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schematic's Introduction


Automatically generate a ContentProvider backed by an SQLite database.


First create a class that contains the columns of a database table.

public interface ListColumns {

  @DataType(INTEGER) @PrimaryKey @AutoIncrement String _ID = "_id";

  @DataType(TEXT) @NotNull String TITLE = "title";

Then create a database that uses this column

@Database(version = NotesDatabase.VERSION)
public final class NotesDatabase {

  public static final int VERSION = 1;

  @Table(ListColumns.class) public static final String LISTS = "lists";

And finally define a ContentProvider

@ContentProvider(authority = NotesProvider.AUTHORITY, database = NotesDatabase.class)
public final class NotesProvider {

  public static final String AUTHORITY = "net.simonvt.schematic.sample.NotesProvider";

  @TableEndpoint(table = NotesDatabase.LISTS) public static class Lists {

        path = "lists",
        type = "",
        defaultSort = ListColumns.TITLE + " ASC")
    public static final Uri LISTS = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/lists");

Table column annotations


Defining an Uri

The @ContentUri annotation is used when the Uri does not change.

  path = "lists",
  type = "",
  defaultSort = ListColumns.TITLE + " ASC")
public static final Uri LISTS = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/lists");

If the Uri is created based on some value, e.g. an id, @InexactContentUri is used.

  path = Path.LISTS + "/#",
  name = "LIST_ID",
  type = "",
  whereColumn = ListColumns._ID,
  pathSegment = 1)
public static Uri withId(long id) {
  return Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/lists/" + id);

Including in your project

dependencies {
  annotationProcessor 'net.simonvt.schematic:schematic-compiler:{latest-version}'
  compile 'net.simonvt.schematic:schematic:{latest-version}'


Copyright 2014 Simon Vig Therkildsen

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

schematic's People


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schematic's Issues

New user, Feature Requests


First off I want to thank you for creating this library. I think it's awesome. I had a few questions about it though.

  1. Can you use a secured SQLite Database like SQLCipher?
  2. If you want to make the ContentProvider exportable, and would like to create custom intent handling, how & where would you go about doing it?

Thank you,

Table joins- minor issue

Thank you for this project, it is excellent. Just a minor issue I had with table joins that might help others..

Notice the need to add a space " " in front of the JOIN keyword

@ContentUri( path = Path.SITE_PRICE_LAT_LNG,
type = "",
table = Path.SITE_PRICE,
join = " JOIN " + BrowserDatabase.FullSites.FULL_SITES + " ON " + BrowserDatabase.SitePrice.SITE_PRICE + "." + SitePriceColumn._ID + " = " + BrowserDatabase.FullSites.FULL_SITES + "." + FullSiteDetailsColumns._ID

Otherwise when generated this statement gets mangled

SelectionBuilder builder = getBuilder("SitePriceLatLng");
String join = " JOIN site_price ON site_price._id = full_sites._id";
String table = "site_price" + join;

Hope this makes sense

Thanks again

Add support for check, foreign key and primary key on table level.

As suggested in #63 we can add support for other table constraints.
I can do it. But I'd like to discuss some details regarding PrimaryKey

  1. I prefer to throw an Exception if primary key is specified multiple times (view PrimaryKey for column and on table level).
  2. I prefer to show warning if PrimaryKey annotation is specified for multiple columns. Something like this: "Consider to use PrimaryKey annotation on table level".

schematic-samples: ClassNotFoundException

Getting the following error when trying to run the sample. I've been using Eclipse w/o gradle this whole time so gradle is a tad new to me. I apologize beforehand if it's my lack of gradle skills resulting in the error.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider net.simonvt.schematic.sample.provider.NotesProvider: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "net.simonvt.schematic.sample.provider.NotesProvider" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/net.simonvt.schematic.sample-2.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app-lib/net.simonvt.schematic.sample-2, /system/lib]]

Content provider with multiple parameters and Adding where clauses

Hi guys,

I want to build a Uri with two parameters using schematic:

public static Uri withMovieIdAndSeasonNumber(String movieId, String seasonNumber) {
return Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/show/" + movieId + "/season/" + seasonNumber);

So I need to implement the following SQL request with 2 where columns :

Select * from seasons where show_id = '31917' AND season_number = '7';

Is the following syntax correct ? It says "Attribue value must be constant" for the where clause.

    @Where(path = "show/#/season/#")
    public static String[] multipleWhere() {
        return new String[] {

            path = "show/#/season/#",
            name = "SEASON_NUMBER",
            type = "",
            whereColumn = multipleWhere(),  // It says Error Attribute must be constant ?
            defaultSort = SeasonsTable.COLUMN_SEASON_NUMBER + " DESC",
            pathSegment = 1)
    public static Uri withMovieIdAndSeasonNumber(String movieId, String seasonNumber) {
        return Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/show/" + movieId + "/season/" + seasonNumber);

Any help much appreciated

Support for Foreign keys

Hi !
If you still support the library, could you add an @ForeignKey annotation ?

Best regards

minSdkVersion requirement

It seems like schematic requires a minSdkVersion of 15. This is my current build.gradle configuration:

android {
  // ...
  defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 14
    targetSdkVersion 19
    // ...

With the above gradle configuration, I get the following build error:

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugManifest'.
> Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 14 cannot be smaller than version 14 declared in library net.simonvt.schematic:schematic:0.5.1

14 cannot be smaller than 14? That makes no sense. So with useOldManifestMerger set to true,

android {
  // ...
  useOldManifestMerger true
  defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 14
    targetSdkVersion 19
    // ...

I get a more reasonable error:

Error:Main manifest has <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion='14'> but library uses minSdkVersion='15'
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugManifests'.
> Manifest merging failed. See console for more info.

Is there any way to configure schematic to use a minSdkVersion of 14?

Write the changelog in the GitHub releases

When I go here, I see the new releases, but I don't see the changelog. Please, could you edit the releases so we can see what's new in them without having to search the repository for a changelog file?

Cannot cast to android.content.ContentProvider

Really appreciate you making this lib available, it looks like a big time saver, but unfortunately I'm not having any luck getting up and running. The AndroidManifest.xml provider entry blows up with a cast error to the content provider class. I must be missing something - I have created the content provider definition, but I suspect the code generation is not happening because of something I've not done but cannot see what.

Using values that are not constant in our Provider

I wonder how to do this using schematic. I've been avoiding complicated queries and I tried to avoid this as much as I could but I have some use cases where I need it.

I do need some queries that have sub-queries that need non constant values (like executing a function that will return the current date).

If I try to do that with schematic, I'll get:

Attribute value must be constant.

This is easy to fix if that value should be in the outer query, so we can create an @InexactContentUriand pass anything we want from our code, example:


That would work fine, but if I do need util.getCurrentTime()inside a subquery, I can't do it. I am assuming this is a limitation of the Annotation model. So... Is there a way to do this using schematic? Is it possible to write the call in a fully raw mode way and generate the provider too?

@InexactContentUri whereColumns joined via OR

Currently I'm trying to set a @InexactContentUri where the whereColumn can be any of 2 columns in my table.
I would requiere the where clause to be:
WHERE whereColumn1 = pathSegment OR whereColumn2 = pathSegment

This seems to be impossible with the current setup because whereColumn are joined with an AND. Would be good to have an option to join them via an OR
Or alternatively make the where work without require the whereColumn parameter. I tried to use the where parameter but currently it doesn't allow the whereColumn clause to be empty. Also couldn't find a way on how the where clause could use the path segments.

App crashes when trying to redeploy

I can run the app from android studio only if I do a rebuild first, because the simple deploy crashes:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/hu.bendaf.udacity.popularmovies.popularmoviesapp-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]

Here is my app:

I am using samsung galaxy s3 with API level 21.
Am I doing something wrong?

There is no way to clean and recreate database

It is quite often that we need to reset the data base instead of manually update it.

Currently the method annotated with @OnUpgrade is unable to call onCreate method from generated Provider (actually we can reference the generated class and call that onCreate method but we will have some little issue with the compiler).

What I would like to do is something as follow:

  @OnCreate public static void onCreateDatabaseComplete(Context context, SQLiteDatabase db) {

  @OnUpgrade public static void onUpgrade(Context context, SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion,
      int newVersion) {
    db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test");
   // RECREATE database schema, or somehow call `onCreate` here

Is there any workaround for this?

Using the same columns declaration for multiple tables

It would seem it is not possible to use the same interface for multiple tables in the same database.

@Table(JsonIdColumns.class) public static final String GITHUB_REPOSITORIES = "repositories";
@Table(JsonIdColumns.class) public static final String USER_SETTINGS = "userSettings";

Yields me an error:

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:_compileDebugJava'.
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:

If I create a new interface for each table and extend the same base class it works. I would suggest either show a more meaningful error, or enable using the same column declarations for multiple tables.

Use variable names to generate Columns interface.

I'm currently using schematic in combination with Retrofit (and Gson) and I thought the Column interface seemed like boilerplate we could generate using the variable names, or the SerializeName annotation used by Gson. Has any thought been given along this line? I'd be glad to take a further look if you think this is a decent idea, I'd greatly appreciate if you could point me in the right direction!

Without declaring NotifyInsert/Update/Delete, insert, update and delete operations still invoke onLoadFinished

I guess it's a feature rather than a bug yet I feel it's quite odd.

I find that even without declaring @NotifyInsert, @NotifyBulkInsert, @NotifyUpdate and @NotifyDelete , the onLoadFinished (of a cursorLoader with query of certain URI) callback function still get invoked when insert, update and delete operations is performed to that URI.

I guess this is not a bug? It's just quite wired because supporting @NotifyInsert, @NotifyBulkInsert, @NotifyUpdate and @NotifyDelete somehow means that no notifying on data change without declaring these annotations.

I declare the URI with

    public static class Quotes {
                path = Path.QUOTES,
                type = ""
        public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = buildUri(Path.QUOTES);

                name = "QUOTE_ID",
                path = Path.QUOTES + "/*",
                type = "",
                whereColumn = QuoteColumns.SYMBOL,
                pathSegment = 1
        public static Uri withSymbol(String symbol) {
            return buildUri(Path.QUOTES, symbol);

and query the database by defining a cursorLoader

        new CursorLoader(this, QuoteProvider.Quotes.CONTENT_URI,

and modify the database with

getContentResolver().delete(QuoteProvider.Quotes.withSymbol(symbol), null, null);

Then onLoadFinished gets called automatically without I declaring notifyDelete

Column heritance

Hi @SimonVT, thank you for this useful lib!

Why the compiler does not support inheritance attributes of the interface? For example:

interface ModelColumns {
    @PrimaryKey @AutoIncrement @DataType(DataType.Type.INTEGER) String _ID = "_id"
    @DataType(DataType.Type.TEXT) String UUID = "uuid"

interface ListColumns extends ModelColumns {
    @NotNull @DataType(DataType.Type.TEXT) String TITLE = "title"

Produce the SQL:

  public static final String LISTS = "CREATE TABLE lists ("
       + ListColumns.TITLE + " TEXT NOT NULL)";

I know that this isn't an issue, but a feature that can save more time... :)

Add a version parameter to the @Table annotation

Today, I am adding a table to my Database I use with Schematic, and I'm metting SQL hassle again to properly add manually the new table in the @OnUpgrade annotated method. I think a version parameter on @Table annotation, with would default to 0, representing the first version which included the table would be a nice way to tell Schematic to add itself the table in the onUpgrade(...) android framework method, following the table contract which for now is only used to access the ContentProvider and when the database is first created.

schematicOutPackage parameter ignored

The 0.6.0 version of Schematic seems to work fine, but it ignores the schematicOutPackage parameter and generates the classes in build.{buildtype}.{the.usual.application.package}.generated instead. Is this the intended behaviour? Regards, Jakub

Writing complex sql query

My android application contains some complex (normalized) database structure.
I didn't found any example which show case how one can use your library for such complex query.
Can you please provide/guide me an example for query like shown as below?


SELECT * from Place 
LEFT JOIN Itinerary 
ON Itinerary.place_id = Place.place_id 
AND Itinerary.trip_id='domtrip001';

Observation on placement of the database class

Hi @SimonVT.

Props for this time-saving library. 👍

Just wanted to point out something small I came across and I didn't know where else to post it. 😁

When I put the database class in a folder different from the provider class, for example the database in database/ and the provider in provider/, that resulted in this error:


35: error: cannot find symbol database = MoviesDatabase.getInstance(getContext());

The solution that worked for me was to keep provider and database files in the same directory.


All the best

Proposal: helper to retrieve column value from cursor

Hi, @SimonVT .
I'm thinking about creating merge request with "column getter" functionality (see description below). Please tell me if it suitable for library or not.

Motivation: Instead of writing String note = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(NoteColumns.NOTE)); just call String note = NotesGetter.noteString(cursor);. It's more significant when you deal with nullable columns.

Couple details about suggested implementation:

  • Use getColumnIndexOrThrow instead of getColumnIndex. I think this approach is more robust because let identify problems earlier.
  • Create implementation for all primitive types and for wrappers. Support null for wrappers. Example of generated code.
  public static Integer getIdIntOrNull(Cursor cursor) {
    int index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(NoteColumns.ID);
    if (cursor.isNull(index)) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return cursor.getInt(index);

  public int getIdInt(Cursor cursor) {
    return cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(NoteColumns.ID));
  • I'll always generate null support despite @NotNull annotation.
  • I'm still looking for better class and method names.

Drop Table Functionallity

Not sure if I just have overseen the functionallity. I have never seen a option to drop a table (to a.e. reset the autoincrement index).


First, thank you so much for this great project!

I am trying it on a new app and now came to a point where I ask myself whether it is possible to generate a ContentUri with a GROUP BY-statement.

Get by column content

I am new to schematic and I can't figure this one out just looking at the source code. How could I create an InexactContentUri such that I can get table elements using a 'selection' type like "LIKE ?" and the corresponding selection arguments?

...and thanks a lot for this great project.

schematic-generated ContentProvider can't be cast to android.content.ContentProvider

First of all, this library is awesome. 😃

So upon running my current project in an emulator, I get the following stack trace:

Process:, PID: 1428
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to android.content.ContentProvider
            at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
            at android.os.Looper.loop(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
     Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to android.content.ContentProvider
            at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
            at android.os.Looper.loop(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

Forgive me if I say something dumb. I think the problem is that the wrong class is being used, since a schematic ContentProvider doesn't extend android.content.ContentProvider before the annotation is applied.

public final class RecipeProvider {
  // ...

This is backed up by the fact that android-apt is configured this way.

apt {
  arguments {
    schematicOutPackage ''

And the fact that the generated ContentProvider at app/build/source/apt/debug/provider/RecipeProvider does extend android.content.ContentProvider.

public class RecipeProvider extends ContentProvider {
  // ...

Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.

Fails when there is a negative value in the contentURI

This uri always returns a failure in updating,
content://app.droidekas.contactsmanager.db.schematicProvider.ContactProvider/networkRequestStatuses/-50089794,while all positive values work. I am not sure if this is a ContentProvider issue or Schematic related. Although it seems stupid ,I have tried by using positive values only and have no issues.

Can this be a problem?


I debugged the code within generated/ContactProvider,

in @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder),
MATCHER.match(Uri.parse(uri.toString().replace("-",""))) matches correctly while MATCHER.match(uri) fails,

Obtain db for testing

Hello, have really enjoyed using your generator so far!

I'm setting up some test cases currently and have a couple of questions: what is the best way to obtain the database for testing use in an AndroidTestCase? Previously, when I wasn't using generated code, I would simply call my SomeDbHelper which extended the SQLiteOpenHelper. Is there a similar class being generated?

Thank you

Migrate from Apt to AnnotationProcessor

As of the Android Gradle plugin version 2.2, all functionality that was previously provided by android-apt is now available in the Android plugin. This means that android-apt is officially obsolete ;)

Many libraries (like Butterknife) are already using annotationProcessor and if Schematic is used (which depends upon apt) with libraries which use annotationProcessor then this create issues for others that depends upon annotationProcessor.

A Migration would help


Example of setting ConflictResolutionType

Could anyone confirm an example of setting conflict resolution?

public interface UsersColumns {

  @PrimaryKey(onConflict = ConflictResolutionType.REPLACE)
  String USER_ID = "user_id";

  String NAME = "name";

Content Uri is already defined

Hi @SimonVT!

This is not a proper issue, but a discussion. I wrote an Content provider like:

@ContentProvider(name = "Provider", database = Contract.class, authority = Provider.AUTHORITY)
public final class Provider {
    public static final String AUTHORITY = "";
    private static final Uri BASE = new Uri.Builder().scheme(SCHEME_CONTENT).authority(AUTHORITY).build();

    @TableEndpoint(table = EQUIPMENTS)
    public static final class Equipments {

        @ContentUri(path = EQUIPMENTS, type = "" + EQUIPMENTS, table = EQUIPMENTS)
        public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = BASE.buildUpon().appendPath(EQUIPMENTS).build();

    @TableEndpoint(table = OPERATIONS)
    public static final class Operations {

        @ContentUri(path = OPERATIONS, type = "" + OPERATIONS)
        public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = BASE.buildUpon().appendPath(OPERATIONS).build();

When the code is generated, I noticed that all @ContentUri fields are grouped in top of Content provider, like:

public class Provider extends ContentProvider {

  public static final String AUTHORITY = "";

  private static final int CONTENT_URI = 0;
  private static final int CONTENT_URI = 1;

  // ...

I coded this way, because I believe that Provider.Operations.CONTENT_URI is better than Provider.Operations.OPERATIONS or Provider.Operations.OPERATIONS_CONTENT_URI and so on.

Maybe, while generating code, the processor could rename the @ContentUri fields to something like (e.g.) <@TableEndpoint class name>_CONTENT_URI, without problem, because this name is internal to generated Content provider.

What do you think about it?

How do we make changes to the database


I'm wondering how we can make changes to our database (like add/remove columns to the tables, add additional tables, and etc.)

It doesn't seem to be as simple as bumping up the DATABASE_VERSION number. Doing that seems to "upgrade" the database, but it doesn't make any changes to the actual database schema itself.

The github repo seems to be lacking documentation on this, and I couldn't find much on Google either. Can anyone help me out? The more I learn, I'm willing to contribute to make the documentation more solid.

blob query with InexactContentUti

I have a BLOB column in my database that I use it to store boolean values.

ContentValues class accepts true/false as a direct parameter and stores them as 1 and 0 in the database. When I query normally, I have to like this WHERE PREFERRED=1. When I use selectionArgs and send new String[] {"1"} it returns an empty Cursor.

The same thing is happening to the below query. I sends "1" as the parameter using selectionsArgs and the result is always empty.

                name = "OPENWITH_PREFERRED",
                path = OpenWithDatabase.OPENWITH + "/preferred/#",
                type = "",
                whereColumn = PREFERRED,
                pathSegment = 2)
        public static Uri preferred() {
            return Uri.withAppendedPath(CONTENT_URI, "preferred/1");

At the end, I couldn't find any way to query boolean columns using @InexactContentUri

I hope I will be understood. I don't know if this is a bug or not. I just wanted you to know it.

bulkInsert support


Thanks a lot for this lib, one of the best ContentProvider around here !
I used it for a small school project and noticed the bulkInsert method is missing which is really useful to insert several rows at the same time, do you plan to add it?


Request for Changelog

First of all thanks for this library, it has and is of great help.

I would greatly appreciate some sort of short changelog for each release, it would help to get an overview of what's changed when evaluating an upgrade.


Auto add new columns and new tables to db on version increase

Depending on the version number, do you think that it is possible to keep the state of the table and automatically determine the changes to the columns and tables?
If it is possible, maybe there can be a way to auto add new tables and new columns to databases. These 2 types of migrations should be pretty straightforward if that is possible.

is the possible to generate sql like TableA join TableB on TableA.keyB = TableB.key

I found that in in @InexactContentUri, there is a join attribute but not sure how to use it. I would like to generate a content uri that joins two tables on t1.foreign_key_of_t2 = t2.primiary_key

               WeatherTable  INNER JOIN LocationTable
                        ON WeatherTable.LOC_KEY = LocationTable._id

and '_id' are in both tables so I have to write tableName.columnName

Outdated version of schematic in maven

I'm trying out the Schematic library and it is pretty cool! However, the most recent version of Schematic in Maven is the 0.5.3 (e.g. lacking the "@unique" annotation). Would it be possible to upgrade it? Many thanks.


Similar to the @NotifyX annotations, a @NotifyBulkInsert will be great so we could notify parent uris.


@OnCreate and a method do initialize data?

Hi @SimonVT,

I noticed @OnUpgrade annotation, allowing to change schema. A bit more documentation of that could be useful.

Anyway, I didn't see anything to help to initialize database data. For example, suppose that I should put some initial data in tables. How can I made this? Maybe an @OnCreate annotation could help.

What do you think?

Example of using "join" and "where" with 3 tables


More than an issue, I am asking for an example here... I didn't see a similar one. So let's say I have 3 tables: Shows, Seasons and Episodes. The 3 tables have a show id (Seasons and Episodes have it as a foreign key). Also, Episode has a foreign key "season" pointing to the Season table.

I want to query the table Shows where Show.state = "state_a" and then do a join so I get:

I saw that the @ContentUri has "where" and also "join" but I haven't really been lucky using it...

Hope this question is ok. By the way, I saw this library announced in the Android Nanodegree by Udacity, congrats!

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