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crypto2's Issues

How can I test AesSivCmac512 correctly?

I use miscreant.aes.siv in my python script and I'm trying to migrate it to Rust using Crypto2 AES SIV. ( does not support Aes512Cmac now)

Mac and Key are 32bit. So I need the Aes512Cmac. But, It's not the same results.
I think my rust code is something wrong. I tried to figure it out and find it in the Crypto2 documents, but I couldn't.
How can I get the same results correctly like the miscreant-py?

Python test script

from miscreant.aes.siv import SIV

mac = [210, 74, 211, 191, 98, 164, 14, 238, 213, 192, 46, 64, 133, 107, 253, 41, 115, 180, 47, 142, 210, 48, 204, 114, 122, 55, 36, 204, 135, 225, 178, 130]
key = [232, 50, 179, 61, 118, 166, 202, 75, 10, 83, 158, 144, 212, 124, 251, 51, 71, 61, 233, 200, 200, 21, 19, 53, 41, 66, 242, 96, 230, 20, 194, 195]

print('MAC:', len(mac), [int(i) for i in mac])
print('KEY:', len(key), [int(i) for i in key])
for id in '', 'ff3bb8f2-dd51-4ac6-9c79-cb0ab79c23e5':
    siv = SIV(bytes(mac + key))
    out = siv.seal(id.encode())
    print('ID:', id)
    print('OUT:', len(out), [int(i) for i in out])
MAC: 32 [210, 74, 211, 191, 98, 164, 14, 238, 213, 192, 46, 64, 133, 107, 253, 41, 115, 180, 47, 142, 210, 48, 204, 114, 122, 55, 36, 204, 135, 225, 178, 130]
KEY: 32 [232, 50, 179, 61, 118, 166, 202, 75, 10, 83, 158, 144, 212, 124, 251, 51, 71, 61, 233, 200, 200, 21, 19, 53, 41, 66, 242, 96, 230, 20, 194, 195]

OUT: 16 [248, 84, 15, 233, 58, 91, 208, 105, 201, 101, 161, 127, 136, 242, 21, 134]

ID: ff3bb8f2-dd51-4ac6-9c79-cb0ab79c23e5
OUT: 52 [86, 67, 223, 72, 65, 160, 109, 83, 86, 81, 231, 36, 195, 68, 40, 120, 43, 219, 25, 194, 233, 134, 143, 212, 219, 19, 187, 159, 110, 229, 109, 111, 150, 57, 230, 50, 24, 120, 210, 146, 178, 254, 204, 20, 31, 10, 22, 128, 97, 143, 172, 74]

Rust test code

use crypto2::aeadcipher::AesSivCmac512;

let id = "";
let mac: [u8; 32] = [210, 74, 211, 191, 98, 164, 14, 238, 213, 192, 46, 64, 133, 107, 253, 41, 115, 180, 47, 142, 210, 48, 204, 114, 122, 55, 36, 204, 135, 225, 178, 130];
let key: [u8; 32] = [232, 50, 179, 61, 118, 166, 202, 75, 10, 83, 158, 144, 212, 124, 251, 51, 71, 61, 233, 200, 200, 21, 19, 53, 41, 66, 242, 96, 230, 20, 194, 195];
let mut key = Vec::new();
let cipher = AesSivCmac512::new(&key);
let mut plaintext = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..AesSivCmac512::TAG_LEN {
    plaintext.insert(0, 0);
// for _ in 0..16 {
//     plaintext.push(0);
// }
cipher.encrypt_slice(&[], &mut plaintext);
println!("KEY {:?}", key);
println!("MAC {:?}", mac);
println!("ID {:?}", id);
println!("OUT {} {:?}", plaintext[AesSivCmac512::TAG_LEN..].len(), &plaintext[AesSivCmac512::TAG_LEN..]);
PLAINTEXT: 16 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
KEY [232, 50, 179, 61, 118, 166, 202, 75, 10, 83, 158, 144, 212, 124, 251, 51, 71, 61, 233, 200, 200, 21, 19, 53, 41, 66, 242, 96, 230, 20, 194, 195]
MAC [210, 74, 211, 191, 98, 164, 14, 238, 213, 192, 46, 64, 133, 107, 253, 41, 115, 180, 47, 142, 210, 48, 204, 114, 122, 55, 36, 204, 135, 225, 178, 130]
ID ""
OUT 0 []

sm4 - cbc 模式加密,要求【明文】长度是 16 的整数倍,扩容填充 0,造成解密后 \u{0} 出现。

大神,您的 crypto 库真心地佬强大了。

  • 首先,我修改 cargo.toml 文件,以 git 依赖的方式,将 crypto 引作依赖
crypto2 = {git = "", branch = "master", package = "crypto"}
  • 其次,我在使用其提供的 sm4 - cbc 模式时,注意到被加密【明文】(utf-8 英文字母,数字与下划线)的长度必须是 16 的整数倍。16 被定义在属性 Sm4Cbc::BLOCK_LEN 内。

  • 然后,我照做了。

    (1)将【明文】字符串(比如,abcde,123 )转换成 &[u8] 数组。
    (2)若 &[u8] 数组的长度不是 16 的整数倍,则将其扩容至 16 的整数倍。
    (3)扩容的新数组元素,填充值为 0。我做的左侧填充。

  • 于是,sm4 加密之。运行正常。牛!!

  • 接着,将加密之后的新 &[u8] 做 base64 编码。发送给后端 web server。

  • 接下来,后端先 base64 解码;再使用 crypto 库 sm4 - cbc 模式的解密 Public API 将【密文】解密为【明文】 &[u8]

  • 最后,再使用 String::from_utf8() 将 【明文】 &[u8] 变形回【明文】 字符串。



我分析:上面左侧一连串的 \u{0} 是我在加密过程中,给 &[u8] 数组左填充的 0。右侧的解决结果 abcde,123 是正确的。太牛了!!!

大神,对于潜在任意长度的【明文】 字符串,我如何才能避免或解决(加密过程中)由 &[u8] 数组扩容(长度必须是 16 的整数倍)填充值 0 造成的 解密结果里的 \u{0} 呀?


use base64;
use crypto2::blockmode::Sm4Cbc;
use std::error::Error;
/// 加密
pub fn encrypt_cbc(text: &str, iv: &str, key: Option<String>) -> String {
    let key = match key {
        Some(value) => value,
        None => CIPHER_IV.to_string()
    let mut cipher = Sm4Cbc::new(key.as_bytes(), iv.as_bytes());
    let cipher_text = text.as_bytes(); // 明文字符串 -> 明文 &[u8]
    let original_len = cipher_text.len(); 
    let pad_len = ((original_len as f64 / Sm4Cbc::BLOCK_LEN as f64).ceil() * 16_f64) as usize; // 计算 16 的整数倍
    let mut cipher_text1: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    for _ in original_len..pad_len {
    cipher_text1.extend_from_slice(cipher_text); // 扩容与左侧填充 0
    cipher.encrypt(&mut cipher_text1);
/// 解密
pub fn decrypt_cbc(cipher_text: &str, iv: &str, key: Option<String>) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
    let key = match key {
        Some(value) => value,
        None => CIPHER_IV.to_string()
    let cipher_text = base64::decode(cipher_text)?;
    let mut cipher = Sm4Cbc::new(key.as_bytes(), iv.as_bytes());
    let mut cipher_text: Vec<u8> = cipher_text.iter().cloned().collect();
    cipher.decrypt(&mut cipher_text);
    match String::from_utf8(cipher_text) {
        Ok(rs) => Ok(rs),
        Err(err) => Err(Box::new(err))

大神,我想在项目里使用您这个加密库。sm4 - cbc 模式就差最后这么一点就搞定了。希望获得您的指点与帮助。

aes encryption result is incorrect

java code

public static String AESEncrypt(String plainText, SecretKey key) throws NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException {
        if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(plainText)) return plainText;
        Cipher aesCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
        aesCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
        return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(aesCipher.doFinal(plainText.getBytes()));

public static void main(String[] args) {
        String key = "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI=";
        String before = "James";
        try {
            String after = AESEncrypt(before, new SecretKeySpec(Base64.getDecoder().decode(key), "AES"));
        } catch (Exception e) {

java code ouput


rust code

pub fn test_aes(&self, password: String, data: String) -> String {
        let key = base64::decode(password).unwrap();
        let cipher = Aes256::new(key.as_slice());
        let mut text = data.as_bytes().clone().to_owned();
        cipher.encrypt(&mut text);
        return base64::encode(text);

pub fn test(&self) {
        let password = "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI=".to_string();
        let data = "James".to_string();
        println!("{}\n{}", data.clone(), self.test_aes(password, data));

rust code ouput


base64("12345678901234567890123456789012") = "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI"

aes online result

Is there anything wrong with how I use it?

疑似缺陷bug: 使用此 crypto 包 sm4 -cbc 加密的密文不能被 JAVA 版 sm4 包解密。求帮助!


我使用由此 crypto 包交叉编译而来的 wasm - npm 依赖,从前端 sm4 - cbc 加密明文。然后,传输【密文】给后端 java web server 解密。但是,后端 java web server 不能成功解密。注意:crypto 包是能够成功解密自己加密的密文的。关于此,我写过单元测试,验证过了。

通过与后端 java web server 大牛的反复沟通(我是不会后端的小前端一枚),他们给我一个【京东数科】的在线【SM4 - 128位 - cbc】加密与解密工具。而且,java 大牛告诉我:“后端使用的 java 版本128 位 sm4 cbc加密与解密结果与【京东数科】在线工具一致”。


  • Key(16): 1234567890123456
  • nonce(16): abcdefghijkmlnop
  • padding模式: nopadding
  • 明文(16): zyxwvusrqponlmkj


  • Hex: 8ea150185ca6fc6937a2014be655f01a



接着,我在咱们 crypto 包的src\blockmode\cbc.rs文件里,添加了一个新单元测试:

fn test_sm4_enc() { //
    let key = "1234567890123456".as_bytes();
    let nonce = "abcdefghijkmlnop".as_bytes();
    let plain_text = "zyxwvusrqponlmkj".as_bytes(); // 十六位,不需要填充,所以是 nopadding 模式
    let mut cipher = Sm4Cbc::new(&key, &nonce);
    let mut cipher_text = Vec::new();
    cipher.encrypt(&mut cipher_text);
    let cipher_text = hex::encode(cipher_text);
    assert_eq!(cipher_text, "8ea150185ca6fc6937a2014be655f01a");

在运行了上面的单元测试之后,我发现它们的加密结果真的不一样。咱们 crypto 包的加密结果是:b5330fcbc79100ddcc7caa8534ea66f5


最后,请 @LuoZijun 等大神们看一眼,是我在单元测试里写的调用方式不对(会不会是我直接使用.as_bytes()是不对的?),还是咱们伟大的 crypto 包真的有缺陷。


编译系统:fedora 32
rust tool-chain:nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (12-30)

screen -S ss.rust -d -m -L ./ssserver --config shadowsocks.json -v -U --inbound-send-buffer-size 8192 --inbound-recv-buffer-size 8192 --outbound-send-buffer-size 8192 --outbound-recv-buffer-size 8192


thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: aead_pkt.len() >= Self::TAG_LEN', /root/.cargo/registry/src/


pub fn decrypt_slice(&self, nonce: &[u8], aad: &[u8], aead_pkt: &mut [u8]) -> bool {
    assert_eq!(nonce.len(), Self::NONCE_LEN);
    assert!(aead_pkt.len() >= Self::TAG_LEN);

    let clen = aead_pkt.len() - Self::TAG_LEN;

    let nonce = Nonce::try_assume_unique_for_key(nonce).unwrap();
    let aad   = Aad::from(aad);

    match self.cipher.open_in_place(nonce, aad, aead_pkt) {
        Ok(plaintext) => {
            assert_eq!(plaintext.len(), clen);
        Err(_) => {




是不是,我本地使用的 rustc 版本太老了,还是需要安装一些其它的东西,才能解决 the trait std::array::LengthAtMost32 is not implemented for [u8; 64] 的问题呀?


clippy: array out-of-bound in blockmode/gcm-siv

error: range is out of bounds
   --> src/blockmode/
21  | / macro_rules! impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode {
22  | |     ($name:tt, $cipher:tt) => {
23  | |
24  | |         #[derive(Clone)]
...   |
114 | |                     ek[16..24].copy_from_slice(&tmp[0..8]);
    | |                            ^^
...   |
283 | |     }
284 | | }
    | |_- in this expansion of `impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!`
285 | 
286 |   impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!(Aes128GcmSiv, Aes128);
    |   ----------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = note: requested on the command line with `-D clippy::out-of-bounds-indexing`
    = help: for further information visit

error: range is out of bounds
   --> src/blockmode/
21  | / macro_rules! impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode {
22  | |     ($name:tt, $cipher:tt) => {
23  | |
24  | |         #[derive(Clone)]
...   |
119 | |                     ek[24..32].copy_from_slice(&tmp[0..8]);
    | |                        ^^
...   |
283 | |     }
284 | | }
    | |_- in this expansion of `impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!`
285 | 
286 |   impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!(Aes128GcmSiv, Aes128);
    |   ----------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = help: for further information visit

error: range is out of bounds
   --> src/blockmode/
21  | / macro_rules! impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode {
22  | |     ($name:tt, $cipher:tt) => {
23  | |
24  | |         #[derive(Clone)]
...   |
114 | |                     ek[16..24].copy_from_slice(&tmp[0..8]);
    | |                            ^^
...   |
283 | |     }
284 | | }
    | |_- in this expansion of `impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!`
289 |   impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!(Sm4GcmSiv, Sm4);
    |   ----------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = help: for further information visit

error: range is out of bounds
   --> src/blockmode/
21  | / macro_rules! impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode {
22  | |     ($name:tt, $cipher:tt) => {
23  | |
24  | |         #[derive(Clone)]
...   |
119 | |                     ek[24..32].copy_from_slice(&tmp[0..8]);
    | |                        ^^
...   |
283 | |     }
284 | | }
    | |_- in this expansion of `impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!`
289 |   impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!(Sm4GcmSiv, Sm4);
    |   ----------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = help: for further information visit

error: range is out of bounds
   --> src/blockmode/
21  | / macro_rules! impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode {
22  | |     ($name:tt, $cipher:tt) => {
23  | |
24  | |         #[derive(Clone)]
...   |
114 | |                     ek[16..24].copy_from_slice(&tmp[0..8]);
    | |                            ^^
...   |
283 | |     }
284 | | }
    | |_- in this expansion of `impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!`
290 |   impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!(Camellia128GcmSiv, Camellia128);
    |   --------------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = help: for further information visit

error: range is out of bounds
   --> src/blockmode/
21  | / macro_rules! impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode {
22  | |     ($name:tt, $cipher:tt) => {
23  | |
24  | |         #[derive(Clone)]
...   |
119 | |                     ek[24..32].copy_from_slice(&tmp[0..8]);
    | |                        ^^
...   |
283 | |     }
284 | | }
    | |_- in this expansion of `impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!`
290 |   impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!(Camellia128GcmSiv, Camellia128);
    |   --------------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = help: for further information visit

error: range is out of bounds
   --> src/blockmode/
21  | / macro_rules! impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode {
22  | |     ($name:tt, $cipher:tt) => {
23  | |
24  | |         #[derive(Clone)]
...   |
114 | |                     ek[16..24].copy_from_slice(&tmp[0..8]);
    | |                            ^^
...   |
283 | |     }
284 | | }
    | |_- in this expansion of `impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!`
292 |   impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!(Aria128GcmSiv, Aria128);
    |   ------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = help: for further information visit

error: range is out of bounds
   --> src/blockmode/
21  | / macro_rules! impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode {
22  | |     ($name:tt, $cipher:tt) => {
23  | |
24  | |         #[derive(Clone)]
...   |
119 | |                     ek[24..32].copy_from_slice(&tmp[0..8]);
    | |                        ^^
...   |
283 | |     }
284 | | }
    | |_- in this expansion of `impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!`
292 |   impl_block_cipher_with_gcm_siv_mode!(Aria128GcmSiv, Aria128);
    |   ------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    = help: for further information visit

error: aborting due to 8 previous errors

shadowsocks-android compilation error: cannot find function `vmull_p64` in this scope


> Task :core:cargoBuildArm64
   Compiling crypto2 v0.1.2
   Compiling serde-value v0.7.0
   Compiling mio v0.7.11
   Compiling json5 v0.3.0
error[E0425]: cannot find function `vmull_p64` in this scope
    --> .cargo/registry/src/
16   |     transmute(vmull_p64(a, b))
     |               ^^^^^^^^^ help: a function with a similar name exists: `vmul_f64`
    ::: .rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/../../stdarch/crates/core_arch/src/aarch64/neon/
4477 | pub unsafe fn vmul_f64(a: float64x1_t, b: float64x1_t) -> float64x1_t {
     | --------------------------------------------------------------------- similarly named function `vmul_f64` defined here
   Compiling log4rs v1.0.0
   Compiling tokio v1.5.0
error: aborting due to 6 previous errors

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0425`.
error: could not compile `crypto2`

The i386 build seems to have problems with illegal instructions.

The i386 build seems to have problems with illegal instructions.

I guess it's related to crypto2:

For some old x86 devices without AES instructions, we may need to disable the ASM here.

To simplify the logic, we can totally disable assembly acceleration on armeabi and i386 build.

/data/user_de/0/com.github.shadowsocks/no_backup/stat_main -c /data/user/0/com.github.shadowsocks/no_backup/shadowsocks.conf --vpn -U --dns-addr --remote-dns-addr --acl /data/user_de/0/com.github.shadowsocks/no_backup/bypass-lan.acl
12-11 16:58:39.620 11047 11047 F libc    : Fatal signal 4 (SIGILL), code 2 (ILL_ILLOPN), fault addr 0x5f62c2e7 in tid 11047 (, pid 11047 (
12-11 16:58:39.657 11053 11053 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
12-11 16:58:39.660  1873  1873 I /system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 11047
12-11 16:58:39.672 11053 11053 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 11047 (target tid = 11047)
12-11 16:58:39.672 11053 11053 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
12-11 16:58:39.672 11053 11053 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'google/sdk_gphone_x86/generic_x86:10/QSR1.190920.001/5891938:user/release-keys'
12-11 16:58:39.672 11053 11053 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
12-11 16:58:39.672 11053 11053 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'x86'
12-11 16:58:39.672 11053 11053 F DEBUG   : Timestamp: 2020-12-11 16:58:39+0800
12-11 16:58:39.673 11053 11053 F DEBUG   : pid: 11047, tid: 11047, name:  >>> /data/app/com.github.shadowsocks-aP4h93XpVwl34bjFzFASdQ==/lib/x86/ <<<
12-11 16:58:39.673 11053 11053 F DEBUG   : uid: 10134
12-11 16:58:39.673 11053 11053 F DEBUG   : signal 4 (SIGILL), code 2 (ILL_ILLOPN), fault addr 0x5f62c2e7 (*pc=0x8328f8c5)
12-11 16:58:39.673 11053 11053 F DEBUG   :     eax ffb366f4  ebx 5f9abe24  ecx ef469068  edx 00000000
12-11 16:58:39.673 11053 11053 F DEBUG   :     edi ffb366f4  esi 0000000d
12-11 16:58:39.673 11053 11053 F DEBUG   :     ebp ffb366f4  esp ffb36630  eip 5f62c2e7
12-11 16:58:39.685 11053 11053 F DEBUG   :
12-11 16:58:39.685 11053 11053 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
12-11 16:58:39.685 11053 11053 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 000cb2e7  /data/app/com.github.shadowsocks-aP4h93XpVwl34bjFzFASdQ==/lib/x86/
12-11 16:58:39.685 11053 11053 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 000898e8  /apex/ (__libc_init+120) (BuildId: 76290498408016ad14f4b98c3ab6c65c)

Originally posted by @madeye in shadowsocks/shadowsocks-android#2622 (comment)


The fastest cryptographic library in the galaxy


Compile with wasm-pack failed


I‘ve already install nightly toolchain, just like :

Default host: x86_64-apple-darwin
rustup home:  /Users/limodou/.rustup

installed toolchains

nightly-x86_64-apple-darwin (default)

installed targets for active toolchain


active toolchain

nightly-x86_64-apple-darwin (default)
rustc 1.60.0-nightly (8cdb3cd94 2022-01-25)

So how to fixed the error? Thanks.

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    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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