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ndui's Introduction


NDui Intro

  • This is not just a UI that changes your ingame appearence.
  • It contains build-in auras watcher and toolbar for all specs and talents.
  • Locales include 简体中文, 繁體中文, English, Russian and French.
  • Published Pages: NGA - WowInterface - CurseForge - WAGO

Main Features

  • Reskin default UI skins.
  • Ingame config panel.
  • Auras watcher for all classes with low usage.
  • oUF frameworks, include PartyFrames, RaidFrames and Nameplates.
    • PartyFrame: simple spells cooldown watcher and buff indicator for group members.
    • RaidFrame: two mode for differ needs, configurable click cast and raid debuffs.
    • Nameplate: highlight special units, target and mouseover highlight, dispellable auras highlight, tank treat color, auras filter.
  • Chat spam filter, whisper invite.
  • One-container system with filters by cargBags.
  • Classbar with spells for all classes, disabled as default (Console - Auras - Enable Personal Resource).
  • Raid Toolbar with ready check, count down, combat resurrect timer.
  • Optional event alerts.
    • Rare alert.
    • Interrupt/dispell alert.
    • Broken spell alert.
    • Quests progress notification.
    • Dungeons difficulty alert when solo.
    • Placed item alerts.
  • Infobars with auto sell junk, auto repair, invasion timers and quest completion check.

Default AddOns

  • !BaudErrorFrame: Error collecter
  • NDui: Core for NDui.

Skins Support

  • BigWigs, DBM, Details, PremadeGroupsFilter, Rematch, Skada, TMW, WeakAuras...

Download & Setup

  1. Download and unzip the file.
  2. Delete or backup your old "Interface" folder, replace with mine.
  3. Log into game, and follow the tutorial.


Q: I find a problem that a...
A: Make sure you know the options from GUI panel and the slash cmd list from /ndui.

Q: How to change opacity of UI? How to disable the font outlines?
A: GUI-Skins.

Q: How to setup the spells on pensonal resource bar?
A: Search folder "Lumos" and find your own class, it can only be changed in LUA files.

Q: How to compare items?
A: Hold shift key. Or auto compare via "/run SetCVar("alwaysCompareItems", 1)".

Q: Can I modify the unitframes or actionbars?
A: Disable the features in GUI panel, and use your own addon.

Q: How to tell whether the castbars interruptable or not?
A: Blue color: interruptable, red color: not interruptable.

Q: Minimap tracker and calendar?
A: Right click minimap to toggle tracker, scroll button click to toggle calendar.

Q: How to toggle auto repair, auto sell junk?
A: Check with your infobar tooltips.

Q: How to scroll chat frame to top or bottom?
A: Hold shift and scroll.

Q: Loot banner after encounter end? Talking header for quests?
A: Go check the GUI panel in section MISC.

Q: How to invite a unit to party or guild?
A: ALT+LeftButton=Invite unit, CTRL+LeftButton=Guild invite, SHIFT+LeftButton=Copy name.


  • Elv, Freebaser, Haleth, Haste, lightspark, Loshine, Neavo, p3lim, Paopao001, Qulight, Ray, Rubgrsch, Simpy, Tuller, zork.


ndui's People


davidrosseljong avatar eke00372 avatar hxcktivist avatar siweia avatar unw1s3 avatar zeddicus40 avatar


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ndui's Issues

How To: Bag Item filters

How would I go about adding additional bag filter. For example If I wanted to filter all by Heart Stone into if own filter or add an item to one.





Interface\AddOns\NDui\Modules\Tooltip\SpecLevel.lua:58: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Count: 5

Call Stack:
[C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\NDui\Modules\Tooltip\SpecLevel.lua:58: in function `func'
Interface\AddOns\NDui\Init.lua:20: in function <Interface\AddOns\NDui\Init.lua:15>

cancel:SetSize(100, 20)

No sound from !BaudErrorFrame

Hi, siweia

BaudErrorFrame When I looked at the Lua file, I get a sound when an error is output.

However, in the game there is no sound even if the Lua Error is output.

I even switched from "EnableSound=false to true"

Can I find out why there is no sound?

Friends error

Not sure if this has happened before or not but figured I would post the error here.

4x NDui\Modules\Infobar\Friends-Friends.lua:365: bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[C]: ?
NDui\Modules\Infobar\Friends-Friends.lua:365: in function <NDui\Modules\Infobar\Friends.lua:314>
NDui\Modules\Infobar\Friends-Friends.lua:427: in function <NDui\Modules\Infobar\Friends.lua:401>

(*temporary) = "%s%s"
(*temporary) = "|cff7b8489"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"


my problem is that every time if I leave a Combat, it happens that my fps are dropping down for a 0,5 sec. Can you help me by the way? Ive disabled the "SimpleCombatText" but it doesnt help me further. I really like your UI and I use it all a Long time and I didnt had this problem earlier.



A small problem with my Garrison

...terface\FrameXML\FloatingGarrisonFollowerTooltip.lua:388: attempt to get length of field 'Properties' (a nil value)
Count: 2

Call Stack:
[C]: ?
...terface\FrameXML\FloatingGarrisonFollowerTooltip.lua:388: in function <...terface\FrameXML\FloatingGarrisonFollowerTooltip.lua:319>
[C]: in function GarrisonFollowerTooltipTemplate_SetShipyardFollower' Interface\FrameXML\GarrisonFollowerTooltip.lua:42: in function <Interface\FrameXML\GarrisonFollowerTooltip.lua:32> [C]: in function GarrisonFollowerTooltip_ShowWithData'
Interface\FrameXML\GarrisonFollowerTooltip.lua:29: in function `GarrisonFollowerTooltip_Show'
...\Blizzard_GarrisonUI\Blizzard_GarrisonShipyardUI.lua:2191: in function <...\Blizzard_GarrisonUI\Blizzard_GarrisonShipyardUI.lua:2180>
[C]: ?

Totem bar

Is there a way to hide the totem bar in pet battles.

Option request

For the Shaman Resto could the resource bar be removed and just have the Icon showing. Don't need to see my mana and heath as I can see it under my unit frame or raid frame. Now thinking about it could the unit frame also be hidden as a option too?

Feature Auras ItemID

Anyway to included ItemID for Auras would like to track a few items that are not in slot. Example would be Flight Master's Whistler

Feature request

以前用的是下面这段,但是8.0以后举报系统有改动就失效了 😢

function ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow (chatframe,link,text,button)
	if IsControlKeyDown() then
		local line = string.match(link,"player:[^:]+:(%d+):");
			if line then
	return _ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow (chatframe,link,text,button);

One more thing about !BaudErrorFrame

Hi, siweia

I have confirmed that the sound output issue of !BaudErrorFrame has been resolved in version 3.13.2 released on Github. Thank you very much.

But there is one more request.

Sound is disabled by default. If you enable in the config window, it will be disabled again every time you /reload.

So you can not change the default value? I beg you.

zhTW 文本错误

在繁体本地化文件中的 430 行当前为
L["Azerite Item"] = "艾澤萊晶岩護甲"
L["Azerite Armor"] = "艾澤萊晶岩護甲"

QuestNotifier.lua:20: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)

Interface\AddOns\NDui\Modules\Misc\QuestNotifier.lua:20: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
Count: 1

Call Stack:
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\NDui\Modules\Misc\QuestNotifier.lua:20: in function <Interface\AddOns\NDui\Modules\Misc\QuestNotifier.lua:18>
Interface\AddOns\NDui\Modules\Misc\QuestNotifier.lua:105: in function `func'
Interface\AddOns\NDui\Init.lua:23: in function <Interface\AddOns\NDui\Init.lua:18>


Request - WoW Token

I would like to request to have the WoW token price added to the gold on-hover in the bottom right bar.



    -- credit: EJedi42
    BINDING_HEADER_ZoneAbilityBinding = "ZoneAbilityBinding";
    _G["BINDING_NAME_" .. "CLICK myZA:LeftButton"] = "Activate Zone Ability Button";
    local myza = myZA or CreateFrame("button","myZA",nil,"SecureActionButtonTemplate");

可以放在extrabar.lua 里。


# 一个宏搞定各种特殊按钮
/click ExtraActionButton1
/click ExtraQuestButton
/click myZA

Russian Locale

Here is Russian localization, as I promised. And about the filters in the bags, I would like to have at least a category of materials. I hope it is not too difficult.

twitch/curse update

Notice on twitch the UI for BFA has not updated since 4.5.0. Will there be a push to that client soon?

请教一下获取 SavedVariables 值的问题

根据我的理解,在 NDUI 里只有在 module:OnLogin() 后才能获取 SavedVariables 表里的值

比如说直接 print(NDuiDB["BFA"]) 结果是 nil
function module:OnLogin()
才能得到这个值为 true

但是有些代码并没有在 module:OnLogin() 里面也能成功获取 SavedVariables 表里的某个值,为啥呢,研究了很久没搞懂 😢

[Request] ClassColor Castbars

Was not able to find such a setting though I would enjoy this as a feature if this is something you would add. Thank you.


Buff duration do not show pass 1hr. For example Grim Visage is a 2 hour buff but on show 1hr. If I disable the UI the default show 2hr. This is for Darkmoon Fair Wheee! buff and flask with alchemy buff.



-- init.lua
local _, ns = ...
local function BuildEnv(env, module)
    if module then
        if not env[module] then env[module] = {} end
        setfenv(2, setmetatable(env[module], {__index = function(self, key)
                if key == "_G" then return _G end
                local value = rawget(env, key)
                if value == nil then
                    value = _G[key]
                    rawset(self, key, value)
                return value
        setfenv(2, setmetatable(env, {__index = function(self, key)
                if key == "_G" then return _G end
                rawset(self, key, _G[key])
                return _G[key]

ns._meta = getmetatable(ns)
ns._meta.__call = BuildEnv


-- 其他文件
select(2, ...)("chat")
-- balabala



function F:CleanTextures(noIcon)
--if self.SetCheckedTexture then self:SetCheckedTexture("") end
if self.SetDisabledTexture then self:SetDisabledTexture("") end
if self.SetHighlightTexture then self:SetHighlightTexture("") end
if self.SetNormalTexture then self:SetNormalTexture("") end
if self.SetPushedTexture then self:SetPushedTexture("") end

local name = self:GetName()

local Left = self.Left or (name and _G[name.."Left"])
if Left then Left:Hide() end
local Right = self.Right or (name and _G[name.."Right"])
if Right then Right:Hide() end
local Top = self.Top or (name and _G[name.."Top"])
if Top then Top:Hide() end
local Bottom = self.Bottom or (name and _G[name.."Bottom"])
if Bottom then Bottom:Hide() end
local Middle = self.Middle or (name and (_G[name.."Middle"] or _G[name.."Mid"]))
if Middle then Middle:Hide() end
local TopLeft = self.TopLeft or (name and _G[name.."TopLeft"])
if TopLeft then TopLeft:Hide() end
local TopMiddle = self.TopMiddle or (name and (_G[name.."TopMiddle"] or _G[name.."TopMid"]))
if TopMiddle then TopMiddle:Hide() end
local TopRight = self.TopRight or (name and _G[name.."TopRight"])
if TopRight then TopRight:Hide() end
local MiddleLeft = self.MiddleLeft or (name and _G[name.."MiddleLeft"])
if MiddleLeft then MiddleLeft:Hide() end
local MiddleMiddle = self.MiddleMiddle or (name and (_G[name.."MiddleMiddle"] or _G[name.."MiddleMid"]))
if MiddleMiddle then MiddleMiddle:Hide() end
local MiddleRight = self.MiddleRight or (name and _G[name.."MiddleRight"])
if MiddleRight then MiddleRight:Hide() end
local BottomLeft = self.BottomLeft or (name and _G[name.."BottomLeft"])
if BottomLeft then BottomLeft:Hide() end
local BottomMiddle = self.BottomMiddle or (name and (_G[name.."BottomMiddle"] or _G[name.."BottomMid"]))
if BottomMiddle then BottomMiddle:Hide() end
local BottomRight = self.BottomRight or (name and _G[name.."BottomRight"])
if BottomRight then BottomRight:Hide() end

local track = self.Track or self.trackBG or self.Background or (name and (_G[name.."Track"] or _G[name.."BG"]))
if track then track:Hide() end
local top = self.ScrollBarTop or self.ScrollUpBorder
if top then top:Hide() end
local middle = self.ScrollBarMiddle or self.Border
if middle then middle:Hide() end
local bottom = self.ScrollBarBottom or self.ScrollDownBorder
if bottom then bottom:Hide() end

local bd = self.Border or self.border
if bd then bd:Hide() end

if noIcon then
	local ic = self.icon or self.Icon
	if ic then ic:Hide() end


function F:ReskinTexture(relativeTo, classColor, isBorder)
if not self then return end

local r, g, b = 1, 1, 1
if classColor then r, g, b = cr, cg, cb end

local mult = C.mult
if isBorder then mult = -C.mult end

local tex
if self.SetHighlightTexture then
	tex = self:GetHighlightTexture()
	tex = self
	if isBorder then
		tex.SetTexture = F.dummy

if not isBorder then
	tex:SetColorTexture(r, g, b, .25)

tex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", relativeTo, mult, -mult)
tex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", relativeTo, -mult, mult)


function F:ReskinStatusBar(classColor, stripTex)
F.StripTextures(self, stripTex)
F.CleanTextures(self, true)

if classColor then self:SetStatusBarColor(cr*.8, cg*.8, cb*.8) end

local lvl = self:GetFrameLevel()
local bg = F.CreateBDFrame(self, .25)
bg:SetFrameLevel(lvl == 0 and 1 or lvl - 1)


Feature request: Option to show regular portrait

Since you already can display a dynamic portrait spread across the healthbar, I'd like to ask if it would be too much trouble to add an option to display a static (+ dynamic?) character potrait next to the unitbars (left/right options for self/target)?


L["Tutorial Page5"] = "Done! You have complete the tutorial.\n\n|cffff0000CAUTIONS:|r\n\n|cff00ccffRIGHT-CLICK on Minimap to open track menu;\n\nAnd note that, most of the infobars contain extra functions;\n\nYou can easily set focus by holding SHIFT and LEFT click on the unit;\n\nMost of the settins can be changed in |cffffcc00NDuiConsole|r.|r"


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