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stdio's Issues

question not work on windows.

stdio.question("Question?", ['y', 'n'], function(error, answer){
    if (answer == 'Y'){
        console.log("Yes entered");
        console.log("No entered");

Input doesn't handlet at all and callback never called.

Allow for specification of all question options, preserving backward compatibility

In addition to taking an array as the third argument to stdio.question for the valid responses (for backward compatibility), accept an object with the following keys/ For example:

  echo: true, // default: true
  regex: /[aAbBcC]+/, // default: /.*/
  values: ['male', 'female'] // default: null/undefined/[]

Really, though, values could be shorthand for regex (/male|female/ in the example above).

I thought of this as a more general mechanism while entering #15, which this issue could supercede.

[BUG] A couple of issues with getopt() -- user needs a consistent way to signify end of options

Test case 1:

    config: { _meta_: { args: 1 } },
    command: "node program.js foo",
    expected: { args: ['foo'] },

Fails. Program output: Option "--_meta_" requires 1 arguments, but 0 were provided

Test case 2:

    config: { move: { key: 'm', args: '*' } },
    command: "node program.js -m 1 2 3",
    expected: { move: ['1', '2', '3'] },

Fails. Actually returns: {move: true}. I would've expected either {move: ['1', '2', '3']} or {move: true, args: ['1', '2', '3']}. It's an ambiguous command, because you're not currently allowing the user a way to signify the end of options (e.g., using --). So as a workaround, we can add a dummy option like -e to signify the end of options, but that's kinda kludgy. I tried to hack a -- implementation with the config option end: {key: '-' }, but that didn't work. Key has to be a letter, heh. Oh well.

In some configurations, I can get around these ambiguity limitations by entering the "positional arguments" before the options, but that's really unintuitive. What we really need is the ability to do something like, node program.js -m 1 2 3 -- foo bar. That would resolve the ambiguity issue -- it would make it clear that 1 2 3 are the values for the -m switch, and that foo bar are the positional arguments.

Wrong parsing when run in command mode

This is a rather hard problem to explain, so please bear with me. As you know, the loadtest library now uses stdio to parse arguments. It usually works very well, but I just got an interesting bug report: when run as a command, parsing seems to be broken for strings with "=" in them. Sample:

$ loadtest http://localhost:80/ -c 1 -n 1 -H "Cookie:SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT=ZmYzYjZmYjItZThjOS00ZmZhLTkyOWQtZDRjYzE3NmRmZWIy"
Options: {"args":["http://localhost:80/","ZmYzYjZmYjItZThjOS00ZmZhLTkyOWQtZDRjYzE3NmRmZWIy"],"concurrency":"1","maxRequests":"1","headers":"Cookie:SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT"}

The second line is a printout of options as parsed: it incorrectly parses two arguments http://localhost:80/and ZmYzYjZmYjItZThjOS00ZmZhLTkyOWQtZDRjYzE3NmRmZWIy, when the second one is inside one parameter -H.

This does not happen when run from within node, as:

$ node bin/loadtest.js http://localhost:80/ -c 1 -n 1 -H "Cookie:SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT=ZmYzYjZmYjItZThjOS00ZmZhLTkyOWQtZDRjYzE3NmRmZWIy"

If you want you can test it with loadtest, or just create a command in node.js using the bin part in package.json:

    "bin": {
        "loadtest": "bin/loadtest.js",
        "testserver-loadtest": "bin/testserver.js"

options help text evaluates default values to decide if it shows them

the printing of help text for command-line options is great, except that if an option is defined to have a default value which evaluates as JS "falsey", the default value text is not shown. well, sometimes it's not entirely obvious that a program's boolean option defaults to false and it'd be nice for the help text to say so, like it does say if the default value happens to be true.

the same nonsense happens for default values of zero, too.

so stop evaluating and passing judgment on the values --- just print them. or if you're really dead-set on judging, at least do the appropriate JS thing and compare the value (using ===) to undefined, rather than dumping any "falsey" value.

Parse several options at once

If I define:

var options = stdio.getopt({
    after: {key: 'a', args: 0, mandatory: false, description: 'After'},
    before: {key: 'b', args: 0, mandatory: false, description: 'Before'},

Then I should be able to run:

command -ab

Specifying two short options at once, instead of:

command -a -b

issues with latest version. staying on 0.2.7

This is a really useful module which I want to keep using.

I was using it a lot but haven't been doing much node in 2/3 yrs.
Version 0.2.7 ( 20K downloads in last wk ) still works, fairly intuitively, with no problems, as documented.

Install latest (2.1.1) and I'm looking at problems for over an hour now. Eg.

[bob@wsa test]$ ls
total 12K
 941606057    0 drwxrwxr-x.  4 bob bob 103 Nov 23 11:44 .
 186279429    0 drwxrwxr-x. 12 bob bob 192 Nov 23 11:42 ..
 942952508 4.0K -rw-rw-r--.  1 bob bob 252 Nov 23 12:13 main.js
1007631616    0 drwxrwxr-x.  3 bob bob  66 Nov 23 11:43 nbproject
1007631638    0 drwxrwxr-x.  3 bob bob  45 Nov 23 11:50 node_modules
 942958148 4.0K -rw-rw-r--.  1 bob bob 264 Nov 23 11:50 package.json
 942958566 4.0K -rw-rw-r--.  1 bob bob 849 Nov 23 11:50 package-lock.json
[bob@wsa test]$ cat main.js
const stdio = require('stdio'); 
const cmdoptions = stdio.getopt(
        username: {key: 'u', args:1, description: 'db username',required:false},
        password: {key: 'p', args:1, description: 'db password',required:false}      
[bob@wsa test]$ cat package.json
    "name": "test",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "keywords": [
    "author": "bob",
    "contributors": [],
    "dependencies": {
        "stdio": "^2.1.1"
[bob@wsa test]$ node main
Option "--username" requires 1 arguments, but 0 were provided
USAGE: node main [OPTION1] [OPTION2]... arg1 arg2...
The following options are supported:
  -u, --username <ARG1>         db username
  -p, --password <ARG1>         db password

Why the error message when neither is "required" ?

[bob@wsa test]$ npm uninstall stdio

removed 1 package, and audited 1 package in 172ms

found 0 vulnerabilities
[bob@wsa test]$ npm install [email protected]

added 1 package, and audited 2 packages in 1s

found 0 vulnerabilities
[bob@wsa test]$ cat package.json
    "name": "test",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "keywords": [
    "author": "bob",
    "contributors": [],
    "dependencies": {
        "stdio": "^0.2.7"
[bob@wsa test]$ node main
[bob@wsa test]$ node main --help
USAGE: node main [OPTION1] [OPTION2]... arg1 arg2...
The following options are supported:
  -u, --username <ARG1>         db username
  -p, --password <ARG1>         db password
[bob@wsa test]$ 

as expected.
try something else...

[bob@wsa test]$ cat main.js
import { getopt } from 'stdio';

const options = getopt({
    username: {key: 'u', args:1, description: 'db username',required:false},
    password: {key: 'p', args:1, description: 'db password',required:false}      
[bob@wsa test]$ cat package.json
    "name": "test",
    "type": "module",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "keywords": [
    "author": "bob",
    "contributors": [],
    "dependencies": {
        "stdio": "^2.1.1"
[bob@wsa test]$ node main 
Option "--username" requires 1 arguments, but 0 were provided
USAGE: node main [OPTION1] [OPTION2]... arg1 arg2...
The following options are supported:
  -u, --username <ARG1>         db username
  -p, --password <ARG1>         db password
[bob@wsa test]$ 

Still error.

BUG: incorrect value for { args: '*' }

See this sample code:

const stdio = require('stdio');

var args = stdio.getopt({
    foo: { args: '*' },
    baz: { },


It return correct:

# node test_stdio.js --foo bar --baz
{ foo: 'bar', baz: true }

But when I don't have baz param:

const stdio = require('stdio');

var args = stdio.getopt({
    foo: { args: '*' },


The result is incorrect:

# node test_stdio.js --foo bar
{ foo: true }

param not required but return requires 1 arguments


const stdio = require('stdio');

var args = stdio.getopt({
    foo: { args: 1 , required: false},

# node test_stdio.js
Option "--foo" requires 1 arguments, but 0 were provided
USAGE: node test_stdio.js [OPTION1] [OPTION2]... arg1 arg2...
The following options are supported:
  --foo <ARG1>

The foo param is not required. But I have error: requires 1 arguments, but 0 were provided

Exception when parsing empty option

When trying to parse an empty argument for loadtest I get this exception:

$ node bin/loadtest.js - -n 30 -keepalive --rps 10

                if (expected.args === 1) {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'args' of null
    at Object.module.exports.getopt (/Users/afernandez/projects/loadtest/node_modules/stdio/main.js:163:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/afernandez/projects/loadtest/bin/loadtest.js:18:21)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
    at startup (node.js:119:16)
    at node.js:902:3

Note that there is a single dash - at the beginning of the line. It should not crash but show usage.

Incorrect argument parsing when "=" is part of the argument

Given (coffeescript):

args = require("stdio").getopt
        key: 'm'
        args: 1
        description: "The metadata file"
        mandatory: true
        key: 'f'
        args: 1
        description: "The features file"
        mandatory: true

If I run with:
node merge.js -m loc.ark+=13960=t0000693r.meta.json -f loc.ark+=13960=t0000693r.feat.json

the parsed command line looks like:

{ createHelp: [Function],
  printHelp: [Function],
  meta: 'loc.ark+=13960',
  args: [ 't0000693r.meta.json', 't0000693r.feat.json' ],
  features: 'loc.ark+=13960' }

But the file names are correct. One file is named loc.ark+=13960=t0000693r.meta.json and the other loc.ark+=13960=t0000693r.feat.json. (I can't do anything about the names since they come out of another tool which parses what's called a "pairtree" directory structure).

The "=" sign in the filename is causing stdio to believe there's an assignment there when in fact it's not. I tried escaping the = with = but that didn't do anything. I suggest adding another option to the configuration (in addition to "key", "args", "description"...etc.) like "decodeAssignment": true | false (you can think of a better name for it)


Export the `Config` type

Currently its hard to specify a type for a config, unless its an explicite param for getopts().

All used types should be exported along with the main entry point of the module. Thanks.

Args with asterisk is not working when is passed as a last


When pass the parameter that have multiple variable args as last parameter it just return true as response for this parameter

Follow the bellow example:

# myfile.js
const args = getopt({
  foo: { args: 1, required: true },
  bar: { args: '*', required: true }


When you try to use it with "bar" as last parameter:

node myfile.js --foo foo --bar bar some-bar

You'll get it

$ node myfile.js --foo foo --bar bar some-bar
{ foo: 'foo', bar: true }

But if you try to use "bar" as non-last parameter it'll works:

node myfile.js --bar bar some-bar --foo foo
# output: { bar: [ 'bar', 'some-bar' ], foo: 'foo' }

printHelp() not working in 0.2.x

Yesterday I updated to stdio 0.2.x, and when trying to use printHelp() it crashes:

                       return options.printHelp();
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'printHelp'
   at (/home/user/module/lib/code.js:376:19)

What am I doing wrong?

getopt: name containing dash (e.g. --num-max) supported?

It's common for long options to contain -. I can't figure out a way to add a name that contains a dash.

I was hoping either _ gets converted to -, or that it's possible to specify a destination variable. I believe python's argparse works this way.

Allow for specification of 'no echo' when asking question

I want to prompt the user for a password, but can't figure out how to tell stdio.question how to ask for a password and ensure that no characters are being echoed to the screen.

I expected to be able to do something like this:

var pwd;
stdio.question('Password: ', {
  echo: false
}, function(err,p) {
  if (err) //...
  pwd = p;

but I don't see it documented anywhere.

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