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Mythic GME Tools for FoundryVTT

Mythic GME Tools provides everything needed for playing Solo and GM-Less games with Mythic GM Emulator and other GM Emulators with any RPG System in Foundry VTT.

Mythic rulesets: Mythic (Blue Book), Mythic Variations 1, Mythic Variations 2, Mythic 2nd Edition

Other rulesets: Game Apprentice Cards, The Adventure Crafter Cards, Plot Unfolding Machine, Game Unfolding Machine, Tricube Tales Countdown Cards

Created by: JeansenVaars



Table of Contents

  1. How to play
  2. Features
    1. Overview
    2. Mythic GME Tools Panel
    3. Mythic GM Emulator Rulesets
      1. GM Emulator 2nd Edition
      2. GM Emulator Blue Book
      3. Variations 1 Orange Book
      4. Variations 2 Green Book
      5. Adventure Crafter Cards
    4. Other GM Emulator Rulesets
      1. The GameMaster's Apprentice
      2. Plot Unfolding Machine
      3. Game Unfolding Machine
      4. Tricube Tales Countdown Cards
    5. The Oracle Builder
    6. Rolling your own Tables
    7. Chat and Exporting
    8. Customizing your Playstyle
    9. Saved Progress
    10. Card Decks
  3. Tips and Tricks
  4. Author
  5. License

Word Mill Games

Mythic GM Emulator Rulebook is REQUIRED to understand this material. Variations 1 and 2 are needed as well, respectively for their mechanics.

Mythic Game Master Emulator is property of Word Mill Games and this module is distributed with permission of author Tana Pigeon.

May not be commercially redistributed. Offered for free (Donations permitted and welcome to the author of this module).

Get Mythic GME Books

Larcenous Designs

GameMaster's Apprentice Cards are REQUIRED to be able to play with the GMA Panel.

GameMaster's Apprentice Cards are property of Larcenous Designs and this module does not distribute the cards themselves of author Nathan Rockwood

Get GMA Cards

Special Appreciations!

  • Tana Pigeon for authorizing the distribution of this module, based on the wonderful Mythic Books
  • Nathan Rockwood for the support to handle GameMaster's Apprentice cards
  • stargolem for DECKs support to play with Mythic and GMA Cards, as well for the positive feedback and panels UI
  • KarstenW for providing German Translations
  • FoundryVTT Discord, Die Gießerei and Mythic Discord communities for supporting with my terrible coding skills and crazy ideas
  • The SOLO Roleplaying community in general!
  • Everyone who appreciates and enjoys this material

How to play

Starting from 2.5.0+, Mythic GME Tools automatically opens a panel with all mechanics ready to be played from the get-go. No setup required.


This modules provides all mythic rules in the form of Macros. You can use them in whatever RPG system you like in any world.

To manually import Macros, enable the module, and then go to the Compendiums tab, you are going to see many compendiums starting with the word Mythic. For starters, the most basic one is Mythic GME Macros. Simply drag and drop them to your Macro Hotbar at the bottom of the screen. Then, just click on them and play!


Video example




  • One-Click Macros for multiple GM Emulator rulesets: Mythic GM Emulator, GameMaster's Apprentice, Plot Unfolding Machine, and more
  • Saves Mythic's progress for Chaos Level, Behavior Disposition, Statistic Checks
  • Customize roll tables, focus tables, and much more to set up your favorite GM-Less experience
  • Built-in Support for Dice so Nice! taking 3D dice to a flavor-narrative oriented experience
  • All Actions translate into the chat for keeping a history of your game. This may also be exported to a Journal.
  • Everything is configurable through Mythic GME Tools module settings (such as Focus Tables, and more)
  • Support for non-Mythic solo games too (Such as my Plot Unfolding Machine and Tricube Tales Countdown cards)



Mythic GME Tools Panel

The main panel of this module allows you to play your favorite GM emulator ruleset with ease.

Click on Configure to switch to alternate GM emulators, and Export will let you export Chat to Journal.


Mythic GM Emulator Rulesets

These macros provide complex functionalities summarized in a one-click event. Most of them bring up a Dialog in which the player customizes or elaborates the event.

Selecting a Token will cause the Macros to interact with a Foundry VTT actor, speak on his behalf or even sometimes use its information for better flavor!

GM Emulator 2nd Edition

  • Discovery meaning tables
  • Scene adjustment table
  • Weighted lists support
  • Element meaning tables included


GM Emulator Blue Book

  • Fate Chart: Rolls on the Fate Chart. Triggers Random Events when appropriate.
  • Random Event: Generates a random event.
  • Scene Alteration: Checks if the proposed event is still valid. Rolls Random Events when appropriate.
  • Increase Chaos Rank
  • Decrease Chaos Rank
  • Check Chaos Rank


Variations 1 Orange Book

  • Complex Questions
  • Backstory Generator


Variations 2 Green Book

  • Fate Check
  • Event Check
  • Detail Check
  • Description Question
  • Action Question
  • Behavior Check - Advanced: This Macro stores disposition information within Tokens!
  • Statistic Check - Advanced: This Macro stores the last used Attributes in your game!


Adventure Crafter Cards

Drag and Drop the TAC Deck Macro to your hotbar, to pop up adventure crafter cards.


Other GM Emulator Rulesets

The GameMaster's Apprentice

Check out the cards section to learn how to configure them.


Plot Unfolding Machine

This Solo system can be played with Mythic or on its own, and it focuses on placing your PCs into action, Scene by Scene. HERE :)

Check it out if getting stuck in your Solo or GMLess games is an often-issue, because PUM is designed to help with Scene Setup proposals.


Game Unfolding Machine

This GM Emulator is action driven and focuses on getting you started with a solo adventure HERE :)

Check it out if you'd like to try something different in your adventures.

Tricube Tales Countdown Cards

Check out the cards section to learn how to configure them.


The Oracle Builder

Create your own Oracles with Random Tables, supporting multiple draws per tables and flavor dialogues Oracle Builder

Rolling your own tables

Either from Foundry Random Tables or Tables you have outside (printed, or in a PDF, etc), these macros will help you stay sharp and consistent!

Flavored Roll Table

Keep chat consistency by rolling from a Random Table normally with a question (flavor) in mind


External Roll Table

Keep chat and overall consistency by rolling tables outside your game as if they belonged here!


External Table

Chat and Exporting

General Features

  • Every Mythic check in Mythic GME Tools produces a flavored, self-explanatory chat message.
  • A setting Automatic Adventure Logging (default: disabled) exports all oracle checks to a journal entry.
  • Resize sidebar for a bigger chat place with Sidebar Resizer
  • A macro Export Chat to Journal allows dumping the current chat into a Journal Entry with a single click.
  • Rolling dice with Dice so Nice! module enabled will flavor and slowly produce results as the 3D dice give away their outcomes.

This will help keep track of your emulator's guidance and your game!


Formatted Message - Send message to the chat with flavor, color and style

Keep your game chat log clear and consistent, add headers, subtitles, and more


Exporting chat records to a Journal Entry

You can do this in three ways:

  • By clicking on Export in the Mythic Panel
  • By using the Macro to export current Chat to a Journal Entry
  • By enabling Auto-Logging setting that automatically puts all your chat in a daily journal


Customizing your playstyle

There are plenty of configuration options. Go to Module Settings in Foundry and check the Mythic GME Tools section!

Tables necessary to execute the aforementioned macros are included, and may also be used independently.

Macros use Roll Tables. Going to Module Settings lets you choose which tables are used. Table names must begin with Mythic in order to be eligible. By default, Macros pick up Tables by their name, so importing the Tables from the Compendium and making modifications on them, will automatically apply to the Macros that use them. Try to keep the same format of the tables to avoid issues. Delete imported tables to revert Macros to use the original ones.

Saved Progress

  • Chaos Rank: When changing Chaos Rank, the value will be saved and reused across all functions
  • Behavior Checks: Disposition and descriptors are stored within actor tokens, by selecting the token before running the Macro.
  • Statistic Checks: Stats are stored within actor tokens, by selecting the token before running the Macro.

Card Decks

NOTE - Deck Images are not included and can be purchased from DriveThruRPG or similar outlets.

Supported Decks

Simply unzip the files as they are, into the decks folder in your Data folder of FoundryVTT.

How to use

  1. Install Decks (Cards not included in module)
    1. Get any of the supported cards from DriveThruRPG
    2. Download the ZIP files of the decks you want to use
    3. Go to the folder "Data" from Foundry. This is where you have folders like modules, systems and worlds.
    4. Create a folder called decks exactly there along these other folders.
    5. Go inside the decks folder you just created and put the purchased .ZIP file there
    6. Right-click on the ZIP and press "Extract Here". Leave everything as is, make sure no folder names are duplicated when you extract it.
    7. If everything works, you can delete the zip file from there. It is not needed.
  2. Enable the module in a game world, and go to Compendiums Tab
  3. Open Mythic Deck Macros and Drag and Drop the ones you want, to the Macro Hotbar
  4. [Optional] Import Card Decks Tables from Compendium if you want to draw cards without replacement
  5. Say thanks if you like this, particularly to Stargolum :)

Tips and Tricks

Playing without a GM, Solo or story telling in Foundry requires some practice. The following tips might boost your learning process.

Recommended companion modules

This is an opinionated list of other Foundry VTT modules that may improve your experience and play well together with Mythic GME Tools and Solo in General

  • Dice so Nice - Adds 3D Dice. Mythic GME Tools makes use of them improving the dice rolling experience
  • Sidebar Resizer and Chat Editor - Make the Chat bigger and add styles in real time
  • Roll Tables from Sidebar - Roll tables faster without having to open them
  • Drag Anything to Hotbar - Drag & Drop characters, journal entries and roll tables, to have handy
  • PDFoundry - Not only it enables PDF journal entries, but also works with form-fillable PDFs!
  • Quick Insert - Find things quickly and insert them in the chat or in a journal as a link
  • Dice Tray - For quick dice rolling, adds above the chat a bar of multiple dice types, handy.
  • Chat Portrait - If you play with actors that have token images, this will show such portraits in the chat

Other modules of mine


This module is developed by me (Saif Ellafi - JeansenVaars) independently, and I hold no business relationship with Word Mill Games. I (Saif Ellafi / @JeansenVaars) was given PERMISSION by Tana Pigeon to distribute this package UNDER STRICT CONSENT of non-commercial distribution within Foundry VTT only.

However you can still Invite me to a Coffee :) if you enjoy my work!

By JeansenVaars



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Thanks to JetBrains I can work on this project using WebStorm.


Custom License

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foundryvtt-mythic-gme's Issues



I think Immitate should be Imitate?

Super minor but saw it on a random roll I did. Random Event macro selected the Mythic GME: Event Focus from the dropdown and the attached image was the result.

Happy Gaming!

Dice so nice error in Console, Macros mostly not working

Hello! Thank you so much for your amazing work, first of all!
That Coffee must be sum amazeeng stuff!

DiceBox.js:544 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'shape')
[Detected 1 package: dice-so-nice]
at DiceBox.getVectors (DiceBox.js:544)
at DiceBox.js:1042
at Array.forEach ()
at DiceBox.start_throw (DiceBox.js:1028)
at Dice3D.js:600
at Dice3D.js:433

Let's cut to the chase: This is the error I see in the console whenever I try - for example - to use the Random Event Macro with Dice so nice, and basically any Macro which calls for a RollTable.
What does it mean?
Is this the reason the Macros are mostly not working if I have Dice so Nice loaded?
What can I do to fix it?

Issue with GMA Deck Tables

Not sure if this is the right place or not.
I found an issue with the GMA Deck Tables. The Table Results columns are missing GMA XXX VTT_part110.

card setup.

I have an issue, that all my GMA card decks are sheets. 6 cards to a sheet.
MY issue is: I can cut them with gimp, but what names do they need to be for each card, what format should I save them as? [png, Jpg .... ???] and how do I set up this folder for them?
I would appreciate your help any way you can. Thank you for a great GMA add on, I just don't
know how to set my sheets up for this, :D


Support for Creature Crafter (Simplified)

As discussed in #6 :

The Mythic Supplement "Creature Crafter" is great system for creating believable and coherent randomly generated creatures, aliens and monsters.

Afaik there are two different variations of it around: The one from the Creature Crafter book and a simpler version in Mythic Magazine Vol 13.

Implementation here would be a first iteration following the simplified rules in Mythic Magazine Vol 13, with the original full variation to be assessed later.

The focus should be on easy and fast usage during a session, regardless of solo-play or gm-based.

Incorrect results in Random Event Focus Table

The "PC Positive" result (roll range of 81-85 for 1d100) under Random Event Focus Table is missing under the "Mythic GME: Event Focus (2e)" table. Also, it seems when 2nd Edition rulebook is selected, the "Random Event" button still leads to 1st edition Event Focus table instead of the 2nd edition version table.

Support for Location Crafter (Simplified)

As discussed in #6 :

The Mythic Supplement "Location Crafter" is great system for creating believable and coherent randomly generated locations, areas and regions.

Afaik there are two different variations of it around: The one from the Location Crafter book and a simpler version in Mythic Magazine Vol 2 with additional material in Vol 5 and 7.

Implementation here would be a first iteration following the simplified rules in Mythic Magazine Vol 2 (and maybe 5+7), with the original full variation to be assessed later.

The focus should be on easy and fast usage during a session, regardless of solo-play or gm-based.

error running macro

I imported the Random Event macro but when I try to run it, I get:

mythic-gme-tools.js:443 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'timeBeforeHide' of undefined
    at Function._mgmeSubmitOracleQuestion (mythic-gme-tools.js:443)

Problem with the Background table in Mythic GME 2nd Edition module

Hi, the order of the values of Background table don't match with the Mythic GME 2e book. Rolling between 10 and 100 the values are adding a +1, altering the value of the table.
For example:
If I roll a 20, I look the Mythic Book and the value corresponds to "Combat". The FoundryVTT module with a 20 gives me a value of "Commitment" but this value corresponds to 21 according to the book.
I've noticed that between 1 to 9 there is no problem with the module, it matches with the Mythic Book value. When rolling a 100 the module gives an empty value instead of "Youth".

I was reviewing the database and it seems that you have skipped the word "Bad" on this table that corresponds to the 10 on the Mythic GME 2e Book. This is the reason of why the 100 value does have a empty value.

Rolling on oracle tables is slow

When I click on oracles like "Actions", it immediately adds a card to chat. However, it takes about 7 seconds before it is updated with the first word, and about 2 more seconds before it is updated with the second word.

Export to chat: Remember options

Is it possible to remember the last options selected for the Export chat to Journal macro window?

For example

  • If I enter in a custom journal, remember the value and append to that.
  • If I select Include Actor Images or clear chat, remember the value

Feature Request "better-rolltables" integration

I love what you have done with this module so far. I started with an implementation of the Mythic Adventure Crafter to use in a gamemaster less tabletop game. I am using Mythic Variation 2 and created the tables for the Turning Points as described in Adventure Crafter. A Turning Point is used instead of a random event, if the Variations 2 and Adventure Crafter a mixed.

For the Turning Point I need because 4 results need to be generated for a single Turning Point. I created a table as replacement for the Event and used the settings to have it used instead of the standard table.

The culprit is, that the module uses the standard tables or the standard way to get the results. This leads to a single result retrieved from my better-rolltable regardless what I do. I tried to figure out how to easily support better-rolltables, but came to the conclusion to ask for help before continuing.

Do you plan to support Mythic Adventure Crafter?

Or is it possible to support better-rolltables and add multiple results from a table roll to the Chat? I tracked it down to the method _mgeGetOracleAnswers. There you use

const focusTable = await _mgeFindTableBySetting('focusTable');
focusRoll = await focusTable.roll();
focusResult = focusRoll.results[0].getChatText();

with the results are directly added to the chat and not returned. After checking the source basically the better-rolltables API is not enough, but the results need to be retrieved with code like in betterTableRoll method.

Maybe better-rolltables is useful for this module as well, as it provides some nice features for more complex table design.

Changeable Font color

Hello, and thanks for the great work so far.
Would it be possible to add an option to change font colors within the module? I am using the Warhammer modules. Unfortunately most of the backgrounds are black, so it is often not possible to read the fonts within zhe boxes (see screenshot).

Thanks a lot,
Warhammer module

Support for Adventure Crafter

As discussed in #6 :

The Mythic Supplement "Adventure Crafter" is great system for creating believable and coherent randomly generated plots, scenes and full Adventures.

Afaik there is only a single variation of it: The one from the Adventure Crafter book, but there are some additional elements in the Mythic Magazines, as well as a slightly simpler version using the Adventure Crafter Card Deck.

Implementation here can be any of the versions, but as support for the Card Decks is already available, it seems this is the version to start with, and the original full variation to be assessed later.

The focus should be on easy and fast usage during a session, regardless of solo-play or gm-based.

Help Troubleshooting Foundry VTT Macro

@saif-ellafi I have loaded the files into the appropriate folder but for some reason I am receiving a 404 error when the macro looks for the cards. It does pull the card # and if it is reversed/flipped but no image is shown. This occurs both locally on my machine and when I use the macro on The Forge setup I have too. The one difference on The Forge is that I cannot get the decks folder in the User Data folder so the deck data/images is only in the My Assets folder on The Forge setup.

Can you help me figure out why the macro can't find the card images regardless of where the Foundry VTT module points to the files.

On my local setup it is exactly as the installation instructions show and it still throws a 404 error. The Forge and Foundry help teams noted that the applications will look for the data where it is directed so their thought is that the macro may need to be changed to account for the change in location from User Data to My Assets folder. However, I can't seem to see where the macro might be doing that.

Thanks for your help!

Fate chart and scene alteration errors with vaesen system

same cause as #3 I guess but with

Foundry 9.280, Mythic 2.5.13, vaesen 2.3.6 (latest for v9)

I don't know enough how foundry works yet to be able to help.

Only two modules activated : dice so nice and Mythic GME (problem happens also without dice so nice)

Nothing happens in chat.

Errors are :

foundry.js:319 Error: Unable to recreate Roll instance from provided data
    at Roll.fromJSON (foundry.js:7554:23)
    at get roll [as roll] (foundry.js:14989:27)
    at ChatMessage._renderRollContent (foundry.js:15333:73)
    at ChatMessage.getHTML (foundry.js:15284:18)
    at ChatLog.postOne (foundry.js:57887:32)
    at ChatMessage._onCreate (foundry.js:15357:12)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend.callback (foundry.js:10093:11)
    at foundry.js:10043:43
    at (<anonymous>)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend._handleCreateDocuments (foundry.js:10043:33)
onError @ foundry.js:319
get roll @ foundry.js:14992
_renderRollContent @ foundry.js:15333
getHTML @ foundry.js:15284
postOne @ foundry.js:57887
_onCreate @ foundry.js:15357
callback @ foundry.js:10093
(anonymous) @ foundry.js:10043
_handleCreateDocuments @ foundry.js:10043
_createDocuments @ foundry.js:9939
await in _createDocuments (async)
create @ backend.mjs:96
await in create (async)
createDocuments @ document.mjs:338
create @ document.mjs:439
toMessage @ foundry.js:7441
callback @ mythic-gme-tools.js:1037
submit @ foundry.js:44151
_onClickButton @ foundry.js:44114
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:2
v.handle @ jquery.min.js:2
foundry.js:319 Error: Unable to recreate Roll instance from provided data
    at Roll.fromJSON (foundry.js:7554:23)
    at get roll [as roll] (foundry.js:14989:27)
    at main.js:205:49
    at Hooks._call (foundry.js:294:14)
    at Hooks.callAll (foundry.js:253:12)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend.callback (foundry.js:10105:13)
    at foundry.js:10043:43
    at (<anonymous>)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend._handleCreateDocuments (foundry.js:10043:33)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend._createDocuments (foundry.js:9939:17)
onError @ foundry.js:319
get roll @ foundry.js:14992
(anonymous) @ main.js:205
_call @ foundry.js:294
callAll @ foundry.js:253
callback @ foundry.js:10105
(anonymous) @ foundry.js:10043
_handleCreateDocuments @ foundry.js:10043
_createDocuments @ foundry.js:9939
await in _createDocuments (async)
create @ backend.mjs:96
await in create (async)
createDocuments @ document.mjs:338
create @ document.mjs:439
toMessage @ foundry.js:7441
callback @ mythic-gme-tools.js:1037
submit @ foundry.js:44151
_onClickButton @ foundry.js:44114
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:2
v.handle @ jquery.min.js:2
foundry.js:297 Foundry VTT | Error thrown in hooked function '' for hook 'createChatMessage'
_call @ foundry.js:297
callAll @ foundry.js:253
callback @ foundry.js:10105
(anonymous) @ foundry.js:10043
_handleCreateDocuments @ foundry.js:10043
_createDocuments @ foundry.js:9939
await in _createDocuments (async)
create @ backend.mjs:96
await in create (async)
createDocuments @ document.mjs:338
create @ document.mjs:439
toMessage @ foundry.js:7441
callback @ mythic-gme-tools.js:1037
submit @ foundry.js:44151
_onClickButton @ foundry.js:44114
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:2
v.handle @ jquery.min.js:2
foundry.js:319 TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'dice')
    at main.js:235:14
    at Hooks._call (foundry.js:294:14)
    at Hooks.callAll (foundry.js:253:12)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend.callback (foundry.js:10105:13)
    at foundry.js:10043:43
    at (<anonymous>)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend._handleCreateDocuments (foundry.js:10043:33)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend._createDocuments (foundry.js:9939:17)
    at async ChatMessage.createDocuments (document.mjs:338:21)
    at async ChatMessage.create (document.mjs:439:21)
onError @ foundry.js:319
_call @ foundry.js:298
callAll @ foundry.js:253
callback @ foundry.js:10105
(anonymous) @ foundry.js:10043
_handleCreateDocuments @ foundry.js:10043
_createDocuments @ foundry.js:9939
await in _createDocuments (async)
create @ backend.mjs:96
await in create (async)
createDocuments @ document.mjs:338
create @ document.mjs:439
toMessage @ foundry.js:7441
callback @ mythic-gme-tools.js:1037
submit @ foundry.js:44151
_onClickButton @ foundry.js:44114
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:2
v.handle @ jquery.min.js:2
backend.mjs:306 Foundry VTT | Created ChatMessage with id [yXgxlHoP8CCkgPfD]
foundry.js:15333 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'total')
    at ChatMessage._renderRollContent (foundry.js:15333:78)
    at ChatMessage.getHTML (foundry.js:15284:18)
    at ChatLog.postOne (foundry.js:57887:32)
    at ChatMessage._onCreate (foundry.js:15357:12)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend.callback (foundry.js:10093:11)
    at foundry.js:10043:43
    at (<anonymous>)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend._handleCreateDocuments (foundry.js:10043:33)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend._createDocuments (foundry.js:9939:17)
    at async ChatMessage.createDocuments (document.mjs:338:21)



Disables Escape Key

When this module is enabled, the escape key no longer functions. Normally the escape key will deselect actors, close dialogs and, finally, bring up the foundry menu. It is not possible to do any of these things when the module is enabled. Not sure if this is related, but there is also no ability to close the mythic window, it can only be minimized.

Roll Values Not Displaying for Meanings Rolls

In the settings I have it set to display the roll values but it is not showing the roll numbers in chat for any of the meanings rolls. It does for Event Focus and Fate Questions and things up above, but all meanings do not.

Formatted Message macro fails silently when no actors' tokens active in a scene

Error in console:
mythic-gme-tools.js:1680 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'tokens') at Function.mgmeFormattedChat (mythic-gme-tools.js:1680) at eval (eval at _executeScript (foundry.js:16970), <anonymous>:4:50) at Macro.eval (eval at _executeScript (foundry.js:16970), <anonymous>:5:7) at Macro._executeScript (foundry.js:16972) at Macro.execute (foundry.js:16929) at Hotbar._onClickMacro (foundry.js:52384) at HTMLLIElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:2) at HTMLLIElement.v.handle (jquery.min.js:2) mgmeFormattedChat @ mythic-gme-tools.js:1680 eval @ VM302:4 eval @ VM302:5 _executeScript @ foundry.js:16972 execute @ foundry.js:16929 _onClickMacro @ foundry.js:52384 dispatch @ jquery.min.js:2 v.handle @ jquery.min.js:2

Support for Location, Creature and Adventure Crafter


I'm not sure this is something you planned or not (or have the right to do), but would you be inclined to provide features for the Mythic supplements for creating Creatures, Locations and Adventures? Especially the second two would be immensely interesting to non-solo games and sessions as well, as they can be used by GMs to help generate content during a session.

Just to be sure: I'm more talking about a way to keep track of the results above, less the actual rules to put in. For the Adventure Crafter that would be Plots and Scenes, etc, for the Location Crafter that would be to keep track of the three lists, as well as progressing.

Thanks for the work on this in any case :)

Plans for Mythic GME v2?

Now that v2 has been published, do you have plans for integrating it into this awesome project?

Acting Rank?

Hi there!

Is the Acting Rank Vs Difficulty Rank chart (Miniscule 2+ -Superhuman 2+ ) from the Mythic Red Book already included?
If not, could you add it?

undefined in chat with 2.6.1 and foundry 9

Hi, thanks for this module !

I'm testing in foundry v9 build 280.

When installing your module, it is the latest that is installed (2.6.1) and a warning popup appears in foundy saying that this module does not publish compatibility data or something like that (the message only appears a brief moment).
When using this version, when checking for scene alteration for example, if a random event appears and several dice rolls happen in a row, only two messages appear : an undefined one and the latest one which gets overwritten with each dice roll.


Here is the only error in console :


I tried to uninstall and force a downgrade of your module (using a json module direct link) to version 2.5.12 (before v10 compatibility), this version works flawlessly.


Is there a way when installing your module, to pin versions that are compatible ? (I don't know foundry well, I'm just beginning).
For example is user if on foundry v10, the latest module is downloaded, but if user is on v9 only 2.5.x versions are downloaded ?

Thanks again !

Download links on might be wrong


i'm using Foundry VTT V11 trying to download older versions of the mythic GME tools module.
The latest four manifest URLs say it requires Foundry VTT V12 or newer in order to install the module.

Maybe the inserted links on Foundry are just wrong, i don't think it takes development to fix this.
As well i am not sure if this is the right place for this issue and hope i've adressed it right.

Thank you.

Unbenannt Unbenannt

Roll GM privately

Please add feature to have the option to automatically get rolls for privately to GM. It helps with playing with other people, not having to switch private/public

Feature Request: Tools only show up with permissions

Howdy! Love the module, really fantastic and the latest update bringing the tool HUD is amazing! Something I didn't realize in the time I've used it solo till today, if you're running a group and just like using it, it'll show up on the screen for everyone. No way to close it, hide it, etc.
So I think it'd be a great feature to include a permissions setting for it, so it only shows up if you have permissions for it, so it'll work dandy for guided, co-op, or solo games!

Thanks for reading!

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