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Async Firebase Client library for Arduino.

This library supports Firebase Realtime database, Cloud Firestore database, Cloud Messaging, Firebase Storage, Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud Functions.

The features can be configurable to add and exclude some unused features, see Library Build Options.

This library is the new Firebase Client library that supports both sync and async usages.


This library is the replacement of the old Firebase libraries (Firebase-ESP-Client, Firebase-ESP32 and Firebase-ESP8266) which those libraries are now obsoleted.

Due to the known issues in the old Firebase library.

  • The confusion of different library names from the same developer and other developers in Library Manager.
  • The different main header file name and class name issue.
  • The long path issue due to long library name with spaces leads to VisualMicro IDE compilation error.
  • The cental settings using only single config class can cause the usage confusion.
  • The system time changes causes the auth token expiry period calculation error.
  • The internal SSL Client and WiFiClient issue causes the session need to be closed at some interval.
  • The Realtime database stream event data can be missing due to the sync read operation.
  • The async operation is not truely impremented.

Then this FirebaseClient library was planned and developed.


This library included the SSL Client library called ESP_SSLClient to use in JWT token signing and the alternative use of the core SSL Client library e.g. WiFIClientSecure and WiFiSSLClient in some Arduino Client use cases which makes this library portable with no third-party library needed. When this library was used together with my other library e.g. ESP-Mail-Client which comes with built-in ESP_SSLClient library, the Arduino IDE compilation error will be occurred. You have to remove the folder src/client/SSLClient in the subsequent included library. For example if ESP_Mail_Client.h was included after FirebaseClient.h, the folder src/client/SSLClient in the ESP-Mail-Client library installation folder should be removed.


1. Features

2. Supported Devices

3. Dependencies

4. Incompatability Between Old Firebase Library and This Firebase Library

5. Installation

6. Usages

7. Memory Options

8. Library Build Options

9. License


  • Simple APIs.

  • Supports synchronous and asynchronous operations.

  • Supports most Arduino devices (except for AVR) with or without external neywork module.

  • Supports most Firebase Services included Google Cloud Storage.

  • Supports Firmware OTA updates.

  • Supports user management.

  • Faster and more reliable.

Supported Devices.

  • ESP8266 MCUs based boards
  • ESP32 MCUs based boards
  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
  • Arduino MKR 1000 WIFI
  • Arduino Nano 33 IoT
  • Arduino MKR Vidor 4000
  • Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040)
  • LAN8720 Ethernet PHY
  • TLK110 Ethernet PHY
  • IP101 Ethernet PHY
  • ENC28J60 SPI Ethernet module
  • W5100 SPI Ethernet module
  • W5500 SPI Ethernet module
  • SIMCom Modules with TinyGSMClient


This library does not support Arduino® UNO R4 WiFi due to the memory issue (related to stack and String class memory issue). And this is not a library memory issue as the Arduino MKR (SAMD MCU) with the same amount of memory as Arduino UNO R4 WiFi can still be used without problem.


This library required Platform's Core SDK to be installed.

For Arduino IDE, ESP8266 Core SDK can be installed through Boards Manager.

For PlatfoemIO IDE, ESP8266 Core SDK can be installed through PIO Home > Platforms > Espressif 8266 or Espressif 32.

The RP2040 boards required Arduino-Pico SDK from Earle F. Philhower

Incompatability Between Old Firebase Library and This Firebase Library.

This library APIs are not compattible with the Firebase-ESP8266, Firebase-ESP32 and Firebase-ESP-Client libraries.

If you are using those libraries, the code should be rewritten.

In addition, some features are changed which included the following.

  • FirebaseJson

There is no JSON library included in this FirebaseClient library. If you still prefer to use FirebaseJson functions as in the old library, you have to include it manually in your code.

The FirebaseJson library can be installed via the Arduino's Library Manager and PlatformIO's Library Manager or can be download and install from the FirebaseJson repository.

  • Realtime Database

The blob and file upload via set, push and update, the byte data will be converted to base64 encoded string and store to the database without the signature string (file, and blob,) prepended to the base64 string as in the old library.

The data on the database that read using the async get function which the blob and file config data assign to the function, will treat as base64 encoded string and will be decoded to byte array using base64 decoder.

Then get the data that contains signature string (file, and blob,) created by old library will lead to the error after base64 decoding.

Due to some pitfalls in the old library's Multipath Stream usage. User is only looking for the JSON parsing data without checking the actual received stream event data, and this library does not include the JSON parser, then this feature will not be implemented in this FirebaseClient library.

  • Cloud Messaging

The legaycy Firebase Cloud Messaging API was deprecated, only HTTPv1 is supported.

  • Cloud Functions

Deploying the Cloud Function from local flash or filesystem source in a single function is not available unless using several fnctions that are available to generate upload url, upload the source (zip file), deploy the function and set IAM permission.

  • TCP KeepAlive

The lwIP's TCP KeepAlive is not implemented in this FirebaseClient library because it can only be done by the network client (if it was supportd) e.g. WiFiClient in ESP32.

The TCP KeepAlive is currently not available in ESP8266 v3.1.2 at the time of this document writing and it will be available in the newer version after the pull request #8940 was merged.

If you use the core SSL client e.g. WiFiClientSecure or WiFiSSLClient, sush feature is not available.

In the old Firebase library, this feature was done internally by the internal SSL client and WiFiClient integration.

If you want to use this feature and if you use ESP32, you can use ESP_SSLClient library that included in this library and set the WiFiClient as the client.

The following example code is for using TCP KeepAlive with WiFiClient and built-in ESP_SSLClient in ESP32.

#include <lwip/sockets.h> // For lwIP TCP/IP sockets 

bool tcp_keep_alive_set = false;
int keepAlive = 1000; // Milliseconds
int keepIdle = 5; // Seconds
int keepInterval = 5; // Seconds
int keepCount = 1;

WiFiClient basic_client;

ESP_SSLClient ssl_client;

void setup()

void loop()
    // TCP KeepAlive should be set once after server was connected
    if (basic_client.connected() && !tcp_keep_alive_set)
        tcp_keep_alive_set = true;
        basic_client.setSocketOption(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPALIVE, (void *)&keepAlive, sizeof(keepAlive));
        basic_client.setSocketOption(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, (void *)&keepIdle, sizeof(keepIdle));
        basic_client.setSocketOption(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, (void *)&keepInterval, sizeof(keepInterval));
        basic_client.setSocketOption(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPCNT, (void *)&keepCount, sizeof(keepCount));

        // Or simpler functions in new ESP32 core
        // basic_client.setOption(TCP_KEEPALIVE, &keepAlive);
        // basic_client.setOption(TCP_KEEPIDLE, &keepIdle);
        // basic_client.setOption(TCP_KEEPINTVL, &keepInterval);
        // basic_client.setOption(TCP_KEEPCNT, &keepCount);
        tcp_keep_alive_set = false;

The PSRAM in this library was enabled by default but it was only used partly in tempolary buffer memory allocation.


  • Using Library Manager

At Arduino IDE, go to menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries...

In Library Manager Window, search "firebase" in the search form then select "FirebaseClient".

Click "Install" button.

For PlatformIO IDE, using the following command.

pio lib install "FirebaseClient""

Or at PIO Home -> Library -> Registry then search FirebaseClient.

  • Manual installation

For Arduino IDE, download zip file from the repository (Github page) by select Code dropdown at the top of repository, select Download ZIP

From Arduino IDE, select menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library....

Choose that previously downloaded.

Rename folder from FirebaseClient-main to FirebaseClient.

Go to menu Files -> Examples -> FirebaseClient and choose one from examples.

  • RP2040 Arduino SDK installation

For Arduino IDE, the Arduino-Pico SDK can be installed from Boards Manager by searching pico and choose Raspberry Pi Pico/RP2040 to install.

For PlatformIO, the Arduino-Pico SDK can be installed via platformio.ini

platform =
board = rpipicow
framework = arduino
board_build.core = earlephilhower
monitor_speed = 115200
board_build.filesystem_size = 1m

See this Arduino-Pico SDK documentation for more information.


  • Indroduction

There are classes or objects that used for required operations and data in this library e.g. authentication and auth data, networking data, Firebase service apps and Firebase service apps data.

  • Authentication

The authentication classes provide the custom token, access token, ID token authentications using credentials or tokens from other sources.

The ID token authentication required the Email/Password Sign-in provider to be enabled and the API key.

The users tab will show the users that can sign in.

Email/Password Sign-in provider

Copy the Web API Key in the console as shown in the picture below to use as API key in your code.


For the service account key file, chose the button Generate new private key in the console as shown in the picture below.

The database secret used in Realtime database can be optained from the same Service accounts tab, and database secret section.

Service Account Key

Some Google Services, the sucurity rules can be used to control your authentication for more secure usage.

For the Realtime database security rules, see this link.

For Cloud Firestore database security rules, see this link.

Non-authentication (for testing only) and user management classes and functions also available.

  • Firebase and Google Services

The Firebase and Google services Classes that are available are Realtime database, Cloud Firestore database, Cloud Messaging, Firebase Storage, Cloud Functions and Google Cloud Storage classes.

This library used internal millis timer to handle the token time to live. Then device time setting is not requierd in most authentication types.

In access and custom token authentications using service accout file (sa and custom auths), it related to JWT token creation and the token signing using RSA private key. These processes require the valid timestamp, then the time status setting callback will be required in the sa and custom auth class constructor.

  • Async Queue

All requests for sync and async operations are managed using queue.

Each sync and async requests data consume memory up to 1k. When many async operations are added to queue (FIFO), the memory usage was increased.

Each async client handles this queue separately. Then in order to limit the memory used for each async client, this library allows 10 async operations (called slots) can be stored in the queue at a time.

The maximum queue size can be set via the build flag FIREBASE_ASYNC_QUEUE_LIMIT or macro in src/Config.h or created your own config in src/UserConfig.h.

When the authentication async operation was required, it will insert to the first slot of the queue.

If the sync operation was called, it will insert to the first slot in the queue too but after the authentication task slot.

When async Get operation in SSE mode (HTTP Streaming) was currently stored in queue, the new sync and async operations will be inserted before the async SSE mode (HTTP Streaming) slot.

When the async operation queue is full or the another SSE mode get function was called, the new sync and async operations will be cancelled. The error code -118 (FIREBASE_ERROR_OPERATION_CANCELLED) or "operation was cancelled" will show in the debug message.

The finished and time out operating slot will be removed from the queue unless the async SSE mode (HTTP Streaming) and allow the vacant slot for the new async operation.

The async SSE mode (HTTP Streaming) operation will run continuously and repeatedly as long as the FirebaseApp and the services app (Database, Firestore, Messaging, Functions, Storage and CloudStorage) objects was run in the loop via app.loop() or Database.loop().

  • Async Client

The authentication and Firebase service apps taks require the async client for server connection.

The async client holds the SSL client pointer that provided in its class constructor and used for server connection.

The async client also create the instances of async data and stored as slot data in a FIFO queue.

The async data created in the async client will hold the asyn http request header and payload, http response header and payload to be processed.

The authentication task has highest priority and its async data will be inserted at the first slot of async queue.

The order of lower priority slot data are sync task, async task and SSE mode (HTTP Streaming) task respectively.

Then when user uses async client for multiple tasks included Realtime database get in SSE mode (HTTP Streaming), sync and async operations, the SSE mode (HTTP Streaming) will be interrupted (breaking the connection) because of the async client is only able to connect to the server via one TCP socket at a time.


The async client and its SSL Client that used for authentication task and async task included SSE mode (HTTP Streaming), need to be defined globally otherwise the dangling pointer problem will be occured.

The SSL Client is a kind of sync or blocking Client that takes time during establishing the SSL server connection (SSL handshake).

The async SSL client can be assigned to the async client class constructor but currently experimental.

The async operation can be cancelled and removed from the queue by calling AsyncClientClass::stopAsync() for currently processed task or AsyncClientClass::stopAsync(true) for stopping all tasks.


The numbers of async client that can be used, the numbers of the sync/async tasks stored in the async client's queue will be limited which depends on the device free memory.

The async client (AsyncClientClass) takes two arguments i.e. SSL Client and network config data (network_config_data) that obtained from networking classes via the static function called getNetwork.

This example shows how the async client defined with its constructor parameters.

WiFiClientSecure ssl_client;

DefaultNetwork network;

AsyncClientClass aClient(ssl_client, getNetwork(network));

The network_config_data will be copied to use internally while the reference of SSL Client object was used internally. Then SSL Client should be existed while using the AsyncClientClass.


To prevent dangling pointer issue, the SSL Client should be defined at the same usage scope as AsyncClientClass.

For the detail of networking class, see Working with Networks section.

Send and Read Timeouts for Sync and Async Tasks

The default send and read timeouts for async task are 30 seconds and cannot be changed.

For sync task, the timeout in seconds can be set via the AsyncClientClass::setSyncSendTimeout and AsyncClientClass::setSyncReadTimeout.

  • Async Result

Library provides the class object called AsyncResult that keeps the server response data, debug and error information.

There are two sources of async result in this library:

  • 1. From user provided with async application (function).

For example:

Database.get(<AsyncClientClass>, <path>, <options>, <AsyncResult>);

  • 2. From dynamic allocation in the async client.

For example:

Database.get(<AsyncClientClass>, <path>, <options>, <AsyncResultCallback>);

From source 1, the async result (<AsyncResult>) shall be defined globally to use in async application because of the static data is needed for use while running the async task.

From source 2, the async client (AsyncClientClass) shall be defined globally to use in async application too to make sure the instance of async result was existed or valid while running the async task.

The async result from source 2 can be accessed from the async result callback.


The async client object used in authentication task shoul be defined globally as it is async task.

The aync result provides two types of information, app events and result data.


Please avoid calling code or function that uses large memory inside the asyn callback because it can lead to stack overflow problem especially in ESP8266 and causes the wdt rest crash. For ESP8266, global definedAsyncResult is recommended for async operation.

  • App Events

The authentication task event information can be obtained from AsyncResult::appEvent().code() and AsyncResult::appEvent().message().

The following event code (firebase_auth_event_type), auth_event_uninitialized, auth_event_initializing, auth_event_signup, auth_event_send_verify_email, auth_event_delete_user, auth_event_reset_password, auth_event_token_signing, auth_event_authenticating, auth_event_auth_request_sent, auth_event_auth_response_received, auth_event_ready and auth_event_error are available.

The following event strings "undefined", "initializing", "sign up", "send verification email", "delete user", "reset password", "token signing", "authenticating", "auth request sent", "auth response received", "ready" and "error" are available.

  • Result Data

The result data can be obtained from AsyncResult object via AsyncResult::payload(), AsyncResult::available(), AsyncResult::path(), AsyncResult::etag(), AsyncResult::to<RealtimeDatabaseResult>().isStream(), AsyncResult::to<RealtimeDatabaseResult>().event(), AsyncResult::to<RealtimeDatabaseResult>().dataPath(), AsyncResult::to<RealtimeDatabaseResult>().type() and AsyncResult::to<RealtimeDatabaseResult>().name().

The function AsyncResult::payload() returns server serponse payload.

The function AsyncResult::available() returns the size of data that is ready to read.

The function AsyncResult::path() returns the resource path that the request was sent.

The function AsyncResult::etag() returns the ETag from server response header.

The function AsyncResult::to<RealtimeDatabaseResult>().name() returns the name (random UID) of node that will be creaated after calling push.

The function AsyncResult::to<RealtimeDatabaseResult>().type() returns the following realtime data type enum.

realtime_database_data_type_undefined (-1), realtime_database_data_type_null (0), realtime_database_data_type_integer (1), realtime_database_data_type_float (2), realtime_database_data_type_double (3), realtime_database_data_type_boolean (4), realtime_database_data_type_string (5), realtime_database_data_type_json (6), and realtime_database_data_type_array (7).

The AsyncResult::to<RealtimeDatabaseResult>().dataPath() and AsyncResult::to<RealtimeDatabaseResult>().event() are the Realtime database node path that data has changed and type of event in SSE mode (HTTP Streaming).

The server response payload in AsyncResult can be converted to the the values of any type T e.g. boolean, integer, float, double and string via AsyncResult::to<RealtimeDatabaseResult>().to<T>().

App Initialization

The Firebase app (FirebaseApp) is the main authentication and access token handler class in this library. All Firebase services Apps will take the authentication data called app token (app_token_t) that maintains by Firebase app, and was used as the access key or bearer token while processing the request.

The FirebaseApp class constructor accepts the user auth data (user_auth_data) which is the struct that holds the user input sign-in credentials and token.

The user auth data that passes to the FirebaseApp class constructor can be obtained from the following sign-in credentials, access key, auth token providers classs via getAuth function.

Thses classes also mentioned in the earlier section.

The CustomAuth, ServiceAuth, UserAuth, and NoAuth are for authentications and non-authentication.

The CustomToken, AccessToken, IDToken, and LegacyToken are for the Firebase services authorizations using tokens.

The getAuth function is the function to get user auth data (user_auth_data) from these authentication provider classes.


The user auth data will be coppied and use internally, then changing these authentication provider classes's data cannot affect the authentication process unless FirebaseApp was re-initializing.

The UID for signed in user can be obtained from FirebaseApp::getUid().

The auth token (ID token, access token or legacy token) can be obtained from FirebaseApp::getToken().

The refresh token (if available) can be obtained from FirebaseApp::getRefreshToken().

  • Custom UID User Authentication

The CustomAuth is the class to create cusom token (signed JWT token with custom claims).

The cusom token was not exposed to the user unless it was used in internal ID token exchanging with Google APIs server.

This is the approach that allows you to sign in as user (alternative from regular email/password sign-in) with the user defined UID.

You can define any UID to represent the user identifier for security control customization.

The parameters for the CustomAuth class constructor are following which most of the parameters can be taken from service account json key file.

CustomAuth custom_auth(<TimeStatusCallback>, <api_key>, <client_email>, <project_id>, <private_key>, <user_id>, <scope>, <claims>, <expire>);

<TimeStatusCallback> The time status callback that provide the UNIX timestamp value used for JWT token signing.

<api_key> The web API key of project.

<client_email> The service account client Email.

<project_id> The service account project ID.

<private_key> The service account private key.

<user_id>The user ID.

<scope> The OAuth scopes.

<claims>The OAuth claims.

<expire>The expiry period in seconds (less than 3600), 3300 is the default value.

  • Service Account Authentication

With ServiceAuth provider class, you are now access the Firebase services as non-human or a service or application user.

This type of authentication required when you use some APIs of Firebase and Google services.

The parameters for ServiceAuth provider class are following which most of the parameters can be taken from service account json key file.

ServiceAuth service_auth(<TimeStatusCallback>, <api_key>, <client_email>, <project_id>, <private_key>, <expire>);

<TimeStatusCallback> The time status callback that provide the UNIX timestamp value used for JWT token signing.

<client_email> The service account client Email.

<project_id> The service account project ID.

<private_key> The service account private key.

<expire> The expiry period in seconds (less than 3600), 3300 is the default value.


The refresh token is not available when authenticated with service account.

The internal process to refresh the token was done by creating the new token.

  • User Authentication with Email/Password

With UserAuth provider class, you are now signin as a user with Email and password.

The folowing are available parameters.

UserAuth user_auth(<api_key>, <user_email>, <user_password>, <expire>);

<api_key> API key can be obtained from Firebase console > Project Overview > Project settings.

<user_email> The user Email that in the project.

<user_password>The user password in the project.

<expire>The expiry period in seconds (less than 3600), 3300 is the default value.

  • No Authentication

The NoAuth provider class, allows you to skip all auth data in the request that sent to the Firebase services.

You have to set the security rules for the Firebase and Google services to allow read and write access with unconditional.

This used for testing only and should not use in production.

  • Custom Token Authorization

With CustomToken provider class, you are able to set the custom token (signed JWT token) that created and taken from other sources e.g. Firebase and Admin SDK apps, to use in the internal ID token exchanging process.

The available parameters in class constructor are following.

CustomToken custom_token(<api_key>, <custom_token>, <expire_in_seconds>);

<api_key> API key can be obtained from Firebase console > Project Overview > Project settings.

<custom_token> Auth custom token (jwt signed token).

<expire_in_seconds> Expiry period in seconds (less than 3600), 3300 is the default value.

You should defined the expire period that less than the remaining time to live of your signed JWT token.


Only valid sign JWT token can be used with Firebase and Google services that provided in the library is RS256 signature that sined with the RSA private key of your project server.

Most Arduino boards that come with crypto chip e.g. ATECC608A do not support RSA-256 algorithm and can not use its crypto library to generate the signed JWT token used with this library.

You can assign the refresh token that obtains from Google API server when generating the ID token, as the <custom_token> parameter to refresh the token and use it last long.

The ID token itself is short-lived token which as expired in 1 Hour or less.

  • Access Token Authorization

The AccessToken provider class allows you to authorize the Firebase and Google services with the access token.

The access token itself is short-lived token which as expired in 1 Hour or less.

The access token can be obtain from Firebase and Admin SDK apps.

The available parameters in class constructor are following.

AccessToken access_token(<auth_token>, <expire_in_seconds>, <refresh_token>, <client_id>, <client_secret>);

<auth_token> Auth token from OAuthe2.0 auth.

<expire_in_seconds> Expire period in seconds

<refresh_token> Refresh token.

<client_id> Client ID.

<client_secret> Client secret.

Normally <refresh_token> is not needed, if it is provided, the token will be refresh immediately when calling FirebaseApp's initializeApp.

The <refresh_token>, <client_id> and <client_secret> are required for OAuth2.0 token refreshing.

The Client ID and Client Secret can be taken from

By providing <refresh_token> without <client_id> and <client_secret>, the token refrehing process will fail with unexpected error.

  • ID Token Authorization

The IDToken provider class, allows you to set the ID token form other Firebase and Admin SDK apps to be used with this library.

The ID token itself is short-lived token which as expired in 1 Hour or less.

The available parameters in class constructor are following.

IDToken id_token(<api_key>, <auth_token>, <expire_in_seconds>, <refresh_token>);

<api_key> API key can be obtained from Firebase console > Project Overview > Project settings.

<auth_token> Auth token from user auth.

<expire_in_seconds> Expire period in seconds.

<refresh_token> Refresh token.

  • Legacy Token Authorization

The LegacyToken provider class allows you to set the database secret used in Firebase Realtime database service.

The database secret is now deprecated and should not be used in your production.

The available parameters in class constructor are following.

LegacyToken legacy_token(<database_secret>);

<database_secret> The Realtime database secret key.

  • Working with Filesystems and BLOB

The file config class (FileConfig) will be used to hold the SD/Flash file information and the file operation callback when file upload or download is required.

The function that require file/BLOB for download and upload will accept the file config data (file_config_data) in its parameters.

The file_config_data can be obtained from static functions called getFile and getBlob.

The FileConfig class constructor parameters that are available are following.

FileConfig file_config(<filename>, <file_callback>)

<filename> The full file name included its path.

The file name can be a name of source (input) and target (output) file that used in upload and download.

<file_callback> The file callback that required for file open to read, write, append and remove.

The <file_callback> function parameters included the File reference returned from file operation, filename for file operation and file_operating_mode.

The file_operating_mode included file_mode_open_read, file_mode_open_write, file_mode_open_append and file_mode_open_remove are available.

This example code works with SPIFFS filesystem.

#define MY_FS SPIFFS

void fileCallback(File &file, const char *filename, file_operating_mode mode)
    // FILE_OPEN_MODE_READ, FILE_OPEN_MODE_WRITE and FILE_OPEN_MODE_APPEND are defined in this library
    switch (mode)
    case file_mode_open_read:
        file =, FILE_OPEN_MODE_READ);
    case file_mode_open_write:
        file =, FILE_OPEN_MODE_WRITE);
    case file_mode_open_append:
        file =, FILE_OPEN_MODE_APPEND);
    case file_mode_remove:

FileConfig media_file("/media.mp4", fileCallback);

void download()
{, FirebaseStorage::Parent(STORAGE_BUCKET_ID, "media.mp4"), getFile(media_file), asyncCB);

The blob config class (BlobConfig) will provide the in/out data payload for the function that required upload and download operations.

The BlobConfig class constructor parameters that are available are following.

BlobConfig blob_config(<blob>, <blob_size>)

<blob> The BLOB data (byte array).

<blob_size> The size of data.

The data can be a source (input) and target (output) data that used in upload and download.

This example code works with BLOB data.

uint8_t source[2048];
uint8_t dest[2048];

BlobConfig upload_data(source, 2048);
BlobConfig download_data(dest, 2048);

void upload()
    Database.set(aClient, "/test/blob", getBlob(upload_data), asyncCB);

void download()
    Database.get(aClient, "/test/blob", getBlob(download_data), asyncCB);

When filesystems are not used, remove ENABLE_FS macro in src/Config.h or user defined src/UserConfig.h or adding DISABLE_FS in compiler build flags.

  • Working with Networks

The AsyncClientClass object requires network config data (network_config_data) that obtained from one of the following networking classes via the static function called getNetwork.

The default network class can be used for WiFi capable MCUs e.g. ESP8266, ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico W.

The network (WiFI) reconnection or resume can be done automatically or manually by user can be configurable via the boolean parameter assigned with default network class constructor.

The default WiFi network class provided mean for multiple WiFi's ssid and passworrd connections (WiFi Multi),

This default WiFi network class is suitable for device that provided the built-in WiFi module for non-WiFI capable MCU that the WiFi reconnection requires the ssid and password and device that support WiFi Multi in its core.

The default ethernet network class can be used for Ethernet capable MCUs using core Ethernet drivers e.g. ESP8266 and ESP32.

The other known networks (Ethernet and GSM) class are also available.

The user defined or generic networks are supported by assigning the ntwork connection and status callacks in its class constructor.

  • DefaultNetwork

The DefaultNetwork class constructors are the following.

DefaultNetwork default_network

DefaultNetwork default_network(<re_connect_option>)

<re_connect_option> The Boolean value set for enabling the WiFi reconnection when the WiFi is disconnected.

By define DefaultNetwork with no parameter, the WiFi reconnection will be enabled.


When the WiFi was manage for connection and reconnection by user code or third party library, the <re_connect_option> parameter should be assign with false to avoid the WiFi connection/reconnection interferences.

  • DefaultWiFiNetwork

This DefaultWiFiNetwork class required some parameter for reconnection using WiFi credentials.

The parameters for its class constructor are following.

DefaultWiFiNetwork wifi_network (<FirebaseWiFi>, <re_connect_option>)

<FirebaseWiFi> The FirebaseWiFi class object that used for keeping the network credentials (WiFi APs and WiFi passwords).

<re_connect_option> The bool option for network reconnection.

The FirebaseWiFi class holds the WiFi credentials list. The AP and password can be added to list with addAP.

The FirebaseWiFi object should be defined at the same level of DefaultWiFiNetwork and AsyncClientClass as it will be used internally by reference.

The example for working with multiple WiFi APs.

FirebaseWiFi wifimulti;

DefaultWiFiNetwork default_network(wifimulti, true /* reconnect network */);

void setup()


    wifimulti.addAP(WIFI_SSID1, WIFI_PASSWORD1);
    wifimulti.addAP(WIFI_SSID2, WIFI_PASSWORD2);
    wifimulti.addAP(WIFI_SSID3, WIFI_PASSWORD3);
  • DefaultEthernetNetwork

The DefaultEthernetNetwork class constructors are the following.

DefaultEthernetNetwork default_network

DefaultEthernetNetwork default_network(<Firebase_SPI_ETH_Module>)

<Firebase_SPI_ETH_Module> The ESP8266 core SPI ethernet driver class that work with external SPI Ethernet modules that currently supported e.g. ENC28J60, Wiznet W5100 and Wiznet 5500. This <Firebase_SPI_ETH_Module> should be defined at the same level as AsyncClientCalss as it will be used internally by reference.

To use ESP8266 native Ethernet, the one of following macros, #defined ENABLE_ESP8266_ENC28J60_ETH, #definedENABLE_ESP8266_W5500_ETH and #defined ENABLE_ESP8266_W5100_ETH should be defined in src/Config.h or user defined src/UserConfig.h or adding ENABLE_ESP8266_ENC28J60_ETH, ENABLE_ESP8266_W5500_ETH and ENABLE_ESP8266_W5100_ETH in compiler build flags.

The example for using ENC28J60lwIP with ESP8266

#include <ENC28J60lwIP.h>

#define ETH_CS_PIN 16 // D0

ENC28J60lwIP eth(ETH_CS_PIN);

Firebase_SPI_ETH_Module spi_eth;

DefaultEthernetNetwork default_network(spi_eth);

using AsyncClient = AsyncClientClass;

AsyncClient aClient(ssl_client, getNetwork(default_network));

void setup()
      spi_eth.enc28j60 = &eth;

See this example for using ESP8266 with its native ethernet library.

For ESP32, to use the native ETH class, define the DefaultEthernetNetwork object with no parameter.

See this example for using ESP32 with its native ethernet library.

  • EthernetNetwork

By default the external Ethernet module can be use with the library as the macro ENABLE_ETHERNET_NETWORK was assigned and Ethernet library was included in the sketch.

The Ethernet library and class other than Ethernet.h and Ethernet can be assigned (optional), see the Library Build Options section.

The calss constructor parameters are following.

EthernetNetwork eth_network(<mac>, <cs_pin>, <reset_pin>, <Firebase_StaticIP>)

<mac> The six bytes mac address.

<cs_pin> The Ethernet module chip select/enable pin.

<reset_pin> The Ethernet module reset pin. Assign -1 if not used.

<Firebase_StaticIP> (Optional) The pointer to Firebase_StaticIP object that holds the static ip configuration.

The Firebase_StaticIP class constructor parameters for static IP are following.

Firebase_StaticIP static_ip(<local_ip>, <subnet>, <gateway>, <dns_server>, <optional>)

<local_ip> The static IP.

<subnet> The subnet IP.

<gateway> The default gateway IP.

<dns_server> The dns server IP.

<optional> The boolean option to force use static IP only (not use DHCP).

See this example for external Ethernet module usage.

  • GSMNetwork

This GSMNetwork class is used for TinyGSMClient library.

As required by the TinyGSMClient library, one of GSM module macro should be defined in the sketch.

For example for SIM7600 module, the macro TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM7600 should be defined.


The GSM module macros e.g. TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM7600 should be defined in src/Config.h or user defined src/UserConfig.h or adding TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM7600 in compiler build flags.

The class constructor parameter are following.

GSMNetwork gsm_network(<modem>, <gsm_pin>, <apn>, <user>, <password>)

<modem> The pointer to TinyGsm modem object. Modem should be initialized and/or set mode before transfering data.

<gsm_pin> The SIM pin.

<apn> The GPRS APN (Access Point Name).

<user> The GPRS user.

<password> The GPRS password.

The TinyGsm modem should be defined at the same level of GSMNetwork and AsyncClientClass as it will be used internally by reference.

See this example for using TinyGSMClient with the library.

  • GenericNetwork

This type of network class is for all networking interfaces with some specific channels or ports e.g. Ethernet Module, WiFI Module, Bluetooth Module, NB-IoT module, and LoRa Module that have the internet access ability.

Since the interface class APIs are variety, the class constructor parameters are the basic callbacks required for network control and network status as following.

GenericNetwork generic_network(<net_connect_callback>, <network_status_callback>)

<net_connect_callback> The network connection callback function.

<network_status_callback>The network status callback function.

Inside the <net_connect_callback>, the complete operation for the carier (network) and internet connection should be perform and waits until the internet connection was established.

In side the <network_status_callback> function, the status (Boolean variable) that passed by reference in the function, should be set based on the network status.

See this example for using WiFi with GenericNetwork for demonstation.

  • Required Operation Flows

When using this library, user have to follow the following operation flows otherwise unknown errors can be occurred.

Operation Flows 1

Operation Flows 2

This library does not run any background process in FreeRTOS task or schedule task and timer ISR.

To maintaining the async tasks, you have to place the code for Maintain Authentication and Async Operation Queue in the infinite loop e.g. main loop() function, timer or scheduler cyclically event's callback function or infinite loop in FreeRTOS task (as in ESP32).

For ESP32's FreeRTOS task, the CPU Core 1 is recommend for safely operation even the library is async operation but the SSL/TLS handshake during establishing the new server connection of the SSL client is the blocking process which can leed to wdt reset error.

Example for Maintain Authentication and Async Operation Queue in ESP32's FreeRTOS task in lambda function usage style.

void setup()
    // Network connection code here

    // Authentication code here

    auto loopTask = [](void *pvParameters)
        for (;;)
            // Maintain Authentication Queue

            // Maintain App Async Queue

            if (app.ready())
                // your other code here
                // For non-callback stream, you can check the information that provided from AsyncResult that assigned with the asyn get function with SSE mode (HTTP Streaming)
            vTaskDelay(10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);

    xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(loopTask, "loopTask", 8000, NULL, 3, NULL, 1 /* must be core 1 for network task */);
  • Basic Example

#include <Arduino.h>
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ARDUINO_RASPBERRY_PI_PICO_W)
#include <WiFi.h>
#elif defined(ESP8266)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#elif __has_include(<WiFiNINA.h>)
#include <WiFiNINA.h>
#elif __has_include(<WiFi101.h>)
#include <WiFi101.h>
#elif __has_include(<WiFiS3.h>)
#include <WiFiS3.h>

#include <FirebaseClient.h>


// The API key can be obtained from Firebase console > Project Overview > Project settings.
#define API_KEY "Web_API_KEY"

// User Email and password that already registerd or added in your project.

void asyncCB(AsyncResult &aResult);

DefaultNetwork network; // initilize with boolean parameter to enable/disable network reconnection

UserAuth user_auth(API_KEY, USER_EMAIL, USER_PASSWORD, 3000 /* expire period in seconds (< 3600) */);

FirebaseApp app;

#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266) || defined(PICO_RP2040)
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
WiFiClientSecure ssl_client;
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD)
#include <WiFiSSLClient.h>
WiFiSSLClient ssl_client;

using AsyncClient = AsyncClientClass;

AsyncClient aClient(ssl_client, getNetwork(network));

RealtimeDatabase Database;

unsigned long to = 0;

void setup()


    // Network connection

    Serial.print("Connecting to Wi-Fi");
    unsigned long ms = millis();
    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
    Serial.print("Connected with IP: ");

    Firebase.printf("Firebase Client v%s\n", FIREBASE_CLIENT_VERSION);

    Serial.println("Initializing app...");

#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266) || defined(PICO_RP2040)
#if defined(ESP8266)
    ssl_client.setBufferSizes(4096, 1024);

    // Authentication


    initializeApp(aClient, app, getAuth(user_auth));

    // Waits for App authenticate
    ms = millis();
    while (app.isInitialized() && !app.ready() && millis() - ms < 120 * 1000)
    // Apply auth data to Service app


    // Call Service App
    if (app.ready())
       // Set int
       Database.set<int>(aClient, "/test/int", 12345, asyncCB);


void loop()
    // Maintain Authentication Queue

    // Maintain App Async Queue

    // Call Service App
    if (app.ready() && millis() - to > 3000)
       to = millis();
       // Get int
       Database.get(aClient, "/test/int", asyncCB);


void asyncCB(AsyncResult &aResult)
    if (aResult.appEvent().code() > 0)
        Firebase.printf("Event msg: %s, code: %d\n", aResult.appEvent().message().c_str(), aResult.appEvent().code());

    if (aResult.isDebug())
        Firebase.printf("Debug msg: %s\n", aResult.debug().c_str());

    if (aResult.isError())
        Firebase.printf("Error msg: %s, code: %d\n", aResult.error().message().c_str(), aResult.error().code());

As the library is the Firebase (REST API) Client, but it also provides the extended functions to use in OTA update, filesystem download and upload as in the old library with cleaner and easy to read API and functions.

The request payload and URL query parameters are supported as class object with the same names and types that represent the inputs and qury parameters that are available from Google API documentation.

The function name or method is the same or identical to the Google API documentation unlesss some function names cannot be used due to prohibit keyword in C/C++, e.g. delete, visibility.

The library provides the placeholder struct for boolean, integer, float with custom precision, double with custom precision and object represents JSON or map and Array for input.

The response payload returning result (output) is straightforward as String.


The async result in the async callback can be lived only inside the callback and it decontructed when async operation is complete. To take the data out from the async result callback, the static or glocal variable should be used to copy the data.

If the size of payload string in async reseut is large, to copy the char array buffer directly, use AsyncResult::payload().c_str() instead.

There is no JSON serialization/deserialization utilized or provided in this library.

See all examples for complete usages.

See function description for all available functions.

Memory Options

  • Memory Options for ESP8266

When you update the ESP8266 Arduino Core SDK to v3.x.x, the memory for Heap and stack can be configurable from IDE.

You can choose the Heap memory between internal and external memory chip from IDE e.g. Arduino IDE and PlatformIO on VSCode or Atom IDE.

  • Arduino IDE

For ESP8266 devices that don't have external SRAM/PSRAM chip installed, choose the MMU option 3, 16KB cache + 48KB IRAM and 2nd Heap (shared).

Arduino IDE config

For ESP8266 devices that have external 23LC1024 SRAM chip installed, choose the MMU option 5, 128K External 23LC1024.


For ESP8266 devices that have external ESP-PSRAM64 chip installed, choose the MMU option 6, 1M External 64 MBit PSRAM.

  • PlatformIO IDE

The MMU options can be selected from build_flags in your project's platformio.ini file

For ESP8266 devices that don't not have external SRAM/PSRAM chip installed, add build flag as below.

platform = espressif8266
board = d1_mini
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200

For ESP8266 devices that have external 23LC1024 SRAM chip installed, add build flag as below.

platform = espressif8266
;128K External 23LC1024
board = d1_mini
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200

For ESP8266 devices that have external ESP-PSRAM64 chip installed, add build flag as below.

platform = espressif8266
;1M External 64 MBit PSRAM
board = d1_mini
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
  • ESP8266 and SRAM/PSRAM Chip connection

Most ESP8266 modules don't have the built-in SRAM/PSRAM on board. External memory chip connection can be done via SPI port as below.

23LC1024/ESP-PSRAM64                ESP8266

CS (Pin 1)                          GPIO15
SCK (Pin 6)                         GPIO14
MOSI (Pin 5)                        GPIO13
MISO (Pin 2)                        GPIO12
/HOLD (Pin 7 on 23LC1024 only)      3V3
Vcc (Pin 8)                         3V3
Vcc (Pin 4)                         GND

Once the external Heap memory was selected in IDE, to allow the library to use the external memory, you can set it in Config.h by define this macro.


This macro was defined by default when you installed or update the library.

  • Memory Options for ESP32

In ESP32 module that has PSRAM installed, you can enable it and set the library to use this external memory instead.

  • Arduino IDE

To enable PSRAM in ESP32 module.

Enable PSRAM in ESP32

  • PlatformIO IDE

In PlatformIO on VSCode or Atom IDE, add the following build_flags in your project's platformio.ini file.

build_flags = -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM -mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue

As in ESP8266, once the external Heap memory was enabled in IDE, to allow the library to use the external memory, you can set it in Config.h by define this macro.


Library Build Options

The library build options are defined as preprocessor macros (#define name).

Some options can be disabled.

  • Predefined Options

The predefined options that are already set in Config.h are following.

ENABLE_DATABASE // For RTDB compilation
ENABLE_FIRESTORE // For Firestore compilation
ENABLE_FIRESTORE_QUERY // For Firestore Query feature compilation
ENABLE_MESSAGING // For Firebase Cloud Messaging compilation
ENABLE_STORAGE // For Firebase Storage compilation
ENABLE_CLOUD_STORAGE // For Google Cloud Storage compilation
ENABLE_FUNCTIONS // For Google Cloud Functions compilation
ENABLE_PSRAM // For enabling PSRAM support
ENABLE_OTA // For enabling OTA updates support via RTDB, Firebase Storage and Google Cloud Storage buckets
ENABLE_FS // For enabling Flash filesystem support
// For enabling authentication and token
// For enabling non-sdk networking
  • Optional Options

The following options are not yet defined in Config.h and can be assigned by user.

FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_LIB `"EthernetLibrary.h"` // For the Ethernet library to work with external Ethernet module
FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_CLASS EthernetClass // For the Ethernet class object of Ethernet library to work with external Ethernet module
FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_TIMEOUT 2000 // For the time out in milliseconds to wait external Ethernet module to connect to network
ENABLE_ESP8266_ENC28J60_ETH //  For native core library ENC28J60 Ethernet module support in ESP8266
ENABLE_ESP8266_W5500_ETH // For native core library W5500 Ethernet module support in ESP8266
ENABLE_ESP8266_W5100_ETH // For native core library W5100 Ethernet module support in ESP8266
FIREBASE_DISABLE_ONBOARD_WIFI // For disabling on-board WiFI functionality in case external Client usage
FIREBASE_DISABLE_NATIVE_ETHERNET // For disabling native (sdk) Ethernet functionality in case external Client usage
ENABLE_ASYNC_TCP_CLIENT // For Async TCP Client usage
FIREBASE_ASYNC_QUEUE_LIMIT // For maximum async queue limit setting for an async client
FIREBASE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_PORT // For Firebase.printf debug port

You can assign the optional build options using one of the following methods.

  • By creating user config file UserConfig.h in library installed folder and define these optional options.

  • By adding compiler build flags with -D name.

In PlatformIO IDE, using build_flags in PlatformIO IDE's platformio.ini is more convenient

build_flags = -D DISABLE_FB_STORAGE

For external Ethernet module integation used with function setEthernetClient, both FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_LIB and FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_CLASS should be defined.

FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_LIB is the Ethernet library name with extension (.h) and should be inside "" or <> e.g. "Ethernet.h".

FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_CLASS is the name of static object defined from class e.g. Ethernet.

FIREBASE_ETHERNET_MODULE_TIMEOUT is the time out in milliseconds to wait network connection.

For disabling predefined options instead of editing the Config.h or using #undef in UserConfig.h, you can define these build flags with these names or macros in UserConfig.h.

DISABLE_DATABASE // For disabling RTDB support
DISABLE_FIRESTORE // For disabling Firestore support
DISABLE_FIRESTORE_QUERY // For Firestore Query feature compilation
DISABLE_MESSAGING // For disabling Firebase Cloud Messaging support
DISABLE_STORAGE // For disabling Firebase Storage support
ENABLE_CLOUD_STORAGE // For disabling Google Cloud Storage support
DISABLE_FUNCTIONS // For disabling Google Cloud Functions support
DISABLE_PSRAM // For disabling PSRAM support
DISABLE_OTA // For disabling OTA updates support
DISABLE_FS // For disabling filesystem support
// For disabling authentication and token

FIREBASE_DISABLE_ALL_OPTIONS // For disabling all predefined build options above


UserConfig.h for user config should be placed in the library installed folder inside the src folder.

This UserConfig.h will not change or overwrite when update the library.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2024 K. Suwatchai (Mobizt)

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person returning a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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