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php-css-parser's Issues

fatal Error on php 5.3.3 Centos

PHP Fatal error: Can't inherit abstract function Sabberworm\CSS\Renderable::__toString() (previously declared abstract in Sabberworm\CSS\Value\Value) in /www/vendor/sabberworm/php-css-parser/lib/Sabberworm/CSS/Value/Value.php on line 7

my code used:
$oParser = new Sabberworm\CSS\Parser($css.$template['Template']['style']);
$oCss = $oParser->parse();
foreach($oCss->getAllDeclarationBlocks() as $oBlock) {
foreach($oBlock->getSelectors() as $oSelector) {
//Loop over all selector parts (the comma-separated strings in a selector) and prepend the id
$oSelector->setSelector('form table '.$oSelector->getSelector());
$css = $oCss->render();

My code is exactly the same as the example in the wiki.

My php info
PHP 5.3.3 (cli) (built: Aug 6 2014 05:54:27)
Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies
with Suhosin v0.9.29, Copyright (c) 2007, by SektionEins GmbH

Parse Exception for valid css

This selector wont pass, and I get a Identifier expected. Got ":80em"

This is the selector

Incorrect parsing of line-height in font shorthand

  font: 14px/1.2 Arial, sans-serif;
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Identifier expected, got /1.2 ' in /home/ju1ius/code/php/third-party/PHP-CSS-Parser/CSSParser.php:110
Stack trace:
#0 CSSParser.php(259): CSSParser->parseIdentifier()
#1 CSSParser.php(228): CSSParser->parseValue()
#2 CSSParser.php(216): CSSParser->parseRule()
#3 CSSParser.php(210): CSSParser->parseRuleSet(Object(CSSDeclarationBlock))
#4 CSSParser.php(50): CSSParser->parseSelector()
#5 CSSParser.php(35): CSSParser->parseList(Object(CSSDocument), true)
#6 CSSParser.php(29): CSSParser->parseDocument(Object(CSSDocument))
#7 test.php(17): CSSParser->parse()
#8 {main}
  thrown in CSSParser.php on line 110

Error with incorrect CSS

#home .bg-layout { background-image: url(/bundles/main/img/bg1.png?5);};

This css content is valid, but failed parse process (Last ";").

Multiple backgrounds

I have the following section/rule:

.gradient {
    background: linear-gradient(45deg,transparent 0%,transparent 74%,#cce7f5 74%,#cce7f5 80%,transparent 80%,transparent 82%,#cce7f5 82%,#cce7f5 85%,transparent 85%,transparent 89%,#cce7f5 89%,#cce7f5 91%,transparent 91%,transparent 100%) no-repeat border-box,linear-gradient(to bottom,#53bce2 0%,#53bce2 80%,#54abbe 100%) no-repeat border-box;

And I need to get the value of the rule "background", but I need get separately, for exemple:

    'background-image' => array(
        'linear-gradient(45deg,transparent 0%,transparent 74%,#cce7f5 74%,#cce7f5 80%,transparent 80%,transparent 82%,#cce7f5 82%,#cce7f5 85%,transparent 85%,transparent 89%,#cce7f5 89%,#cce7f5 91%,transparent 91%,transparent 100%)',
        'linear-gradient(to bottom,#53bce2 0%,#53bce2 80%,#54abbe 100%')
    'background-repeat' => array('no-repeat','no-repeat'),
    'background-origin' => array('border-box','border-box'),

...or something like this, but I just need the get the values of "background" separately (background-image, background-repeat, background-origin).
How can I do this?

documentation? easier functions?

This class seems to be way too complicated. With hardly any documentation.

how do i get a class from a css file and change it? Sounds like a simple thing to do, but not with this class.

Require? Include?

To read a file, for example, you’d do the following:

REQUIRE('......................................'); <-- And what file do we call?

$oCssParser = new Sabberworm\CSS\Parser(file_get_contents('somefile.css'));
$oCssDocument = $oCssParser->parse();

PSR-0 compatibility

Partially as a follow-up on #13, do you have any plans on making this library PSR-0 compatible? This would make it a lot easier to use the library in todays common PHP frameworks, and easily install it from a PEAR channel with the PEAR installer.

Really each single class should be moved to a separate file, and a properly structured hierarchy of either PHP 5.3 namespaces or PEAR-style named classes (with each _ in a class name being replaced by the directory separator when autoloading from the file system) established.

I personally would vote for dropping PHP 5.2 compatibility and use PHP 5.3 namespaces. Like this (supposing you might want to use Sabberworm as vendor name, but can be replaced with something else unique):


I am willing to help you making this move or do it entirely myself, as this library rocks and I'm eager to make it easier to use it.

Fails parsing this valid CSS (!important)

Fails to parse this:

div.rating-cancel,div.rating-cancel a{background:url(images/delete.gif) no-repeat 0 -16px}, a{background:url(images/star.gif) no-repeat 0 0px}
div.rating-cancel a, a{display:block;width:16px;height:100%;background-position:0 0px;border:0} a{background-position:0 -16px!important} a{background-position:0 -32px} a{cursor:default !important}{background:transparent!important; overflow:hidden!important}

Double quoting in CSSURL value

Not sure if bug or feature.

When parsing this:

body.home {
  background-image: url('images/bg_body_home.jpg');
  background-repeat: repeat-x;

I get this:

  private 'oURL' => 
      private 'sString' => string ''images/bg_body_home.jpg'' (length=25)

(Note the double quoting in the sString value)

The problem seems to be in __toString() method of CSString:

public function __toString() {
        $sString = addslashes($this->sString);
        $sString = str_replace("\n", '\A', $sString);
        return '"'.$sString.'"';

I fixed it by modifying __toString() method in CSSUrl class:

    public function __toString() {
    $this->oURL = str_replace("'", '', $this->oURL);
    $this->oURL = str_replace('"', '', $this->oURL);
    $this->oURL = str_replace("\\", "'", $this->oURL);
    $sUrl = str_replace("\n", '\A', $this->oURL);
        return "url({$sUrl})";

(A botch, I know)

Error parsing line with semicolon


When parsing the CSS below, the code is throwing this error:
"Generic Identifier expected, got ;"
caused by a ; (which corresponds to an empty property and empty value ?).

However, when submitting this CSS to W3C Epub Validator - -, no errors/warnings were found.

Shouldn't the parser be tolerant to this issue?

p.bbb {
line-height : 1.33;
text-align : justify;
color : #000000;
text-indent : 23px;
margin : 0px;

incorrect handling of multiple values

  background-image: url("foo.png") top left no-repeat,
                    url("bar.png") bottom right no-repeat;

This rule obviously has two values, themselves consisting of 4 values.

Expected result of CSSDocument::getAllRuleSets():

array(1) {
  object(CSSDeclarationBlock)#3 (2) {
    array(1) {
      object(CSSSelector)#4 (2) {
        string(8) "div.main"
    array(1) {
      object(CSSRule)#5 (3) {
        string(16) "background-image"
        array(2) {
          array(4) {
            object(CSSURL)#6 (1) {
              object(CSSString)#7 (1) {
                string(7) "foo.png"
            string(3) "top"
            string(4) "left"
            string(9) "no-repeat"
          array(4) {
            object(CSSURL)#6 (1) {
              object(CSSString)#7 (1) {
                string(7) "bar.png"
            string(3) "bottom"
            string(4) "right"
            string(9) "no-repeat"
array(1) {
  object(CSSDeclarationBlock)#3 (2) {
    array(1) {
      object(CSSSelector)#4 (2) {
        string(8) "div.main"
    array(1) {
      object(CSSRule)#5 (3) {
        string(16) "background-image"
        array(7) {
          array(1) {
            object(CSSURL)#6 (1) {
              object(CSSString)#7 (1) {
                string(7) "foo.png"
          array(1) {
            string(3) "top"
          array(1) {
            string(4) "left"
          array(2) {
            string(9) "no-repeat"
            object(CSSURL)#8 (1) {
              object(CSSString)#9 (1) {
                string(7) "bar.png"
          array(1) {
            string(6) "bottom"
          array(1) {
            string(5) "right"
          array(1) {
            string(9) "no-repeat"

New feature: improve diagnostics for parse errors

In case of parse errors the Parser::parse() will throw Exception or UnexpectedTokenException depending on error type.

However, this is not enough to create meaningful diagnostics about the problem. For example a CSS document such as this

@foo (something=another))
  bar { zoo: 1; }

will cause parse() to throw \Exception with a message Unopened { where the real problem is an extra closing parenthesis before first '{'.

In best case, there would be much more exception classes for each specific parse error, but I think even adding a simple public method to Parser.php would improve things a lot:

     * @return int byte offset for current parser position
     *  In case the parse() throws an exception, this method can be
     *  used to approximate the error location.
    public function getPosition()
        return $this->iCurrentPosition;

Correcting incorrect values

The parser seems to fix incorrect values - e.g. "margin: 14px0;" becomes "margin: 14px;" - it would be great if there was a way to turn this off - ignore the rule when the value is incorrect instead of parsing it with a correct value - the beStrict() method seems to be doing something else.

How to get position of selectors

Examples show how to get all selectors. I need position of selectors. I mean cursor position in file of that selector.

Is that possible or not supported yet?

option to minimally format the output

It would be nice if there was an option to minimally format the output (indenting and line breaks) to make the result readable, which can be useful while debugging etc.

No support for css functions

  background-image: linear-gradient(#000, #fff);

Stack trace:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Identifier expected, got (#000' in /home/ju1ius/code/php/third-party/PHP-CSS-Parser/CSSParser.php:98
Stack trace:
#0 CSSParser.php(247): CSSParser->parseIdentifier()
#1 CSSParser.php(216): CSSParser->parseValue()
#2 CSSParser.php(204): CSSParser->parseRule()
#3 CSSParser.php(198): CSSParser->parseRuleSet(Object(CSSDeclarationBlock))
#4 CSSParser.php(50): CSSParser->parseSelector()
#5 CSSParser.php(35): CSSParser->parseList(Object(CSSDocument), true)
#6 CSSParser.php(29): CSSParser->parseDocument(Object(CSSDocument))
#7 test.php(84): CSSParser->parse()
#8 {main}
  thrown in CSSParser.php on line 98

Return rules by id

Hi, I didn't see any way to return all the rules associated with a particular selector. Looks like I would just have to iterate over all delcaration blocks and then get the selector and return the values if a hit was found. Any plans on adding something similar or am I missing anything? Thanks and great library.

Support CSS3 media queries

I try to parse a last Boostrap Css but i got an error to Sabberworm/CSS/Parser.php at line 171.
Maybe it's can parse this line : @media (min-width: 768px) {.lead {font-size: 21px;}}
Any idea?


Support CSS specificity

The support for specificity would allow CSSParser to merge RuleSets according to CSS cascading rules (

But I think it would need a bit of redesign.
The statement
#myid .someclass, { mydeclaration: myvalue}
should be parsed as two CSSSelector objects having the same rules but a different specificity.

I invite you to have a look to, and in particular to for the css specificity thing.

Open source license not specified

This looks like amazing stuff, and I'd like to use it, but I need to know whether it is under an open source license, and which license. Currently your README and source code have no copyright statement or license stated. Although github doesn't host non-open-source projects for free, that still covers an awful lot of ground. For instance, if you plan to use the GPL then I need to know I can't use it in a project that won't also be under the GPL. While a BSD license would make it a safe choice for use in any project.

Please add a copyright statement and let folks know what license they are able to use the code under.

Thank you!

Add compress() method to Document

For maximum compressibility (i.e. removing all unneeded whitespace and semicolons), might want to add this method to Document:

    public function compress()
        return str_replace(
            array("\n", ' {', ': ', ';}', ', '),
            array('', '{', ':', '}', ','),

We currently have this in the wrapper object around the Document object, and it seems to work fine on all browsers. At the least, it outputs code that looks very similar to what jquerymobile does to compress their CSS (i.e. taking their CSS -> importing into PHP-CSS-Parser -> strval($document) -> compressing output = output almost identical to the input).

Duplicated semicolons generates exception in CSSParser::parseIdentifier

Trying to parse the DokuWiki CSS file at the link below generates an exception in CSSParser::parseIdentifier() on line 115 with the message "Identifier expected, got ;widt".

CSS file link:

Examining the CSS file shows a duplicated semicolon (after right:237px). I suspect this is affecting the parser - will have a look and see if I can find an easy fix.

div.dokuwiki div.ajax_qsearch{position:absolute;right:237px;;width:200px;opacity:0.9;display:none;font-size:80%;line-height:1.2em;border:1px solid #8cacbb;background-color:#f7f9fa;text-align:left;padding:4px;}

CSSRule->__toString doesn't work with sized values

If I have a CSS rule as follows (this is in your example css):

The CSSRule->__toString either throws an error, or it looks like this:
width: Object;

The problem is on line 707 when it tries to implode a comma into the values. When a value is a CSSSize, it produces the above result.

For you to test this, in your CSSParserTests.php file,
change line 19 to:
$oDoc = $oParser->parse();
and add this line after the catch clause
echo $oDoc->__toString();

Any way to preserve whitespace?

I am looking to write a deployment script that changes some CSS rules, but would like to keep the whitespace intact - that is, the file should have the same indentations and whitespace as before I parse it with CSS-Parser.

Is this possible? I have checked the consumeWhiteSpace() method but removing it does not help.

Exceptions or return codes

Is there any example how I can get exception messages?
How can I detect in my code that the parsing did not work because of wrong css?

I use the first Example - neded exactly this - but with wrong css it gives me an empty result but no error.

any hints?

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Identifier expected, got ; ' in /var/www/svn-rudloff/proxy/CSS-parser/CSSParser.php:115

I get an error when I try to parse this file:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Identifier expected, got ; ' in /var/www/svn-rudloff/proxy/CSS-parser/CSSParser.php:115 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/svn-rudloff/proxy/CSS-parser/CSSParser.php(222): CSSParser->parseIdentifier() #1 /var/www/svn-rudloff/proxy/CSS-parser/CSSParser.php(215): CSSParser->parseRule() #2 /var/www/svn-rudloff/proxy/CSS-parser/CSSParser.php(209): CSSParser->parseRuleSet(Object(CSSDeclarationBlock)) #3 /var/www/svn-rudloff/proxy/CSS-parser/CSSParser.php(67): CSSParser->parseSelector() #4 /var/www/svn-rudloff/proxy/CSS-parser/CSSParser.php(52): CSSParser->parseList(Object(CSSDocument), true) #5 /var/www/svn-rudloff/proxy/CSS-parser/CSSParser.php(42): CSSParser->parseDocument(Object(CSSDocument)) #6 /var/www/svn-rudloff/test.php(4): CSSParser->parse() #7 {main} thrown in /var/www/svn-rudloff/proxy/CSS-parser/CSSParser.php on line 115

getAllValues() doesn't recognize color values

the css:
.box_pic{background: url(images/no-image) #D1B6DB center center no-repeat;}

the call:
$CssParser = new CSSParser(file_get_contents($filepath));
$CssDocument = $CssParser->parse();

echo $CssDocument;
// that one outputs:
// .box_pic {background: url("images/no-image") rgb(209,182,219) center center no-repeat;}

//but this one:
foreach ($CssDocument->getAllValues() as $value)
echo $value;
// url("images/no-image")centercenterno-repeaturl

Installing without composer

How do I install the php-css-parser by uploading it? Is there a particular place I need to put the files? Would I need to modify the file contents? I do not have composer.

Ignore properties starting with *

When parsing arbitrary css file, I often have to deal with ie specific css such as

.class {
    /* Some IE specific code */
    *property: value;

These properties should be ignored as comment as they are not standard css and aim to patch the same property designed for compliant browser.

The other option would be to allow * characters as valid starting character for a property name. It could be simpler, and output the same css code.

If you are interested in having such feature, I can implement the latter.

breaks with css3 and some newer semantics

the twitter bootstrap.css and bootstrap-responsive.css for example are not parsable:

 exception: Identifier expected, got *disp

the reason is probably one of those declarations:

video {
  display: inline-block;
  *display: inline;
  *zoom: 1;

fixing this using (* added)


I get others like Identifier expected, got :DXIm

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#e6e6e6', GradientType=0);

is there an option to ignore those and just add them afterwards again?

Parsing the IE invalid standard 'filter'

Most stylesheets I see in production have atleast one DXImageFilter in them, usually for lightboxes and the likes. While they are invalid format (non W3c) I dont think its great to have the parser fail when parsing them, they should be ignored? But hopefully left in the final output so yeah.

An example of what i am talking about is:

Any chance you could improve your parser to handle Microsofts proprietary extension?

webkit-linear-gradient bug

This is a perfectly valid CSS5 rule...

-webkit-linear-gradient(top right, white, black)

After parsing this gets mangled to


Support CSS3 calc()

Following document throws Sabberworm\CSS\Parsing\UnexpectedTokenException with message Identifier expected. Got “+ 20p”. This is expected to be valid CSS document:

    border-top: solid green 0em;
    border-top-width: calc(1em + 20px);

The parser is initialized like this:

$settings = Sabberworm\CSS\Settings::create();
$parser = new Sabberworm\CSS\Parser($css, $settings);

I think Parser::parseValue() would need to be modified but I have no idea how to fix this.

Parse Comments?

Would it be possible to add the ability to parse comments that are both associated with a specific declaration block (aka are within the rule's opening and closing braces), and just global comments that are at the root document level?

For instance, for a CSS snippet like this:

h1 {
  /* my comment */
  color: #000000;
  font-size: 24px;

Would be parsed to (in simplified structure):

    declaration block =>
        selector =>  "h1"
        comments => array
            "my comment"
        ruleset => array

Fail to parse M$ filters

filter:  progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#ededed');

Any reason to make parser methods private?

A bit of background (if you are wondering why I've suddenly shown up and made a bunch of pull requests :) ):

I'm a dev on the Horde project. We finally got fed up with our csstidy parser module and decided to look for code that could actually parse CSS3, and do it in a coherent fashion (i.e. stateful parsing, not preg crap). Found this project and am happy. We are going to package the parser in a PEAR package to be able to be used in our framework (i.e. autoloading is setup, etc.).

As such, one of the things I would like to see is stream support instead of reading all data into memory. We use streams all over the place to reduce memory usage - since we have installations that have millions of users, we need to cut down memory usage as much as possible.

One way to do that is to open CSS files with fopen() and then pass the stream resource to the CSS parser instead of reading the whole file into memory (which can be 200KB+ of data). I would then write a local Horde wrapper which extends Parser to overwrite the strlen, substr (and new strpos method I just added a pull request for) to access the stream instead of making them string operations.

However, with those methods being marked as private, there is no way to do that. As a project, we mark everything as protected for precisely this reason - so end users can extend our classes as they see fit.

Any chance of making this change upstream? Appreciate the requests you've already processed from me - it would be great to keep our copy as pristine as possible in order to be able to update from the main source as needed, thus the reason for the request.

CHANGELOG is outdated


For downstream distribution, but also for all users, it will be great to have some information about new versions.

The is outdated (no update since 5.0.4)
Digging in the commit list is not really friendly... :(

Can you please consider providing those information in some way (changelog, github release info, or something else) ?

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