Code Monkey home page Code Monkey logo

sonokai's Introduction


sonokai-default default


sonokai-atlantis atlantis


sonokai-andromeda andromeda


sonokai-shusia shusia


sonokai-maia maia


sonokai-espresso espresso

Sometimes I need a high contrast color scheme, and I think monokai is one of the best solutions, it's very beautiful and vivid.

However there is one thing I can't stand -- the contrast is too high, which is totally unacceptable for me.

This color scheme is based on Monokai Pro, the contrast is adjusted to be a bit lower while keeping the colors vivid enough.

The shusia, maia and espresso variants are basically modified versions of Monokai Pro. I'm not going to port all variants of Monokai Pro because I don't like some of them. In addition, I designed some new variants inspired by other color schemes.


  • High contrast but within acceptable range.
  • Vivid colors.
  • Highly customizable.
  • Rich support for common file types and plugins.
  • Tree-sitter support.
  • Semantic highlighting support.
  • Italic support ๐ŸŽ‰


See :help sonokai.txt

Related Projects

See this wiki page.


See this post.

More Color Schemes



Sainnhe Park Antoine Cotten
Sainnhe Park Antoine Cotten


MIT ยฉ sainnhe

sonokai's People


antoineco avatar aonodensetsu avatar atnewhope avatar blakewilliams avatar caraterra avatar cdump avatar echasnovski avatar jdhao avatar jrwrigh avatar mdemaredeb avatar neanias avatar pkazmier avatar qq3g7bad avatar registergen avatar sainnhe avatar skyegecko avatar xeluxee avatar


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sonokai's Issues

Overriding default contrast

First of all, many thanks for build this plugin so well ๐Ÿฅ‡.

However there is one thing I can't stand -- the contrast is too high, which is totally unacceptable to me.

It's possible to override the default contrast in some way? If so, how can I do that?

Thanks in advance.

Is it possible to support KeitaNakamura/tex-conceal.vim?

Expected behavior (github-theme):
Actual behavior (sonokai):
The current display is too blurry, is there any way to change the formula to white?

($X_{t}=\int _{0}^{t}\mu _{s}\ \mathrm {d} s+\int _{0}^{t}\sigma {s}\ \mathrm {d} B{s}$)

Changing colour of markdown block quotes

I've read the docs and found out how I could change the colour of certain highlight groups. I wish to change the colour of markdown block quotes from grey to white. This is what I have in my init.vim

if has('termguicolors')
    set termguicolors
let g:sonokai_style = 'shusia'
let g:sonokai_enable_italic = 1
let g:sonokai_diagnostic_line_highlight = 1

function! s:sonokai_custom() abort
    highlight! link markdownBlockquote Grey
    let l:palette = sonokai#get_palette('shusia')
    call sonokai#highlight('Grey', l:palette.fg, l:palette.none)

augroup SonokaiCustom
  autocmd ColorScheme sonokai call s:sonokai_custom()
augroup END

colorscheme sonokai

Unfortunately, this hasn't changed the colour of the quotes, but it has changed the colours on Startify (a vim plugin).

Treesitter comment not being italicized

Hi, I saw that the TSComment is linked to Grey group, there is a reason for that?

Linking to Grey disables the enable_italic = 1 option, so I was confusing at the beginning.

Statement on maintenance

Due to some personal reasons gruvbox-material#23, I'll stop maintaining this project for a period of time(maybe about half a year).

This does not mean that this project has been abandoned, issues and PRs are welcome, I'll review them in the future.

If you're interested in this project and would like to become a maintainer, please contact me.

Thanks for your understanding :)

Why are comments showing up as highlighted blocks?

  • Operating system/version:
  • Terminal emulator/version:
  • echo $TERM:
  • tmux -V:
  • vim --version or nvim --version:
Linut Mint 20.1 Ulyssa (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
GNOME Terminal 3.36.2 using VTE 0.60.3 +BIDI +GNUTLS +ICU +SYSTEMD
tmux 3.0a
NVIM v0.4.3

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'sainnhe/sonokai'
silent! call plug#end()

colorscheme sonokai

Steps to reproduce this bug using minimal vimrc

$ vim .vimrc

Actual behaviour


Occurs across all languages.

Expected behaviour

Nice gray comments like in the pictures :)

spelling errors not coloured anymore

Operating system/version


Terminal emulator/version


$TERM environment variable


Tmux version


Feature matrix

โฏ vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Jul 28 2021 11:23:15)
Included patches: 1-3232
Compiled by conda@717a43540b0d
Huge version without GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+acl               +file_in_path      +mouse_urxvt       -tag_any_white
+arabic            +find_in_path      +mouse_xterm       -tcl
+autocmd           +float             +multi_byte        +termguicolors
+autochdir         +folding           +multi_lang        +terminal
-autoservername    -footer            -mzscheme          +terminfo
-balloon_eval      +fork()            +netbeans_intg     +termresponse
+balloon_eval_term +gettext           +num64             +textobjects
-browse            -hangul_input      +packages          +textprop
++builtin_terms    +iconv             +path_extra        +timers
+byte_offset       +insert_expand     -perl              +title
+channel           +ipv6              +persistent_undo   -toolbar
+cindent           +job               +popupwin          +user_commands
-clientserver      +jumplist          +postscript        +vartabs
-clipboard         +keymap            +printer           +vertsplit
+cmdline_compl     +lambda            +profile           +virtualedit
+cmdline_hist      +langmap           -python            +visual
+cmdline_info      +libcall           +python3           +visualextra
+comments          +linebreak         +quickfix          +viminfo
+conceal           +lispindent        +reltime           +vreplace
+cryptv            +listcmds          +rightleft         +wildignore
+cscope            +localmap          -ruby              +wildmenu
+cursorbind        -lua               +scrollbind        +windows
+cursorshape       +menu              +signs             +writebackup
+dialog_con        +mksession         +smartindent       -X11
+diff              +modify_fname      -sodium            -xfontset
+digraphs          +mouse             -sound             -xim
-dnd               -mouseshape        +spell             -xpm
-ebcdic            +mouse_dec         +startuptime       -xsmp
+emacs_tags        -mouse_gpm         +statusline        -xterm_clipboard
+eval              -mouse_jsbterm     -sun_workshop      -xterm_save
+ex_extra          +mouse_netterm     +syntax            
+extra_search      +mouse_sgr         +tag_binary        
-farsi             -mouse_sysmouse    -tag_old_static    
   system vimrc file: "$VIM/vimrc"
     user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
 2nd user vimrc file: "~/.vim/vimrc"
      user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
       defaults file: "$VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/home/ben/Work/miniconda3/envs/20200805/share/vim"
Compilation: /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/vim_1627471090317/_build_env/bin/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-c
c -c -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DNDEBUG -O2 -isystem /home/ben/Work/miniconda3/envs/20200805/include -I/home/be
n/Work/miniconda3/envs/20200805/include -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-str
ong -fno-plt -O2 -ffunction-sections -pipe -isystem /home/ben/Work/miniconda3/envs/20200805/include -fdebug-prefi
x-map=/home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/vim_1627471090317/work=/usr/local/src/conda/vim-8.2.3232 -fdebug
-prefix-map=/home/ben/Work/miniconda3/envs/20200805=/usr/local/src/conda-prefix -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOUR
Linking: /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/vim_1627471090317/_build_env/bin/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-cc -W
l,-O2 -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--disable-new-dtags -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-rp
ath,/home/ben/Work/miniconda3/envs/20200805/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,/home/ben/Work/miniconda3/envs/20200805/lib -L/ho
me/ben/Work/miniconda3/envs/20200805/lib -o vim -lm -ltinfo -ldl -L/home/ben/Work/miniconda3/envs/20200805/lib/py
thon3.6/config-3.6m-x86_64-linux-gnu -lpython3.6m -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lrt -lm

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug.

scriptencoding utf-8
set encoding=utf-8
set termencoding=utf-8

set nocompatible
filetype off

set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'sainnhe/sonokai'
call vundle#end()            " required
filetype plugin indent on    " required
syntax on

set t_Co=256

let g:sonokai_transparent_background = 1
let g:sonokai_style = "andromeda"
colorscheme sonokai

Steps to reproduce this bug using minimal vimrc

  1. Lauch vim with vim -u minimal.vim
  2. Type some English text with spelling errors.
  3. Enable spell checking with :setlocal spell spelllang=en_gb

Expected behavior

Coloured spell error highlighting.

Actual behavior

Just underlined spell check error highlighting without colouring.

Must have changed recently, before they were highlighted in red or blue, for example.

The matched parenthesis is hard to tell

Been using this color scheme for a long time and I really like it. Thank you.

Just one thing I think needs to improve. The highlight color for the matching parenthesis is very hard to see.

Screen Shot 2021-07-11 at 1 36 52 PM

Is it possible to improve this? Thank you very much.

Cannot disable italics

Operating system/version

arch linux

Terminal emulator/version

rxvt-unicode (urxvt) v9.26 - released: 2021-05-14

$TERM environment variable


Tmux version

No response

Feature matrix

lspconfig: require("").check()
  - INFO: denols: configuration checked.
  - INFO: pyright: configuration checked.

nvim: health#nvim#check
## Configuration
  - OK: no issues found

## Performance
  - OK: Build type: RelWithDebInfo

## Remote Plugins
  - OK: Up to date

## terminal
  - INFO: key_backspace (kbs) terminfo entry: key_backspace=\177
  - INFO: key_dc (kdch1) terminfo entry: key_dc=\E[3~
  - INFO: $COLORTERM='rxvt-xpm'

nvim-treesitter: require("").check()
## Installation
  - OK: `tree-sitter` found  0.20.0 (parser generator, only needed for :TSInstallFromGrammar)
  - OK: `node` found v16.10.0 (only needed for :TSInstallFromGrammar)
  - OK: `git` executable found.
  - OK: `cc` executable found. Selected from { vim.NIL, "cc", "gcc", "clang", "cl" }
    Version: cc (GCC) 11.1.0
  - OK: Neovim was compiled with tree-sitter runtime ABI version 13 (required >=13). Parsers must be compatible with runtime ABI.

## Parser/Features H L F I J
  - python         โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ 
  - json           โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ . 
  - typescript     โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ 
  - css            โœ“ . โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ 
  - svelte         โœ“ . โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ 
  - java           โœ“ โœ“ . โœ“ โœ“ 
  - yaml           โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ 
  - json5          โœ“ . . . โœ“ 
  - vim            โœ“ โœ“ . . โœ“ 
  - toml           โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ 
  - html           โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ 

  Legend: H[ighlight], L[ocals], F[olds], I[ndents], In[j]ections
         +) multiple parsers found, only one will be used
         x) errors found in the query, try to run :TSUpdate {lang}

provider: health#provider#check
## Clipboard (optional)
  - OK: Clipboard tool found: xsel

## Python 2 provider (optional)
  - INFO: pyenv: Path: /usr/share/pyenv/libexec/pyenv
  - INFO: pyenv: $PYENV_ROOT is not set. Infer from `pyenv root`.
  - WARNING: pyenv: Root does not exist: /home/andrew/.pyenv. Ignoring pyenv for all following checks.
  - WARNING: No Python executable found that can `import neovim`. Using the first available executable for diagnostics.
  - ERROR: Python provider error:
    - ADVICE:
      - provider/pythonx: Could not load Python 2:
          /usr/bin/python2 does not have the "neovim" module. :help |provider-python|
          /usr/bin/python2.7 does not have the "neovim" module. :help |provider-python|
          python2.6 not found in search path or not executable.
          /usr/bin/python is Python 3.9 and cannot provide Python 2.
  - INFO: Executable: Not found

## Python 3 provider (optional)
  - INFO: pyenv: Path: /usr/share/pyenv/libexec/pyenv
  - INFO: pyenv: $PYENV_ROOT is not set. Infer from `pyenv root`.
  - WARNING: pyenv: Root does not exist: /home/andrew/.pyenv. Ignoring pyenv for all following checks.
  - INFO: `g:python3_host_prog` is not set.  Searching for python3 in the environment.
  - INFO: Executable: /usr/bin/python3
  - INFO: Python version: 3.9.7
  - INFO: pynvim version: 0.4.3
  - OK: Latest pynvim is installed.

## Python virtualenv

## Ruby provider (optional)
  - WARNING: `ruby` and `gem` must be in $PATH.
    - ADVICE:
      - Install Ruby and verify that `ruby` and `gem` commands work.

## Node.js provider (optional)
  - INFO: Node.js: v16.10.0
  - INFO: Nvim node.js host: /home/andrew/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/neovim/bin/cli.js
  - OK: Latest "neovim" npm/yarn package is installed: 4.10.0

## Perl provider (optional)
  - ERROR: perl provider error:
    - ADVICE:
      - "Neovim::Ext" cpan module is not installed

telescope: require("").check()
## Checking for required plugins
  - OK: plenary installed.
  - OK: nvim-treesitter installed.

## Checking external dependencies
  - ERROR: rg: not found. `live-grep` finder will not function without [BurntSushi/ripgrep]( installed.
  - OK: fd: found fd 8.2.1

## ===== Installed extensions =====

vim.lsp: require("").check()
  - INFO: LSP log level : WARN
  - INFO: Log path: /home/andrew/.cache/nvim/lsp.log
  - INFO: Log size: 31 KB

vim.treesitter: require("").check()
  - INFO: Runtime ABI version : 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for css: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for html: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for java: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for json: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for json5: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for python: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for svelte: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for toml: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for typescript: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for vim: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for yaml: ABI version 13

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug.

  use { 'sainnhe/sonokai' }
  use { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', run = ':TSUpdate' }

vim.cmd 'set termguicolors'
vim.cmd 'colorscheme sonokai'
vim.cmd 'let g:sonokai_enable_italic = 1'
-- this line has no effect
vim.cmd 'let g:sonokai_disable_italic_comment = 1'

require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup {
  highlight = {
    enable = true,
    disable = {},
  indent = {
    enable = true,
    disable = {},
  ensure_installed = {

Steps to reproduce this bug using minimal vimrc

  1. launch nvim -u init.lua
  2. open a typescript file foo.ts
  3. write any comment and see it is italicized

Expected behavior

comments should look like any other text

Actual behavior

comments are italicized

style not changing

hello, i do not know if this is the right place to ask this, but i can't use the different style you have in the pluggin. this is my .vimrc
Screen Shot 2021-09-27 at 7 55 15 AM

i hope i can find some help!

eval palette->extend(a:colors_override) cause E492: not an editor command.

Operating system/version

ubuntu 20.04

Terminal emulator/version


$TERM environment variable


Tmux version

No response

Feature matrix


  • OK: nvim version satisfied

  • OK: Environment check passed

  • OK: Javascript bundle build/index.js found

  • OK: Service started


  • OK: Async check passed
  • OK: Floating window check passed
  • OK: Using python3


  • INFO: Platform: linux

  • INFO: Nvim Version: NVIM v0.4.3

  • INFO: Node version: v14.19.3

  • INFO: Script: /home/qicai21/.local/share/nvim/plugins/markdown-preview.nvim/app/server.js

  • INFO: Script exists: 1

  • OK: Using node



  • OK: no issues found


  • OK: Build type: Release

Remote Plugins

  • OK: Up to date


  • INFO: key_backspace (kbs) terminfo entry: key_backspace=^H
  • INFO: key_dc (kdch1) terminfo entry: key_dc=\E[3~
  • INFO: $VTE_VERSION='6003'
  • INFO: $COLORTERM='truecolor'


Clipboard (optional)

  • OK: Clipboard tool found: xclip

Python 2 provider (optional)

  • WARNING: No Python executable found that can import neovim. Using the first available executable for diagnostics.
  • ERROR: Python provider error:
    • ADVICE:
      • provider/pythonx: Could not load Python 2:
        /usr/bin/python2 does not have the "neovim" module. :help |provider-python|
        /usr/bin/python2.7 does not have the "neovim" module. :help |provider-python|
        python2.6 not found in search path or not executable.
        /home/qicai21/anaconda3/bin/python is Python 3.8 and cannot provide Python 2.
  • INFO: Executable: Not found

Python 3 provider (optional)

  • INFO: g:python3_host_prog is not set. Searching for python3 in the environment.
  • INFO: Multiple python3 executables found. Set g:python3_host_prog to avoid surprises.
  • INFO: Executable: /home/qicai21/anaconda3/bin/python3
  • INFO: Other python executable: /usr/bin/python3
  • INFO: Other python executable: /bin/python3
  • INFO: Python version: 3.8.12
  • INFO: pynvim version: 0.4.2 (outdated; from ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/neovim)
  • WARNING: Latest pynvim is NOT installed: 0.4.3

Ruby provider (optional)

  • WARNING: ruby and gem must be in $PATH.
    • ADVICE:
      • Install Ruby and verify that ruby and gem commands work.

Node.js provider (optional)

  • INFO: Node.js: v14.19.3
  • WARNING: Missing "neovim" npm (or yarn) package.
    • ADVICE:
      • Run in shell: npm install -g neovim
      • Run in shell (if you use yarn): yarn global add neovim

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug.

" row 187
eval palette->extend(a:colors_override)
  return palette
endfunction "}}}

Steps to reproduce this bug using minimal vimrc

launch neovim with nvim command, and showing E492

Expected behavior


Actual behavior


Could `sonokai_enable_italic = 1` fail gracefully?


Linut Mint 20.1 Ulyssa (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
GNOME Terminal 3.36.2 using VTE 0.60.3 +BIDI +GNUTLS +ICU +SYSTEMD
tmux 3.0a
NVIM v0.4.3

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'sainnhe/sonokai'
silent! call plug#end()

let g:sonokai_enable_italic = 1
colorscheme sonokai


It took me a while to figure out the blocks of color are occurring because I have g:sonokai_enable_italic = in my .vimrc but don't have a font that supports italics. Not a bug exactly, but would it be possible to fail more gracefully so this just looks like normal text?

E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: <path> Vim(return):E121: Undefined variable: palette

  • Operating system/version: Arch Linux 5.10.32-1-lts
  • Terminal emulator/version: Kitty 0.20.1
  • echo $TERM: xterm-kitty
  • vim --version or nvim --version: v0.5.0-dev+1282-gfbe18d9ca
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: /home/rafa/.config/nvim/lua/main/colorscheme.lua:21: Vim(return):E121: 
Undefined variable: palette

It gives that error and it doesn't set the colorscheme to sonokai, just fells back to neovim builtin default colorscheme.

I have my config in Lua and this is how I'm setting the colorscheme: vim.cmd("colorscheme sonokai") And it works with all colorschemes I have, except now for sonokai. Last time I set my colorscheme to sonokai was all working fine.


I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank you for the multiple themes you provide. I tried them all, and ended up using Sonokai. I greatly appreciate your contributions to the world.

Some highlights getting disabled after some time

Short -- Some terms like function names are not highlighted properly in cpp.

When I open a cpp file, some words like function names take some time to get highlighted. It's the ones that are uncoloured in the second image. The other words are already highlighted, only those specific type of words lag. Then once they are highlighted, after some time as I type, that highlighting goes away and colors go back to the way they were in the first image and then on they are not highlighted anymore.
I haven't yet noticed this issue with any other file type (could be because I haven't really worked with other languages much recently.) (Aside: The word Plug in my vimrc is also not highlighted, which I think should be) I tried with a bare cpp file also, one that does not use any macros and typedefs, it has the same issue, function name takes a while to get highlighted, but then goes away. I think this might have something to do with coc, since I've noticed colors go away shortly after the suggestions appear, but I don't know for sure.

Screenshot from 2021-07-28 17-50-22
Screenshot from 2021-07-28 17-47-17

  • Operating system/version: Ubuntu 21.4
  • Terminal emulator/version: alacritty 0.10.0-dev
  • echo $TERM: xterm-256color
  • vim --version or nvim --version: VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Feb 15 2021 12:29:39)

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

" Nord Color scheme
Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim'
" Sonokai
Plug 'sainnhe/sonokai'
"Status/Tab line
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
" Themes for status bar
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
" Tree file explorer
Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'
" Git status for NERDTree
Plug 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
Plug 'mg979/vim-visual-multi', {'branch': 'master'}
Plug 'tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight'
Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
Plug 'preservim/nerdcommenter'
Plug 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
Plug 'lervag/vimtex'
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
" File search, install pulls latest binary
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', { 'branch' : 'release' }

call plug#end()

filetype plugin indent on

""""""" Sonokai """""""
if has('termguicolors')
  set termguicolors
" andromeda, atlantis, shusia, maia, espresso
" let g:sonokai_style = 'espresso'
let g:sonokai_diagnostic_line_highlight = 1
let g:sonokai_better_performance = 1
colorscheme sonokai

Differently Colored Parameters

Operating system/version

macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Terminal emulator/version

iTerm 3.4.10

$TERM environment variable


Tmux version

No response

Feature matrix

## Installation
  - OK: `tree-sitter` found  0.19.5 (8d8690538ef0029885c7ef1f163b0e32f256a5aa) (parser generator, only needed for :TSInstallFromGrammar)
  - OK: `node` found v14.15.4 (only needed for :TSInstallFromGrammar)
  - OK: `git` executable found.
  - OK: `cc` executable found. Selected from { vim.NIL, "cc", "gcc", "clang", "cl" }
  - OK: Neovim was compiled with tree-sitter runtime ABI version 13 (required >=13). Parsers must be compatible with runtime ABI.

## Parser/Features H L F I J
  - java           โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ . โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ 
  - ocaml          โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ . โ€šรบรฌ 
  - c              โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ 
  - cpp            โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ 
  - python         โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ 
  - rust           โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ โ€šรบรฌ 

 Legend: H[ighlight], L[ocals], F[olds], I[ndents], In[j]ections
         +) multiple parsers found, only one will be used
         x) errors found in the query, try to run :TSUpdate {lang}

## Checking for required plugins
  - OK: plenary installed.
  - OK: nvim-treesitter installed.

## Checking external dependencies
  - OK: rg: found ripgrep 12.0.0
  - WARNING: fd: not found. Install [sharkdp/fd]( for extended capabilities

## ===== Installed extensions =====

## Configuration
  - OK: no issues found

## Performance
  - OK: Build type: Release

## Remote Plugins
  - OK: Up to date

## terminal
  - INFO: key_backspace (kbs) terminfo entry: key_backspace=^H
  - INFO: key_dc (kdch1) terminfo entry: key_dc=\E[3~
  - INFO: $COLORTERM='truecolor'

## Clipboard (optional)
  - OK: Clipboard tool found: pbcopy

## Python 2 provider (optional)
  - INFO: `g:python_host_prog` is not set.  Searching for python2 in the environment.
  - INFO: Executable: /usr/bin/python2
  - INFO: Python version: 2.7.16
  - INFO: pynvim version: 0.4.3
  - OK: Latest pynvim is installed.

## Python 3 provider (optional)
  - INFO: `g:python3_host_prog` is not set.  Searching for python3 in the environment.
  - INFO: Multiple python3 executables found.  Set `g:python3_host_prog` to avoid surprises.
  - INFO: Executable: /usr/local/bin/python3
  - INFO: Other python executable: /usr/bin/python3
  - INFO: Python version: 3.9.1
  - INFO: pynvim version: 0.4.3
  - OK: Latest pynvim is installed.

## Python virtualenv

## Ruby provider (optional)
  - INFO: Ruby: ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [universal.x86_64-darwin19]
  - INFO: Host: /usr/local/bin/neovim-ruby-host
  - WARNING: Gem "neovim" is out-of-date. Installed: 0.8.1, latest: 0.9.0
    - ADVICE:
      - Run in shell: gem update neovim

## Node.js provider (optional)
  - INFO: Node.js: v14.15.4
  - WARNING: Missing "neovim" npm (or yarn) package.
    - ADVICE:
      - Run in shell: npm install -g neovim
      - Run in shell (if you use yarn): yarn global add neovim

## Perl provider (optional)
  - INFO: perl executable: /usr/local/bin/perl
  - ERROR: Command error (job=17, exit code 2): `/usr/local/bin/perl -W '-MApp::cpanminus' -e ` (in '/Volumes/development/theteachr/projects/overengineered-rock.paper.scissors')
    stderr: perl: warning: Setting locale failed.perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:	LC_ALL = (unset),	LC_CTYPE = "UTF-8",	LC_TERMINAL = "iTerm2",	LANG = "en_IN.UTF-8"    are supported and installed on your system.perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").Can't locate App/ in @INC (you may need to install the App::cpanminus module) (@INC contains: /usr/local/Cellar/perl/5.30.0/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.30.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level /usr/local/Cellar/perl/5.30.0/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.30.0 /usr/local/Cellar/perl/5.30.0/lib/perl5/5.30.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level /usr/local/Cellar/perl/5.30.0/lib/perl5/5.30.0 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.30.0).BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

## Checking treesitter configuration
  - INFO: Runtime ABI version : 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for c: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for cpp: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for java: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for ocaml: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for python: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for rust: ABI version 13
  - OK: Loaded parser for c: ABI version 13

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug.

call plug#begin()
Plug 'sainnhe/sonokai'
call plug#end()

colorscheme sonokai

Steps to reproduce this bug using minimal vimrc

  1. Open any language file whose corresponding treesitter parser is installed.

Expected behavior

Parameters colored differently than other names (e. g. local variables).

Below is the tokynight theme, where parameters are orange, variables are bluish white.

Actual behavior

Parameters are the same color as the local variables.

LSP diagnostics virtual text are all grey

Hard to differentiate LSP diagnostics virtual text, because they are all grey


Lines 136 to 139 in 600d5a0

highlight! link LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError Grey
highlight! link LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning Grey
highlight! link LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation Grey
highlight! link LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint Grey

  • Operating system/version: Linux
  • Terminal emulator/version: KiTTY on windows
  • echo $TERM: tmux-256color
  • tmux -V: tmux 3.1c
  • vim --version or nvim --version:
    NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1115-gc1fbc2ddf

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug

Steps to reproduce this bug using minimal vimrc

Actual behaviour

Expected behaviour

Add Kitty port

I just found this theme and I quickly whipped up a port of it for Kitty here, in case you want to link it or anything else.

How to customise sign column


I am using vim gitgutter, how do i get my sign column took like urs in the screenshot. Where the change is a block color instead if the default +,~, -



Color shown as background instead of font color?

Hello, I may not describe well in the title but here's the screenshot of my code using Sonokai andromeda/default style. Is this normal?

Screenshot 2021-03-30 at 9 45 37 PM

You can see my configuration for Sonokai from the screenshot too.

Incorrect LspReferenceWrite/Read/Text highlight

  • Operating system/version: MacOS

  • Terminal emulator/version:

  • echo $TERM:

  • nvim --version:

NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1345-g6dd04ed5f
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compilation: /Applications/ -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -O2 -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 -Wshadow -Wconversion -Wmissing-prototypes -Wimplicit-fallthrough -Wvla -fstack-protector-strong -fno-common -fdiagnostics-color=always -DINCLUDE_GENERATED_DECLARATIONS -D_GNU_SOURCE -DNVIM_MSGPACK_HAS_FLOAT32 -DNVIM_UNIBI_HAS_VAR_FROM -DMIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 -I/Users/ray.xu/github/neovim/neovim/build/config -I/Users/ray.xu/github/neovim/neovim/src -I/Users/ray.xu/github/neovim/neovim/.deps/usr/include -I/Applications/ -I/usr/local/opt/gettext/include -I/Users/ray.xu/github/neovim/neovim/build/src/nvim/auto -I/Users/ray.xu/github/neovim/neovim/build/include
Compiled by ray.xu

Features: +acl +iconv +tui
See ":help feature-compile"

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/share/nvim"

Run :checkhealth for more info

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug

Steps to reproduce this bug using minimal vimrc

Need enable lsp document highlight by

      augroup lsp_document_highlight
        autocmd! * <buffer>
        autocmd CursorHold <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()
        autocmd CursorMoved <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.clear_references()
      augroup END

Actual behaviour

Put cursor under scope and trigger lsp doc highlight.
Screen Shot 2021-05-26 at 9 48 59 am

:hi CurrentWord                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
CurrentWord    xxx ctermbg=236 guibg=#363a4e                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                   links to CurrentWord  

From the screen shot, the background changed, bug the fg changed to black.

Expected behaviour

scope should be highlighted, but foreground should not changed to black

Airline theme doesn't match lightline theme


I'm using airline, but have some significant colour differences in the statusline compared to your screenshots. Looking at the airline and lightline theme files in this repository I can already see some differences:

Mode Airline Lightline
Normal Red Blue
Insert Blue Green
Visual Purple Purple
Replace Green Yellow

Tab colours are the same.

From the screenshots, I much prefer the Lightline colour choices, so I would be grateful if the Airline theme could be updated to match.

edit: additionally, no highlighting has been set for the sections airline_section_error and airline_section_warning, these are displayed in the default red and yellow.

Any chance of porting the Ristretto filter?

Hi! Thanks very much for sharing this theme! It's become my absolute favourite! I would just like to kindly ask if you intend to port the Ristretto colour scheme to the current theme. I understand it's a lot of work and you may not like the filter, so I'm sorry if I'm asking too much :) Many thanks again!

New release

Sorry, it was somewhat related to #60.

I made this dependency a pinned commit rather than a pinned tag since I wanted some features/fixes from it. Because I recently updated it and got into some issues, and, the latest release was a bit old I decided to bring this up.

Is it possible to have a new release or do you have a specific release schedule?

Increase the contrast for Visual mode selection

Thank you for the very nice color theme.

For me, the contrast in Vim for Visual mode selection is not very good.
I can manually change it as "call sonokai#highlight('Visual', s:palette.none," though.

As this is not a bug, I open this as a blank issue.
If further information is required, please let me know.

Nvim-Treesitter colors for R script not showing

  • Operating system/version: Manjaro XFCE
  • Terminal emulator/version: Alacritty
  • echo $TERM:
  • tmux -V:
  • vim --version or nvim --version:
NVIM v0.6.0-dev+32-ge43dbfdd0
Build type: RelWithDebInfo
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compilation: /usr/bin/gcc-11 -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -DNVIM_TS_HAS_SET_MATCH_LIMIT -O2 -g -Og -g -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 -Wshadow -Wconversion -Wmissing-prototypes -Wimplicit-fallthrough -Wvla -fstack-protector-strong -fno-common -fdiagnostics-color=always -DINCLUDE_GENERATED_DECLARATIONS -D_GNU_SOURCE -DNVIM_MSGPACK_HAS_FLOAT32 -DNVIM_UNIBI_HAS_VAR_FROM -DMIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 -I/home/runner/work/neovim/neovim/build/config -I/home/runner/work/neovim/neovim/src -I/home/runner/work/neovim/neovim/.deps/usr/include -I/usr/include -I/home/runner/work/neovim/neovim/build/src/nvim/auto -I/home/runner/work/neovim/neovim/build/include
Compiled by runner@fv-az243-814

Features: +acl +iconv +tui
See ":help feature-compile"

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/share/nvim"

Run :checkhealth for more info

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug

filetype off

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'sainnhe/sonokai'
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'}  " We recommend updating the parsers on update
Plug 'nvim-treesitter/playground'
Plug 'jalvesaq/Nvim-R', {'brach': 'stable', 'for': ['R', 'r']}
call plug#end()
filetype plugin indent on

if has('termguicolors')
    set termguicolors
let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_ZH="\e[3m"
let &t_ZR="\e[23m"
set background=dark
let g:sonokai_style = 'atlantis'
let g:sonokai_enable_italic = 1
let g:sonokai_disable_italic_comment = 1
colorscheme sonokai

lua <<EOF
require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
  highlight = {
    enable = true,
    custom_captures = {
      -- Highlight the capture group with the "Identifier" highlight group.
      [""] = "Identifier",

require "nvim-treesitter.configs".setup {
  playground = {
    enable = true,
    disable = {},
    updatetime = 25, -- Debounced time for highlighting nodes in the playground from source code
    persist_queries = false, -- Whether the query persists across vim sessions
    keybindings = {
      toggle_query_editor = 'o',
      toggle_hl_groups = 'i',
      toggle_injected_languages = 't',
      toggle_anonymous_nodes = 'a',
      toggle_language_display = 'I',
      focus_language = 'f',
      unfocus_language = 'F',
      update = 'R',
      goto_node = '<cr>',
      show_help = '?',

Steps to reproduce this bug using minimal vimrc

Don't really know what to put here but checkhealth nvim_treesitter produces

## Installation
  - WARNING: `tree-sitter` executable not found (parser generator, only needed for :TSInstallFromGrammar, not required for :TSInstall)
  - OK: `node` found v16.3.0 (only needed for :TSInstallFromGrammar)
  - OK: `git` executable found.
  - OK: `cc` executable found. Selected from { vim.NIL, "cc", "gcc", "clang", "cl" }
  - OK: Neovim was compiled with tree-sitter runtime ABI version 13 (required >=13). Parsers must be compatible with runtime ABI.

## Parser/Features H L F I J
  - r              โœ“ โœ“ . . . 
  - query          โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ 
  - python         โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ 
  - c              โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ 

 Legend: H[ighlight], L[ocals], F[olds], I[ndents], In[j]ections
         +) multiple parsers found, only one will be used
         x) errors found in the query, try to run :TSUpdate {lang}

Actual behaviour

I am using R, but the colors are not showing; as a side note, the colors work fine for Python scripts.

This is what I see when open an R file with nvim-treesitter and sonokai (and with vim-polyglot disabled)


Expected behaviour

This is the same file in visual mode with the same settings (nvim-treesitter + sonokai, and disabled vim-polyglot).


If I instead use vim-polyglot, I see


EDIT: the exact same issue happens with gruvbox-material

Jetbrains Port

The colorscheme is awesome. Are there any plans for JetBrains IDEs?

Implementation for nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim


I've been happily using sonokai for quite some time and I have recently transitioned as much as possible to lua in my neovim.
Additionally, I have started using lualine as my go-to powerline.
I have been reviewing their documentation and they offer a default template to create a new theme that, if interested, we can implement in this theme.

As per their wiki:
"Note to colorscheme authors : If you want to support lualine. You can put your lualine theme at lua/lualine/themes/{your_colorscheme}.lua in you repo."

I have gone ahead and implemented this for myself and believe it might be positive to include it in this repo as it provides additional support for a now very popular neovim plugin.

If you believe this could be positive, I can create a PR for you to review.

Thank you!

MDX support

  • Operating system/version: WSL 2 in Windows Terminal
  • Terminal emulator/version: Windows Terminal 1.2.2381.0
  • echo $TERM: xterm-256color
  • vim --version or nvim --version: v0.4.3

First and foremost I wanted to say that you've done a fantastic job here. Thank you! ๐ŸŽ‰

Support for MDX files using package vim-mdx-js seems a bit broken (primarily the imports and component tags):

Better ruby highlights

Hi guys, it's not a bug, but, is there a way to get a better ruby highlights?
symbols, and some functions, hash keys dont get highlighted ๐Ÿ˜” and i realy liked this colorscheme ๐Ÿ˜…



Tmux color issue / line ?

Hi friends, i recently installed tmux and i notice their is a difference in the way errors look.

original (linux bash/zsh)


tmux ( looks bad)


The tmux has these weird white lines instead of the color squiggly, any idea what might be happening here?

This is within neovim.

[FR] Highlight Markdown Link

As convention, I'd like to have Markdown link highlighted as green color. This is what it looks like in sonokai (white text on dark background)


Theme not loaded on startup when using Vim 8`s pack feature

  • Operating system/version:
    Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL2 for Windows 10
  • Terminal version:
  • vim --version:

Error message:

Error detected while processing /home/GDAD3/.vim/pack/my-plugins/start/sonokai/colors/sonokai.vim:
line   10:
E117: Unknown function: sonokai#get_configuration
line   11:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#get_palette(
line   31:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
line   54:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   55:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   56:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   57:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   58:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   59:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
line   72:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   75:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   79:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   81:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   82:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   83:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   84:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   85:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   86:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   87:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   88:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   89:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   90:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   91:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   92:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   93:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   94:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   95:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line   96:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
line  104:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  105:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  106:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  107:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  108:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  109:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  110:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  111:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  112:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  113:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  114:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  115:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  116:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  117:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  118:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  119:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  120:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  121:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  122:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  123:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  124:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  125:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  158:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
line  171:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  172:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  173:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  174:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  175:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  176:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  177:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  178:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  179:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  180:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  181:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  182:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  183:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  184:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  185:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  186:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  187:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  188:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  189:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  190:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  191:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  192:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  193:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  194:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  195:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  196:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
line  205:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  206:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  209:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  210:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  211:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  212:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  213:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  214:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  215:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  216:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  217:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
line  232:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  233:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  234:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  235:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  236:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  237:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  238:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
line  249:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
line  260:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
line  271:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  272:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  273:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  274:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  277:
E121: Undefined variable: s:configuration
line  288:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  289:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  290:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  291:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  292:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  293:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  294:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  295:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  296:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  300:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  301:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  325:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  326:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  327:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  328:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  329:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  330:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  382:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  559:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  560:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  561:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  562:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  563:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  564:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  565:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  566:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  567:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  568:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  569:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  570:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  571:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  572:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  573:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  574:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  575:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  588:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  589:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  590:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  591:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  592:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  593:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  594:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  595:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  596:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  597:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  598:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  619:
E15: Invalid expression: {
line  620:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  621:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  622:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  623:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  624:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  625:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  626:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  627:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  628:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  629:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  630:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  631:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  632:
E10: \ should be followed by /, ? or &
line  635:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  641:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  642:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  643:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  644:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  645:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  649:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  650:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  651:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  652:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  653:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  654:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  677:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  678:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  679:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  686:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  712:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
line  713:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
line  764:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  765:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  802:
E117: Unknown function: sonokai#ft_exists
line  820:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  821:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  941:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  954:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  955:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  956:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  957:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  958:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  959:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  960:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  961:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  962:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  963:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  983:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  984:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  985:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  998:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line  999:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1000:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1001:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1002:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1041:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1042:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1043:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1044:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1045:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1046:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1047:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1048:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1049:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1050:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1051:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1052:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette
E116: Invalid arguments for function sonokai#highlight
line 1053:
E121: Undefined variable: s:palette

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug

" ~/.minimal-vimrc
colorscheme sonokai

Steps to reproduce this bug using minimal vimrc

  • Before proceeding, make sure you donยดt already have sonokai installed on your computer
  • create the following directory:
    ~ -> mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/my-plugins/start
  • cd into that directory:
    ~ -> cd ~/.vim/pack/my-plugins/start
  • download this plugin by cloning the repository:
    ~/.vim/pack/my-plugins/start -> git clone
  • open vim with minimal .vimrc:
    vi -u .minimal-vimrc

Actual behaviour

Error message shows up when trying to enter vim
when pressing enter, vim starts without loading the theme
the theme can still be loaded manually by typing :colo sonokai after entering or automatically by replacing the .vimrc with:

autocmd! VimEnter * colorscheme sonokai

Expected behaviour

I should be able to just have

colorscheme sonokai

in my .vimrc without any errors.

Highlight GitSignsCurrentLineBlame


I recently start using gitsigns.nvim and when testing out the blamer found that the font colour was very difficult to read for this colourscheme.

Compared to the highlight set for blamer.vim which is much easier to read.

After some digging I found that it was because gitsigns declares NonText as the highlight group for GitSignsCurrentLineBlame. See

I think there are a few ways we could approach this

  1. change NonText to a colour more legible to the colourscheme background, or
  2. add GitSignsCurrentLineBlame as one of the highlight groups for the gitsigns section with same colours as the Blamer highlight group

Not sure what you think would be best for this, but I would like it if I could use the blamer in gitsigns without struggling to read.


Change background color

Hi friends,

I like this theme, i use the default version.

Theres one thing i would like to modify which is the background color. I want it to be a little darker/blacker, can someone tell me if this is pssoble and what command i need to add to my vimrc to make that possible?

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