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kafka-node's Introduction


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Kafka-node is a Node.js client for Apache Kafka 0.9 and later.

Table of Contents


  • Consumer
  • Producer and High Level Producer
  • Node Stream Producer (Kafka 0.9+)
  • Node Stream Consumers (ConsumerGroupStream Kafka 0.9+)
  • Manage topic Offsets
  • SSL connections to brokers (Kafka 0.9+)
  • SASL/PLAIN Authentication (Kafka 0.10+)
  • Consumer Groups managed by Kafka coordinator (Kafka 0.9+)
  • Connect directly to brokers (Kafka 0.9+)
  • Administrative APIs
    • List Groups
    • Describe Groups
    • Create Topics

Install Kafka

Follow the instructions on the Kafka wiki to build Kafka and get a test broker up and running.



New KafkaClient connects directly to Kafka brokers.


  • kafkaHost : A string of kafka broker/host combination delimited by comma for example:,, default: localhost:9092.
  • connectTimeout : in ms it takes to wait for a successful connection before moving to the next host default: 10000
  • requestTimeout : in ms for a kafka request to timeout default: 30000
  • autoConnect : automatically connect when KafkaClient is instantiated otherwise you need to manually call connect default: true
  • connectRetryOptions : object hash that applies to the initial connection. see retry module for these options.
  • idleConnection : allows the broker to disconnect an idle connection from a client (otherwise the clients continues to O after being disconnected). The value is elapsed time in ms without any data written to the TCP socket. default: 5 minutes
  • reconnectOnIdle : when the connection is closed due to client idling, client will attempt to auto-reconnect. default: true
  • maxAsyncRequests : maximum async operations at a time toward the kafka cluster. default: 10
  • sslOptions: Object, options to be passed to the tls broker sockets, ex. { rejectUnauthorized: false } (Kafka 0.9+)
  • sasl: Object, SASL authentication configuration (only SASL/PLAIN is currently supported), ex. { mechanism: 'plain', username: 'foo', password: 'bar' } (Kafka 0.10+)


const client = new kafka.KafkaClient({kafkaHost: ''});


Producer(KafkaClient, [options], [customPartitioner])

  • client: client which keeps a connection with the Kafka server.
  • options: options for producer,
    // Configuration for when to consider a message as acknowledged, default 1
    requireAcks: 1,
    // The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for all acks before considered, default 100ms
    ackTimeoutMs: 100,
    // Partitioner type (default = 0, random = 1, cyclic = 2, keyed = 3, custom = 4), default 0
    partitionerType: 2
var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    Producer = kafka.Producer,
    client = new kafka.KafkaClient(),
    producer = new Producer(client);


  • ready: this event is emitted when producer is ready to send messages.
  • error: this is the error event propagates from internal client, producer should always listen it.

send(payloads, cb)

  • payloads: Array,array of ProduceRequest, ProduceRequest is a JSON object like:
   topic: 'topicName',
   messages: ['message body'], // multi messages should be a array, single message can be just a string or a KeyedMessage instance
   key: 'theKey', // string or buffer, only needed when using keyed partitioner
   partition: 0, // default 0
   attributes: 2, // default: 0
   timestamp: // <-- defaults to (only available with kafka v0.10+)
  • cb: Function, the callback

attributes controls compression of the message set. It supports the following values:

  • 0: No compression
  • 1: Compress using GZip
  • 2: Compress using snappy


var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    Producer = kafka.Producer,
    KeyedMessage = kafka.KeyedMessage,
    client = new kafka.KafkaClient(),
    producer = new Producer(client),
    km = new KeyedMessage('key', 'message'),
    payloads = [
        { topic: 'topic1', messages: 'hi', partition: 0 },
        { topic: 'topic2', messages: ['hello', 'world', km] }
producer.on('ready', function () {
    producer.send(payloads, function (err, data) {

producer.on('error', function (err) {})

createTopics(topics, cb)

This method is used to create topics on the Kafka server. It requires Kafka 0.10+.

  • topics: Array, array of topics
  • cb: Function, the callback


var kafka = require('kafka-node');
var client = new kafka.KafkaClient();

var topicsToCreate = [{
  topic: 'topic1',
  partitions: 1,
  replicationFactor: 2
  topic: 'topic2',
  partitions: 5,
  replicationFactor: 3,
  // Optional set of config entries
  configEntries: [
      name: 'compression.type',
      value: 'gzip'
      name: '',
      value: '50'
  // Optional explicit partition / replica assignment
  // When this property exists, partitions and replicationFactor properties are ignored
  replicaAssignment: [
      partition: 0,
      replicas: [3, 4]
      partition: 1,
      replicas: [2, 1]

client.createTopics(topicsToCreate, (error, result) => {
  // result is an array of any errors if a given topic could not be created


HighLevelProducer(KafkaClient, [options], [customPartitioner])

  • client: client which keeps a connection with the Kafka server. Round-robins produce requests to the available topic partitions
  • options: options for producer,
    // Configuration for when to consider a message as acknowledged, default 1
    requireAcks: 1,
    // The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for all acks before considered, default 100ms
    ackTimeoutMs: 100
var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    HighLevelProducer = kafka.HighLevelProducer,
    client = new kafka.KafkaClient(),
    producer = new HighLevelProducer(client);


  • ready: this event is emitted when producer is ready to send messages.
  • error: this is the error event propagates from internal client, producer should always listen it.

send(payloads, cb)

  • payloads: Array,array of ProduceRequest, ProduceRequest is a JSON object like:
   topic: 'topicName',
   messages: ['message body'], // multi messages should be a array, single message can be just a string,
   key: 'theKey', // string or buffer, only needed when using keyed partitioner
   attributes: 1,
   timestamp: // <-- defaults to (only available with kafka v0.10 and KafkaClient only)
  • cb: Function, the callback


var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    HighLevelProducer = kafka.HighLevelProducer,
    client = new kafka.KafkaClient(),
    producer = new HighLevelProducer(client),
    payloads = [
        { topic: 'topic1', messages: 'hi' },
        { topic: 'topic2', messages: ['hello', 'world'] }
producer.on('ready', function () {
    producer.send(payloads, function (err, data) {

createTopics(topics, async, cb)

This method is used to create topics on the Kafka server. It only work when auto.create.topics.enable, on the Kafka server, is set to true. Our client simply sends a metadata request to the server which will auto create topics. When async is set to false, this method does not return until all topics are created, otherwise it returns immediately.

  • topics: Array,array of topics
  • async: Boolean,async or sync
  • cb: Function,the callback


var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    HighLevelProducer = kafka.HighLevelProducer,
    client = new kafka.KafkaClient(),
    producer = new HighLevelProducer(client);
// Create topics sync
producer.createTopics(['t','t1'], false, function (err, data) {
// Create topics async
producer.createTopics(['t'], true, function (err, data) {});
producer.createTopics(['t'], function (err, data) {});// Simply omit 2nd arg


ProducerStream (options)


Streams Example

In this example we demonstrate how to stream a source of data (from stdin) to kafka (ExampleTopic topic) for processing. Then in a separate instance (or worker process) we consume from that kafka topic and use a Transform stream to update the data and stream the result to a different topic using a ProducerStream.

Stream text from stdin and write that into a Kafka Topic

const Transform = require('stream').Transform;
const ProducerStream = require('./lib/producerStream');
const _ = require('lodash');
const producer = new ProducerStream();

const stdinTransform = new Transform({
  objectMode: true,
  decodeStrings: true,
  transform (text, encoding, callback) {
    text = _.trim(text);
    console.log(`pushing message ${text} to ExampleTopic`);
    callback(null, {
      topic: 'ExampleTopic',
      messages: text


Use ConsumerGroupStream to read from this topic and transform the data and feed the result of into the RebalanceTopic Topic.

const ProducerStream = require('./lib/producerStream');
const ConsumerGroupStream = require('./lib/consumerGroupStream');
const resultProducer = new ProducerStream();

const consumerOptions = {
  kafkaHost: '',
  groupId: 'ExampleTestGroup',
  sessionTimeout: 15000,
  protocol: ['roundrobin'],
  asyncPush: false,
  id: 'consumer1',
  fromOffset: 'latest'

const consumerGroup = new ConsumerGroupStream(consumerOptions, 'ExampleTopic');

const messageTransform = new Transform({
  objectMode: true,
  decodeStrings: true,
  transform (message, encoding, callback) {
    console.log(`Received message ${message.value} transforming input`);
    callback(null, {
      topic: 'RebalanceTopic',
      messages: `You have been (${message.value}) made an example of`



Consumer(client, payloads, options)

  • client: client which keeps a connection with the Kafka server. Note: it's recommend that create new client for different consumers.
  • payloads: Array,array of FetchRequest, FetchRequest is a JSON object like:
   topic: 'topicName',
   offset: 0, //default 0
   partition: 0 // default 0
  • options: options for consumer,
    groupId: 'kafka-node-group',//consumer group id, default `kafka-node-group`
    // Auto commit config
    autoCommit: true,
    autoCommitIntervalMs: 5000,
    // The max wait time is the maximum amount of time in milliseconds to block waiting if insufficient data is available at the time the request is issued, default 100ms
    fetchMaxWaitMs: 100,
    // This is the minimum number of bytes of messages that must be available to give a response, default 1 byte
    fetchMinBytes: 1,
    // The maximum bytes to include in the message set for this partition. This helps bound the size of the response.
    fetchMaxBytes: 1024 * 1024,
    // If set true, consumer will fetch message from the given offset in the payloads
    fromOffset: false,
    // If set to 'buffer', values will be returned as raw buffer objects.
    encoding: 'utf8',
    keyEncoding: 'utf8'


var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    Consumer = kafka.Consumer,
    client = new kafka.KafkaClient(),
    consumer = new Consumer(
            { topic: 't', partition: 0 }, { topic: 't1', partition: 1 }
            autoCommit: false

on('message', onMessage);

By default, we will consume messages from the last committed offset of the current group

  • onMessage: Function, callback when new message comes


consumer.on('message', function (message) {

on('error', function (err) {})

on('offsetOutOfRange', function (err) {})

addTopics(topics, cb, fromOffset)

Add topics to current consumer, if any topic to be added not exists, return error

  • topics: Array, array of topics to add
  • cb: Function,the callback
  • fromOffset: Boolean, if true, the consumer will fetch message from the specified offset, otherwise it will fetch message from the last commited offset of the topic.


consumer.addTopics(['t1', 't2'], function (err, added) {


consumer.addTopics([{ topic: 't1', offset: 10 }], function (err, added) {
}, true);

removeTopics(topics, cb)

  • topics: Array, array of topics to remove
  • cb: Function, the callback


consumer.removeTopics(['t1', 't2'], function (err, removed) {


Commit offset of the current topics manually, this method should be called when a consumer leaves

  • cb: Function, the callback


consumer.commit(function(err, data) {

setOffset(topic, partition, offset)

Set offset of the given topic

  • topic: String

  • partition: Number

  • offset: Number


consumer.setOffset('topic', 0, 0);


Pause the consumer. Calling pause does not automatically stop messages from being emitted. This is because pause just stops the kafka consumer fetch loop. Each iteration of the fetch loop can obtain a batch of messages (limited by fetchMaxBytes).


Resume the consumer. Resumes the fetch loop.


Pause specify topics

    { topic: 'topic2', partition: 0 }


Resume specify topics

    { topic: 'topic2', partition: 0 }

close(force, cb)

  • force: Boolean, if set to true, it forces the consumer to commit the current offset before closing, default false


consumer.close(true, cb);
consumer.close(cb); //force is disabled


Consumer implemented using node's Readable stream interface. Read more about streams here.


  • streams are consumed in chunks and in kafka-node each chunk is a kafka message
  • a stream contains an internal buffer of messages fetched from kafka. By default the buffer size is 100 messages and can be changed through the highWaterMark option

Compared to Consumer

Similar API as Consumer with some exceptions. Methods like pause and resume in ConsumerStream respects the toggling of flow mode in a Stream. In Consumer calling pause() just paused the fetch cycle and will continue to emit message events. Pausing in a ConsumerStream should immediately stop emitting data events.

ConsumerStream(client, payloads, options)


ConsumerGroup(options, topics)

var options = {
  kafkaHost: 'broker:9092', // connect directly to kafka broker (instantiates a KafkaClient)
  batch: undefined, // put client batch settings if you need them
  ssl: true, // optional (defaults to false) or tls options hash
  groupId: 'ExampleTestGroup',
  sessionTimeout: 15000,
  // An array of partition assignment protocols ordered by preference.
  // 'roundrobin' or 'range' string for built ins (see below to pass in custom assignment protocol)
  protocol: ['roundrobin'],
  encoding: 'utf8', // default is utf8, use 'buffer' for binary data

  // Offsets to use for new groups other options could be 'earliest' or 'none' (none will emit an error if no offsets were saved)
  // equivalent to Java client's auto.offset.reset
  fromOffset: 'latest', // default
  commitOffsetsOnFirstJoin: true, // on the very first time this consumer group subscribes to a topic, record the offset returned in fromOffset (latest/earliest)
  // how to recover from OutOfRangeOffset error (where save offset is past server retention) accepts same value as fromOffset
  outOfRangeOffset: 'earliest', // default
  // Callback to allow consumers with autoCommit false a chance to commit before a rebalance finishes
  // isAlreadyMember will be false on the first connection, and true on rebalances triggered after that
  onRebalance: (isAlreadyMember, callback) => { callback(); } // or null

var consumerGroup = new ConsumerGroup(options, ['RebalanceTopic', 'RebalanceTest']);

// Or for a single topic pass in a string

var consumerGroup = new ConsumerGroup(options, 'RebalanceTopic');

Custom Partition Assignment Protocol

You can pass a custom assignment strategy to the protocol array with the interface:

string :: name

integer :: version

object :: userData

function :: assign (topicPartition, groupMembers, callback)


  "RebalanceTopic": [
  "RebalanceTest": [


    "subscription": [
    "version": 0,
    "id": "consumer1-8db1b117-61c6-4f91-867d-20ccd1ad8b3d"
    "subscription": [
    "version": 0,
    "id": "consumer3-bf2d11f4-1c73-4a39-b498-cfe76eb65bea"
    "subscription": [
    "version": 0,
    "id": "consumer2-9781058e-fad4-40e8-a69c-69afbae05184"

callback(error, result)


    "memberId": "consumer3-bf2d11f4-1c73-4a39-b498-cfe76eb65bea",
    "topicPartitions": {
      "RebalanceTopic": [
      "RebalanceTest": [
    "version": 0
    "memberId": "consumer2-9781058e-fad4-40e8-a69c-69afbae05184",
    "topicPartitions": {
      "RebalanceTopic": [
      "RebalanceTest": [
    "version": 0
    "memberId": "consumer1-8db1b117-61c6-4f91-867d-20ccd1ad8b3d",
    "topicPartitions": {
      "RebalanceTopic": [
      "RebalanceTest": [
    "version": 0

on('message', onMessage);

By default, we will consume messages from the last committed offset of the current group

  • onMessage: Function, callback when new message comes


consumer.on('message', function (message) {

on('error', function (err) {})

on('offsetOutOfRange', function (err) {})

commit(force, cb)

Commit offset of the current topics manually, this method should be called when a consumer leaves

  • force: Boolean, force a commit even if there's a pending commit, default false (optional)
  • cb: Function, the callback


consumer.commit(function(err, data) {


Pause the consumer. Calling pause does not automatically stop messages from being emitted. This is because pause just stops the kafka consumer fetch loop. Each iteration of the fetch loop can obtain a batch of messages (limited by fetchMaxBytes).


Resume the consumer. Resumes the fetch loop.

close(force, cb)

  • force: Boolean, if set to true, it forces the consumer to commit the current offset before closing, default false


consumer.close(true, cb);
consumer.close(cb); //force is disabled


The ConsumerGroup wrapped with a Readable stream interface. Read more about consuming Readable streams here.

Same notes in the Notes section of ConsumerStream applies to this stream.

Auto Commit

ConsumerGroupStream manages auto commits differently than ConsumerGroup. Whereas the ConsumerGroup would automatically commit offsets of fetched messages the ConsumerGroupStream will only commit offsets of consumed messages from the stream buffer. This will be better for most users since it more accurately represents what was actually "Consumed". The interval at which auto commit fires off is still controlled by the autoCommitIntervalMs option and this feature can be disabled by setting autoCommit to false.

ConsumerGroupStream (consumerGroupOptions, topics)

  • consumerGroupOptions same options to initialize a ConsumerGroup
  • topics a single or array of topics to subscribe to

commit(message, force, callback)

This method can be used to commit manually when autoCommit is set to false.

  • message the original message or an object with {topic, partition, offset}
  • force a commit even if there's a pending commit
  • callback (optional)


Closes the ConsumerGroup. Calls callback when complete. If autoCommit is enabled calling close will also commit offsets consumed from the buffer.



  • client: client which keeps a connection with the Kafka server.


  • ready: when all brokers are discovered
  • connect when broker is ready

fetch(payloads, cb)

Fetch the available offset of a specific topic-partition

  • payloads: Array,array of OffsetRequest, OffsetRequest is a JSON object like:
   topic: 'topicName',
   partition: 0, //default 0
   // time:
   // Used to ask for all messages before a certain time (ms), default,
   // Specify -1 to receive the latest offsets and -2 to receive the earliest available offset.
   maxNum: 1 //default 1
  • cb: Function, the callback


var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    client = new kafka.KafkaClient(),
    offset = new kafka.Offset(client);
        { topic: 't', partition: 0, time:, maxNum: 1 }
    ], function (err, data) {
        // data
        // { 't': { '0': [999] } }

fetchCommits(groupid, payloads, cb)

Fetch the last committed offset in a topic of a specific consumer group

  • groupId: consumer group
  • payloads: Array,array of OffsetFetchRequest, OffsetFetchRequest is a JSON object like:
   topic: 'topicName',
   partition: 0 //default 0


var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    client = new kafka.KafkaClient(),
    offset = new kafka.Offset(client);
    offset.fetchCommitsV1('groupId', [
        { topic: 't', partition: 0 }
    ], function (err, data) {

fetchCommitsV1(groupid, payloads, cb)

Alias of fetchCommits.

fetchLatestOffsets(topics, cb)


	var partition = 0;
	var topic = 't';
	offset.fetchLatestOffsets([topic], function (error, offsets) {
		if (error)
			return handleError(error);

fetchEarliestOffsets(topics, cb)


	var partition = 0;
	var topic = 't';
	offset.fetchEarliestOffsets([topic], function (error, offsets) {
		if (error)
			return handleError(error);


This class provides administrative APIs can be used to monitor and administer the Kafka cluster.

Admin (KafkaClient)

  • kafkaClient: client which keeps a connection with the Kafka server.


List the consumer groups managed by the kafka cluster.

  • cb: Function, the callback


const client = new kafka.KafkaClient();
const admin = new kafka.Admin(client); // client must be KafkaClient
admin.listGroups((err, res) => {
  console.log('consumerGroups', res);


consumerGroups { 'console-consumer-87148': 'consumer',
  'console-consumer-2690': 'consumer',
  'console-consumer-7439': 'consumer'

describeGroups(consumerGroups, cb)

Fetch consumer group information from the cluster. See result for detailed information.

  • consumerGroups: Array, array of consumer groups (which can be gathered from listGroups)
  • cb: Function, the callback


admin.describeGroups(['console-consumer-2690'], (err, res) => {


 "console-consumer-2690": {
  "members": [
    "memberId": "consumer-1-20195e12-cb3b-4ba4-9076-e7da8ed0d57a",
    "clientId": "consumer-1",
    "clientHost": "/",
    "memberMetadata": {
     "subscription": [
     "version": 0,
     "userData": "JSON parse error",
     "id": "consumer-1-20195e12-cb3b-4ba4-9076-e7da8ed0d57a"
    "memberAssignment": {
     "partitions": {
      "twice-tt": [
     "version": 0,
     "userData": "JSON Parse error"
  "error": null,
  "groupId": "console-consumer-2690",
  "state": "Stable",
  "protocolType": "consumer",
  "protocol": "range",
  "brokerId": "4"


List the topics managed by the kafka cluster.

  • cb: Function, the callback


const client = new kafka.KafkaClient();
const admin = new kafka.Admin(client);
admin.listTopics((err, res) => {
  console.log('topics', res);


    "1001": {
      "nodeId": 1001,
      "host": "",
      "port": 9092
    "metadata": {
      "my-test-topic": {
        "0": {
          "topic": "my-test-topic",
          "partition": 0,
          "leader": 1001,
          "replicas": [
          "isr": [
        "1": {
          "topic": "my-test-topic",
          "partition": 1,
          "leader": 1001,
          "replicas": [
          "isr": [
    "clusterMetadata": {
      "controllerId": 1001

createTopics(topics, cb)

var topics = [{
  topic: 'topic1',
  partitions: 1,
  replicationFactor: 2
admin.createTopics(topics, (err, res) => {
  // result is an array of any errors if a given topic could not be created

See createTopics

describeConfigs(payload, cb)

Fetch the configuration for the specified resources. It requires Kafka 0.11+.

  • payload: Array, array of resources
  • cb: Function, the callback


const resource = {
  resourceType: admin.RESOURCE_TYPES.topic,   // 'broker' or 'topic'
  resourceName: 'my-topic-name',
  configNames: []           // specific config names, or empty array to return all,

const payload = {
  resources: [resource],
  includeSynonyms: false   // requires kafka 2.0+

admin.describeConfigs(payload, (err, res) => {


  "configEntries": [
    "synonyms": [],
    "configName": "compression.type",
    "configValue": "producer",
    "readOnly": false,
    "configSource": 5,
    "isSensitive": false
    "synonyms": [],
    "configName": "message.format.version",
    "configValue": "0.10.2-IV0",
    "readOnly": false,
    "configSource": 4,
    "isSensitive": false
    "synonyms": [],
    "configName": "",
    "configValue": "60000",
    "readOnly": false,
    "configSource": 5,
    "isSensitive": false
    "synonyms": [],
    "configName": "leader.replication.throttled.replicas",
    "configValue": "",
    "readOnly": false,
    "configSource": 5,
    "isSensitive": false
    "synonyms": [],
    "configName": "max.message.bytes",
    "configValue": "1000012",
    "readOnly": false,
    "configSource": 5,
    "isSensitive": false
  "resourceType": "2",
  "resourceName": "my-topic-name"

Troubleshooting / FAQ

HighLevelProducer with KeyedPartitioner errors on first send


BrokerNotAvailableError: Could not find the leader

Call client.refreshMetadata() before sending the first message. Reference issue #354

How do I debug an issue?

This module uses the debug module so you can just run below before starting your app.

export DEBUG=kafka-node:*

For a new consumer how do I start consuming from the latest message in a partition?

If you are using the new ConsumerGroup simply set 'latest' to fromOffset option.


  1. Call offset.fetchLatestOffsets to get fetch the latest offset
  2. Consume from returned offset

Reference issue #342

ConsumerGroup does not consume on all partitions

Your partition will be stuck if the fetchMaxBytes is smaller than the message produced. Increase fetchMaxBytes value should resolve this issue.

Reference to issue #339

How to throttle messages / control the concurrency of processing messages

  1. Create a async.queue with message processor and concurrency of one (the message processor itself is wrapped with setImmediate so it will not freeze up the event loop)
  2. Set the queue.drain to resume the consumer
  3. The handler for consumer's message event pauses the consumer and pushes the message to the queue.

How do I produce and consume binary data?


In the consumer set the encoding option to buffer.


Set the messages attribute in the payload to a Buffer. TypedArrays such as Uint8Array are not supported and need to be converted to a Buffer.

 messages: Buffer.from(data.buffer)

Reference to issue #470 #514

What are these node-gyp and snappy errors?

Snappy is a optional compression library. Windows users have reported issues with installing it while running npm install. It's optional in kafka-node and can be skipped by using the --no-optional flag (though errors from it should not fail the install).

npm install kafka-node --no-optional --save

Keep in mind if you try to use snappy without installing it kafka-node will throw a runtime exception.

How do I configure the log output?

By default, kafka-node uses debug to log important information. To integrate kafka-node's log output into an application, it is possible to set a logger provider. This enables filtering of log levels and easy redirection of output streams.

What is a logger provider?

A logger provider is a function which takes the name of a logger and returns a logger implementation. For instance, the following code snippet shows how a logger provider for the global console object could be written:

function consoleLoggerProvider (name) {
  // do something with the name
  return {
    debug: console.debug.bind(console),
    warn: console.warn.bind(console),
    error: console.error.bind(console)

The logger interface with its debug, info, warn and error methods expects format string support as seen in debug or the JavaScript console object. Many commonly used logging implementations cover this API, e.g. bunyan, pino or winston.

How do I set a logger provider?

For performance reasons, initialization of the kafka-node module creates all necessary loggers. This means that custom logger providers need to be set before requiring the kafka-node module. The following example shows how this can be done:

// first configure the logger provider
const kafkaLogging = require('kafka-node/logging');

// then require kafka-node and continue as normal
const kafka = require('kafka-node');

Error: Not a message set. Magic byte is 2

If you are receiving this error in your consumer double check the fetchMaxBytes configuration. If set too low the broker could start sending fetch responses in RecordBatch format instead of MessageSet.

Running Tests

Install Docker

On the Mac install Docker for Mac.

Start Docker and Run Tests

npm test

Using different versions of Kafka

Achieved using the KAFKA_VERSION environment variable.

# Runs "latest" kafka on docker hub*
npm test

# Runs test against other versions:

KAFKA_VERSION=0.9 npm test

KAFKA_VERSION=0.10 npm test

KAFKA_VERSION=0.11 npm test

KAFKA_VERSION=1.0 npm test

KAFKA_VERSION=1.1 npm test

KAFKA_VERSION=2.0 npm test

*See Docker hub tags entry for which version is considered latest.

Stop Docker

npm run stopDocker


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kafka-node's People


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kafka-node's Issues

Consumer ignoring offsets

I am unable to get a consumer to not fetch --from-beginning style.

I have tried the following keys in the FetchRequest object in various combinations to no avail:

fromBeginning as true/false
offset as number
time as
fromOffset as true/false

I have not experimented with the Offset object/setter function yet as it doesn't seem like I should need to. The documentation feels out of sync as to which is the "right" way to accomplish this. As is, every time the consumer connects it consumes everything from the beginning no matter I pass it.

offset.fetch function returns same last consumed offset for multiple consumer groups

Is there any way to specify the consumer group id option to the offset.fetch function to get the latest offset for that particular consumer group ?

Current options are partition, time, maxNum, metadata. can we add groupId to that ?
My requirement is to get the latest offset for different consumers(on same topic) that belong to different groups.

Iterating and controlling Consumer.on messages

I am trying to create a consumer that only reads events created from current time( Hence the fromBeginning option). However, the consumer.on continuously loops on the message for offset 0 with the response:

   topic: 'event-bus',
  value: '{id:topic,type:\'PageView\',body:[]}',
  offset: 0,
  partition: 0,
  key: -1 

This happens even when I set the offset in the callback.

I am using version 0.2.1

Below is my code:

var WebServer = function() {
    this.definitions = app.locals.definitions = require('./definitions.json');
    app.set('port', this.definitions.port);

    this.topic = {topic:this.definitions.topic,partition:0};

    this.producer_client = new kafka.Client(this.definitions.zookeeper_connection);
    this.producer = new Producer(this.producer_client);

    this.consumer_client = new kafka.Client(this.definitions.zookeeper_connection);
    this.consumer = new Consumer(this.consumer_client,[this.topic],{fromBeginning:false , fromOffset: true});

    app.locals.server = this;
    console.log('Load Web Server Consumer');

    http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){
        console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));

WebServer.prototype.loadWebServer = function(){
       var _this_topic=this.topic;
       var _this_consumer=this.consumer;
       this.consumer.on('message', function (message) {
            console.log("Consumer Message",message);
            console.log("Topic",_this_topic.topic,_this_topic.partition,(message.partition + 1));
            _this_consumer.setOffset(_this_topic.topic.topic, _this_topic.partition, (message.partition + 1));

        this.consumer.on('error', function (err) {
            console.log('error', err);
        this.consumer.on('offsetOutOfRange', function (topic) {
            topic.maxNum = 2;
            offset.fetch([topic], function (err, offsets) {
                var min = Math.min.apply(null, offsets[topic.topic][topic.partition]);
                consumer.setOffset(topic.topic, topic.partition, min);

       app.all('*', function(req,res){

            var server ='server');
            var send_obj = {topic:server.definitions.topic,partition:0};
            send_obj.messages = {

                server.producer.send([send_obj], function (err, data) {
                        console.log("Producer error",err);
                        console.log('Producer Data',data);



call to loadMetadata in createTopics doesn't check for errors

In the createTopics function, if there's an error during the call to loadMetaDataForTopics, the application crashes with a cryptic error:

"TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined"

This happens because when there's an error, you still try to read from the response (resp[1]) and resp is undefined. Some kind of error handling needs to happen in this function (not to mention some other functions).

node app then close

I am using kafka-node to connect to kafka_2.8.0-0.8.0 but every time this gives me below error:
[root@abx-3 testKafka]# node app
[root@abx-3 testKafka]# node testsocket.js

app.js code :

var kafka=require('kafka-node'),
    Consumer = kafka.Consumer,
    client = new kafka.Client(''),
    consumer = new Consumer(
            { topic: 'test', partition: 0 }
            autoCommit: true
consumer.on('message', function (message) {

testsocket.js code :

var net=require('net');
var host='';
var port='9092';//var port='2181';
var socket = net.createConnection(port, host);
    socket.addr = host + ':' + port; = host;
    socket.port = port;

    socket.on('connect', function () {
         //this.error = false;
    socket.on('error', function (err) {
        // self.emit('error', err);
    socket.on('close', function (err) {
        // self.emit('close');
       // retry(this);
    socket.on('end', function () {
    socket.buffer = new Buffer([]);
    socket.on('data', function (data) {
        var buffer = Buffer.concat([this.buffer, data]);
    socket.setKeepAlive(true, 60000);

[root@abx-3 kafka-0.8.0-src]# bin/ --zookeeper --topic test --from-beginning
ERROR RemoteSyslogInfo [(null)] - 123123123
ERROR RemoteSyslogInfo [(null)] - 123123123
ERROR RemoteSyslogInfo [(null)] - 123123123
ERROR RemoteSyslogInfo [(null)] - 123123123
ERROR RemoteSyslogInfo [(null)] - 123123123

Can someone help me in getting this resolved.

on "message" never triggered when topics are added after creation

i've tried this code:

consumer = new Consumer(consumer_client, []);

consumer.addTopics(["myTopic"], false);  //also tried with async, it's the same

consumer.on('message', processMessage);

Code never reaches "processMessage".

If I pass the topic I want to suscribe on the new, then it works.

can't read the some logs,and will re-read from beginning

when I test this library, I found the consumer get some logs from kafka, suddenly will read the log from beginning. but I use consumer that kafka provide it work OK.
following is usefully information

   offset: 5799,
  partition: 1 }
0 { topic: 'nelo2-normal-logs',
  value: '{"ClientIP":"System Log","Cookie":"-","Exception":"-","FormData":"-","Location":"com.opensymphony.xwork.util.InstantiatingNullHandler.nullPropertyValue():72","Message":"Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultTextProvider@11fc2cfb], property=webwork]","RemoteIP":"","RequestHeader":"Referer : -\\nUser-Agent : -\\nCookie : -","URL":"-","UserID":"-","body":"Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultTextProvider@11fc2cfb], property=webwork]","errorCode":"Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultTextProvider@11fc2cfb], property=webwork]","host":"","logLevel":"DEBUG","logSource":"log","logTime":"1386296778035","logType":"nelo1-log","projectName":"Neon_Project","projectVersion":"1.0"}\n',
  offset: 5800,
  partition: 1 }
0 { topic: 'nelo2-normal-logs',
  value: '',
  offset: null,
  partition: 1 }
0 { topic: 'nelo2-normal-logs',
  value: '{"ClientIP":"System Log","Cookie":"-","Exception":"-","FormData":"-","Location":"org.happybean.common.util.NaverUserBaseInfoUtil.getDirectAccess():107","Message":"회원정보 조회 실패 : hlog_hf1012290885439","RemoteIP":"","RequestHeader":"Referer : -\\nUser-Agent : -\\nCookie : -","URL":"-","UserID":"-","body":"회원정보 조회 실패 : hlog_hf1012290885439","errorCode":"회원정보 조회 실패 : hlog_hf1012290885439","host":"","logLevel":"ERROR","logSource":"log","logTime":"1386296652288","logType":"nelo1-log","projectName":"COMMCAST_HAPPYBEAN","projectVersion":"1.0"}\n',
  offset: 1,
  partition: 1 }

consumer of kafka

next offset = 5799
{"ClientIP":"System Log","Cookie":"-","Exception":"-","FormData":"-","Location":"com.nhncorp.lucy.db.sql.ManagedDataSource
.execute():726","Message":"executing ibatis statement ''\n     \n    SELECT
\n    data_cd, data_nm, data_nm||'('||data_cd||')' as data_nm_cd \n      FROM (   \n    SELECT\n    fd.data_cd AS data_cd,
  \n    dm.data_nm_LANG1 AS data_nm, \n    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY fd.last_update_date DESC, fd.use_cnt DESC, display_n
um, dm.data_nm ASC ) as rnum \n      FROM\n    esm3_data_master dm, \n           (SELECT \n    fd.data_cd, fd.use_cnt, fd.
last_update_date  \n              FROM\n    esm3_favorite_data fd \n             WHERE\n    fd.emp_no = 'NB90011' ) fd \n
    WHERE\n    fd.data_cd = dm.data_cd \n       AND\n    TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDD') BETWEEN data_from_ymd AND data_to_ym
d \n        ) \n     WHERE\n    rnum <= 10","RemoteIP":"","RequestHeader":"Referer : -\nUser-Agent : -\nCooki
e : -","URL":"-","UserID":"-","body":"executing ibatis statement ''\n     \n
    SELECT \n    data_cd, data_nm, data_nm||'('||data_cd||')' as data_nm_cd \n      FROM (   \n    SELECT\n    fd.data_cd
AS data_cd,  \n    dm.data_nm_LANG1 AS data_nm, \n    ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY fd.last_update_date DESC, fd.use_cnt DESC
, display_num, dm.data_nm ASC ) as rnum \n      FROM\n    esm3_data_master dm, \n           (SELECT \n    fd.data_cd, fd.u
se_cnt, fd.last_update_date  \n              FROM\n    esm3_favorite_data fd \n             WHERE\n    fd.emp_no = 'NB9001
1' ) fd \n     WHERE\n    fd.data_cd = dm.data_cd \n       AND\n    TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDD') BETWEEN data_from_ymd AND
 data_to_ymd \n        ) \n     WHERE\n    rnum <= 10","errorCode":"executing ibatis statement '
Tree.selectMyService'\n     \n    SELECT \n    data_cd, data_nm, data_nm||'('","host":"","logLevel":"DEBUG","

next offset = 5800
{"ClientIP":"System Log","Cookie":"-","Exception":"-","FormData":"-","Location":"com.nhncorp.lucy.db.sql.ManagedDataSource
.execute():726","Message":"executing ibatis statement 'com.nhncorp.esm.common.CodeVO.getMinorCodeList'\n     \n
      \n    SELECT  mi.major_cd AS major_cd, \n    mi.minor_cd AS minor_cd, \n    mi.minor_nm_LANG1 AS minor_nm, \n    mi.
minor_type AS minor_type, \n    mi.use_yn AS use_yn, \n    mi.display_yn AS display_yn, \n    nvl(mi.display_num, 0) AS di
splay_num         \n                       FROM esm3_minor mi \n         WHERE mi.major_cd = 'CD_NATION' \n           AND
mi.use_yn = 'Y' \n           AND mi.display_yn = 'Y' \n     ORDER BY mi.display_num \n","RemoteIP":"","Reques
tHeader":"Referer : -\nUser-Agent : -\nCookie : -","URL":"-","UserID":"-","body":"executing ibatis statement 'com.nhncorp.
esm.common.CodeVO.getMinorCodeList'\n     \n                 \n    SELECT  mi.major_cd AS major_cd, \n    mi.minor_cd AS m
inor_cd, \n    mi.minor_nm_LANG1 AS minor_nm, \n    mi.minor_type AS minor_type, \n    mi.use_yn AS use_yn, \n    mi.displ
ay_yn AS display_yn, \n    nvl(mi.display_num, 0) AS display_num         \n                       FROM esm3_minor mi \n
      WHERE mi.major_cd = 'CD_NATION' \n           AND mi.use_yn = 'Y' \n           AND mi.display_yn = 'Y' \n     ORDER B
Y mi.display_num \n","errorCode":"executing ibatis statement 'com.nhncorp.esm.common.CodeVO.getMinorCodeList'\n     \n
             \n    SELECT  mi.major_cd AS m","host":"","logLevel":"DEBUG","logSource":"log","logTime":"138629

next offset = 5801
{"ClientIP":"System Log","Cookie":"-","Exception":"-","FormData":"-","Location":"com.opensymphony.xwork.util.Instantiating
NullHandler.nullPropertyValue():72","Message":"Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultTextProvi
der@11fc2cfb], property=webwork]","RemoteIP":"","RequestHeader":"Referer : -\nUser-Agent : -\nCookie : -","UR
L":"-","UserID":"-","body":"Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultTextProvider@11fc2cfb], prop
erty=webwork]","errorCode":"Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork.DefaultTextProvider@11fc2cfb], prop

next offset = 5802
{"ClientIP":"System Log","Cookie":"-","Exception":"-","FormData":"-","Location":"com.nhncorp.bca.common.aspect.NcoBoAspect
.arround():87","Message":"BoAspect : Session Check Start","RemoteIP":"","RequestHeader":"Referer : -\nUser-Ag
ent : -\nCookie : -","URL":"-","UserID":"-","body":"BoAspect : Session Check Start","errorCode":"BoAspect : Session Check

Producer topic creation errors, and doesn't allow messages to be sent until restarted

I have a feeling this is a known issue, but I looked through the list and couldn't find anything. This may also be a result of this open Kafka bug:

When I have a producer send a message on a topic that didn't previously exist, the topic gets created with Kafka, but I get a "LeaderNotAvailable" error, and kafka-node throws subsequent errors when I try to send a message with the new topic. The error upon sending a message:

2014-03-28T18:18:04.711Z - error: [server] -->[ Unhandled Exception: TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined ]
TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
    at Client.handleReceivedData (/home/.../node_modules/kafka-node/lib/client.js:344:35)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/.../node_modules/kafka-node/lib/client.js:320:14)
    at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (_stream_readable.js:746:14)
    at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:92:17)
    at emitReadable_ (_stream_readable.js:408:10)
    at emitReadable (_stream_readable.js:404:5)
    at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:165:9)
    at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:127:10)
    at TCP.onread (net.js:526:21)

Restarting Node is the only way to get client.cbqueue to contain the right correlationId. I was going to try to fix this, but the Kafka bug that I mentioned above makes me question whether I should spend the effort.

offset will missing when I read some big logs

in my env, I read the logs from the kafka, and the log body is json format. When I do test, I found if the logs body is not valid json the offset will set to a big value(2320258939053417000), and never get new data from kafka. following is the logs I read

offset: 13816
0 { topic: 'nelo2-symbolicated-logs',
  value: '{"Carrier":"KT","CountryCode":"kr","DeviceModel":"iPhone 5","DmpData":"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","DmpReport":"Incident Identifier: C71BDBAB-8988-47CE-9065-5662D3DE8A96\\nCrashReporter Key:   e356589cad614de89827815ed9b3187a\\nHardware Model:      iPhone5,2\\nProcess:         NaverSearch [7620]\\nPath:            /var/mobile/Applications/2BDD9026-A2A6-4F8B-B716-0785C4DC649A/\\nIdentifier:      com.nhncorp.NaverSearch\\nVersion:         5.1.1\\nCode Type:       ARM\\nParent Process:  launchd [1]\\n\\nDate/Time:       2013-12-24 14:59:44 +0000\\nOS Version:      iPhone OS 6.1.2 (10B146)\\nReport Version:  104\\n\\nException Type:  SIGSEGV\\nException Codes: SEGV_ACCERR at 0x18\\nCrashed Thread:  12\\n\\nThread 0:\\n0   CoreGraphics                        0x312e1d30 0x312d2000 + 64816\\n1   CoreGraphics                        0x312e1bfd 0x312d2000 + 64509\\n2   CoreGraphics                        0x312e383b 0x312d2000 + 71739\\n3   CoreGraphics                        0x312dfe5b 0x312d2000 + 56923\\n4   libRIP.A.dylib                      0x31631359 0x3162c000 + 21337\\n5   libRIP.A.dylib                      0x3162f701 0x3162c000 + 14081\\n6   libRIP.A.dylib                      0x3162d5a3 0x3162c000 + 5539\\n7   CoreGraphics                        0x312e2da9 0x312d2000 + 69033\\n8   CoreGraphics                        0x312e2b6d 0x312d2000 + 68461\\n9   UIKit                               0x33097449 0x3306d000 + 173129\\n10  NaverSearch                         0x00062dd7 +[AppUtility imageWithView:withSize:withHighResolutionDisplayMode:] (AppUtility.m:1218)\\n11  NaverSearch                         0x000f55fb -[WebPageStorage makeWebPageCapturedData:size:docTitle:docUrl:] (WebPageStorage.m:337)\\n12  NaverSearch                         0x000a4883 -[SearchResultPage makeStorageData] (SearchResultPage.m:2055)\\n13  NaverSearch                         0x000a0fab -[SearchResultPage pageWillDisappear:how:] (SearchResultPage.m:1182)\\n14  NaverSearch                         0x00036a45 -[PageUIBasicPage viewWillDisappear:] (PageUIBasicPage.m:186)\\n15  UIKit                               0x330d72f5 0x3306d000 + 434933\\n16  UIKit                               0x330fe6ab 0x3306d000 + 595627\\n17  UIKit                               0x330d72f5 0x3306d000 + 434933\\n18  UIKit                               0x3315d787 0x3306d000 + 984967\\n19  UIKit                               0x3315bfab 0x3306d000 + 978859\\n20  MediaPlayer                         0x321e51af 0x320e2000 + 1061295\\n21  UIKit                               0x33085abb 0x3306d000 + 101051\\n22  UIKit                               0x330fa8fd 0x3306d000 + 579837\\n23  QuartzCore                          0x32e31309 0x32e1c000 + 86793\\n24  libdispatch.dylib                   0x3936c5db 0x3936b000 + 5595\\n25  libdispatch.dylib                   0x3936fe45 0x3936b000 + 20037\\n26  CoreFoundation                      0x312351b1 0x3119f000 + 614833\\n27  CoreFoundation                      0x311a823d 0x3119f000 + 37437\\n28  CoreFoundation                      0x311a80c9 0x3119f000 + 37065\\n29  GraphicsServices                    0x34d8633b 0x34d81000 + 21307\\n30  UIKit                               0x330c42b9 0x3306d000 + 357049\\n31  NaverSearch                         0x00032f7f main (main.m:14)\\n\\nThread 1:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x394365d0 0x39435000 + 5584\\n1   libdispatch.dylib                   0x3936d378 0x3936b000 + 9080\\n\\nThread 2:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x394460fc 0x39435000 + 69884\\n1   WebCore                             0x371a92bd 0x3719d000 + 49853\\n2   WebCore                             0x371a91ed 0x3719d000 + 49645\\n3   CoreFoundation                      0x31236941 0x3119f000 + 620865\\n4   CoreFoundation                      0x31234c39 0x3119f000 + 613433\\n5   CoreFoundation                      0x31234f09 0x3119f000 + 614153\\n6   CoreFoundation                      0x311a823d 0x3119f000 + 37437\\n7   CoreFoundation                      0x311a80c9 0x3119f000 + 37065\\n8   WebCore                             0x371a7395 0x3719d000 + 41877\\n9   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 3:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x39435e30 0x39435000 + 3632\\n1   CoreFoundation                      0x312362bb 0x3119f000 + 619195\\n2   CoreFoundation                      0x31235031 0x3119f000 + 614449\\n3   CoreFoundation                      0x311a823d 0x3119f000 + 37437\\n4   CoreFoundation                      0x311a80c9 0x3119f000 + 37065\\n5   Foundation                          0x31af588d 0x31ac8000 + 186509\\n6   Foundation                          0x31b79231 0x31ac8000 + 725553\\n7   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 4:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x3944608c 0x39435000 + 69772\\n1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x39397875 0x3938e000 + 39029\\n2   JavaScriptCore                      0x3517cdfb 0x35121000 + 376315\\n3   JavaScriptCore                      0x3528f537 0x35121000 + 1500471\\n4   JavaScriptCore                      0x352a2033 0x35121000 + 1577011\\n5   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 5:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x3944608c 0x39435000 + 69772\\n1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x393a1cfd 0x3938e000 + 81149\\n2   JavaScriptCore                      0x352226e1 0x35121000 + 1054433\\n3   JavaScriptCore                      0x35222625 0x35121000 + 1054245\\n4   JavaScriptCore                      0x352a2033 0x35121000 + 1577011\\n5   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 6:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x39446594 0x39435000 + 71060\\n1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 7:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x39435e30 0x39435000 + 3632\\n1   CoreFoundation                      0x312362bb 0x3119f000 + 619195\\n2   CoreFoundation                      0x31235031 0x3119f000 + 614449\\n3   CoreFoundation                      0x311a823d 0x3119f000 + 37437\\n4   CoreFoundation                      0x311a80c9 0x3119f000 + 37065\\n5   WebCore                             0x37241cd1 0x3719d000 + 675025\\n6   JavaScriptCore                      0x352a2033 0x35121000 + 1577011\\n7   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 8:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x3944608c 0x39435000 + 69772\\n1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x393a1cfd 0x3938e000 + 81149\\n2   JavaScriptCore                      0x3517cdcd 0x35121000 + 376269\\n3   WebCore                             0x373bbe81 0x3719d000 + 2223745\\n4   WebCore                             0x373bbe35 0x3719d000 + 2223669\\n5   JavaScriptCore                      0x352a2033 0x35121000 + 1577011\\n6   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 9:\\n0   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x39392b9a 0x3938e000 + 19354\\n1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939206f 0x3938e000 + 16495\\n2   IOSurface                           0x350d3d83 0x350d3000 + 3459\\n3   IOSurface                           0x350d6bc3 0x350d3000 + 15299\\n4   CoreFoundation                      0x311a279f 0x3119f000 + 14239\\n5   GLEngine                            0x326bef6b 0x32605000 + 761707\\n6   GLEngine                            0x326bef1f 0x32605000 + 761631\\n7   GLEngine                            0x326a782b 0x32605000 + 665643\\n8   GLEngine                            0x3261599f 0x32605000 + 67999\\n9   QuartzCore                          0x32e32baf 0x32e1c000 + 93103\\n10  QuartzCore                          0x32e329b3 0x32e1c000 + 92595\\n11  libdispatch.dylib                   0x3936fb3b 0x3936b000 + 19259\\n12  libdispatch.dylib                   0x3936d67d 0x3936b000 + 9853\\n13  libdispatch.dylib                   0x39370613 0x3936b000 + 22035\\n14  libdispatch.dylib                   0x393707d9 0x3936b000 + 22489\\n15  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x393947f1 0x3938e000 + 26609\\n\\nThread 10:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x3944608c 0x39435000 + 69772\\n1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x393a1cfd 0x3938e000 + 81149\\n2   CoreMedia                           0x3178e7c9 0x3178b000 + 14281\\n3   MediaToolbox                        0x3228094f 0x3227d000 + 14671\\n4   CoreMedia                           0x317ac88b 0x3178b000 + 137355\\n5   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 11:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x3944608c 0x39435000 + 69772\\n1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x393a1cfd 0x3938e000 + 81149\\n2   CoreMedia                           0x3178e7c9 0x3178b000 + 14281\\n3   MediaToolbox                        0x3228094f 0x3227d000 + 14671\\n4   CoreMedia                           0x317ac88b 0x3178b000 + 137355\\n5   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 12 Crashed:\\n0   WebCore                             0x371f8e08 0x3719d000 + 376328\\n1   WebCore                             0x371b9dc9 0x3719d000 + 118217\\n2   WebCore                             0x37301a61 0x3719d000 + 1460833\\n3   WebCore                             0x372394b7 0x3719d000 + 640183\\n4   WebCore                             0x37238949 0x3719d000 + 637257\\n5   WebCore                             0x372387d7 0x3719d000 + 636887\\n6   WebCore                             0x37237b33 0x3719d000 + 633651\\n7   WebCore                             0x372364b1 0x3719d000 + 627889\\n8   WebCore                             0x372378bb 0x3719d000 + 633019\\n9   WebCore                             0x37300afb 0x3719d000 + 1456891\\n10  WebCore                             0x373004a3 0x3719d000 + 1455267\\n11  WebCore                             0x3730011f 0x3719d000 + 1454367\\n12  WebCore                             0x37239b91 0x3719d000 + 641937\\n13  WebCore                             0x37236561 0x3719d000 + 628065\\n14  WebCore                             0x372378bb 0x3719d000 + 633019\\n15  WebCore                             0x3723533b 0x3719d000 + 623419\\n16  WebCore                             0x37234c3f 0x3719d000 + 621631\\n17  WebCore                             0x372354bf 0x3719d000 + 623807\\n18  WebCore                             0x37360717 0x3719d000 + 1849111\\n19  WebCore                             0x3736058f 0x3719d000 + 1848719\\n20  WebCore                             0x373604e5 0x3719d000 + 1848549\\n21  WebCore                             0x37360417 0x3719d000 + 1848343\\n22  WebKit                              0x37af5f47 0x37ace000 + 163655\\n23  WebCore                             0x3735fffb 0x3719d000 + 1847291\\n24  QuartzCore                          0x32e299fb 0x32e1c000 + 55803\\n25  QuartzCore                          0x32e29037 0x32e1c000 + 53303\\n26  WebCore                             0x3735fda3 0x3719d000 + 1846691\\n27  QuartzCore                          0x32e200b7 0x32e1c000 + 16567\\n28  QuartzCore                          0x32e1ffe1 0x32e1c000 + 16353\\n29  QuartzCore                          0x32e1f9c3 0x32e1c000 + 14787\\n30  QuartzCore                          0x32e1f7d5 0x32e1c000 + 14293\\n31  MediaToolbox                        0x3232dc95 0x3227d000 + 724117\\n32  MediaToolbox                        0x3228b381 0x3227d000 + 58241\\n33  MediaToolbox                        0x3228b163 0x3227d000 + 57699\\n34  MediaToolbox                        0x3228b0d3 0x3227d000 + 57555\\n35  MediaToolbox                        0x3228aff9 0x3227d000 + 57337\\n36  MediaToolbox                        0x3228af85 0x3227d000 + 57221\\n37  MediaToolbox                        0x32286b65 0x3227d000 + 39781\\n38  CoreMedia                           0x317ac88b 0x3178b000 + 137355\\n39  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 13:\\n0   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939467c 0x3938e000 + 26236\\n\\nThread 14:\\n0   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939467c 0x3938e000 + 26236\\n\\nThread 15:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x39446d98 0x39435000 + 73112\\n1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x393947f6 0x3938e000 + 26614\\n\\nThread 16:\\n0   libsystem_kernel.dylib              0x3944608c 0x39435000 + 69772\\n1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x393a1cfd 0x3938e000 + 81149\\n2   CoreMedia                           0x3178e7c9 0x3178b000 + 14281\\n3   MediaToolbox                        0x3228094f 0x3227d000 + 14671\\n4   CoreMedia                           0x317ac88b 0x3178b000 + 137355\\n5   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x3939f0e1 0x3938e000 + 69857\\n\\nThread 12 crashed with ARM Thread State:\\n    r0: 0x00000005     r1: 0x0000001c     r2: 0x00000007     r3: 0x00000007 \\n    r4: 0x007a6e14     r5: 0x0000001c     r6: 0x007a6e18     r7: 0x1de00594 \\n    r8: 0x10f94cac     r9: 0x00000000    r10: 0x00000000    r11: 0x00000000 \\n    ip: 0x3ac0a454     sp: 0x1de00578     lr: 0x371b9dc9     pc: 0x371f8e08 \\n  cpsr: 0x20000030 \\n\\nBinary Images:\\n   0x2c000 -   0x3c7fff +NaverSearch armv7s  <6ba03c3025de306ab783bb7a7ae88339> /var/mobile/Applications/2BDD9026-A2A6-4F8B-B716-0785C4DC649A/\\n  0x593000 -   0x593fff  MobileSubstrate.dylib armv6  <a059eb894e623ec09d63294c525ff7a2> /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib\\n  0x5cb000 -   0x5ccfff  SubstrateLoader.dylib armv6  <eec9b813adfd3bdf86702ae8bbf0f404> /Library/Frameworks/CydiaSubstrate.framework/Libraries/SubstrateLoader.dylib\\n0x3013a000 - 0x3015afff  libKoreanConverter.dylib armv7s  <716bcc7725ee309ea3d367f2b5d7e3d5> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libKoreanConverter.dylib\\n0x30187000 - 0x30259fff  RawCamera armv7s  <3c08cb817a1132538a799beafa075302> /System/Library/CoreServices/RawCamera.bundle/RawCamera\\n0x30262000 - 0x3036cfff  IMGSGX543RC2GLDriver armv7s  <81c1e3927e1f3a05808d29621046d1cf> /System/Library/Extensions/IMGSGX543RC2GLDriver.bundle/IMGSGX543RC2GLDriver\\n0x30376000 - 0x3045cfff  AVFoundation armv7s  <56f22385ccb73e31863f1fa9e0b621dd> /System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation\\n0x3045d000 - 0x3045dfff  Accelerate armv7s  <f4e8c4c464953429ab6bd3160aadd176> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Accelerate\\n0x3045e000 - 0x3059bfff  vImage armv7s  <49d3cf19d0a23f4d836fc313e5fd6bab> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vImage.framework/vImage\\n0x3059c000 - 0x30688fff  libBLAS.dylib armv7s  <584e045442be39fc847ffe1a5e4c99b2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/libBLAS.dylib\\n0x30689000 - 0x3093ffff  libLAPACK.dylib armv7s  <30a3e7dd8c603a9d81b5e42704ba5971> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/libLAPACK.dylib\\n0x30940000 - 0x30998fff  libvDSP.dylib armv7s  <936354553eb93d2dafa76ffcad65f9b7> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/libvDSP.dylib\\n0x30999000 - 0x309abfff  libvMisc.dylib armv7s  <5fae8715a0403315bb1991b79677f916> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/libvMisc.dylib\\n0x309ac000 - 0x309acfff  vecLib armv7s  <30275ee8819331229ba21256d7b94596> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/vecLib\\n0x309ad000 - 0x309befff  Accounts armv7s  <df3255c62b0239f4995bc14ea79f106b> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Accounts\\n0x309c0000 - 0x30a24fff  AddressBook armv7s  <ea949de12ca93a6a96ef80d0cb4d9231> /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/AddressBook\\n0x30a25000 - 0x30adffff  AddressBookUI armv7s  <b25d9a6111d53dc48d8e5e9a30c362ad> /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBookUI.framework/AddressBookUI\\n0x30ae0000 - 0x30aeefff  AssetsLibrary armv7s  <7091433f62693f2c85b71242debab67c> /System/Library/Frameworks/AssetsLibrary.framework/AssetsLibrary\\n0x30c2c000 - 0x30eb5fff  AudioToolbox armv7s  <8b8ef592d59f371783933b446a3e0e67> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioToolbox\\n0x30eb6000 - 0x30f7bfff  CFNetwork armv7s  <ef41814d8641319c96cdeb1264d2d150> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/CFNetwork\\n0x30f7c000 - 0x30fd2fff  CoreAudio armv7s  <19aa715b19a93a5c8563dbc706e899be> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/CoreAudio\\n0x30fe6000 - 0x3119efff  CoreData armv7s  <dee36bfc0c213492983c73d7bd83a27d> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/CoreData\\n0x3119f000 - 0x312d1fff  CoreFoundation armv7s  <bd8e6c9f94b43e3d9af96a0f03ff3011> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation\\n0x312d2000 - 0x3140bfff  CoreGraphics armv7s  <ef057fe1c715314cabf133ec26fa718c> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/CoreGraphics\\n0x3140d000 - 0x31448fff  libCGFreetype.A.dylib armv7s  <163d7f8309a6350399bbb1fef6cde32c> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/libCGFreetype.A.dylib\\n0x3162c000 - 0x31647fff  libRIP.A.dylib armv7s  <387d00a9ed55303b8936459a99869e07> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/libRIP.A.dylib\\n0x31648000 - 0x316fdfff  CoreImage armv7s  <7d7cd7998a113ed9b483e7dc9f388b05> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreImage.framework/CoreImage\\n0x316fe000 - 0x31756fff  CoreLocation armv7s  <94c4fa04ba3c3f5e9d17d75074985ce9> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreLocation.framework/CoreLocation\\n0x3178b000 - 0x317f0fff  CoreMedia armv7s  <526b25ed6f4e31b790553bd80d46fec7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMedia.framework/CoreMedia\\n0x317f1000 - 0x31879fff  CoreMotion armv7s  <d71e40c801423c9cbb31a188120a1c58> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMotion.framework/CoreMotion\\n0x3187a000 - 0x318d0fff  CoreTelephony armv7s  <bdf5f32e89073773a7fdbcc87fc6b412> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/CoreTelephony\\n0x318d1000 - 0x31933fff  CoreText armv7s  <a01bc990cb483e828f7c3e08cd446daf> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/CoreText\\n0x31934000 - 0x31943fff  CoreVideo armv7s  <851591a704dc344aa2fc397094b4c622> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/CoreVideo\\n0x31944000 - 0x319f8fff  EventKit armv7s  <e9294548f7893e3b81bbab35dc4b0a34> /System/Library/Frameworks/EventKit.framework/EventKit\\n0x31ac8000 - 0x31c8bfff  Foundation armv7s  <0f73c35ada563c0bb2ce402d282faefd> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation\\n0x31e46000 - 0x31e8ffff  IOKit armv7s  <4e5e55f27bbb35bab7af348997bfac17> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit\\n0x31e90000 - 0x32068fff  ImageIO armv7s  <e04300f6e6b232ce8a02139d8f18dfdc> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/ImageIO\\n0x32069000 - 0x320e1fff  MapKit armv7s  <cdd52b73989232f2b6395dafb2be13d2> /System/Library/Frameworks/MapKit.framework/MapKit\\n0x320e2000 - 0x3227cfff  MediaPlayer armv7s  <3328573c20643b02806559249c749793> /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaPlayer.framework/MediaPlayer\\n0x3227d000 - 0x324f7fff  MediaToolbox armv7s  <1b36b1b41eca35989d2e822240a769cf> /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/MediaToolbox\\n0x324f8000 - 0x3257efff  MessageUI armv7s  <2fbfe798afe130cba7360b49d0ad487c> /System/Library/Frameworks/MessageUI.framework/MessageUI\\n0x3257f000 - 0x325d8fff  MobileCoreServices armv7s  <b0d1162a8ab03529bb90e416895b568a> /System/Library/Frameworks/MobileCoreServices.framework/MobileCoreServices\\n0x32605000 - 0x326c7fff  GLEngine armv7s  <0c748add2f663d76a29f23fa8a2b5fbc> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine\\n0x326c8000 - 0x326cffff  OpenGLES armv7s  <c9c8f7cbfbe5397382286b878bdf143c> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework/OpenGLES\\n0x326d1000 - 0x326d1fff  libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib armv7s  <b7d1ddfeb0db36d6af7293fa625b12be> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework/libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib\\n0x326d2000 - 0x326d4fff  libCoreFSCache.dylib armv7s  <07390837fcda347e827279534d046989> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework/libCoreFSCache.dylib\\n0x326d5000 - 0x326d7fff  libCoreVMClient.dylib armv7s  <8bcac434962435a895fa0b0a3a33b7a1> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework/libCoreVMClient.dylib\\n0x326d8000 - 0x326dcfff  libGFXShared.dylib armv7s  <272a9de67f6632c3aebbe2407cfe716b> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework/libGFXShared.dylib\\n0x326dd000 - 0x3271cfff  libGLImage.dylib armv7s  <3a444257935236fab123e46e617c7a8d> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework/libGLImage.dylib\\n0x3271d000 - 0x32844fff  libGLProgrammability.dylib armv7s  <252e8c85f6f5374ba6b2690f7fc0e9c3> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework/libGLProgrammability.dylib\\n0x32e1c000 - 0x32f30fff  QuartzCore armv7s  <b28fd354be3c38a2965e6368fa35e0c7> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/QuartzCore\\n0x32f31000 - 0x32f7dfff  QuickLook armv7s  <2350b507fe1b3a1a94d2824e34649b36> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/QuickLook\\n0x32f7e000 - 0x32facfff  Security armv7s  <e1fcc8913eba360c868f51558a01cf24> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Security\\n0x32fad000 - 0x3301afff  Social armv7s  <39d091c33dc931b687332160d18a3d8d> /System/Library/Frameworks/Social.framework/Social\\n0x3302b000 - 0x3306afff  SystemConfiguration armv7s  <0fb8d4a2fa8f30ce837e068a046e466b> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/SystemConfiguration\\n0x3306b000 - 0x3306cfff  Twitter armv7s  <80d9d647cf2536dabe4af2840673602b> /System/Library/Frameworks/Twitter.framework/Twitter\\n0x3306d000 - 0x335c0fff  UIKit armv7s  <222d9eacd99631beacd5f333dae088df> /System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit\\n0x335c1000 - 0x33600fff  VideoToolbox armv7s  <57487f6e3c38304ab0aa14dd16043f5c> /System/Library/Frameworks/VideoToolbox.framework/VideoToolbox\\n0x33618000 - 0x3362cfff  QuickTime Plugin armv7s  <617c54d474be37b686bc51bdac30e129> /System/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.webplugin/QuickTime Plugin\\n0x33896000 - 0x338a2fff  AccountSettings armv7s  <c4b7436e8ea33ffd9805905f262e4479> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AccountSettings.framework/AccountSettings\\n0x338e9000 - 0x338ecfff  ActorKit armv7s  <3aa66a29d9343626baa9d63d1a6efc14> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ActorKit.framework/ActorKit\\n0x338ee000 - 0x338f1fff  AggregateDictionary armv7s  <6916a617625e3800bbb75a34294f4d13> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AggregateDictionary.framework/AggregateDictionary\\n0x339da000 - 0x339edfff  AirTraffic armv7s  <e2261ffe1d803bc6bbed23191c848bad> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AirTraffic.framework/AirTraffic\\n0x339ee000 - 0x33cfafff  Altitude armv7s  <e4888466c01930b48193e2c1b8cff525> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Altitude.framework/Altitude\\n0x33d1d000 - 0x33d58fff  AppSupport armv7s  <7d6122cb42363dc981247c926e637a34> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSupport.framework/AppSupport\\n0x33d59000 - 0x33d7dfff  AppleAccount armv7s  <668e780f91163aaca1c36294d702ae50> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleAccount.framework/AppleAccount\\n0x33d8a000 - 0x33d97fff  ApplePushService armv7s  <4638fab5719a3007beca5a798aa69e91> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/ApplePushService\\n0x33dcb000 - 0x33dd4fff  AssetsLibraryServices armv7s  <ec78d21573a23c34b6cec05ba56928f1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssetsLibraryServices.framework/AssetsLibraryServices\\n0x33dd5000 - 0x33dedfff  AssistantServices armv7s  <0ef6efe82e7f3ef0855ea5fa5006285c> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/AssistantServices\\n0x33e03000 - 0x33e1afff  BackBoardServices armv7s  <36f93cef9f6830f490fe00818bcffa2e> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BackBoardServices.framework/BackBoardServices\\n0x33e24000 - 0x33e48fff  Bom armv7s  <f35bf1c1b24a3742847383801ac37505> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework/Bom\\n0x33e5b000 - 0x33e8afff  BulletinBoard armv7s  <c8d53907f62f3e1cb8e445cec33eae30> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BulletinBoard.framework/BulletinBoard\\n0x33ec8000 - 0x33ecffff  CaptiveNetwork armv7s  <e308f6a4f4bf3749b56bd6ff4dd8b30a> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CaptiveNetwork.framework/CaptiveNetwork\\n0x33ed0000 - 0x33f9afff  Celestial armv7s  <a2f7438cb5163307a04d78bc2b8a86a9> 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<9925fbc4a08d3a17b72ac807cbbba8ba> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IOSurface.framework/IOSurface\\n0x3511c000 - 0x35120fff  IncomingCallFilter armv7s  <8624065e862b3cc7b03b6635181ce2cf> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IncomingCallFilter.framework/IncomingCallFilter\\n0x35121000 - 0x352c8fff  JavaScriptCore armv7s  <f7be721eee903a93a7de361e5627445e> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/JavaScriptCore\\n0x352f9000 - 0x3532ffff  MIME armv7s  <3f8dc502266237c6809c4d33b6e359ad> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MIME.framework/MIME\\n0x35330000 - 0x35366fff  MMCS armv7s  <9d17ce9507cd38c9b8246e9c96b6ba3e> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MMCS.framework/MMCS\\n0x3536e000 - 0x35378fff  MailServices armv7s  <737ace3c1c7c3ec6923095f3beadb4b2> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MailServices.framework/MailServices\\n0x35394000 - 0x353ecfff  ManagedConfiguration armv7s  <b147c2d6f0283d988099706a2a404280> 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0x355f0fff  MobileAsset armv7s  <e3217ead58d5390395de360b3ca3a10a> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAsset.framework/MobileAsset\\n0x3561d000 - 0x3562cfff  MobileDeviceLink armv7s  <ed43d4db46a43db0976eeac5f3bc77a1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDeviceLink.framework/MobileDeviceLink\\n0x3562d000 - 0x35634fff  MobileIcons armv7s  <aaf5cfd5f8273d10803d0349905b07cd> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileIcons.framework/MobileIcons\\n0x35635000 - 0x35638fff  MobileInstallation armv7s  <7cbe167946123bbea56ae58208e09762> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework/MobileInstallation\\n0x35639000 - 0x3563ffff  MobileKeyBag armv7s  <5c7d50e11eb537ae89ea12cb7ddd3935> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileKeyBag.framework/MobileKeyBag\\n0x35678000 - 0x3569bfff  MobileSync armv7s  <8ea08ca56ead3d77bba046811a917f79> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileSync.framework/MobileSync\\n0x3569c000 - 0x3569ffff  MobileSystemServices armv7s  <5796fff2895f38e4b0f844269d4fbae5> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileSystemServices.framework/MobileSystemServices\\n0x356b7000 - 0x356c0fff  MobileWiFi armv7s  <e9ae11c07476390d9598c861658cee7d> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileWiFi.framework/MobileWiFi\\n0x356da000 - 0x3581efff  MusicLibrary armv7s  <1f23d4e4d4da37de93d3cd86113b55ce> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MusicLibrary.framework/MusicLibrary\\n0x35836000 - 0x3584ffff  Notes armv7s  <de760fe287ee3346b61c4f4e701278f3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Notes.framework/Notes\\n0x35850000 - 0x35852fff  OAuth armv7s  <8e91174312e43ca9ac07d91d16b32d15> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OAuth.framework/OAuth\\n0x35f77000 - 0x35f9bfff  OpenCL armv7s  <87637dacbb3c3e029120369438e96fcf> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OpenCL.framework/OpenCL\\n0x362fd000 - 0x3631afff  PersistentConnection armv7s  <c5164e016fa6340fbce9251278385105> 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0x37acdfff  WebCore armv7s  <f99b83bec11b331ab69194120917a7df> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebCore.framework/WebCore\\n0x37ace000 - 0x37baafff  WebKit armv7s  <02c32fdddbdc39b1848b721658a2fa51> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit.framework/WebKit\\n0x37c4e000 - 0x37c54fff  XPCKit armv7s  <25b9d317096e354b885dce46498daa54> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XPCKit.framework/XPCKit\\n0x37c55000 - 0x37c5cfff  XPCObjects armv7s  <e6846a96a21d382f9fffd6a4536c0aa7> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XPCObjects.framework/XPCObjects\\n0x37daf000 - 0x37deafff  iCalendar armv7s  <bcc081bffdae3daea0f7d7db18ed80e8> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iCalendar.framework/iCalendar\\n0x37f00000 - 0x37f38fff  iTunesStore armv7s  <10c8c7e5c9f43f75af5b30fc2389c1a2> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iTunesStore.framework/iTunesStore\\n0x381fe000 - 0x38200fff  TextInput_ko armv7s  <f7f9d895691c3427aed9cb60a44592e3> /System/Library/TextInput/TextInput_ko.bundle/TextInput_ko\\n0x387c6000 - 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libmecabra.dylib armv7s  <3b39df1d195d3feaa9c268fcedd3a2f8> /usr/lib/libmecabra.dylib\\n0x38f0c000 - 0x38f21fff  libmis.dylib armv7s  <8f0712b99e8e3f5e998f0240f75bb5ba> /usr/lib/libmis.dylib\\n0x38f4a000 - 0x39048fff  libobjc.A.dylib armv7s  <1d499765d38c3c8fa92b363f529a02dd> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib\\n0x3910c000 - 0x39121fff  libresolv.9.dylib armv7s  <3f7be9d397d63b8e931d21bd5f49b0eb> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib\\n0x39146000 - 0x391ccfff  libsqlite3.dylib armv7s  <758898189dca32a5a19e5200b8952110> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib\\n0x391cd000 - 0x39219fff  libstdc++.6.dylib armv7s  <249e8ca1717b370287bb556bbd96e303> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib\\n0x3921a000 - 0x39240fff  libtidy.A.dylib armv7s  <96b463f0ffa0344699fce4d48aa623bc> /usr/lib/libtidy.A.dylib\\n0x39244000 - 0x392f1fff  libxml2.2.dylib armv7s  <e87724e212573773a60bc56815cec706> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib\\n0x392f2000 - 0x39312fff  libxslt.1.dylib armv7s  <c52fbe01ce7b35c799630e97e8f1318b> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib\\n0x39313000 - 0x3931ffff  libz.1.dylib armv7s  <b64a5c1989ba3ba4aafae83d841f9496> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib\\n0x39320000 - 0x39323fff  libcache.dylib armv7s  <911ce99a94623ef1ae1ea786055fd558> /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib\\n0x39324000 - 0x3932afff  libcommonCrypto.dylib armv7s  <33140a5fa3fb3e5e8c6bb19bc0e21c5c> /usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib\\n0x3932b000 - 0x3932dfff  libcompiler_rt.dylib armv7s  <cd17f0ee3dbc38f99910d12a6056bf5a> /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib\\n0x3932e000 - 0x39333fff  libcopyfile.dylib armv7s  <5e733170766430eeaa4e7784e3c7555c> /usr/lib/system/libcopyfile.dylib\\n0x39334000 - 0x3936afff  libcorecrypto.dylib armv7s  <a15c807dcb003ad69810546a578774d9> /usr/lib/system/libcorecrypto.dylib\\n0x3936b000 - 0x3937bfff  libdispatch.dylib armv7s  <247a388103633e17b24be038eac612c0> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib\\n0x3937c000 - 0x3937dfff  libdnsinfo.dylib armv7s  <f873dd712561350096b9452bf1fc4078> /usr/lib/system/libdnsinfo.dylib\\n0x3937e000 - 0x3937ffff  libdyld.dylib armv7s  <15676e2ee1423f598907ff49fcede85b> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib\\n0x39380000 - 0x39380fff  libkeymgr.dylib armv7s  <b0a1a911d4853feba44133e9ce499bc9> /usr/lib/system/libkeymgr.dylib\\n0x39381000 - 0x39386fff  liblaunch.dylib armv7s  <69dd64aba1413e75967cd4ad0afa2c15> /usr/lib/system/liblaunch.dylib\\n0x39387000 - 0x3938afff  libmacho.dylib armv7s  <5905b311c6fb376388e56a991bb3193d> /usr/lib/system/libmacho.dylib\\n0x3938b000 - 0x3938cfff  libremovefile.dylib armv7s  <b40e964d7c563296b38625bc7082d6a8> /usr/lib/system/libremovefile.dylib\\n0x3938d000 - 0x3938dfff  libsystem_blocks.dylib armv7s  <77a9976b82b73796a0bbc9783929a1e7> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib\\n0x3938e000 - 0x39414fff  libsystem_c.dylib armv7s  <11bcf1060ec63c8b909a452e6f79be08> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib\\n0x39415000 - 0x3941bfff  libsystem_dnssd.dylib armv7s  <94fab309ed9b35cdbc075cdda221bc70> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_dnssd.dylib\\n0x3941c000 - 0x39434fff  libsystem_info.dylib armv7s  <195d8eeb7c3f31bd916c0b5611abc0e7> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_info.dylib\\n0x39435000 - 0x3944bfff  libsystem_kernel.dylib armv7s  <79bea3ebfda132baba8f5b0ad6ab95f5> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib\\n0x3944c000 - 0x39468fff  libsystem_m.dylib armv7s  <faafc8292d4935c4a78233e1d0879e13> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_m.dylib\\n0x39469000 - 0x39477fff  libsystem_network.dylib armv7s  <137f48e279a83d7496659c8e3d3729d4> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_network.dylib\\n0x39478000 - 0x3947ffff  libsystem_notify.dylib armv7s  <df14146497cb3fa0a002eedbed49da65> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_notify.dylib\\n0x39480000 - 0x39481fff  libsystem_sandbox.dylib armv7s  <85e91e99abc03db88eddc665424090b4> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_sandbox.dylib\\n0x39482000 - 0x39482fff  libunwind.dylib armv7s  <3b7ec561dbec3a199f09ea08a64e76ee> /usr/lib/system/libunwind.dylib\\n0x39483000 - 0x39498fff  libxpc.dylib armv7s  <0562a59bdf8d3f7783e93f35d7e724a8> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib\\n","Location":"WebCore                             0x371f8e08 0x3719d000 + 376328","NeloSDK":"0.20.9","NetworkType":"Wi-Fi","Platform":"iOS 6.1.2","Url":"","UserID":"csw255","body":"signal: SIGSEGV","errorCode":"SIGSEGV","host":"","logLevel":"FATAL","logSource":"CrashDump","logTime":"1387897185446","logType":"nelo2-log","projectName":"naverapp_ios","projectVersion":"5.1.1","ExceptionType":"SIGSEGV","FuncInfo":"0x3719d000 + 376328"}',
  offset: 13816,
  partition: 1 }

Consumer groups

Hi, I'm trying to run the following code:

'use strict';

var kafka = require('kafka-node');
var client = new kafka.Client('');

var consumer = new kafka.Consumer(client, [{topic: 'test-topic'}], {groupId:'test-group'});

consumer.on('message', function(message){
  console.log('*********** On Message ********************');

When I run two instances of this code I see the message being picked up by both consumers, even though I specify a consumer group. My understanding is that messages will just go to one consumer in the group.

Do you see what I'm doing wrong?

Favor node builtin buffer for binary data

The binary and buffermaker packages do basically the same thing as the buffer stdlib. It would be nice to use the stdlib if there is no concrete performance reason to use the others.

Can't read full log message

in my case, the log message is very big, I use the example consumer to read the log, it only can read part of them

{ topic: 'nelo2-crash-logs',
  offset: 49665,
  partition: 1 }
0 { topic: 'nelo2-crash-logs',
  offset: 49666,
  partition: 1 }

Multiple topics for a single client/consumer doesn't seem to work

It might be that I'm doing something incorrectly, but the following code is not behaving as expected. In it, I have a consumer which is listening on two different topics (similar to the example). When this is done, I never see the message event at all. However, if I choose one topic or the other, then I see the messages being received as expected.

var kafka = require('kafka-node');
var client = new kafka.Client();
var consumer = new kafka.Consumer(client, [ { topic: 'foo' }, { topic: 'bar' } ]);

consumer.on('message', function(message){
    console.log('A message:', message);

In order to have both topics display the console message, I need to have two clients and two consumers.


var kafka = require('kafka-node');
var client = new kafka.Client();
var consumer = new kafka.Consumer(client, [ { topic: 'foo' } ]);
var client2 = new kafka.Client();
var consumer2 = new kafka.Consumer(client2, [ { topic: 'bar' } ]);

consumer.on('message', function(message){
    console.log('A foo message:', message);

consumer2.on('message', function(message){
    console.log('A bar message', message);

In this case I see both console messages.

Is this expected?


consumer.on('offsetOutOfRange', function(err) {}打印出来的err是:
{ topic: 'mytp',
partition: 0,
message: 'OffsetOutOfRange',
maxNum: 1000,
metadata: 'm',
time: 1404702859069 }
partition: 0中的所有消息重新消费了一遍。有没有办法避免消息重新消费?或者是我的测试方法错误?


var kafka = require('kafka-node');
var client = new kafka.Client('');
var topics = [ { topic: 'mytp' }];
var options = { autoCommit: true, autoCommitIntervalMs: 5000, fromBeginning: false, fetchMaxWaitMs: 100, fetchMaxBytes: 10240 };
var consumer = new kafka.HighLevelConsumer(client, topics, options);

consumer.on('message', function (message) {

autoCommit: true 结果发现没有新消息,后端也在不断地往zookeeper写offset


我设定了三台机器放置zookeeper,还有三台机器放置kafka server,我先挂掉zookeeper的leader,这个时候consumer报告

Got event: NODE_CREATED[1]@/brokers/topics/mytopic
Got event: NODE_CREATED[1]@/brokers/topics/mytopic
Got event: NODE_CREATED[1]@/brokers/topics/mytopic
error { [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]
syscall: 'connect' }

error [ 'LeaderNotAvailable' ]
error { message: 'Could not find a broker' }
error { message: 'Could not find a broker' }
error { message: 'Broker not available' }
error [ 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown' ]
error [ 'Unknown', 'Unknown', 'Unknown' ]
error [ 'LeaderNotAvailable' ]


question about consumer group.

in the kakfa document said, only one conusmer can consume one partition in the same consumer group. but I test kafka-node, it seems allow doing this.

doese the kafka-node support this feature? or I have some mistake? Thanks~!

Consumers are not recovering from leader shutdown

This issue is very similar to issue #55, but there are different steps to reproduce it


  1. Create a consumer
  2. Optionally let it consume some messages
  3. Shutdown leader (there must be at least 1 follower for your topic)
  4. See errors and client close messages in log (bad, but not important now)
  5. Consumer will no longer consume messages.

This happens also on producer, but not very often.

What I figured out so far was, that client can't handle inconsistency between zookeeper and broker metadata. In the moment of leader shutdown, zookeeper client emit 'brokersChanged' with updated list of brokers. Kafka client asks immediately any living broker for topic metadata. Problem is: brokers at that time have old metadata containing dead leader. Consumer use this old data and stop consuming due to error.

Possible (but way not ideal) solution is to delay listBrokers call in watching function in zookeeper.js in listBrokers method. That works, but It is only a workaround to wait for brokers to sync with zookeeper.

    function () {
        setTimeout(that.listBrokers.bind(that), 3000);

Setting options on Zookeeper client

The Client() constructor doesn't pass on options to the Zookeeper client, so there's no (obvious) way to set things like timeouts, number of retries, etc. for the connection.

I have a case where I'd rather fail-fast than wait the default 30 seconds for a timeout for example.

Exception: NO_NODE[-101].

I am using kafka-node to connect to kafka_2.8.0-0.8.0 but every time this gives me below error:
Failed to list children of node: /brokers/ids due to: Exception: NO_NODE[-101].

Below are the steps which I followed:

  1. Created a Package.json:
    "name": "reflow",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "private": true,
    "scripts": {
    "start": "node app.js"
    "dependencies": {
    "kafka-node": "*"

  2. Create_topic.js which creates some sample topics:
    var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
    Producer = kafka.Producer,
    client = new kafka.Client('ZKHOST:2181/kafka0.8'),
    producer = new Producer(client);
    // Create topics sync
    producer.createTopics(['t','t1'], false, function (err, data) {
    // Create topics async
    producer.createTopics(['t'], true, function (err, data) {});
    producer.createTopics(['t'], function (err, data) {});// Simply omit 2nd arg

  3. Ran the create topic using below command:
    node create_topic.js

Below is the error shown:
Failed to list children of node: /brokers/ids due to: Exception: NO_NODE[-101].

Can someone help me in getting this resolved.

Error when consuming empty queue

This is probably a Kafka newbie problem but anyways...

If I try to consume message from a newly created queue, one that has no messages, kafka-node goes into an endless loop of failing requests. In the Kafka log file I get errors like this:

[2014-04-04 15:25:30,997] ERROR [KafkaApi-0] Error when processing fetch request for partition [test-topic,0] offset 1 from consumer with correlation id 6 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
kafka.common.OffsetOutOfRangeException: Request for offset 1 but we only have log segments in the range 0 to 0.
    at kafka.server.KafkaApis.kafka$server$KafkaApis$$readMessageSet(KafkaApis.scala:439)
    at kafka.server.KafkaApis$$anonfun$kafka$server$KafkaApis$$readMessageSets$1.apply(KafkaApis.scala:385)
    at kafka.server.KafkaApis$$anonfun$kafka$server$KafkaApis$$readMessageSets$1.apply(KafkaApis.scala:380)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:233)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:233)
    at scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map1.foreach(Map.scala:119)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$
    at scala.collection.immutable.Map$
    at kafka.server.KafkaApis.kafka$server$KafkaApis$$readMessageSets(KafkaApis.scala:380)
    at kafka.server.KafkaApis.handleFetchRequest(KafkaApis.scala:346)
    at kafka.server.KafkaApis.handle(KafkaApis.scala:69)

I can see in Kafkas request log that the messages that are sent are:

  1. TopicMetadataRequest
  2. OffsetFetchRequest
  3. OffsetCommitRequest
  4. FetchRequest
  5. FetchRequest
  6. ... (etc)

In the consumer I get offsetOutOfRange with the data:

  topic: 'test-topic',
  partition: 0,
  message: 'OffsetOutOfRange' 

Is this endless loop for empty topics expected? Am I suppose to deal with the situation in the code using the kafka client?

Latest version introduces TypeError Bug

When I installed the latest version of kafka-node I started seeing these messages in the logs:

TypeError: value is out of bounds
    at TypeError (<anonymous>)
    at checkInt (buffer.js:784:11)
    at Buffer.writeInt32BE (buffer.js:924:5)
    at BufferMaker.make (/node/node_modules/kafka-node/node_modules/buffermaker/lib/BufferMaker.js:77:36)
    at encodeMessage (/node/node_modules/kafka-node/lib/protocol/protocol.js:357:10)
    at /node/node_modules/kafka-node/lib/protocol/protocol.js:337:19
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at encodeMessageSet (/node/node_modules/kafka-node/lib/protocol/protocol.js:336:16)
    at /node/node_modules/kafka-node/lib/protocol/protocol.js:324:30
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at /node/node_modules/kafka-node/lib/protocol/protocol.js:323:14

This error occurs on producer.send(message). I have not been able to determine if this error occurs on every message, but it does occur regularly.

If I find the time I will try to debug this further (it's something to do with changing over to signed ints), but for now downgrading to kafka-node 0.1.0 fixes the issue.

Could not find leader


I have a simple producer and consumer with one instance of Zookeeper and one instance of Kafka running.

After every call to producer send() I see the following being output from the Kafka Broker:

[2014-04-18 15:42:59,165] ERROR Closing socket for / because of error (
        at java.nio.Buffer.nextGetIndex(
        at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.getLong(
        at kafka.api.OffsetCommitRequest$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(OffsetCommitRequest.scala:50)
        at kafka.api.OffsetCommitRequest$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(OffsetCommitRequest.scala:46)
        at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:206)
        at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:206)
        at scala.collection.immutable.Range$ByOne$class.foreach(Range.scala:285)
        at scala.collection.immutable.Range$$anon$1.foreach(Range.scala:274)
        at scala.collection.TraversableLike$
        at kafka.api.OffsetCommitRequest$$anonfun$1.apply(OffsetCommitRequest.scala:46)
        at kafka.api.OffsetCommitRequest$$anonfun$1.apply(OffsetCommitRequest.scala:43)
        at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$flatMap$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:227)
        at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$flatMap$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:227)
        at scala.collection.immutable.Range$ByOne$class.foreach(Range.scala:285)
        at scala.collection.immutable.Range$$anon$1.foreach(Range.scala:274)
        at scala.collection.TraversableLike$class.flatMap(TraversableLike.scala:227)
        at scala.collection.immutable.Range.flatMap(Range.scala:39)
        at kafka.api.OffsetCommitRequest$.readFrom(OffsetCommitRequest.scala:43)
        at kafka.api.RequestKeys$$anonfun$9.apply(RequestKeys.scala:45)
        at kafka.api.RequestKeys$$anonfun$9.apply(RequestKeys.scala:45)

I'm using a build of Kafka made yesterday and the latest kafka-node pulled from npm.

This is my consumer, it listens for a message and replies to another topic:

'use strict';

var config = require('./config.json');
var service = require(config.service);
var kafka = require('kafka-node');
var client = new kafka.Client('');

var consumTopic = service.consumTopic;
var consumGroup = service.consumGroup;
var offset = 0;

var consumer = new kafka.Consumer(client, [{topic: consumTopic, offset: offset}], {groupId: consumGroup, fromOffset: true, autoCommit: false});

consumer.on('message', function(message) {
  console.log('processing request');

  var msg = JSON.parse(message.value);
  var replyTopic = msg.replyTopic;
  var replyPartition = msg.replyPartition;
  var cmd = msg.command;

  msg.reply = msg.reply || {};

  service[cmd](msg, forwardMessage, sendReply(replyTopic, replyPartition));



consumer.on('error', function (err) {

function forwardMessage(topic, message, options) {
  var producer = new kafka.Producer(client);
  producer.send([{topic: topic, messages: JSON.stringify(message)}], function(err, data) {
    console.log('Error: ');
    console.log('Data: ' + data);

function sendReply(topic, partition, reqId) {
  return function(message) {
    var producer = new kafka.Producer(client);
    producer.send([{topic: topic, partition: partition, messages:[JSON.stringify(message)]}], function(err, data) {

This is the client that will make the request and wait for a response

'use strict';

var uuid = require('uuid');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var kafka = require('kafka-node');
var consumer = new kafka.Consumer(new kafka.Client(''), [{topic: 'web-res', partition: 0, autoCommit: false}], {groupId: 'web-res-grp'});
var producer = new kafka.Producer(new kafka.Client(''));
var resObj;'/echo', function(req, res) {
  var id = uuid.v4();
  resObj = res;
  var msg = {
    replyTopic: 'web-res',
    replyPartition: 0,
    reqId: id,
    command: 'echoTime'
    producer.send([{ topic: 'test-topic', messages:[JSON.stringify(msg)]}], function(err, data) {

consumer.on('message', function(message) {
  var m = JSON.parse(message.value);
  if(resObj) {
    resObj.end(m.reply.time + ' ' +;

consumer.on('error', function (err) {


Consumer doesn't receive messages

I'm having an issue setting up a consumer to get messages from zookeeper. I believe my configuration is correct (I'm basically using the example consumer), but the consumer is not getting any messages.

My consumer:

var Consumer = kafka.Consumer,
    client = new kafka.Client('localhost:2181/'),
    consumer = new Consumer(
        [{ topic: 'test', partition: 0 }]

consumer.on('error', function (err) {
    console.log("Kafka Error: Consumer - " + err);

consumer.on('message', function (message) {

I'm sending messages to the topic using, and I just cloned the trunk of kafka today. The provided kafka-console-consumer gets messages just fine, but my consumer isn't seeing any messages

Using node-zookeeper-client's list, I can see that there is a kafka-node-group listed under the consumers (this group doesn't disappear when I stop the consumer).

I'm not sure what else to check; any thoughts as to what I might be missing? As far as I can tell everything is set up correctly.

Producer.createTopics syntax error for 'topics' argument

When you call to Producer.createTopics function with a single topic string it's not converted to array.

There is a syntax error in following sentence:
topics = typeof topic === 'string' ? [topics] : topics;

The 'topic' argument not exists.

Consumer error

I run example/consumer.js to connect 0.8.0 Beta1 Kafka server, kafka print some error :

[2013-11-22 13:59:11,573] INFO Closing socket connection to / (
[2013-11-22 13:59:13,677] ERROR Closing socket for / because of error (
kafka.common.KafkaException: Wrong request type 9
    at kafka.api.RequestKeys$.deserializerForKey(RequestKeys.scala:53)

version is 0.0.4.

UTF-8 Encoding?

When using UTF-8 encoding to support other languages such as Korean, messages that are placed in the Kafka queue seem to have the incorrect offset. When consuming the UTF-8 message out of the queue for every UTF-8 encoded character 2 bytes are missing off the end. The message looks good in the Kafka logs but when they are consumed that are missing x bytes off the end.

Throttling in the consumer

The scenario I'm dealing with is that if the consumer fails to keep pace with production then the consumer will eat memory. In this scenario I have no control over production (which can be "lumpy"). Calling consumer.close seems a bit extreme as it drops all connections. Possibly adding a "number of messages" to the consumer could be a way forward. I'd be interested in your thoughts


This is what I have...

var kafka = require('kafka-node');
var kafkaClient = kafka.Client('localhost:2181', 'carrier-pigeon');
var kafkaConsumer = new kafka.Consumer(
            topic: 'test',
            partition: 0

kafkaConsumer.on('message', function (message) {

kafkaConsumer.on('error', function (err) {

kafkaConsumer.on('offsetOutOfRange', function (err) {

What I get in the console is an infinite loop of this...

{ topic: 'test',
value: '�\u0000\u0000\u0000\u00011\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0001\u0000\u0000\u0000\u000f��:|\u0000\u0000����\u0000\u0000\u0000\u00012\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0002\u0000\u0000\u0000\u000fԺ\n�\u0000\u0000����\u0000\u0000\u0000\u00013',
offset: 0,
partition: 0 }

What I expected was something like this...

So I think there's two things I'm not understanding.

  1. How do I decode the message.value?
  2. Why does it seem like all the values are squished into one message?
  3. How do I manage the offset to prevent the looping?

Thanks for your help.

Consumers are not recovering from Kafka shutdown


  1. Create a consumer
  2. Optionally let it consume some messages
  3. Shutdown kafka
  4. See errors and client close messages in log (fine)
  5. Startup kafka
  6. Notice errors stop, however the consumer will no longer consume messages.

These symptoms can be fixed by adding the following code to Client.prototype.refreshBrokers:

Object.keys(this.longpollingBrokers).filter(function (k) {
        return !~_.values(brokerMetadata).map(function (b) { return + ':' + b.port }).indexOf(k);
    }).forEach(function (deadKey) {
        delete this.longpollingBrokers[deadKey];

HOWEVER, I also noticed that while these brokers/sockets are being deleted from this.brokers and this.longpollingBrokers, they still receive events.

  1. Restart Kafka multiple times
  2. Notice that each time you do this, you get 2 extra "close" messages from the consumer's client.

I haven't had time to investigate where these brokers are still being referenced.

the client don't support zookeeper root path "/"

I modify your consumer.js code to connect my zookeeper like this

var client = new Client('');

but it alway occur connection time out error

if the zookper path is not root paht '/', it sees work ok.

does the client don't support using root path?


'node-zookeeper-client' has problem handling multiple servers with chrootPath

I've found a problem that 'node-zookeeper-client' has when you use a connection string with multiple servers and a chrootPath. It ends up setting its chrootPath to everything past the first '/' in the connection string, including all the other full server paths if there are multiple servers listed. It was a pretty simple fix and I've put in a pull request to the owner of 'node-zookeeper-client', but for now the fix is in my forked version. If you can, you can use the forked version with this line in your package.json:

"node-zookeeper-client": "git://"

The forked version lives here:

HighLevelConsumer not retrieving new messages

Here's my code:

var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
Consumer = kafka.HighLevelConsumer,
client = new kafka.Client("localhost:2181","cube-consumer-4"),
consumer = new Consumer(
{ topic: "test"
groupId: 'cube-consumer-test',
console.log("message received:"+JSON.stringify(message));
console.log("sending message to cube..."+message.value);

console.log("consumer onerror: ");

consumer.on('offsetOutOfRange', function (err) {
console.log("consumer offsetOutOfRange: "+err);

I'm running another nodejs script to randomly putting messages into test topic. I can see the message being consumed by Kafka's console consumer when running it with similar parameter: --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test

I tried using different groupId or Client Id for HighLevelConsumer, nothing changed.

If I use the simple consumer (Consumer class), I can get the messages by setting fromOffset:true, but then I have to manage the offsets by myself. How can I get the HighLevelConsumer to work correctly?


multiple consumer payloads not consumed

Client.prototype.send() does not handle multiple topics and payloads properly.

# this works as expected:
payloads = [ {topic: 't1', partition: 0} ];

# this does not:
payloads = [ {topic: 't1', partition: 0}, {topic: 't1', partition: 2}, {topic: 't1', partition: 3} ]; 

# this doesn't work either:
payloads = [ {topic: 't1', partition: 0}, {topic: 't1', partition: 2} ];

in particular, the logic for more than one partition seems to be stuck without ever polling - with more than one payload even the first partition isn't successfully consumed.

the logic in Client.prototype.send() is fairly straightfoward, but I'm not sure what is trying to be accomplished by the metadata stuff if >1 payload, so I don't have any ideas around a patch.

Additions / Fixes to Producer class


I did a couple of additions/fixes focusing on the Producer class.

The major changes are:
-Add key and random partitioner to the producer class to divide messages among a topic's partitions.
-Add retry functionality for when loading topic's metadata fails.
-Correct bug where when we try to send 2 ProduceRequests with the same topic and partition, the app hangs.
-Add refresh interval for producers to refresh the topics' metadata.
-Handle broker disconnections: When a broker disconnects, remove it from list of brokers (currently it attempts to reconnect indefinitely in the background)
-Fix bug where sending a payload for a topic whose partitions reside on the same broker does not trigger the client callback.
-Add client support for connecting to all brokers before raising the ready event.
-Refactor error handling: if a payload has more than one topic and messages and an error occurs on one of the partition, make sure we wait for responses from all brokers before calling the client callback.

Let me know if any of these interest you, I can discuss them further.

My fork is:

Re-balance consumers

I can't determine how kafka-node deals with multiple consumers within the same "group" such that, on rebalance, the consumers are not reading the same partitions (and therefore the same messages)? Ideally I'd like consumers can be added to a group without explicitly stating which partition they are consuming. Gut feel is this is something I need to add?

Wrong request type 9

When i try example on a kafka 0.8 fresh install, i get a really strange error :
kafka.common.KafkaException: Wrong request type 9
at kafka.api.RequestKeys$.deserializerForKey(RequestKeys.scala:53)
at Source)

any idea ?

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