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youtube-watchmarker's Introduction


Youtube keeps track of your watch history and automatically marks videos that you have already watched. They however only mark recently seen videos, which is kind of disappointing. This addon fixes this issue and keeps track of your entire watch history, such that not only the recently seen videos are being marked.





Does this work with the old Youtube theme? I am afraid that only the new theme is supported. If you do not know which theme you are currently using then it is very likely the new one.

How can the persistence of the database be ensured? There is an export and import feature, which makes it easy to create a backup of the history. This backup can easily be archived such that you can ensure that you never lose your history.

How can I make sure that the database is complete? The automatic synchronization only considers the recent activity. You are thus encouraged to manually initiate a complete synchronization in the settings, which incorporates as much of your history as possible.

Is it possible to import my history from Google Takeout? You can give this tool from Jan Paul Posma a try.


Please refer to the appropriate file within this repository.

youtube-watchmarker's People


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youtube-watchmarker's Issues

no database and not synchronizing

#it was workin fine after i cleaned up my browser using (cc cleaner) it stoped working, the database size is zero and not synchronizing with browser or youtube history i tried disable and deleting the addon but nothing happened

A wish for Youtube Watchmarker

Please, make it so that I can delete records older than 30 days from the database of the watched video as in Windows Media Player settings.
Thank you very much.

possible compatibility problem with Iridium on Firefox 58.0.2 x64

The Iridium plugin adds 'quick controls' that allow for blocking whole channels. Those buttons are overlaid on each video thumbnail but they don't appear when I have Watchmarker enabled as well.

I have a few other addons but disabled them all except these two.

To replicate it should be as easy as enabling Watchmarker with Iridium also enabled in Firefox. Hover a video thumbnail to see the difference. Pic of the overlay buttons included.

Hope this is helpful, I like the add-on!


Export stop working after 4100 videos.

Export stop working after around 4100 videos. On export button click, after the incremental video count, page becomes white and keeps loading forever.

Add "HD" label to 720


Is it possible to force YouTube to add the "HD" label to 720-quality videos?

Would it be possible to automatically switch to "" (only) if a video is restricted?

Thank you for your work.

[question] interaction with youtube api?

can I mark a video as watched and have it registered in youtube's watch history? I may have watched a video on another comptuer / incognito / etc and I just want to click a button to mark it as watched in YT's watch history

can this addon do this?


Encountered a bug between Watchmarker for YouTube and YouTube Studio

Hey, I discovered the other day that something Watchmarker does makes it so when you go into YouTube Studio to manage uploads (and a few other interfaces in Studio) the interfaces act as if they are offline.
I went through all of my extensions one by one and it is 100% Watchmarker unfortunaly.
I don’t know why it causes this issue in specific, but I discovered an easy solution.
As a user, I appear not to be able to change Watchmarkers site access, but if the site access was changed from allowing:




or if a block was added for


it wouldn’t run on the Studio pages at all.

This solution would effectively solve the problem without needing to find out the exact cause of this bug.

I have also used this extension for an extended period of time in both Firefox and Chrome and I encountered another bug relating to the new layout of YouTube messing with the watched labels which I was able to solve with a small custom ‘theme’ applied with the extension Stylus to fix the layout, but I have not tested this issue with Studio in Firefox.

I hope the potential solution I’ve provided helps, and thanks so much for making this extension. Watchmarker is one of my must-have extensions now and is one I recommend to all my friends, I really appreciate the work that goes into it.

PS: I also sent this in an email, sorry, I hadn't realised GitHub was an option at the time.

Support for Invidious and Piped instances

There is an alternative Youtube front-end site that many people use for privacy concerns in order to not be tracked by Google, and not deal with other Youtube annoyances.
Would that be possible to add the support for the site in the extension?
So that videos watched on as well as on are remembered in the database.
And the "Watched" dimmed overlay is shown on and for all videos watched on both of these sites.
The video links look very similar to the youtube ones, just the "" replaced with ""

Unable to remove marked videos

After the new update I'm no longer able to remove videos marked as watched, when I click the delete button it doesn't appear to do anything.

3.0.1 in Firefox 57b5: Can't Click Advanced Setting on Edit Video Screen if Enabled.

Uploaded a YouTube Video and wanted to change the category and I couldn't get Advanced Settings to do anything. Turns out if I disabled YouTube Watchmarker, then the link started working. Happens in both 56 and 57beta. Weird.

Screenshot of what I'm talking about:

Anyway it is awesome to get better track of what I've watched. At least I know the reason why it wasn't working. I went to IE 11 to change the category LOL.

Thanks for your work.

Loss of progress preview when marked as watched.

I noticed this about a month ago. When a video was marked as watched you could still see how much progress youtube thought you made in the video. Now, that no longer shows up unless I disable the add-on. Thanks for all your hard work.

With watchmaker on:

With it disabled:

This happens in all window contexts, I am just showing watched because it is easiest to get a sample.

Clarify behaviour of Youtube synchronization

I've disabled the YouTube internal logging, in an effort to minimize privacy invasion (probably not very effective with Google, but whatever). There's also no reason why I should depend on a watchlist stored on their servers, when I can keep track locally myself.

Therefore I want to use this plugin as an offline solution and it seems to work. However, this sounds like it defeats the purpose:

In order to synchronize your timeline across multiple devices, this addon fetches your browsing information directly from your Youtube [sic] account. It will in this regard automatically fetch the most recent activity every hour, but you can manually initiate a complete fetch of the entire browsing information.

  • What exactly does happen?
  • Does it contact Google/YouTube actively?
  • When exactly does this happen and can I prevent it somehow?
  • Does it also happen when I'm not on YouTube?
  • Does it only happen when being on YouTube the next time after the last visit was more than an hour ago?
  • Why does this have to happen?
  • Depending on how it's implemented, could it simply be disabled by choosing a date far ahead in the future (01.01.9999; and probably entering it in some config file)?

I only have one device anyway, and even if I didn't, I'd rather synchronize my watchlist differently or not at all.
I've tried to find the responsible code for this feature, but could not see it when skimming over the codebase (also I'm not a JS coder).

Filesystem & Decoding

I've got a question. Question being that I got a really long watch list & I wanted to back it up, I don't know what filesystem to choose though. I'd like to look at the links seperately, even in a text file if neccesary. If I try to open the backup file with a notepad, I always just get random strings of letters & numbers. Is there a posibilety to enable me to backup my watchhistory in for of links that I can use universially & not just in the plugin? I want to be on the safe side if anything'd ever happen to the tools I use. I hope you can understand what I mean..

Sync with youtube not working correctly

When you try to sync with youtube it doesn't do anything due to JSON errors.

Chrome Stacktrace:

VM102:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ) in JSON at position 152510
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at XMLHttpRequest.objAjax.onload (background.js:648)
objAjax.onload @ background.js:648
load (async)
objVideos @ background.js:646
series @ background.js:63
synchronize @ background.js:625
(anonymous) @ background.js:568

This is version 4.0.5 but i tried the 4.0.6 here on github and it had issues with getting the cookies objCookie.value failed instead.

Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null
    at chrome-extension://mgnocgfedcfgikegcccfdiokbabmbmgi/background.js:632:33

Videos are incorrectly marked as Watched

This occurs on the Home page, after scrolling down at least 1 screenfull. I have exported the database, grabbed a screenshot showing the URL of the video in question, and also copied the HTML using Chrome debugging tools. I am attaching the HTML + screenshot, and can share the database with you if you need proof the video is not in the database.


This is the third time i have seen this happen since installing the extension two days ago. In this specific instance, the URL for the video is for a video with id "OkZxThbBDLc", and the HTML element that this extension modifies has the id "YouRect-zcw-XU5J1QY-watched".

I know this is occurring for videos I have not watched, as the three times I have noticed this so far have all been on videos uploaded within the last 2 or 3 days hence I known I haven't watched the videos in question.

Refreshing the page solves the problem - I've seen the same video turn back up in the page after refreshing, this time correctly not marking the video as watched.

For the example I am using here, the element "ytd-rich-item-renderer" contains the following:
'<a id="YouRect-zcw-XU5J1QY-watched" class="yt-simple-endpoint inline-block style-scope ytd-thumbnail yourect-watched-marker" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" rel="null" href="/watch?v=OkZxThbBDLc">'

Wrong markings

Until a couple of days ago I was very happy with your add-on, but recently it wrongly marks videos as being watched; this seems to happen especially often with newly uploaded videos. I have been using the new YouTube design and the Dark Theme since about the same time I have been experiencing these issues, so there could be a connection. Haven't looked into your code, but maybe YouTube (in new design mode) preloads newly uploaded videos and the add-on marks them as being watched? I will sadly have to disable the add-on until this problem is fixed. :(

YouTube page reloads entirely instead of reloading only video frame, after clicking a video in the playlist.

Sign in. Have some videos in the Watch Later playlist. Click on one of them. The video loads and on the right-top corner there is list of upcoming videos in the playlist. Click on another video.

WHAT HAPPENS: The whole YouTube page reloads and takes a long time to appear.

WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN: All elements of the page should stay intact and only the video frame/description should reload with the new video data.

The general performance of YouTube seems to be heavily impacted by the extension.

Using Windows 10 64bit, Firefox 60 Beta.

Video's getting marked without even seeing them

I have an issue that's going on for some weeks now. Videos are getting marked as watched without me even having watched them. Sometimes I refresh my subcriptions page and new videos are marked as watched. And no, I didn't watch on any other device. And yes my account is still secure, I even changed my passwords because that was my first tougth too that someone else was using my account for watching videos. I also tried to reinstall your add-on (even with a pc reboot in between).

Length of Video instead of Title Shown on Info Tab

I've started noticing that the video lengths are showing instead of the video's title in the info window:

I am on Firefox 71 with 3.0.2 of the extension. The videos with the length do not show up on YouTube as having been watched. Probably due to the title not matching I am guessing? What might be causing it to record the video length instead of the title?

Try implementing this to youtube music

I found on reddit that a lot of people want similar feature on youtube music platform.

-addon for youtube and youtube music should share same database (watched history)
-addon on youtube music should remove (instead of marking as watched) any song from radio queue that has been listened before

love the work.

thumbnail in notification list

Good evening. In my drop down notification list, its not showing watched videos anymore, i have tried syncing in the addon settings but still nothing .FF version 81.0.1 hope you can help

regards Andy

Can you make Watchmarker so that it shows Youtubes' red bar instead of a "watched" overlay but just forever?

Youtubes' red bar that shows how far you've made it in an unfinished video is actually useful so it would be nice if you extended the lifetime of that bar with your addon for those users who prefer that variant
I haven't found another app so far that does this either.

(Another idea is to use both: Videos that are partially watched, get the red bar and finished ones get the "watched" overlay. This makes them visually more distinguishable. I just think of this as something optional.
What I personally prefer is a layout with red bars and no dimming over the thumbnails because I don't want the site to make unwatched videos stick out in a way that tells me "You have to watch these and not those!" because I may not like those particular unwatched videos.
Dimming the thumbnails also makes me tend to not want to look through videos for rewatching even though some may be worth it.
The dimming does definitely make sense, especially, if you mark good videos with a like so that you have them in a list anyway, but I just feel more drawn to how I described it)

Best Regards,

Synchronize from history keeps showing same number of new videos

Hi, I'm using version 4.0.9 on Firefox 78.4.0esr on Windows 10.

When I select Synchronize under History it shows
"imported 4220 videos - 18 were new"
every time.
My expectation is that running it a second time should show "0 were new".

Do I misunderstand what "new" means in this context,
or is there something that needs to be debugged?
If it is an error, let me know if there's any more information that is needed.

Thanks and Best Regards,

History Synchronization Discrepancy

In the past I have been using the YouTubeCenter videoHistory to filter out watched videos and I am seeing a major discrepancy between youtube-watchmarker and YouTubeCenter. YouTubeCenter having the superior filter.

Right now with both active the YouTubeCenter shows 103 watched videos out of 120 videos, whereas youtube-watchmarker after running the sync only detected 3 videos were watched on one channel over the past 3 months. This might be down to how youtube-watchmarker is importing watched data or some missing matches when running the synchronization process.

To make your life easier I an including a link to the YouTubeCenter match method
Line: 3677-3722 ytcenter.videoHistory

Keep up the good work.

Clicking on timestamps refreshes webpage?

Hi there,

I've recently noticed a minor issue with this add-on.
Clicking on timestamps (such as a video's description) causes the entire page to reload rather than just skipping ahead to that particular part of the video.

I don't really understand why an add-on that simply marks videos as watched would cause something like this to happen, which although isn't very annoying, it makes me have to wait around 3 to 4 seconds for the page to load before the video starts to play again.

"Synchronizing youtube" stopped working

"Synchronizing youtube" stopped working.
When doing manually sync, it only shows "Progress": ... Three dots forever and nothing else.
After having this issue on my ff78.5.0esr I checked it on fresh clean FF portable 78.5.0esr, all the same. YouTube itself works for me as usual.
ff78.5.0esr | wm4.0.8

Mark as unwatched

Is it possible to mark a video as unwatched? I'm using an extension that disables autoplay because often I just want to read comments or the description without marking the video as watched. Would be cool to have a button (at watch?v=).

Videos marked as watch because of previous searches.

I don't know if anyone reported an issue like this but I have this problem for like 3 months now.
If I search videos and click on some of them and afterwards search a different thing, then the newly shown videos have the same videos marked as watched as the previous search.
I mean that the watched videos information does not update after changing the search term.
Only way I go around this right now is search something new and then also refresh the page, after that I get the new information
weird bug

history empty & not working anymore since update to ff 57

worked very well until i updated to ff 57. totally loved it when it worked.
since updating to 57 my history, database and searches are empty. and sadly no more "watched" videos.
when i click on "synchronize" (in both options) a unclickable message saying "synchronizing with history" appears but nothing else happens (waited 30 minutes to be sure) until i reload or close the tab.
the search wheel at the buttom right is constantly turning but not finding anything.
already tried resetting the database, reinstalling the addon, overinstalling the browser and restarting the mac (os 10.12.6). it's just not working anymore.
on my older mac with el capitan this great addon strangely still works after the update to ff 57.
any ideas?

bildschirmfoto 2017-11-28 um 00 47 44

High CPU and memory usage with versions greater than v3.0.2

I updated to the newer versions and I've noticed that opening youtube tabs is very sluggish compared to before. I narrowed it down to Youtube Watchmarker. Even if I "Refresh" firefox and then install Youtube Watchmarker the problem still persists. The only problem is that this bug may only show up with very large number of tabs. I have a window open with >800 youtube tabs (not fully loaded) but trying to open a new tab with Youtube Watchmarker spikes my cpu and memory.

I've included a screenshot of the addon's console log (v4.0.4).


Incorrect videos being shown as "Watched" until page refresh

When a list of videos is changed/loaded dynamically, the add-on fails to update.

Specific example: if I search YouTube for "TLOU reaction", the list shows correctly that I've seen the top several results. If I then select to filter the results by "Upload date", to find new stuff, YouTube loads correctly, yet the add-on continues to tell me I've already seen the top results even though I haven't.

If I manually refresh the entire page (F5), only then it shows correctly what I've seen.

Cross-device youtube synchronization failing

Until recently, I've been having to run the youtube synchronize feature manually in order to get the correct watchmarkers from videos viewed on my work PC. (My work uses a company VPN which makes my connection appear as though it's in a different country, and therefore timezone, to where I actually live- not sure if it's related, but thought it might be important to note.)

However, in the last few days, the manual synchronize button (for the cross-platform 'youtube' sync, specifically) is no longer working- it looks like it's doing something for a few seconds, then just gives up & says "finished synchronizing", though the process fails consistently.
Screenshot for context:

Presumably related to the latest update to the Youtube website (which added a slightly different responsive view for desktop browsers resized to <1000px or so).

Suggestion: Infinite-scrolling History

I found this addon while looking for a way to store my youtube watch history locally, so I can disable the watch history in my Google account, for privacy reasons. Although it wonderfully handles the task of marking videos as watched, it would be awesome if it provided a way to scroll through more than just the last few watches (at the bottom of its config page). At present, it seems to be limited to 10 items. Something like "load next page," and perhaps configurable "items per page" (so we could show more than 10) would be great :)

Youtube sync issue

Lately I've noticed that Youtube sync does only 199 imported videos. Checked on three different OS'es. Always strictly 199.
Before sync with Youtube did much more, about 20000 or like that, I think all YT history was imported everytime, and it was OK for me.
But now it can be problem a bit when using Youtube regularly on different rigs/os'es, for example I watch/listen 300 videos on rig №1, then i switch to rig №2 (another OS, FF and WatchMaker), rig №2 sync'ed Youtube with 199 new videos, difference is 101 videos that was watched but not in the WM base on rig №2.
I have three different OS'es using WM, dualboot at home and PC at work.
Any ideas about that, maybe it can be fixed?
Thank You.

FF68.11.0esr on win10 and win7
WM ver.: 4.0.5

youtube playlist wont open with add-on activated

Hey great add-on you made. Love to use it.

But over the days I noticed a small bug. Whenever I have this add-on activated, my playlist on the home screen of youtube wont open/show more playlists. Whenever i click on "Show More"for playlists, it redirects me to my subscriptions again.

If I deactivate it, youtube lets me click on show more and it opens all my playlists again in a list.

Not sure if this is where this belongs. Had to make an account here to message you for this:)

[Request] Only mark video as watched after video actually starts playing

I open a lot of youtube tabs from my subscriptions and sometimes I don't end up watching all of them but they are still marked as watched. I'm also using which prevents videos from autoplaying until I click them. So as you can see sometimes many videos are set as watched when I have not actually started watching them. It would be a great if your addon waited until the video started playing a few seconds before marking it as watched. Also, a simple way to mark a video as unwatched from the video page would help a lot. Thanks for the great addon!

Newer version not working

I had the newest version installed, but it wasn't doing anything. Nothing was watched, clicking on it didn't bring up the synchronize tab. Tried turning it off and one, removing and readding it. Nothing worked

Using latest version of regular Firefox. Swapped back to Version 3.0.2 and it's working, though had to resync everything.

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