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NOSH ChartingSystem Installation Instructions


You'll need to have the following applications/packages installed on your system prior to installation of NOSH ChartingSystem. If you have a LAMP (Linux-Apache-mySQL-PHP) or MAMP (Mac-Apache-mySQL-PHP) server already set up, you are golden!

1. Apache web server (needs to be running)
2. MySQL database. Make sure you remember the root password. This will be asked during the

NOSH ChartingSystem installation. (needs to be running)

3. PHP 5.4 and higher
4. The following PHP modules installed and enabled:

mysql, imap, mcrypt, imagick, gd, cli, curl, soap, pear

6. Imagemagick
7. PDF ToolKit (pdftk)
8. cURL


Installing NOSH ChartingSystem is easy to install if you run Docker NOSH. NOSH and all its dependencies are already configured and installed properly. Just deploy the Vagrant virtual machine and you're ready to start. The previous method through Ubuntu Linux PPA's is now depreciated. If you have access to a terminal shell for your server (any distro for Linux or Mac OS-X), you can install NOSH.
The installation script automatically adds scheduled task commands (cron files) and web server configuration files to make NOSH work seamlessly the first time. The script also determines if your system meets all the package dependencies before installation. For detailed information, go to the Wiki link.

If this is the first time using NOSH, make sure you login to NOSH ChartingSystem as admin and configure your users and clinic parameters. It's important to do this first before any other users use NOSH ChartingSystem; otherwise, some features such as scheduling will not work correctly!


Like Laravel, NOSH now utilizes Composer to manage its PHP dependencies.
Composer is automatically installed when you use the installation script (it is located in /usr/local/bin/composer). Because the core NOSH files are now served on GitHub, NOSH is self-updating daily whenever a new commit (updated files) is uploaded. There is no more user intervention anymore, and you get the latest and greatest NOSH version at your fingertips!

Update Notes for Version 2.0:

1. Phaxio is now the only supported fax program.
2. Standard Medical Templates v1 and v2 are now depreciated and replaced my Medical Template
3. CPT database is now coming from Medicare and subsequently royalty-free.
4. ICD database update (Internal database is now depreciated).
5. Medication database update (Internal database is now depreciated with move to RXNorm API)
6. CVX database update (Internal database is now depreciated).
7. Patient education materials using VivaCare is now depreciated.
8. SMS sending using TextBelt
9. Supplements database update (Internal database is now depreciated).
10. Guardian roles database update (Internal database is now depreciated).
11. Sessions table depreciated (file based sessions currently in use with Laravel 5).


Lab order templates:

Labs are set up in such a way: Name of Test [OrderCode,CPTCode,LOINCCode,ResultCode]

How the files are organized.

NOSH is built around the Laravel 5 PHP Framework, which is a models/controllers/views (MCV) framework. Documentation for the entire framework can be found on the Laravel website.


The routes.php file dictate where the URL command goes to. Looking at the file, you'll notice that the controllers are categorized by an access control list (ACL) based on the type of user priviledges a user has when he/she is logged in to NOSH.


As is standard with the Laravel framework, main guts of the system lie in the ../app/Http/Controllers directory. Looking at the routes.php file, you'll notice that the type of controllers are categorized between AJAX and non-AJAX functions (hence they are named with a prefix of Ajax). Furthermore, the main controller files (CoreController.php, ChartController.php) are determined based on whether the functions are patient related or practice related. As is also standard with the Laravel framework, middleware in the ../app/Http/Middleware directory govern any checks/filters prior to calling a function in each controller.


The view files, PDF, and email template files are in the ../resources/views directory. The view files are essentially "modules" that are added on depending on the needs of the view layout. The corresponding javascript files (named the same as the view file, but with a .js extension) are in the ../public/assets/js directory. If you see the javascript, you will notice that jQuery is used heavily here. There are numerous plugins for jQuery that are referenced in the header file. Below is a list of the major jQuery plugins that are used:

Javascript library: JQuery
Bootstrap user interface: Bootstrap
Calendar system: FullCalendar
Signature capture: Signature Pad
Graphs and Charts: Highcharts
Form input masking: Masked Input
Image editing: jCanvas
Family Tree: Sigma


In addition to views, other resources such as CPT codes, supplements list, CVX codes, immunizations recommendations, and growth chart plotting data are stored in either CSV or YAML format. These files will or can be updated from time to time based on available updates.


Images indicated in the view files reside in the ../public/assets/images directory. CSS files reside in the ../public/assets/cs directory Imported files are usually downloaded via script in the ../import directory.

Database schema

Below are the list of active database tables that are installed for NOSH. Some table names are self explainatory, but those that are not will be explained here. Some tables are depreciated if you happen to see the database schemas. addressbook alerts allergies assessment - Assessment of a patient encounter. audit - This is a log of all database commands (add, edit, delete) by users of NOSH. billing - List of all fields in a HCFA-1500 form for each patient encounter. billing-core - List of all charges and payments for a patient encounter. calendar - List of all visit types and their duration for the patient scheduler. demographics - List of all patients (active or inactive) in the system. demographics_notes - Additional demographics information irrespective of practice. demographics_relate - Reference table associating patient to practices and users. documents - List of all PDF documents saved in the documents folder (default is /noshdocuments) on the server that pertain to a given patient. encounters - List of all patient encounters for a given patient. forms - List of filled out forms. groups - List of user groups (provider, admin, assistant, billing, patient). hippa - List of all release of information requests for a given patient. hpi - History of Present Illness of a patient encounter. immunizations - List of immunizations for a given patient. insurance - List of all insurance information for a given patient. issues - List of all medical issues (active or inactive) for a given patient. labs - List of all lab results for a given patient. messaging - Intraoffice messaging. migrations - Internal use for Laravel. orders - This table lists all physician orders for a given patient. orderslists - This table lists all templates for physician orders. other_history - Past Medical History, Past Surgical History, Family History. Social History, Tobacco Use History, Alcohol Use History, and Illicit Drug Use History pages - List of documents being sent by fax. pe - Physical Examination of a patient encounter. plan - Plan of a patient encounter. pos - Place of Service codes practiceinfo - Practice information procedure - Procedures done in a patient encounter. procedurelist - Procedure templates. providers - Provider information received - List of documents received by fax. recepients - List of recepients of faxes sent. repeat_schedule - List of repeated calendar events. ros - Review of System of a patient encounter. rx - List of all medications (active or inactive) for a given patient. rx_list - List of all medications prescribed by a provider. scans - List of all documents scanned into the system. schedule - Patient scheduling sessions - Internal use sendfax - List of all sent faxes. sup_list - List of all ordered supplements by physician. template - List of forms save tests - List of test results for a given patient. t_messages - List of all telephone messages for a given patient. users - List of all system users. vaccine_inventory - Vaccine inventory vaccine_temp - Vaccine temperature log vitals - List of vital signs in a patient encounter.

Contributing To NOSH ChartingSystem

All issues and pull requests should be filed on the shihjay2/nosh-core repository.


NOSH ChartingSystem is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License

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nosh2's Issues

Grouped patient tagging/notes

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 1:50

Any physician should be able to assembly a list of patients, based on any indexed text field then automatically add a note to the chart of each of those patients (with the option to add a “To do” or a “Reminder.”) For example, if a publication shows that a specific medication has a new side effect when it is used in patients of a certain age or gender or in conjunction with another medication, it is useful to be able to add a note to the relevant patients chart that says something like “At next visit remember to discuss the newly reported side effect of medicine XYZ, see AIM 2016;214:123”)

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#4

Minimal clicking

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 1:53

The accuracy of the medicine list is crucial to patient care. The process of altering an existing medicine on the medicine list, adding medications to the medicine list, removing medications from the medicine list should be able to be accomplished with a maximum of 1-2 clicks.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#6

New encounter>Associated appointment

I am unclear as to what the "associated appointment" field is for when setting up a new encounter, but I do not have any options when clicking on the dropdown menu. It only says "no appointment".

I'm assuming that perhaps this is used to associate the encounter with an appointment on the schedule, so I've made sure that there is an appointment on the schedule for the patients, but I still don't see any options in the "associated appointment" field.

This may be a misunderstanding on my part as the to function of this field.

Historical medication list

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:12

Physicians should be able to generate a list of all of a patient’s previously prescribed and discontinued medications and sort the list by generic name, brand name, date entered into the EMR, date prescribed, date discontinued, prescriber and class.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#27

Acess to /nosh folder on apache server

This has happened to me in the past, but I've just done a reinstall because I was working on other problems with the install:

After NOSH working fine, at some point I vagrant halt, and then vagrant up at some point later on. When I try to access either the local-ip/nosh or the domain/nosh (both of which worked find previously) I get taken to a page that says "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /nosh on this server.

I think that each time this has happened the only thing that has changed has been a change in the local ip address assigned to the ubuntu/xenial64 virtual machine.

I'm guessing that there is a file I have to modify somewhere, or something like that, but I just don't know what or where it is.

Billing > Diagnosis pointers

This may simply be due to a lack of understanding on my part because I don't deal with third party payers, so I'm not terribly fluent in their billing protocols.

I can add a a Procedure Code for an encounter and use the Diagnosis Pointer to associate with a diagnosis.

However, if I attempt to add a second Procedure Code, I get an error as follows:
"QueryException in Connection.php line 770:
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' (SQL: insert into billing_core (billing_core_id, cpt, cpt_charge, unit, modifier, dos_f, dos_t, icd_pointer, eid, practice_id, pid) values (, 72040, 150, 1, , 04/03/2017, 04/03/2017, AB, 1, 1, 1))"

Am I doing something that is legitimately not allowed? Or is this an error?

Editing user created form

While editing a user created form, when trying to delete a previously saved field, the following error occures:
"ErrorException in CoreController.php line 1232:
Undefined variable: message"

Global search/query function

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 1:48

The user should have the ability to search the entire database, on any indexed field, such as demographic data, providers, Problem list, Medicine List, Allergy list, old problem list, old medicine list, PCP and associated MDs, insurance, race, language, ethnicity, date of visits, Vital signs, Flow sheet data, radiology data, legal documents (HCP, Advanced directives, HIPAA) smoking status, etc. For example, “Find all male patients, <65 yo, who have DM-2 and albuminuria and hypertension, and have not been seen in the last year, and whose most recent HBA1c>9, and is managed by Dr. XXX, is on lisinopril, and last SBP>160” or find all patients who are on 2 specified medications. Once a search is conducted, the resultant information should be able to be easily exported out of the EMR into an Excel or cvs document, for use as the physician feels is necessary.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#3

Test results to another provider

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:2

When ordering tests, it should be easy to tell the lab that a copy of the test results should be sent to another physician (or to the patient) and this process should require no more than one click.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#15

Provider education

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:7

On the fax cover page, the user should be able to include (and easily alter) a default message like “Current guidelines for DM-2 recommend that tight control is not appropriate in the elderly.” This will facilitate the ability of one physician to educate other physician.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#21

Future alerts

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:0

It should be possible for the user to create a “future To Do,” which disappears from the system until a specified date in future when the item reappears on the user’s “To Do list.” It should also be possible for the user to ask the system to display all their “future To Dos” with a single click. This gives the physicians an easy way to track items that will happen in the future and helps them maintain an uncluttered screen.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#13

Design opinion #2

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:11

Another way to bring information to the physician, without requiring them to navigate to another screen, is the use of the “hover over” option. If the physician wants to know the date of the patient’s next appointment, they simply hover the mouse over the “go to the appointments button” and pop-up window immediately appears with the date of the upcoming appointment appointment(s). The same feature can be used to display the most recent lab data, chart of vital signs, radiology data, the patient demographic data like phone number, etc. Thus, it is possible to deliver information to the physician, when/where they need it, without requiring them to navigate to a different section of the EMR. This will reduce the amount of data sent over the network, speed up the EMR and improve the EMR’s usability.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#26

Global graphing

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 1:57

One should be able to graph any numeric data, print the graph (for the patient) as well as incorporate the graph directly into the patient’s Progress Notes as an essential component of the medical narrative.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#10

Envelope printing

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:3

It should be possible to print an envelope addressed to the patient at all locations in the EMR where such a feature might reasonably be needed, such as on the Clinical Summary layout, Orders layout, Lab results, Progress Notes, X-rays, Prescriptions, etc. Similarly, at the location which contains a physician’s or pharmacy’s address, there should be a button that prints a pre-addressed envelope.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#17

Provision for allowing access outside of LAN

The recently added provision to allow access from outside of LAN does not work for me. Enabling it gives me a "route -n" readout that looks like the following:

Using an alternate provision as follows does work: "public_network"
config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", inline: "route del default; route add default gw"

The "route -n" readout using this alternate provision looks like the following:

As you can see there is a difference between the two, and even though I don't know what I'm doing, I'm assuming that the difference lies in the deletion of the default route prior to specifying the proper default gateway to use.

"Setup" link from admin account failure

Clicking on the "Setup" link along the top of the page while logged into the admin account results in an error page that states: "ErrorException in CoreController.php line 5578: Undefined index:"

"Tuesday open at" minor issue

During schedule setup the handy time-picker widget pops up for every time slot except of the "Tuesday open at" entry. Typing it in works fine, so just a cosmetic issue.


When Login is clicked on new installation:

FatalThrowableError in InstallController.php line 94:
Type error: Too few arguments to function App\Http\Controllers\InstallController::install(), 1 passed and exactly 2 expected

Temporary workaround:
public function install(Request $request, $type = 'practice')

Handouts, references

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:15

All EMRs should have a location in the EMR where physicians can store copies of patient handouts, medical articles, protocols, PDFs, text information, pictures and other items which they will believe will be helpful to their practice. The physician should be able to organize this information into logical sections, subsections and sub-subsections. They should also be able to search this information, print the date and copy / paste the information into a patient Progress Note, as they see fit.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#29

Custom referral letters

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 1:58

The user should have complete freedom to decide which data elements will be included in any printed / faxed document, down to the level of an individual lab test, radiology report and Progress Note.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#11

Global access to medication list, allergy list, problem list

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 1:54

The user should be able to add data to these essential elements of the patient’s chart in every location where the data is displayed and the data should be displayed in every location where a practicing physician might be expected to want to see those data elements, such as in the Progress Notes, Flowsheet, Labs, Orders, etc. It is irrational to make the user navigate to another location in the EHR in order to modify these data elements.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#8

use needed in InstallController.php

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; is needed in InstallController.php since
Auth::attempt(['username' => $username, 'password' => $request->input('password'), 'active' => '1', 'practice_id' => '1']); resolves incorrectly.

Priority/tagged alerts

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:1

It should be possible for the user to provide various “priorities” to each of the items on their “To Do” list and allow them to sort their “To Do” list by date, patient name, priority, creator of “To Do”, type of “To Do.”

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#14

Date of next appointment display

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:6

In all locations where this information might reasonably be needed by the physician, the date of the patient’s next appointment should be displayed, such as on the prescription layout, labs layout, Progress Note layout and where the physician reviews incoming data (test results, email) etc.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#19

Design opinion

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:10

It is absolutely imperative that the EMR be designed to minimize the number of clicks and the need to change locations within the EMR. This situation can occur when the physician needs to see a “type” of data that is located at another section of the EMR. One way to bring information to the physician, without requiring them to navigate to another location in the EMR, is to use the “color” of the buttons to convey information to the physician. For example, if the physician is viewing the Progress Notes, the “go to labs button” could be red if there is no lab data on the EMR. If the patient has lab results in the EMR, the “go to labs button” could be green. Thus, by looking at the “go to labs button” the physician would immediately know if there was/was not lab data on file. One can use multiple colors to convey more nuanced information. For example, the “go to the appointments button” could be red if the patient’s next appointment is “today,” while yellow implies the next appointment is within 1 week, blue might imply the next appointment is more than 1 week in the future while grey means that the patient has no scheduled upcoming appointments.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#25

Patient>Demographics>Other link failure

Error page after clicking on "Other" category under patient demographics:
"ErrorException in Controller.php line 4437:
Trying to get property of non-object"

Hde/show health related information in portal

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:0

The physician should have the ability to decide what type of information appears on the patient portal, e.g., Labs, Radiology, Problem list, Medicine List, Allergy List, Progress Notes, Flowsheet, Vaccinations. The physician should have the option to turn off the patient portal for an individual patient, ”hide” an individual Progress Note from being displayed on the patient portal and “hide” a particular lab test from appearing on the Patient Portal. The physician should also have the option to decide when a result will appear on the Patient Portal, for example, immediately after the data is added to the EMR or 3 or 7 days after the data is put into the patient’s chart.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#12

Suggestion: Schedule>Appointment>New Encounter option

When you create a new encounter, you associate it with an appointment on the schedule.

Would it be an efficiency optimizer to be able to click on an appointment on the schedule and have an option to directly create a new encounter for the patient to whom the appointment is assigned?

I suppose it depends on your practice setup and workflow, but in some cases it make reduce the amount of clicks necessary.

Physician careteam list

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 1:56

There should be an option to keep a list of all physicians who are involved in the care of the patient and their assigned roles such as cardiologist, surgeon, etc

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#9

ambiguous redirect

After successfully obtaining a certificate with letsencrypt there is a message in the terminal stating: "/vagrant/ line 92: $LOG: ambiguous redirect".

After this happens I can no longer get to /nosh. Instead I get a message in the browser that states: "The page isn’t working - redirected you too many times. - Try clearing your cookies. - ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"

After clearing cookies I can get to the login page, but after trying to login it takes me a browser page with the same error as above.

Before getting the certificate I can navigate to /nosh just fine, so I assume these two events are related.


From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:8

EMRs which are used in an emergency room should be able to send a message to the patient’s primary care physician, when the patient arrives in the emergency room. In addition, physicians need to be able to turn on and off these notifications both at the individual patient level and at a global level. In addition, the physician should have the ability to redirect these notifications to a surrogate.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#22

Friendship section

From @shihjay2 on August 25, 2016 0:3

The last tab in the bottom right corner of the screen would contain scanned newspaper articles, pictures, notes, and cards from patients.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#31

Suggestion feature

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:16

At the same location on the computer screen, in all locations throughout the EMR, there should be a “suggestion” button. When clicked, a text window opens and the dialog box reads “Enter you suggestion to improve this EMR below. Your suggestion, along with your location in the EMR and other relevant EMR data will be sent to the CIO, MD, who should be a practicing physician that uses the EMR on a regular basis. The CIO, MD should assemble an “EMR re-design” team to sort through these suggestions and prioritize which changes should be made to the EMR by the CTO and his/her team. It is imperative that the power to decide whether and when a new feature should be added to the EMR should reside with the clinicians, not with the technologists.

In my opinion, a suggested new feature should be added to the EMR if it creates no unresolvable security issues and proposed feature meets any of these criteria:

  1. will likely be used by many users

  2. has the potential to improve the efficiency of the health care provider

  3. has the potential to reduce the cost of healthcare

  4. has the potential to improve the quality of healthcare

  5. has the potential to promote patient engagement

Technical issues, like it is “too technically difficult” or “the IT department has other priorities” or “it cannot be done” are not acceptable reasons to fail to add a new feature to an EMR. As a programmer, I know that there is always a way to circumvent almost all technical issues.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#30

Test summary

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:3

When ordering tests, the user should be immediately presented with the date and results from the last time the test was done. In addition, the (relative) cost of the test should also be presented to the user and an estimate of the patient’s expected incurred cost.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#16

Patient ID

I see that patients are assigned an ID based on order of entry into the system.

In the event that someone wants to migrate into Nosh, it would be helpful to either be able to manually set the ID of the patient, or have a field in the demographics section to record something like a file number.

edit: this was supposed to be submitted as a suggestion, but it looks like it went in as an issue.

Future letters

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:10

It should be possible for the user to create a “future letter” to a patient, which is retained in the EHR until a specified date in the future, when the letter is automatically printed (with an envelope) or emailed to the patient.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#24

Comments field

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 1:53

There should be a “comment” field associated with the Problem list and Medicine list so as to allow to the user to enter any ancillary information they feel is necessary.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#7

User>Configure>Address Book error

Trying to follow the Address Book link from within a user account, under the Configure menu results in the following error:
"ErrorException in CoreController.php line 149:
Undefined variable: items"


From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:9

The physician should be able to determine the sort order of the Problem list and Medicine list. For example, they may want to have the list for the medicines sort alphabetically or by time of day they are administered or based on importance or toxicity, or any other way that the user wishes to have the problem list and medicine list sorted. This can easily be accomplished by adding a numeric “sort order” field for each diagnosis and medicine. This sort order will then be retained wherever Problem list or Medicine list is displayed. To facilitate medicine reconciliation, it should require no more than a single click to change the Medicine list sort order to “alphabetical” and to return the Medicine list to the preferred sort order.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#23

Button change on hover

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:13

To reduce the possibility that a physician would click on a button that they did not intend to click on, when the mouse hovers over a navigation button, that button should change colors to indicate that is the active choice.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#28

Exam preview

The exam preview feature does not appear to be including any saved information from the Objective Physical Exam text entry box.

Templates for letters

From @shihjay2 on July 1, 2016 2:4

One should be able to create letters or emails, based on templates, and these templates should give the user the ability to automatically incorporate various bits of information in the form of “macros,” as discussed above. For example, it should be possible to build a “template letter,”, that can be used to write a letter or email to a patient, which says something like “Your recent tests are normal. Here are the results. Please see me as planned on DDD/MMM/YYYY” and this can be either printed (with an envelope) or emailed with one click.

Copied from original issue: shihjay2/nosh-core#18

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