (want 0xb89e5988b737affc-0x664fc2950231b2cb)
    murmur_test.go:83: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': cef175caccc2d98243fd5acb8ce000a8 (want b89e5988b737affc664fc2950231b2cb)
    murmur_test.go:87: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': 0xcef175caccc2d982-0x43fd5acb8ce000a8 (want 0xb89e5988b737affc-0x664fc2950231b2cb)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': 0x4f6a2b71 (want 0xd5c48bfc)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': 4f6a2b71 (want d5c48bfc)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': 0x4f6a2b71 (want 0xd5c48bfc)
    murmur_test.go:58: '[Hash64] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': 0xa9dcb521e865357b (want 0xcd99481f9ee902c9)
    murmur_test.go:65: [Hash64] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': a9dcb521e865357b (want cd99481f9ee902c9)
    murmur_test.go:69: [Hash64] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': 0xa9dcb521e865357b (want 0xcd99481f9ee902c9)
    murmur_test.go:76: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': 0xa9dcb521e865357b-0x31929daa7f2d439e (want 0xcd99481f9ee902c9-0x695da1a38987b6e7)
    murmur_test.go:83: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': a9dcb521e865357b31929daa7f2d439e (want cd99481f9ee902c9695da1a38987b6e7)
    murmur_test.go:87: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': 0xa9dcb521e865357b-0x31929daa7f2d439e (want 0xcd99481f9ee902c9-0x695da1a38987b6e7)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: 'hello', seed: '1': 0x3abb1755 (want 0xbb4abcad)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: 'hello', seed: '1': 3abb1755 (want bb4abcad)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key 'hello', seed: '1': 0x3abb1755 (want 0xbb4abcad)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: 'hello, world', seed: '1': 0x603764bb (want 0x6f5cb2e9)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: 'hello, world', seed: '1': 603764bb (want 6f5cb2e9)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key 'hello, world', seed: '1': 0x603764bb (want 0x6f5cb2e9)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 0x4a7fcb64 (want 0xf50e1f30)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 4a7fcb64 (want f50e1f30)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 0x4a7fcb64 (want 0xf50e1f30)
    murmur_test.go:58: '[Hash64] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 0x9c2486a8436dc6d4 (want 0x2a929de9c8f97b2f)
    murmur_test.go:65: [Hash64] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 9c2486a8436dc6d4 (want 2a929de9c8f97b2f)
    murmur_test.go:69: [Hash64] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 0x9c2486a8436dc6d4 (want 0x2a929de9c8f97b2f)
    murmur_test.go:76: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 0x9c2486a8436dc6d4-0x8b246db6d41ca4cd (want 0x2a929de9c8f97b2f-0x56a41d99af43a2db)
    murmur_test.go:83: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 9c2486a8436dc6d48b246db6d41ca4cd (want 2a929de9c8f97b2f56a41d99af43a2db)
    murmur_test.go:87: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 0x9c2486a8436dc6d4-0x8b246db6d41ca4cd (want 0x2a929de9c8f97b2f-0x56a41d99af43a2db)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 0x30ce84fd (want 0x846f6a36)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 30ce84fd (want 846f6a36)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 0x30ce84fd (want 0x846f6a36)
    murmur_test.go:58: '[Hash64] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 0x628443d6482f2887 (want 0xfb3325171f9744da)
    murmur_test.go:65: [Hash64] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 628443d6482f2887 (want fb3325171f9744da)
    murmur_test.go:69: [Hash64] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 0x628443d6482f2887 (want 0xfb3325171f9744da)
    murmur_test.go:76: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 0x628443d6482f2887-0x3dde79f9da7a3d93 (want 0xfb3325171f9744da-0xaaf8b92a5f722952)
    murmur_test.go:83: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 628443d6482f28873dde79f9da7a3d93 (want fb3325171f9744daaaf8b92a5f722952)
    murmur_test.go:87: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 0x628443d6482f2887-0x3dde79f9da7a3d93 (want 0xfb3325171f9744da-0xaaf8b92a5f722952)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: 'hello', seed: '42': 0xb4fc956f (want 0xe2dbd2e1)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: 'hello', seed: '42': b4fc956f (want e2dbd2e1)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key 'hello', seed: '42': 0xb4fc956f (want 0xe2dbd2e1)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: 'hello, world', seed: '42': 0x8cdde10 (want 0x7ec7c6c2)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: 'hello, world', seed: '42': 08cdde10 (want 7ec7c6c2)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key 'hello, world', seed: '42': 0x8cdde10 (want 0x7ec7c6c2)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 0x4e1b5ffd (want 0x58f745f6)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 4e1b5ffd (want 58f745f6)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 0x4e1b5ffd (want 0x58f745f6)
    murmur_test.go:58: '[Hash64] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 0x74da3b584f708419 (want 0xfd8f19ebdc8c6b6a)
    murmur_test.go:65: [Hash64] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 74da3b584f708419 (want fd8f19ebdc8c6b6a)
    murmur_test.go:69: [Hash64] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 0x74da3b584f708419 (want 0xfd8f19ebdc8c6b6a)
    murmur_test.go:76: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 0x74da3b584f708419-0x70bc8f344c720268 (want 0xfd8f19ebdc8c6b6a-0xd30fdc310fa08ff9)
    murmur_test.go:83: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 74da3b584f70841970bc8f344c720268 (want fd8f19ebdc8c6b6ad30fdc310fa08ff9)
BUILDSTDERR:     murmur_test.go:87: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 0x74da3b584f7error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.nLSukM (%check)
BUILDSTDERR:     Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.nLSukM (%check)
08419-0x70bc8f344c720268 (want 0xfd8f19ebdc8c6b6a-0xd30fdc310fa08ff9)
    murmur_test.go:41: [Hash32] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': 0xb30cdd6a (want 0xc02d1434)
    murmur_test.go:48: [Hash32] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': b30cdd6a (want c02d1434)
    murmur_test.go:52: [Hash32] key 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': 0xb30cdd6a (want 0xc02d1434)
    murmur_test.go:58: '[Hash64] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': 0x273479948464724d (want 0x74f33c659cda5af7)
    murmur_test.go:65: [Hash64] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': 273479948464724d (want 74f33c659cda5af7)
    murmur_test.go:69: [Hash64] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': 0x273479948464724d (want 0x74f33c659cda5af7)
    murmur_test.go:76: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': 0x273479948464724d-0x41792c09e77ee500 (want 0x74f33c659cda5af7-0x4ec7a891caf316f0)
    murmur_test.go:83: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': 273479948464724d41792c09e77ee500 (want 74f33c659cda5af74ec7a891caf316f0)
    murmur_test.go:87: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': 0x273479948464724d-0x41792c09e77ee500 (want 0x74f33c659cda5af7-0x4ec7a891caf316f0)
hel|lo, wo|rld|
19 |Jan 20|38 at 3:14:0|7 AM|
The| quick| brown fox j|umps over the lazy dog.|
hel|lo, wo|rld|
19 |Jan 20|38 at 3:14:0|7 AM|
The| quick| brown fox j|umps over the lazy dog.|
hel|lo, wo|rld|
19 |Jan 20|38 at 3:14:0|7 AM|
The| quick| brown fox j|umps over the lazy dog.|
--- FAIL: TestIncremental (0.00s)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: 'hello', seed: '0': 0x84c85fd5 (want 0x248bfa47)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: 'hello, world', seed: '0': 0xa98a45f8 (want 0x149bbb7f)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': 0xa74dd6ac (want 0xe31e8a70)
    murmur_test.go:112: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '0': 0xcef175caccc2d982-0x43fd5acb8ce000a8 (want 0xb89e5988b737affc-0x664fc2950231b2cb)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': 0x4f6a2b71 (want 0xd5c48bfc)
    murmur_test.go:112: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '0': 0xa9dcb521e865357b-0x31929daa7f2d439e (want 0xcd99481f9ee902c9-0x695da1a38987b6e7)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: 'hello', seed: '1': 0x3abb1755 (want 0xbb4abcad)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: 'hello, world', seed: '1': 0x603764bb (want 0x6f5cb2e9)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 0x4a7fcb64 (want 0xf50e1f30)
    murmur_test.go:112: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '1': 0x9c2486a8436dc6d4-0x8b246db6d41ca4cd (want 0x2a929de9c8f97b2f-0x56a41d99af43a2db)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 0x30ce84fd (want 0x846f6a36)
    murmur_test.go:112: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '1': 0x628443d6482f2887-0x3dde79f9da7a3d93 (want 0xfb3325171f9744da-0xaaf8b92a5f722952)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: 'hello', seed: '42': 0xb4fc956f (want 0xe2dbd2e1)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: 'hello, world', seed: '42': 0x8cdde10 (want 0x7ec7c6c2)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 0x4e1b5ffd (want 0x58f745f6)
    murmur_test.go:112: [Hash128] key: '19 Jan 2038 at 3:14:07 AM', seed: '42': 0x74da3b584f708419-0x70bc8f344c720268 (want 0xfd8f19ebdc8c6b6a-0xd30fdc310fa08ff9)
    murmur_test.go:109: [Hash32] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': 0xb30cdd6a (want 0xc02d1434)
    murmur_test.go:112: [Hash128] key: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', seed: '42': 0x273479948464724d-0x41792c09e77ee500 (want 0x74f33c659cda5af7-0x4ec7a891caf316f0)

I'm fairly certain that murmur2 is not endian-neutral, so using the same hash result as little-endian won't work. MurmerHash3 should be endian-neutral, so maybe this has to do with #11.

Hash implementations don't implement hash.Hash interface

The way that the hash functions are implemented - containing the hash.Hash instance, and the constructor, doesn't allow for them to be used in place of standard hash.Hash implementations.

I.e. if a program is designed to have swappable hash implementations, they will commonly take as a parameter of type (hashFunc func() hash.Hash)

However, since the objects return their own types - Hash32, Hash64 or Hash128, the New functions do not have a matching signature, and cannot be easily used in place of the other hash functions.

GoModules incompatible release versions

On release page versions have form vX.Y, by GoModules cannot work with that form..

It will be nice if you add two additional tags on same revisions in the form of vX.Y.Z

  • v1.1.0 -> v1.1 (9f5d223)
  • v1.0.0 -> v1.0 (0d12bf8)


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