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soar's Issues

add limited trace

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:32:35

Description From Bob Marinier 2006-10-06 19:58:06 (-) [reply]
In email "Thoughts on debugging" 10/1-10/3) we have discussed adding a
trace window which displays the critical information required to determine
more in-depth debugging should be done (in the traditional trace). This is
summary of that discussion.

There are really two parts:

  1. Change the traditional trace to be more memory efficient.
  2. Add a new module (the limited trace).

For the traditional trace, instead of storing the full trace in memory, we
log it to a file. An index will be kept in memory so that when someone
a node, the contents of that node can be loaded from the file and
Thus, it is still possible to scroll around quickly in the trace, but it
take far less memory.

For the limited trace, the idea is that we do not have a scrolling window
(since no one will scroll back anyway). The information displayed
the most recent decisions and messages. It could be exactly like a
trace (e.g. showing the last 10 decisions/messages), but we can get more
by adding two capabilities: ordering and grouping.

Grouping is the ability to group multiple similar decisions (e.g. same
name or same impasse type) together so they only take one line in the
trace. A
count can be displayed for the collapsed group. Thus, an agent that waits
17 cycles will just display "O: (wait) (17 times)". Similarly for an agent
that starts state no-changing. There are at least two kinds of grouping:
all similar decisions together, or group only those similar decisions that
actually occurred in sequence.

Ordering is the idea that we might want to display the information
non-chronologically. Certainly chronological is one ordering. Other
include by count or alphabetically.

Since the limited trace is non-scrolling and we want to change ordering on
fly, it probably makes more sense to implement it as a table than a text

There are some other details. If a user is relying primarily on the
trace during a run, we should provide the option to not update the
trace during the run. We may even want to put the traditional trace in a
group with the limited trace, so we only have to see one at a time (no
sense in
wasting all of that screen realestate if we're not going to be updating
Also, since the trace may be quite long, loading it into the traditional
window when the agent stops may take a long time, in which case we may need
do so asynchronously (starting the end). This way the user can start
inspecting it immediately.

We may also consider putting a limit on the length of the trace (possibly
on available memory) so that we throw out the oldest stuff to avoid running
of memory (presumably it will still be in the log file, but not available
the trace window).

We also will need to modify the existing Edit->Find functionality to search
file, since the full trace will not be loaded in memory.

The email discussion contains more details about the motivation for some of
this and some examples of how the limited trace might look, but I think
captured the desired functionality here.

Original issue:

Improve consistency of Soar's management of indenting and column width

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:06:50

Description From Bob Marinier 2005-07-13 09:06:13 (-) [reply]

  1. Start the Java debugger
  2. Change the state tab's command to "print s1"
  3. Step. Notice the format of the output of the command.
  4. Step twice more. Notice that, even though the contents of the output
    changed, the formatting has.
  5. Step 4 times more. The formatting has changed again.
  6. Step 5 times more. The formatting has changed again. The formatting
    to stabilize here.

I've confirmed the issue exists in TestCommandLineInterface as well.

This is probably an issue with how the formatting is generated internally
in the
kernel. If that's the case, then the issue should go away when we switch
to using XML output for everything (at least, it'll fix it for the tree
Given that, it may not be worth fixing this specific issue (unless it's

Original issue:

Add help directory setting to help command

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:12:16

Description From Jonathan Voigt 2006-02-07 13:09:23 (-) [reply]
Second, I propose adding the ability to register additional help
directories with the help command. For example, QuickLink might have
its own help dir, and we can add that to the "help path" that gets
searched when the help command is used. The standard help directory
will always be in the help path, but some applications may add
additional directories with something like "help --append-dir
myapp/help". Furthermore, the help command will know which command help
files are in the standard directory and which aren't, so it can mark the
application-specific commands with an * (or other distinguishing mark)
when the available commands are listed, so someone can see at a glance
what new commands are available for this application.

As for additional help directories, I can see that being no problem but I'm
sure it is necessary. The commands shouldn't overlap, so putting all the
in that one directory (and maybe renaming it Help/ instead of CLIHelp) I
is the best idea, although I could be talked out of that I think.

The main reason for having separate help directories is so
application-specific help is only listed when running those
applications. If we put all of the help in one directory, it would be
difficult to tell which commands are really available for the current
application -- I would get QuickLink's commands listed when running the
debugger (unless we start adding special tags to the beginning of files
to say what applications they are for, which might be ok but sounds more
complex/bug prone).

Also, it is possible that an application would override a standard
command and thus have a special help file for it (but with the same name
as the original command). I don't think it's a good idea for an
application to do this (and I don't think any currently do), but it is
technically possible.

Original issue:

ElementXML performance issues

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:59:44

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-07-02 14:53:45 (-) [reply]
I profiled the TOHSML demo to get an idea of where time was being spent in
SML/Soar, and it turns out that the biggest offender was ElementXML.

Anyway, it looked like most of the time was being spent in construction and
destruction of objects. We may be able to avoid most of the cost by using
memory pools. (Boost has a memory pool class that we might look into, or
might be simple enough to do it ourselves).

These results should be taken with a grain of salt, though, since I'm not
familiar with the tool used (AMD's CodeAnalyst). Certainly, we should try
reproduce the results a few ways before doing too much work.

Original issue:

improve timers throughout the code

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:54:42

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-06-13 11:16:14 (-) [reply]
Time sources are used in various places in Soar and SML, including:

  1. Timers in the kernel itself, used to keep track of how long various
    parts of
    the code take to run (as reported by the stats command).

  2. The "time" command, which reports how long a given command takes to

  3. In soar_thread::OSSpecificTimer (added on the gski-rem branch; used to
    profile connections and by TestSMLPerformance).

Each of these uses a different mechanism for tracking time, with different
resolutions and consequences. For example, clock() has a low resolution,
it measures real time (as opposed to process time). In contrast, the
system call QueryPerformanceCounter is high resolution and measures process
time (and thus is not affected by things like multi-processor systems and
saving features that change the processor frequency). Ideally, we want to
the same timing mechanisms throughout all the code, and it should be high
resolution. It should measure real time or processor time as appropriate
(e.g., the "time" command claims to report both).

Here's how times are currently tracked by various parts of the code:

  1. Kernel times are tracked using getrusage on linux, and GetProcessTimes
    windows. These both have low resolution and high call cost.

  2. The "time" command reports processor time and real time. For processor
    time, it uses gettimeofday on linux and GetTickCount on windows. For real
    it uses clock. As far as I can tell, all of these report real time (so the
    results of this command are incorrect). Clock and GetTickCount are low
    resolution. gettimeofday is affected by anything that changes the system
    (e.g., NTP services), and is also affected by anything that changes the
    processor frequency (e.g., power saving modes).

  3. soar_thread::OSSpecificTimer uses gettimeofday on linux (with the
    as noted above) and QueryPerformanceCounter on windows, which has a high
    cost, but is the highest resolution timer available on windows, and isn't
    affected by power saving features or changes to the system time, and
    be affected by multiprocessor/core systems (barring BIOS bugs).

Choosing the "best" time source: It seems like there is no single time
that has no disadvantages. Furthermore, there is no cross-platform time
source. On Windows, QueryPerformanceCounter is probably the best choice:
has the best resolution, and the overhead shouldn't be any worse than what
already have. On Linux, the highest resolution seems to be gettimeofday,
is unfortunate given all of its drawbacks. A possible alternative is to
RDTSC (assembly instruction), but this is only available on Intel machines,
suffers from various problems (see the MS and Intel references below).
it may be the best we can do on Linux. For process time (as opposed to
time), it looks like we're stuck with GetProcessTimes and getrusage.

Regardless of the decisions we make here, we should have a single class for
getting time information that is used by all of these different places. I
recommend using the existing soar_thread::OSSpecificTimer (which will have
be moved out of ConnectionSML, but the thread stuff doesn't really belong
anyway). Then as we learn more we can update the code in one place, and
everything will be consistent.

For places where the code runs so fast that timing is useless (e.g., timing
some of Soar's phases), it may make sense to disable the timers altogether.
the code appears to be running slow, people can turn the timers back on to
investigate. As it is, timers introduce significant overhead in the kernel
(~25% in the towers-of-hanoi demo, as measured with timers --off.
more complex code will be less affected).


Increasing Timing Resolution for Processes and Threads in Linux Win32 Performance Measurement Options In particular: documentID=win0305a&pgno=18

Thread on gettimeofday resolution Game Timing and Multicore Processors Measure Code Sections Using The Enhanced Timer ------- Comment #1 From Bob Marinier 2008-06-15 14:40:43 (-) [reply] ------
Another library to consider is boost::date_time. This uses gettimeofday on
linux and ftime on windows. Both report real time and not process time.

I explored the effects of making the timers in the kernel itself header-
(to promote inlining). This made no difference in the times. However,
TestSoarPerformance with "timers --off" resulted in a 20% savings, which is
consistent with the earlier test. Running TestSMLPerformance with "timers
--off" resulted in a 6-8% savings, which shows that they have an impact
when the kernel isn't doing anything.

Given that timers appear to be inherently expensive to use, especially
timers, our best option may be to extend the timers command to give the
more control over which timers are enabled.

Currently, they can all be turned on or off. In my experience, people
use the kernel and total times reported by stats, but only look at the
times if there is a problem. In the absence of a problem, the phase times
often lower than the resolution of the clock anyway, and thus don't report
meaningful data.

An improvement would be to allow kernel and total timers to be on, but all
other timers to be turned off. (Arguably, the flexibility to manipulate
individual timers would be useful, but it seems like this would rarely be
used). Furthermore, the stats command would report that a timer is off
than report zero times in the table. Finally, the phase timers would be
off by
default (or at least many people would find value in turning them off).

We should still have a separate "header only" timers library that cam be
to get process or real time. This will increase consistency and fix
bugs as noted above.

Original issue:

Add XML Helper functions

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:08:26

Description From Andrew Nuxoll 2005-07-14 16:09:08 (-) [reply]
I'm told that right now, the print()/print_with_symbols() statements are
in the kernel code and that duplicate messages are sent to the debugger via
GenerateMessageXML/GenerateWarningXML/GenerateErrorXML/etc. I'm told that
should enter a bug report stating that in all of these places there should
be one function call that does both. So here it is.

Original issue:

make run non-blocking

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:35:29

Description From Bob Marinier 2007-05-26 15:37:18 (-) [reply]
Currently, running Soar is a blocking call. Given the way we (at UM at
typically design environments, Doug says it makes more sense for run to be
non-blocking. Dave Ray points out, however, that in some cases blocking is
better, and in the typical SoarTech case, running is asynchronous, so it
doesn't matter much.

This kind of change would break existing code, so the possibilities include
waiting until Soar9 (in which lots of stuff will break anyway), or to leave
existing stuff the way it is and just introduce new methods that are
non-blocking (so people have a choice). If it makes sense, the flexible
is probably best. I don't know if this interacts with the threading model
stuff (bug 1001) at all.

Original issue:

i/o performance hit when no i/o

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 01:00:34

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-07-02 15:28:15 (-) [reply]
According to stats, a run that does nothing but wait is spending most of
time in I/O callbacks. Here's a trace from TestCLI:

1 (raw) test> waitsnc --on
1 (raw) test> w 0
1 (raw) test> run 100000
1 (raw) test> stats
Soar 9.0.0 on dodo atWed Jul 02 15:20:49 2008

0 productions (0 default, 0 user, 0 chunks)

  • 0 justifications
    | Computed
    Phases: Input Propose Decide Apply Output | Totals
    Kernel: 0.404 0.107 0.222 0.170 0.329 | 1.232
    Input fn: 0.206 | 0.206
    Outpt fn: 0.000 | 0.000
    Callbcks: 8.878 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.140 | 9.018
    Totals: 9.488 0.107 0.222 0.170 0.469 | 10.456

Values from single timers:
Kernel CPU Time: 2.763 sec.
Total CPU Time: 12.953 sec.

100000 decisions (0.028 msec/decision)
0 elaboration cycles (0.000 ec's per dc, 0.000 msec/ec)
0 p-elaboration cycles (0.000 pe's per dc, 0.000 msec/pe)
0 production firings (0.000 pf's per ec, 0.000 msec/pf)
6 wme changes (6 additions, 0 removals)
WM size: 6 current, 6.000 mean, 6 maximum

We should investigate what's going on here and see if we can optimize it
maybe SML is registered for kernel callbacks unnecessarily).

(It's possible that this is just a bug in stats or the timers, but the
time reported is about right based on a wallclock measurement).

Original issue:

EmbeddedConnection valgrind issues

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 01:04:25

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-08-24 18:11:26 (-) [reply]
I ran TestCLI with valgrind (just started and quit without doing anything),
valgrind reports several "leaks" in the "still reachable" category and all
stemming from this line:

hLibrary = dlopen(newLibraryName.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY);

Basically, we never unload the library, and thus we get a bunch of "leaks".
I hack in some code to unload the library (by storing the handle on the
and then dlclose'ing the handle in CloseConnection) then most of the leaks
away. (It goes from 1052 bytes in 6 blocks to 20 bytes in 1 block).

There are other problems with dlopen which do not appear to be our fault.
example, we get the error described here: ...the last comment of which suggests a workaround (although I don't know
to do what it suggests).

My concern here is not to waste time on issues that don't affect anyone,
rather to clean up valgrind's output so we can see any real errors as they
up. Perhaps we can get buildbot to automatically run valgrind and ignore
errors (so we only get failures on new errors).

Original issue:

deep operator elaborations not recognized as operator elaborations

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:02:59

Description From Bob Marinier 2004-06-17 12:31:17 (-) [reply]
Consider these rules:

sp {propose
(state ^superstate nil)
( ^operator +)

sp {elaborate*operator
(state ^operator )
( ^foo )
( ^bar )
( ^test test)

Under o-support-mode 4, the second rule is supposed to get i-support since
the rule does is elaborate the operator. However, Soar generates a

WARNING: operator elaborations mixed with operator applications get
in prod elaborate*operator

The problem is that the elaboration structure is not all directly connected
the operator, so the code which checks for this thinks the ( ^test test)
not an operator elaboration.

The problem appears to be in this if statement in p_node_left_addition in

else if (current_agent(o_support_calculation_type) == 4 &&
(rhs_value_is_reteloc(act->id)) &&
(temp_tok->w->value == get_symbol_from_rete_loc(

op_elab = TRUE;

Unfortunately, what this does is beyond me, so I don't know how to fix it.
Stepping through the code, it is the final test in this if statement which
failing. Specifically, the macros generate 0's for the first two
and the returned pointer doesn't match temp_tok->w->value. However, if I
change the second argument to a 2, then it returns the correct pointer. I
don't know if this is a fluke or a hint at how to fix the problem. Looking
the code for the macros and for get_symbol_from_rete_loc does not make

Original issue:

Allow different matches for a production to get different support

From [email protected] on July 22, 2009 23:56:47

Description From Bob Marinier 2004-06-03 09:44:04
The code which determines the support a match should get (in rete.c,
p_node_left_addition) processes each match separately, but stores the
determined support type for all matches in the same variable (prod_type).
Thus, whichever match's support type is determined last is the support type
that all of the matches get.

Ideally, this could be fixed by storing the support type for each match in
separate variable, or moving the code which pushes the matches onto the
ms_o_assertions or ms_i_assertions lists into the loop which processes the
matches, and push them on to the correct list one at a time. The problem
this approach is it seems all of the matches are stored in the same
msc. It isn't clear to me how or if they can be split up.

One might wonder, is it even possible for different matches to get
support? Yes, if there are states which are not connected in the
Consider this example:

(state ^operator )
(state ^foo bar)
( ^hello world)

If this gets two matches (->S1,->S2) and (->S2,->S1), the
one should get i-support and the second one should get o-support.

Perhaps this is considered a contrived example which shouldn't be allowed.
that case, an alternative is to redefine how o-support works so this isn't
possible. Then we could remove the loop which determines the support type
each match and just determine the support type of one of the matches (say
first one on the list) and use that to push all of the matches on the right

Original issue:

Possibly remove deep copy RHS function

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:04:55

Description From Karen Coulter 2004-12-17 14:05:50 (-) [reply]
this functionality is either not general enough to be part of the supported
distribution, or needs Soar Consortium approval before being added.

-- "deepCopy" is a new RHS function that is deeply embedded in the kernel,
and is commented as a "HACK that should be doable through the external
kernel interface" It creates a copy of a wme, makes a fake pref, and
deallocates the wme, all in the matcher (create_instantiation) and also
adds references to objects. I haven't investigated the cost of this code,
but it has potential to be significant. I think this is the sort of change
that should go to the Soar Consortium if SoarTech wants it to stay in the
distribution. Certainly they can add it back in to their versions easily.

Nov 29: ==>> should go thru Consortium for sure. There may be other ways
implement this, and alternatives should be evaluated. Remove from kernel.

-- O_REJECTS_FIRST compiler directive added. I think we should ask
SoarTech whether they still use this or whether it was for some
It doesn't cost anything since it's a compiler directive, but it is one
option to support and understand.

Nov 29: yep, we should take it out. check w/ SoarTech if even being used

Original issue:

Soar has no numeric equality operator

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 01:05:47

Description From Sam Wintermute 2008-09-10 12:31:18 (-) [reply]
Soar has numeric tests for >,<,<=,>=, but not plain equality. This is
apparently because that should be handled by just matching values, but that
does not work when one number is internally an integer and the other is
internally a float. So, Soar can detect that 1 <= 1.0 and 1 >= 1.0, but 1
1.0 as detected by matching.

There should be a operator for equality across ints and floats, or the
should do implicit conversions, since these types are hidden from the user,
for symmetry with the rest of the numeric tests. If this isn't done, the
should be updated to note this when the comparison operators are discussed.

Original issue:

document ConverToIdentifier not returning the same reference for objects referring to equivalent wmes

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 01:12:01

Description From Joseph Xu 2009-01-28 18:21:53 (-) [reply]
Created an attachment (id=115) [details]
same test case as in comment

In python sml, it seems that calling ConvertToIdentifier() on an identifier
object returns an object that is not equal to the original object, as is
case in C++. Here's a test case:

import Python_sml_ClientInterface as sml

kernel = sml.Kernel.CreateKernelInCurrentThread(' SoarKernel SML', True)
agent = kernel.CreateAgent("soar1")

id1 = agent.CreateIdWME(agent.GetInputLink(), 'blah')
id2 = id1.ConvertToIdentifier()

print "id1:", id1
print "id2:", id2
print "id1 == id2:", id1 == id2

This program will print the following when run:

id1: <Python_sml_ClientInterface.Identifier; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'sml::Identifier *' at 0x86a02a0> >
id2: <Python_sml_ClientInterface.Identifier; proxy of <Swig Object of type
'sml::Identifier *' at 0x86a02a0> >
id1 == id2: False

Note that even though both objects are proxies of the same swig object
address), they're still considered unequal. This is arguably unexpected and
undesirable behavior.


Original issue:

Speed varies based on who initiates run

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:41:19

Description From Dave Ray 2007-08-15 12:53:10 (-) [reply]
It seems like the speed of a system can vary based on who initiates the run
command. To reproduce:

  • Run TankSoar and create a new agent with obscure-bot.soar and no debugger
  • Run the java debugger and connect it to the TankSoar kernel
  • Run the agent from the TankSoar interface and note the rate of the watch
    output printed in the debugger.
  • Now stop the agent
  • Run the agent from the debugger and note the rate of the watch 1 output

When I do this test there is a noticeable decrease in speed when the agent
run from the debugger. I also occasionally sees great variation in speed
starting and stopping the agent repeatedly in the debugger.

Original issue:

thoughts on refining support calculations

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 01:02:19

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-08-24 14:21:27 (-) [reply]
In o-support mode 4 (the default), support for a wme is determined like

If a rule does not test a selected operator on the LHS, then all wmes it
creates get i-support. If a rule does test a selected operator on the LHS,
then all wmes it creates get o-support, unless the wmes it creates are on
operator itself, in which case they get i-support (because they are
the operator).

There are a couple problems with this:

  1. An operator elaboration only gets i-support if it is directly on the
    operator. Substructure further down does not get i-support. This often
    to rules that have mixed support (and which should then default to i-
    like this:

sp {mixed-support
(state ^operator )
( ^i-supported.o-supported mixed)

The attributes of the wmes on the RHS above say what support they should
according to the o-support mode 4 rules. But the way support calculations
work, all wmes created by a production must have the same support, so we
get a
warning message every time this rule fires saying that it's getting i-
In this case, that may be what we want. But consider this:

sp {mixed-support2
(state ^operator )
( ^i-supported true)
( ^o-supported true)

In this rule, these will both be i-supported again. Arguably this is a
rule, but that doesn't mean the behavior should be bizarre.

  1. A rule that modifies a superstate can create wmes that get two different
    supports because the rule and the justification are different. For

sp {operator-no-change
(state ^name whatever
^superstate )
( ^support both)

This rule has i-support (there is no operator tested), but if it's firing
in an
ONC impasse, then the justification will test an operator (which is
responsible for the name of the state), and thus the justification will get

The reverse can also occur:

sp {operator-no-change2
(state ^operator
^superoperator )
( ^support both)}

This rule has o-support, but it is elaborating an operator in the
so the justification will have i-support. This is a more serious issue,
because if chunking is on, then the wme will have o-support when the
exists (since o-support "wins"), but i-support when chunks prevent the
from existing.

In both of these examples, o-support "wins" so the wmes will be o-

Addressing the issues:

I won't claim to be able to completely address these issues, but we should
able to make some headway.

When we consider changing support calculations, we need to be cognizant of
few constraints:

  • support must be learnable by chunking
  • computing support should be cheap
  • support of a result should be the same when it is created from a subgoal
    from a chunk that replaces that part of the subgoal (note this is violated
    operator-no-change2 above).

The existing support calculations almost achieve this, so what I will
is merely a modification of the existing mechanism, not a wholesale

First, consider the deep operator elaborations (which currently get o-
Conceptually, as operator elaborations, they should get i-support.
Unfortunately, determining whether something is attached to an operator in
general is expensive (it requires computing the transitive closure), and if
state is on an operator, then the implication would be that everything on
state is i-supported. And this still doesn't address the issue of a rule
elaborates an operator and changes the state.

Instead, I argue for two principles: per-wme support calculations instead
per-rule, and support determination based on the structures described in
rule, not the entire structure of the state (perhaps call this "local
determination"). In other words, if the LHS of a rule tests a selected
operator, wmes on the RHS of a rule that are connected to an operator via
structure in the rule
should get i-support, and wmes that aren't get
o-support. For the rule "mixed-support" above, both would get i-support
there'd be no warning). For the rule "mixed-support2", the wme on the
would get i-support and the wme on the state would get o-support. In
this may still require a transitive closure calculation, but only over a
which is typically small, so this should be cheap.

How would this situation be handled?

sp {mixed-support3
(state ^operator )
( ^i-support )
( ^o-support )
( ^support unknown)

There are a couple possibilities. We could give precedence to either
elaboration or state changes, or we could give both supports (which is
equivalent to defaulting to o-support). In o-support mode 4, everything in
this rule would get i-support (which definitely doesn't seem right).

Second, let's consider the superstate support issue. We get multiple
conflicting supports, which means o-support wins. An alternative would be
use a "waterfall" model of support calculation: rules in superstates take
precedence over rules in substates when determining support. Thus, the wme
created by the rule "operator-no-change2" above would be i-supported (since
justification would take precedence). In that case, it seems like what was
intended, and is what would happen with chunking (e.g., if the substate was
never created).

Finally, I think a lot of the confusion about what support a wme has and
can be alleviated with better tools. Currently you can print the support a
has and what rule it came from, but mixed support is not shown and the
in which a rule fired is not known (which is especially important for
rules). Additionally, justifications are often no longer around, so they
be printed (this accounts for more frustration than anything, I think).

Original issue:

memory pools: preallocate before run, free after init-soar

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:09:52

Description From Karen Coulter 2005-08-19 22:38:34 (-) [reply]
Impacts SoarKernel , gSKI and CLI.

now that Soar has been fixed so that ref cts on the top-level are no longer
necessary, memory is no longer leaked on the top state. But once Soar
memory, it never gives it back to the OS. Therefore when returning from
subgoals and even after init-soar, Soar hangs on to memory blocks that it
never need again. Propose changes to allow:

  1. --memory flag on init-soar that would release unused blocks from mem
  2. "memory" user interface command that could release unused blocks from
    pools whenever Soar agent isn't running. Also could provide the same info
    "stats -m" output (but we shouldn't deprecate that arg from "stats" either)

Original issue:

problems transferring template instantiations between runs

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 01:07:04

Description From Sam Wintermute 2008-12-12 10:03:42 (-) [reply]
I'd ideally like to be able to re-use learned RL template instantiations
between runs, where I might restart the whole kernel (not just init-soar).
isn't easy to do, since templates will get instantiated once the first time
they match at each run, Soar can't tell that there is already a version of
needed instantiation from a previous run.

There seems to be two reasons behind this:
Soar's duplicate production detection isn't perfect, so all initial
instantiations (= 0) are duplicated every time. Here are two actual
I got that are really the same, after the first was transferred by printing
and sourcing it in a new kernel:

sp {rl_blocks-world_template_1
(state ^superstate nil ^named-on ^named-on ^named-on

^named-on ^operator +)
( ^bottom |blockC| ^top |blockD|)
( ^bottom point2 ^top |blockC|)
( ^bottom |blockA| ^top |blockB|)
( ^bottom point1 ^top |blockA|)
( ^target point1 ^moving |blockD| ^name move)
( ^operator = 0)
sp {rl_blocks-world_template_34
(state ^superstate nil ^named-on ^named-on ^named-on

^named-on ^operator +)
( ^bottom point1 ^top |blockA|)
( ^bottom |blockA| ^top |blockB|)
( ^bottom point2 ^top |blockC|)
( ^bottom |blockC| ^top |blockD|)
( ^target point1 ^moving |blockD| ^name move)
( ^operator = 0)

So something in the printing/sourcing/instantiation process is rewriting
in such a way that duplicates can't be detected.

The other reason this won't work is that an instantiation that has been
modified by RL to change the value can coexist with an = 0 new
since they really are different rules. Even if the reordering thing were
this would still be a problem.

So templates need to be a bit smarter if they can be used across kernel
instances. Might be hard to fix, but at least the manual should mention
something about avoiding this.

Original issue:

consider using multiple/random port numbers

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:49:23

Description From Sam Wintermute 2007-12-04 16:38:16 (-) [reply]
I'm starting to run into problems with running multiple Soar kernels on the
same computer. Specifically, most applications use SML's default port
and the listener thread will shut down if that port is in use. This is a
problem when running multiple instances of applications with local Soar
(eg, TL and SVI), they need to be able to generate unique port numbers at
time if remote connections will be possible (necessary for SVI, nice to
for TL).

It seems like the way to implement this would be to have an option when
creating a kernel through SML to get a unique port number, which could then
returned and passed to other parts of the program as necessary / printed
for the user. Maybe a good option would be to use 12121 by default (since
is what people are used to), and pick another randomly if that is in use.
looks like ports 49152 to 65535 are typically used for this purpose: ------- Comment #1 From Dave Ray 2007-12-04 16:54:50 (-) [reply] -------
I don't know what the SML code will do with this, but if you set the
parameter in the address structure passed to bind() when setting up the
socket, a free port will be automatically assigned
( . No need for random or
It may just be a matter of setting SML's port to zero and then retrieving
port and printing it out or something.

The final port can be retrieved with the getsockname() function:

struct sockaddr_in addr;
addr.sin_port = 0;
... bind, etc ...

getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &len);

int port = ntohs(addr.sin_port);

Looking at the code, it looks like SML might let zero through for the port,
it would be tough to figure out which port was actually chosen.

Original issue:

properly fix watch 5 with --fullwmes workaround

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:19:10

Description From Bob Marinier 2006-03-29 16:32:15 (-) [reply]

  1. Start TestCLI
  2. source toh
  3. w 5
  4. w --fullwmes
  5. run

Around dc 2 we segfault with the following error message:

Internal Soar Error: symbol_to_string called on bad symbol
Soar cannot recover from this error.
You will have to restart Soar to run an agent.
Data is still available for inspection, but may be corrupt.
If a log was open, it has been closed for safety.Internal Soar Error:
_string called on bad symbol
Soar cannot recover from this error.
You will have to restart Soar to run an agent.
Data is still available for inspection, but may be corrupt.
If a log was open, it has been closed for safety.

Note that this was originally encountered in Java TankSoar so it's not
to TestCLI.

This works fine in 8.5.2.

Original issue:

add #define/ifdef/ifndef/endif -like functionality to Soar

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:50:47

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-02-28 11:29:13 (-) [reply]
Sometimes I find myself with a large group of productions that I want to
enable or disable. I could add a flag to the top state and change every
production to test this flag, but this is a pain (and error prone, if I
something). A much easier solution would be to incorporate #define-like
in Soar, so entire blocks of code can be included or excluded easily.

Syntax: Since # already has a meaning, we should probably use something
e.g., just the words define, ifdef, ifndef, and endif. (Note that I am not
arguing for a fully functional macro language like C/C++; I just want to be
able to easily flag which blocks of code to use). Here's a possible

define DEBUG

ifdef DEBUG
sp {monitor*....

Implementation: There are at least two ways I can see implementing this: in
kernel, as a new syntax, or as commands (in which case they would be part
commandline interface). I favor the command approach for simplicity
Soar's parser is probably hard). Basically, the define command will keep a
list of constants that have been defined, and the ifdef/ifndef commands
set CLI switches (if the test fails, ignore all commands until endif is
reached; otherwise execute commands as usual). I suppose the switch could
set in the parser directly, but telling CLI to ignore commands is probably

Also, these do not have to all be separate commands. There can be just one
command, e.g. define, with arguments to do all this, and the rest can just

One source of confusion for C/C++ programmers may be the fact that, in

define FOO actually does NOT define FOO, since the line is commented out.

I think they'll get used to it (the alternative is to add special-case
processing to code to recognize the difference between a comment and a
and that sounds like a buggy situation).

There are some issues like, will we support nesting, or logical tests of
I say we start simple, and see what people really want as far as more
features go.

Incidentally, this approach also gives Soar the ability to block-comment

ifdef COMMENT #COMMENT is not define'd anywhere

...which is something I've wanted for a long time.

Original issue:

add ShutDownWithDelay to ClientSML

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:22:00

Description From Bob Marinier 2006-04-25 13:15:29 (-) [reply]
In bug 709, the problem was that a callback could still be executing when
kernel was deleted, causing a crash. In that case, the debugger was
so the fix was to make the debugger wait 1 second between the time it
the kernel and the time it was deleted. This gives callbacks a chance to

However, this solution is not general. Each client that has a similar
will have to separately implement a similar fix. We expect such clients to
rare, so we have not yet created a universal solution -- that's what this
bug is

Doug proposed creating a ShutDownWithDelayedDelete method. However, some
languages (like C++) do not delete the kernel on ShutDown, so maybe a
solution is ShutDownWithDelay, which in Java would still delete the kernel
(after a delay) and in C++ would just delay the return of the function call
the kernel can't be deleted too quickly). Regardless, the solution is just
move the delay into an SML method.

Original issue:

add ability to print probability of various operators being selected

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:30:02

Description From Bob Marinier 2006-08-25 11:08:47 (-) [reply]
With the addition of numeric indifferent preferences, it can be difficult
the user to tell just how likely it is that various operators will get
selected. For example, when I run prefs with my code, I get something like

O3 (attend) +
O4 (attend) +
O5 (attend) +
O6 (attend) +
O1 (task) +

O6 (attend) -
O3 (attend) -

O1 (task) <

binary indifferents:
O4 (attend) =50
O5 (attend) =50
O5 (attend) =25
O6 (attend) =O3 (attend)
O5 (attend) =O3 (attend)
O4 (attend) =O3 (attend)
O3 (attend) =O6 (attend)
O3 (attend) =O5 (attend)
O3 (attend) =O4 (attend)
O6 (attend) =O4 (attend)
O5 (attend) =O4 (attend)
O4 (attend) =O6 (attend)
O4 (attend) =O5 (attend)
O6 (attend) =O5 (attend)
O5 (attend) =50
O5 (attend) =O6 (attend)

It's very hard to tell from this what the probabilities are, especially
I'm using numeric-indifferent-mode --sum.

It would be nice if the preferences command could be extended to report
probabilities. It could either list them separately at the end, or on the
line with each acceptable preference. If listed separately, only those
operators with non-zero probability need be listed.

Here's what a separate listing might look like (based on the above
calculations are rough estimates based on my understanding of how it

selection probabilities:
O4 (attend) 5.2%
O5 (attend) 94.8%

If listed with the acceptables, it might look like this:

O3 (attend) + (0%)
O4 (attend) + (5.2%)
O5 (attend) + (94.8%)
O6 (attend) + (0%)
O1 (task) + (0%)

Original issue:

Debugger freezes when connecting to running kernel

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:39:12

Description From Dave Ray 2007-08-15 11:44:36 (-) [reply]
Steps to reproduce:

  • Run TankSoar and create a new tank with obscure-bot.soar and no debugger
  • Hit run to start the TankSoar sim
  • Run the java debugger and connect to the running kernel in TankSoar.
  • The debugger will freeze until TankSoar is stopped from the TankSoar

This is a problem if you have Soar embedded in a free-running program
start and stop controls. The debugger should be able to connect to a
kernel and inspect the agents as they run without freezing.

Original issue:

make rand an rhs function

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:26:32

Description From Bob Marinier 2006-05-12 09:26:15 (-) [reply]
It would be useful to have a rand command for generating random numbers for
least two reasons:

  1. It allows applications to use the same random number generator as Soar,
    will make creating deterministic runs easier (since seeding only needs to
    done in one place). This kind of feature is also mentioned in bug 776.

  2. It allows productions to call rand on the RHS (which I at least would

The reason to make rand a command line command as opposed to just an SML
function is to support the second case (and thus kill two birds with one
although certainly an SML wrapper function could be provided.

As for what the command would look like, I imagine something like this:

rand : returns a real number in [0,1](calls SoarRand%28%29)
rand n : returns a real number in [0,n](calls SoarRand%28max%29)
rand --integer : returns an integer in [0,2^32-1](calls SoarRandInt)
rand --integer n : returns an integer in [0,n], n<2^32 (calls

One possible issue is that some of these return reals and some return ints.
not sure what the range on integer representation is for doubles, but we
may be
able to use doubles for both. Alternatively, we may be able to return them
strings, and require the user (or wrapper functions) to convert them.
we could provide two different commands: rand and rand-int.

Original issue:

justification instantiations don't get retracted

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:44:04

Description From Bob Marinier 2007-09-14 14:57:57 (-) [reply]
Created an attachment (id=93) [details]
Code from Laird that uses up memory until crash.

  1. Source the attached code
  2. w 0
  3. run 100000

Note two things:

  • memory usage grows over time
  • it takes a while to exit, but there are no unexpected leaks when it does

What's happening is the code generates justifications which immediately
retract. However, the justification instantiation is not deallocated, and
leaves an extra reference count on the justification production, which then
also does not get deallocated.

Here's what happens in more detail

  1. Justification is created with ref count = 1
  2. Instantiation of justification is created, which increases ref count to
  3. Instantiation is retracted. During this, the justification is excised,
    which brings the ref count back down to 1.
  4. The function possibly_deallocate_instantiation is called. This checks
    inst->in_ms is 0 (it is) and inst->preferences_generated is 0 (it is not).
    Since this check fails, the instantiation is not deallocated, and thus the
    reference count on the justification production never goes to zero.

What is preferences_generated?

From comments in the code:

preferences_generated: header for a doubly-linked list of existing
preferences that were created by this instantiation.
Reference counts on instantiations:
+1 if it's in the match set
+1 for each preference it created that's still around
The reference count is kept implicitly using the preferences_generated
and in_ms fields. We deallocate an instantiation if its reference count
goes to 0.

So where are these preferences coming from? They appear to get generated
the function make_clones_of_results. The comments there say:

                   Make Clones of Results

When we build the initial instantiation of the new chunk, we have
to fill in preferences_generated with copies of all the result
preferences. These copies are clones of the results. This routine
makes these clones and fills in chunk_inst->preferences_generated.

This is where I'm getting stuck -- I don't understand why things are
cloned, and why they aren't going away later.

Any ideas?

Original issue:

check for unfreed memory

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:52:05

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-03-12 13:11:03 (-) [reply]
Dave Ray found and fixed a bug relating to strings not being properly freed
JNI code for RHS function stuff (see bug 1031). There's a very good chance
that there are other similar bugs elsewhere in the JNI code, and possibly
related bugs in other languages.

I can imagine checking for this occurring in two stages:

  1. Find similar patterns in JavaCallbackByHand.h (rev 8396) similar to the
    Dave fixed and fix them. (Looking at the diff, it actually looks like Dave
    made changes throughout the file, so perhaps he's already done this).

  2. Port Dave's Java test program (attached to bug 1031) to other languages
    see if they show similar problems (C# in particular, since it is most
    to Java).

Original issue:

Tcl SWIG doesn't work with threaded Tcl builds (ActiveTcl or later)

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:25:14

Description From Bob Marinier 2006-05-09 16:48:45 (-) [reply]
Starting with ActiveTcl, all Tcl packages are built with threading
enabled (although the core itself is supposedly not built this way). This
to cause some problems with FilterTcl, since events are coming in on a

Uncommenting the calls to the Tcl threaded stuff in the SWIG file seems to
mostly fix the issues. The remaining problem is that some callbacks
the one that FilterTcl uses) need to return information, but that
information is
being generated from another thread, so we need to block until it is

Original issue:

select command issues

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 01:06:22

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-09-27 17:09:37 (-) [reply]
If I type the following:

select o7 will fail even if there is an operator O7 available. This appears to
be a
case sensitivity issue. Since most Soar programmers are lazy, this should
made case insensitive (an identifier letter can never be lower case, so
shouldn't cause any ambiguity).

Additionally, if I accidentally type:

select 07

(note that's a zero), I don't get any error until the operator is actually
selected. Something should check that the input is actually a legal
(a letter followed by a number). Additionally, perhaps we can check against
list of currently proposed operators (available from the preferences
and print a warning if the selected operator is not yet proposed (this
shouldn't necessarily be an error since someone may know what legal
will be when the decision phase comes, so we shouldn't force them to have
run select at exactly the right time). Finally, I think this check should
separate from the legal identifier check because one is an error and the
is just a warning.

Original issue:

Java debugger modules that register RHS functions don't work with multiple agent windows

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:53:35

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-05-08 21:07:20 (-) [reply]
We implemented several new widgets in the debugger that are driven by RHS
functions. When the widget is created (e.g., when the debugger layout is
loaded), it automatically registers the RHS function specified in its

The problem occurs when you create a second agent. The debugger
creates a second window, which contains a second instance of the widget,
tries to register for the RHS function again. This fails with an error

I think the right thing to do is to register the RHS function once in the
debugger, and then route incoming calls to the proper widget based on the
it's coming from (the agent object is passed into the RHS function
Thus, the RHS function callback is primarily a router that keeps track of
agents have windows, and routing changes appropriately. If a window is
then that agent is removed from the routing table, etc.

Note that we can't expect people to actually use these widgets until this

Original issue:

add exec-like RHS function that automatically puts spaces between args

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:47:52

Description From Bob Marinier 2007-10-28 13:28:47 (-) [reply]
When calling RHS functions, generally you would use either "cmd" (for
Soar commands) or exec (for calling custom RHS functions). "cmd"
puts spaces between the arguments, but exec does not (because people might
to concatenate the args).

Dave Ray makes two points about exec: concatenating arguments is definitely
less common case, and there is already a concat RHS function that does this
explicitly. I didn't even know there was a concat function (it's not
documented; looking at the code, it appears to have been added by gSKI).

Changing exec now would be bad for compatibility reasons, so Dave and I
that the best option is to introduce a new exec-like function that
automatically puts the spaces between the args (this should result in
Soar code, too). Dave suggests that, "in the great Unix tradition", this
function be called execv.

Original issue:


From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 01:09:09

Description From Jonathan Voigt 2009-01-08 10:48:44 (-) [reply]
From Bob's email, verbatim:

I've been working on my emo2 branch, which is up-to-date with the latest
changes from the trunk. It works well most of the time, but when I try to
my thesis system with the DEBUG_MEMORY #define turned on (which clears
returned to the pools), I get a crash under the following conditions:

  • this message appears in the trace: "inner elaboration loop finished but
    at quiescence."
  • the system is trying to assert a preference for this rule:

sp {apply_operator_remove-command
(state ^operator.actions

      ^ )
      ( ^status complete)
        ^ -)}

        Stepping through the code, what appears to happen is this preference (among
        others) gets put on thisAgent->newly_created_instantiations during
        create_instantiation, as does justification-11 (during
        the justification associated with the above rule. Going into
        assert_new_preferences, the preference for justification-11 is at the head
        the newly_created_instantiations list.

        assert_new_preferences does a two-pass algorithm: first it goes through the
        newly_created_instantiations list and puts any reject preferences
        with these instantiations on an o_rejects list (the instantiations are
        still on
        the newly_created_instantiations list). These preferences are then
        which possibly includes deallocating them. When a preference is
        the associated instantiation may also be deallocated.

        Next, the items on the newly_created_instantiations list are processed, and
        this is where we get a crash. It appears that the instance associated with
        justification-11 got deallocated, and thus the head of the
        newly_created_instantiations list is bad. The code apparently expects the
        o_reject stuff to still be in this list, since it checks for them and
        them (presumably since they've already been processed).

        Interestingly, if I turn off DEBUG_MEMORY, then it's the instance
        with the rule that is at the head of the list instead of the justification.
        This appears to be a side effect of the deallocation (the address changes

        Anyway, it's amazing this works at all. I'm not sure if the instance is
        supposed to be deallocated or not, but maybe it makes sense, since the
        only has one pref (to remove something), and it's already been processed,
        so we
        don't need the instance anymore. In that case, perhaps the right fix is to
        splice any instances we deallocate out of the newly_created_instantiations
        (although that seems inefficient, as we have to find it in the list first,
        it's even there). Another possibility is to delay deallocating the
        until after all of the instances have been processed. This would mean doing
        third pass (albeit just over the o_rejects list).

        As this last approach is the simplest, I tried it and it seems to fix the
        crash. Unfortunately, it also appears to break init-soar (lots of leaked
        reported, even in the water-jug demo, which doesn't have any

        Finally, I don't know how to reproduce the crash in a simple example. It's
        possible it's related to the new waterfall changes somehow. Finally, I
        guarantee it isn't related to my emotion code, since I can't run my system
        outside of my branch. I'm not sure what next steps to take.

        Original issue:

create new GDS tutorial

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:10:59

Description From Bob Marinier 2006-01-26 10:00:31 (-) [reply]
It seems clear that one of the reasons people get burned by the GDS is
they don't even know it exists, much less the constraints it places on good
programming practices. This is because the only mention of it in the
manual is
in an appendix, and there is no tutorial on it.

I think it would be a good idea to add a short tutorial on th GDS to the
tutorials. It could be based on a simple counting example to demonstrate
potential pitfalls and how to debug problems when you run into them. Karen
suggested doing something with the water-jug-look-ahead code, since it's a
example of why one would want to create o-supported structures in substates
how to properly do it.

It would be great if this tutorial was written in time for the Soar
since then we could give an advanced tutorial on it.

Original issue:

memory leaks with remote connection

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 01:07:42

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-12-16 16:40:37 (-) [reply]
To reproduce:

  1. Start with a debug or debug scu build.
  2. Open two command prompt windows in the SoarLibrary/bin directory.
  3. In the first one, do "java -jar SoarJavaDebugger .jar".
  4. In the second one, do "java -jar SoarJavaDebugger .jar -remote".
  5. Close the first debugger. This should close both debugger windows
    you've changed the default debugger settings).

Tons of memory leaks are reported by the second debugger (the first has
Many of them appear to be related to ElementXML.

Note that, to debug leaks in Java, you can set a memory leak breakpoint
the bottom of sml_ClientInterface.i (in the Resources Files folder of the
ClientSMLJava project in Visual Studio). But this probably has nothing to
with Java, so it might be worth the effort to reproduce it in C++.

Original issue:

remove duplicate constants from sml_Names

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:58:04

Description From Bob Marinier 2008-06-13 13:55:07 (-) [reply]
Some of the constants contained in sml::sml_Names (sml_Names.h in
ConnectionSML) are redundant with constants contained in soar_TraceNames
(soar_TraceNames.h in shared). These should be removed from sml_Names in
for it to be clear which constants are used by the kernel vs. the ones used
exclusively by SML.

Original issue:

make context menu not block trace printing

From [email protected] on July 23, 2009 00:27:55

Description From Bob Marinier 2006-05-22 11:05:58 (-) [reply]

  1. Start debugger
  2. Load TOH
  3. run
  4. While running, right-click in trace window. Leave context menu up while
    Soar runs.
  5. When TOH completes, click somewhere to remove context menu.

Notice that the message "An agent halted during the run." doesn't get printed
until after the context menu is removed.

Original issue:

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