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krun's Issues

Linux CPU governor is not being checked.

I was inspecting bencher3 prior to running benchmarks. I've found that if you put a breakpoint in the Linux implementation of check_cpu_throttled(), it is never hit. Subsequently, benchmarking is allowed to continue powersave mode, which is bad.

Port to OpenBSD

[2015-11-02 16:42:17: ERROR] I don't have support for your platform

Implement `--develop`

We need a switch which makes it easier to develop on a personal laptop. This switch -- say --develop -- turns off all of the checks for system prerequisites, e.g. governer, tickless, ...

Proper CPU pinning.

At current, isolcpus on Linux only blocks user processes from a CPU and not kernel threads.

There is a tool called cset which might allow us to do proper CPU isolation, kernel threads and all. For a while it has been broken on Linux. I reported a bug to debian a while ago and they have finally responded saying it should be fixed:

Rework run_shell_cmd()

As discussed with @snim2:

  • Move util.run_shell_cmd() into the platform instance.
    • It should accept an optional argument user, which if not None uses sudo or doas to invoke the command as another user
    • It should accept a list of arguments, and never a string.
  • We should replace any manual os.system(), subprocess.Popen() with calls to the new method.

Provide a way to re-run a subset of experiments

This issue came from the discussion on Issue #41 (from @vext01 )

Currently it is only possible to re-run a subset of a whole benchmark by deleting entries from the json bz2 file. This is quite fiddly as you have to uncompress and then locate the right lines to remove in a results file potentially with tens of thousands of lines, so I wonder if we could write a tiny tool to remove results by key.

--dump-audit --dump-config

It is difficult to see what is in a results file. These CLI options would print the audit or config to STD out, saving the user the effort of loading the bzip / json.

check turbo mode is off.

Krun should check turbo mode is off. This can be checked in:


Preserve error indicator across reboots.

There is a flag in krun that inidcates whether an error occurred. This is currently not preserved across runs.

This flag is also used to determine whether we should print dmesg changes at the end. I would argue this is no longer needed. It should be sufficient to mail out and log the dmesg changes as they occur.

Do something about Richards

In Richards one iteration is really fast, compared to other benchmarks. This leads to some weird effects and should be fixed in some way.

nice -20 benchmarks

run benchmarks highest priority. Helps on platforms with out CPU isolation.

Decouple config filename from results filename and remove need for config file from tools which consume results.

Currently the result filename is derived from the config filename. E.g.:

warmup.krun -> warmup_results.json

Tools that consume results use a function in krun to discover the json filename.

I think it would be better if:

  • The results file was named similarly to the log files. e.g. warmup_20151008.bz2
  • Tools consuming results should not need the config file at all.

This is really just an annoyance and isn't all that high priority. appears to be broken

I think has fallen behind the changes in the rest of the repo. Running on a cut-down version of the examples config I get this:

$ ./ examples/quick.krun 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 296, in <module>
    data_dct = json.load(fh)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/", line 290, in load
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/", line 338, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/", line 366, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/json/", line 384, in raw_decode
    raise ValueError("No JSON object could be decoded")
ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded

Config file needed to reproduce:

import os
from krun.vm_defs import (PythonVMDef, JavaVMDef)
from krun import EntryPoint

# Who to mail
MAIL_TO = []

# Maximum number of error emails to send per-run

DIR = os.getcwd()
JKRUNTIME_DIR = os.path.join(DIR, "krun", "libkruntime", "")

HEAP_LIMIT = 2097152  # K == 2Gb

# Variant name -> EntryPoint
    "default-java": EntryPoint("KrunEntry", subdir="java"),
    "default-python": EntryPoint("", subdir="python"),

ITERATIONS_ALL_VMS = 1  # Small number for testing.

VMS = {
    'Java': {
        'vm_def': JavaVMDef('/usr/bin/java'),
        'variants': ['default-java'],
        'n_iterations': ITERATIONS_ALL_VMS,
    'CPython': {
        'vm_def': PythonVMDef('/usr/bin/python2'),
        'variants': ['default-python'],
        'n_iterations': ITERATIONS_ALL_VMS,

    'dummy': 1000,
    'nbody': 1000,

# list of "bench:vm:variant"

N_EXECUTIONS = 1  # Number of fresh processes.

Benchmarks as in the examples/ directory.

Related to Issue #48

Store ETA estimates in results file.

As discussed with @snim2, the iterations results are not enough to reconstruct a useful ETA estimate if a benchmark crashes (as the times in this case will be an empty list).

We store the rough ETA times in the results file.

Tickless operation on linux

As raised by ltratt, we may need to use tickless mode on linux:

Our debian 8 systems currently run idle tickless mode:

vext01@bencher3:~$ cat /boot/config-`uname -r` | grep HZ
# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL is not set <--------------------- this would need to be on!
# CONFIG_NO_HZ is not set
# CONFIG_HZ_100 is not set
# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set
# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set

To fix this, we would need to build a custom kernel. Another impractical step unfortunately.

Opening bug for discussion. @ltratt @snim2 @cfbolz

Easier session resume

When a benchmark session crashes, or when the system loses power, we often need to run again just what we need to.

Currently this is quite a manual process. The experimenter has to manually determine which work needs to be run, run them, then manually merge the new data into the existing data.

It would be better if krun could help us do this.

I imagine something like the following:

  • user invokes krun
  • krun realises a results file already exists
  • krun says partial results detected. Looks like we need to run: 4 executions of benchmark3 and 4 executions of benchmark 4, OK?
  • If user says yes, krun appends results to existing results.

This need not be an interactive process, there could be a -check-results and a -resume option on the CLI.

Add sanity checks for VMs

As discussed with Chris Seaton, some VMs need checks prior to experimentation.

E.g. for graal, we need to check for "JVMCI".

Similarly, for JRuby we should check Truffle.graal? is true.

From experience, it's easy to get these wrong.

Port to OpenBSD

Laurie has expressed interest in running benchmarks on OpenBSD.

This is predicated on us getting a useful subset of the VMs running on OpenBSD.

Break or clarify dependency between VM objects and platforms

When a new Krun schedule is created, a krun.config.Config object is created, based on a configuration file on disk. The constructed Config object contains a number of VM definitions, based on the classes in krun.vm_defs. Each of these objects needs to know about the platform on which they are running, so each VM object has a set_platform() method which needs to be called after the VM has been constructed.

This creates an awkward dependency between all the objects that have to be created to run a schedule. Initially, the file dealt with this in main(), meaning that client code (including unit tests) had to explicitly manage object initialisation in the correct order.

PR #111 moved this code into the constructor of krun.scheduler.Scheduler, so that anyone creating a full scheduler can forget about object initialisation. Other client code (including some unit tests) will still need to call set_platform() by hand. This is not particularly clean.

At the very least it these dependencies should be clearly documented.

dmesg whitelist

Some OSs -- particularly Linux, it seems -- print continuous, voluminous, and not insightful output to their dmesgs. We need to add a blacklist feature so that known not-very-interesting things (e.g. segfaults) aren't reported to the user. I suggest that each platform has a default list of these things. For the time being, I think a crude mechanism is enough. Maybe in the future we might find that we want to allow users to add their own rules, but that's overkill for now.

Check interpreters and benchmark entry points exist up-front.

There's a bug in krun where it crashes when it tries to run a VM with a bad path. Instead of fixing this bug with an email, let's just check the VM paths up-front. Same for the benchmark entry points. This means we don't get random crashes in the middle of experimentation.

Krun reports wrong log file path once finished

[2015-11-27 13:12:39 INFO] Done: Results dumped to warmup_results.json.bz2
[2015-11-27 13:12:39 INFO] Completed in (roughly) 192.660389 seconds.
Log file at: warmup_20151127_130926.log
$ ls warmup_20151127_130926.log
ls: cannot access warmup_20151127_130926.log: No such file or directory
$ ls | grep -e '\.log$'

Log to file and email errors.

As discussed with @ltratt , it should be possible to log all benchmarking output to a file and to (optionally) email errors to a configurable address.

VM specific details should be associated with VMS not VARIANTS

The model is currently wrong. VM specific details should be associated with VMS not VARIANTS. Also all VM specific details should be hidden inside krun -- not bled out into the user config file.

Reccommend renaming Variants to LangProfiles, and requiring each vm in VMs to requires a 'profile' entry.

Eco friendly krun

We should make our best attempt to set the powersave governor after benchmarking is done.

Recommend using sudo to crank up/down the governor (if possible).

Discussed with @ltratt.

It works but I'm unhappy with it:

  • Handling of vm arguments and environments is a mess.
  • Updating environment dicts with dict.update() may flatten an existing entry in the environment.

Some of the issues regarding the former are due to the fact that the heap limit is not known when the VMDef is instantiated. I don't want the user to have to pass that in explicitly. I guess the proper fix is to make a proper config file format which is not evaluated by the python interpreter. Then after the file is parsed, the VMDefs could be instantiated passing in whatever we want.

To properly handle the latter we would need to provide krun with information about the environment. E.g. to properly update PATH without flattening the existing $PATH, krun would need to know that it is a colon separated collection of paths, and that to append another path, it should append ":%s" % another_path

These should be fixed one day perhaps, but we have bigger fish to fry at the moment.

Iterations runner output is printed at the end of the process.

The iterations runners print status messages to the effect:

iteration 1/2000
iteration 2/2000

However, due to stderr buffering, these messages are all printed at once when the execution ends. It would be nice if we could have these messages printed as they arrive.

Improve rudimentary platform check

When using resume-model, Krun performs a rudimentary checks to determine whether the benchmark is being resumed on the same machine that it was started on. Currently, this check only checks that the uname of the two machines is identical.

This test should differ between platforms, and it would make sense to refactor it into the classes in This may happen as part of #75

For Linux, we could use a strong check such as blkid, which returns a unique ID of the root file system. I guess someone could have installed more RAM between resumes, so this doesn't catch every case, but anyhow @ltratt felt this was overkill and suggested we use hostname, which is available on most (all?) Unix like platforms.

A more detailed fix would check every value in the audit dictionary. However, platform.audit() returns a str, but the audit in the JSON file is a unicode. On my machine I have packages with names that contain acutes and other accents, and a == between "this" platform and the previous one always returned False. The Internet contains a wide variety of solutions to this problem, and I didn't get any of them to quite work: hence the current hack.

Krun "same platform" check broken?


I don't understand the current implementation of audits_same_platform:

def audits_same_platform(audit0, audit1):
    """Check whether two platform audits are from identical machines.
    A machine audit is a dictionary with the following keys:

        * cpuinfo (Linux only)
        * packages (Debian-based systems only)
        * debian_version (Debian-based systems only)
        * uname (all platforms)
        * dmesg (all platforms)

    Platform information may be Unicode.
    for key in ["cpuinfo", "dmesg", "uname"]:
        if (not key in audit0) or (not key in audit1):
            return False
    if not audit0["uname"] == audit1["uname"]:
        return False
    return True

It just checks the existence of keys, and not the content of the audit. Is that intentional? On OpenBSD this always returns False as cpuinfo is linux specific.

I think:

  • We should be checking the contents of the audits.
  • This should be hooked into the platform hierarchy. This would allow specific platform checks without too much if linux() elif OpenBSD....


Fixed version of mx

Currently we download a random version of mx (whatever is the latest in the repository). We should instead used a fixed version (i.e. use a specific checkout).

[I'd prefer we don't fix the version yet, as I'm hoping to fix mx for OpenBSD.]

Minor refactorings of commonly used dictionaries

This is from the discussion on PR #74

Data from krun configuration files (and results files) is loaded when starts, and are used in various parts of the code. Usually parts of the configuration (such as filenames) are passed around as separate variables. It would be neater to factor these out into classes, so that a single object can be passed around (and tested).

Prevent an infinite reboot loop

To prevent a benchmarking machine rebooting infinitely:

  1. Store the number of reboots to date in the results file
  2. On starting krun, after the execution schedule has been build, add together the number of executions completed so far, with the number planned
  3. If the value from step 2. is less than the number of reboots so far, halt with an INFO message in the log

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