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The Fraunhofer Advanced Asset Administration Shell Tools (FA³ST) Service implements the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) specification from the platform Industrie 4.0 and builds an easy-to-use web service based on a custom AAS model instance. If you are not familiar with AAS you can find additional information here.

FA³ST Service is still under development. Contributions in form of issues and pull requests are highly welcome.

Getting Started

This is an example of how to set up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps. To compile the FA³ST service you need to have a JDK and Maven installed.


  • Java 11+
  • Maven

Building from Source

git clone
cd FAAAST-Service
mvn clean install


From JAR

To start the Service from command line use the following commands.

cd /starter/target
java -jar starter-{version}.jar -e {path/to/your/AASEnvironment}

For further information on using the command line see here.

As Maven Dependency

FA³ST Service is currently not published to Maven Central as there is no official release


The following code starts a FA³ST Service with a HTTP endpoint on port 8080.

String pathToYourAASEnvironment = "{pathTo}\\FAAAST-Service\\misc\\examples\\demoAAS.json";
AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment environment = AASEnvironmentHelper.fromFile(new File(pathToYourAASEnvironment));
Service service = new Service(environment,
	new ServiceConfig.Builder()
		.core(new CoreConfig.Builder()
		.persistence(new PersistenceInMemoryConfig())
		.endpoint(new HttpEndpointConfig())
		.messageBus(new MessageBusInternalConfig())

Afterwards, you can reach the running FA³ST Service via http://localhost:8080/shells.

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FA³ST Service provides the following functionalities:

  • supports several dataformats for the Asset Administration Shell Environment: json, json-ld, xml, aml, rdf, opcua nodeset
  • easy configuration via JSON file (see details)
  • easily expandable with 3rd party implementations for endpoint, messagebus, persistence, assetconnection
  • uses existing open source implementation of AAS datamodel and de-/serializers admin-shell-io java serializer and admin-shell-io java model
  • synchronization between multiple endpoints
  • connecting to assets using arbitrary communication protocols


FA³ST Service Logo

Fa³ST Service uses an open architecture and defines interfaces for most functionality. This allows for easy extension by 3rd parties. However, FA³ST Service also includes one or more useful default implementations for each interface:

Usage with Command Line

This section provides a short introduction of the most important command line arguments. For more details see the full documentation.

If not already done, follow the step in Building from Source.

  1. Move to the output folder of the starter
    cd starter/target
  2. Execute the .jar file to start a FA³ST Service directly with a default configuration. Replace the {path/to/your/AASEnvironment} with your file to the Asset Administration Shell Environment you want to load with the FA³ST Service. If you just want to play around, you can use a example AASEnvironment from us here.
    java -jar starter-{version}.jar -e {path/to/your/AASEnvironment}

Currently we supporting following formats of the Asset Administration Shell Environment model:

json, json-ld, aml, xml, opcua nodeset, rdf

Following command line parameters could be used:

-c, --configFile=<configFilePath>
						The config file path. Default Value = config.json

-e, --environmentFile=<aasEnvironmentFilePath>
						Asset Administration Shell Environment FilePath.
						Default Value = aasenvironment.*

--emptyEnvironment   	Starts the FA³ST service with an empty Asset
						Administration Shell Environment. False by default

						Supported endpoints: http

-h, --help              Show this help message and exit.

						Autocompletes the configuration with default values
						for required configuration sections. True by default

						Validates the AAS Environment. True by default
						Currently the model validation is deactivated in all examples

-V, --version           Print version information and exit.

Usage with Docker


Clone this repository, navigate to /misc/docker/ and run this command inside it.

cd misc/docker
docker-compose up

To use your own AAS environment replace the model file /misc/examples/demoAAS.json. To modify the configuration edit the file /misc/examples/exampleConfiguration.json. You can also override configuration values using environment variables see details.

Docker CLI

To start the FA³ST service with an empty AAS environment execute this command.

docker run --rm -P fraunhoferiosb/faaast-service '--emptyEnvironment' '--no-modelValidation'

To start the FA³ST service with your own AAS environment, place the JSON-file (in this example demoAAS.json) containing your enviroment in the current directory and modify the command accordingly.

docker run --rm -v ../examples/demoAAS.json:/AASEnv.json -e faaast.aasEnvFilePath=AASEnv.json -P fraunhoferiosb/faaast-service '--no-modelValidation'

Similarly to the above examples you can pass more arguments to the FA³ST service by using the CLI or a configuration file as provided in the cfg folder (use the faaast.configFilePath environment variable for that).



This section gives a short introduction how the configuration file works.

The basic structure of a configuration is the following

	"core" : {
		"requestHandlerThreadPoolSize" : [integer]
	"endpoints" : [
		// endpoint configurations, multiple allowed
	"persistence" : {
		// persistence configuration
	"messageBus" : {
		// message bus configuration
	"assetConnections": [
		// asset connection configurations, multiple allowed

As FA³ST is designed to be easily extendable, the configuration supports to change the used implementation for any of those interfaces without the need to change or recompile the code. To tell the Service which implementation of an interface to use, each dynamically configurable configuration block contains the @class node specifying the fully qualified name of the implementation class. Each block then contains additionals nodes as defined by the configuration class associated with the implementation class. For example, the HttpEndpoint defines the property port in its configuration class ( Therefore, the configuration block for a HttpEndpoint on port 8080 would look like this:

	"@class" : "de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.endpoint.http.HttpEndpoint",
	"port" : 8080

A simple example configuration could look like this:

	"core" : {
		"requestHandlerThreadPoolSize" : 2
	"endpoints" : [ {
		"@class" : "de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.endpoint.http.HttpEndpoint",
		"port" : 8080
	} ],
	"persistence" : {
		"@class" : "de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.persistence.memory.PersistenceInMemory"
	"messageBus" : {
		"@class" : "de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.messagebus.internal.MessageBusInternal"

Each implementation should provide documentation about supported configuration parameters. When using FA³ST Service from your code instead of running it in standalone mode, you can also create the configuration file manually like this:

ServiceConfig serviceConfig = new ServiceConfig.Builder()
	.core(new CoreConfig.Builder()
	.persistence(new PersistenceInMemoryConfig())
	.endpoint(new HttpEndpointConfig())
	.messageBus(new MessageBusInternalConfig())

HTTP Endpoint

This section introduces the HTTP Endpoint implementation. For further details see the full documentation.

The exposed REST API is based on the document Details of the Asset Administration Shell - Part 2, and the OpenAPI documentation DotAAS Part 2 | HTTP/REST | Entire Interface Collection.

HTTP Endpoint configuration supports the following configuration parameters

  • port (optional, default: 8080)

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Example: Get details of a SubmodelElement

HTTP GET http://localhost:8080/submodels/{submodelIdentifier (base64URL-encoded)}/submodel/submodel-elements/{idShortPath}?{optional query parameters}

For a concrete scenario with

and the query-parameters level=deep and content=normal.

HTTP GET http://localhost:8080/submodels/aHR0cHM6Ly9hY3BsdC5vcmcvVGVzdF9TdWJtb2RlbA==/submodel/submodel-elements/ExampleRelationshipElement?level=deep&content=normal

The following interface URLs are currently not (yet) supported:


  • AASX File Server Interface (not yet supported)


  • Asset Administration Shell Serialization Interface (not yet supported)

/serialization (GET)

  • Asset Administration Shell Basic Discovery (not yet supported)


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OPC UA Endpoint

This section introduces the OPC UA Endpoint implementation. For further details see the full documentation.

The OPC UA Endpoint is based on the OPC UA Companion Specification OPC UA for Asset Administration Shell (AAS). The release version of this Companion Specification is based on the document Details of the Asset Administration Shell - Part 1 Version 2.

This implementation is based on Details of the Asset Administration Shell - Part 1 Version 3, which is currently not yet released. Therefore, the current implementation is actually not compatible with the Companion Specification.

The OPC UA Endpoint is built with the Prosys OPC UA SDK for Java. If you want to build the OPC UA Endpoint, you need a valid license for the SDK.

You can purchase a Prosys OPC UA License. As the OPC UA Endpoint is a server, you need a "Client & Server" license.

For evaluation purposes, you also have the possibility to request an evaluation license.

In the near future we will provide a pre-compiled version of the OPC UA Endpoint via Maven Central that allows you to use it without requiring a license.

In order to use the OPC UA Endpoint, the configuration settings require to include an OPC UA Endpoint configuration, like the one below:

	"endpoints": [
			"@class": "de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.endpoint.opcua.OpcUaEndpoint",
			"tcpPort" : 18123,
			"secondsTillShutdown" : 5

OPC UA Endpoint configuration supports the following configuration parameters

  • tcpPort is the desired Port for the OPC UA TCP Protocol (opc.tcp).
  • secondsTillShutdown is the number of seconds the server waits for clients to disconnect when stopping the Endpoint. When the Endpoint is stopped, the server sends a predefined event to all connected clients, that the OPC UA Server is about to shutdown. Now, the OPC UA Server waits the given number of seconds before he stops, to give the clients the possibility to disconnect from the Server. When secondsTillShutdown is 0, the Endpoint doesn't wait and stops immediately.

To connect to the OPC UA Endpoint, you need an OPC UA Client. Here are some examples of OPC UA Clients:

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AssetConnection implementations allows connecting/synchronizing elements of your AAS to/with assets via different protocol. This functionality is further divided into 3 so-called provider, namely

  • ValueProvider, supporting reading and writing values from/to the asset, i.e. each time a value is read or written via an endpoint the request is forwarded to the asset
  • OperationProvider, supporting the execution of operations, i.e. forwards operation invocation requests to the asset and returning the result value,
  • SubscriptionProvider, supporting synchronizing the AAS with pub/sub-based assets, i.e. subscribes to the assets and updates the AAS with new values over time.

An implemented does not have to implement all providers, in fact it is often not possible to implement all of them for a given network protocol as most protocols to not support pull-based and pub/sub mechanisms at the same time (e.g. HTTP, MQTT).

Each provider is connected to exactly one element of the AAS. Each asset connection can have multiples of each provider type. Each FA³ST Service can have multiple asset connections. Accordingly, each asset connection configuration supports at least this minimum structure

	"@class": "...",
		"{serialized Reference of AAS element}":
			// value provider configuration
		"{serialized Reference of AAS element}":
			// operation provider configuration
		"{serialized Reference of AAS element}":
			// subscription provider configuration

A concrete example for OPC UA asset connection could look like this

	"@class": "de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.assetconnection.opcua.OpcUaAssetConnection",
	"host": "localhost:8080",
			"nodeId": ""
			"nodeId": ""
			"nodeId": ""
			"nodeId": "",
			"interval": 1000

MQTT AssetConnection

The MQTT asset connection supports the following functionality:

  • ValueProvider: write values only, read not supported
  • OperationProvider: not supported
  • SubscriptionProvider: subscribe to value changes

Configuration Parameters

  • on connection level
  • serverUri: URL of the MQTT server
  • clientId: id of the MQTT client (optional, default: random)
  • on ValueProdiver level
  • topic: MQTT topic to use
  • contentFormat: JSON|XML (default: JSON, currently, only JSON supported)
  • query: additional information how to format messages sent via MQTT - depends on contentFormat. For JSON this is a JSON Path expression.
  • on SubscriptionProdiver level
  • topic: MQTT topic to use
  • contentFormat: JSON|XML (default: JSON, currently, only JSON supported)
  • query: additional information how to extract actual value from received messages - depends on contentFormat. For JSON this is a JSON Path expression.

Example configuration for one of the providers:

	"topic": "example/myTopic",
	"query": "$.property.value",
	"contentFormat": "JSON"

OPC UA AssetConnection

The OPC UA asset connection supports the following functionality:

  • ValueProvider: fully supported (read/write)
  • OperationProvider: invoke operations synchroniously, async invocation not supported
  • SubscriptionProvider: fully supported

Configuration Parameters

  • on connection level
  • host: URL of the OPC UA server
  • on ValueProdiver level
  • nodeId: nodeId of the the OPC UA node to read/write
  • on OperationProdiver level
  • nodeId: nodeId of the the OPC UA node representing the OPC UA method to invoke
  • on SubscriptionProdiver level
  • nodeId: nodeId of the the OPC UA node to subscribe to
  • interval: subscription interval in ms

Example configuration for a subscription provider:

	"nodeId": "",
	"interval": 1000

In Memory Persistence

Not yet implemented:

  • AASX Packages
  • Package Descriptors
  • SubmodelElementStructs

About the Project

The Reference Architecture of Industrie 4.0 (RAMI) presents the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) as the basis for interoperability. AAS is the digital representation of an asset that is able to provide information about this asset, i.e. information about properties, functionality, parameters, documentation, etc.. The AAS operates as Digital Twin of the asset it represents. Furthermore, the AAS covers all stages of the lifecycle of an asset starting in the development phase, reaching the most importance in the operation phase and finally delivering valuable information for the decline/decomposition phase.

To guarantee the interoperability of assets Industie 4.0 defines an information metamodel for the AAS covering all important aspects as type/instance concept, events, redefined data specification templates, security aspects, mapping of data formats and many more. Moreover interfaces and operations for a registry, a repository, publish and discovery are specified. At first glance the evolving specification of the AAS seems pretty complex and a challenging task for asset providers. To make things easier to FA³ST provides an implementation of several tools to allow easy and fast creation and management of AAS-compliant Digital Twins.

Recommended Documents/Links

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FA³ST Service is currently in development and not yet released. Next milestone is to publish a first beta release to Maven Central and DockerHub. Some of the features we are working on include

  • improve stability/robustness
  • improve usability
  • implement a file & database persistence in FA³ST Service


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion for improvements, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue. Don't forget to rate the project! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Code Formatting

The project uses spotless:check in the build cycle, which means the project only compiles if all code, *.pom and *.xml files are formatted according to the project's codestyle definitions (see details on spotless). You can automatically format your code by running

mvn spotless:apply

Additionally, you can import the eclipse formatting rules defined in /codestyle into our IDE.

Third Party License

If you use additional dependencies please be sure that the licenses of these dependencies are compliant with our License. If you are not sure which license your dependencies have, you can run

mvn license:aggregate-third-party-report

and check the generated report in the directory documentation/third_party_licenses_report.html.

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Name Github Account
Michael Jacoby mjacoby
Jens Müller JensMueller2709
Klaus Schick schick64
Tino Bischoff tbischoff2
Friedrich Volz fvolz


[email protected]

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Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.

Copyright (C) 2022 Fraunhofer Institut IOSB, Fraunhoferstr. 1, D 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany.

You should have received a copy of the Apache 2.0 License along with this program. If not, see

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