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gulp-typedoc's Issues

Problems getting started - no output generated


I am trying to get this plugin to work for my angular typescript project and have defined a gulp task like so:

gulp.task('typedoc', function() {
  return gulp
      module: 'commonjs',
      target: 'es5',
      includeDeclarations: true,
      out: 'docs/',
      name: 'My project title',
      ignoreCompilerErrors: false,
      version: true

When I run the task I just get the following in the console:

[12:22:18] Starting 'typedoc'...
TypeDoc {{ VERSION }}
Using TypeScript 2.1.6 from C:\Users\rparker\Documents\GitHub\interact\node_modules\typedoc\node_modules\typescript\lib

Nothing gets output into my docs directory, and the task never completes.

I notice in the docs it says

The plugin takes an object, of which all properties are passed transparently to typedoc. Pipe in TypeScript files. The documentation files are not piped out.

Last sentence says the files are not piped out, is that correct? If so, how do I get the files for viewing?


Missing options keys

The type definitions are missing some of the keys accepted by Typedoc. For example, I get errors when setting tsconfig or ignoreCompilerErrors.
Since the options are mostly passed as-is to typedoc, it would be better if the options of this lib were derived from those of typedoc.

Feature Suggestion

Could you please have this plugin not execute if no files are passed to it? Right now it throws an error. It might sound like an odd request, but a lot of people use the gulp-newer plugin that passes all files through if and only if any of them have a modification time newer than the destination file.

This saves tons of time when you have your build broken down into a bunch of small tasks. Because each task only executes if its source files are newer than its output file. I would like to use it so the documentation is only rebuilt if any of the source files are newer than the documentation index.html file.

return gulp.src(SOURCE_FILES)
.pipe(newer(DOC_DIR + "index.html")

It seems to be common practice to have this behavior as I'm using a 9 other gulp plugins and they don't perform any actions or throw any errors if they aren't feed any files.

Also, thanks for your hard work on the plugin. It is a great help.

Facing errors in new version of gulp-typedoc

Older version of gulp-typedoc is working. But I want update it to latest. Now I have latest version of gulp-typedoc and typescipt. Facing many errors like below:

error TS2322: Type 'Timeout' is not assignable to type 'number | boolean'.
error TS2339: Property 'msSaveBlob' does not exist on type 'Navigator'.
error TS2345: Argument of type 'DataManager & Record<"result", unknown>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
error TS2440: Import declaration conflicts with local declaration of 'ColumnModel'.
error TS2365: Operator '>=' cannot be applied to types 'number' and 'string | number'.
error TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'.
error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'Promise'.
error TS2403: Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type. Variable 'require' must be of type 'NodeRequire', but here has type 'Require'
error TS2440: Import declaration conflicts with local declaration of 'PluginConfig'.
error TS2307: Cannot find module '@angular/core' or its corresponding type declarations.

This is my typedoc file:

'use strict';

// Node JS global scope
var gulp = global.gulp = global.gulp || require('gulp');
global.config = global.config || require('../utils/common.js');
var config = global.config.config();

gulp.task('typedoc', async function (done) {
var typedoc = require('gulp-typedoc');

    // TypeScript options (see typescript docs) 
    module: 'amd',
    target: 'es5',
    moduleResolution: 'node',
    includeDeclarations: true,
    emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
    experimentalDecorators: true,

    // Output options (see typedoc docs) 
    out: './public/api',
    json: './public/api/file.json',

    // TypeDoc options (see typedoc docs) 
    name: 'Syncfusion TypeScript',
    ignoreCompilerErrors: true,
    version: true,
    theme: 'minimal',
    excludeExternals: true,
    excludeNotExported: true,
    stripInternal: true
.on('end', function () {
        .on('end', function () { done(); })
        .on('error', function (e) { done(e); });
.on('error', function (e) {


tsconfig file:

"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "amd",
"declaration": true,
"removeComments": true,
"noLib": false,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"pretty": true,
"allowUnreachableCode": false,
"allowUnusedLabels": false,
"noImplicitAny": true,
"noImplicitReturns": true,
"noImplicitUseStrict": false,
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
"allowJs": false,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"types": ["jasmine","jasmine-ajax","requirejs","chai","es6-promise"],
"suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true
"exclude": [
"compileOnSave": false

Logger none doesn't suppress log error

By default, the plugin will output log messages from TypeDoc. Specify logger: 'none' to suppress TypeDoc logging altogether.

 var typedoc = require("gulp-typedoc");
  gulp.task("typedoc", function() {
return gulp
		// Output options (see TypeDoc docs
		// NOTE: the out option and the json option cannot share the same directory
		out: "./out/html/",
		json: "/out/file.json",

		// TypeDoc options (see TypeDoc docs
		name: "my-project",
		theme: "/path/to/my/theme",
		plugin: ["my", "plugins"],
		version: true,
                    logger: none



Generating doc and json for multiple sets of files leads to no output

I'm using gulp-typedoc 3.0.1. We run two gulp-typedoc on two different sets of files and for each set generate both json and doc output. What I've found is that when both tasks run (effectively in parallel), I only get output for one of the tasks. The output directory for the other is empty. I've found that if I either disable json output or set the typedoc cleanOutputDir=false setting, then I get output for both sets of files.

Looking at the code, I suspect it's because doc output is generated, then json is generated immediately afterwards, without using await for the doc output to complete:

if (out) app.generateDocs(project, out);  // TODO promisified!!
if (json) app.generateJson(project, json); // TODO promisified!!

In the typedoc cli code, this uses await:

const out = app.options.getValue("out");
if (out) {
    await app.generateDocs(project, out);
const json = app.options.getValue("json");
if (json) {
    await app.generateJson(project, json);

I believe running the generateJson while generateDocs is running causes some state to get confused inside of typedoc.

document ignore/exclude option

Hey there, in the docs, it doesn't use an ignore/exclude option.

Since ignoring node_modules is such a common task, it would be really convenient to document this.

This is what is in the readme:

var typedoc = require("gulp-typedoc");

gulp.task("typedoc", function() {
	return gulp
			// TypeScript options (see typescript docs)
			module: "commonjs",
			target: "es5",
			includeDeclarations: true,

			// Output options (see typedoc docs)
			out: "./out",
			json: "output/to/file.json",

			// TypeDoc options (see typedoc docs)
			name: "my-project",
			theme: "/path/to/my/theme",
			plugins: ["my", "plugins"],
			ignoreCompilerErrors: false,
			version: true,

I tried this and it seems to work (but I am not sure whether it's ignore or exclude that's actually doing the work:

gulp.task('typedoc', function() {
  return gulp
    module: 'commonjs',
    target: 'es5',
    ignore: '**/node_modules/**',           // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    exclude: '**/node_modules/**',        // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 
    out: 'typedocs/',
    ignoreCompilerErrors: true,
    version: true,
    name: 'The SumanJS Documentation'

Unexpected token 

I'm using gulp-typedoc version 1.2.1 and receiving the below error:

[14:23:14] Using gulpfile ~\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\FlexViewWeb\FlexViewWeb\gulpfile.js
[14:23:14] Starting 'typedoc'...
SyntaxError: Unexpected token 
at Object.parse (native)
at PackagePlugin.onBeginResolve (C:\[truncated]\node_modules\gulp-typedoc\node_modules\typedoc\bin\typedoc.js:5334:48)
at Converter.EventDispatcher.dispatch (C:\[truncated]\node_modules\gulp-typedoc\node_modules\typedoc\bin\typedoc.js:102:34)
at Converter.resolve (C:\[truncated]\node_modules\gulp-typedoc\node_modules\typedoc\bin\typedoc.js:2048:22)
at Converter.convert (C:\[truncated]\node_modules\gulp-typedoc\node_modules\typedoc\bin\typedoc.js:2005:36)
at Application.convert (C:\[truncated]\node_modules\gulp-typedoc\node_modules\typedoc\bin\typedoc.js:430:41)
at Stream.<anonymous> (C:\[truncated]\node_modules\gulp-typedoc\index.js:54:22)
at _end (C:\[truncated]b\node_modules\gulp-typedoc\node_modules\event-stream\node_modules\through\index.js:65:9)
at (C:\[truncated]\node_modules\gulp-typedoc\node_modules\event-stream\node_modules\through\index.js:74:5)
at DestroyableTransform.onend (C:\[truncated]\node_modules\gulp\node_modules\vinyl-fs\node_modules\through2\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_readable.js:523:10

My gulp task looks like:

gulp.task("typedoc", function () {
return gulp
        module: "commonjs",
        target: "es5",
        out: "docs/",
        name: "FlexView Web"


To my knowledge, there aren't any strange characters in my Typescript files. Ideas?

Type definitions

It is currently inconvenient to use this plugin from Typescript since it is not typed.

Could you provide type definitions? They can be written manually if you don't want to convert your package to Typescript.

The "logger" option is ignored

If you pass either a custom logger or the typedoc-accepted "none" value, gulp-doc will ignore it, create its own logger, and render the app version to the output.

That happens because it doesn't check for an options value before assigning it a new value:

// index.js (line 39)
// reduce console logging
options.logger = function(message, level, newline) {
    if (level === 3) {

I have a fix proposal at my fork: Let me know what you think, Rogier.

docs folder not generated after the task ends

Using Gulp to build my project, I'm trying to use gulp-typedoc to generate its documentation within a dedicated Gulp task.
As I need to perform additional actions on the docs after it got generated, I'm using Gulp's .on(), and I noticed the docs folder is not generated for a few instants after the task has ended:

function myGulpTask(done) {
    return gulp
        .pipe(gulpTypedoc({ out: "docs" }))
        .on("end", () => {
            console.log(fs.existsSync("docs")); // 'false'.

            setTimeout(() => {
                console.log(fs.existsSync("docs")); // 'true'.
            }, 1000);

I suppose the right behaviour of the module should be to pass the TypeDoc's result into a pipe and let Gulp save it with gulp.dest("my/out/path"), like this:

function myGulpTask(done) {
    return gulp
        .on("end", () => {
            console.log(fs.existsSync("docs")); // 'true'.

Provide option for using tsconfig.json file

I'd like to see an option for including the config settings from the tsconfig.json file that is present in many TypeScript projects. This would keep settings in sync and minimize discrepancy.


Gulp plugin, command line too long

Is it possible to provide an option in the plugin to have it use a folder. spawning a child process is less than ideal.

Support the theme config option too.

Grunt plugin does this, should be possible too.

Error in plugin "gulp-typedoc"

hello,i use typedoc and gulp-typedoc order to get markdown file
when i run gulp without install npm plugin 'typedoc-plugin-markdown'
anythings is all right.
but when i run gulp with install npm plugin 'typedoc-plugin-markdown',
it was some error has happen
npm run gulpdoc

my gulpfile.js


my package.json

if i just run typedoc ,it was all right too

npm run typedoc

result like this ,it generate some *.md file


what shoud i to do,hope to get some help ,thanks

Incomplete documentation

It would be cool if README has more content, examples etc.

For example there is no typescript option "includeDeclarations", I think there was no such thing in typescript (tsc or tsconfig) at all.

Should there be entryPoints according to typedoc?

According to the typedoc 0.20.36 version, I think the app.bootstrap() should have an entryPoints option like below

// typedoc options here
entryPoints: ["src/index.ts"],

Currently with the latest gulp-typedoc version and with the below code
.pipe(typedoc({out: "typedoc/",
hideGenerator: true,
name: "test"}));

The output is not generated as expected. It just renders with empty HTML.

gulp-typedoc options overwritten

I'm sending an object reference to the gulp-typedoc constructor like so:

import typedoc from 'gulp-typedoc'

const options = {
  typedoc: {
    name: projectName,
    theme: 'default',
    version: true,

const docs = async () => {
  return src(`${paths.src.root}/engine/**/*.ts`)
    .on('error', log.error)

This works fine on the first run, but fails on subsequent runs due to mutations to options.typedoc, which changes to this:

  name: projectName,
  theme: 'default',
  logger: [Function (anonymous)]

As a result, I get the following error message:

[PluginError: You must either specify the 'out' or 'json' option.] {
  plugin: 'gulp-typedoc',
  showProperties: true,
  showStack: false,
  __safety: { toString: [Function: bound ] }

Should there be entryPoints according to typedoc

According to the typedoc 0.20.36 version I think the app.bootstrap should have an entryPoints option like below

// typedoc options here
entryPoints: ["src/index.ts"],

const project = app.convert();

gulp-typedoc doesn't rethrow typescript errors

It should be possible to catch any errors thrown by gulp-typedoc:

    module: "commonjs",
    target: "es6",
.on("error", function() {

Unfortunately, underlying typescript errors are not caught:

[10:12:20] Starting 'doc'...
[10:12:20] Starting 'typescript'...
	throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

the ignoreCompilerErrors flag doesn't help in this case as the emit("end") is used to fail a normal build when we want to see typescript errors, but continue a gulp watch without crashing.

fix dependency on event-stream

[email protected] depends on event-stream^3.3.4, so when users install gulp-typedoc, they'll get the highest version of v3. event-stream 3.3.5 through 3.3.6 depends on a package called "flatmap-stream", which was once on the npm registry, but it is no longer there.

So when users install gulp-typedoc, they'll get the following error:

npm ERR! No valid versions available for flatmap-stream

[email protected] doesn't depend on flatmap-stream, and neither does v4.0.0 or higher. Possible ways to fix this:

  1. lock the dependency of "event-stream": "^3.3.4" to "event-stream": "3.3.4", or
  2. update to "event-stream": "^4.0.0" (breaking change)

Exclude option not working

I trying to exclude some files for the gulp-typedoc tool and they are processed anyway.
Here is my gulp file:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var typedoc = require("gulp-typedoc");

gulp.task("doc", function()
return gulp.src(["app/*/.ts"])

  // TypeScript options (see typescript docs) 
  module: "commonjs", 
  target: "es6",
  experimentalDecorators: true,

  // Output options (see typedoc docs) 
  out: "./Doc", 

  // TypeDoc options (see typedoc docs) 

  exclude: "**/*.spec.ts",
  // since the exclude tag is not working, I have put ignoreCompilerErrors to true to create the doc anyway.
  // ignoreCompilerErrors: true,

  name: "One MiniStar", 
  version: true

  })) ;


Specify the version of typedoc

Currently in our project we are using TypeScript 1.5.3. The latest version is 1.6.0-beta.
typedoc v0.8 is using TS 1.5.3, and typedoc v0.9 and newer is using TS 1.6.0-beta.

Is it possible to specify which version of typedoc (or TypeScript) to use?
Can you add such config?


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