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divination's Issues

[AetheryteLinkInChat] Some aetherites do not contribute to distance calculations

Which plugin are you referring to?

Describe the bug

Some aetherites do not contribute to the distance calculation, so in reality, a more distant route is presented as the shortest route.

e.g. Yanxia (12, 30) for rank S Gamma
We should teleport to Doman Enclave but AetheryteLinkInChat suggests Namai village.

[AetheryteLinkInChat] Filtering of special characters in teleport shortcut

Some users use the special characters for server names. That means it won't get matched with a server and the teleport won't get you there. Would it be possible to convert those to regular characters before trying to parse server names?


 A
 B
 C
 D
 E
 F
 G
 H
 I
 J
 K
 L
 M
 N
 O
 P
 Q
 R
 S
 T
 U
 V
 W
 X
 Y
 Z


All in-game special characters are available here

[AetheryteLinkInChat] Lifestream連携機能が動作しない

Which plugin are you referring to?

Describe the bug

Additional context



09:25:07.236 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mob\",\"subType\":\"report\",\"data\":{\"action\":\"death\",\"id\":{\"mobId\":\"zona_seeker\",\"worldId\":\"ifrit\"},\"data\":{\"num\":1,\"startedAt\":\"2024-04-14T00:23:07.065Z\",\"prevStartedAt\":\"2024-04-11T09:34:18.417Z\"},\"mobId\":2957,\"worldId\":59,\"zoneInstance\":0}}]"
09:25:07.236 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] OnMobReport: mobData == null
09:25:07.308 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mobworldkill\",\"subType\":\"recentAdd\",\"data\":{\"id\":1327592,\"mobId2\":\"zona_seeker\",\"worldId2\":\"ifrit\",\"zoneInstance\":null,\"spawnedAt\":null,\"killedAt\":\"2024-04-14T00:23:07.065Z\",\"mobId\":2957,\"worldId\":59,\"isFailed\":false}}]"
09:33:28.308 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mob\",\"subType\":\"report\",\"data\":{\"action\":\"spawn\",\"id\":{\"mobId\":\"the_pale_rider\",\"worldId\":\"bahamut\"},\"data\":{\"zoneId2\":\"the_dravanian_hinterlands\",\"zoneId\":399,\"zonePoiIds\":[654],\"timestamp\":\"2024-04-14T00:33:28.179Z\",\"reporters\":[{\"id\":****,\"name\":\"******\"}],\"isScheduled\":false,\"scheduleDelay\":null,\"window\":1,\"stage\":null},\"mobId\":4376,\"worldId\":69,\"zoneInstance\":0}}]"
09:33:28.308 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] OnMobReport: mobData == null
09:37:08.091 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mob\",\"subType\":\"report\",\"data\":{\"action\":\"death\",\"id\":{\"mobId\":\"the_pale_rider\",\"worldId\":\"bahamut\"},\"data\":{\"num\":1,\"startedAt\":\"2024-04-14T00:37:07.863Z\",\"prevStartedAt\":\"2024-04-09T11:47:03.411Z\"},\"mobId\":4376,\"worldId\":69,\"zoneInstance\":0}}]"
09:37:08.091 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] OnMobReport: mobData == null
09:37:08.230 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mobworldkill\",\"subType\":\"recentAdd\",\"data\":{\"id\":1327603,\"mobId2\":\"the_pale_rider\",\"worldId2\":\"bahamut\",\"zoneInstance\":null,\"spawnedAt\":\"2024-04-14T00:33:28.179Z\",\"killedAt\":\"2024-04-14T00:37:07.863Z\",\"mobId\":4376,\"worldId\":69,\"isFailed\":false}}]"

[Aetheryte Link in Chat/Faloop Integration] False? teleport notifications in chat

Which plugin are you referring to?
AetheryteLinkInChat and FaloopIntegration, I'm not entirely too sure.

Describe the bug
I've noticed that I'd get what I think are ghost teleport notifications in chat. Is this working as intended?

Teleporting to Horizon....
But there's nothing there and I didn't click or do anything to initiate a TP. [A TP doesn't go through it's just text in chat] I was standing in Limsa in this case.

Another example...
Two S ranks are in the Faloop: Active Mob
but on different servers

I get
[AetheryteLinkInChat] Teleporting to "Ceruleum Processing Plant"...
Despite standing still...These are simply chat messages.

I seem to get multiple reports of the same S rank in chat + teleport notification despite being already there (clicked teleport).

Is there perhaps a way to stop these notifications if you already pressed the teleport button and initiated a teleport to the S rank.

[FaloopIntegration] Open map with flag from Active Mobs UI

Hello, thanks for the great plugin !

I love the Active Mobs UI feature to teleport around, especially with Lifestream integration.

Would there be a way to open the map with a flag at the right coordinates from that UI instead of having to find it in the chat log to know where to go once you're at the right aetheryte ?

Thanks in advance ! ;)

[FaloopIntegration] Empty message into 'System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.'

I noticed a lot of empty announcements. If you look at their Discord, there are no coords until in this case 10 seconds. Could you ignore printing of spawns with no spawn data?


10:30:23.578 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mob\",\"subType\":\"report\",\"data\":{\"action\":\"spawn\",\"id\":{\"mobId\":\"gunitt\",\"worldId\":\"omega\"},\"data\":{\"zoneId2\":\"the_tempest\",\"location\":null,\"timestamp\":\"2024-04-24T08:30:23.469Z\",\"window\":1,\"stage\":null}}}]"
10:30:23.578 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] OnMobReport: unknown zone poi id found: 0

And the second announce 10 seconds later with the actual spawn data got an error so it was never printed in chat:

10:30:33.876 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mob\",\"subType\":\"report\",\"data\":{\"action\":\"spawn_location\",\"id\":{\"mobId\":\"gunitt\",\"worldId\":\"omega\"},\"data\":{\"zonePoiId\":1034}}}]"
10:30:33.877 | ERR | [FaloopIntegration] HandleOnMessage
	System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'key')
	   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindValue(TKey key)
	   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value)
	   at Divination.FaloopIntegration.FaloopIntegration.OnMobReport(MobReportData data) in D:\a\Divination\Divination\FaloopIntegration\FaloopIntegration.cs:line 131
	   at Divination.FaloopIntegration.Faloop.FaloopSocketIOClient.HandleOnMessage(SocketIOResponse response) in D:\a\Divination\Divination\FaloopIntegration\Faloop\FaloopSocketIOClient.cs:line 171

I'm on v6.58.9.0

Another example

13:17:08.121 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mob\",\"subType\":\"report\",\"data\":{\"action\":\"spawn\",\"id\":{\"mobId\":\"nunyunuwi\",\"worldId\":\"spriggan\"},\"data\":{\"zoneId2\":\"southern_thanalan\",\"location\":null,\"timestamp\":\"2024-04-26T11:17:07.948Z\",\"window\":1,\"stage\":null}}}]"
13:17:08.121 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] OnMobReport: unknown zone poi id found: 0
13:17:11.879 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Ping
13:17:11.879 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Pong: 00:00:00.0000256
13:17:13.871 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mob\",\"subType\":\"report\",\"data\":{\"action\":\"spawn_location\",\"id\":{\"mobId\":\"nunyunuwi\",\"worldId\":\"spriggan\"},\"data\":{\"zonePoiId\":283}}}]"
13:17:13.871 | ERR | [FaloopIntegration] HandleOnMessage
	System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'key')
	   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindValue(TKey key)
	   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value)
	   at Divination.FaloopIntegration.FaloopIntegration.OnMobReport(MobReportData data) in D:\a\Divination\Divination\FaloopIntegration\FaloopIntegration.cs:line 131
	   at Divination.FaloopIntegration.Faloop.FaloopSocketIOClient.HandleOnMessage(SocketIOResponse response) in D:\a\Divination\Divination\FaloopIntegration\Faloop\FaloopSocketIOClient.cs:line 171


[FaloopIntegration] System.InvalidOperationException: invalid territory type ID

Which plugin are you referring to?

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Ignored or Blocked

These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.

Detected dependencies

  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/setup-dotnet v4
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/upload-artifact v4
  • actions/upload-artifact v4
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/download-artifact v4
  • actions/download-artifact v4
  • peter-evans/create-pull-request v6
  • peter-evans/enable-pull-request-automerge v3
  • gitversion.tool 5.12.0
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12
  • GitVersion.MsBuild 5.12.0
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12
  • DiscordRichPresence
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12
  • SocketIOClient 3.0.8
  • System.Net.Http.Json 8.0.0
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12
  • 3v.EvtSource 2.0.0
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12
  • CoreTweet 2.0.0-beta.1
  • DalamudPackager 2.1.12

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

[AetheryteLinkInChat] Links to the zone Ultima Thule suggest teleporting to the world server Ultima first

Which plugin are you referring to?

Describe the bug
A flag in the zone Ultima Thule suggests going to the world server Ultima:


To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. This bug may be limited to the English client
  2. Create a flag in the zone Ultima Thule and link it in the chat window with /echo.
  3. AetheryteLinkInChat appends the path through the character's chosen city-state aetheryte to hop to Ultima

Expected behavior
The last link, to Reah Tahra/Abode of the Ea/Omicron, is all that should be present, not the hop to the city-state and teleportation to the world server Ultima.



  1. 現在のモブに表示されるがチャットの湧いた表示がされたりされなかったりする。
  2. 現在のモブの時間表記が継続計算される。(WEB上では通常報告移行時に時間がリセットされる)


06:41:50.883 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mob\",\"subType\":\"report\",\"data\":{\"action\":\"spawn\",\"id\":{\"mobId\":\"tarchia\",\"worldId\":\"ifrit\"},\"mobId\":8900,\"worldId\":59,\"zoneInstance\":0,\"data\":{\"zoneId\":815,\"zonePoiIds\":[963],\"timestamp\":\"2024-04-04T21:41:50.760Z\",\"reporters\":[],\"isScheduled\":true,\"window\":1,\"stage\":null}}}]"


06:53:53.854 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mob\",\"subType\":\"report\",\"data\":{\"action\":\"spawn\",\"id\":{\"mobId\":\"orghana\",\"worldId\":\"fenrir\"},\"mobId\":5986,\"worldId\":46,\"zoneInstance\":0,\"data\":{\"zoneId\":622,\"zonePoiIds\":[882],\"timestamp\":\"2024-04-04T21:53:53.746Z\",\"reporters\":[{\"id\":****,\"name\":\"****\"}],\"isScheduled\":true,\"window\":1,\"stage\":null}}}]"


06:59:05.798 | ERR | [FaloopIntegration] HandleOnMessage
	System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')
	   at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
	   at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Boolean& found)
	   at Divination.FaloopIntegration.FaloopIntegration.OnMobSpawn(MobSpawnEvent ev, Int32 channel) in D:\a\Divination\Divination\FaloopIntegration\FaloopIntegration.cs:line 164
	   at Divination.FaloopIntegration.FaloopIntegration.OnMobReport(MobReportData data) in D:\a\Divination\Divination\FaloopIntegration\FaloopIntegration.cs:line 143
	   at Divination.FaloopIntegration.Faloop.FaloopSocketIOClient.HandleOnMessage(SocketIOResponse response) in D:\a\Divination\Divination\FaloopIntegration\Faloop\FaloopSocketIOClient.cs:line 171

FaloopIntegration Not working

Logged in as usual but plugin is not working (No changes on my end), reported not working from myself and another user. Doesn't show connected upon login anymore.

[FaloopIntegration] Spawn reports from all DC when currentDataCenter is unknown

When currentDataCenter == null while relogging an alt it prints spawn reports from all worlds. Not previous datacenter or your main datacenter.
In this case i logged out of EU. And then logged in another character on EU. But while the relog was happening i got a report from Oceania, that was waiting in chat when i got in.
Not a huge deal.
But maybe don't print when currentDataCenter == null or use previously known datacenter as a filter.

12:15:34.369 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] Event "message" = "[{\"type\":\"mob\",\"subType\":\"report\",\"data\":{\"action\":\"spawn\",\"id\":{\"mobId\":\"okina\",\"worldId\":\"sephirot\"},\"data\":{\"zoneId2\":\"the_ruby_sea\",\"zonePoiIds\":[790],\"timestamp\":\"2024-04-30T10:15:34.151Z\",\"window\":1,\"stage\":null}}}]"
12:15:34.369 | DBG | [FaloopIntegration] OnMobReport: currentWorld == null || currentDataCenter == null


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