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ScalaPB is a protocol buffer compiler (protoc) plugin for Scala. It will generate Scala case classes, parsers and serializers for your protocol buffers.

ScalaPB generates case classes that can co-exist in the same project alongside the Java-generated code for ProtocolBuffer. This makes it easy to gradually migrate an existing project from the Java version of protocol buffers to Scala. This is achieved by having the ScalaPB generated code use the proto file as part of the package name (in contrast to Java which uses the file name in CamelCase as an outer class)

Each top-level message and enum is written to a separate Scala file. This results in a significant improvement in incremental compilations.

Another cool feature of ScalaPB is that it can optionally generate methods that convert a Java protocol buffer to a Scala protocol buffer and vice versa. This is useful if you are gradually migrating a large code base from Java protocol buffers to Scala. The optional Java conversion is required if you want to use fromAscii (parsing ASCII representation of a protocol buffer). The current implementation delegates to the Java version.


  • Supports proto2 and proto3

  • Easily update nested structure in functional way using lenses

  • Scala.js integration

  • GRPC integration

  • Compatible with SparkSQL (through a helper library)

  • Conversion to and from JSON

  • Support user-defined options (since 0.5.29)

  • Support extensions (since 0.6.0)


Version Description
0.6.x Stable. Supports Protobuf 2.6.x to 3.5.x
0.5.x Supports Protobuf 2.6.x and Protobuf 3.1.x.
0.4.x Stable, unsupported. Works with Protobuf 2.6.x


To automatically generate Scala case classes for your messages add ScalaPB's sbt plugin to your project. Create a file named project/protoc.sbt containing the following line:

addSbtPlugin("com.thesamet" % "sbt-protoc" % "1.0.6")

libraryDependencies += "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "compilerplugin" % "0.11.3"

Add the following line to your build.sbt:

Compile / PB.targets := Seq(
  scalapb.gen() -> (Compile / sourceManaged).value / "scalapb"

For additional configuration options, see ScalaPB SBT Settings documentation

Using ScalaPB

Documentation is available at ScalaPB website.


See contacting us.


ScalaPB uses ScalaCheck to aggressively test the generated code. The test generates many different sets of proto files. The sets are growing in complexity: number of files, references to messages from other protos, message nesting and so on. Then, test data is generated to populate this protocol schema, then we check that the ScalaPB generated code behaves exactly like the reference implementation in Java.

Running the tests:

$ sbt test

The tests take a few minutes to run. There is a smaller test suite called e2e that uses the sbt plugin to compile the protos and runs a series of ScalaChecks on the outputs. To run it:

$ ./


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scalapb's Issues

Add an option to wrap primitives to Option[]

In some cases zeros does not make sence. For example, I have a model Event, stored in relational database:

message Event {
  bytes data = 1;
  int64 deleted_at = 5 [(scalapb.field).type = "org.joda.time.DateTime"];

In the past Event did not have a deleted_at, but it had a boolean is_deleted. When deleted_at appeared, it had been set to the epoch start for every deleted event and to NULL for the rest. So, if deleted_at is not an Option, there is no way to determine if event was deleted.

Support for sealed traits

Use case: Exhaustive pattern matching of related domain events.

A file level option like:
option (scalapb.message).sealedTrait = "DomainEvent";

This would cause all messages in the .proto file to be put in the same .scala file along with a
sealed trait DomainEvent {}

Plugin architecture for custom code generation

Since I have all my messages as .proto I would like to take advantage of that and generate all boiler plate code for my application.

Examples of generated code other than plain case classes:

  • Custom JSON ser / dser
  • Slick table models
  • Web forms with input validation

What I'm looking for here is an easy way of plugging my own custom code generator into ScalaPB's pipeline.

Any thoughts on that? How hard is it to do this today if I fork the project?

0.5.9 has sbt generated classes in the packaged scalapb-runtime jar

I don't know whether this has been fixed. I didn't see a bug in the closed bugs list about this, so just to make sure it doesn't happen again, here is a ticket. Files of the form project/target/config-classes/$<hex number>$.class (e.g. project/target/config-classes/$a25026b6814a5648333d$.class) can be found in 0.5.9 jars from maven. These confuse several tools and make ScalaPB unusable on Android.

Unnecessary long filename for InternalFields_xxx files

I did run (on windows) into the issue of too long file names which caused the compiler to fail writing the InternalFields_xxx.scala document.

While it is primarily Windows to blame for the last century 256 path length limitation, scalaPB seems to generate filenames that are unnecessarily long: xxx contains the full path (from the protobuf root), but since the files are stored in the scala-package directory, using the .proto-filename alone should be sufficient. In my case this would have prevented the error from happening as my protobuf files reside in a quite deep file-hierarchy.

I could workaround the problem by changing my package-structure (shorter names), so no show stopper.

More important than this fix would be a good error message that indicates what went wrong. It took me quite some time to figure out what's going on.

Nevertheless: Thanks a lot for providing and supporting scalaPB!

import does not work correctly


syntax = "proto2";
package org.a;

message Msg {
extensions 16 to max;


syntax = "proto2";
package org.b;
import "org/a/a.proto";

extend Msg {
optional Test test = 16;

message Test {}

These configuration throws error while compiling:

protoc-jar: executing: [C:\Users\D\AppData\Local\Temp\protoc3931572059064664031.exe, --plugin=protoc-gen-scala=C:\Users\D\AppData\Local\Temp\scalapbgen2982993506159287014.b
at, -ID:\my_app\app, -ID:\my_app\target\protobuf_external, --scala_out=:D:\my_app\target\scala-2.11\src_managed\main
\compiled_protobuf, D:\my_app\app\org\a\a.proto,
org/b/b.proto:6:8: "Msg" is not defined.
[libprotobuf WARNING google/protobuf/] Warning: Unused import: "org/b/b.proto" imports "org/a/a.proto" which is not used.
java.lang.RuntimeException: protoc returned exit code: 1

Should use declared package name

For projects that don't care about the Java bindings, it should be possible to get ScalaPB to use the declared package instead of generating a different one.

Windows support?

Hi there!

ScalaPB looks awesome, but does it work on wIndows? If not - what should be modified for it to work on windows?

> protobuf:protobufScalaGenerate
[info] Compiling 4 protobuf files to D:\work\scala\tbsgame\target\scala-2.11\src_managed\main\compiled_protobuf
[info] Compiling schema D:\work\scala\tbsgame\protos\base.proto
[info] Compiling schema D:\work\scala\tbsgame\protos\game.proto
[info] Compiling schema D:\work\scala\tbsgame\protos\management.proto
[info] Compiling schema D:\work\scala\tbsgame\protos\messages.proto
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last root/protobuf:protobufScalaGenerate for the full output.
[error] (root/protobuf:protobufScalaGenerate) error occured while compiling protobuf files: Cannot run program "mkfifo": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
[error] Total time: 0 s, completed 2015-03-25 15.39.13

Also - is there a way to use it in a standalone fashion, not as a part of SBT?

protoc-gen-scala: program not found or is not executable


This may not be a bug, so sorry if this is not the right place but I couldn't find a mailing list.

I am investigating ScalaPB as a replacement for sbtprotobuf and pure-Java classes.

When I run the generation command I get this:

> protobuf:protobufGenerate
[info] Compiling 2 protobuf files to /<snip>/server/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf,/<snip>/server/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf
[info] Compiling schema /<snip>/server/src/main/protobuf/abc.proto
[info] Compiling schema /<snip>/server/src/main/protobuf/soundcloud.proto
[error] protoc-gen-scala: program not found or is not executable
[error] --scala_out: protoc-gen-scala: Plugin failed with status code 1.
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run 'last abc/protobuf:protobufGenerate' for the full output.
[error] (abc/protobuf:protobufGenerate) protoc returned exit code: 1
[error] Total time: 0 s, completed Dec 22, 2014 6:25:37 PM

Full output:

> last abc/protobuf:protobufGenerate
[info] Compiling 2 protobuf files to /<snip>/server/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf,/<snip>/server/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf
[debug] protoc options:
[debug]     --java_out=/<snip>/server/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf
[debug]     --scala_out=/<snip>/server/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf
[info] Compiling schema /<snip>/server/src/main/protobuf/abc.proto
[info] Compiling schema /<snip>/server/src/main/protobuf/soundcloud.proto
[error] protoc-gen-scala: program not found or is not executable
[error] --scala_out: protoc-gen-scala: Plugin failed with status code 1.
java.lang.RuntimeException: protoc returned exit code: 1
    at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
    at sbtprotobuf.ProtobufPlugin$.sbtprotobuf$ProtobufPlugin$$compile(ProtobufPlugin.scala:86)
    at sbtprotobuf.ProtobufPlugin$$anonfun$sourceGeneratorTask$1$$anonfun$6.apply(ProtobufPlugin.scala:110)
    at sbtprotobuf.ProtobufPlugin$$anonfun$sourceGeneratorTask$1$$anonfun$6.apply(ProtobufPlugin.scala:109)
    at sbt.FileFunction$$anonfun$cached$1.apply(Tracked.scala:188)
    at sbt.FileFunction$$anonfun$cached$1.apply(Tracked.scala:188)
    at sbt.FileFunction$$anonfun$cached$2$$anonfun$apply$3$$anonfun$apply$4.apply(Tracked.scala:202)
    at sbt.FileFunction$$anonfun$cached$2$$anonfun$apply$3$$anonfun$apply$4.apply(Tracked.scala:198)
    at sbt.Difference.apply(Tracked.scala:177)
    at sbt.Difference.apply(Tracked.scala:158)
    at sbt.FileFunction$$anonfun$cached$2$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(Tracked.scala:198)
    at sbt.FileFunction$$anonfun$cached$2$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(Tracked.scala:197)
    at sbt.Difference.apply(Tracked.scala:177)
    at sbt.Difference.apply(Tracked.scala:152)
    at sbt.FileFunction$$anonfun$cached$2.apply(Tracked.scala:197)
    at sbt.FileFunction$$anonfun$cached$2.apply(Tracked.scala:195)
    at sbtprotobuf.ProtobufPlugin$$anonfun$sourceGeneratorTask$1.apply(ProtobufPlugin.scala:112)
    at sbtprotobuf.ProtobufPlugin$$anonfun$sourceGeneratorTask$1.apply(ProtobufPlugin.scala:107)
    at scala.Function7$$anonfun$tupled$1.apply(Function7.scala:35)
    at scala.Function7$$anonfun$tupled$1.apply(Function7.scala:34)
    at scala.Function1$$anonfun$compose$1.apply(Function1.scala:47)
    at sbt.$tilde$greater$$anonfun$$u2219$1.apply(TypeFunctions.scala:42)
    at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:18)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.Execute$$anonfun$submit$1.apply(Execute.scala:237)
    at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4$$anonfun$1.apply(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:160)
    at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[error] (abc/protobuf:protobufGenerate) protoc returned exit code: 1

From all this I assume I need to have a plugin called protoc-gen-scala (I thought ScalaPB had its own plugin?). Google takes me to this project:, which seems quite old. Either way the build instructions there don't work for me either, so my question becomes: how do I setup protoc-gen-scala to work with ScalaPB?

Here is my plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-start-script" % "0.10.0")

addSbtPlugin("net.virtual-void" % "sbt-dependency-graph" % "0.7.4")

addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.6.0")

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.4.0")

addSbtPlugin("org.ensime" % "ensime-sbt-cmd" % "0.1.2")

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "0.7.1")

addSbtPlugin("com.trueaccord.scalapb" % "sbt-scalapb" % "0.4.0")

And here are the relevant bits in Build.scala:

import com.trueaccord.scalapb.{ScalaPbPlugin => PB}
lazy val buildSettings = super.settings ++ Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ graphSettings ++ microserviceConfig ++ PB.protobufSettings

I've tried versions released before November and had the same issues.


javaConversions Doesnt work

Hello. My env scala 2.11 protobuf 3 alpha

syntax = "proto3";

package grpc.playground.helloworld;

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "grpc.playground.helloworld";
option java_outer_classname = "HelloWorldProto";

// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
  rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse) {}

// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloResponse {
  string message = 1;

When i compiled it, java compiler show me this

HelloRequest.scala:50: type HelloRequest is not a member of object grpc.playground.helloworld.HelloWorldProto

For every class. At first I thought it was error with package, but when i comment class_name in protofie, it appeared again

hello-world/target/scala-2.11/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf/grpc/playground/helloworld/hello_world/HelloRequest.scala:50: type HelloRequest is not a member of object grpc.playground.helloworld.HelloWorld
[error] object HelloRequest extends com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessageCompanion[HelloRequest] with com.trueaccord.scalapb.JavaProtoSupport[HelloRequest, grpc.playground.helloworld.HelloWorld.HelloRequest]  {

When i turn off java conv it all work fine. It's bug?

excludeFilter doesn't work

I'd like to have an ability to exclude some protofiles from code generation. I tried to add:

excludeFilter in unmanagedSources := "filename.proto" 

to build.sbt, but it is ignored.

oneof not working

I cannot compile a simple oneof message:

message Test {
  oneof haha_type {
    string a = 1;
    string b = 2;

with the errors

[error] Expected "required", "optional", or "repeated".
[error] Missing field number.

Maps in proto2 files

It seems to be possible according to the docs (, however codegen generated invalid messages.

for simple message like

syntax = "proto2";

message MapTest {
  map<string, int32> map1 = 1;
  map<string, float> map2 = 2;

it generates map entries like case class (key: Option[String], value: Option[Int]), but the type of map is Map[String, Int]. I believe that options are not needed here.

e2e test fail

[error] /home/travis/build/trueaccord/ScalaPB/e2e/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf/com/trueaccord/pb/flat/FlatProto.scala:20: object Scalapb is not a member of package com.trueaccord.scalapb
[error]   com.trueaccord.scalapb.Scalapb.getDescriptor(),
[error]                          ^
[error] /home/travis/build/trueaccord/ScalaPB/e2e/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf/com/trueaccord/proto/e2e/custom_types/CustomTypesProto.scala:42: object Scalapb is not a member of package com.trueaccord.scalapb
[error]   com.trueaccord.scalapb.Scalapb.getDescriptor()
[error]                          ^
[error] /home/travis/build/trueaccord/ScalaPB/e2e/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf/com/trueaccord/proto/e2e/maps/MapsProto.scala:30: object Scalapb is not a member of package com.trueaccord.scalapb
[error]   com.trueaccord.scalapb.Scalapb.getDescriptor()
[error]                          ^
[error] three errors found
[error] (compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed

Protosb descriptor isn't 2.x compatible

scalapb/scalapb.proto contains a syntax="proto2"; directive in it, this directive isn't understood by protoc (2.x.x) This means using scalapb's very nice advance features isn't possible. Our team isn't ready to move to 3.x given it's alpha status but we'd like to start using scalapb's advance field type functionality.

akka serialization and scalapb

Would it make sense to have com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage and com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedEnum extend Reason for asking is that akka serialization picks the wrong serializer due to this:

In case of ambiguity, i.e. the message implements several of the configured classes, the most specific configured class will be used, i.e. the one of which all other candidates are superclasses. If this condition cannot be met, because e.g. and MyOwnSerializable both apply and neither is a subtype of the other, a warning will be issued

I believe implements with serialVersionUID = 1L.

Support for generation of marker types

Hi, I wondered if it is possible to generate classes that extend existing (marker) traits? An example:

// General marker for all domain events
trait DomainEvent {
  def persistenceId: String
  def correlationId: UUID

// Specific customer events in a specific package
// Optimally it should be sealed, but that does probably 
// not work because of code gen.

trait CustomerEvent extends DomainEvent { 
  def customerId: ...

// Result of code generation from corresponding .proto files
case class CustomerPolicyChanged(...) extends CustomerEvent
case class CustomerStatusUpgraded(...) extends CustomerEvent

Case class and object conflict

After generating pb files, I cannot rebuild the project with this error

Error:(10, 18) LoginFailed is already defined as case class LoginFailed
final case class LoginFailed(

Error:(56, 8) LoginFailed is already defined as object LoginFailed
object LoginFailed extends com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessageCompanion[LoginFailed] {

containingOneOfName field does not give the name

Currently containingOneOfName returns something like:

The reason is because the oneof descriptor is being passed in instead of the name of the oneof descriptor.

Line 790

Should be:
val oneof = => s"""Some("${s.getName()}")""").getOrElse("None")

broken sbt build due to sbt-protobuf dependency

I am unable to add this plugin addSbtPlugin("com.trueaccord.scalapb" % "sbt-scalapb" % "0.4.20") to my build due to issue in sbt-protobuf: see sbt/sbt-protobuf#37 for details.

error: reference to compile is ambiguous;
it is imported twice in the same scope by
import _root_.sbtprotobuf.ProtobufPlugin._
and import Keys._
  settings(mainClass in compile := Some("whatever")

Support for hinted deserialization?

Thanks for creating and open sourcing ScalaPB, love the idea of using the Google proto parser.

I've been using ScalaBuff for a while and contributed some support for hinted deserialization, basically just a map from a class identifier to function to deserialize a byte stream for the matching proto message. Here's an example generated with ScalaBuff:

trait HintedDeserializer {
  def deserializePayload(payload: Array[Byte], payloadType: String):


object VoyagerInternalProtos extends HintedDeserializer {
        def registerAllExtensions(registry: {

        private val fromBinaryHintMap = collection.immutable.HashMap[String, Array[Byte] ⇒](
                 "VPResult" -> (bytes ⇒ VPResult.parseFrom(bytes)),
                 "VPPlayerIdentifiers" -> (bytes ⇒ VPPlayerIdentifiers.parseFrom(bytes))
        def deserializePayload(payload: Array[Byte], payloadType: String): = {
                fromBinaryHintMap.get(payloadType) match {
                        case Some(f) ⇒ f(payload)
                        case None    ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"unimplemented deserialization of message payload of type [${payloadType}]")


I havent looked behind the scenes for ScalaPB yet, do you think it's reasonable to add something like this to ScalaPB? Could you point me in the right direction where to look & get started?

I imagine for ScalaPB an implementation of a trait along these lines:

trait ScalaPBHintedDeserializer {
  def deserializePayload(payload: Array[Byte], payloadType: String): com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage

Any advice appreciated.


Output directory conflicts with IntelliJ

When IntelliJ imports an SBT project using the ScalaPB plugin it adds both directories:
"src_managed / main" and "src_managed / main / compiled_protobuf" to it's internal build system.
So when you build the project with IntelliJ the generated classes get included twice, causing conflicts.

is it possible to build directly into the "src_managed / main" directory ?
sbt-protobuf has some instructions about this, but it's not obvious how they map to ScalaPB.

Make serializedSize field @transient

ScalaPB makes beautiful case classes, but they include an extra val called serializedSize. This field makes it impossible to use a library like spray-json to automatically generate JSON formatters for these case classes. Marking the serializedSize field as @transient will resolve this issue.

writeDelimitedTo missing?

If I want to write a seq of protos to a file (rather than a single proto), I would expect to need to use writeDelimitedTo. Has this simply not yet been implemented?

Fields cannot be named `get` or `tag`

When the field is named get:

[error] overloaded method get needs result type
[error] def get = field(_.getGet)((c_, f_) => c_.copy(get = Some(f_)))

When the field is named tag:

[error] reassignment to val
[error] __tag = Some(__input.readString())

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