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arce's Introduction

Docker development setup

We recommend committing .env to your repo with good defaults. .env.development, .env.production etc can be used for local overrides and should not be in the repo.

  1. Make sure is installed and running

  2. If you don't already have it, install stack car

    gem install stack_car
  3. If you don't already have it, install and enable dory

    gem install dory
  4. After cloning the repo and cding into its directory, install dependencies

    sc build
  5. Start dory

    dory up
  6. Start the server

    sc up
  7. Load the database

    sc be rake db:migrate
  8. Import data into the database. The [100] limits the number of records to 100. If you want to load more items, increase the number. If you wish to load all items, remove the brackets entirely. If you want to import a specific set, you can pass the set in as the second argument. The default set is 'arce_1', which imports all of the collections.

    sc exec bash # to enter bash
    rake import[100]
    exit # to exit bash

    To import 100 of the Tomb of Menna collection:

    sc exec bash # to enter bash
    rake import[100,'tom_1']
    exit # to exit bash
  9. Then visit http://arce.docker in your browser

  10. If you need a user or need to be an admin, load the seed data

    sc be rake db:seed
  11. When done, stop the app and services:

    1. Press ctrl + c in the window where sc up is running
    2. When that's done, sc stop shuts down the running containers
    3. dory down stops Dory

Troubleshooting Docker Development Setup

Confirm or configure settings. Sub your information for the examples.

git config --global example
git config --global [email protected]
docker login

Troubleshooting Universal Viewer (UV) not Working

If the app is properly installed and you imported works from step 8, you should be able to view a work's UV at its show page. If the work show page loads all of the work's metadata but does not show the UV, you may have to do the following:

  1. Stop the app and services
  2. Run yarn install. This is supposed to run during sc build, but it may not have properly installed the UV
  3. If you get ...node_modules/node-sass: Command failed. Exit code: 1 Command: node scripts/build.js , proceed to the next step
  4. Delete your project's node_module folder and yarn.lock file
  5. Re-run yarn install. This will automatically create a new node_module folder and yarn.lock file
  6. Restart your app and attempt to view a work's show page. The UV should now work

Bash into the container

sc exec bash

While in the container you can do the following

  • Run rspec
    bundle exec rspec
  • Access the rails console
    bundle exec rails c

To exit bash


Deploy a new release

sc release {staging | production} # creates and pushes the correct tags
sc deploy {staging | production} # deploys those tags to the server

Release and Deployment are handled by the gitlab ci by default. See ops/deploy-app to deploy from locally, but note all Rancher install pull the currently tagged registry image

Clear data records

sc be rake clear

Run import from admin page

Login to admin page using seed user info Press the import records button

Release and Deployment are handled by the gitlab ci by default. See ops/deploy-app to deploy from locally, but note all Rancher install pull the currently tagged registry image

arce's People


labradford avatar aprilrieger avatar orangewolf avatar k8sewell avatar diembtran avatar alishaevn avatar


Braydon Justice avatar

arce's Issues

[1] Ticker Update


Ticker needs to be updated to remove Ramesses and say: "Upcoming collections: Documentation and Conservation of Wall Paintings at the Red Monastery in Sohag, Conservation and Documentation of St. Anthony Wall Paintings, Conservation of Mosaics in Greco-Roman museum in Alexandria."


  • Ticker says "Upcoming collections: Documentation and Conservation of Wall Paintings at the Red Monastery in Sohag, Conservation and Documentation of St. Anthony Wall Paintings, Conservation of Mosaics in Greco-Roman museum in Alexandria."

[1] About Us > Updates text update


The text under About Us > Updates at (screencap below) should be replaced with:

Through the generous support provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities Foundations Award (no. PW-264060-19), the ARCE Conservation Archives website launched in December 2020. Our current digitization and online publication efforts are made possible by two in-progress federal grants; from the United States Department of Education (award no. P274A200019) and the National Endowment for the Humanities, Humanities Collections and Reference Resources Program (award no. PW-285113-22).

Fully digitized collections can be found on our homepage and upcoming collections are periodically announced via our rolling banner, found at the top of our website's pages.

ARCE endeavors to continuously expand the accessibility of its unique archival and research resources by seeking additional funding for our digitization and online publication efforts.

Current text:



Aslam al-Silahdar Collection not importing

I ran the importer and it pulled in the 4th, but not the 5th collection. We are still missing the Aslam al-Silahdar collection.

The Arce-client slack has a message chain with Dawn about it. A developer who knows the endpoints we pull from will need to follow up.

BUG: collection_facet is tokenized

Switched the Collection facet in catalog controller from collection_facet to collection_t because the collectin_facet field is being tokenized. We should look into fixing this in the next phase or do as a maintenance ticket.



Maintenance: Text Updates

Three text updates:

Facet Updates for Topic: Revisit Q1 2023

User Story:
ARCE would like to be able to separate Topic facet up into different facets, as there is currently too much under one category for that to be useful. UCLA cannot update the OAI feed with new metadata, so SSS has advised that a shortcut to this would be to utilize the Notes fields for three new Topic attributes. We'll then create new facets based on the new attributes.

Indexing Sheet updated with attributes:

Attribute names will be:

  • Fieldwork Activity
  • Object/Monument Type

We'd expect something like:

<mods:note type="new_facet_one">Pharaohs; Upper-Egypt; Art, Ancient--Egypt</mods:note>
<mods:note type="new_facet_two">Mosques; Facades; Iwans</mods:note>
<mods:note type="new_facet_three">Ritual in art; Personnel; Priests--Egypt; Deities</mods:note>

We cannot do all three facets in one notes field. Each facet must be in its own note.


  • ARCE to Define names of attributes to create in Notes from Topics ("Fieldwork Activity" and "Object/Monument Type")
  • UCLA to add columns for new Note.attribute(s)
  • New Note.attribute(s) are in feed
  • Create facets mapped to new Note.attribute(s)

Notes from Dawn:

Here’s a bit more information about how we handle the Notes field that might help. UCLA has set up its ingest script to take any Note.[attribute] column and turn it into a new string field. We want to approve all new attribute cases to make sure there isn’t an existing field that will do the trick and to make sure it’s an attribute that fits with our longer-term plans, but it does allow us some flexibility in adding new fields without having to rescript our ingest process. So, if I add a column named Notes.cats, then a new field named Note.cats should show up in the feed once that data is ingested. Notes is the only field that we can do this with, so we wouldn’t do it for Genre because that would involve us having to update our ingest script/service (and I don’t think we'd want to break Genre up into sub fields anyway).

For these new fields, we would just be adding two additional Note.attribute fields that ARCE would use when putting their metadata together. These will be string fields for us, not facetable, so the only work I think Notch8 would need to do is to take the values present in those two “Note." fields and treat them as facets on the ARCE frontend. So, yes, this is the quick fix that requires no coding on UCLA’s part, but allows ARCE to publish that metadata.

Add DoE Credit to Footer


  • Larger, bolder font on "With Support From" and "In Partnership With" headings
  • Add this line below National Endowment for the Humanities logo: "This website was supported in part with United States Department of Education grant funds."

ON HOLD: Expose 'Subseries' Field

A field which has been exposed by UCLA but is not showing up in the front-end. That field is "subseries" and is supposed to show under the "series" facet in the sidebar

Investigate/Post-Mortem: Images not displaying

UPDATE: These images now load (later, same day, 2/3/21). This ticket becomes: Why did this happen and how can we prevent it from happening again? May be related to:

Some images are not displaying in the UV. Previously this seemed isolated to Egypt, and those test images now work. So this is either a sporadic issue that's manifested randomly, or a different new issue.

Current example won't load for me or anyone: (I'm trying to get more examples)
Second example:

Some background info that may be useful or may be a red herring:
Dawn at UCLA captured some errors on images that were loading very slowly for her:

Just for an extra point of reference, the images for the records below load for me, albeit quite slowly. I opened the page with the error console open and noticed that UV was generating two error messages regularly before loading the image:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

I’m not familiar with how Solr passes the image info to Blacklight/UV, so not sure if that sheds any light on the issue or not.

Commercial Request button

Add a button that will land to a page where users can fill a form if they want to request an image for commercial purposes?

A link on the home page that will link to a form that ARCE will create

  • link will be placed between Admin and Bookmarks in the navbar inside the hero section
  • client to provide url for link (See Below)
  • text for the link will be "Commercial Requests"

A button on the conservation and policies page

  • button will appear in new section inside access and use policy ("Also please notice that under the toggle Access and Use policy we have added a commercial use and we want the button embedded there too." - this new text has been supplied in
  • client to provide text for new section and heading for new section
  • button should be styled to match the "Join" button at
  • client to provide url for button

Notes on components:

  • Button with link to form for individuals to complete
  • Form page
  • Config of the email

Questions from Notch8:

  • Does this also ask for the form and the mailer config?
  • What should the button be called?
  • Where located?
  • What email does it go to?

Update from Client w/ Form Links:

Kevin, this is the embed and link of the google form. You can plug it in but FYI the content still pending management approval so could potentially be edited. You can use the link now for staging site but still not approved for final production.

​<iframe src="" width="640" height="2015" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>

Convert the collection name into a link to the collection search results page

Part of Epic ticket #79

On the collection show page, use the collection name to build the link to the collection search results page

if the collection is
Red Monastery Architectural Conservation

the link will be:


This will be tricky. You can find help with URI encoding, Rails path helpers, and rails to_query methods.

I've noticed the name of the collection on the "About Us and Our Collections" page don't match up with the collection name in the feed. We may need to add another field to the collections model for the collection name that we will use to build this link. For example, in the feed "Conservation of the Tomb of Anen" is the collection name but the title on the about collections page is "CONSERVATION OF THE TOMB OF ANEN IN THE THEBAN NECROPOLIS"

The link to the collections search page will not work unless the link matches the collection name in the OAI feed.

Google Arts and Culture

**This work to be completed as part of the Collection CMS Epic #79 **


  • Add Google Arts and Culture item to wireframe
  • Determine best aspect ratio for the embeds 16:9

Examples of Google Arts and Culture embeds:

Client notes:

On my long list with new website features I didn't add a possible feature that will promote our work we did with Google.

So recently our team published this page on Google Arts and Culture. There are several stories that we could potentially embed in as Google recently launched an add-on that enables developers to do so. The directions for adding stories are as follows:
Embed Stories - Cultural Institute Platform Help
Add one or more stories into an existing website or blogEmbedding stories is similar to embedding exhibits, with the difference that a few steps are done in the GA&C Story Editor. Here's how


  • ARCE to check "Allow story to be embedded" on Google Arts and Culture (instructions in link above)
  • List of embed URLs (generated when you follow the directions to allow embedding)
  • Location on where to put the stories - on the new collection pages

Theming Feedback

Acceptance Criteria

Over hero image

  • Replace "Fieldwork in Egypt" with "ARCE Conservation Archives"
  • Add blrub: "Sharing 7,000 Years of Egyptian Culture with the American Research Center in Egypt's Open Access Conservation Archive"


  • Add an "The ARCE Archives" tab to the top (blue) menu.
  • sub menu - "About Us", "Collections", and "Access and Policies"

This was done on a different ticket - Added "About Us and Our Collections" and "Archived Policy" under the About Us Menu, and the new pages were created

Footer -

Hero Image -

[2] Add ability to upload Banner image


Collections will have a banner image that will appear below the title on the Collection show page

Acceptance Criteria

  • Admins can upload a banner image
  • Banner image will appear on the collection show page

Sample banner image is attached to this ticket

Screenshots or Video


Testing Instructions

  • login as admin
  • add or edit a collection
  • upload a banner image
  • view the banner image on the collection show page
  • banner image should appear below the title and above the button to search results


ability to upload images using carrierwave was added in the MR. You can use this MR as a resource.

You will need:

  • migration to add banner_image to collection model
  • add to form
  • add to show page
  • add to strong params

[5] Allow for multiple Arts and Culture embeds

Each Collection will have multiple Google Arts and Culture embeds.

  • - convert the existing arts and culture embed field to an associated model.
  • - the relationship will be one (collection) to many (arts and culture embeds)
  • - the new model will one field: an embed link.
  • - generate and run migrations to create the new model
  • - write model specs for the new model
  • - add the arts and culture embed fields to the collections form
  • - add ability for multiple embeds
  • - add ability to remove embed from form for delete
  • - make sure placeholder show existing embeds in form
  • - make sure placeholder does not save as new embed
  • - make sure the arts and culture title and embeds show on the collection show page


Arts and Culture embeds are located on this doc.

Some of the embeds have bad formatting

Also, None of the embeds are active so you will see a not available message

  • login as admin and visit the admin page
  • edit an existing collection
  • add a GAC embed
  • Click link to add another embed - make sure JS is functioning properly
  • save and view the show page
  • Edit the collection
  • remove and add more GAC embeds. Make sure the delete checkbox is functioning properly and new GAC embeds are saved correclty

Conservation Archives Policies page updates

User Story:
Client would like to add a new anchor/jump-link under Conservation Archives Policies ( "Search Information"
They also have text additions to the page under Facet Description and Access and Use Policy.

  • Add new jump link below current menu for Conservation Archives Policies: "Search Information"
  • Search Information link will now jump to new material at the bottom of the page with the heading "Facet Description"
  • New Search Information section text will go under the subheadings Collection Information, Description, Topic & Genre, Location, Time Period. (Search_Information-Toggle_4.docx)
  • Elsewhere, under "Access and Use Policies" heading, under the "Open Access" subheading, new text regarding commercial requests needs to be added (Access_and_Use_Policy-Toggle_1.docx)
  • Replace/Update "Privacy Policy" text with the attached: Privacy_Policy-Toggle_2.docx
  • Replace/Update "Take Down Policy" text with the attached: Take-Down_Policy_-Toggle_3.docx

Note: Text updates for sections may extend beyond what is highlighted above, so please replace all text with supplied documents.

Data Display Design

Notch8 will work with ARCE to come up with a list of fields to be displayed, searchable and to use as facets for the search interface. We’ll discuss and implement formats, required fields and other metadata design constraints.

Spreadsheet with data :

Fields for facets

  • collection (mods:relatedItem type="host" mods:title)
  • Series (mods:relatedItem type="series" mods:title)
  • Time Period (mods:subject mods:temporal)
  • Location (mods:subject mods:geographic)
  • Topic (mods:subject mods:topic mods:subject mods:name)
  • Genre (mods:genre)

Sort Fields

  • Collection
  • Date Created

Fields to show on search results index page

  • Description (mods:titleInfo mods:title)
  • Location (mods:subject mods:geographic)
  • Time Period (mods:subject mods:temporal)
  • Collection (mods:relatedItem type="host" mods:title)

Fields to show on item show page

  • Description ( mods:titleInfo mods:title)
  • Physical Description ( mods:physicalDescription mods:extent mods:physicalDescription mods:form)
  • Photographer (mods:note type="creation_production credits")
  • Author (creator)
  • Date Created (mods:originInfo mods:dateCreated)
  • Language
  • Collection (mods:originInfo mods:dateCreated)
  • Series (mods:relatedItem type="series" mods:title)
  • Subseries (mods:relatedItem type="series" mods:title)
  • Location (mods:subject mods:geographic)
  • Time Period (mods:subject mods:geographic)
  • Topic (mods:subject mods:geographic mods:subject mods:name)
  • Genre (mods:genre)
  • Conservation Note (mods:note type="conservation")
  • Copyright Status (mods:accessCondition copyright.status)
  • Creative Commons License (mods:note type="license")
  • Rights Statement (mods:note type="license")
  • Local ID (mods:identifier type="local" displayLabel="File name" mods:identifier type="local" displayLabel="Local ID")

Investigate/Post-Mortem: Missing Content/Collections

UPDATE: This ticket seems to have resolved itself 2/3/21. But it becomes: Why did this happen? How can we prevent it from happening again. May be related to: should have 7000+ works. Currently a search-all returns 3070 works. A few collections are entirely missing (if you click them from the homepage, you get "No results found" as search results):

  • Luxor Roman Wall Paintings
  • Conservation of the Tomb of Anen
  • Aslam al Silahdar


Update Banner: Sarcophagus Ramesses VI

Update banner scroll to read: "Upcoming collections: Conservation of the Sarcophagus of Ramesses VI (KV19), Conservation of Mosaics in the Greco-Roman Museum in Alexandria, Conservation and Display of Roman Mosaics at Kom el Dikka."


The requirements for this ticket were updated on 10/11/2021

Set up Mailer and Mailer config for Arce


The negative captcha gem is throwing an error in production


These need to be set up on Production environment. The mailer needs to be set up for password resets. We can reset staging passwords via console if needed.

Should be done in conjunction with

QA Notes:

  • "Forgot Password" should not produce error when submitted for an admin account ([email protected])
  • Emailing a bookmarked work should not say "Network error" when sent (screencap below of what we hope not to see)

Remove from subject topic facet but keep combined value on show page

User Story:
As of right now, the and subject.topic fields are merged. As such, the values for are showing up on the "Topic" facet alongside those of subject.topic. Is there a way we can have them merged on the item page, but omit the values of from the facet? Or if it applies to one, does it have to apply to both? If that is the case, we will probably want to separate them upon the implementation of the new fields. In any case, I have reflected this desired change on the sheet as well.

Records not loading in production:

Error we are receiving

URI: http://production-arce-solr:8983/solr/blacklight-core/update?wt=json
Request Headers: {"Content-Type"=>"application/json"}
Request Data: "[{"id":"shunet_259","id_t":"shunet_259","timestamp":"2020-07-17T22:12:29Z","file_name_t":"arce_ca_dcsz_arcestaff_041412.tif","collection_display":"Shunet el-Zebib Documentation and Conservation","collection_facet":"Shunet el-Zebib Documentation and Conservation","collection_sort":"Shunet el-Zebib Documentation and Conservation","collection_t":"Shunet el-Zebib Documentation and Conservation","program_title_display":"International Digital Ephemera Project","program_title_t":"International Digital Ephemera Project","series_title_display":null,"series_facet":null,"series_title_t":null,"type_of_resource_t":"still image","genre_t":["color slide","brickwork"],"genre_facet":["color slide","brickwork"],"subject_topic_facet":["Pharaohs","Conservation Archaeology","Documentation","Excavations (archaeology)","Upper-Egypt","Kings and rulers--Death and burial","Sepulchral monuments","Funerary monuments","Masonry--conservation and restoration","Egypt--Antiquities","Cultural resources management"],"subject_topic_t":["Pharaohs","Conservation Archaeology","Documentation","Excavations (archaeology)","Upper-Egypt","Kings and rulers--Death and burial","Sepulchral monuments","Funerary monuments","Masonry--conservation and restoration","Egypt--Antiquities","Cultural resources management"],"temporal_subject_t":["Early Dynastic Period (ca. 2700 BCE)","2nd Dynasty","Thinite Period"],"temporal_subject_facet":["Early Dynastic Period (ca. 2700 BCE)","2nd Dynasty","Thinite Period"],"geographic_subject_t":"Abydos, Egypt","geographic_subject_facet":"Abydos, Egypt","title_t":"Re-building of the end of the N wall in mud-bricks","title_display":"Re-building of the end of the N wall in mud-bricks","extent_t":["1 color slide","Color 35mm print"],"notes_license_t":"","notes_rights_t":"","copyright_status_t":"copyrighted","publication_status_t":"unpublished","date_created_t":"June 15, 2004","date_created_sort":"2004-06-15T00:00:00Z","repository_t":"American Research Center in Egypt","resource_preview_t":"","resource_url_t":""}]"

Backtrace: /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.7/gems/rsolr-2.1.0/lib/rsolr/client.rb:196:in rescue in execute' /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.7/gems/rsolr-2.1.0/lib/rsolr/client.rb:186:in execute'
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.7/gems/rsolr-2.1.0/lib/rsolr/client.rb:181:in send_and_receive' (eval):2:in post'
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.7/gems/rsolr-2.1.0/lib/rsolr/client.rb:84:in update' /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.7/gems/rsolr-2.1.0/lib/rsolr/client.rb:103:in add'
/home/app/webapp/app/services/solr_service.rb:11:in add' /home/app/webapp/app/models/arce_item.rb:377:in index_record'
/home/app/webapp/app/models/arce_item.rb:51:in block in import' /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.7/gems/oai-0.4.0/lib/oai/client/resumable.rb:24:in block in yield_from_response'
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.7/gems/oai-0.4.0/lib/oai/client/list_records.rb:18:in `block in each' excluded from capture: DSN not set
D, [2020-10-07T15:26:43.700611 #491] DEBUG -- : Solr query: get select {:qt=>"document", :id=>"shunet_290"}
D, [2020-10-07T15:26:43.700685 #491] DEBUG -- : Solr fetch (1.8ms)
D, [2020-10-07T15:26:43.704466 #491] DEBUG -- : RSolr::Error::Http - 400 Bad Request
Error: {"responseHeader":{"status":400,"QTime":0},"error":{"metadata":["error-class","org.apache.solr.common.SolrException","root-error-class",""],"msg":"Exception writing document id shunet_290 to the index; possible analysis error.","code":400}}

ON HOLD: Adjust UI around viewer

We were thinking to do some changes in the image viewer page. Like move the image viewer to the left side and the subject fields to the right side of the page. But before we address that could you please inform us if changing the image viewer page format would affect the lay out and visibility of the page on mobile and tablet devices?

Notes from Notch8:
Design Portion of this requires some separate work, larger scope
Wireframes, include different screen sizes

Additional Requests

Item-level viewable metadata

We previously discussed on our last call putting the facet level, search level, and item level metadata fields in the correct order. As the ARCE team reviewed the site layout, we have decided that it would be highly beneficial to add two metadata fields for viewing on the item level pages. This will facilitate researcher access to collection information greatly. If possible, could we add the "statement of responsibility" and "funding" metadata fields onto item pages? I have added them in the indexing sheet bolded and highlighted in pink for reference.

Is it possible to have certain facets appear in the collections landing page and other facets to appear when a user clicks on an individual collection? If possible, would this require lots of effort to do?

About Us & Policies pages

  • Would it be possible to change the "About Us" tab at the top in blue to "About The Archives" ?
  • On the "About Us" page, under the "About Our Collections" section, the Red Monastery project title was replaced with the Aslam al-Silhadar title duplicated. The title should read: "Red Monastery Architectural Conservation"
  • On the "About Us" page, the links to redirect back to pages are not working - I think we discussed that this was temporary, but wanted to mention it just in case

We're working on a brief section of text to add to the "Policies" page at the top. We'll have the updated complete text to you before next week's meeting.

  • Add "statement of responsibility" to show page (This is labeled "Project History")
  • Add "funding" to show page - Set up but funding data is not in the feed. (This will be labeled "Funding Agency")
  • Change "About us" to "About the Archives"
  • About Us page > About Our Collections change title to "Red Monastery Architectural Conservation"
  • About Us page broken links
  • Add link to PDF on show page when item is pdf and not image

EPIC: CMS for Collection Pages

'- [x] add video embed link

  • add image to home page for new collections
  • generate link to collection search page
  • make "View Items in Collection" more pronounced #107
  • add content about the collection
  • admin only feature
  • use same header as about us and our collections
  • add collection title to appear on home page block
  • info added into this form will generate a new collection page. collection blocks on home page will now direct to the new collection page
  • add google arts and culture embed

Determine what items to feature on home page

The home page has section for featured items. Currently, there is on placeholder for "Temple of Luxor".

We need to find out from the client what items they would like featured on the home page so they can be added. We also need to know which image would represent the featured item.


About Us & Our Collections text updates


Client has requested some text updates under a few headings in the About Us & Our Collections page. They did not highlight changes and instead requested we replace with everything in new documents. (We can go back to them and ask them for specific things to change if that's easier.)


Text and Styling changes, Nov

  • Add Red Monastery Architectural Conversation and Aslam al-Silahdar collections to the home page
  • change the following information: Under Collections--> Red Monastery Architectural Conservation, Statement of responsibility Nicholas Warner is not a conservator but an Architect. Please correct this mistake.
  • Under Research & Programs drop down menu you have to delete the Project Archive link as this will also be deleted from Teals on This page has outdated information.
  • Add links to the NEH and UCLA library logos in the footer. This ( is the landing page for NEH and this ( for UCLA Library,
  • change the About The Archives to About Us?
  • There are some additional typos that we need to correct under Our Collections --> Red Monastery Architectural Conservation. The corrections are with bold font.

Fix image loading issue in UV

Individuals accessing outside of the United States are experiencing a failure to load images on multiple works, mostly but not limited to the Aslam al-Silahdar collection. This issue has been difficult to diagnose as we cannot reproduce it on our side.

The hypothesis is that it was an issue related to users in Egypt, however a colleague in the UK tested and was able to load some but not all of the works that are causing problems for those in Egypt. His notes and error here: is fine for me.

Though I can confirm that the first of those images are not loading in UV for me ( Looking at my console I can see that an attempt to fetch,/0/default.jpg is resulting in a 500 error from cantaloupe (see below)

Could be relevant?

500 Internal Server Error
Unable to read the image header. (command output: [ERROR] Unknown input file format: /var/cache/cantaloupe/source/02/86/dd/0286ddb5ecd72ef9b086cc664f0b394f Known file formats are *.j2k, *.jp2, *.jpc or *.jpt ) Unable to read the image header. (command output: [ERROR] Unknown input file format: /var/cache/cantaloupe/source/02/86/dd/0286ddb5ecd72ef9b086cc664f0b394f 
        Known file formats are *.j2k, *.jp2, *.jpc or *.jpt
	at edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.ImageRepresentation.copyOrProcess(
	at edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.ImageRepresentation.write(
	at edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.iiif.v2.ImageResource.doGET(
	at edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.HandlerServlet.handle(
	at edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.HandlerServlet.doGet(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
	at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
	at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
	at org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractHttp11Processor.process(
	at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$AbstractConnectionHandler.process(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$
Caused by: edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.processor.ProcessorException: Unable to read the image header. (command output: [ERROR] Unknown input file format: /var/cache/cantaloupe/source/02/86/dd/0286ddb5ecd72ef9b086cc664f0b394f 
        Known file formats are *.j2k, *.jp2, *.jpc or *.jpt
	at edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.processor.OpenJpegProcessor.process(
	at edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.ImageRepresentation.process(
	at edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.resource.ImageRepresentation.copyOrProcess(
	... 26 more
Caused by: javax.imageio.IIOException: Unable to read the image header.
	at edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.processor.OpenJpegProcessor.processInUnix(
	at edu.illinois.library.cantaloupe.processor.OpenJpegProcessor.process(
	... 28 more
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid magic value for BMP file.
	at com.sun.imageio.plugins.bmp.BMPImageReader.readHeader(
	... 32 more

Testing Notes:
Use the following to test the image load issue:

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