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gcp-kfp-tutorial's Introduction

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.

Tutorial Overview

This is a three part tutorial where part one will walk you through a complete end to end Machine Learning use case using Google Cloud Platform. You will learn how to build a hybrid recommendation model with embedding technique with Google BigQuery Machine Learning from book “BigQuery: The Definitive Guide”, a highly recommended book written by BigQuery and ML expert Valliappa Lakshmanan. We will not cover in detail on typical machine learining steps such data exploration and cleaning, feature selection, and feature engineering (other than embedding technique we show here). We encourage the readers to do so and see if you can improve the model quality and performance. Instead we will mostly focus on show you how to orchestrate the entire machine learning process with Kubeflow on Google AI Platform Pipelines. In PART TWO, you will learn how to setup a CI/CD pipeline with Google Cloud Source Repositories and Google Cloud Build. In PART THREE, you will learn how to run the same code in Part One (with minor changes) in Google's new Vertex AI pipeline.

The use case is to predict the the propensity of booking for any user/hotel combination. The intuition behind the embedding layer with Matrix Factorization is if we can find similar hotels that are close in the embedding space, we will achieve a higher accuracy to predict whether the user will book the hotel.



# CHANGE the following settings
MODEL_STORAGE = 'gs://your-bucket-name/folder-name' #Must include a folder in the bucket, otherwise, model export will fail
BQ_DATASET_NAME="hotel_recommendations" #This is the name of the target dataset where you model and predictions will be stored
PROJECT_ID="your-project-id" #This is your GCP project ID that can be found in the GCP console
KFPHOST="your-ai-platform-pipeline-url" # Kubeflow Pipelines URL, can be found from settings button in CAIP Pipelines
REGION='your-project-region' #For example, us-central1, note that Vertex AI endpoint deployment region must match MODEL_STORAGE bucket region
DEPLOY_COMPUTE='your-endpoint-compute-size'#For example, n1-standard-4
DEPLOY_IMAGE='' #Do not change, BQML XGBoost is currently compatible with 0.82

Create BigQuery function

Create a generic BigQuery function that runs a BigQuery query and returns the table/model created. This will be re-used to return BigQuery results for all the different segments of the BigQuery process in the Kubeflow Pipeline. You will see later in the tutorial where this function is being passed as parameter (ddlop) to other functions to perform certain BigQuery operation.

from typing import NamedTuple
import json
import os

def run_bigquery_ddl(project_id: str, query_string: str, location: str) -> NamedTuple(
    'DDLOutput', [('created_table', str), ('query', str)]):
    Runs BigQuery query and returns a table/model name
    from import bigquery
    from google.api_core.future import polling
    from import bigquery
    from import retry as bq_retry
    bqclient = bigquery.Client(project=project_id, location=location)
    job = bqclient.query(query_string, retry=bq_retry.DEFAULT_RETRY)
    job._retry = polling.DEFAULT_RETRY
    while job.running():
        from time import sleep
        print('Running ...')
    tblname = job.ddl_target_table
    tblname = '{}.{}'.format(tblname.dataset_id, tblname.table_id)
    print('{} created in {}'.format(tblname, job.ended - job.started))
    from collections import namedtuple
    result_tuple = namedtuple('DDLOutput', ['created_table', 'query'])
    return result_tuple(tblname, query_string)

Creating the model

We will start by training a matrix factorization model that will allow us to understand the latent relationship between user and hotel clusters. The reason why we are doing this is because matrix factorization approach can only find latent relationship between a user and a hotel. However, there are other intuitive useful predictors (such as is_mobile, location, and etc) that can improve the model performance. So togther, we can feed the resulting weights/factors as features among with other features to train the final XGBoost model.

def train_matrix_factorization_model(ddlop, project_id, dataset):
    query = """
        CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL `{project_id}.{dataset}.my_implicit_mf_model_quantiles_demo_binary_prod`
           num_factors=15) AS

          if(sum(is_booking) > 0, 1, sum(is_booking)) AS rating
        FROM `{project_id}.{dataset}.hotel_train`
        group by 1,2
    """.format(project_id = project_id, dataset = dataset)
    return ddlop(project_id, query, 'US')
def evaluate_matrix_factorization_model(project_id, mf_model, location='US')-> NamedTuple('MFMetrics', [('msqe', float)]):
    query = """
        SELECT * FROM ML.EVALUATE(MODEL `{project_id}.{mf_model}`)
    """.format(project_id = project_id, mf_model = mf_model)


    from import bigquery
    import json

    bqclient = bigquery.Client(project=project_id, location=location)
    job = bqclient.query(query)
    metrics_df = job.result().to_dataframe()
    from collections import namedtuple
    result_tuple = namedtuple('MFMetrics', ['msqe'])
    return result_tuple(metrics_df.loc[0].to_dict()['mean_squared_error'])

Creating embedding features for users and hotels

We will use the matrix factorization model to create corresponding user factors, hotel factors and embed them together with additional features such as total visits and distinct cities to create a new training dataset to an XGBoost classifier which will try to predict the the likelihood of booking for any user/hotel combination. Also note that we aggregated and grouped the orginal dataset by user_id.

def create_user_features(ddlop, project_id, dataset, mf_model):
    #Feature engineering for useres
    query = """
        CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE  `{project_id}.{dataset}.user_features_prod` AS
        WITH u as 
            count(*) as total_visits,
            count(distinct user_location_city) as distinct_cities,
            sum(distinct site_name) as distinct_sites,
            sum(is_mobile) as total_mobile,
            sum(is_booking) as total_bookings,
            FROM `{project_id}.{dataset}.hotel_train`
            GROUP BY 1
            (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(weight) FROM UNNEST(factor_weights)) AS user_factors
            u JOIN ML.WEIGHTS( MODEL `{mf_model}`) w
            ON processed_input = 'user_id' AND feature = CAST(u.user_id AS STRING)
    """.format(project_id = project_id, dataset = dataset, mf_model=mf_model)
    return ddlop(project_id, query, 'US')
def create_hotel_features(ddlop, project_id, dataset, mf_model):
    #Feature eingineering for hotels
    query = """
        CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE  `{project_id}.{dataset}.hotel_features_prod` AS
        WITH h as 
            count(*) as total_cluster_searches,
            count(distinct hotel_country) as distinct_hotel_countries,
            sum(distinct hotel_market) as distinct_hotel_markets,
            sum(is_mobile) as total_mobile_searches,
            sum(is_booking) as total_cluster_bookings,
            FROM `{project_id}.{dataset}.hotel_train`
            group by 1
            (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(weight) FROM UNNEST(factor_weights)) AS hotel_factors
            h JOIN ML.WEIGHTS( MODEL `{mf_model}`) w
            ON processed_input = 'hotel_cluster' AND feature = CAST(h.hotel_cluster AS STRING)
    """.format(project_id = project_id, dataset = dataset, mf_model=mf_model)
    return ddlop(project_id, query, 'US')

Function below combines all the features selected (total_mobile_searches) and engineered (user factors and hotel factors) into a training dataset for the XGBoost classifier. Note the target variable is rating which is converted into a binary classfication.

def combine_features(ddlop, project_id, dataset, mf_model, hotel_features, user_features):
    #Combine user and hotel embedding features with the rating associated with each combination
    query = """
        CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `{project_id}.{dataset}.total_features_prod` AS
        with ratings as(
            if(sum(is_booking) > 0, 1, sum(is_booking)) AS rating
          FROM `{project_id}.{dataset}.hotel_train`
          group by 1,2
          h.* EXCEPT(hotel_cluster),
          u.* EXCEPT(user_id),
          IFNULL(rating,0) as rating
        from `{hotel_features}` h, `{user_features}` u
        LEFT OUTER JOIN ratings r
        ON r.user_id = u.user_id AND r.hotel_cluster = h.hotel_cluster
    """.format(project_id = project_id, dataset = dataset, mf_model=mf_model, hotel_features=hotel_features, user_features=user_features)
    return ddlop(project_id, query, 'US')

We will create a couple of BigQuery user-defined functions (UDF) to convert arrays to a struct and its array elements are the fields in the struct. Be sure to change the BigQuery dataset name to your dataset name.

%%bigquery --project $PROJECT_ID
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION `hotel_recommendations.arr_to_input_15_hotels`(h ARRAY<FLOAT64>)
        h1 FLOAT64,
        h2 FLOAT64,
        h3 FLOAT64,
        h4 FLOAT64,
        h5 FLOAT64,
        h6 FLOAT64,
        h7 FLOAT64,
        h8 FLOAT64,
        h9 FLOAT64,
        h10 FLOAT64,
        h11 FLOAT64,
        h12 FLOAT64,
        h13 FLOAT64,
        h14 FLOAT64,
        h15 FLOAT64
    > AS (STRUCT(

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION `hotel_recommendations.arr_to_input_15_users`(u ARRAY<FLOAT64>)
        u1 FLOAT64,
        u2 FLOAT64,
        u3 FLOAT64,
        u4 FLOAT64,
        u5 FLOAT64,
        u6 FLOAT64,
        u7 FLOAT64,
        u8 FLOAT64,
        u9 FLOAT64,
        u10 FLOAT64,
        u11 FLOAT64,
        u12 FLOAT64,
        u13 FLOAT64,
        u14 FLOAT64,
        u15 FLOAT64
    > AS (STRUCT(

Train XGBoost model and evaluate it

def train_xgboost_model(ddlop, project_id, dataset, total_features):
    #Combine user and hotel embedding features with the rating associated with each combination
    query = """
        CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL `{project_id}.{dataset}.recommender_hybrid_xgboost_prod` 
        OPTIONS(model_type='boosted_tree_classifier', input_label_cols=['rating'], AUTO_CLASS_WEIGHTS=True)

          * EXCEPT(user_factors, hotel_factors),
    """.format(project_id = project_id, dataset = dataset, total_features=total_features)
    return ddlop(project_id, query, 'US')
def evaluate_class(project_id, dataset, class_model, total_features, location='US')-> NamedTuple('ClassMetrics', [('roc_auc', float)]):
    query = """
        FROM ML.EVALUATE(MODEL `{class_model}`, (
          * EXCEPT(user_factors, hotel_factors),
    """.format(dataset = dataset, class_model = class_model, total_features = total_features)


    from import bigquery

    bqclient = bigquery.Client(project=project_id, location=location)
    job = bqclient.query(query)
    metrics_df = job.result().to_dataframe()
    from collections import namedtuple
    result_tuple = namedtuple('ClassMetrics', ['roc_auc'])
    return result_tuple(metrics_df.loc[0].to_dict()['roc_auc'])

Export XGBoost model and host it on Vertex AI

One of the nice features of BigQuery ML is the ability to import and export machine learning models. In the function defined below, we are going to export the trained XGBoost model to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. We will later have Google Cloud AI Platform host this model for predictions. It is worth mentioning that you can host this model on any platform that supports Booster (XGBoost 0.82). Check out the documentation for more information on exporting BigQuery ML models and their formats.

def export_bqml_model(project_id, model, destination) -> NamedTuple('ModelExport', [('destination', str)]):
    import subprocess
    #command='bq extract -destination_format=ML_XGBOOST_BOOSTER -m {}:{} {}'.format(project_id, model, destination)
    model_name = '{}:{}'.format(project_id, model)
    print (model_name)['bq', 'extract', '-destination_format=ML_XGBOOST_BOOSTER', '-m', model_name, destination], check=True)
    from collections import namedtuple
    result_tuple = namedtuple('ModelExport', ['destination'])
    return result_tuple(destination)
def deploy_bqml_model_vertexai(project_id, region, model_name, endpoint_name, model_dir, deploy_image, deploy_compute):
    from import aiplatform
    parent = "projects/" + project_id + "/locations/" + region
    client_options = {"api_endpoint": "{}".format(region)}
    clients = {}

    #upload the model to Vertex AI
    clients['model'] = aiplatform.gapic.ModelServiceClient(client_options=client_options)
    model = {
        "display_name": model_name,
        "metadata_schema_uri": "",
        "artifact_uri": model_dir,
        "container_spec": {
            "image_uri": deploy_image,
            "command": [],
            "args": [],
            "env": [],
            "ports": [{"container_port": 8080}],
            "predict_route": "",
            "health_route": ""
    upload_model_response = clients['model'].upload_model(parent=parent, model=model)
    print("Long running operation on uploading the model:",
    model_info = clients['model'].get_model(name=upload_model_response.result(timeout=180).model)

    #Create an endpoint on Vertex AI to host the model
    clients['endpoint'] = aiplatform.gapic.EndpointServiceClient(client_options=client_options)
    create_endpoint_response = clients['endpoint'].create_endpoint(parent=parent, endpoint={"display_name": endpoint_name})
    print("Long running operation on creating endpoint:",
    endpoint_info = clients['endpoint'].get_endpoint(name=create_endpoint_response.result(timeout=180).name)

    #Deploy the model to the endpoint
    dmodel = {
            "display_name": 'deployed_'+model_name,
            "dedicated_resources": {
                "min_replica_count": 1,
                "max_replica_count": 1,
                "machine_spec": {
                        "machine_type": deploy_compute,
                        "accelerator_count": 0,

    traffic = {
        '0' : 100

    deploy_model_response = clients['endpoint'].deploy_model(, deployed_model=dmodel, traffic_split=traffic)
    print("Long running operation on deploying the model:",
    deploy_model_result = deploy_model_response.result()

Defining the Kubeflow Pipelines

Now we have the necessary functions defined, we are now ready to create a workflow using Kubeflow Pipeline. The workflow implemented by the pipeline is defined using a Python based Domain Specific Language (DSL). The pipeline's DSL has been designed to avoid hardcoding any environment specific settings like file paths or connection strings. These settings are provided to the pipeline code through a set of environment variables.

The pipeline performs the following steps -

  • Trains a Matrix Factorization model
  • Evaluates the trained Matrix Factorization model and if the Mean Square Error is less than threadshold, it will continue to the next step, otherwise, the pipeline will stop
  • Engineers new user factors feature with the Matrix Factorization model
  • Engineers new hotel factors feature with the Matrix Factorization model
  • Combines all the features selected (total_mobile_searches) and engineered (user factors and hotel factors) into a training dataset for the XGBoost classifier
  • Trains a XGBoost classifier
  • Evalutes the trained XGBoost model and if the ROC AUC score is more than threadshold, it will continue to the next step, otherwise, the pipeline will stop
  • Exports the XGBoost model to a Google Cloud Storage bucket
  • Deploys the XGBoost model from the Google Cloud Storage bucket to Google Cloud AI Platform for prediction
import kfp.dsl as dsl
import kfp.components as comp
import time

    name='Training pipeline for hotel recommendation prediction',
    description='Training pipeline for hotel recommendation prediction'
def training_pipeline(project_id = PROJECT_ID):

    import json
    #Minimum threshold for model metric to determine if model will be deployed for prediction 
    mf_msqe_threshold = 0.5
    class_auc_threshold = 0.8
    #Defining function containers
    ddlop = comp.func_to_container_op(run_bigquery_ddl, base_image=BASE_IMAGE, packages_to_install=['google-cloud-bigquery'])
    evaluate_class_op = comp.func_to_container_op(evaluate_class, base_image=BASE_IMAGE, packages_to_install=['google-cloud-bigquery','pandas'])
    evaluate_mf_op = comp.func_to_container_op(evaluate_matrix_factorization_model, base_image=BASE_IMAGE, packages_to_install=['google-cloud-bigquery','pandas'])
    export_bqml_model_op = comp.func_to_container_op(export_bqml_model, base_image=BASE_IMAGE, packages_to_install=['google-cloud-bigquery'])
    deploy_bqml_model_op = comp.func_to_container_op(deploy_bqml_model_vertexai, base_image=BASE_IMAGE, packages_to_install=['google-cloud-aiplatform'])

    #Defining pipeline execution graph
    dataset = BQ_DATASET_NAME
    #Train matrix factorization model
    mf_model_output = train_matrix_factorization_model(ddlop, PROJECT_ID, dataset).set_display_name('train matrix factorization model')
    mf_model_output.execution_options.caching_strategy.max_cache_staleness = 'P0D'
    mf_model = mf_model_output.outputs['created_table']
    #Evaluate matrix factorization model
    mf_eval_output = evaluate_mf_op(PROJECT_ID, mf_model).set_display_name('evaluate matrix factorization model')
    mf_eval_output.execution_options.caching_strategy.max_cache_staleness = 'P0D'
    with dsl.Condition(mf_eval_output.outputs['msqe'] < mf_msqe_threshold):
        #Create features for Classification model
        user_features_output = create_user_features(ddlop, PROJECT_ID, dataset, mf_model).set_display_name('create user factors features')
        user_features = user_features_output.outputs['created_table']
        user_features_output.execution_options.caching_strategy.max_cache_staleness = 'P0D'
        hotel_features_output = create_hotel_features(ddlop, PROJECT_ID, dataset, mf_model).set_display_name('create hotel factors features')
        hotel_features = hotel_features_output.outputs['created_table']
        hotel_features_output.execution_options.caching_strategy.max_cache_staleness = 'P0D'

        total_features_output = combine_features(ddlop, PROJECT_ID, dataset, mf_model, hotel_features, user_features).set_display_name('combine all features')
        total_features = total_features_output.outputs['created_table']
        total_features_output.execution_options.caching_strategy.max_cache_staleness = 'P0D'
        #Train XGBoost model
        class_model_output = train_xgboost_model(ddlop, PROJECT_ID, dataset, total_features).set_display_name('train XGBoost model')
        class_model = class_model_output.outputs['created_table']
        class_model_output.execution_options.caching_strategy.max_cache_staleness = 'P0D'

        class_eval_output = evaluate_class_op(project_id, dataset, class_model, total_features).set_display_name('evaluate XGBoost model')
        class_eval_output.execution_options.caching_strategy.max_cache_staleness = 'P0D'
        with dsl.Condition(class_eval_output.outputs['roc_auc'] > class_auc_threshold):
            #Export model
            export_destination_output = export_bqml_model_op(project_id, class_model, MODEL_STORAGE).set_display_name('export XGBoost model')
            export_destination_output.execution_options.caching_strategy.max_cache_staleness = 'P0D'
            export_destination = export_destination_output.outputs['destination']
            deploy_model = deploy_bqml_model_op(PROJECT_ID, REGION, class_model, ENDPOINT_NAME, MODEL_STORAGE, DEPLOY_IMAGE, DEPLOY_COMPUTE).set_display_name('Deploy XGBoost model')
            deploy_model.execution_options.caching_strategy.max_cache_staleness = 'P0D'

Submitting pipeline runs

You can trigger pipeline runs using an API from the KFP SDK or using KFP CLI. To submit the run using KFP CLI, execute the following commands. Notice how the pipeline's parameters are passed to the pipeline run.

pipeline_func = training_pipeline
pipeline_filename = pipeline_func.__name__ + '.zip'
import kfp.compiler as compiler
import kfp
compiler.Compiler().compile(pipeline_func, pipeline_filename)

#Specify pipeline argument values
arguments = {}

#Get or create an experiment and submit a pipeline run
client = kfp.Client(KFPHOST)
experiment = client.create_experiment('hotel_recommender_experiment')

#Submit a pipeline run
run_name = pipeline_func.__name__ + ' run'
run_result = client.run_pipeline(, run_name, pipeline_filename, arguments)

Monitoring the run

The Pipeline will take several hours to train two models, you can monitor the run using KFP UI. Follow the instructor who will walk you through the KFP UI and monitoring techniques.

To access the KFP UI in your environment use the following URI and replace KFPHOST variable with your Cloud AI Platform Pipelines host name

  • https://[KFPHOST]

Cleaning up

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