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Computer Graphics - Homework Assignment 2 - Raycasting


In this assignment, you will be implementing a raycaster, which is the first step to creating a raytracer. You will be able to create stunning artwork like this:

solid color spheres and a cylinder

The assignment is broken down into three parts: (1) creating 3D rays through pixels, (2) intersecting 3D rays with various 3D shapes, and (3) computing a color for the ray.

(You will add illumination in the follow-up assignment, raytracing.)

Background reading for this assignment: Chapter 4 Ray Tracing and Chapter 13.2 Instancing from Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (4th edition) by Steve Marschner and Peter Shirley.


  • Understand how to create a virtual picture of a 3D scene.

  • Gain experience deriving and implementing mathematical expressions for geometric calculations.

  • Become familiar with a 3D math library (bonus: identical to one available when programming for a GPU).

  • Become more comfortable with C++.

Getting Started & Handing In:

  • Download or clone this code repository. Don't fork it on GitHub, or else your code will be visible to everyone.

  • Follow the instructions to install a working development environment: . You do not need to install Qt or any other external libraries for this assignment.

  • The program is a command line program. The framework and included glm vector math library provide all the support code that you need.

  • The code will be written in C++. This time, the project is more complex and you will see and need to use more of the language, including the std::vector container class and object-oriented programming. I have made use of the modern C++11 standard where appropriate. This makes the language easier to write and safer, though some reference material, tutorials, and examples you find will be outdated.

  • Build and run the code. The code should compile, but it will complain when running about not having enough arguments. You should see a message like:

      Usage: raycasting path/to/scene.json image_out.png long_edge_pixels
  • If you are using an IDE like Qt Creator, you will need to set the command line arguments used when running your program. In Qt Creator, click on "Projects" and then, under "Build & Run", click on "Run." Set the "Command line arguments" appropriately. For example:

      spheres_cylinder.json spheres_cylinder-test.png 500

    Qt Creator > Projects > Run > Command Line Arguments

    For those arguments to work, you would either need to set "Working directory" to the examples subdirectory, or else copy spheres_cylinder.json next to the "Executable" (or wherever you point "Working directory").

  • Add your code to camera.cpp, scene.cpp, and shape.cpp.

  • Build and run and test that it is working correctly. Qt Creator has a great debugger interface.

  • Create 600 pixel images for each of the following .json scenes. Copy the .json and your .png files into a new test/ subdirectory.

    • spheres_cylinder.json
    • cone_cube.json
    • stress_test.json
    • camera_test1.json
    • camera_test2.json
    • orthographic_test1.json
    • orthographic_test2.json
    • A .json scene that you make yourself
  • You are encouraged to share blooper images you create while implementing the assignment on Piazza.

  • Create a file named Notes.txt in the folder. Describe any known issues or extra features. Name people in the class who deserve a star for helping you (not by giving your their code!).

  • When done, zip your entire raycasting directory, including your Notes.txt and the test/ subdirectory containing the scenes and your program's output on them with the long_edge_pixels command line parameter set to 600. Do not include your build directory. It is large and unnecessary. Name the zip file Upload your solution to Blackboard before the deadline.

  • THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL, NOT A GROUP ASSIGNMENT. That means all code written for this assignment should be original! Although you are permitted to consult with each other while working on this assignment, code that is substantially the same will be considered cheating. In your Notes.txt, please note who deserves a star (who helped you with the assignment).


  • (10 points) 3D rays through pixels. The Camera methods:

    • (5 points) CameraPerspective::getRay( u,v )

      • Return a world-space ray through the pixel located at (u,v) on the film plane. A point (u,v) on the film plane is located at e + u u + v v - d w in world-space. Your ray can emanate from the eye e itself or from the film plane point. The world-space direction of the rays is the direction from the eye e through the aforementioned film plane point: u u + v v - d w.
    • (5 points) CameraOrthographic::getRay( u,v )

      • Return a world-space ray through the pixel located at (u,v) on the film plane. A point (u,v) on the film plane is located at e + u u + v v in world-space. The world-space rays of an orthographic camera are all parallel, in the direction -w.
  • (10 points) The rendering loop. Scene methods:

    • (4 points) render()

      • Converts a pixel's x,y coordinates to u,v coordinates via camera->getPixelUV() and then to a world-space ray via camera->getRay(). Then, get the light along the ray by calling rayColor().
    • (1 point) rayColor()

      • Returns the light along the given ray as a color. In this raycasting assignment, rayColor() will call closestIntersection() and return the color of the closest intersected object.
    • (5 points) closestIntersection()

      • Calls rayIntersect() on every shape and returns the closest one (smallest t).
  • (75 points) Intersections. The Shape subclasses' rayIntersect() methods:

    • (15 points) Sphere (centered at the origin with radius 1):

      • F(x,y,z) = x² + y² + z² - 1
    • (15 points) Plane (the xy plane, also known as the z = 0 plane)

      • F(x,y,z) = z
    • (15 points) Cylinder (bottom at the origin, top at (0,0,1), radius 1) with a top and bottom cap (circles with radius 1 at z=0 and z=1). You handle this as a collection of three shapes with conditions:

      • if 0 < z < 1: F(x,y,z) = x² + y² - 1
      • if x² + y² < 1: F(x,y,z) = -z
      • if x² + y² < 1: F(x,y,z) = z-1
    • (15 points) Cone (bottom at the origin, top at (0,0,1), radius 1 at the bottom, radius 0 at the top, with a bottom cap). You handle this as a collection of two shapes with conditions:

      • if 0 < z ≤ 1: F(x,y,z) = x² + y² - (1 - z)²
      • if x² + y² < 1: F(x,y,z) = -z
    • (15 points) Cube (centered at the origin, with vertices ( ±1, ±1, ±1)$). Think of it as six planes:

      • if -1 ≤ y,z ≤ 1: F(x,y,z) = x-1
      • if -1 ≤ y,z ≤ 1: F(x,y,z) = -(x+1)
      • if -1 ≤ x,z ≤ 1: F(x,y,z) = y-1
      • if -1 ≤ x,z ≤ 1: F(x,y,z) = -(y+1)
      • if -1 ≤ x,y ≤ 1: F(x,y,z) = z-1
      • if -1 ≤ x,y ≤ 1: F(x,y,z) = -(z+1)
    • (bonus 25 points) Mesh (arbitrary triangle meshes)

      • Intersect with all triangles of the mesh. None of the demo scene files use this, so you’ll have to create your own. The Mesh class stores a triangle mesh. A triangle has three corners. At each corner there is a position and possibly also a normal and texture coordinate. So there are three corresponding arrays, face_positions, face_normals, and face_texcoords. (If the mesh has normals or texture coordinates, then face_normals or face_texcoords will be the same length as face_positions. If it doesn't, their length will be 0.) Each element in these arrays stores three integer indices, one for each corner of the triangle. The indices tell you where to look in the positions, normals, and texcoords arrays for the 3D position, 3D normal, and 2D texture coordinates at that corner. Putting this all together, you can access the 3D positions for the three corners of the i-th triangle like this:

          const vec3 p0 = face_positions[i][0];
          const vec3 p1 = face_positions[i][1];
          const vec3 p2 = face_positions[i][2];
  • (5 points) An example scene file. Note that defaults.json is not a real example, it just contains sample parameters (matching what the objects' constructors would set) or sample parameters (for the transforms). Also note that if a transform dictionary contains a translate, rotate, scale, and matrix, they will be applied to the object in the order: matrix * translate * rotate * scale.

The code

The code for a raycaster/raytracer can actually be quite compact. Here is a walkthrough. When the program launches (main.cpp), the main() function creates a Scene object. The scene parses the .json input file (parser.cpp). The main() function then creates an Image to store the rendering result, and passes it to scene.render(). The code for Scene::render() is in scene.cpp. You will fill in Scene::render() and its helper methods:

  • CameraPerspective::getRay() and CameraOrthographic::getRay(). These methods take a camera-space u,v point as a parameter and return a 3D ray3. The code goes in camera.cpp.

  • Scene::rayColor(). This method returns the color along a 3D ray as a floating point vec3 with components in the range [0,1]. The code goes in scene.cpp. The code for this is very short. You call simply call Scene::closestIntersection(), and, if there is one, return its .material.color_diffuse. Otherwise, you return black. (You will write a more sophisticated algorithm in the next assignment.)

To implement Scene::rayColor(), you need to implement its helper method Scene::closestIntersection(), which returns the closest intersection with a shape in the scene along the given ray. The code for that goes in scene.cpp.

Finally, to implement Scene::closestIntersection(), you will need to implement its helper methods, which are Shape::rayIntersect() for each of the Shape subclasses. The code for those goes in shape.cpp. The rayIntersect() algorithms are what we have been deriving in class. You can find our derivations in docs/Ray Shape Intersection Formula.txt. You can find the pseudocode we created in class for the cylinder in docs/ When you implement rayIntersect(), you must fill out the Intersection& hit_out output parameter with information about the intersection. Return true if an intersection occurs and false otherwise. Remember that the incoming ray's point .p and direction .d are in world-space. Convert them into object-space by multiplying them by Shape's method transformInverse(). Transformation matrices are 4x4, since they make use of homogeneous coordinates to perform translation. The homogeneous coordinate of a point should be 1, since points have fixed positions that should be translated. The homogeneous coordinate of a vector should be 0, since vectors do not have fixed positions in space and so translation is a no-op. (Imagine a vector <1,0,0> pointing along the x-axis. Translating it by <-2,0,0> should do nothing; adding the translation would result in the vector <-1,0,0>, which is the opposite of correct.)

For this raycasting assignment, you only must fill in the .t and the .material fields of hit_out. To fill out the .material field, simply assign it from the Shape's material() method. Note that for the next assignment, you will have to fill out the rest of the fields. There's no harm getting a head-start now. The .position and .normal fields should be stored in world-space. The incoming ray is in world-space, so use your t with the world-space ray's position and direction to get a world-space position. Transform the object-space normal by transpose(transformInverse()) to get a world-space normal.

C++ you need to know for this assignment

One of the most useful container types in C++ is std::vector<T>. It is a list/array class. The <T> means that it stores values with type T. (Because of the <>, it is called a templated type. Some programming languages call this generics.) If you have an std::vector<Foo> v, you can check if it is empty with v.empty(), you can get the number of elements it contains with v.size(), you can access an element i with v[i] or the bounds-checking version There is also convenient syntactic sugar in C++ for iterating over all elements of a container. If you have a std::vector<ShapePtr> my_shapes, you can write:

    for( const ShapePtr shape: my_shapes ) {
        ... shape->rayIntersect( ... ) ...

You may notice a typedef in one of the headers involving std::shared_ptr<T>. Treat a std::shared_ptr<T> as just a regular old T* (pointer). It is a reference counted pointer, so we don't have to worry about freeing memory or memory leaks.

glm and C/C++ standard library functions you need for this assignment

glm. This assignment makes heavy use of the glm library for vector math. This library matches GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language), so substitute the keyword GLSL for glm when searching for documentation. You will make heavy use of vec4, vec3, vec2, mat4, possibly mat3, and functions like dot(v1,v2), inverse(m), transpose(m), and clamp(v, min_value, max_value). You can access the components of a glm vector v like an array with v[i]. Note that the vector and matrix types have the arithmetic operators +, -, *, / defined. The behavior depends on what is on the left and right of the operator. For example, if both sides are vectors, v1+v2 or v1/v2 will perform the addition or division on each corresponding element of the vectors. If one side is a scalar and the other is a vector or matrix, v/5.0 will divide each element by 5.0. Finally, with a matrix and a vector, m*v will perform matrix multiplication. Note that if you have a mat4 m and then call mat3(m), it will take the top-left 3x3 part of m. Similarly with the vec types; calling vec3(v) on a vec4 v will keep the first three xyz components. You can also create higher-dimensional matrices and vectors from lower-dimensional ones. For example, to create a vec4 from a vec3 v, use vec4(v,1.0). That sets the 4th component w to 1.0.

sqrt(x), fabs(x), lround(x), std::min(a,b), std::max(a,b). They are part of C's math.h (in C++ included as <cmath>) and C++'s <algorithm>. Note that std::min and std::max require both parameters to have the exact same type. If not, you will get a very long compiler error since they are generic functions written using C++ templates.

Note: This is not necessarily a complete list. I may be forgetting some!

Support code functions you need for this assignment

Image. The method image.pixel(x,y) = c to set the pixel x,y of an Image image to a ColorRGBA8 color c. To get the width and height of the image, use image.width() and image.height(). The top left pixel is (0,0), not the bottom left pixel.

ColorRGBA8. To create an RGB ColorRGBA8 color, use ColorRGBA8( red, green, blue ). Each of the parameters should be an integer number in the range [0,255], inclusive.

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