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Go - Rivers

Stream processing / multiplexing / networking in Go The main purpose is reading / learning / teaching.



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  • abcum/syncr - A rolling, append-only, local and remote data stream library for Go
    ( 2018-05-02 / 58 commits / 6 stars )
  • acquia/fifo2kinesis - Continuously reads data from a named pipe and publishes it to a Kinesis stream.
    ( 2016-09-19 / 97 commits / 9 stars )
  • adamdrake/gofstream - Turn a file into a stream (channel) of lines
    ( 2018-06-10 / 3 commits / 1 stars )
  • anthonynsimon/iceberg - [Not maintained] PubSub message streams over TCP
    ( 2017-02-07 / 8 commits / 0 stars )
  • bahadley/ssim - Stream simulator for exercising esp
    ( 2016-09-22 / 34 commits / 0 stars )
  • banyek/binlogstreamer - Tool for creating streamed binlog backup with mysqlbinlog utility
    ( 2016-06-06 / 13 commits / 8 stars )
  • benlubar/firehose - A constant stream of information.
    ( 2013-05-21 / 2 commits / 2 stars )
  • bmkessler/streamstats - Streaming stats data structures and algorithms for golang
    ( 2017-02-10 / 53 commits / 1 stars )
  • bradhe/epee - A (very) simple stream processor for golang based on Kafka and protobuf.
    ( 2015-11-16 / 43 commits / 8 stars )
  • brentp/irelate - Streaming relation (overlap, distance, KNN) of (any number of) sorted genomic interval sets. #golang
    ( 2018-08-01 / 134 commits / 36 stars )
  • brettallred/tumblr-mock-stream - Mock Tumblr Firehose Stream written in Go
    ( 2016-06-07 / 6 commits / 0 stars )
  • cameront/gokc - A golang library for managing kinesis stream processing
    ( 2014-07-31 / 8 commits / 2 stars )
  • catalyst-zero/cores-go - CatalystZero Realtime Event Stream
    ( 2014-04-03 / 10 commits / 0 stars )
  • ceejsmith/tick-stream-go - Financial price tick streaming service
    ( 2016-02-02 / 11 commits / 1 stars )
  • chenyoufu/yfstream - single point json event stream process and alert
    ( 2017-02-06 / 6 commits / 1 stars )
  • cloudfoundry/noaa - NOAA is a client library to consume metric and log messages from Doppler.
    ( 2018-01-26 / 158 commits / 20 stars )
  • daneharrigan/streamers - Concept: A distributed worker queue over HTTP
    ( 2014-01-02 / 1 commits / 1 stars )
  • dgryski/go-entropy - go-entropy -- exact and streaming entropy estimates
    ( 2015-04-07 / 3 commits / 9 stars )
  • dgryski/go-gk - gk: streaming quantiles
    ( 2014-08-19 / 12 commits / 35 stars )
  • digaku/ndayak - High performance distributed stream generator
    ( 2010-12-17 / 21 commits / 2 stars )
  • diggs/go-http-stream-reader - Consume long running HTTP streams (e.g. Twitter streams API) in Go
    ( 2015-03-20 / 12 commits / 6 stars )
  • djherbis/stream - Stream bytes to multiple independent Readers #golang
    ( 2018-01-13 / 35 commits / 43 stars )
  • dmcgowan/streams - Go interface for using multiplexed transports
    ( 2016-04-09 / 9 commits / 14 stars )
  • drborges/rivers - Data Stream Processing API for GO
    ( 2015-12-02 / 110 commits / 31 stars )
  • ejholmes/pgstream - Log streaming library for Go
    ( 2015-09-05 / 20 commits / 1 stars )
  • facebookgo/runcmd - Package runcmd provides a convenience Run function for exec.Cmd which includes the original command along with the output and error streams.
    ( 2015-06-12 / 2 commits / 49 stars )
  • farsightsec/golang-framestream - Frame Streams implementation in Go
    ( 2018-01-24 / 21 commits / 0 stars )
  • fujiwara/kinesis-tailf - tail -f command for Amazon Kinesis Stream
    ( 2017-10-24 / 29 commits / 16 stars )
  • ghthor/filu - Game engine[s] designed around immutable events and stream processing
    ( 2016-08-28 / 493 commits / 8 stars )
  • grpc-ecosystem/grpc-simon-says - Multiplayer Simon Says game using bidirectional gRPC streaming
    ( 2016-11-09 / 15 commits / 68 stars )
  • harlow/kinesis-connectors - Golang library for consuming Kinesis stream data
    ( 2018-07-29 / 131 commits / 105 stars )
  • hayeah/gowatch - Turn file system events into text stream for processing
    ( 2014-11-29 / 3 commits / 2 stars )
  • hyperboloide/dispatch - Dispatch messages to various pub/sub services with one interface.
    ( 2016-11-05 / 11 commits / 0 stars )
  • hyperboloide/pipe - A simple Go stream processing library that works like Unix pipes
    ( 2017-10-29 / 41 commits / 4 stars )
  • itspage/grpc-streaming - GRPC streaming in Go
    ( 2017-02-11 / 1 commits / 1 stars )
  • jaderdias/movingmedian - Package movingmedian computes the median of a windowed stream of data.
    ( 2017-06-11 / 57 commits / 9 stars )
  • jeffail/benthos - A dull, resilient and quick to deploy stream processor
    ( 2018-08-16 / 708 commits / 709 stars )
  • jianchen2580/log-stream - streaming kafka logs
    ( 2016-12-14 / 5 commits / 1 stars )
  • jmptrader/go_tcp_relay - A TCP server which duplicates a received stream of data received from N clients out to an arbitrary number of consumers.
    ( 2015-01-16 / 1 commits / 0 stars )
  • joernweissenborn/eventual2go - Streams and Futures for Go.
    ( 2018-01-18 / 108 commits / 3 stars )
  • joernweissenborn/future2go - A dart/javscript like Future/Promise API for Go
    ( 2015-05-20 / 8 commits / 0 stars )
  • joernweissenborn/stream2go - A dart/javscript like Stream API for Go
    ( 2015-05-21 / 5 commits / 0 stars )
  • jorgeolivero/hub - RPC & Streaming Library
    ( 2016-06-10 / 8 commits / 0 stars )
  • jprichardson/readline-go - golang: Easily read lines from a stream such as stdin for a file. Supports either \n, \r\n, or mixed.
    ( 2014-11-25 / 7 commits / 18 stars )
  • k0kubun/thunderbolt - Twitter client using Streaming API in Go language
    ( 2018-08-16 / 69 commits / 12 stars )
  • karrick/gobsp - go binary streaming protocol
    ( 2018-04-27 / 17 commits / 1 stars )
  • kevin-cantwell/logio - A server/client implementation for streaming logs over a network.
    ( 2016-12-13 / 15 commits / 4 stars )
  • kho/stream - Iteratee and Enumerator in Go
    ( 2014-10-14 / 10 commits / 0 stars )
  • klauspost/dedup - Streaming Deduplication Package for Go
    ( 2018-02-11 / 88 commits / 130 stars )
  • kylef-archive/goreactive - Go library for Functional Reactive Programming, a library for representing and consuming asyncronous data streams with Observables
    ( 2015-08-20 / 11 commits / 15 stars )
  • l0vest0rm/gostream - message/event streaming process with golang
    ( 2017-04-25 / 55 commits / 0 stars )
  • libp2p/go-stream-muxer - stream multiplexor interface
    ( 2018-06-11 / 60 commits / 20 stars )
  • mateuszdyminski/am-pipeline - Simple data pipeline showing how to create full text search over some dataset
    ( 2018-03-01 / 11 commits / 6 stars )
  • mateuszdyminski/gomr - Simple map-reduce framework based on
    ( 2016-12-13 / 6 commits / 2 stars )
  • mateuszdyminski/ordered-streams - Solution for sorting problem of infinite integers streams
    ( 2015-11-05 / 2 commits / 0 stars )
  • matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions - Support for streaming Protocol Buffer messages for the Go language (golang).
    ( 2016-04-24 / 25 commits / 22 stars )
  • mechmind/sproc-go - The stream processor
    ( 2016-01-25 / 11 commits / 0 stars )
  • mendsley/queuedwriter - io.Writer wrapper that buffers writes instead of blocking on the underlying stream
    ( 2015-04-02 / 8 commits / 0 stars )
  • movio/kasper - Kasper is a lightweight library for processing Kafka topics.
    ( 2017-07-23 / 315 commits / 334 stars )
  • myntra/pipeline - Pipeline is a package to build multi-staged concurrent workflows with a centralized logging output.
    ( 2018-06-18 / 23 commits / 310 stars )
  • nats-io/go-nats-streaming - NATS Streaming System
    ( 2018-07-02 / 349 commits / 227 stars )
  • nats-io/nats-streaming-server - NATS Streaming System Server
    ( 2018-08-15 / 1,187 commits / 968 stars )
  • netlify/streamer - tail files and send them to nats
    ( 2016-10-19 / 15 commits / 8 stars )
  • nsaje/dagger - Dynamic decentralized realtime stream processing framework
    ( 2016-03-09 / 158 commits / 13 stars )
  • olivere/streaming-bulk - PoC for Elastic streaming bulk.
    ( 2016-12-07 / 1 commits / 1 stars )
  • ooclab/es - Easy session/stream protocol
    ( 2018-04-04 / 98 commits / 8 stars )
  • originalgremlin/stream - Stream processing framework in Go.
    ( 2017-03-01 / 3 commits / 0 stars )
  • orivej/tcpassembly - Bidirectional TCP stream reassembly for gopacket/tcpassembly
    ( 2015-12-13 / 8 commits / 1 stars )
  • otoolep/syslog-gollector - Syslog Collector written in Go, streams to Kafka 0.8
    ( 2018-06-12 / 102 commits / 123 stars )
  • pdalinis/kinesisposter - Read from a Kinesis stream and conditionally perform http posts
    ( 2016-12-16 / 3 commits / 0 stars )
  • progrium/go-streamkit - High level stream plumbing API in Go
    ( 2016-02-08 / 1 commits / 8 stars )
  • reactivex/rxgo - Reactive Extensions for the Go language.
    ( 2018-04-27 / 133 commits / 1,506 stars )
  • reiver/go-strm - A library that provides an opinionated framework for processing both finite and infinite data tables as streams, for the Go programming language.
    ( 2015-10-19 / 14 commits / 0 stars )
  • replaygaming/go-eventsource - Server-sent stream to update game info in real-time
    ( 2018-04-27 / 140 commits / 2 stars )
  • rgraphql/magellan - Real-time streaming GraphQL server for Go.
    ( 2017-06-05 / 53 commits / 161 stars )
  • rgraphql/rgraphql-demo-server - Demo of Soyuz + Magellan.
    ( 2017-03-28 / 3 commits / 3 stars )
  • rgraphql/soyuz - Real-time streaming GraphQL client for the web.
    ( 2018-08-03 / 84 commits / 46 stars )
  • rlmcpherson/s3gof3r - Fast, concurrent, streaming access to Amazon S3, including gof3r, a CLI.
    ( 2017-02-10 / 273 commits / 942 stars )
  • rosscartlidge/stream - stream processing in Go
    ( 2016-11-16 / 14 commits / 0 stars )
  • saidinwot/gulf - Concurrent streaming build system in Go.
    ( 2016-04-25 / 28 commits / 1 stars )
  • segmentio/throttle - Tool for throttling JSON streams.
    ( 2015-02-21 / 3 commits / 16 stars )
  • sensorbee/sensorbee - Lightweight stream processing engine for IoT
    ( 2017-12-31 / 1,682 commits / 148 stars )
  • serinth/gcp-twitter-stream - twitter -> pubsub -> big query example
    ( 2017-03-29 / 19 commits / 2 stars )
  • shawnohare/go-minhash - Data structures for computing the MinHash signature for streaming data.
    ( 2016-07-13 / 77 commits / 6 stars )
  • smartmq/smartmq - A Pub/Sub wrapper service over redis
    ( 2017-02-07 / 5 commits / 0 stars )
  • splace/signals - Go language generation, manipulation, storage and streaming of continuous analogue signals.
    ( 2017-12-21 / 491 commits / 5 stars )
  • spurge/actionqueuego - Data event stream lib and server
    ( 2017-03-25 / 13 commits / 1 stars )
  • stratexio/protostream - Use protobufs efficiently with data streams
    ( 2016-10-31 / 11 commits / 0 stars )
  • streadway/quantile - Space efficient streaming quantile estimator
    ( 2015-09-17 / 26 commits / 11 stars )
  • suicidejack/kinesis_producer - A high level asynchronous kinesis stream producer that handles buffering and sending to multiple kinesis streams
    ( 2015-06-01 / 5 commits / 0 stars )
  • technosophos/drift - An HTTP/2-based streaming PubSub server written in Go.
    ( 2017-03-17 / 17 commits / 4 stars )
  • textnode/xml2json - Transform a stream of XML into a stream of JSON, without requiring a schema or structs, written in Go (
    ( 2012-08-21 / 9 commits / 12 stars )
  • thejerf/strinterp - Morally-correct string and stream interpolation for Go.
    ( 2016-04-23 / 21 commits / 21 stars )
  • tideland/gocells - Tideland GoCells (Event Based Applications)
    ( 2017-09-10 / 214 commits / 52 stars )
  • toby3d/hitgox - [DISCONTINUED] A simple library on Go for work with smashcast API streaming service
    ( 2018-06-08 / 40 commits / 5 stars )
  • trivago/gollum - An n:m message multiplexer written in Go
    ( 2018-08-10 / 2,147 commits / 616 stars )
  • tsne/flow - A small message streaming framework for Go.
    ( 2018-07-12 / 20 commits / 2 stars )
  • twitchscience/kinsumer - Native Go consumer for AWS Kinesis streams.
    ( 2018-08-14 / 38 commits / 45 stars )
  • tylertreat/boomfilters - Probabilistic data structures for processing continuous, unbounded streams.
    ( 2018-08-04 / 145 commits / 960 stars )
  • unixpickle/gobplexer - Nested multiplexing for streams of Gobs
    ( 2017-06-06 / 15 commits / 1 stars )
  • upworthy/ktail - AWS Kinesis stream tailing package and command line tool
    ( 2016-06-01 / 3 commits / 1 stars )
  • urakozz/go-dynamodb-stream-subscriber - Go channel for streaming Dynamodb Updates
    ( 2018-08-03 / 13 commits / 5 stars )
  • urjitbhatia/gopipe - A stream-filter like pipeline primitive for go
    ( 2018-02-20 / 26 commits / 2 stars )
  • vidog/sewer - Golang asynchronous synchronizable functional reactive streams
    ( 2015-05-25 / 5 commits / 3 stars )
  • vividcortex/gohistogram - Streaming approximate histograms in Go
    ( 2016-08-22 / 46 commits / 107 stars )
  • vladimirvivien/automi - A stream API for Go (alpha)
    ( 2018-06-01 / 144 commits / 289 stars )
  • vsco/autobahn-binlog - A Go package for tailing MySQL v5.5.x binary replication streams.
    ( 2016-09-06 / 3 commits / 47 stars )
  • xtaci/sp - Stream Processors on Kafka in Golang
    ( 2017-04-19 / 93 commits / 27 stars )
  • yinqiwen/ssf - Simple streaming process framework written in golang.
    ( 2016-01-13 / 28 commits / 0 stars )
  • zenhotels/astranet - A Go (golang) library for managing highly concurrent independent network streams.
    ( 2017-01-31 / 111 commits / 74 stars )
  • zenhotels/chanserv - Package chanserv is a simple message queue based upon nested Go-lang channels being served using AstraNet.
    ( 2016-11-24 / 53 commits / 33 stars )
  • zhexuany/esm-filter - filtering streams via MapReduce framework
    ( 2016-12-13 / 21 commits / 0 stars )
  • zph/moresql - MoreSQL streams changes from MongoDB to Postgres in realtime
    ( 2017-08-02 / 38 commits / 6 stars )

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