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mapless's Issues

database: sent to nil under load

This bug can be reproduced using considerable concurrent load.
I was able to reproduce it consistently with 30 concurrent connections hitting a RESTful endpoint that was using the same Mapless repo

MaplessMemoryRepository insert: ensuring Id

MaplessMemoryRepository>>insert: aMapless
	self onBeforeInsert: aMapless.
	self upsert: aMapless.
	self onAfterInsert: aMapless

Should ensure that mapless is saved with an ID so later can be updated with a save: without duplication.

Load on Mongo secondaries are not balanced

It has been noticed in production that requests made to the Mongo secondaries of a replica set aren’t balanced, one receiving about 5 times more requests than the other.

MaplessUnsavedSubmodel improper signal

There is a case where this exception is improperly signalled.

MaplessMongoRepository(MaplessRepository)>>asStorable: anObject
	^ anObject isCollection
		ifTrue: [ anObject class = OrderedJsonObject
				ifTrue: [ (JsonObject fromAssociations: anObject associations)
						collect: [ :e | self resolver maplessAsStorable: e in: self ] ]
				ifFalse: [ anObject collect: [ :e | self asStorable: e ] ] ]
		ifFalse: [ anObject class = MaplessReference
				ifFalse: [ (anObject isKindOf: Mapless)
						ifTrue: [ (resolver asMaplessReferenceIn: anObject in: self)
								asJsonObjectIn: self ]
						ifFalse: [ anObject ] ]
				ifTrue: [ 
					anObject hasModel
						ifTrue: [ resolver maplessReferenceAsJsonObject: anObject in: self ]
						ifFalse: [ MaplessUnsavedSubmodel
									'This sub model is unsaved. You need to save all sub models before saving a composed model' ] ] ]

Noting the part:

ifTrue: [ 
	anObject hasModel
		ifTrue: [ resolver maplessReferenceAsJsonObject: anObject in: self ]
		ifFalse: [ MaplessUnsavedSubmodel

The case happen when the submapless was indeed saved but it was not unreferenced, so it will have no model but not because wan't saved, it was only because it was not used yet, hence the reference not unreferenced.

CORS should be considered

Right now Mapless uses jQuery ajax calls. This makes development a little tricky when amber node server and the backend are running on different IPs.

Add Resolver for MaplessReference

Currently a MaplessReference will instantiate the referenced object, regardless of whether such reference was instatiated before in the same repository, producing multiple instances of the same "logical" object.

A MaplessResference should have Resolver (reference resolver), probably defined in the MaplessRepository, then the reference will go through the resolver, the default resolver will preserve the current behavior to provide backwards compatibility (and simplicity), but we could introduce a CacheResolver that will first look into a cache before going to the database to fetch the object from the collection.

MaplessMongoError based on MongoCommandError

When a MaplessMongoError is signalled, it should contain native details about the cause when possible.
This would allow apps to handle it reflecting on the MaplessMongoError code for example.

MongoDB ReplicaSet pool gracefully adapting to its node changes

When the MaplessMongoRepository is using as accessor a MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool, the read-only and read-write operations should be performed gracefully when changes in the MongoDB nodes are happening.

  • We should favour a design that is non-blocking.
  • Network and configurations changing the primary need to be supported.
  • Clients need to be reused.
  • Read-only and read-write clients can suddenly change roles (exception handling)

RAM based MaplessRepository

For making applications unit test autonomous and maybe other uses, a memory only repository for Mapless will be useful.

Improve pool to return clients on primary and secondary nodes

In order to apply MongoDB cluster load balance for reads and writes, the Mapless connection pool needs to be improved so it can have separated sets of connections:

  • A bunch of secondaries that will be read-only
  • A bunch to the primary that will able to write/destroy mongo documents

Database Log feature

Provide a logging mechanism to make a database to be auditable from a central source.
MongoDB is a must.
Factorized to make it easier for other backends is a plus.

Test class dependency issue

Loading 5.5 as a dependency from a BaselineOf shows an issue with the load order of some Mapless test classes

Benchmark MCDataStream serialization

Answer this:
How interesting is MCDataStream serialization compared for example with BSON?

reified := (MCDataStream on: bytes contentStream) next.

Improve performance on getting MongoDB clients of a replica set

There are several optimization opportunities in this critical methods that get a client from the pool.

As a starter, getting a read-only client is way slower than getting a read-write client:

ABBench bench: [ 
		a: [ maplessPool getIdleReadWriteClient ]
		b: [ maplessPool getIdleReadOnlyClient ] 
 "B is 99.19% SLOWER than A"

Below, a profiler for reference:

Reporting - 44,416 tallies, 5,021 msec.

100.0 (5,021)  BlockClosure  newProcess
  100.0 (5,021)  MorphicUIManager  spawnNewProcess
    100.0 (5,021)  WorldMorph class  doOneCycle
      100.0 (5,021)  WorldMorph  doOneCycle
        100.0 (5,021)  WorldState  doOneCycleFor:
          100.0 (5,021)  WorldState  doOneCycleNowFor:
            100.0 (5,021)  WorldMorph  runStepMethods
              100.0 (5,021)  WorldState  runStepMethodsIn:
                100.0 (5,021)  WorldState  runLocalStepMethodsIn:
                  100.0 (5,021)  WorldState  triggerAlarmsBefore:
                    100.0 (5,021)  MorphicAlarm  value:
                      100.0 (5,021)  MorphicAlarm [MessageSend]  value
                        100.0 (5,021)  GLMMorphicPharoScriptRenderer [GLMMorphicPharoCodeRenderer]  popupPrint
                          100.0 (5,021)  RubSmalltalkEditor  highlightEvaluateAndDo:
                            100.0 (5,021)  RubSmalltalkEditor  evaluate:andDo:
                              100.0 (5,021)  OpalCompiler  evaluate
                                100.0 (5,021)  UndefinedObject  DoIt
                                  100.0 (5,021)  BlockClosure  bench
                                    100.0 (5,021)  BlockClosure  benchFor:
                                      100.0 (5,021)  UndefinedObject  DoIt
                                        100.0 (5,021)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  readOnlyDo:
                                          99.9 (5,016)  BlockClosure  on:do:
                                            99.80000000000001 (5,011)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  readOnlyDo:
                                              99.80000000000001 (5,011)  BlockClosure  on:do:
                                                99.60000000000001 (5,001)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  readOnlyDo:
                                                  94.5 (4,745)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  requestReadOnlyClient
                                                    |94.5 (4,745)  Mutex  critical:
                                                    |  94.4 (4,740)  Semaphore  critical:
                                                    |    94.30000000000001 (4,735)  BlockClosure  ensure:
                                                    |      94.30000000000001 (4,735)  Semaphore  critical:
                                                    |        94.30000000000001 (4,735)  Mutex  critical:
                                                    |          92.60000000000001 (4,649)  BlockClosure  ensure:
                                                    |            92.60000000000001 (4,649)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  requestReadOnlyClient
                                                    |              90.7 (4,554)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  getIdleReadOnlyClient
                                                    |                |45.6 (2,290)  IdentitySet [Set]  collect:
[45.400000000000006 (2,280)  Array [SequenceableCollection]  do:
[  45.300000000000004 (2,275)  IdentitySet [Set]  collect:
[    45.300000000000004 (2,275)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  getIdleReadOnlyClient
[      45.300000000000004 (2,275)  MongoAPI  asMongoUrl
[        45.2 (2,269)  ByteString [String]  asMongoUrl
[          45.2 (2,269)  ZnUrl class  fromString:defaultScheme:
[            45.2 (2,269)  ZnUrl  parseFrom:defaultScheme:
[              18.3 (919)  ZnUrl  parseAuthority:from:to:
[                |15.5 (778)  ZnUrl  parseHostPort:
[                |  |12.3 (618)  ReadStream [PositionableStream]  atEnd
[                |  |  |0.6000000000000001 (30)  ByteString class  translate:from:to:table:
[                |  |1.7000000000000002 (85)  ReadStream  upTo:
[                |  |  |1.5 (75)  ByteString [SequenceableCollection]  copyFrom:to:
[                |  |  |  |0.4 (20)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[                |  |  |0.2 (10)  ByteString [String]  indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent:
[                |  |1.0 (50)  ZnUrl  decodePercent:
[                |  |  |1.0 (50)  ZnResourceMetaUtils class  decodePercent:
[                |  |  |  1.0 (50)  ZnPercentEncoder  decode:
[                |  |  |    0.5 (25)  ZnUTF8Encoder [ZnUTFEncoder]  decodeBytes:
[                |  |  |      |0.5 (25)  String class [SequenceableCollection class]  streamContents:
[                |  |  |      |  0.2 (10)  String class [SequenceableCollection class]  new:streamContents:
[                |  |  |      |    0.2 (10)  ZnUTF8Encoder [ZnUTFEncoder]  decodeBytes:
[                |  |  |      |      0.2 (10)  ZnUTF8Encoder  nextCodePointFromStream:
[                |  |  |      |        0.2 (10)  ReadStream  next
[                |  |  |    0.30000000000000004 (15)  ByteArray class [SequenceableCollection class]  streamContents:
[                |  |  |      |0.1 (5)  ByteArray class [SequenceableCollection class]  new:streamContents:
[                |  |  |      |  0.1 (5)  WriteStream class [PositionableStream class]  on:
[                |  |  |    0.1 (5)  ByteString [SequenceableCollection]  readStream
[                |  |0.4 (20)  Integer class  readFrom:ifFail:
[                |1.0 (50)  ReadStream class [PositionableStream class]  on:from:to:
[                |  |0.5 (25)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[                |0.5 (25)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[              12.8 (643)  ByteString [String]  indexOf:
[                |0.7000000000000001 (35)  String  findSubstringViaPrimitive:in:startingAt:matchTable:
[                |0.5 (25)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[              5.2 (261)  ZnUrl  isSchemeNotUsingDoubleSlash:
[                |5.2 (261)  Array [SequenceableCollection]  includes:
[                |  3.4000000000000004 (171)  Array [SequenceableCollection]  indexOf:
[                |    |3.4000000000000004 (171)  Array [SequenceableCollection]  indexOf:ifAbsent:
[                |    |  3.4000000000000004 (171)  Array [SequenceableCollection]  indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent:
[                |    |    1.2000000000000002 (60)  ByteString class  compare:with:collated:
[                |  0.6000000000000001 (30)  ByteString class  translate:from:to:table:
[              3.7 (186)  ZnUrl  scheme:
[                |3.7 (186)  ByteString [String]  asSymbol
[                |  1.3 (65)  Symbol class  intern:
[                |    |1.3 (65)  Symbol class  lookup:
[                |    |  1.3 (65)  WeakSet  like:
[                |    |    1.3 (65)  WeakSet  scanFor:
[                |    |      1.3 (65)  ByteSymbol [Symbol]  =
[                |    |        0.4 (20)  ByteString class  stringHash:initialHash:
[                |  0.6000000000000001 (30)  ByteString class  translate:from:to:table:
[              2.4000000000000004 (121)  ZnUrl  hasScheme
[                |0.6000000000000001 (30)  ByteString class  compare:with:collated:
[              1.4000000000000001 (70)  ByteString [SequenceableCollection]  copyFrom:to:
[                |0.5 (25)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[              1.4000000000000001 (70)  ByteString [String]  indexOfSubCollection:
[                0.5 (25)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[                0.5 (25)  ByteString [String]  indexOfSubCollection:startingAt:ifAbsent:
[                  0.2 (10)  ByteString [String]  findString:startingAt:
[                    0.2 (10)  ByteString [String]  findString:startingAt:caseSensitive:
[                      0.2 (10)  ByteString class [Behavior]  isBytes
[                        0.2 (10)  ByteString class [Behavior]  instSpec
                                                    |                |33.300000000000004 (1,672)  IdentitySet [Collection]  detect:ifNone:
[33.300000000000004 (1,672)  IdentitySet [Collection]  detect:ifFound:ifNone:
[  33.2 (1,667)  IdentitySet [Set]  do:
[    31.0 (1,557)  IdentitySet [Collection]  detect:ifFound:ifNone:
[      |31.0 (1,557)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  getIdleReadOnlyClient
[      |  28.5 (1,431)  MongoAPI  asMongoUrl
[      |    |28.5 (1,431)  ByteString [String]  asMongoUrl
[      |    |  28.5 (1,431)  ZnUrl class  fromString:defaultScheme:
[      |    |    28.5 (1,431)  ZnUrl  parseFrom:defaultScheme:
[      |    |      12.600000000000001 (633)  ZnUrl  parseAuthority:from:to:
[      |    |        |10.700000000000001 (537)  ZnUrl  parseHostPort:
[      |    |        |  |8.4 (422)  ReadStream [PositionableStream]  atEnd
[      |    |        |  |  |0.4 (20)  ByteString class  translate:from:to:table:
[      |    |        |  |1.2000000000000002 (60)  ReadStream  upTo:
[      |    |        |  |  |1.0 (50)  ByteString [SequenceableCollection]  copyFrom:to:
[      |    |        |  |  |  |0.30000000000000004 (15)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[      |    |        |  |  |0.30000000000000004 (15)  ByteString [String]  indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent:
[      |    |        |  |0.8 (40)  ZnUrl  decodePercent:
[      |    |        |  |  |0.8 (40)  ZnResourceMetaUtils class  decodePercent:
[      |    |        |  |  |  0.8 (40)  ZnPercentEncoder  decode:
[      |    |        |  |  |    0.5 (25)  ZnUTF8Encoder [ZnUTFEncoder]  decodeBytes:
[      |    |        |  |  |      |0.5 (25)  String class [SequenceableCollection class]  streamContents:
[      |    |        |  |  |      |  0.2 (10)  String class [SequenceableCollection class]  new:streamContents:
[      |    |        |  |  |      |    0.1 (5)  ZnUTF8Encoder [ZnUTFEncoder]  decodeBytes:
[      |    |        |  |  |      |      0.1 (5)  ZnUTF8Encoder  nextCodePointFromStream:
[      |    |        |  |  |      |        0.1 (5)  ReadStream  next
[      |    |        |  |  |    0.30000000000000004 (15)  ByteArray class [SequenceableCollection class]  streamContents:
[      |    |        |  |  |      0.1 (5)  ByteArray class [SequenceableCollection class]  new:streamContents:
[      |    |        |  |  |        0.1 (5)  WriteStream class [PositionableStream class]  on:
[      |    |        |  |0.2 (10)  Integer class  readFrom:ifFail:
[      |    |        |0.7000000000000001 (35)  ReadStream class [PositionableStream class]  on:from:to:
[      |    |        |  |0.30000000000000004 (15)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[      |    |        |0.30000000000000004 (15)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[      |    |      6.4 (321)  ByteString [String]  indexOf:
[      |    |        |0.5 (25)  String  findSubstringViaPrimitive:in:startingAt:matchTable:
[      |    |        |0.4 (20)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[      |    |      3.6 (181)  ZnUrl  isSchemeNotUsingDoubleSlash:
[      |    |        |3.6 (181)  Array [SequenceableCollection]  includes:
[      |    |        |  2.4000000000000004 (121)  Array [SequenceableCollection]  indexOf:
[      |    |        |    |2.4000000000000004 (121)  Array [SequenceableCollection]  indexOf:ifAbsent:
[      |    |        |    |  2.4000000000000004 (121)  Array [SequenceableCollection]  indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent:
[      |    |        |    |    0.8 (40)  ByteString class  compare:with:collated:
[      |    |        |  0.4 (20)  ByteString class  translate:from:to:table:
[      |    |      2.5 (126)  ZnUrl  scheme:
[      |    |        |2.4000000000000004 (121)  ByteString [String]  asSymbol
[      |    |        |  0.9 (45)  Symbol class  intern:
[      |    |        |    |0.9 (45)  Symbol class  lookup:
[      |    |        |    |  0.9 (45)  WeakSet  like:
[      |    |        |    |    0.9 (45)  WeakSet  scanFor:
[      |    |        |    |      0.9 (45)  ByteSymbol [Symbol]  =
[      |    |        |    |        0.30000000000000004 (15)  ByteString class  stringHash:initialHash:
[      |    |        |  0.4 (20)  ByteString class  translate:from:to:table:
[      |    |      1.6 (80)  ZnUrl  hasScheme
[      |    |        |0.4 (20)  ByteString class  compare:with:collated:
[      |    |      0.9 (45)  ByteString [SequenceableCollection]  copyFrom:to:
[      |    |        |0.30000000000000004 (15)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[      |    |      0.8 (40)  ByteString [String]  indexOfSubCollection:
[      |    |        0.30000000000000004 (15)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
[      |    |        0.2 (10)  ByteString [String]  indexOfSubCollection:startingAt:ifAbsent:
[      |  2.5 (126)  ZnUrl  =
[      |    2.5 (126)  ZnUrl  equals:
[      |      2.5 (126)  ZnUrl  portOrDefault
[      |        0.4 (20)  ZnUrl  portIfAbsent:
[      |          |0.1 (5)  True  ifTrue:ifFalse:
[      |        0.2 (10)  ByteString class  compare:with:collated:
[    0.2 (10)  ByteString class  compare:with:collated:
                                                    |                |6.2 (311)  Set class  newFrom:
[6.2 (311)  Set [Collection]  addAll:
[  6.2 (311)  IdentitySet [Set]  do:
[    6.1000000000000005 (306)  Set [Collection]  addAll:
[      6.1000000000000005 (306)  Set  add:
[        4.2 (211)  Set [HashedCollection]  atNewIndex:put:
[          |0.2 (10)  ByteString class  stringHash:initialHash:
[        1.9000000000000001 (95)  Set  scanFor:
[          1.9000000000000001 (95)  ZnUrl  =
[            1.1 (55)  ZnUrl  equals:
[              |1.1 (55)  ZnUrl  portOrDefault
[              |  0.4 (20)  ZnUrl  portIfAbsent:
[              |    |0.2 (10)  True  ifTrue:ifFalse:
[              |  0.2 (10)  ByteString class  compare:with:collated:
[            0.1 (5)  ByteString class  stringHash:initialHash:
                                                    |                |5.6000000000000005 (281)  MaplessWeightedRandomPolicy  nextAmong:
[3.0 (151)  MaplessWeightedRandomPolicy  next
[  |1.4000000000000001 (70)  SmallInteger  *
[  |  |0.1 (5)  SmallFloat64  truncated
[  |0.6000000000000001 (30)  MaplessWeightedRandomPolicy  getNext:
[  |  0.6000000000000001 (30)  OrderedCollection [Collection]  detect:ifNone:
[  |    0.4 (20)  OrderedCollection [Collection]  detect:ifFound:ifNone:
[  |      0.2 (10)  OrderedCollection  do:
[2.6 (131)  Set  includes:
[  2.6 (131)  Set [HashedCollection]  findElementOrNil:
[    2.6 (131)  Set  scanFor:
[      2.6 (131)  ZnUrl  =
[        1.0 (50)  ZnUrl  equals:
[          |1.0 (50)  ZnUrl  portOrDefault
[          |  0.4 (20)  ZnUrl  portIfAbsent:
[          |    |0.2 (10)  True  ifTrue:ifFalse:
[          |  0.2 (10)  ByteString class  compare:with:collated:
[        0.1 (5)  ByteString class  stringHash:initialHash:
                                                    |              1.9000000000000001 (95)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  removeReadOnlyClient:ifAbsent:
                                                    |                0.2 (10)  Socket  primSocketConnectionStatus:
                                                  5.2 (261)  MongoCurrentClient class [DynamicVariable class]  value:during:
                                                    3.6 (181)  MongoCurrentClient [DynamicVariable]  value:during:
                                                      3.6 (181)  BlockClosure  ensure:
                                                        3.6 (181)  MongoCurrentClient [DynamicVariable]  value:during:
                                                          2.8000000000000003 (141)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  readOnlyDo:
                                                            2.8000000000000003 (141)  BlockClosure  ensure:
                                                              2.8000000000000003 (141)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  readOnlyDo:
                                                                2.8000000000000003 (141)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  returnReadOnlyClient:
                                                                  2.8000000000000003 (141)  Mutex  critical:
                                                                    2.7 (136)  Semaphore  critical:
[2.6 (131)  BlockClosure  ensure:
[  2.6 (131)  Semaphore  critical:
[    2.6 (131)  Mutex  critical:
[      0.9 (45)  BlockClosure  ensure:
[        0.9 (45)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  returnReadOnlyClient:
[          0.8 (40)  MaplessMongoReplicaSetPool  idleReadOnlyClients
[            0.2 (10)  Socket  primSocketConnectionStatus:
4.800000000000001 (241)  ByteString class  indexOfAscii:inString:startingAt:
3.8000000000000003 (191)  ByteString class  compare:with:collated:
2.9000000000000004 (146)  ByteString class  translate:from:to:table:
1.2000000000000002 (60)  String  findSubstringViaPrimitive:in:startingAt:matchTable:
1.2000000000000002 (60)  ByteString class  stringHash:initialHash:
0.5 (25)  True  ifTrue:ifFalse:
0.5 (25)  ByteString [String]  indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent:
0.30000000000000004 (15)  Socket  primSocketConnectionStatus:
0.30000000000000004 (15)  ReadStream  next
0.2 (10)  OrderedCollection  do:
0.2 (10)  ByteString class [Behavior]  instSpec
0.2 (10)  ReadStream [PositionableStream]  on:
0.1 (5)  SmallFloat64  truncated
0.1 (5)  WriteStream  on:
0.1 (5)  Semaphore  signal
0.1 (5)  NumberParser  on:

	old			+0 bytes
	young		-1,080,016 bytes
	used		-1,080,016 bytes
	free		+1,080,016 bytes

	full			0 totalling 0ms (0.0% uptime)
	incr		690 totalling 362ms (7.0% uptime), avg 1.0ms
	tenures		0
	root table	0 overflows

	Total process switches: 88849
	Without Profiler: 17
	Stack page overflows: 875256
	Stack page divorces: 35

Unflavored source code

Make the Mapless source code as agnostic and as compatible as possible.

This should be a foundation for porting Mapless to other Smalltalk distributions.

Make MaplessCurrentRepository DynamicVariable optional

Not all Mapless use cases would find convenient the use of the MaplessCurrentRepository DynamicVariable.
There are applications that might use Mapless from different repos or do joints from different repos. Mapless has the chance to be a great fit for manipulating data like that.

findAll: filtering by class in the query

MaplessMongoRepository>>findAll: was not using the class metadata used in the find filter.

This created the problem of returning documents that would belong to different classes that are stored in a common collection.

This would fix it:

findAll: aMaplessClass
	^ self
		findAll: aMaplessClass
		where: (resolver conditionForClass: aMaplessClass)
MaplessResolver>>conditionForClass: aMaplessClass
	^ {('_c' -> aMaplessClass name)} asDictionary
MaplessVoyageWithMaplessSuffixResolver>>conditionForClass: aMaplessClass
	^ {('#instanceOf' -> (self voyageClassNameFrom: aMaplessClass))}

Upsert review

Some stress tests revealed poor performance while using upsert in a release candidate application for production.

The plan is to keep the upsert feature but favor a design using insert and update for saves instead of upsert and re-test performance.

Remove isPrimary check on client return

When the pool gets a client returned, sending an isPrimary message resulted to be a check that isn't "cheap". As this could affect capacity, this check will be removed.
The health-checking mechanism proved to help the resolver to have the rights clients after MongoDB replica set topology changes in the next check anyway.

Adjust Mongo-Log feature output

The MongoChange output needs to include:

  • createdDate with a Date object showing just the date of the changed document.
  • createdAt with a Date and TimeStamp of the creation of the changed document.
  • type of change as uppercase

Read Concerns

MongoDB has different options to use when querying in a replica set: ReadConcerns.

Extend Mapless API to allow using that.

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