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limonade's Issues

Add optional xss protection

See :
Something like this…:

function request_uri($env=null)
   static $uri = null;
      if(!is_null($uri)) return $uri;
      $env = env();
   // retrieve $uri depending env
   $uri = rawurldecode(xss_filter($uri));  // store in static $uri variable
   return $uri;

   function xss_filter($str)
        // minimal filtering like

route handler fire twice

I use limonade with idiorm ( orm )

i have this route :

dispatch('/**', function(){
     $uid = params(0); 
    $data = appPloof::AntiSpam($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
    return $data;

and this is the AntiSpam function

public static function AntiSpam($ip){
    $ipM = ORM::for_table('antispam')->where_like("ip", $ip)->find_one();
        $ipM = ORM::for_table('antispam')->create();
        $ipM->ip = $ip;
        $ipM->nb = 0;
        return true;
    else {
        if($ipM->nb < appPloof::$limiteAntiSpam){
            $ipM->set_expr('nb', 'nb + 1');
            return true;
    return false;

in my bdd i can see the nb is incremeted two by two !


The issue is I can not send urls like redi-admin/post to the admin directory

function autoload_controller($callback)
$path = option('controllers_dir');
if(strpos($callback, "redi-admin") === 0) $path = file_path($path, 'redi-admin');

i have tried

function autoload_controller($callback)
$path = option('controllers_dir');
if(strpos($callback, "redi-admin/**") === 0) $path = file_path($path, 'redi-admin');

but that did not work

Chrome's HEAD request wipes flash messages

I'm running apache, and php in fcgid on a locahost (not sure if this is relavent, but there you go)

Chrome is sending a HEAD request immediately after each GET or POST

As flash messages are destroyed on the next request the HEAD request is wiping them before the next GET or POST

the flow goes a little like this

GET /step1:

HEAD /step1
flash_sweep(); // destroys flash message

GET /step2
flash_now("message") // returns null

I can't do a pull request as I've quite substantially forked other parts, but the fix I've implement is in the stop_and_exit definition changing:

if($flash_sweep) flash_sweep();


if($flash_sweep && !request_is_head()) flash_sweep();

option('views_dir' ... does not work

option('views_dir', dirname(FILE).'/other/dir/for/views');

the above when executed works only for an instant,

but it(the set value) later gets updated to the default value, by the limonade framework.

try this,

Risk of Cross-Site Request Forgery through _method POST parameter

The _method POST parameter can be used to override the HTTP method. This means that DELETE, PUT routes can be triggered through CSRF. The documentation should warn that when using libmonade these routes should be CSRF-protected as well.

Additionaly it might be useful to be able to disable this feature.

Support for special characters in dispached regular expressions

I needed to match urls containing characters like "ñ" and this was not possible due to the urlencoding. I realized that this was done to secure in a way the values of the resulting params.

dispatch("^/test/(\d+)/{0,1}([a-zA-Zñ]*)", 'main');

Wouldn't match "/test/5/español" as it should (the actual url was more variable and complex, this is the simplified version). I don't know if its the best solution, but I solved it while mantining the previous behaviour for params in this commit: dresb/limonade@a54d79a419db71593d33d68fa6627cce0492aeb0

The majority of the changes in that commit are the text editor removing spaces at the end of the lines. The only two real changes are in the lines 1254 and 1272.

Undefined variables in run() method


Lines 390 to 396 in be59a72

function route_missing($request_method, $request_uri)
halt(NOT_FOUND, "($request_method) $request_uri");

$request_methodand $request_uri must be defined before !

For now, they are only defined a few lines after (in section 6. Check request)


Lines 400 to 401 in be59a72

# 6. Check request
if($rm = request_method($env))


Lines 408 to 409 in be59a72

# 6.1 Check matching route
if($route = route_find($rm, request_uri($env)))

Multiple directory for includes

Could be useful to be able to add more include folder for controllers, views, lib, etc.
Use case: Multiple apps (with multiple frontend controller (index.php...)) could load only the code it need + generic code (like, an app with the same layout as an other).
With this, it could be more simpler to share code between apps, too.

by exemple:

option('views_dir', dirname(FILE).'/views');

can become:

option('views_dir', array(dirname(FILE).'/views', dirname(FILE).'/myapp/views'));

here, /views is my genereic views folder, and /myapp/views is my app folder.


Add possible result from template

Allow the templates to provide data to the layout. Extremely handy when you want to add stuff to header etc. See example at my fork

I also did a change to render that makes it somewhat smarter towards the $layout parameter.

before_render() with partials...

I'd first like to thank you for the work you've done with this framework!

Second, is there a way to capture content sent to partials? I have a "header" partial that I need to transform its content before returning the value to the view...


if uri starts with numbers

I need away to direct a URI that has been requested that starts with numbers must be a min of 3 numbers at start to go and load a different render

currently I use to do it by

dispatch_get("/*", array($redi, 'hello'));

and then get the home function to search the URI if it had numbers in it to then re-direct it somewhere else, however since I am re-ciding it all I thought I would ask if there is a better way to do such a function.

should go to

we use to use this function

public function hello(){

    if(is_numeric(substr(params(0), 0, 5)))
            return render("p_tag");


Poor performance in large projects

Since the routes are compiled into a pure REGEX manner, when reaching into the hundreds of routes the performance is severely degraded depending on where the route is. It has to run N regex patterns if the last route is hit. For large projects this is a severe stumbling block as I was reaching about 700-800ms with 1000 routes (testing) and that was just to figure out which route to run.

I toyed with the idea of storing the routes up to the first * or regex pattern to reduce the number of route lookups. For example:

route: /some/directory/*

$routes = array(
'some' => array(
'directory' => array(
'_routes' => array(
'ACTUAL REGEXP PATTERN' => $index_into_routes_array

This would allow you to do a couple quick lookups to possibly reduce the number of route lookups dramatically. Unfortunately I effed it up but something along these lines would help viability for using Limonade in large projects.

I could still make another attempt but perhaps there is a better way to handle this I'm not thinking of? Is there an existing methodology for handling a high number of directories with routes?

php 4 compatibility

Thank you for this very nice piece of software.

I happen to have to work with an extremely annoying php 4.4.2 installation on the development server at work, and there were a few minor incompatibilities I experienced (mostly missing functions). So here is what I needed to add, in order to make the error messaged disappear.

// prevent error message in php < 4.3.2
// somehow this function was missing in my php installation
    function memory_get_usage()
        return 0;
// prevent error message in php < 5.1
if( !function_exists('headers_list'))
    function headers_list()
       return array();
// "backport" of php5
// from:
if( !function_exists('array_combine') )
    function array_combine($arr1, $arr2) {
        $out = array();

        $arr1 = array_values($arr1);
        $arr2 = array_values($arr2);

        foreach($arr1 as $key1 => $value1) {
            $out[(string)$value1] = $arr2[$key1];

        return $out;

Middleware for router


I wanted to implement SEO friendly URL's in my project and was wondering if there is a way using which I could create a middleware to map URL's to controllers dynamically.


Downloads page is empty

The Limonade site refers to this downloads page for the stable release, but there are no download links there.

Multiple directory for includes

Could be useful to be able to add more include folder for controllers, views, lib, etc.
Use case: Multiple apps (with multiple frontend controller (index.php...)) could load only the code it need + generic code (like, an app with the same layout as an other).
With this, it could be more simpler to share code between apps, too.

by exemple:

option('views_dir', dirname(FILE).'/views');

can become:

option('views_dir', array(dirname(FILE).'/views', dirname(FILE).'/myapp/views'));

here, /views is my genereic views folder, and /myapp/views is my app folder.
The latest is the first to be search. Like that, it's possible to override generic template with an app template.


Route patterns optional parameters? (Updated to Request)

I apologise for asking this here but I didn't know where else to ask.

Can route patterns have an optional parameter for example a page number encoded as apart of the route?

For example to merge these two dispatches ..

dispatch('/blog/:slug/:page', 'blog')

If so please can an example be added to the documentation regarding route patterns and parameters?

What version of PHP?

I'm wondering what is the minimum supported version of PHP supported by Limonade? It certainly works on 5.2.17, but I was interested in getting it working in a positively ancient 5.1. Is it likely to work or are major incompatibilities likely?

At any rate, it is probably worth putting the requirements in the readme.

Thanks again for making such an awesome framework.

Make users call url_for

I saw the improvement to redirect_to. Totally agree.
From my own experience, I'd say that whenever you expect a url, make the use decide if they need to call url_for. Else you'll end up with lots of different functions that accept a url parameter, and for consistency Limonade will have to accept all the parameters that url_for accepts in that place, and call it magically.

This will not improve code readability. Compare
#1 redirect_to('user', 'settings', array('status'=>HTTP_SEE_OTHER));
#2 redirect_to(url_for('user', 'settings'), array('status'=>HTTP_SEE_OTHER));

Someone that is new to Limonade will immediately understand #2, and need to think about #1.

Return functions returning a string...

When a template can't be found, the page renders the name of the view.

Is there a particular reason for this, or can we change it to throwing an error of some sort (at least in a development environment)

url_for using &amp; as separator

First - thanks for making this great piece of code publicly available.

I've had some issues with the generated url from redirect_to(), which uses url_for().
The problem seems to be that & and not & is used as separator in the query string as per:

When changing that row to use a plain & it seems to work just fine.
I guess there's a reason for this being & instead of &, and it's probably me that is doing something wrong - but I thought I should at least ask :)


Order of configure() / loading from lib/

The documentation says libraries are loaded before configure():

PHP files contained in the option('lib_dir') folder (lib/ by default) are loaded with require_once just before executing configure. So you can place in this folder all your PHP libraries and functions so that they will be loaded and available at application launch.

However the source code runs configure() before loading libraries:

#2. Set user configuration


#3. Loading libs

This broke an app I was writing when I assumed that my ORM in lib/ would be loaded before configure() was executed. Which is the intended behavior, please?

GET arguments override URL path?

I wonder if I'm missing something as I can't be the first person to notice this, but I have a case where I need to use GET arguments, and they don't appear to be working. The best way to show the problem is by example:

. . . loads the route for /login fine. But when I use this URL:

I get a 404 for "(GET) /return".

I dug into it and I see where request_uri tries to get the intended URL from PATH_INFO first, then tries to parse it from the query string, then checks REQUEST_URI. So when there's a query string, it never gets to REQUEST_URI .

AFAIK under Linux/Apache, the URL is always available in REQUEST_URI. So the following fix worked for me (I don't know if it would break things on other servers). I replaced lines 1046-1069 with the following:

    elseif(array_key_exists('REQUEST_URI', $env['SERVER']) && !empty($env['SERVER']['REQUEST_URI']))
      $request_uri = preg_replace('/\?.+/' , '', rawurldecode($env['SERVER']['REQUEST_URI']));
      $request_uri = rtrim($request_uri, '/') .'/';
      $base_path = $env['SERVER']['SCRIPT_NAME'];
      if($request_uri."index.php" == $base_path) $request_uri .= "index.php";
      $uri = str_replace($base_path, '', $request_uri);
    elseif (trim($query_string, '/') != '')
      $uri = $query_string;
      $get = $env['GET'];
      if(count($get) > 0)
        # exclude GET params
        $keys  = array_keys($get);
        $first = array_shift($keys);
        if(strpos($query_string, $first) === 0) $uri = $first;

Basically, I just switched the elseif blocks around and changed the way that $request_uri was being parsed.

make flash() available on same request?

I am having trouble using the flash().

I have a form, and in the POST route dispatch function, I validate the form. If it is invalid, I call flash() and render my view, but first the flash_now() is empty (as stated in the readme, I know).

But isn't it usefull to have it right away? Because now I need to set('error', 'some_message') instead,

Project still maintained?

Hello Fabrice,
I wanted to ask if this awesome project is still maintained and being worked on. The last commit was in 2015. 2 years ago....
There are still lots of todos that are not done yet. The current version is 0.5.1 and there are todos until version 1.0!!!
If there is nobody who is currently working on new features, maybe I can overtake the project?
Short info about me: I'm 15 years old, from Austria, and have about two and a half years of experience in PHP. I have never maintained such a large project and am a bit unexperienced in it.

If you have any questions, just ask!
I would be very happy if I could overtake and maintain this awesome project!

Well... I hope that anyone replies!
~ Skayo

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