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darkwoods_seedlings's Introduction

Spatial Point Pattern Processes of Conifer Seedlings

SMurphy 2021-01-30

1. Model Selection

1.1 Import Data

Seed set to 123 for replication. Import the 1.1.darkwoods_seedlings.xls dataset. This includes seedlings and covariate values previously processed, classified and sampled from stem locations of seedlings using ArcGIS environment.

darkwoods_seedlings_data <- readxl::read_excel("1.1.darkwoods_seedlings.xls")
# A tibble: 3,912 × 61
   data_point       x        y geodetic_datum plot123 plot1 plot2 plot3 bec_zone
        <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>            <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
 1          1 524355. 5446972. wgs84utm11n          3     0     0     1        2
 2          2 524350. 5446986. wgs84utm11n          3     0     0     1        2
 3          3 524350. 5446981. wgs84utm11n          3     0     0     1        2
 4          4 524350. 5446954. wgs84utm11n          3     0     0     1        2
 5          5 524202. 5447057. wgs84utm11n          3     0     0     1        2
 6          6 524185. 5447071. wgs84utm11n          3     0     0     1        2
 7          7 524215. 5447056. wgs84utm11n          3     0     0     1        2
 8          8 524197. 5447070. wgs84utm11n          3     0     0     1        2
 9          9 524197. 5447065. wgs84utm11n          3     0     0     1        2
10         10 524225. 5447060. wgs84utm11n          3     0     0     1        2
# ℹ 3,902 more rows
# ℹ 52 more variables: bec_ichdw1 <dbl>, bec_ichmw4 <dbl>, bec_essfmw4 <dbl>,
#   density <dbl>, intensity <dbl>, elevation_asl <dbl>, slope <dbl>,
#   rix <dbl>, aspect <dbl>, precip <dbl>, twi <dbl>, wind <dbl>,
#   species <dbl>, larix_spp <dbl>, pseudo_m <dbl>, picea_eng <dbl>,
#   pinus_con <dbl>, pinus_pond <dbl>, pinus_albi <dbl>, thuja_plic <dbl>,
#   tsuga_hete <dbl>, height_cm <dbl>, distance_m <dbl>, mpb_2005 <dbl>, …
# knitr::kable(head(darkwoods_seedlings_data))

For local deployment, package dependencies from this iteration are loaded using the requirements_I variable.

requirements_I = install.packages(c("readxl", "sf", "kernlab",
    "ggplot2", "dplyr", "RColorBrewer", "psych", "useful", "caret",
    "tibble", "klaR", "ModelMetrics", "DescTools", "MLmetrics",
    "coefplot", "glmnet", "jsonlite", "plotly", "RSQLite", "tidyverse",
    "useful", "xgboost"), dependencies = TRUE)
# note warning messages are turned off for this chunk:
# 'warnings=FALSE'


1.2 Model Fitting

Derive OLS models to explore covariate effects against intercept only models. Latest iterations suggest reporting different results that whats in the current manuscript draft: model6.2 below. Thoughts?

seed_formula = intensity ~ distance_m + elevation_asl + slope +
    aspect + rix + twi + wind + mpb_grey + mpb_red + fire_high +
    fire_med + fire_low - 1

seed_formula2 = intensity ~ distance_m + elevation_asl + slope +
    aspect + rix + twi + wind + mpb_class + fire_high + fire_med +
    fire_low + fire_unbur - 1

seed_formula3 = intensity ~ distance_m + elevation_asl + slope +
    aspect + rix + twi + wind + mpb_grey + mpb_red + fire_high +
    fire_med + fire_low + fire_unbur + bec_zone - 1

seed_formula4 = intensity ~ distance_m + elevation_asl + slope +
    aspect + rix + twi + wind + mpb_grey + mpb_red + fire_high +
    fire_med + fire_low + fire_unbur + bec_zone + species - 1

seed_formula5 = intensity ~ distance_m + elevation_asl + slope +
    aspect + rix + twi + wind + mpb_grey + mpb_red + fire_high +
    fire_med + fire_low + fire_unbur + bec_zone + species + precip -

# Fitted with disturbance interaction effects by mpb-class
# and fire-classes combined
seed_formula6.1 = intensity ~ distance_m + elevation_asl + slope +
    aspect + rix + twi + wind + bec_zone + species + precip +
    mpb_class * fire_class - 1

# Fitted with disturbance interaction effects by mpb-class
# and fire-classes combined
seed_formula6.2 = intensity ~ distance_m + elevation_asl + slope +
    aspect + rix + twi + wind + bec_zone + species + precip +
    mpb_red * fire_high + mpb_grey * fire_high + mpb_red * fire_low +
    mpb_grey * fire_low - 1

allseeds_lm = lm(seed_formula, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)
allseeds_lm2 = lm(seed_formula2, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)
allseeds_lm3 = lm(seed_formula3, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)
allseeds_lm4 = lm(seed_formula4, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)
allseeds_lm5 = lm(seed_formula5, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)
allseeds_lm6.1 = lm(seed_formula6.1, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)
allseeds_lm6.2 = lm(seed_formula6.2, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)

coefplot::coefplot(allseeds_lm, sort = "magnitude")
coefplot::coefplot(allseeds_lm2, sort = "magnitude")
coefplot::coefplot(allseeds_lm3, sort = "magnitude")
coefplot::coefplot(allseeds_lm4, sort = "magnitude")
coefplot::coefplot(allseeds_lm5, sort = "magnitude")
coefplot::coefplot(allseeds_lm6.1, sort = "magnitude")
coefplot::coefplot(allseeds_lm6.2, sort = "magnitude")  #this seems the most interesting model

1.3 Model Training

Split into training and test data subset for each model with covariates and repsonse variables mounted.

allseedsX_train <- useful::build.x(allseeds_lm, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data,
    contrasts = FALSE, sparse = TRUE)
allseedsY_train <- useful::build.y(allseeds_lm, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)

allseedsX_train2 <- useful::build.x(allseeds_lm2, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data,
    contrasts = FALSE, sparse = TRUE)
allseedsY_train2 <- useful::build.y(allseeds_lm2, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)

allseedsX_train3 <- useful::build.x(allseeds_lm3, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data,
    contrasts = FALSE, sparse = TRUE)
allseedsY_train3 <- useful::build.y(allseeds_lm3, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)

allseedsX_train4 <- useful::build.x(allseeds_lm4, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data,
    contrasts = FALSE, sparse = TRUE)
allseedsY_train4 <- useful::build.y(allseeds_lm4, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)

allseedsX_train5 <- useful::build.x(allseeds_lm5, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data,
    contrasts = FALSE, sparse = TRUE)
allseedsY_train5 <- useful::build.y(allseeds_lm5, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)

allseedsX_train6.1 <- useful::build.x(allseeds_lm6.1, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data,
    contrasts = FALSE, sparse = TRUE)
allseedsY_train6.1 <- useful::build.y(allseeds_lm6.1, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)

allseedsX_train6.2 <- useful::build.x(allseeds_lm6.2, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data,
    contrasts = FALSE, sparse = TRUE)
allseedsY_train6.2 <- useful::build.y(allseeds_lm6.2, data = darkwoods_seedlings_data)

1.4 Model Tuning

From the glmnet package, covariates are fitted to a generalised linear model over an elastic-net (latticed plane) in order to explore their effects under varying lambdas. The alpha=1 function is used to fit a lasso-model with a lambda that suppresses outliers, and the alpha=0 function fits a ridge-based lambda to empower correlation. Adding the nfolds function, we apply a 10K-fold cross validation and then compare coeffients visually using the coefpath function from the coefplot package. Zoom in on graphs to determine the remaining predictors as the model approaches a mean of zero. Most interesting model seems to 6.1.

allseeds_glmnet_lasso_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train,
    y = allseedsY_train, family = "gaussian", alpha = 1, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_ridge_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train,
    y = allseedsY_train, family = "gaussian", alpha = 0, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_lasso2_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train2,
    y = allseedsY_train2, family = "gaussian", alpha = 1, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_ridge2_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train2,
    y = allseedsY_train2, family = "gaussian", alpha = 0, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_lasso3_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train3,
    y = allseedsY_train3, family = "gaussian", alpha = 1, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_ridge3_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train3,
    y = allseedsY_train3, family = "gaussian", alpha = 0, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_lasso4_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train4,
    y = allseedsY_train4, family = "gaussian", alpha = 1, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_ridge4_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train4,
    y = allseedsY_train4, family = "gaussian", alpha = 0, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_lasso5_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train5,
    y = allseedsY_train5, family = "gaussian", alpha = 1, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_ridge5_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train5,
    y = allseedsY_train5, family = "gaussian", alpha = 0, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_lasso6.1_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train6.1,
    y = allseedsY_train6.1, family = "gaussian", alpha = 1, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_ridge6.1_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train6.1,
    y = allseedsY_train6.1, family = "gaussian", alpha = 0, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_lasso6.2_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train6.2,
    y = allseedsY_train6.2, family = "gaussian", alpha = 1, nfolds = 10)
allseeds_glmnet_ridge6.2_cv_10fold <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = allseedsX_train6.2,
    y = allseedsY_train6.2, family = "gaussian", alpha = 0, nfolds = 10)





2. Spatial Point Patterns

2.1 Import Data

In the following, we use three separate datasets; one which is already loaded, the main seedlings dataset above, and two more imported as excel and raster files and renamed below. Separate datasets of specific formats are required by the spatstat package depending on spatial modelling operations, including conversion of covariates into .img image files in the code chunk after this.

  1. darkwoods_seedlings_data - already loaded excel file from above,
  2. darkwoods_seedlings_tree_distance - excel file showing seed-distance,
  3. Rasters x 11 showing terrain, climate, and disturbance covariates.

Package requirements for stage-II listed below.

requirements_II = install.packages(c("spdep", "gstat", "rgdal",
    "maptools", "raster", "spatstat", "GISTools", "rgeos", "sp",
    "rpanel", "ncf", "spatial", "", "spatstat.local",
    "dplyr", "RColorBrewer", "jsonlite", "plotly", "RSQLite",
    "tidyverse", "useful", "xgboost"), dependencies = TRUE)
requirements_II  # settings on 'warnings=FALSE'
darkwoods_seedlings_tree_distance = read_excel("1.2.darkwoods_seedlings_distance.xls")
# A tibble: 3,866 × 3
         x        y distance_m
     <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 524355. 5446972.       16.6
 2 524350. 5446986.       14.2
 3 524350. 5446981.       15.5
 4 524350. 5446954.       38.3
 5 524202. 5447057.       29.2
 6 524185. 5447071.       31.7
 7 524215. 5447056.       26.8
 8 524197. 5447070.       29.0
 9 524197. 5447065.       29.7
10 524225. 5447060.       24.3
# ℹ 3,856 more rows
# knitr::kable(head(darkwoods_seedlings_tree_distance))

elevation_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/elevation_utm.tif"))
aspect_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/aspect_utm_bear.tif"))
slope_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/slope_utm.tif"))
rix_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/rix_utm.tif"))
twi_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/twi_utm.tif"))
wind_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/wind_utm.tif"))
mpb_grey_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/mpb_grey_na.tif"))
mpb_red_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/mpb_red_na.tif"))
fire_high_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/fire_high_na.tif"))
fire_med_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/fire_med_na.tif"))
fire_low_utm = readAll(raster("~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/SpatialData/fire_low_na.tif"))

2.2 Tidy Data

Convert datasets of seedlings and seed-distance from sf simple feature objects, to sp spatial objects, to ppp point pattern process objects. This is the required conversion flow for ppp objects. Then convert covariate rasters and seed-distance from ppp objects to .img image objects. Make sure to complete all transformations and data cleaning at the ‘sf’ stage.

The crsProject variable sets projections to EPSG:32611. Question, is it better practice to reproject everything to the LiDAR’s original coordinate system than to reproject everything to Landsat’s official projection? Although our higher-resolution LiDAR is superior in terms of georeferencing accuracy, most important predictors are Landsat-derived. Additionally, field equipment was calibrated to EPSG:3005.

# Project crs projection
crsProject = st_crs("EPSG:32611")
# Convert to sf
seedlings_allplots_sf = st_as_sf(darkwoods_seedlings_data, coords = c("x",
    "y"), crs = crsProject)

distance_tree = st_as_sf(darkwoods_seedlings_tree_distance, coords = c("x",
    "y"), crs = crsProject)

# Factorise and relabel
seedlings_allplots_sf$plot1 = factor(seedlings_allplots_sf$plot1)
seedlings_allplots_sf$plot2 = factor(seedlings_allplots_sf$plot2)
seedlings_allplots_sf$plot3 = factor(seedlings_allplots_sf$plot3)
seedlings_allplots_sf$plot123 = factor(seedlings_allplots_sf$plot123)
seedlings_allplots_sf$bec_zone = factor(seedlings_allplots_sf$bec_zone)
seedlings_allplots_sf$species <- factor(seedlings_allplots_sf$species,
    levels = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7), labels = c("Larix occidentalis",
        "Pseudostuga menzeisii", "Picea endelmannii", "Pinus contorta",
        "Pinus ponderosa", "Pinus monticola", "Tsuga heterophylla"))

# Convert sf to sp to ppp pbjects
seedlings_allplots_sp = as(seedlings_allplots_sf, "Spatial")
seedlings_allplots_ppp = as(seedlings_allplots_sp, "ppp")

distance_tree_sp = as(distance_tree, "Spatial")
distance_tree_ppp = as(distance_tree_sp, "ppp")
distance_tree_im =

elevation_im =
aspect_im =
slope_im =
rix_im =
twi_im =
wind_im =
mpb_grey_im =
mpb_red_im =
fire_high_im =
fire_med_im =
fire_low_im =

Subset seedlings by plot and by species at the sp and ppp stages to enable plotting and model fitting. For global analysis, plot subsamples are pooled using ratio-estimation function: superimpose

seedlings_plot1_sp = subset(seedlings_allplots_sp, plot1 == 1)
seedlings_plot2_sp = subset(seedlings_allplots_sp, plot2 == 1)
seedlings_plot3_sp = subset(seedlings_allplots_sp, plot3 == 1)
seedlings_plot1_ppp = subset(seedlings_allplots_ppp, plot1 ==
seedlings_plot2_ppp = subset(seedlings_allplots_ppp, plot2 ==
seedlings_plot3_ppp = subset(seedlings_allplots_ppp, plot3 ==

larix_spp_allplots_sf = subset(seedlings_allplots_sf, larix_spp ==
pseudo_m_allplots_sf = subset(seedlings_allplots_sf, pseudo_m ==
picea_eng_allplots_sf = subset(seedlings_allplots_sf, picea_eng ==
pinus_con_allplots_sf = subset(seedlings_allplots_sf, pinus_con ==
pinus_pond_allplots_sf = subset(seedlings_allplots_sf, pinus_pond ==
pinus_monti_allplots_sf = subset(seedlings_allplots_sf, pinus_albi ==
tsuga_hete_allplots_sf = subset(seedlings_allplots_sf, tsuga_hete ==
larix_spp_allplots_sp = subset(seedlings_allplots_sp, larix_spp ==
pseudo_m_allplots_sp = subset(seedlings_allplots_sp, pseudo_m ==
picea_eng_allplots_sp = subset(seedlings_allplots_sp, picea_eng ==
pinus_con_allplots_sp = subset(seedlings_allplots_sp, pinus_con ==
pinus_pond_allplots_sp = subset(seedlings_allplots_sp, pinus_pond ==
pinus_monti_allplots_sp = subset(seedlings_allplots_sp, pinus_albi ==
tsuga_hete_allplots_sp = subset(seedlings_allplots_sp, tsuga_hete ==
larix_spp_allplots_ppp = subset(seedlings_allplots_ppp, larix_spp ==
pseudo_m_allplots_ppp = subset(seedlings_allplots_ppp, pseudo_m ==
picea_eng_allplots_ppp = subset(seedlings_allplots_ppp, picea_eng ==
pinus_con_allplots_ppp = subset(seedlings_allplots_ppp, pinus_con ==
pinus_pond_allplots_ppp = subset(seedlings_allplots_ppp, pinus_pond ==
pinus_monti_allplots_ppp = subset(seedlings_allplots_ppp, pinus_albi ==
tsuga_hete_allplots_ppp = subset(seedlings_allplots_ppp, tsuga_hete ==

# Plot 1 by species
larix_spp_plot1_sp = subset(seedlings_plot1_sp, larix_spp ==
pseudo_m_plot1_sp = subset(seedlings_plot1_sp, pseudo_m == 1)
picea_eng_plot1_sp = subset(seedlings_plot1_sp, picea_eng ==
pinus_con_plot1_sp = subset(seedlings_plot1_sp, pinus_con ==
pinus_pond_plot1_sp = subset(seedlings_plot1_sp, pinus_pond ==
pinus_monti_plot1_sp = subset(seedlings_plot1_sp, pinus_albi ==
tsuga_hete_plot1_sp = subset(seedlings_plot1_sp, tsuga_hete ==
larix_spp_plot1_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot1_ppp, larix_spp ==
pseudo_m_plot1_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot1_ppp, pseudo_m ==
picea_eng_plot1_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot1_ppp, picea_eng ==
pinus_con_plot1_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot1_ppp, pinus_con ==
pinus_pond_plot1_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot1_ppp, pinus_pond ==
pinus_monti_plot1_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot1_ppp, pinus_albi ==
tsuga_hete_plot1_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot1_ppp, tsuga_hete ==

# Plot 2 by species
larix_spp_plot2_sp = subset(seedlings_plot2_sp, larix_spp ==
pseudo_m_plot2_sp = subset(seedlings_plot2_sp, pseudo_m == 1)
picea_eng_plot2_sp = subset(seedlings_plot2_sp, picea_eng ==
pinus_con_plot2_sp = subset(seedlings_plot2_sp, pinus_con ==
pinus_pond_plot2_sp = subset(seedlings_plot2_sp, pinus_pond ==
pinus_monti_plot2_sp = subset(seedlings_plot2_sp, pinus_albi ==
tsuga_hete_plot2_sp = subset(seedlings_plot2_sp, tsuga_hete ==
larix_spp_plot2_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot2_ppp, larix_spp ==
pseudo_m_plot2_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot2_ppp, pseudo_m ==
picea_eng_plot2_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot2_ppp, picea_eng ==
pinus_con_plot2_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot2_ppp, pinus_con ==
pinus_pond_plot2_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot2_ppp, pinus_pond ==
pinus_monti_plot2_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot2_ppp, pinus_albi ==
tsuga_hete_plot2_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot2_ppp, tsuga_hete ==

# Plot 3 by species
larix_spp_plot3_sp = subset(seedlings_plot3_sp, larix_spp ==
pseudo_m_plot3_sp = subset(seedlings_plot3_sp, pseudo_m == 1)
picea_eng_plot3_sp = subset(seedlings_plot3_sp, picea_eng ==
pinus_con_plot3_sp = subset(seedlings_plot3_sp, pinus_con ==
pinus_pond_plot3_sp = subset(seedlings_plot3_sp, pinus_pond ==
pinus_monti_plot3_sp = subset(seedlings_plot3_sp, pinus_albi ==
tsuga_hete_plot3_sp = subset(seedlings_plot3_sp, tsuga_hete ==
larix_spp_plot3_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot3_ppp, larix_spp ==
pseudo_m_plot3_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot3_ppp, pseudo_m ==
picea_eng_plot3_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot3_ppp, picea_eng ==
pinus_con_plot3_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot3_ppp, pinus_con ==
pinus_pond_plot3_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot3_ppp, pinus_pond ==
pinus_monti_plot3_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot3_ppp, pinus_albi ==
tsuga_hete_plot3_ppp = subset(seedlings_plot3_ppp, tsuga_hete ==

# All plots by species pooled by ratio-estimation
seedlings_pooled = superimpose(seedlings_plot1_ppp, seedlings_plot2_ppp,
pinus_con_pooled = superimpose(pinus_con_plot1_ppp, pinus_con_plot2_ppp,
larix_spp_pooled = superimpose(larix_spp_plot1_ppp, larix_spp_plot2_ppp,
picea_eng_pooled = superimpose(picea_eng_plot1_ppp, picea_eng_plot2_ppp,
pseudo_m_pooled = superimpose(pseudo_m_plot1_ppp, pseudo_m_plot2_ppp,
pinus_pond_pooled = superimpose(pinus_pond_plot1_ppp, pinus_pond_plot2_ppp,
pinus_monti_pooled = superimpose(pinus_monti_plot1_ppp, pinus_monti_plot2_ppp,
tsuga_hete_pooled = superimpose(tsuga_hete_plot1_ppp, tsuga_hete_plot2_ppp,

Import and tidy shapefiles of seedling plot boundaries to derive and assign observational windows to point pattern objects. Depending on spatstat operation, ppp objects must be marked or unmarked using the marks function, see bottom of chunk below.

mask_plot1 = readOGR(dsn = "~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/plots123.shps/",
    layer = "plot1X", verbose = FALSE)
mask_plot2 = readOGR(dsn = "~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/plots123.shps/",
    layer = "plot2X", verbose = FALSE)
mask_plot3 = readOGR(dsn = "~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/plots123.shps/",
    layer = "plot3X", verbose = FALSE)
mask_allplots = readOGR(dsn = "~/Desktop/git_repos/darkwoods_seedlings/plots123.shps/",
    layer = "plots123", verbose = FALSE)

# check OR assign coordinate reference systems
# crs(mask_plot1) crs(mask_plot2) crs(mask_plot3)
# crs(mask_allplots)

# crs(mask_plot1) <- '+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84
# +units=m +no_defs' crs(mask_plot2) <- '+proj=utm +zone=11
# +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' crs(mask_plot3) <-
# '+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'
# crs(mask_allplots) <- '+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84
# +units=m +no_defs'

# derive observational windows
win_plot1 = as.owin(mask_plot1, unitname = "meters")
win_plot2 = as.owin(mask_plot2, unitname = "meters")
win_plot3 = as.owin(mask_plot3, unitname = "meters")
win_allplots = as.owin(mask_allplots, unitname = "meters")

# assign observational windows
Window(seedlings_plot1_ppp) = win_plot1
Window(seedlings_plot2_ppp) = win_plot2
Window(seedlings_plot3_ppp) = win_plot3
Window(seedlings_allplots_ppp) = win_allplots

Window(larix_spp_allplots_ppp) = win_allplots
Window(pseudo_m_allplots_ppp) = win_allplots
Window(picea_eng_allplots_ppp) = win_allplots
Window(pinus_con_allplots_ppp) = win_allplots
Window(pinus_pond_allplots_ppp) = win_allplots
Window(pinus_monti_allplots_ppp) = win_allplots
Window(tsuga_hete_allplots_ppp) = win_allplots

Window(larix_spp_plot1_ppp) = win_plot1
Window(pseudo_m_plot1_ppp) = win_plot1
Window(picea_eng_plot1_ppp) = win_plot1
Window(pinus_con_plot1_ppp) = win_plot1
Window(pinus_pond_plot1_ppp) = win_plot1
Window(pinus_monti_plot1_ppp) = win_plot1
Window(tsuga_hete_plot1_ppp) = win_plot1

Window(larix_spp_plot2_ppp) = win_plot2
Window(pseudo_m_plot2_ppp) = win_plot2
Window(picea_eng_plot2_ppp) = win_plot2
Window(pinus_con_plot2_ppp) = win_plot2
Window(pinus_pond_plot2_ppp) = win_plot2
Window(pinus_monti_plot2_ppp) = win_plot2
Window(tsuga_hete_plot2_ppp) = win_plot2

Window(larix_spp_plot3_ppp) = win_plot3
Window(pseudo_m_plot3_ppp) = win_plot3
Window(picea_eng_plot3_ppp) = win_plot3
Window(pinus_con_plot3_ppp) = win_plot3
Window(pinus_pond_plot3_ppp) = win_plot3
Window(pinus_monti_plot3_ppp) = win_plot3
Window(tsuga_hete_plot3_ppp) = win_plot3

# assign unit of division is set to meters
unitname(larix_spp_allplots_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pseudo_m_allplots_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(picea_eng_allplots_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_con_allplots_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_pond_allplots_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_monti_allplots_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(tsuga_hete_allplots_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")

unitname(larix_spp_plot1_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pseudo_m_plot1_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(picea_eng_plot1_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_con_plot1_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_pond_plot1_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_monti_plot1_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(tsuga_hete_plot1_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")

unitname(larix_spp_plot2_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pseudo_m_plot2_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(picea_eng_plot2_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_con_plot2_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_pond_plot2_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_monti_plot2_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(tsuga_hete_plot2_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")

unitname(larix_spp_plot3_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pseudo_m_plot3_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(picea_eng_plot3_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_con_plot3_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_pond_plot3_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(pinus_monti_plot3_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")
unitname(tsuga_hete_plot3_ppp) = c("meter", "meter")

marks(seedlings_plot1_ppp) <- seedlings_plot1_ppp$species
marks(seedlings_plot2_ppp) <- seedlings_plot2_ppp$species
marks(seedlings_plot3_ppp) <- seedlings_plot3_ppp$species
marks(seedlings_allplots_ppp) <- seedlings_allplots_ppp$species

2.3 Seedling Sample Plots

plot(seedlings_plot1_ppp, type = "n", main = "Plot 1 seedlings")
points(pinus_con_plot1_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "yellow")
points(larix_spp_plot1_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "green3")
points(pseudo_m_plot1_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "brown")
points(picea_eng_plot1_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "purple")
points(pinus_pond_plot1_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
points(pinus_monti_plot1_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "black")
points(tsuga_hete_plot1_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "blue")
species_palette = c("yellow", "green3", "brown", "purple", "red",
    "black", "cyan", "blue")
legend("topright", legend = levels(seedlings_allplots_sp$species),
    fill = species_palette)

plot(seedlings_plot2_ppp, type = "n", main = "Plot 2 seedlings")
points(pinus_con_plot2_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "yellow")
points(larix_spp_plot2_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "green3")
points(pseudo_m_plot2_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "brown")
points(picea_eng_plot2_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "purple")
points(pinus_pond_plot2_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
points(pinus_monti_plot2_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "black")
points(tsuga_hete_plot2_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "blue")

plot(seedlings_plot3_ppp, type = "n", main = "Plot 3 seedlings")
points(pinus_con_plot3_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "yellow")
points(larix_spp_plot3_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "green3")
points(pseudo_m_plot3_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "brown")
points(picea_eng_plot3_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "purple")
points(pinus_pond_plot3_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "red")
points(pinus_monti_plot3_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "black")
points(tsuga_hete_plot3_ppp, pch = 20, cex = 0.8, col = "blue")

2.4 Seedling Heat Maps

Seedling density patterns were mapped using the epanechnikov kernel density estimator and heat maps. The epanechnikov was chosen over Gaussian and Nadaraya-Watson kernels to address non-constant intensity as it handles negative outliers more conservatively and still provides MSE rather than MISE metrics. Diggle default bandwidth settings applied

# plot 1 - all species pooled - bandwidth=10
marks(seedlings_plot1_ppp) = NULL
density_plot1 = density(seedlings_plot1_ppp, sigma = 10, kernel = "epanechnikov",
    diggle = TRUE)

plot(density_plot1, main = "Plot 1", las = 1)
contour(density_plot1, add = TRUE)
persp(density_plot1, main = "Plot 1")

# kernel density of plot 2 all seedlings
marks(seedlings_plot2_ppp) = NULL
density_plot2 = density(seedlings_plot2_ppp, sigma = 10, kernel = "epanechnikov",
    diggle = TRUE)

plot(density_plot2, main = "Plot 2", las = 1)
contour(density_plot2, add = TRUE)
persp(density_plot2, main = "Plot 2")

# kernel density of plot 3 all seedlings
marks(seedlings_plot3_ppp) = NULL
density_plot3 = density(seedlings_plot3_ppp, sigma = 10, kernel = "epanechnikov",
    diggle = TRUE)

plot(density_plot3, main = "Plot 3", las = 1)
contour(density_plot3, add = TRUE)
persp(density_plot3, main = "Plot 3")
# style command for perspective plots persp(D, theta=70,
# phi=25, shade=0.4)

2.5 Seedling Nearest-Neighbour Analysis

To confirm spatial patterns in seeding density, we first test using nearest-neighbour algorithms: nndist. This is applied across plots and by species.

# compute nearest neighbour distance between plots
ann_seedlings_allplots <- nndist.ppp(seedlings_allplots_ppp,
    k = 1)
ann_seedlings_plot1 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot1_ppp, k = 1))
ann_seedlings_plot2 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot2_ppp, k = 1))
ann_seedlings_plot3 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot3_ppp, k = 1))
kruskal.test(ann_seedlings_allplots ~ plot123, data = seedlings_allplots_sf)  #significant: p<0.0001
    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  ann_seedlings_allplots by plot123
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 440.03, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
ann_seedlings_allplots_metrics = psych::describe(ann_seedlings_allplots)
ann_seedlings_plot1_metrics = psych::describe(ann_seedlings_plot1)
ann_seedlings_plot2_metrics = psych::describe(ann_seedlings_plot2)
ann_seedlings_plot3_metrics = psych::describe(ann_seedlings_plot3)
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1  3912  2.24  2.63   1.83    1.86  2.16     0  42.5  42.5  4.75     49.6
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  1.82    NA   1.82    1.82     0  1.82  1.82     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.85    NA   2.85    2.85     0  2.85  2.85     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.03    NA   2.03    2.03     0  2.03  2.03     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# compute nearest neighbour distance by species within
# plots
ann_larix_spp_plot1 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot1_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pseudo_m_plot1 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot1_ppp, k = 1))
ann_picea_eng_plot1 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot1_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pinus_con_plot1 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot1_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pinus_pond_plot1 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot1_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pinus_monti_plot1 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot1_ppp, k = 1))
ann_tsuga_hete_plot1 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot1_ppp, k = 1))
ann_larix_spp_plot2 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot2_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pseudo_m_plot2 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot2_ppp, k = 1))
ann_picea_eng_plot2 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot2_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pinus_con_plot2 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot2_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pinus_pond_plot2 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot2_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pinus_monti_plot2 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot2_ppp, k = 1))
ann_tsuga_hete_plot2 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot2_ppp, k = 1))
ann_larix_spp_plot3 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot3_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pseudo_m_plot3 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot3_ppp, k = 1))
ann_picea_eng_plot3 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot3_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pinus_con_plot3 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot3_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pinus_pond_plot3 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot3_ppp, k = 1))
ann_pinus_monti_plot3 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot3_ppp, k = 1))
ann_tsuga_hete_plot3 <- mean(nndist(seedlings_plot3_ppp, k = 1))

ann_larix_spp_plot1_metrics = psych::describe(ann_larix_spp_plot1)
ann_pseudo_m_plot1_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pseudo_m_plot1)
ann_picea_eng_plot1_metrics = psych::describe(ann_picea_eng_plot1)
ann_pinus_con_plot1_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pinus_con_plot1)
ann_pinus_pond_plot1_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pinus_pond_plot1)
ann_pinus_monti_plot1_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pinus_monti_plot1)
ann_tsuga_hete_plot1_metrics = psych::describe(ann_tsuga_hete_plot1)
ann_larix_spp_plot2_metrics = psych::describe(ann_larix_spp_plot2)
ann_pseudo_m_plot2_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pseudo_m_plot2)
ann_picea_eng_plot2_metrics = psych::describe(ann_picea_eng_plot2)
ann_pinus_con_plot2_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pinus_con_plot2)
ann_pinus_pond_plot2_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pinus_pond_plot2)
ann_pinus_monti_plot2_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pinus_monti_plot2)
ann_tsuga_hete_plot2_metrics = psych::describe(ann_tsuga_hete_plot2)
ann_larix_spp_plot3_metrics = psych::describe(ann_larix_spp_plot3)
ann_pseudo_m_plot3_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pseudo_m_plot3)
ann_picea_eng_plot3_metrics = psych::describe(ann_picea_eng_plot3)
ann_pinus_con_plot3_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pinus_con_plot3)
ann_pinus_pond_plot3_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pinus_pond_plot3)
ann_pinus_monti_plot3_metrics = psych::describe(ann_pinus_monti_plot3)
ann_tsuga_hete_plot3_metrics = psych::describe(ann_tsuga_hete_plot3)

# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  1.82    NA   1.82    1.82     0  1.82  1.82     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.85    NA   2.85    2.85     0  2.85  2.85     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.03    NA   2.03    2.03     0  2.03  2.03     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  1.82    NA   1.82    1.82     0  1.82  1.82     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.85    NA   2.85    2.85     0  2.85  2.85     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.03    NA   2.03    2.03     0  2.03  2.03     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  1.82    NA   1.82    1.82     0  1.82  1.82     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.85    NA   2.85    2.85     0  2.85  2.85     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.03    NA   2.03    2.03     0  2.03  2.03     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  1.82    NA   1.82    1.82     0  1.82  1.82     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.85    NA   2.85    2.85     0  2.85  2.85     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.03    NA   2.03    2.03     0  2.03  2.03     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  1.82    NA   1.82    1.82     0  1.82  1.82     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.85    NA   2.85    2.85     0  2.85  2.85     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.03    NA   2.03    2.03     0  2.03  2.03     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  1.82    NA   1.82    1.82     0  1.82  1.82     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.85    NA   2.85    2.85     0  2.85  2.85     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.03    NA   2.03    2.03     0  2.03  2.03     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  1.82    NA   1.82    1.82     0  1.82  1.82     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.85    NA   2.85    2.85     0  2.85  2.85     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1     1  2.03    NA   2.03    2.03     0  2.03  2.03     0    NA       NA
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>

2.6 Seedling Descriptives

The following commands derive descriptive statistics used to populate tables 2.1 and 2.2 in manuscript draft, as shown directly.

  Elevation Slope RIX Aspect TWI Wind
Pooled  1516 (224.2) 13.81(7.96) 0.51 (0.06) 91.5 (58.2) 5.03 (1.27) 4.88 (0.79)
Plot 1 1769 (14.1) 7.82 (4.99) 0.55 (0.07) 144.0(79.2) 5.19 (0.61) 5.75 (0.12)
Plot 2 1672 (12.7) 7.56 (1.47) 0.48 (0.05) 99.2 (29.9) 4.78 (1.28) 5.32 (0.09)
Plot 3 1251 (37.8) 22.5 (2.72) 0.50 (0.03) 51.7 (10.5) 5.13 (1.53) 3.97 (0.13)
Pinus c. 1516 (224.5) 13.70 (8.97) 0.51 (0.060) 91.4 (57.6) 5.04 (1.28) 4.88 (0.79)
Larix o. 1511 (226.7) 13.55 (8.21) 0.508 (0.060) 93.9 (64.3) 4.942 (1.288) 4.86 (0.80)
Picea e. 1509 (225.1) 13.83 (8.20) 0.507 (0.062) 91.0 (56.8) 5.076 (1.278) 4.87 (0.78)
Pseudo m. 1510 (222.3)  14.20 (7.70) 0.505 (0.057) 86.3 (48.4) 4.890 (1.370) 4.85 (0.77)
Pinus p. 1406 (208.2) 16.93 (7.46) 0.491 (0.043) 68.6 (26.7) 4.996 (1.343) 4.47 (0.68)
Pinus m. 1709 (291.1) 10.15 (5.48) 0.539 (0.060) 156.6(100.8) 5.121 (0.773) 5.59 (0.34)
Tsuga h. 1475 (218.0) 13.89 (7.79) 0.504 (0.046)  77.4 (28.0) 5.001 (0.991) 4.89 (0.77)
MPB-free MPB-grey MPB-red Fire-free Fire-low Fire-med Fire-high ICHdw1 ICHmw4 ESSFmw4
Pooled  0.72 0.04 0.25 0.06 0.38 0.44 0.13 0.06 0.35 0.59
Plot 1 0.55 0.12 0.33 0.00 0.40 0.44 0.16 0.00 0.00 1.00
Plot 2 0.49 0.02 0.49 0.15 0.19 0.56 0.10 0.00 0.00 1.00
Plot 3 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.51 0.34 0.13 0.15 0.85 0.00
Pinus c. 0.72 0.04 0.24 0.06 0.37 0.43 0.13 0.06 0.35 0.59
Larix o. 0.69 0.05 0.26 0.05 0.36 0.43 0.15 0.07 0.35 0.58
Picea e. 0.66 0.04 0.30 0.04 0.40 0.45 0.11 0.04 0.38 0.58
Pseudo m. 0.74 0.03 0.23 0.02 0.42 0.46 0.09 0.08 0.34 0.58
Pinus p. 0.79 0.02 0.19 0.04 0.42 0.47 0.07 0.13 0.49 0.38
Pinus a. 0.63 0.04 0.33 0.02 0.42 0.37 0.19 0.00 0.04 0.96
Tsuga h. 0.82 0.00 0.18 0.06 0.41 0.47 0.06 0.00 0.41 0.59
group_by(darkwoods_seedlings_data, species) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), mean = mean(elevation_asl, na.rm = TRUE),
        sd = sd(elevation_asl, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 8 × 4
  species count  mean    sd
    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1       0   319 1512. 227. 
2       1   209 1510. 222. 
3       2   290 1514. 221. 
4       3  2877 1517. 225. 
5       4    85 1407. 208. 
6       5    52 1709.  91.1
7       6    46 1551. 219. 
8       7    34 1520. 218. 
group_by(darkwoods_seedlings_data, plot123) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), mean = mean(elevation_asl, na.rm = TRUE),
        sd = sd(elevation_asl, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 3 × 4
  plot123 count  mean    sd
    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1       1  1037 1736.  14.1
2       2  1268 1672.  12.7
3       3  1607 1251.  37.8
group_by(darkwoods_seedlings_data, species) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), mean = mean(slope, na.rm = TRUE),
        sd = sd(slope, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 8 × 4
  species count  mean    sd
    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1       0   319  13.5  8.21
2       1   209  14.2  7.70
3       2   290  13.8  8.20
4       3  2877  13.7  7.97
5       4    85  16.9  7.46
6       5    52  10.1  5.48
7       6    46  14.2  7.19
8       7    34  14.0  7.79
group_by(darkwoods_seedlings_data, plot123) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), mean = mean(slope, na.rm = TRUE),
        sd = sd(slope, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 3 × 4
  plot123 count  mean    sd
    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1       1  1037  7.82  4.99
2       2  1268  7.56  1.47
3       3  1607 22.5   2.72
group_by(darkwoods_seedlings_data, species) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), mean = mean(rix, na.rm = TRUE), sd = sd(rix,
        na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 8 × 4
  species count  mean    sd
    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1       0   319  5.08 0.599
2       1   209  5.05 0.565
3       2   290  5.09 0.623
4       3  2877  5.10 0.576
5       4    85  4.91 0.434
6       5    52  5.39 0.598
7       6    46  5.10 0.593
8       7    34  5.19 0.465
group_by(darkwoods_seedlings_data, plot123) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), mean = mean(rix, na.rm = TRUE), sd = sd(rix,
        na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 3 × 4
  plot123 count  mean    sd
    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1       1  1037  5.52 0.742
2       2  1268  4.82 0.513
3       3  1607  5.03 0.277
group_by(darkwoods_seedlings_data, species) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), mean = mean(aspect, na.rm = TRUE),
        sd = sd(aspect, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 8 × 4
  species count  mean    sd
    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1       0   319  93.9  64.3
2       1   209  86.3  48.4
3       2   290  90.9  56.8
4       3  2877  91.4  57.6
5       4    85  68.6  26.7
6       5    52 157.  101. 
7       6    46  84.9  43.0
8       7    34  79.4  28.0
group_by(darkwoods_seedlings_data, plot123) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), mean = mean(aspect, na.rm = TRUE),
        sd = sd(aspect, na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 3 × 4
  plot123 count  mean    sd
    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1       1  1037 144.   79.2
2       2  1268  99.2  29.9
3       3  1607  51.7  10.5
group_by(darkwoods_seedlings_data, species) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), mean = mean(twi, na.rm = TRUE), sd = sd(twi,
        na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 8 × 4
  species count  mean    sd
    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1       0   319  4.94 1.29 
2       1   209  4.89 1.37 
3       2   290  5.10 1.28 
4       3  2877  5.04 1.28 
5       4    85  5.00 1.34 
6       5    52  5.12 0.773
7       6    46  4.91 0.875
8       7    34  5.18 0.991
group_by(darkwoods_seedlings_data, plot123) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), mean = mean(twi, na.rm = TRUE), sd = sd(twi,
        na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 3 × 4
  plot123 count  mean    sd
    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1       1  1037  5.19 0.616
2       2  1268  4.78 1.28 
3       3  1607  5.13 1.53 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1  3912  35.4  29.8   27.7    30.2  22.9  1.57  169.  168.  1.92     4.44
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1  1037  20.7  17.6   14.7    17.0  8.61  4.05  88.3  84.3  1.90     2.84
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range   skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1  1268  29.0  13.7   29.7    28.8  16.9  3.60  61.5  57.9 0.0452    -1.03
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1  1607  50.0  37.8   41.5    44.5  30.2  1.57  169.  168.  1.21     1.04
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1  2877  35.3  29.6   27.7    30.1  22.9  1.57  169.  168.  1.93     4.51
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1   319  33.3  28.0   25.6    28.7  22.3  3.60  169.  166.  1.95     5.26
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1   290  35.9  30.7   28.0    30.3  22.7  4.27  165.  160.  2.00     4.66
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1   209  36.2  29.7   27.7    31.2  20.5  4.72  164.  159.  1.88     4.15
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1    85  44.8  40.9   33.8    37.7  27.4  2.02  160.  158.  1.47     1.26
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1    52  26.8  20.5   19.5    24.4  12.8  4.27  76.9  72.7  1.01   -0.495
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1    34  42.3  35.5   31.0    37.4  20.1  5.62  131.  125.  1.25    0.266
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
kruskal.test(distance_m ~ plot123, data = seedlings_allplots_sf)
    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  distance_m by plot123
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 683.68, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
# Plot disturbances
plot1_fire_beetle_table = table(seedlings_plot1_sp$mpb_class,
prop.table(plot1_fire_beetle_table, 1)
             2          3          4
  0 0.51754386 0.33684211 0.14561404
  1 0.21138211 0.74796748 0.04065041
  2 0.27034884 0.50000000 0.22965116
prop.table(plot1_fire_beetle_table, 2)
             2          3          4
  0 0.71256039 0.42105263 0.49700599
  1 0.06280193 0.20175439 0.02994012
  2 0.22463768 0.37719298 0.47305389
        2         3         4 
0.3992285 0.4397300 0.1610415 
        0         1         2 
0.5496625 0.1186114 0.3317261 
1 2 3 
0 0 1 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range   skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1  1037  5.75 0.123   5.80    5.76 0.113  5.45  5.96 0.511 -0.800   -0.256
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
plot2_fire_beetle_table = table(seedlings_plot2_sp$mpb_class,
prop.table(plot2_fire_beetle_table, 1)
              1           2           3           4
  0 0.286634461 0.164251208 0.499194847 0.049919485
  1 0.000000000 0.769230769 0.230769231 0.000000000
  2 0.009661836 0.199677939 0.626409018 0.164251208
        1         2         3         4 
0.1451104 0.1940063 0.5559937 0.1048896 
         0          1          2 
0.48974763 0.02050473 0.48974763 
1 2 3 
0 0 1 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean     sd median trimmed    mad   min   max range   skew
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
1     1  1268  5.32 0.0923   5.34    5.33 0.0932  5.14  5.46 0.316 -0.515
# ℹ 2 more variables: kurtosis <dbl>, se <dbl>
plot3_fire_beetle_table = table(seedlings_plot3_sp$mpb_class,
prop.table(plot3_fire_beetle_table, 1)
             1          2          3          4
  0 0.02053516 0.50902302 0.33789670 0.13254512
         1          2          3          4 
0.02053516 0.50902302 0.33789670 0.13254512 
        1         2         3 
0.1468575 0.8531425 0.0000000 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range   skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1  1607  3.97 0.126   3.99    3.99 0.137  3.60  4.11 0.511 -0.866   -0.177
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# Disturbances across plots
         1          2          3          4 
0.05547035 0.37781186 0.43558282 0.13113497 
         0          1          2 
0.71523517 0.03808793 0.24667689 
        1         2         3 
0.0603272 0.3504601 0.5892127 
         0          1          2 
0.71523517 0.03808793 0.24667689 
# Disturbances between plots; ANOVA
kruskal.test(seedlings_allplots_sp$fire_class ~ seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123)
    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  seedlings_allplots_sp$fire_class by seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 41.131, df = 2, p-value = 1.171e-09
kruskal.test(seedlings_allplots_sp$fire_high ~ seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123)
    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  seedlings_allplots_sp$fire_high by seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 15.83, df = 2, p-value = 0.0003652
kruskal.test(seedlings_allplots_sp$fire_med ~ seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123)
    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  seedlings_allplots_sp$fire_med by seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 137.19, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
kruskal.test(seedlings_allplots_sp$fire_low ~ seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123)
    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  seedlings_allplots_sp$fire_low by seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 301.88, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
# kruskal.test(seedlings_allplots_sp$fire_unburn ~
# seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123)
kruskal.test(seedlings_allplots_sp$mpb_grey ~ seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123)
    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  seedlings_allplots_sp$mpb_grey by seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 202, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
kruskal.test(seedlings_allplots_sp$mpb_red ~ seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123)
    Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test

data:  seedlings_allplots_sp$mpb_red by seedlings_allplots_sp$plot123
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 969.49, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
# Disturbance by species disturbance by pinus contorta
         0          1          2 
0.71845673 0.03788669 0.24365659 
         1          2          3          4 
0.06117483 0.37122002 0.43343761 0.13416754 
         1          2          3 
0.06047967 0.34897463 0.59054571 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range   skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1  2877  4.88 0.787   5.27    4.90 0.803  3.60  5.96  2.36 -0.237    -1.68
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# disturbance by Larix spp
         0          1          2 
0.68652038 0.05329154 0.26018809 
         1          2          3          4 
0.05329154 0.36363636 0.42946708 0.15360502 
         1          2          3 
0.07210031 0.35109718 0.57680251 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range   skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1   319  4.86 0.798   5.25    4.87 0.873  3.64  5.96  2.32 -0.184    -1.72
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# disturbance by Picea engelmanii
         0          1          2 
0.66206897 0.03793103 0.30000000 
         1          2          3          4 
0.04482759 0.39655172 0.44827586 0.11034483 
         1          2          3 
0.04137931 0.37586207 0.58275862 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range   skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1   290  4.87 0.779   5.22    4.87 0.885  3.65  5.91  2.26 -0.180    -1.70
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# disturbance by Pseudotsuga menziesii
         0          1          2 
0.73684211 0.02870813 0.23444976 
         1          2          3          4 
0.02392344 0.42105263 0.46411483 0.09090909 
         1          2          3 
0.07655502 0.34449761 0.57894737 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range   skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1   209  4.85 0.774   5.21    4.86 0.883  3.68  5.89  2.21 -0.184    -1.71
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# disturbance by Pinus ponderosa
         0          1          2 
0.78823529 0.02352941 0.18823529 
         1          2          3          4 
0.03529412 0.42352941 0.47058824 0.07058824 
        1         2         3 
0.1294118 0.4941176 0.3764706 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1    85  4.47 0.680   4.08    4.43 0.454  3.64  5.89  2.25 0.513    -1.43
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# disturbance by Pinus monticola
         0          1          2 
0.63461538 0.03846154 0.32692308 
         1          2          3          4 
0.01923077 0.42307692 0.36538462 0.19230769 
         1          2          3 
0.00000000 0.03846154 0.96153846 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range  skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1    52  5.59 0.337   5.66    5.65 0.148  4.05  5.89  1.84 -3.41     12.7
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>
# disturbance by tsuga heterphylla
        0         2 
0.5384615 0.1153846 
         1          2          3          4 
0.03846154 0.26923077 0.30769231 0.03846154 
        1         2         3 
0.0000000 0.2692308 0.3846154 
# A tibble: 1 × 13
   vars     n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad   min   max range   skew kurtosis
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     1    34  4.89 0.767   5.24    4.90 0.857  3.84  5.89  2.05 -0.186    -1.79
# ℹ 1 more variable: se <dbl>

3. Spatial Point Processes

3.1 Seedling Clustering

To identify spatial trends in dispersion and clustering patterns, we ran monte-carlo simulations of complete spatial randomness models (CSR), repeated 999 times and fitted with non-linear Kinhom kernel. Non-linear methods were employed after quadrat test, commented out below, which showed non-constant intensity by species and by plots.

We have not tested CSR of individual species within indivdual plots. There are likely advantages for MPB-hosts in plot 3 where there was no MPB-attacks found. For further tests of clustering, we commented out below functions to apply the Clark Evan’s test of aggregation (1954) which is fitted with Donnelly’s edge effects constraint (1978). This test is specifically suitable for rectangular field plots with long boundaries and strong edge risks similar to ours.

  • Clark, P.J. and Evans, F.C. (1954) Distance to nearest neighbour as a measure of spatial relationships in populations Ecology 35, 445–453.
  • Donnelly, K. (1978) Simulations to determine the variance and edge-effect of total nearest neighbour distance. In I. Hodder (ed.) Simulation studies in archaeology, Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, pp 91–95.
# Quadrat test of intensity distribution
# Quadrat_seedlings_allplots <-
# quadrat.test(seedlings_allplots_ppp)
# Quadrat_seedlings_allplots Quadrat_seedlings_plot1 <-
# quadrat.test(seedlings_plot1_ppp) Quadrat_seedlings_plot1
# Quadrat_seedlings_plot2 <-
# quadrat.test(seedlings_plot2_ppp) Quadrat_seedlings_plot2
# Quadrat_seedlings_plot3 <-
# quadrat.test(seedlings_plot3_ppp) Quadrat_seedlings_plot3

mcarlo_kinhom999sim_plot1 = envelope(seedlings_plot1_ppp, Kinhom,
    nsim = 999, correction = "best", global = TRUE)
Generating 999 simulations of CSR  ...
1, 2, 3, ......10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60..


mcarlo_kest999sim_plot2 = envelope(seedlings_plot2_ppp, Kinhom,
    nsim = 999, correction = "best", global = TRUE)
Generating 999 simulations of CSR  ...
1, 2, 3, ......10 [2:30 remaining] .........20 [2:22 remaining] ...
......30 [2:21 remaining] .........40 [2:19 remaining] .........50 [2:26 remaining] ..
.......60 [2:23 remaining] .........70 [2:25 remaining] .........80 [2:21 remaining] .
........90 [2:19 remaining] .........100 [2:16 remaining] .........110
 [2:13 remaining] .........120 [2:11 remaining] .........130 [2:10 remaining] .........
140 [2:12 remaining] .........150 [2:11 remaining] .........160 [2:09 remaining] ........
.170 [2:07 remaining] .........180 [2:05 remaining] .........190 [2:05 remaining] .......
..200 [2:03 remaining] .........210 [2:01 remaining] .........220 [1:59 remaining] ......
...230 [1:57 remaining] .........240 [1:55 remaining] .........250 [1:53 remaining] .....
....260 [1:51 remaining] .........270 [1:51 remaining] .........280 [1:49 remaining] ....
.....290 [1:47 remaining] .........300 [1:45 remaining] .........310 [1:44 remaining] ...
......320 [1:42 remaining] .........330 [1:41 remaining] .........340 [1:39 remaining] ..
.......350 [1:38 remaining] .........360 [1:36 remaining] .........370 [1:34 remaining] .
........380 [1:33 remaining] .........390 [1:31 remaining] .........400
 [1:30 remaining] .........410 [1:29 remaining] .........420 [1:28 remaining] .........
430 [1:26 remaining] .........440 [1:25 remaining] .........450 [1:23 remaining] ........
.460 [1:21 remaining] .........470 [1:20 remaining] .........480 [1:19 remaining] .......
..490 [1:17 remaining] .........500 [1:16 remaining] .........510 [1:14 remaining] ......
...520 [1:13 remaining] .........530 [1:11 remaining] .........540 [1:10 remaining] .....
....550 [1:08 remaining] .........560 [1:07 remaining] .........570 [1:05 remaining] ....
.....580 [1:04 remaining] .........590 [1:02 remaining] .........600 [1:01 remaining] ...
......610 [59 sec remaining] .........620 [58 sec remaining] .........630 [56 sec remaining] ..
.......640 [55 sec remaining] .........650 [53 sec remaining] .........660 [51 sec remaining] .
........670 [50 sec remaining] .........680 [49 sec remaining] .........690
 [47 sec remaining] .........700 [46 sec remaining] .........710 [44 sec remaining] .........
720 [42 sec remaining] .........730 [41 sec remaining] .........740 [39 sec remaining] ........
.750 [38 sec remaining] .........760 [36 sec remaining] .........770 [35 sec remaining] .......
..780 [33 sec remaining] .........790 [32 sec remaining] .........800 [30 sec remaining] ......
...810 [29 sec remaining] .........820 [27 sec remaining] .........830 [26 sec remaining] .....
....840 [24 sec remaining] .........850 [23 sec remaining] .........860 [21 sec remaining] ....
.....870 [20 sec remaining] .........880 [18 sec remaining] .........890 [17 sec remaining] ...
......900 [15 sec remaining] .........910 [14 sec remaining] .........920 [12 sec remaining] ..
.......930 [11 sec remaining] .........940 [9 sec remaining] .........950 [8 sec remaining] .
........960 [6 sec remaining] .........970 [4 sec remaining] .........980
 [3 sec remaining] .........990 [1 sec remaining] ........


mcarlo_kinhom999sim_plot3 = envelope(seedlings_plot3_ppp, Kinhom,
    nsim = 999, correction = "best", global = TRUE)
Generating 999 simulations of CSR  ...
1, 2, 3, ......10 [3:35 remaining] .........20 [3:32 remaining] ...
......30 [3:44 remaining] .........40 [3:38 remaining] .........50 [3:34 remaining] ..
.......60 [3:35 remaining] .........70 [3:31 remaining] .........80 [3:26 remaining] .
........90 [3:26 remaining] .........100 [3:25 remaining] .........110
 [3:23 remaining] .........120 [3:20 remaining] .........130 [3:18 remaining] .........
140 [3:15 remaining] .........150 [3:14 remaining] .........160 [3:10 remaining] ........
.170 [3:09 remaining] .........180 [3:07 remaining] .........190 [3:04 remaining] .......
..200 [3:01 remaining] .........210 [3:00 remaining] .........220 [2:57 remaining] ......
...230 [2:54 remaining] .........240 [2:51 remaining] .........250 [2:48 remaining] .....
....260 [2:48 remaining] .........270 [2:45 remaining] .........280 [2:42 remaining] ....
.....290 [2:40 remaining] .........300 [2:37 remaining] .........310 [2:35 remaining] ...
......320 [2:34 remaining] .........330 [2:31 remaining] .........340 [2:29 remaining] ..
.......350 [2:27 remaining] .........360 [2:25 remaining] .........370 [2:22 remaining] .
........380 [2:20 remaining] .........390 [2:17 remaining] .........400
 [2:16 remaining] .........410 [2:13 remaining] .........420 [2:11 remaining] .........
430 [2:09 remaining] .........440 [2:07 remaining] .........450 [2:05 remaining] ........
.460 [2:02 remaining] .........470 [2:00 remaining] .........480 [1:57 remaining] .......
..490 [1:55 remaining] .........500 [1:53 remaining] .........510 [1:51 remaining] ......
...520 [1:49 remaining] .........530 [1:46 remaining] .........540 [1:44 remaining] .....
....550 [1:41 remaining] .........560 [1:39 remaining] .........570 [1:37 remaining] ....
.....580 [1:34 remaining] .........590 [1:32 remaining] .........600 [1:30 remaining] ...
......610 [1:28 remaining] .........620 [1:25 remaining] .........630 [1:23 remaining] ..
.......640 [1:21 remaining] .........650 [1:18 remaining] .........660 [1:16 remaining] .
........670 [1:14 remaining] .........680 [1:12 remaining] .........690
 [1:09 remaining] .........700 [1:07 remaining] .........710 [1:05 remaining] .........
720 [1:03 remaining] .........730 [1:00 remaining] .........740 [58 sec remaining] ........
.750 [56 sec remaining] .........760 [54 sec remaining] .........770 [52 sec remaining] .......
..780 [49 sec remaining] .........790 [47 sec remaining] .........800 [45 sec remaining] ......
...810 [43 sec remaining] .........820 [40 sec remaining] .........830 [38 sec remaining] .....
....840 [36 sec remaining] .........850 [34 sec remaining] .........860 [31 sec remaining] ....
.....870 [29 sec remaining] .........880 [27 sec remaining] .........890 [25 sec remaining] ...
......900 [22 sec remaining] .........910 [20 sec remaining] .........920 [18 sec remaining] ..
.......930 [16 sec remaining] .........940 [13 sec remaining] .........950 [11 sec remaining] .
........960 [9 sec remaining] .........970 [7 sec remaining] .........980
 [4 sec remaining] .........990 [2 sec remaining] ........


mcarlo_999sim_pinus_con = envelope(pinus_con_pooled, Kinhom,
    nsim = 999, correction = "best", global = TRUE)
Generating 999 simulations of CSR  ...
1, 2, 3, ......10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60..


mcarlo_999sim_larix_spp = envelope(larix_spp_pooled, Kinhom,
    nsim = 999, correction = "best", global = TRUE)
Generating 999 simulations of CSR  ...
1, 2, 3, ......10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60..


mcarlo_999sim_picea_eng = envelope(picea_eng_pooled, Kinhom,
    nsim = 999, correction = "best", global = TRUE)
Generating 999 simulations of CSR  ...
1, 2, 3, ......10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60..


mcarlo_999sim_pseudo_m = envelope(pseudo_m_pooled, Kinhom, nsim = 999,
    correction = "best", global = TRUE)
Generating 999 simulations of CSR  ...
1, 2, 3, ......10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60..


mcarlo_999sim_pinus_pond = envelope(pinus_pond_pooled, Kinhom,
    nsim = 999, correction = "best", global = TRUE)
Generating 999 simulations of CSR  ...
1, 2, 3, ......10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60..


mcarlo_999sim_pinus_monti = envelope(pinus_monti_pooled, Kinhom,
    nsim = 999, correction = "best", global = TRUE)
Generating 999 simulations of CSR  ...
1, 2, 3, ......10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60..


mcarlo_999sim_tsuga_hete = envelope(tsuga_hete_pooled, Kinhom,
    nsim = 999, correction = "best", global = TRUE)
Generating 999 simulations of CSR  ...
1, 2, 3, ......10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60..


# clarkevans.test(seedlings_allplots_ppp, nsim = 999)
# clarkevans.test(seedlings_plot1_ppp, nsim = 999)
# clarkevans.test(seedlings_plot2_ppp, nsim = 999)
# clarkevans.test(seedlings_plot3_ppp, nsim = 999)
# clarkevans.test(pinus_con_pooled, nsim = 999)
# clarkevans.test(larix_spp_pooled, nsim = 999)
# clarkevans.test(picea_eng_pooled, nsim = 999)
# clarkevans.test(pseudo_m_pooled, nsim = 999)
# clarkevans.test(pinus_pond_pooled, nsim = 999)
# clarkevans.test(pinus_monti_pooled, nsim = 999)
# clarkevans.test(tsuga_hete_pooled, nsim = 999)

3.2 Seedling Bandwidth Optimization

Bandwidth optimization is carried out with likelihood cross-validation test bw.ppl that ranges from 5.5 to 11.0 metres across plots and globally. Additional optimizer also available: bw.diggle.

bw_likelihood_plot1 = bw.ppl(seedlings_plot1_ppp)
bw_likelihood_plot2 = bw.ppl(seedlings_plot2_ppp)
bw_likelihood_plot3 = bw.ppl(seedlings_plot3_ppp)
bw_likelihood_allplots = bw.ppl(seedlings_pooled)

plot(bw_likelihood_plot1, main = "Plot 1 - LCV Bandwidth", xlim = c(0,
plot(bw_likelihood_plot2, main = "Plot 2 - LCV Bandwidth", xlim = c(0,
plot(bw_likelihood_plot3, main = "Plot 3 - LCV Bandwidth", xlim = c(0,
plot(bw_likelihood_allplots, main = "Pooled - LCV Bandwidth",
    xlim = c(0, 16))

# compute optimal bandwith - Diggle and Berman mean sq
# error cross validation method bw_diggle_plot1 =
# bw.diggle(seedlings_plot1_ppp) bw_diggle_plot2 =
# bw.diggle(seedlings_plot2_ppp) bw_diggle_plot3 =
# bw.diggle(seedlings_plot3_ppp) bw_diggle_allplots =
# bw.diggle(seedlings_allplots_ppp) plot(bw_diggle_plot1,
# main='Plot 1 - Diggle & Bearman CV-Bandwidth test')
# plot(bw_diggle_plot1, main='Plot 1 - Diggle & Bearman
# CV-Bandwidth test', xlim=c(0,1))

3.3 Seedling Point Processe Models

Terrain and climate covariates were screened for final inputs in the point-pattern-Cox-process model using Likelihood-Ratio-Test. This is quick and easy test to measure odds of prediction against intercept-only model. Similar to glmnet in section 1, covariates are dropped if their odds (or coefficients) are not impressive compared to zero-model. Anova analysis provides metric of statistical signficance.

Using the remaining best subset, a Cox-thomas model is fitted using kppm regression, with a previously optimized bandwidth as spatial threshold, and isotropic correction.

ppm_allplots = ppm(seedlings_allplots_ppp ~ 1, correction = "isotropic")  #intercept only model
ppm_allplots_distance_tree = ppm(seedlings_allplots_ppp ~ distance_tree_im,
    correction = "isotropic")
ppm_allplots_elevation = ppm(seedlings_allplots_ppp ~ elevation_im,
    correction = "isotropic")
ppm_allplots_aspect = ppm(seedlings_allplots_ppp ~ aspect_im,
    correction = "isotropic")
ppm_allplots_slope = ppm(seedlings_allplots_ppp ~ slope_im, correction = "isotropic")
ppm_allplots_rix = ppm(seedlings_allplots_ppp ~ rix_im, correction = "isotropic")
ppm_allplots_twi = ppm(seedlings_allplots_ppp ~ twi_im, correction = "isotropic")
ppm_allplots_wind = ppm(seedlings_allplots_ppp ~ wind_im, correction = "isotropic")

anova(ppm_allplots, ppm_allplots_distance_tree, test = "LRT")
# A tibble: 2 × 4
   Npar    Df Deviance `Pr(>Chi)`
  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
1     2    NA      NA          NA
2     3     1    3339.          0
anova(ppm_allplots, ppm_allplots_elevation, test = "LRT")
# A tibble: 2 × 4
   Npar    Df Deviance `Pr(>Chi)`
  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
1     1    NA     NA    NA       
2     2     1     49.6   1.88e-12
anova(ppm_allplots, ppm_allplots_slope, test = "LRT")  #p=0.09702, dropped
# A tibble: 2 × 4
   Npar    Df Deviance `Pr(>Chi)`
  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
1     1    NA    NA       NA     
2     2     1     2.75     0.0970
anova(ppm_allplots, ppm_allplots_aspect, test = "LRT")
# A tibble: 2 × 4
   Npar    Df Deviance `Pr(>Chi)`
  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
1     1    NA     NA    NA       
2     2     1     72.3   1.84e-17
anova(ppm_allplots, ppm_allplots_rix, test = "LRT")
# A tibble: 2 × 4
   Npar    Df Deviance `Pr(>Chi)`
  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
1     1    NA     NA   NA        
2     2     1     17.6  0.0000279
anova(ppm_allplots, ppm_allplots_twi, test = "LRT")
# A tibble: 2 × 4
   Npar    Df Deviance `Pr(>Chi)`
  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
1     1    NA     NA     NA      
2     2     1     34.0    5.64e-9
anova(ppm_allplots, ppm_allplots_wind, test = "LRT")
# A tibble: 2 × 4
   Npar    Df Deviance  `Pr(>Chi)`
  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl>
1     1    NA     NA   NA         
2     2     1     22.3  0.00000232
marks(seedlings_pooled) <- NULL
marks(pinus_con_pooled) <- NULL
marks(larix_spp_pooled) <- NULL
marks(picea_eng_pooled) <- NULL
marks(pseudo_m_pooled) <- NULL
marks(pinus_pond_pooled) <- NULL
marks(pinus_monti_pooled) <- NULL
marks(tsuga_hete_pooled) <- NULL

ppm_seedlings_pooled = kppm(seedlings_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_pinus_con_pooled = kppm(pinus_con_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_larix_spp_pooled = kppm(larix_spp_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_picea_eng_pooled = kppm(picea_eng_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_pseudo_m_pooled = kppm(pseudo_m_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_pinus_pond_pooled = kppm(pinus_pond_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_pinus_monti_pooled = kppm(pinus_monti_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_tsuga_hete_pooled = kppm(tsuga_hete_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'seedlings_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to seedlings_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
3.412206e-06 2.610398e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.412206e-06 5.109205e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 155 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
 0.001863476 20.059649144 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  3912 points
Average intensity 0.00186 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     130 x 130 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 10.53800 x 11.78773 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  16904 points
Average intensity 0.00805 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 130 x 130 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [3.45, 124]  total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [3.45, 62.1] total: 65500
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [3.45, 124]  total: 2030000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -4.55392239       0.20382037       0.20206115      -4.07766302 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     -0.19616851      -1.32681744       0.27083362       0.66306646 

                    Estimate        S.E.      CI95.lo    CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -4.55392239 0.224024694 -4.993002723 -4.1148421   ***
distance_tree_im  0.20382037 0.001332111  0.201209478  0.2064313   ***
aspect_im         0.20206115 0.022639906  0.157687753  0.2464346   ***
rix_im           -4.07766302 0.302333192 -4.670225191 -3.4851009   ***
wind_im          -0.19616851 0.027383589 -0.249839362 -0.1424977   ***
mpb_grey_im      -1.32681744 0.181360910 -1.682278297 -0.9713566   ***
mpb_red_im        0.27083362 0.049594050  0.173631073  0.3680362   ***
fire_high_im      0.66306646 0.051853589  0.561435298  0.7646976   ***
fire_low_im       0.06398365 0.035903465 -0.006385845  0.1343532      
(Intercept)      -20.327770
distance_tree_im 153.005519
aspect_im          8.925000
rix_im           -13.487315
wind_im           -7.163725
mpb_grey_im       -7.315895
mpb_red_im         5.461010
fire_high_im      12.787282
fire_low_im        1.782102

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -4.55392239       0.20382037       0.20206115      -4.07766302 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     -0.19616851      -1.32681744       0.27083362       0.66306646 

Fitted exp(theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
      0.01052584       1.22607789       1.22392285       0.01694702 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
      0.82187373       0.26532032       1.31105692       1.94073441 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.412206e-06 5.109205e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                    Estimate       S.E.      CI95.lo      CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -4.55392239 5.93712790 -16.19047925 7.0826344695      
distance_tree_im  0.20382037 0.05985977   0.08649737 0.3211433660   ***
aspect_im         0.20206115 0.50870443  -0.79498120 1.1991035047      
rix_im           -4.07766302 6.86434684 -17.53153560 9.3762095555      
wind_im          -0.19616851 1.06575706  -2.28501396 1.8926769328      
mpb_grey_im      -1.32681744 0.67724286  -2.65418905 0.0005541651      
mpb_red_im        0.27083362 1.20191523  -2.08487693 2.6265441793      
fire_high_im      0.66306646 0.53221516  -0.38005608 1.7061890125      
fire_low_im       0.06398365 0.36401712  -0.64947678 0.7774440909      
(Intercept)      -0.7670245
distance_tree_im  3.4049640
aspect_im         0.3972074
rix_im           -0.5940351
wind_im          -0.1840649
mpb_grey_im      -1.9591457
mpb_red_im        0.2253350
fire_high_im      1.2458617
fire_low_im       0.1757710

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.8993361
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 1186.113
Cluster strength: 8.934048

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 6921.312, 108667300, 107077400, 10343.86)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'pinus_con_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to pinus_con_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
2.872829e-06 2.789562e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.872829e-06 5.281631e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 183 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
 0.001370455 27.330821189 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  2877 points
Average intensity 0.00137 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     110 x 110 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 12.45400 x 13.93095 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  12104 points
Average intensity 0.00577 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 110 x 110 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [4.34, 173]  total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [4.34, 86.7] total: 67600
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [4.34, 173]  total: 2030000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -4.93131716       0.20364793       0.22203450      -3.48540224 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     -0.26184906      -1.44215819       0.23728590       0.78198395 

                    Estimate        S.E.      CI95.lo    CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -4.93131716 0.265043152 -5.450792192 -4.4118421   ***
distance_tree_im  0.20364793 0.001570362  0.200570077  0.2067258   ***
aspect_im         0.22203450 0.026389586  0.170311861  0.2737571   ***
rix_im           -3.48540224 0.360054570 -4.191096234 -2.7797083   ***
wind_im          -0.26184906 0.032035215 -0.324636925 -0.1990612   ***
mpb_grey_im      -1.44215819 0.225553989 -1.884235883 -1.0000805   ***
mpb_red_im        0.23728590 0.057702805  0.124190482  0.3503813   ***
fire_high_im      0.78198395 0.059642816  0.665086179  0.8988817   ***
fire_low_im       0.07242254 0.041820647 -0.009544423  0.1543895      
(Intercept)      -18.605714
distance_tree_im 129.682166
aspect_im          8.413717
rix_im            -9.680206
wind_im           -8.173788
mpb_grey_im       -6.393849
mpb_red_im         4.112207
fire_high_im      13.111117
fire_low_im        1.731741

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -4.93131716       0.20364793       0.22203450      -3.48540224 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     -0.26184906      -1.44215819       0.23728590       0.78198395 

Fitted exp(theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     0.007216991      1.225866486      1.248614454      0.030641431 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     0.769627185      0.236416976      1.267803532      2.185804493 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.872829e-06 5.281631e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                    Estimate       S.E.      CI95.lo     CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -4.93131716 6.17115088 -17.02655064  7.16391632      
distance_tree_im  0.20364793 0.06422929   0.07776083  0.32953503    **
aspect_im         0.22203450 0.54535943  -0.84685035  1.29091935      
rix_im           -3.48540224 7.05888106 -17.32055489 10.34975040      
wind_im          -0.26184906 1.13593934  -2.48824925  1.96455113      
mpb_grey_im      -1.44215819 0.72069973  -2.85470370 -0.02961267     *
mpb_red_im        0.23728590 1.24492341  -2.20271915  2.67729095      
fire_high_im      0.78198395 0.59408275  -0.38239685  1.94636475      
fire_low_im       0.07242254 0.37875378  -0.66992123  0.81476631      
(Intercept)      -0.7990920
distance_tree_im  3.1706394
aspect_im         0.4071342
rix_im           -0.4937613
wind_im          -0.2305132
mpb_grey_im      -2.0010528
mpb_red_im        0.1906028
fire_high_im      1.3162879
fire_low_im       0.1912127

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9085078
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 958.0997
Cluster strength: 9.929888

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 4977.151, 62522750, 61539960, 7841.93)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'larix_spp_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to larix_spp_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
3.461944e-06 2.846486e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.461944e-06 5.335247e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 107 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
1.519552e-04 2.726308e+02 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  319 points
Average intensity 0.000152 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     40 x 40 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 34.24850 x 38.31012 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1604 points
Average intensity 0.000764 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 40 x 40 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [54.7, 1310] total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [54.7, 656]  total: 71300
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [54.7, 1310] total: 2030000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -7.27189370       0.19224538       0.27989784      -4.36098774 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     -0.18685673      -0.86084434       0.20096611       0.67353037 

                    Estimate        S.E.    CI95.lo       CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -7.27189370 0.777692853 -8.7961437 -5.7476437206   ***
distance_tree_im  0.19224538 0.004471982  0.1834805  0.2010103075   ***
aspect_im         0.27989784 0.080816087  0.1215012  0.4382944563   ***
rix_im           -4.36098774 1.082744212 -6.4831274 -2.2388480859   ***
wind_im          -0.18685673 0.095269496 -0.3735815 -0.0001319453     *
mpb_grey_im      -0.86084434 0.508128164 -1.8567572  0.1350685618      
mpb_red_im        0.20096611 0.175099087 -0.1422218  0.5441540110      
fire_high_im      0.67353037 0.181205281  0.3183745  1.0286861914   ***
fire_low_im       0.05477299 0.131251636 -0.2024755  0.3120214700      
(Intercept)      -9.3505986
distance_tree_im 42.9888541
aspect_im         3.4633926
rix_im           -4.0277174
wind_im          -1.9613490
mpb_grey_im      -1.6941481
mpb_red_im        1.1477279
fire_high_im      3.7169467
fire_low_im       0.4173128

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -7.27189370       0.19224538       0.27989784      -4.36098774 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     -0.18685673      -0.86084434       0.20096611       0.67353037 

Fitted exp(theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     0.000694795      1.211967878      1.322994643      0.012765772 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     0.829562582      0.422804941      1.222583334      1.961148687 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.461944e-06 5.335247e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                    Estimate       S.E.      CI95.lo   CI95.hi Ztest       Zval
(Intercept)      -7.27189370 6.15780355 -19.34096688 4.7971795       -1.1809233
distance_tree_im  0.19224538 0.05749162   0.07956389 0.3049269   ***  3.3438855
aspect_im         0.27989784 0.51978934  -0.73887055 1.2986662        0.5384832
rix_im           -4.36098774 7.06177847 -18.20181922 9.4798437       -0.6175481
wind_im          -0.18685673 1.08864398  -2.32055971 1.9468463       -0.1716417
mpb_grey_im      -0.86084434 0.82415242  -2.47615339 0.7544647       -1.0445208
mpb_red_im        0.20096611 1.32859967  -2.40304139 2.8049736        0.1512616
fire_high_im      0.67353037 0.60029369  -0.50302364 1.8500844        1.1220014
fire_low_im       0.05477299 0.41901992  -0.76649096 0.8760369        0.1307169

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.8898113
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 58.45387
Cluster strength: 8.075342

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 468.1832, 450059.7, 442830.5, 665.2215)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'picea_eng_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to picea_eng_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
3.544082e-06 2.182906e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.544082e-06 4.672157e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 109 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
1.381411e-04 2.915626e+02 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  290 points
Average intensity 0.000138 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     40 x 40 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 34.24850 x 38.31012 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1604 points
Average intensity 0.000764 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 40 x 40 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [69.1, 1310] total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [69.1, 656]  total: 68100
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [69.1, 1310] total: 2030000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -7.67826858       0.18729223       0.15773278      -2.86388669 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     -0.18388693      -0.78136144       0.46231971       0.63801339 

                    Estimate        S.E.       CI95.lo     CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -7.67826858 0.797977751 -9.2422762349 -6.11426093   ***
distance_tree_im  0.18729223 0.005034229  0.1774253246  0.19715914   ***
aspect_im         0.15773278 0.080955825 -0.0009377183  0.31640328      
rix_im           -2.86388669 1.079565804 -4.9797967868 -0.74797660    **
wind_im          -0.18388693 0.102699266 -0.3851737933  0.01739993      
mpb_grey_im      -0.78136144 0.507978245 -1.7769805010  0.21425763      
mpb_red_im        0.46231971 0.173155111  0.1229419244  0.80169749    **
fire_high_im      0.63801339 0.200948480  0.2441616037  1.03186517    **
fire_low_im       0.01262337 0.131904723 -0.2459051379  0.27115188      
(Intercept)      -9.62215872
distance_tree_im 37.20376012
aspect_im         1.94838090
rix_im           -2.65281346
wind_im          -1.79053793
mpb_grey_im      -1.53817893
mpb_red_im        2.66997435
fire_high_im      3.17500977
fire_low_im       0.09570066

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -7.67826858       0.18729223       0.15773278      -2.86388669 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     -0.18388693      -0.78136144       0.46231971       0.63801339 

Fitted exp(theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
    0.0004627755     1.2059796585     1.1708532811     0.0570466062 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
    0.8320298752     0.4577823459     1.5877528367     1.8927170442 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.544082e-06 4.672157e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                    Estimate       S.E.      CI95.lo    CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -7.67826858 6.28253661 -19.99181408  4.6352769      
distance_tree_im  0.18729223 0.06276401   0.06427704  0.3103074    **
aspect_im         0.15773278 0.54988539  -0.92002278  1.2354883      
rix_im           -2.86388669 7.89657666 -18.34089255 12.6131192      
wind_im          -0.18388693 1.04041414  -2.22306118  1.8552873      
mpb_grey_im      -0.78136144 0.83618413  -2.42025221  0.8575293      
mpb_red_im        0.46231971 1.22588195  -1.94036477  2.8650042      
fire_high_im      0.63801339 0.72464813  -0.78227085  2.0582976      
fire_low_im       0.01262337 0.39909173  -0.76958205  0.7948288      
(Intercept)      -1.22216058
distance_tree_im  2.98407062
aspect_im         0.28684665
rix_im           -0.36267446
wind_im          -0.17674398
mpb_grey_im      -0.93443706
mpb_red_im        0.37713232
fire_high_im      0.88044578
fire_low_im       0.03163024

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9113956
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 63.12209
Cluster strength: 10.28612

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 469.5974, 574487.9, 567597.6, 753.0458)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'pseudo_m_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to pseudo_m_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
2.800326e-06 2.533211e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.800326e-06 5.033101e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 125 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
9.955688e-05 4.147339e+02 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  209 points
Average intensity 9.96e-05 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     32 x 32 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 42.81062 x 47.88764 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1028 points
Average intensity 0.00049 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 32 x 32 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [121, 2050]  total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [121, 1030]  total: 79200
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [121, 2050]  total: 2020000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -6.64190062       0.17735010       0.21032067      -4.98184229 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     -0.29070679      -0.76784970       0.05135115       0.51798464 

                    Estimate        S.E.      CI95.lo     CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -6.64190062 1.013423579 -8.628174335 -4.65562690   ***
distance_tree_im  0.17735010 0.006266996  0.165067011  0.18963318   ***
aspect_im         0.21032067 0.095290326  0.023555059  0.39708627     *
rix_im           -4.98184229 1.337283066 -7.602868934 -2.36081564   ***
wind_im          -0.29070679 0.123639634 -0.533036018 -0.04837756     *
mpb_grey_im      -0.76784970 0.588329484 -1.920954300  0.38525490      
mpb_red_im        0.05135115 0.225292579 -0.390214187  0.49291650      
fire_high_im      0.51798464 0.259882118  0.008625046  1.02734423     *
fire_low_im       0.24566420 0.151187720 -0.050658289  0.54198668      
(Intercept)      -6.553924
distance_tree_im 28.299060
aspect_im         2.207157
rix_im           -3.725346
wind_im          -2.351243
mpb_grey_im      -1.305136
mpb_red_im        0.227931
fire_high_im      1.993152
fire_low_im       1.624895

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -6.64190062       0.17735010       0.21032067      -4.98184229 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     -0.29070679      -0.76784970       0.05135115       0.51798464 

Fitted exp(theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     0.001304545      1.194049053      1.234073722      0.006861410 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
     0.747734890      0.464009756      1.052692485      1.678641167 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.800326e-06 5.033101e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                    Estimate       S.E.     CI95.lo  CI95.hi Ztest        Zval
(Intercept)      -6.64190062 5.89475421 -18.1954066 4.911605       -1.12674768
distance_tree_im  0.17735010 0.07345742   0.0333762 0.321324     *  2.41432509
aspect_im         0.21032067 0.60073935  -0.9671068 1.387748        0.35010303
rix_im           -4.98184229 6.80260515 -18.3147034 8.351019       -0.73234330
wind_im          -0.29070679 1.15647024  -2.5573468 1.975933       -0.25137421
mpb_grey_im      -0.76784970 1.04828643  -2.8224534 1.286754       -0.73248081
mpb_red_im        0.05135115 1.50162151  -2.8917729 2.994475        0.03419714
fire_high_im      0.51798464 0.81309003  -1.0756425 2.111612        0.63705693
fire_low_im       0.24566420 0.45701840  -0.6500754 1.141404        0.53753678

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9181527
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 38.6918
Cluster strength: 11.21787

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 308.4498, 270866.6, 267031.2, 516.5468)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'pinus_pond_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to pinus_pond_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
2.185480e-06 1.820436e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.185480e-06 4.266656e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 85 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
4.048964e-05 8.449762e+02 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  85 points
Average intensity 4.05e-05 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     32 x 32 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 42.81062 x 47.88764 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1028 points
Average intensity 0.00049 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 32 x 32 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [256, 2050]  total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [256, 1030]  total: 43300
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [256, 2050]  total: 2060000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
      -2.9381024        0.2118847        0.4219905       -8.0187825 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
      -1.0385356      -14.3955315        0.7411791       -0.3247937 

                    Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)       -2.9381024   1.59653157 -6.067247e+00    0.1910420      
distance_tree_im   0.2118847   0.01073776  1.908391e-01    0.2329303   ***
aspect_im          0.4219905   0.16212534  1.042307e-01    0.7397503    **
rix_im            -8.0187825   2.34985716 -1.262442e+01   -3.4131471   ***
wind_im           -1.0385356   0.19984911 -1.430233e+00   -0.6468385   ***
mpb_grey_im      -14.3955315 951.31982314 -1.878948e+03 1850.1570596      
mpb_red_im         0.7411791   0.34523720  6.452659e-02    1.4178316     *
fire_high_im      -0.3247937   0.44375260 -1.194533e+00    0.5449454      
fire_low_im       -0.7200928   0.27902271 -1.266967e+00   -0.1732183    **
(Intercept)      -1.84030334
distance_tree_im 19.73267051
aspect_im         2.60286570
rix_im           -3.41245531
wind_im          -5.19659840
mpb_grey_im      -0.01513217
mpb_red_im        2.14686908
fire_high_im     -0.73192529
fire_low_im      -2.58076764

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
      -2.9381024        0.2118847        0.4219905       -8.0187825 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
      -1.0385356      -14.3955315        0.7411791       -0.3247937 

Fitted exp(theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
    5.296614e-02     1.236005e+00     1.524994e+00     3.292206e-04 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
    3.539727e-01     5.598866e-07     2.098408e+00     7.226764e-01 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.185480e-06 4.266656e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                    Estimate        S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)       -2.9381024   8.9021500 -2.038600e+01   14.5097910      
distance_tree_im   0.2118847   0.1127885 -9.176654e-03    0.4329460      
aspect_im          0.4219905   0.7174507 -9.841871e-01    1.8281681      
rix_im            -8.0187825  10.9489299 -2.947829e+01   13.4407257      
wind_im           -1.0385356   1.3155398 -3.616946e+00    1.5398750      
mpb_grey_im      -14.3955315 951.3203830 -1.878949e+03 1850.1581570      
mpb_red_im         0.7411791   1.5137328 -2.225683e+00    3.7080409      
fire_high_im      -0.3247937   1.3015994 -2.875882e+00    2.2262942      
fire_low_im       -0.7200928   0.8439248 -2.374155e+00    0.9339693      
(Intercept)      -0.33004413
distance_tree_im  1.87860235
aspect_im         0.58818042
rix_im           -0.73238048
wind_im          -0.78943684
mpb_grey_im      -0.01513216
mpb_red_im        0.48963665
fire_high_im     -0.24953435
fire_low_im      -0.85326658

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9523849
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 61.53161
Cluster strength: 20.00175

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 159.3448, 128348.5, 127104.4, 356.3214)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'pinus_monti_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to pinus_monti_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
1.484750e-05 2.526558e+02 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
1.484750e-05 1.589515e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 81 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
4.620583e-05 6.149680e+01 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  97 points
Average intensity 4.62e-05 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     32 x 32 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 42.81062 x 47.88764 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1028 points
Average intensity 0.00049 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 32 x 32 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [97.6, 2050] total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [97.6, 1030] total: 24700
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [97.6, 2050] total: 2070000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -29.8028259        0.1351359       -0.3582562       -1.6312003 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
       4.0273722      -15.3667919        0.1234843        1.0638541 

                    Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo       CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -29.8028259 2.263641e+00   -34.2394813  -25.36617047   ***
distance_tree_im   0.1351359 1.255967e-02     0.1105194    0.15975236   ***
aspect_im         -0.3582562 1.501453e-01    -0.6525355   -0.06397679     *
rix_im            -1.6312003 1.796335e+00    -5.1519517    1.88955107      
wind_im            4.0273722 4.456050e-01     3.1540024    4.90074209   ***
mpb_grey_im      -15.3667919 1.447433e+03 -2852.2824490 2821.54886512      
mpb_red_im         0.1234843 2.714039e-01    -0.4084575    0.65542612      
fire_high_im       1.0638541 3.077903e-01     0.4605963    1.66711188   ***
fire_low_im       -0.5984416 3.032126e-01    -1.1927274   -0.00415585     *
(Intercept)      -13.16587833
distance_tree_im  10.75950726
aspect_im         -2.38606315
rix_im            -0.90807146
wind_im            9.03798611
mpb_grey_im       -0.01061659
mpb_red_im         0.45498359
fire_high_im       3.45642548
fire_low_im       -1.97367004

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -29.8028259        0.1351359       -0.3582562       -1.6312003 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
       4.0273722      -15.3667919        0.1234843        1.0638541 

Fitted exp(theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
    1.139717e-13     1.144692e+00     6.988940e-01     1.956945e-01 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
    5.611327e+01     2.119762e-07     1.131432e+00     2.897517e+00 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
1.484750e-05 1.589515e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                    Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -29.8028259    8.4721112 -4.640786e+01  -13.1977931   ***
distance_tree_im   0.1351359    0.1126779 -8.570872e-02    0.3559804      
aspect_im         -0.3582562    0.7493148 -1.826886e+00    1.1103739      
rix_im            -1.6312003    9.9651263 -2.116249e+01   17.9000883      
wind_im            4.0273722    1.6738473  7.466917e-01    7.3080527     *
mpb_grey_im      -15.3667919 1447.4337833 -2.852285e+03 2821.5512934      
mpb_red_im         0.1234843    2.5012855 -4.778945e+00    5.0259139      
fire_high_im       1.0638541    1.2259981 -1.339058e+00    3.4667662      
fire_low_im       -0.5984416    1.8752206 -4.273806e+00    3.0769231      
(Intercept)      -3.51775671
distance_tree_im  1.19931137
aspect_im        -0.47811168
rix_im           -0.16369088
wind_im           2.40605708
mpb_grey_im      -0.01061658
mpb_red_im        0.04936834
fire_high_im      0.86774530
fire_low_im      -0.31913132

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9549818
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 52.1872
Cluster strength: 21.21326

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 181.8133, 175571.9, 176694.5, 418.6965)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'tsuga_hete_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to tsuga_hete_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
2.934178e-06 2.001022e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.934178e-06 4.473278e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 89 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
1.619586e-05 1.885789e+03 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  34 points
Average intensity 1.62e-05 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     32 x 32 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 42.81062 x 47.88764 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1028 points
Average intensity 0.00049 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 32 x 32 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [410, 2050]  total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [410, 1030]  total: 24200
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [410, 2050]  total: 2080000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -13.8562554        0.2182580        0.1705663        4.0896098 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
       0.0106779      -14.9145558       -0.8547068       -0.1267294 

                    Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -13.8562554    2.3749709   -18.5111128   -9.2013980   ***
distance_tree_im   0.2182580    0.0196139     0.1798155    0.2567006   ***
aspect_im          0.1705663    0.2440049    -0.3076744    0.6488071      
rix_im             4.0896098    3.8044444    -3.3669641   11.5461837      
wind_im            0.0106779    0.2987726    -0.5749055    0.5962614      
mpb_grey_im      -14.9145558 1577.3381707 -3106.4405618 3076.6114502      
mpb_red_im        -0.8547068    0.6467687    -2.1223501    0.4129365      
fire_high_im      -0.1267294    0.7606515    -1.6175788    1.3641201      
fire_low_im       -0.4010784    0.3932683    -1.1718700    0.3697132      
(Intercept)      -5.834284307
distance_tree_im 11.127719415
aspect_im         0.699028439
rix_im            1.074955875
wind_im           0.035739242
mpb_grey_im      -0.009455522
mpb_red_im       -1.321503147
fire_high_im     -0.166606360
fire_low_im      -1.019859689

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
     -13.8562554        0.2182580        0.1705663        4.0896098 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
       0.0106779      -14.9145558       -0.8547068       -0.1267294 

Fitted exp(theta):
     (Intercept) distance_tree_im        aspect_im           rix_im 
    9.600740e-07     1.243908e+00     1.185976e+00     5.971659e+01 
         wind_im      mpb_grey_im       mpb_red_im     fire_high_im 
    1.010735e+00     3.331890e-07     4.254079e-01     8.809721e-01 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.934178e-06 4.473278e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                    Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)      -13.8562554 6.422691e+00 -2.644450e+01   -1.2680128     *
distance_tree_im   0.2182580 9.293931e-02  3.610031e-02    0.4004157     *
aspect_im          0.1705663 6.091137e-01 -1.023274e+00    1.3644072      
rix_im             4.0896098 6.588385e+00 -8.823388e+00   17.0026079      
wind_im            0.0106779 1.161029e+00 -2.264898e+00    2.2862536      
mpb_grey_im      -14.9145558 1.577338e+03 -3.106441e+03 3076.6118527      
mpb_red_im        -0.8547068 1.381814e+00 -3.563013e+00    1.8535991      
fire_high_im      -0.1267294 1.170332e+00 -2.420539e+00    2.1670801      
fire_low_im       -0.4010784 7.647762e-01 -1.900012e+00    1.0978554      
(Intercept)      -2.157391017
distance_tree_im  2.348392885
aspect_im         0.280023830
rix_im            0.620730207
wind_im           0.009196929
mpb_grey_im      -0.009455521
mpb_red_im       -0.618539645
fire_high_im     -0.108284933
fire_low_im      -0.524438939

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9312881
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 35.22245
Cluster strength: 13.55351

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 81.98862, 23049.96, 22799.9, 150.9209)

3.4 Alternative Model: Disturbance Interactions

Alternative model see_formula6.2 identified in section ‘1.1 Model Fitting’ is tested below. This includes additional variables of disturbance interaction effects:

  • mpb_red*fire_high
  • mpb_grey*fire_high
  • mpb_red*fire_low
  • mpb_grey*fire_low
ppm_seedlings_pooled_interaction = kppm(seedlings_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im +
    mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im *
    fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov", correction = "isotropic",
    sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_pinus_con_pooled_interaction = kppm(pinus_con_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im +
    mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im *
    fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov", correction = "isotropic",
    sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_larix_spp_pooled_interaction = kppm(larix_spp_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im +
    mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im *
    fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov", correction = "isotropic",
    sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_picea_eng_pooled_interaction = kppm(picea_eng_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im +
    mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im *
    fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov", correction = "isotropic",
    sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_pseudo_m_pooled_interaction = kppm(pseudo_m_pooled ~ distance_tree_im +
    aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + mpb_red_im +
    fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im +
    mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im *
    fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov", correction = "isotropic",
    sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_pinus_pond_pooled_interaction = kppm(pinus_pond_pooled ~
    distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im +
        mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im *
        fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im *
        fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_pinus_monti_pooled_interaction = kppm(pinus_monti_pooled ~
    distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im +
        mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im *
        fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im *
        fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

ppm_tsuga_hete_pooled_interaction = kppm(tsuga_hete_pooled ~
    distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im +
        mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im *
        fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im *
        fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im, "Thomas", kernel = "epanechnikov",
    correction = "isotropic", sigma = bw_likelihood_allplots)

Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'seedlings_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to seedlings_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
3.341176e-06 2.667702e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.341176e-06 5.164981e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 143 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
 0.001863476 20.059649144 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  3912 points
Average intensity 0.00186 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     130 x 130 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 10.53800 x 11.78773 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  16904 points
Average intensity 0.00805 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 130 x 130 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [3.45, 124]  total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [3.45, 62.1] total: 65500
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [3.45, 124]  total: 2030000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + 
mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
             -4.8192084               0.2045116               0.1615850 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -3.6876434              -0.1750796              -1.3027875 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              0.5715231               0.8274246               0.2216878 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             -0.5941272              -0.8373945 

                          Estimate       S.E.    CI95.lo    CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)             -4.8192084 0.22568815 -5.2615491 -4.3768678   ***
distance_tree_im         0.2045116 0.00133018  0.2019045  0.2071187   ***
aspect_im                0.1615850 0.02309085  0.1163278  0.2068423   ***
rix_im                  -3.6876434 0.30308771 -4.2816844 -3.0936024   ***
wind_im                 -0.1750796 0.02753363 -0.2290445 -0.1211147   ***
mpb_grey_im             -1.3027875 0.18139236 -1.6583100 -0.9472650   ***
mpb_red_im               0.5715231 0.05747955  0.4588652  0.6841809   ***
fire_high_im             0.8274246 0.06295795  0.7040293  0.9508199   ***
fire_low_im              0.2216878 0.04000529  0.1432789  0.3000968   ***
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -0.5941272 0.10887056 -0.8075095 -0.3807448   ***
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.8373945 0.09673608 -1.0269938 -0.6477953   ***
(Intercept)             -21.353396
distance_tree_im        153.747321
aspect_im                 6.997794
rix_im                  -12.166919
wind_im                  -6.358755
mpb_grey_im              -7.182152
mpb_red_im                9.943068
fire_high_im             13.142497
fire_low_im               5.541463
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  -5.457189
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im   -8.656486

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
             -4.8192084               0.2045116               0.1615850 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -3.6876434              -0.1750796              -1.3027875 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              0.5715231               0.8274246               0.2216878 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             -0.5941272              -0.8373945 

Fitted exp(theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
            0.008073175             1.226925650             1.175372409 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
            0.025030920             0.839390190             0.271773162 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
            1.770962342             2.287420157             1.248181682 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
            0.552044197             0.432836794 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.341176e-06 5.164981e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                          Estimate       S.E.      CI95.lo    CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)             -4.8192084 6.08143088 -16.73859394 7.10017708      
distance_tree_im         0.2045116 0.05931047   0.08826519 0.32075794   ***
aspect_im                0.1615850 0.48712855  -0.79316936 1.11633945      
rix_im                  -3.6876434 6.87125201 -17.15504989 9.77976302      
wind_im                 -0.1750796 1.08162400  -2.29502370 1.94486447      
mpb_grey_im             -1.3027875 0.68551527  -2.64637276 0.04079771      
mpb_red_im               0.5715231 1.39323083  -2.15915915 3.30220534      
fire_high_im             0.8274246 0.74801333  -0.63865458 2.29350381      
fire_low_im              0.2216878 0.39175910  -0.54614588 0.98952156      
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -0.5941272 0.90397135  -2.36587846 1.17762412      
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.8373945 1.05329692  -2.90181856 1.22702948      
(Intercept)             -0.7924465
distance_tree_im         3.4481532
aspect_im                0.3317092
rix_im                  -0.5366771
wind_im                 -0.1618674
mpb_grey_im             -1.9004500
mpb_red_im               0.4102142
fire_high_im             1.1061629
fire_low_im              0.5658780
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -0.6572411
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.7950223

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.8992746
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 1154.045
Cluster strength: 8.927985

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 6855.946, 106588100, 104991400, 10242.69)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'pinus_con_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to pinus_con_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
2.831666e-06 2.787664e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.831666e-06 5.279833e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 247 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
 0.001370455 27.330821189 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  2877 points
Average intensity 0.00137 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     110 x 110 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 12.45400 x 13.93095 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  12104 points
Average intensity 0.00577 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 110 x 110 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [4.34, 173]  total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [4.34, 86.7] total: 67600
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [4.34, 173]  total: 2030000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + 
mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
             -5.0307548               0.2042264               0.1736705 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -3.2714499              -0.2506922              -1.4199048 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              0.5195014               0.8277711               0.2408036 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             -0.2462394              -0.8783495 

                          Estimate        S.E.    CI95.lo      CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)             -5.0307548 0.264949235 -5.5500458 -4.511463874   ***
distance_tree_im         0.2042264 0.001561856  0.2011652  0.207287542   ***
aspect_im                0.1736705 0.027054869  0.1206439  0.226697065   ***
rix_im                  -3.2714499 0.357895233 -3.9729117 -2.569988138   ***
wind_im                 -0.2506922 0.032182881 -0.3137695 -0.187614934   ***
mpb_grey_im             -1.4199048 0.225582645 -1.8620387 -0.977770950   ***
mpb_red_im               0.5195014 0.068588740  0.3850699  0.653932870   ***
fire_high_im             0.8277711 0.073421775  0.6838671  0.971675173   ***
fire_low_im              0.2408036 0.046740787  0.1491934  0.332413900   ***
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -0.2462394 0.124825119 -0.4908922 -0.001586702     *
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.8783495 0.113283051 -1.1003802 -0.656318830   ***
(Intercept)             -18.987618
distance_tree_im        130.758777
aspect_im                 6.419196
rix_im                   -9.140803
wind_im                  -7.789614
mpb_grey_im              -6.294389
mpb_red_im                7.574150
fire_high_im             11.274191
fire_low_im               5.151895
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  -1.972675
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im   -7.753583

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
             -5.0307548               0.2042264               0.1736705 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -3.2714499              -0.2506922              -1.4199048 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              0.5195014               0.8277711               0.2408036 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             -0.2462394              -0.8783495 

Fitted exp(theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
            0.006533877             1.226575770             1.189663503 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
            0.037951361             0.778261866             0.241737027 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
            1.681189214             2.288212943             1.272271188 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
            0.781735024             0.415468064 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.831666e-06 5.279833e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                          Estimate       S.E.      CI95.lo     CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)             -5.0307548 6.49710881 -17.76485409  7.70334443      
distance_tree_im         0.2042264 0.06392245   0.07894066  0.32951206    **
aspect_im                0.1736705 0.52223681  -0.84989484  1.19723583      
rix_im                  -3.2714499 7.38053142 -17.73702567 11.19412586      
wind_im                 -0.2506922 1.16363524  -2.53137539  2.02999095      
mpb_grey_im             -1.4199048 0.73026171  -2.85119147  0.01138185      
mpb_red_im               0.5195014 1.48412549  -2.38933111  3.42833393      
fire_high_im             0.8277711 0.79806852  -0.73641442  2.39195669      
fire_low_im              0.2408036 0.41833221  -0.57911242  1.06071970      
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -0.2462394 0.98452048  -2.17586413  1.68338525      
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.8783495 1.15628304  -3.14462265  1.38792359      
(Intercept)             -0.7743067
distance_tree_im         3.1949082
aspect_im                0.3325512
rix_im                  -0.4432540
wind_im                 -0.2154388
mpb_grey_im             -1.9443780
mpb_red_im               0.3500387
fire_high_im             1.0372181
fire_low_im              0.5756278
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -0.2501110
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.7596319

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9097562
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 925.7861
Cluster strength: 10.0811

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 4918.627, 61990170, 61016470, 7808.503)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'larix_spp_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to larix_spp_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
3.395855e-06 2.928236e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.395855e-06 5.411318e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 109 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
1.519552e-04 2.726308e+02 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  319 points
Average intensity 0.000152 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     40 x 40 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 34.24850 x 38.31012 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1604 points
Average intensity 0.000764 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 40 x 40 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [54.7, 1310] total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [54.7, 656]  total: 71300
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [54.7, 1310] total: 2030000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + 
mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
             -7.9322068               0.1942318               0.2598378 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -3.5221913              -0.1446052              -0.8195224 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              0.4586193               1.1433927               0.1470851 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             -1.2506713              -0.4305350 

                          Estimate        S.E.     CI95.lo     CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)             -7.9322068 0.804981128 -9.50994084 -6.35447280   ***
distance_tree_im         0.1942318 0.004530169  0.18535283  0.20311076   ***
aspect_im                0.2598378 0.081895001  0.09932652  0.42034902    **
rix_im                  -3.5221913 1.128199898 -5.73342250 -1.31096017    **
wind_im                 -0.1446052 0.096396272 -0.33353840  0.04432805      
mpb_grey_im             -0.8195224 0.507951345 -1.81508879  0.17604390      
mpb_red_im               0.4586193 0.195507042  0.07543256  0.84180608     *
fire_high_im             1.1433927 0.213053220  0.72581611  1.56096938   ***
fire_low_im              0.1470851 0.146827267 -0.14069105  0.43486126      
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -1.2506713 0.369925203 -1.97571140 -0.52563125   ***
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.4305350 0.351792945 -1.12003649  0.25896651      
(Intercept)             -9.853904
distance_tree_im        42.875178
aspect_im                3.172816
rix_im                  -3.121957
wind_im                 -1.500112
mpb_grey_im             -1.613388
mpb_red_im               2.345794
fire_high_im             5.366700
fire_low_im              1.001756
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -3.380876
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -1.223831

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
             -7.9322068               0.1942318               0.2598378 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -3.5221913              -0.1446052              -0.8195224 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              0.4586193               1.1433927               0.1470851 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             -1.2506713              -0.4305350 

Fitted exp(theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
           0.0003589933            1.2143777384            1.2967197021 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
           0.0295346438            0.8653638923            0.4406420349 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
           1.5818883945            3.1373947065            1.1584525460 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
           0.2863125245            0.6501611701 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.395855e-06 5.411318e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                          Estimate      S.E.      CI95.lo   CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)             -7.9322068 5.9657464 -19.62485496 3.7604413      
distance_tree_im         0.1942318 0.0569044   0.08270122 0.3057624   ***
aspect_im                0.2598378 0.5052683  -0.73046991 1.2501454      
rix_im                  -3.5221913 6.5139199 -16.28923971 9.2448570      
wind_im                 -0.1446052 1.0850258  -2.27121670 1.9820064      
mpb_grey_im             -0.8195224 0.8311922  -2.44862913 0.8095842      
mpb_red_im               0.4586193 1.5331636  -2.54632610 3.4635647      
fire_high_im             1.1433927 0.8329625  -0.48918366 2.7759692      
fire_low_im              0.1470851 0.4563484  -0.74734126 1.0415115      
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -1.2506713 1.1480098  -3.50072926 0.9993866      
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.4305350 1.2727021  -2.92498526 2.0639153      
(Intercept)             -1.3296252
distance_tree_im         3.4133000
aspect_im                0.5142570
rix_im                  -0.5407176
wind_im                 -0.1332735
mpb_grey_im             -0.9859603
mpb_red_im               0.2991327
fire_high_im             1.3726822
fire_low_im              0.3223088
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -1.0894256
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.3382842

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.8889218
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 62.14689
Cluster strength: 8.00267

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 473.4086, 456240.4, 448687.3, 669.6126)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'picea_eng_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to picea_eng_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
3.439472e-06 2.292981e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.439472e-06 4.788508e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 105 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
1.381411e-04 2.915626e+02 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  290 points
Average intensity 0.000138 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     40 x 40 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 34.24850 x 38.31012 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1604 points
Average intensity 0.000764 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 40 x 40 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [69.1, 1310] total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [69.1, 656]  total: 68100
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [69.1, 1310] total: 2030000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + 
mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
             -7.9412342               0.1877239               0.1190340 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -2.4884514              -0.1629429              -0.7632578 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              0.6999958               0.7672865               0.1842831 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             -0.3833109              -0.7228712 

                          Estimate       S.E.     CI95.lo     CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)             -7.9412342 0.80287693 -9.51484402 -6.36762429   ***
distance_tree_im         0.1877239 0.00499824  0.17792752  0.19752026   ***
aspect_im                0.1190340 0.08297591 -0.04359581  0.28166379      
rix_im                  -2.4884514 1.09515135 -4.63490863 -0.34199422     *
wind_im                 -0.1629429 0.10357872 -0.36595346  0.04006768      
mpb_grey_im             -0.7632578 0.50799052 -1.75890090  0.23238534      
mpb_red_im               0.6999958 0.20204818  0.30398865  1.09600298   ***
fire_high_im             0.7672865 0.24684776  0.28347380  1.25109926    **
fire_low_im              0.1842831 0.15138525 -0.11242651  0.48099276      
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -0.3833109 0.41475245 -1.19621077  0.42958897      
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.7228712 0.32224291 -1.35445573 -0.09128673     *
(Intercept)             -9.890973
distance_tree_im        37.558001
aspect_im                1.434561
rix_im                  -2.272244
wind_im                 -1.573131
mpb_grey_im             -1.502504
mpb_red_im               3.464499
fire_high_im             3.108339
fire_low_im              1.217312
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -0.924192
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -2.243249

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
             -7.9412342               0.1877239               0.1190340 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -2.4884514              -0.1629429              -0.7632578 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              0.6999958               0.7672865               0.1842831 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             -0.3833109              -0.7228712 

Fitted exp(theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
           0.0003557671            1.2065003478            1.1264082060 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
           0.0830384584            0.8496397074            0.4661453512 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
           2.0137442764            2.1539137295            1.2023561948 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
           0.6816009559            0.4853566822 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.439472e-06 4.788508e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                          Estimate       S.E.      CI95.lo    CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)             -7.9412342 6.29696359 -20.28305600  4.4005877      
distance_tree_im         0.1877239 0.06225315   0.06570997  0.3097378    **
aspect_im                0.1190340 0.51438495  -0.88914198  1.1272100      
rix_im                  -2.4884514 7.62279685 -17.42885871 12.4519559      
wind_im                 -0.1629429 1.05226077  -2.22533610  1.8994503      
mpb_grey_im             -0.7632578 0.83931821  -2.40829124  0.8817757      
mpb_red_im               0.6999958 1.34762409  -1.94129887  3.3412905      
fire_high_im             0.7672865 0.88007481  -0.95762840  2.4922015      
fire_low_im              0.1842831 0.44985448  -0.69741545  1.0659817      
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -0.3833109 1.39421936  -3.11593064  2.3493088      
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.7228712 1.06038773  -2.80119300  1.3554505      
(Intercept)             -1.2611212
distance_tree_im         3.0154924
aspect_im                0.2314103
rix_im                  -0.3264486
wind_im                 -0.1548503
mpb_grey_im             -0.9093783
mpb_red_im               0.5194296
fire_high_im             0.8718424
fire_low_im              0.4096505
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -0.2749287
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -0.6817046

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.90983
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 62.0095
Cluster strength: 10.09016

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 464.6307, 552044.8, 545045.1, 737.95)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'pseudo_m_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to pseudo_m_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
2.801052e-06 2.727889e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.801052e-06 5.222920e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 101 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
9.955688e-05 4.147339e+02 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  209 points
Average intensity 9.96e-05 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     32 x 32 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 42.81062 x 47.88764 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1028 points
Average intensity 0.00049 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 32 x 32 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [121, 2050]  total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [121, 1030]  total: 79200
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [121, 2050]  total: 2020000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + 
mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
            -7.06235920              0.18110851              0.12082526 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
            -4.45487060             -0.24458948             -0.76610769 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
             0.52317264              0.57434612              0.61935407 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             0.07460503             -1.87672945 

                           Estimate        S.E.     CI95.lo       CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)             -7.06235920 1.015279479 -9.05227042 -5.0724479889   ***
distance_tree_im         0.18110851 0.006262802  0.16883365  0.1933833788   ***
aspect_im                0.12082526 0.097373412 -0.07002312  0.3116736406      
rix_im                  -4.45487060 1.320502800 -7.04300853 -1.8667326649   ***
wind_im                 -0.24458948 0.124594240 -0.48878971 -0.0003892579     *
mpb_grey_im             -0.76610769 0.588196524 -1.91895169  0.3867363122      
mpb_red_im               0.52317264 0.256908297  0.01964163  1.0267036504     *
fire_high_im             0.57434612 0.313634010 -0.04036524  1.1890574849      
fire_low_im              0.61935407 0.174611343  0.27712213  0.9615860115   ***
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  0.07460503 0.548341739 -1.00012503  1.1493350953      
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -1.87672945 0.446773064 -2.75238857 -1.0010703388   ***
(Intercept)             -6.9560740
distance_tree_im        28.9181301
aspect_im                1.2408445
rix_im                  -3.3736169
wind_im                 -1.9630882
mpb_grey_im             -1.3024689
mpb_red_im               2.0364178
fire_high_im             1.8312622
fire_low_im              3.5470437
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  0.1360557
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -4.2006325

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
            -7.06235920              0.18110851              0.12082526 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
            -4.45487060             -0.24458948             -0.76610769 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
             0.52317264              0.57434612              0.61935407 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             0.07460503             -1.87672945 

Fitted exp(theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
           0.0008567545            1.1985452302            1.1284277145 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
           0.0116218237            0.7830259188            0.4648187703 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
           1.6873725929            1.7759688784            1.8577276892 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
           1.0774585084            0.1530899756 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.801052e-06 5.222920e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                           Estimate       S.E.      CI95.lo   CI95.hi Ztest
(Intercept)             -7.06235920 5.94045640 -18.70543981 4.5807214      
distance_tree_im         0.18110851 0.07030606   0.04331116 0.3189059    **
aspect_im                0.12082526 0.57442055  -1.00501833 1.2466688      
rix_im                  -4.45487060 6.88220386 -17.94374229 9.0340011      
wind_im                 -0.24458948 1.15120426  -2.50090837 2.0117294      
mpb_grey_im             -0.76610769 1.06882670  -2.86096952 1.3287541      
mpb_red_im               0.52317264 1.73729038  -2.88185394 3.9281992      
fire_high_im             0.57434612 0.88036429  -1.15113619 2.2998284      
fire_low_im              0.61935407 0.47750888  -0.31654615 1.5552543      
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  0.07460503 1.89637662  -3.64222483 3.7914349      
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -1.87672945 1.16770188  -4.16538309 0.4119242      
(Intercept)             -1.18885801
distance_tree_im         2.57600139
aspect_im                0.21034286
rix_im                  -0.64730291
wind_im                 -0.21246402
mpb_grey_im             -0.71677447
mpb_red_im               0.30114289
fire_high_im             0.65239597
fire_low_im              1.29705245
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  0.03934083
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im  -1.60719913

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9123928
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 38.68251
Cluster strength: 10.41459

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 305.3009, 246645.2, 242860.4, 492.6281)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'pinus_pond_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to pinus_pond_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
2.139194e-06 1.488569e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.139194e-06 3.858197e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 89 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
4.048964e-05 8.449762e+02 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  85 points
Average intensity 4.05e-05 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     32 x 32 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 42.81062 x 47.88764 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1028 points
Average intensity 0.00049 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 32 x 32 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [256, 2050]  total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [256, 1030]  total: 43300
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [256, 2050]  total: 2060000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + 
mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
             -4.8178398               0.2138951               0.3159806 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -5.1307932              -0.8975168             -15.3688865 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              1.3150813               0.1299337              -0.4722468 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
            -17.1900061              -2.1497025 

                           Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi
(Intercept)              -4.8178398 1.839615e+00 -8.423418e+00   -1.2122616
distance_tree_im          0.2138951 1.024773e-02  1.938100e-01    0.2339803
aspect_im                 0.3159806 1.670707e-01 -1.147201e-02    0.6434332
rix_im                   -5.1307932 2.756542e+00 -1.053352e+01    0.2719292
wind_im                  -0.8975168 2.085505e-01 -1.306268e+00   -0.4887654
mpb_grey_im             -15.3688865 1.582411e+03 -3.116838e+03 3086.1005020
mpb_red_im                1.3150813 3.595368e-01  6.104020e-01    2.0197605
fire_high_im              0.1299337 4.547677e-01 -7.613946e-01    1.0212619
fire_low_im              -0.4722468 2.935897e-01 -1.047672e+00    0.1031784
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -17.1900061 2.972640e+03 -5.843457e+03 5809.0769104
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im   -2.1497025 8.814769e-01 -3.877366e+00   -0.4220395
                        Ztest         Zval
(Intercept)                ** -2.618939860
distance_tree_im          *** 20.872448911
aspect_im                      1.891298417
rix_im                        -1.861315317
wind_im                   *** -4.303595207
mpb_grey_im                   -0.009712320
mpb_red_im                ***  3.657709395
fire_high_im                   0.285714450
fire_low_im                   -1.608526609
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im       -0.005782741
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im      * -2.438750725

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
             -4.8178398               0.2138951               0.3159806 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -5.1307932              -0.8975168             -15.3688865 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              1.3150813               0.1299337              -0.4722468 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
            -17.1900061              -2.1497025 

Fitted exp(theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
           8.084232e-03            1.238493e+00            1.371604e+00 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
           5.911869e-03            4.075805e-01            2.115326e-07 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
           3.725054e+00            1.138753e+00            6.235996e-01 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
           3.423538e-08            1.165188e-01 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.139194e-06 3.858197e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                           Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi
(Intercept)              -4.8178398    6.8933812 -1.832862e+01    8.6929390
distance_tree_im          0.2138951    0.1252220 -3.153556e-02    0.4593258
aspect_im                 0.3159806    0.6641796 -9.857876e-01    1.6177488
rix_im                   -5.1307932    6.4573109 -1.778689e+01    7.5253035
wind_im                  -0.8975168    1.3196669 -3.484016e+00    1.6889829
mpb_grey_im             -15.3688865 1582.4118115 -3.116839e+03 3086.1012728
mpb_red_im                1.3150813    1.8252930 -2.262427e+00    4.8925898
fire_high_im              0.1299337    1.3428969 -2.502096e+00    2.7619633
fire_low_im              -0.4722468    1.0575910 -2.545087e+00    1.6005935
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im -17.1900061 2972.6410102 -5.843459e+03 5809.0793128
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im   -2.1497025    5.2985110 -1.253459e+01    8.2351881
                        Ztest         Zval
(Intercept)                   -0.698908087
distance_tree_im               1.708126827
aspect_im                      0.475745714
rix_im                        -0.794571198
wind_im                       -0.680108555
mpb_grey_im                   -0.009712318
mpb_red_im                     0.720476791
fire_high_im                   0.096756268
fire_low_im                   -0.446530634
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im       -0.005782739
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im        -0.405718239

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9615241
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 64.12825
Cluster strength: 24.99028

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 163.0558, 167585.5, 166328.6, 407.5603)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'pinus_monti_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to pinus_monti_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
2.190736e-05 1.841946e+02 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.190736e-05 1.357183e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 71 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
4.620583e-05 6.149680e+01 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  97 points
Average intensity 4.62e-05 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     32 x 32 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 42.81062 x 47.88764 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1028 points
Average intensity 0.00049 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 32 x 32 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [97.6, 2050] total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [97.6, 1030] total: 24700
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [97.6, 2050] total: 2070000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + 
mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
            -29.3219142               0.1190285              -0.6037328 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -1.8570270               3.9904517             -15.1966795 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              1.5201704               1.7104478               0.2777261 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             -2.0481166              -2.3233291 

                           Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi
(Intercept)             -29.3219142 2.303908e+00 -3.383749e+01  -24.8063374
distance_tree_im          0.1190285 1.172968e-02  9.603874e-02    0.1420182
aspect_im                -0.6037328 1.664888e-01 -9.300449e-01   -0.2774207
rix_im                   -1.8570270 1.723606e+00 -5.235233e+00    1.5211789
wind_im                   3.9904517 4.529810e-01  3.102625e+00    4.8782782
mpb_grey_im             -15.1966795 1.451209e+03 -2.859514e+03 2829.1210117
mpb_red_im                1.5201704 4.244028e-01  6.883562e-01    2.3519846
fire_high_im              1.7104478 3.814416e-01  9.628360e-01    2.4580597
fire_low_im               0.2777261 3.772679e-01 -4.617054e-01    1.0171577
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  -2.0481166 6.757957e-01 -3.372652e+00   -0.7235813
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im   -2.3233291 6.263161e-01 -3.550886e+00   -1.0957721
                        Ztest         Zval
(Intercept)               *** -12.72703322
distance_tree_im          ***  10.14763497
aspect_im                 ***  -3.62626667
rix_im                         -1.07740800
wind_im                   ***   8.80931332
mpb_grey_im                    -0.01047174
mpb_red_im                ***   3.58190457
fire_high_im              ***   4.48416659
fire_low_im                     0.73615097
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im    **  -3.03067398
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im    ***  -3.70951519

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
            -29.3219142               0.1190285              -0.6037328 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             -1.8570270               3.9904517             -15.1966795 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
              1.5201704               1.7104478               0.2777261 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             -2.0481166              -2.3233291 

Fitted exp(theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
           1.843548e-13            1.126402e+00            5.467668e-01 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
           1.561361e-01            5.407931e+01            2.512846e-07 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
           4.573004e+00            5.531438e+00            1.320125e+00 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
           1.289776e-01            9.794697e-02 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
2.190736e-05 1.357183e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                           Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi
(Intercept)             -29.3219142 7.400948e+00 -4.382751e+01  -14.8163230
distance_tree_im          0.1190285 9.814768e-02 -7.333743e-02    0.3113944
aspect_im                -0.6037328 6.710662e-01 -1.918998e+00    0.7115327
rix_im                   -1.8570270 1.106375e+01 -2.354158e+01   19.8275235
wind_im                   3.9904517 1.653906e+00  7.488557e-01    7.2320478
mpb_grey_im             -15.1966795 1.451210e+03 -2.859517e+03 2829.1232899
mpb_red_im                1.5201704 1.520792e+00 -1.460528e+00    4.5008685
fire_high_im              1.7104478 1.285025e+00 -8.081545e-01    4.2290501
fire_low_im               0.2777261 1.600661e+00 -2.859511e+00    3.4149635
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  -2.0481166 2.325766e+00 -6.606534e+00    2.5103007
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im   -2.3233291 3.828423e+00 -9.826900e+00    5.1802415
                        Ztest        Zval
(Intercept)               *** -3.96191337
distance_tree_im               1.21274885
aspect_im                     -0.89966212
rix_im                        -0.16784789
wind_im                     *  2.41274406
mpb_grey_im                   -0.01047173
mpb_red_im                     0.99959105
fire_high_im                   1.33106214
fire_low_im                    0.17350719
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im       -0.88062029
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im        -0.60686327

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9517392
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 23.56747
Cluster strength: 19.72074

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 157.2645, 122068.4, 123257.9, 349.1904)
Inhomogeneous cluster point process model
Fitted to point pattern dataset 'tsuga_hete_pooled'
Fitted by minimum contrast
    Summary statistic: inhomogeneous K-function
Minimum contrast fit (object of class "minconfit")
Model: Thomas process
Fitted by matching theoretical K function to tsuga_hete_pooled

Internal parameters fitted by minimum contrast ($par):
       kappa       sigma2 
3.394556e-06 1.513896e+03 

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.394556e-06 3.890881e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Converged successfully after 83 function evaluations

Starting values of parameters:
       kappa       sigma2 
1.619586e-05 1.885789e+03 
Domain of integration: [ 0 , 342.5 ]
Exponents: p= 2, q= 0.25

----------- TREND  -----
Point process model
Fitted to data: X
Fitting method: maximum likelihood (Berman-Turner approximation)
Model was fitted using glm()
Algorithm converged
ppm.ppp(Q = X, trend = trend, rename.intercept = FALSE, covariates = covariates, 
    covfunargs = covfunargs, use.gam = use.gam, forcefit = TRUE, 
    improve.type = ppm.improve.type, improve.args = ppm.improve.args, 
    nd = nd, eps = eps)
Edge correction: "border"
    [border correction distance r = 0 ]
Quadrature scheme (Berman-Turner) = data + dummy + weights

Data pattern:
Planar point pattern:  34 points
Average intensity 1.62e-05 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units

Dummy quadrature points:
     32 x 32 grid of dummy points, plus 4 corner points
     dummy spacing: 42.81062 x 47.88764 units

Original dummy parameters: =
Planar point pattern:  1028 points
Average intensity 0.00049 points per square unit
Window: rectangle = [522992.6, 524362.6] x [5445752, 5447285] units
                    (1370 x 1532 units)
Window area = 2099300 square units
Quadrature weights:
     (counting weights based on 32 x 32 array of rectangular tiles)
All weights:
    range: [410, 2050]  total: 2100000
Weights on data points:
    range: [410, 1030]  total: 24200
Weights on dummy points:
    range: [410, 2050]  total: 2080000

Nonstationary Poisson process

---- Intensity: ----

Log intensity: ~distance_tree_im + aspect_im + rix_im + wind_im + mpb_grey_im + 
mpb_red_im + fire_high_im + fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + 
mpb_red_im * fire_high_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im + mpb_red_im * fire_low_im
Model depends on external covariates 'distance_tree_im', 'aspect_im', 'rix_im', 
'wind_im', 'mpb_grey_im', 'mpb_red_im', 'fire_high_im' and 'fire_low_im'
Covariates provided:
    distance_tree_im: im
    aspect_im: im
    rix_im: im
    wind_im: im
    mpb_grey_im: im
    mpb_red_im: im
    fire_high_im: im
    fire_low_im: im

Fitted trend coefficients:
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
           -13.86448141              0.23820461              0.01315783 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             4.17725806              0.04289329            -14.77944218 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
             0.59115313             -0.47987389             -0.06280497 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             0.67176213             -3.05733610 

                            Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi
(Intercept)             -13.86448141 2.384364e+00   -18.5377485   -9.1912144
distance_tree_im          0.23820461 1.963091e-02     0.1997287    0.2766805
aspect_im                 0.01315783 2.574103e-01    -0.4913572    0.5176728
rix_im                    4.17725806 3.838459e+00    -3.3459836   11.7004997
wind_im                   0.04289329 2.969476e-01    -0.5391134    0.6249000
mpb_grey_im             -14.77944218 1.580428e+03 -3112.3606036 3082.8017193
mpb_red_im                0.59115313 7.884131e-01    -0.9541082    2.1364145
fire_high_im             -0.47987389 1.046157e+00    -2.5303038    1.5705561
fire_low_im              -0.06280497 4.001136e-01    -0.8470131    0.7214032
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im   0.67176213 1.617983e+00    -2.4994257    3.8429499
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im   -3.05733610 1.279468e+00    -5.5650482   -0.5496240
                        Ztest         Zval
(Intercept)               *** -5.814751009
distance_tree_im          *** 12.134158035
aspect_im                      0.051116173
rix_im                         1.088264305
wind_im                        0.144447322
mpb_grey_im                   -0.009351547
mpb_red_im                     0.749801222
fire_high_im                  -0.458701625
fire_low_im                   -0.156967854
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im        0.415184994
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im      * -2.389536142

----------- gory details -----

Fitted regular parameters (theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
           -13.86448141              0.23820461              0.01315783 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
             4.17725806              0.04289329            -14.77944218 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
             0.59115313             -0.47987389             -0.06280497 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
             0.67176213             -3.05733610 

Fitted exp(theta):
            (Intercept)        distance_tree_im               aspect_im 
           9.522089e-07            1.268969e+00            1.013245e+00 
                 rix_im                 wind_im             mpb_grey_im 
           6.518687e+01            1.043827e+00            3.813904e-07 
             mpb_red_im            fire_high_im             fire_low_im 
           1.806070e+00            6.188614e-01            9.391266e-01 
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im  mpb_red_im:fire_low_im 
           1.957684e+00            4.701277e-02 

----------- CLUSTER  -----------
Model: Thomas process

Fitted cluster parameters:
       kappa        scale 
3.394556e-06 3.890881e+01 
Mean cluster size:  [pixel image]

Final standard error and CI
(allowing for correlation of cluster process):
                            Estimate         S.E.       CI95.lo      CI95.hi
(Intercept)             -13.86448141    7.3272179 -2.822556e+01    0.4966018
distance_tree_im          0.23820461    0.1000093  4.219008e-02    0.4342191
aspect_im                 0.01315783    0.6237628 -1.209395e+00    1.2357104
rix_im                    4.17725806    7.6317739 -1.078074e+01   19.1352600
wind_im                   0.04289329    1.2945926 -2.494462e+00    2.5802481
mpb_grey_im             -14.77944218 1580.4278205 -3.112361e+03 3082.8021662
mpb_red_im                0.59115313    1.3962517 -2.145450e+00    3.3277562
fire_high_im             -0.47987389    1.4612107 -3.343794e+00    2.3840464
fire_low_im              -0.06280497    1.1130460 -2.244335e+00    2.1187252
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im   0.67176213    2.6298535 -4.482656e+00    5.8261803
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im   -3.05733610    2.9884960 -8.914681e+00    2.8000085
                        Ztest         Zval
(Intercept)                   -1.892189035
distance_tree_im            *  2.381825736
aspect_im                      0.021094287
rix_im                         0.547350868
wind_im                        0.033132657
mpb_grey_im                   -0.009351545
mpb_red_im                     0.423385791
fire_high_im                  -0.328408423
fire_low_im                   -0.056426206
mpb_red_im:fire_high_im        0.255437089
mpb_red_im:fire_low_im        -1.023035018

----------- cluster strength indices ----------
Mean sibling probability 0.9393388
Count overdispersion index (on original window): 69.54263
Cluster strength: 15.485

Spatial persistence index (over window): 0

Bound on distance from Poisson process (over window): 1
     = min (1, 108.5779, 46052.37, 45699.08, 213.6324)

darkwoods_seedlings's People


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