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Utils πŸ”

Utils functions and classes to any NodeJS project

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The intention behind this repository is to always maintain a Utils package with varied functions and classes to any NodeJS project.


npm install @secjs/utils



Use the collection to work with arrays and objects. Collection uses the collect.js package under the hood. This class offers an (almost) identical api to Laravel Collections.

import { Collection } from '@secjs/utils'

const collection = new Collection([1, 2, 3])


Use File to create an instance of a File, it's existing or not.

import { File } from '@secjs/utils'

// With file you can manipulate an existing file, or create a new one

const existentFile = new File('path/to/existent/file.txt')
const nonExistentFile = new File('path/to/nonExistent/file.txt', Buffer.from('File content'))

// Now existentFile and nonExistentFile instances are created, but not loaded/created

// using load here because the file already exists, if using create, would generate an exception
existentFile.loadSync({ withContent: true })
// property withContent if true, will save the file content in the instance, Be careful with big files
nonExistentFile.createSync().loadSync({ withContent: true })

// now the files will have this properties

// you can delete the file using remove method
existentFile.removeSync() // void

// you can get the content of the file with getContent method
console.log(existentFile.getContentSync()) // Some Buffer instance

// you can use toJSON method to get the instance informations in JSON
console.log(existentFile.toJSON()) // { ...infos }

// you can make a copy from existentFile using copy

// you can move existentFile to other path using move

// you can add content to the end of the file with append

// you can add content to the top of the file with prepend

// File uses readable streams in async methods to not block the event loop when handling huge files content
await existentFile.load()
await existentFile.copy()
await existentFile.move()
await existentFile.remove()
await existentFile.create()
await existentFile.append()
await existentFile.prepend()
await existentFile.getContent()

// You can use safeRemove method to delete the file without any exception if it does no exists
await File.safeRemove(existentFile.path)

// You can use isFileSync to verify if path is a file or directory
await File.isFileSync('package.json')

// You can use existsSync to verify if file exists
await File.existsSync('package.json')

// You can use createFileOfSize to create a fake file with determined size
// 100MB
await File.createFileOfSize('fake.js', 1024 * 1024 * 100)


Use Folder to create an instance of a Folder, it's existing or not.

import { Folder } from '@secjs/utils'

// With folder you can manipulate an existing folder, or create a new one

const existentFolder = new Folder('path/to/existent/folder')
const nonExistentFolder = new Folder('path/to/nonExistent/folder')

// Now existentFolder and nonExistentFolder instances are created, but not loaded/created

// using load here because the file already exists, if using create, would generate an exception
existentFolder.loadSync({ withSub: true, withFileContent: false })

// property withSub if true, will load files and subFolders from the folder
// property withFileContent if true, will get the content of all files in the folder, Be careful with big files
nonExistentFolder.createSync().loadSync({ withSub: true, withFileContent: true })

// now the folders will have this properties

// you can delete the folder using remove method
existentFolder.removeSync() // void

// you can use toJSON method to get the instance informations in JSON
console.log(existentFolder.toJSON()) // { ...infos }

// you can make a copy from existentFolder using copy

// you can move existentFolder to other path using move

// you can use getFilesByPattern method to get all files in the folder that match some pattern
// if recursive is true, will go inside subFolders too
const recursive = true
console.log(existentFolder.getFilesByPattern('**/*.ts', recursive)) // [...files instance]

// you can use getFoldersByPattern method to get all folders in the folder that match some pattern
console.log(existentFolder.getFoldersByPattern('**', recursive)) // [...folders instance]

// Folder uses readable streams in async methods to not block the event loop when handling huge files content
await existentFolder.load()
await existentFolder.copy()
await existentFolder.move()
await existentFolder.remove()
await existentFolder.create()

// You can use safeRemove method to delete the folder without any exception if it does no exists
await Folder.safeRemove(existentFile.path)

// You can use isFolderSync to verify if path directory or file
await Folder.isFolderSync('path/to/folder')

// You can use existsSync to verify if folders exists
await Folder.existsSync('path/to/folder')


Use Is to validate if value is from some type or is empty, is uuid, is cpf, is cep, etc...

import { Is } from '@secjs/utils'

// Is class is a validator. It validates if the value matches the name of the function and returns a boolean

Is.Empty('') // true
Is.Empty([]) // true
Is.Empty([1]) // false
Is.Empty({}) // true
Is.Empty({ hello: 'world' }) // false
Is.Empty(' ') // true
Is.Empty('hello') // false

Is.Json('not-valid-json') // false
Is.Ip('not-valid-ip') // false
Is.Uuid('not-valid-uuid') // false
Is.Cep('not-valid-cep') // false
Is.Cpf('not-valid-cpf') // false
Is.Cnpj('not-valid-cnpj') // false
Is.Async(() => {
}) // false
Is.Async(async () => {
}) // true
Is.Async(() => {
  new Promise((resolve => resolve()))
}) // true

Is.String('value') // true
Is.Undefined('value') // false
Is.Null('value') // false
Is.Boolean('value') // false
Is.Buffer('value') // false
Is.Number('value') // false
Is.Object('value') // false
Is.Date('value') // false
Is.Array('value') // false
Is.Regexp('value') // false
Is.Error('value') // false
Is.Function('value') // false
Is.Class('value') // false
Is.Integer('value') // false
Is.Float('value') // false

Is.ArrayOfObjects('') // false
Is.ArrayOfObjects([1, 2, 3]) // false
Is.ArrayOfObjects([{ hello: 'world' }]) // true


Use String to generate random strings, normalizations and case changes

import { String } from '@secjs/utils'

// With String you can change the case of strings

const string = 'Hello world'
const capitalize = true

String.toCamelCase(string) // 'helloWorld'
String.toPascalCase(string) // 'HelloWorld'
String.toNoCase(string) // 'hello world'
String.toConstantCase(string) // HELLO_WORLD
String.toDashCase(string) // 'hello-world'
String.toDashCase(string, capitalize) // 'Hello-World'
String.toDotCase(string) // ''
String.toDotCase(string, capitalize) // 'Hello.World'
String.toSnakeCase(string) // 'hello_world'
String.toSnakeCase(string, capitalize) // 'Hello_World'
String.toSentenceCase(string) // 'Hello world'
String.toSentenceCase(string, capitalize) // 'Hello World'

// You can generate random strings by size and random hexadecimal colors

String.generateRandom(10) // 'GpXuZScThi'
String.generateRandomColor() // '#d5063b'

// You can put a string in plural or in singular and in ordinal number

String.pluralize(string) // 'Hello worlds'
String.singularize(String.pluralize(string)) // 'Hello world'
String.ordinalize('1') // '1st'
String.ordinalize('2') // '2nd'
String.ordinalize('3') // '3rd'
String.ordinalize('10') // '10th'

// And you can also normalize base64 string

String.normalizeBase64('+++///===') // '---___'


Use exception to extend the Error object and create custom exceptions

import { Exception } from '@secjs/utils'

const content = 'An error has ocurred in your application!'
const status = 500
const code = 'APPLICATION_ERROR'
const help = 'Delete your code and start again'

const exception = new Exception(content, status, code, help)

const withStack = true

 * {
 *   status: 500,
 *   content: 'An error has ocurred in your application!',
 *   help: 'Delete your code and start again',
 *   stack: ...,
 * }

console.log(await exception.prettify()) // Pretty exception log using Youch API

Extending Exception helper

import { Exception } from '@secjs/utils'

export class InternalServerException extends Exception {
  public constructor(content = 'An internal server error has ocurred', status = 500) {
    super(content, status)

throw new InternalServerException()


Use Path to get the absolute path from project folders.

import { Path } from '@secjs/utils'

const subPath = '/hello'

Path.pwd(subPath, beforePath) // '/home/your/computer/path/your-project-name/hello'

// You can set a default before path for most Path methods 
Path.defaultBeforePath = 'build'

Path.pwd(subPath, beforePath) // '/home/your/computer/path/your-project-name/build/hello'

Path.pwd('/src/') // '/home/your/computer/path/your-project-name/build/src'


Handle configurations files values inside your application ecosystem

// First you need to create your configuration file using the file template

// app.ts
export default {
  name: 'secjs'

// database.ts
export default {
  host: '',
  port: Env('PORT', 5432),
  // You can use Config.get inside this config files and Config class will handle it for you
  database: Config.get('')

Loading configuration files and get then

// To load configuration files you need to create a instance of Config
const config = new Config()

// Loading database.ts will automatic load app.ts, because database.ts depends on app.ts

// So now we can get information of both

console.log(Config.get('')) // 'secjs'
console.log(Config.get('database.port')) // 5432
console.log(Config.get('database.database')) // 'secjs'

// You can call load again and you will never lose the previous states

// You can also use safeLoad to not reload files that were already loaded
config.safeLoad('app.ts') // Will just return without errors, but app.ts will not be reloaded.

console.log(Config.get('')) // 'secjs'

Be careful with Config.get() in configuration files βš οΈπŸ›‘

// Lets create this two configuration files as example

// recursive-errorA.ts
export default {
  // Here we are using a property from recursive-errorB
  recursive: Config.get('recursive-errorB.recursive')

// recursive-errorB.ts
export default {
  // And here we are using a property from recursive-errorA
  recursive: Config.get('recursive-errorA.recursive')

// If you try to load any of this two files you will get an error from Config class
// Config class will start going file to file and she cant resolve any of then because one depends on the other


Use Json to parse json without errors, deep copy, observeChanges inside objects and more.

import { Json } from '@secjs/utils'

const textWithJsons = 'string with a Json inside of it {"text":"hello"} and one more Json {"hello":"world"}'

Json.getJson(textWithJsons) // ['{"text":"hello"}', '{"hello":"world"}']

const text = 'a string that is not a valid JSON'

Json.parse(text) // null
const object = {
  test: 'hello',
  hello: () => 'hy',

const objectCopy = Json.copy(object)

objectCopy.test = 'hello from copy'
objectCopy.hello = () => 'hy from copy'

console.log(object.test) // hello
console.log(object.hello()) // hy
console.log(objectCopy.test) // hello from copy
console.log(objectCopy.hello()) // hy from copy
const data = {}

const doSomething = (value, args) => {
  console.log(`Name changed to: ${value}`, args)

const args = {
  value: 'args are the same second parameter of doSomething function'

Json.observeChanges(data, 'name', doSomething, args) = 'JoΓ£o'

// Name changed to: JoΓ£o { value: 'args are the same second parameter of doSomething function' }

const object = {
  number1: 'good string',
  number2: 'bad string',

const readyToSaveOnDatabase = Json.fillable(object, ['number1'])

console.log(readyToSaveOnDatabase) // { number1: 'good string' }
const array = [1, 1, 2, 4, 4]

console.log(Json.removeDuplicated(array)) // [1, 2, 4]
const array = ['a', 'b', 'c'] // Array length = 2 (0, 1, 2)
const raffledValue = Json.raffle(array) // Raffled value from the array, could be a, b or c

console.log(raffledValue) // a, b or c
const object = {
  hello: {
    world: {
      value: {
        hello: 'Hello World!',

const value = Json.get(object, '') // 'Hello World!'
const undefinedValue = Json.get(object, 'hello.worlld.value.hello') // undefined
const defaultValue = Json.get(object, 'hello.worlld.value.hello', 'Hi World!') // 'Hi World!'
const fullObject = Json.get(object, '') // Same as object { hello: { world: { value: { hello: 'Hello World!' } } } }
const defaultValueInObjectNull = Json.get(undefined, '', { hello: 'world' }) // { hello: 'world' }


Use Module to resolve modules exports, import modules using hrefs' ensuring compatibility between OS's, creating aliases for your modules exports and creating __filename and __dirname properties.

import { Module } from '@secjs/utils'

const module = await Module.get(import('#src/Helpers/Options'))

console.log( // Options
import { Module } from '@secjs/utils'

const modules = await Module.getAll([import('#src/Helpers/Number'), import('#src/Helpers/Options')])

console.log(modules[0].name) // Number
console.log(modules[1].name) // Options
import { Module } from '@secjs/utils'

const modules = await Module.getAllWithAlias([
], 'App/Helpers')

console.log(modules[0] // Number
console.log(modules[0].alias) // 'App/Helpers/Number'

console.log(modules[1] // Options
console.log(modules[1].alias) // 'App/Helpers/Options'
import { Path, Module } from '@secjs/utils'

const module = await Module.getFrom(Path.config('app.js'))

console.log( // Athenna
console.log(module.description) // Athenna application
console.log(module.environment) // production
import { Path, Module } from '@secjs/utils'

const modules = await Module.getAllFromWithAlias(Path.config(), 'App/Configs')
const appConfigFile = module[0].module
const appConfigAlias = module[0].alias

console.log(appConfigAlias) // App/Configs/App
console.log( // Athenna
console.log(appConfigFile.description) // Athenna application
console.log(appConfigFile.environment) // production
import { Module } from '@secjs/utils'

const setInGlobalTrue = true
const setInGlobalFalse = false

const dirname = Module.createDirname(import.meta.url, setInGlobalFalse)
const filename = Module.createFilename(import.meta.url, setInGlobalTrue)

console.log(__dirname) // Error! __dirname is not defined in global
console.log(__filename) // '/Users/...'


Use Route to manipulate paths, getParams, getQueryParams, create route matcher RegExp etc.

import { Route } from '@secjs/utils'

const absolutePath = '/tests/:id/users/:user_id'
const path = '/tests/1/users/2?page=1&limit=10'

Route.getQueryString(path) // ?page=1&limit=10
Route.removeQueryParams(path) // /tests/1/users/2
Route.getQueryParamsValue(path) // { page: '1', limit: '10' }
Route.getQueryParamsName(path) // ['path', 'limit']
Route.getParamsValue(absolutePath, path) // { id: '1', user_id: '10' }
Route.getParamsName(absolutePath) // ['id', 'user_id']

const regExpMatcher = Route.createMatcher(absolutePath) // /^(?:\/tests\b)(?:\/[\w-]+)(?:\/users\b)(?:\/[\w-]+)$/

regExpMatcher.test(path) // false - because of queryParams
regExpMatcher.test(Route.removeQueryParams(path)) // true


Use Number to manipulate numbers the best way

import { Number } from '@secjs/utils'

const arrayOfNumbers = [2, 4]
const stringNumber = "Hello my name is JoΓ£o, I'm 20 year old!"

// Get the lower/higher number from the array
console.log(Number.getLower(arrayOfNumbers)) // 2
console.log(Number.getHigher(arrayOfNumbers)) // 4

// Extract numbers from strings
console.log(Number.extractNumber(stringNumber)) // '20'
console.log(Number.extractNumbers(stringNumber)) // ['20']

// Return the average from infinite parameters or array of numbers
console.log(Number.argsAverage(2, 4)) // 3
console.log(Number.arrayAverage(arrayOfNumbers)) // 3

// Generate random integers values between interval
console.log(Number.randomIntFromInterval(1, 1)) // 1
console.log(Number.randomIntFromInterval(1, 2)) // 1
console.log(Number.randomIntFromInterval(1, 2)) // 2
console.log(Number.randomIntFromInterval(1, 10)) // 8


Generate U UID tokens using a prefix, and validate it to using uuidv4 lib

import { Token } from '@secjs/utils'

// Do not use the char "-", it would break token.verify() method
const uuidGeneratedToken = Token.generate('yourServicePrefix')
console.log(uuidGeneratedToken) // yourServicePrefix-c546b11c-2c2b-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002

const isUuid = Token.verify(uuidGeneratedToken)
console.log(isUuid) // true


Use Parser to parse all type of data of you application

import { Parser } from '@secjs/utils'

// Convert a string to array using a separator

const string1 = '1,2,3'
const separator = ','
const parsed1 = Parser.stringToArray(string1, separator)

console.log(parsed1) // ['1', '2', '3']
// Convert an array to string using separators

Parser.arrayToString(['1', '2', '3', '4']) // '1, 2, 3 and 4' 
Parser.arrayToString(['1', '2', '3', '4'], // '1|2|3-4'
  { separator: '|', lastSeparator: '-' }

// Pair separator is only for two indexes arrays
Parser.arrayToString(['1', '2'], { // '1_2'
  pairSeparator: '_',
const string2 = 'aaaasadzczaaa21313'
const parsed2 = Parser.stringToNumber(string2)

console.log(parsed2) // 21313
const object = {
  joao: 'joao',
  email: '[email protected]',
const parsed3 = Parser.jsonToFormData(object)

console.log(parsed3) // &joao=joao&
const parsed4 = Parser.formDataToJson('?joao=joao&')

console.log(parsed4) // { joao: 'joao', email: '[email protected]' }
const message = 'Link:'

// Convert url to and HTML href

console.log(Parser.linkToHref(message)) // Link: <a href=""></a>
// Convert number size to bytes

Parser.sizeToByte(1024) // '1KB'
Parser.sizeToByte(1048576) // '1MB'
Parser.sizeToByte(1073741824) // '1GB'
Parser.sizeToByte(1099511627776) // '1TB'
Parser.sizeToByte(1125899906842624) // '1PB'

// Convert bytes to number size

Parser.byteToSize('1KB') // 1024
Parser.byteToSize('1MB') // 1048576
Parser.byteToSize('1GB') // 1073741824
Parser.byteToSize('1TB') // 1099511627776
Parser.byteToSize('1PB') // 1125899906842624
// Convert time string to ms

Parser.timeToMs('2 days') // 172800000
Parser.timeToMs('1d') // 86400000
Parser.timeToMs('10h') // 36000000
Parser.timeToMs('-10h') // -36000000
Parser.timeToMs('1 year') // 31557600000
Parser.timeToMs('-1 year') // -31557600000

// Convert ms to time string

const long = true

Parser.msToTime(172800000, long) // '2 days'
Parser.msToTime(86400000) // 1d
Parser.msToTime(36000000) // 10h
Parser.msToTime(-36000000) // -10h
Parser.msToTime(31557600000, long) // 1 year
Parser.msToTime(-31557600000, long) // -1 year
// Convert status code to reason

Parser.statusCodeToReason(200) // OK
Parser.statusCodeToReason('201') // CREATED
Parser.statusCodeToReason(404) // NOT_FOUND
Parser.statusCodeToReason('500') // INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

// Convert reason to status code

Parser.reasonToStatusCode('OK') // 200
Parser.reasonToStatusCode('created') // 201
Parser.reasonToStatusCode('NOT_found') // 404
Parser.reasonToStatusCode('internal server error') // 500
const url =
  'postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:5432/postgres?paramOne=1&paramTwo=2&paramThree=3'

// Convert database connection url to connection object
const connectionObject = Parser.dbUrlToConnectionObj(url)

/** connectionObject result
 * {
 *   protocol: 'postgresql',
 *   user: 'postgres',
 *   password: 'root',
 *   host: '',
 *   port: 5432,
 *   database: 'postgres',
 *   options: {
 *     paramOne: '1',
 *     paramTwo: '2',
 *     paramThree: '3',
 *   }
 * }

// Convert connection object to database connection url
const connectionUrl = Parser.connectionObjToDbUrl(connectionObject)

/** connectionUrl result
 * postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:5432/postgres?paramOne=1&paramTwo=2&paramThree=3


Use Clean to clean arrays and objects

import { Clean } from '@secjs/utils'

const array = [null, undefined, 1, "number"]

console.log(Clean.cleanArray(array)) // [1, "number"]

const object = {
  number1: "number",
  number2: null,
  number3: undefined,
  number4: 1,

const object2 = {
  number1: null,
  number2: [object],

console.log(Clean.cleanObject(object)) // { number1: "number", number4: 1 }
console.log(Clean.cleanArraysInObject(object2)) // { number2: [{ number1: "number", number4: 1 }]}


Use Debug to generate debug logs in SecJS format

import { Debug } from '@secjs/utils'

const context = 'API'
const namespace = 'api:main'

const debug = new Debug(context, namespace)

// You can still change the context/namespace of the instance in runtime
  .log('Hello World!') // api:main [SecJS Debugger] - PID: 85580 - 02/15/2022, 11:47:56 AM [API] Hello World! +0ms

// You can log objects too, it will be converted to string in the formatter
  .log({ hello: 'world' }) // api:object [SecJS Debugger] - PID: 85770 - 02/15/2022, 11:53:48 AM [Object] {"hello":"world"} +0ms

Made with πŸ–€ by jlenon7 πŸ‘‹

utils's People


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utils's Issues

Add constructor method to Blacklist class

Add a constructor method to Blacklist class. It will receive as parameter:

  • The path to the blacklist file.


const blacklist = new Blacklist('blacklist.txt')

await blacklist.add('') // void
await blacklist.list() // ['']
await blacklist.find('') //
await blacklist.remove('') // void 

await blacklist.add('', 'otherBlacklistFile.txt') // ['']
await blacklist.list('otherBlacklistFile.txt') // ['']
await blacklist.list() // listing the original blacklist.txt file - []

Add Path class helper


SecJS has a huge problem that is handling file paths in all packages and inside projects. The main issue is that sometimes the code runs using the build files (/dist, /build). Also a project has many folders and would be great to have a global class with nice static methods like Path.views() and retrieve the views path that stay inside /resources/views.

Package version


Create Config class to load config files in memory


Config class will load configuration files in memory. The difference between @secjs/config and this class, is that this class can load only one specific file in sync ou async mode.

Package version


Relevant Information

This package will help a lot other configuration file dependent packages like @secjs/logger, @secjs/storage and @secjs/database. Because the ideia is to migrate this packages to Athenna organization. @secjs/config will be migrated too, but @secjs/config will use this Config class to handle the files.

Add copy and move method to File and Folder class


Copy and move method are nice method to have in File and Folder class. This will prevent from having to create a new instance of File or Folder to copy or move the file.

Package version


Relevant Information

Example copy/copySync


const file = new File('path/to/file.txt').loadSync()

const copyOfFile = new File('path/to/file/copy.txt', file.getContentSync()).loadSync()


const file = new File('path/to/file.txt').loadSync()

const copyOfFile = file.copySync('path/to/file/copy.txt', { withContent: true })

Example move/moveSync


const file = new File('path/to/file.txt').loadSync()

const movedFile = new File('path/to/file/moved.txt', file.getContentSync()).loadSync()



const file = new File('path/to/file.txt').loadSync()

const movedFile = file.moveSync('path/to/file/copy.txt', { withContent: true })

Create parallel function

Create a parallel function to run async process in parallel. Function parallel will receive three parameters:

  • The array to be mapped.
  • The async function that will run in each index of the array.
  • The max number of parallel process that could be run. Will run all the array parallel if not set.


Async map with limited parallelism in Node.js / Article Code


const users = [{ id: 1, name: 'test' }, { id: 2, name: 'test' }, { id: 3, name: 'test' }]
const fn = async (user, index) => {
    // make an http call to other API based on user id
    const orders = fetchUserOrders(

    // do something with orders

parallel(users, fn) // Will run all the array parallel
parallel(users, fn, 1) // Will wait the function finish and go to next index of the array
parallel(users, fn, 2) // Will run two index of the array in parallel 

Add method list in Blacklist class

Add method list in Blacklist class that returns an array with all lines inside of the file. This function will receive as parameter:

  • The path to the blacklist file.


const ips = await new Blacklist().list('blacklist.txt')

console.log(ips) // ['', '', '']

Add a deep copy method to JSON class

Add method called copy inside JSON Class that will deep copy any object and return a new object without any reference to the old one. It will receive as parameter:

  • The object to be cloned.


const object = {
  test: 'hello',
  hello: () => 'hy'

const objectCopy = new Json().copy(object)

Create a replacer function

Create a replacer function that receives three parameters.

  • The string to be replaced
  • The character or the RegExp to be replaced
  • The character that is going to replace
  • The number of times that the replace will run, if nothing is passed, will replace all


const test = 'Hello World!@!@'

replace(test, '!', '', 1) // Hello World@!@
replace(test, '!', '', 2) // Hello World@@
replace(test, '@', '', 2) // Hello World!!
replace(test, '@', '') // Hello World!!

Add getFilesSync and getFoldersSync methods


Add getFilesSync and getFoldersSync methods to use in not promise based functions.

Package version


Relevant Information

This issue assumes that refactor #21 has been merged.

Create a class that will improve JSON API

JSON.parse() function throw errors when the type is not correct. If the data passed to then are of type any, this could generate an exception and stop the code.

In some cases that you might need to implement some statement to verify that the type is from typeof object or string. This class could avoid that and only return null or undefined.

Add in class a method to extract JSON's from string.

Creating matcher to root path

When creating a matcher to a route that is in root path ('/'), it creates a RegExp that will never match with a root path ('/')

  • Tips

  • Add statement to verify if route is a root path ('/') or not inside createMatcher function

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    πŸ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆπŸŽ‰

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❀️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.