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masscan's Introduction


MASSCAN: Mass IP port scanner

This is an Internet-scale port scanner. It can scan the entire Internet in under 5 minutes, transmitting 10 million packets per second, from a single machine.

Its usage (parameters, output) is similar to nmap, the most famous port scanner. When in doubt, try one of those features -- features that support widespread scanning of many machines are supported, while in-depth scanning of single machines aren't.

Internally, it uses asynchronous transmission, similar to port scanners like scanrand, unicornscan, and ZMap. It's more flexible, allowing arbitrary port and address ranges.

NOTE: masscan uses its own ad hoc TCP/IP stack. Anything other than simple port scans may cause conflict with the local TCP/IP stack. This means you need to use either the --src-ip option to run from a different IP address, or use --src-port to configure which source ports masscan uses, then also configure the internal firewall (like pf or iptables) to firewall those ports from the rest of the operating system.

This tool is free, but consider contributing money to its development: Bitcoin wallet address: 1MASSCANaHUiyTtR3bJ2sLGuMw5kDBaj4T


On Debian/Ubuntu, it goes something like the following. It doesn't really have any dependencies other than a C compiler (such as gcc or clang).

sudo apt-get --assume-yes install git make gcc
git clone
cd masscan

This puts the program in the masscan/bin subdirectory. To install it (on Linux) run:

make install

The source consists of a lot of small files, so building goes a lot faster by using the multi-threaded build. This requires more than 2gigs on a Raspberry Pi (and breaks), so you might use a smaller number, like -j4 rather than all possible threads.

make -j

While Linux is the primary target platform, the code runs well on many other systems (Windows, macOS, etc.). Here's some additional build info:

  • Windows w/ Visual Studio: use the VS10 project
  • Windows w/ MinGW: just type make
  • Windows w/ cygwin: won't work
  • Mac OS X /w XCode: use the XCode4 project
  • Mac OS X /w cmdline: just type make
  • FreeBSD: type gmake
  • other: try just compiling all the files together, cc src/*.c -o bin/masscan

On macOS, the x86 binaries seem to work just as fast under ARM emulation.


Usage is similar to nmap. To scan a network segment for some ports:

# masscan -p80,8000-8100 2603:3001:2d00:da00::/112

This will:

  • scan the 10.x.x.x subnet, and 2603:3001:2d00:da00::x subnets
  • scans port 80 and the range 8000 to 8100, or 102 ports total, on both subnets
  • print output to <stdout> that can be redirected to a file

To see the complete list of options, use the --echo feature. This dumps the current configuration and exits. This output can be used as input back into the program:

# masscan -p80,8000-8100 2603:3001:2d00:da00::/112 --echo > xxx.conf
# masscan -c xxx.conf --rate 1000

Banner checking

Masscan can do more than just detect whether ports are open. It can also complete the TCP connection and interaction with the application at that port in order to grab simple "banner" information.

Masscan supports banner checking on the following protocols:

  • FTP
  • HTTP
  • IMAP4
  • memcached
  • POP3
  • SMTP
  • SSH
  • SSL
  • SMBv1
  • SMBv2
  • Telnet
  • RDP
  • VNC

The problem with this is that masscan contains its own TCP/IP stack separate from the system you run it on. When the local system receives a SYN-ACK from the probed target, it responds with a RST packet that kills the connection before masscan can grab the banner.

The easiest way to prevent this is to assign masscan a separate IP address. This would look like one of the following examples:

# masscan -p80 --banners --source-ip
  # masscan 2a00:1450:4007:810::/112 -p80 --banners --source-ip 2603:3001:2d00:da00:91d7:b54:b498:859d

The address you choose has to be on the local subnet and not otherwise be used by another system. Masscan will warn you that you've made a mistake, but you might've messed up the other machine's communications for several minutes, so be careful.

In some cases, such as WiFi, this isn't possible. In those cases, you can firewall the port that masscan uses. This prevents the local TCP/IP stack from seeing the packet, but masscan still sees it since it bypasses the local stack. For Linux, this would look like:

# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 61000 -j DROP
# masscan -p80 --banners --source-port 61000

You probably want to pick ports that don't conflict with ports Linux might otherwise choose for source-ports. You can see the range Linux uses, and reconfigure that range, by looking in the file:


On the latest version of Kali Linux (2018-August), that range is 32768 to 60999, so you should choose ports either below 32768 or 61000 and above.

Setting an iptables rule only lasts until the next reboot. You need to lookup how to save the configuration depending upon your distro, such as using iptables-save and/or iptables-persistent.

On Mac OS X and BSD, there are similar steps. To find out the ranges to avoid, use a command like the following:

# sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.first net.inet.ip.portrange.last

On FreeBSD and older MacOS, use an ipfw command:

# sudo ipfw add 1 deny tcp from any to any 40000 in
# masscan -p80 --banners --source-port 40000

On newer MacOS and OpenBSD, use the pf packet-filter utility. Edit the file /etc/pf.conf to add a line like the following:

block in proto tcp from any to any port 40000:40015

Then to enable the firewall, run the command:

# pfctl -E    

If the firewall is already running, then either reboot or reload the rules with the following command:

# pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

Windows doesn't respond with RST packets, so neither of these techniques are necessary. However, masscan is still designed to work best using its own IP address, so you should run that way when possible, even when it is not strictly necessary.

The same thing is needed for other checks, such as the --heartbleed check, which is just a form of banner checking.

How to scan the entire Internet

While useful for smaller, internal networks, the program is really designed with the entire Internet in mind. It might look something like this:

# masscan -p0-65535

Scanning the entire Internet is bad. For one thing, parts of the Internet react badly to being scanned. For another thing, some sites track scans and add you to a ban list, which will get you firewalled from useful parts of the Internet. Therefore, you want to exclude a lot of ranges. To blacklist or exclude ranges, you want to use the following syntax:

# masscan -p0-65535 --excludefile exclude.txt

This just prints the results to the command-line. You probably want them saved to a file instead. Therefore, you want something like:

# masscan -p0-65535 -oX scan.xml

This saves the results in an XML file, allowing you to easily dump the results in a database or something.

But, this only goes at the default rate of 100 packets/second, which will take forever to scan the Internet. You need to speed it up as so:

# masscan -p0-65535 --max-rate 100000

This increases the rate to 100,000 packets/second, which will scan the entire Internet (minus excludes) in about 10 hours per port (or 655,360 hours if scanning all ports).

The thing to notice about this command-line is that these are all nmap compatible options. In addition, "invisible" options compatible with nmap are also set for you: -sS -Pn -n --randomize-hosts --send-eth. Likewise, the format of the XML file is inspired by nmap. There are, of course, a lot of differences, because the asynchronous nature of the program leads to a fundamentally different approach to the problem.

The above command-line is a bit cumbersome. Instead of putting everything on the command-line, it can be stored in a file instead. The above settings would look like this:

# My Scan
rate =  100000.00
output-format = xml
output-status = all
output-filename = scan.xml
ports = 0-65535
range =
excludefile = exclude.txt

To use this configuration file, use the -c:

# masscan -c myscan.conf

This also makes things easier when you repeat a scan.

By default, masscan first loads the configuration file /etc/masscan/masscan.conf. Any later configuration parameters override what's in this default configuration file. That's where I put my "excludefile" parameter so that I don't ever forget it. It just works automatically.

Getting output

By default, masscan produces fairly large text files, but it's easy to convert them into any other format. There are five supported output formats:

  1. xml: Just use the parameter -oX <filename>. Or, use the parameters --output-format xml and --output-filename <filename>.

  2. binary: This is the masscan builtin format. It produces much smaller files so that when I scan the Internet my disk doesn't fill up. They need to be parsed, though. The command-line option --readscan will read binary scan files. Using --readscan with the -oX option will produce an XML version of the results file.

  3. grepable: This is an implementation of the Nmap -oG output that can be easily parsed by command-line tools. Just use the parameter -oG <filename>. Or, use the parameters --output-format grepable and --output-filename <filename>.

  4. json: This saves the results in JSON format. Just use the parameter -oJ <filename>. Or, use the parameters --output-format json and --output-filename <filename>.

  5. list: This is a simple list with one host and port pair per line. Just use the parameter -oL <filename>. Or, use the parameters --output-format list and --output-filename <filename>. The format is:

    <port state> <protocol> <port number> <IP address> <POSIX timestamp>  
    open tcp 80 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 1390380064

Comparison with Nmap

Where reasonable, every effort has been taken to make the program familiar to nmap users, even though it's fundamentally different. Masscan is tuned for wide range scanning of a lot of machines, whereas nmap is designed for intensive scanning of a single machine or a small range.

Two important differences are:

  • no default ports to scan, you must specify -p <ports>
  • target hosts are IP addresses or simple ranges, not DNS names, nor the funky subnet ranges nmap can use (like 10.0.0-255.0-255).

You can think of masscan as having the following settings permanently enabled:

  • -sS: this does SYN scan only (currently, will change in the future)
  • -Pn: doesn't ping hosts first, which is fundamental to the async operation
  • -n: no DNS resolution happens
  • --randomize-hosts: scan completely randomized, always, you can't change this
  • --send-eth: sends using raw libpcap

If you want a list of additional nmap compatible settings, use the following command:

# masscan --nmap

Transmit rate (IMPORTANT!!)

This program spews out packets very fast. On Windows, or from VMs, it can do 300,000 packets/second. On Linux (no virtualization) it'll do 1.6 million packets-per-second. That's fast enough to melt most networks.

Note that it'll only melt your own network. It randomizes the target IP addresses so that it shouldn't overwhelm any distant network.

By default, the rate is set to 100 packets/second. To increase the rate to a million use something like --rate 1000000.

When scanning the IPv4 Internet, you'll be scanning lots of subnets, so even though there's a high rate of packets going out, each target subnet will receive a small rate of incoming packets.

However, with IPv6 scanning, you'll tend to focus on a single target subnet with billions of addresses. Thus, your default behavior will overwhelm the target network. Networks often crash under the load that masscan can generate.


This section describes the major design issues of the program.

Code Layout

The file main.c contains the main() function, as you'd expect. It also contains the transmit_thread() and receive_thread() functions. These functions have been deliberately flattened and heavily commented so that you can read the design of the program simply by stepping line-by-line through each of these.


This is an asynchronous design. In other words, it is to nmap what the nginx web-server is to Apache. It has separate transmit and receive threads that are largely independent from each other. It's the same sort of design found in scanrand, unicornscan, and ZMap.

Because it's asynchronous, it runs as fast as the underlying packet transmit allows.


A key difference between Masscan and other scanners is the way it randomizes targets.

The fundamental principle is to have a single index variable that starts at zero and is incremented by one for every probe. In C code, this is expressed as:

for (i = 0; i < range; i++) {

We have to translate the index into an IP address. Let's say that you want to scan all "private" IP addresses. That would be the table of ranges like:

In this example, the first 64k indexes are appended to 192.168.x.x to form the target address. Then, the next 16-million are appended to 10.x.x.x. The remaining indexes in the range are applied to 172.16.x.x.

In this example, we only have three ranges. When scanning the entire Internet, we have in practice more than 100 ranges. That's because you have to blacklist or exclude a lot of sub-ranges. This chops up the desired range into hundreds of smaller ranges.

This leads to one of the slowest parts of the code. We transmit 10 million packets per second and have to convert an index variable to an IP address for each and every probe. We solve this by doing a "binary search" in a small amount of memory. At this packet rate, cache efficiencies start to dominate over algorithm efficiencies. There are a lot of more efficient techniques in theory, but they all require so much memory as to be slower in practice.

We call the function that translates from an index into an IP address the pick() function. In use, it looks like:

for (i = 0; i < range; i++) {
    ip = pick(addresses, i);

Masscan supports not only IP address ranges, but also port ranges. This means we need to pick from the index variable both an IP address and a port. This is fairly straightforward:

range = ip_count * port_count;
for (i = 0; i < range; i++) {
    ip   = pick(addresses, i / port_count);
    port = pick(ports,     i % port_count);
    scan(ip, port);

This leads to another expensive part of the code. The division/modulus instructions are around 90 clock cycles, or 30 nanoseconds, on x86 CPUs. When transmitting at a rate of 10 million packets/second, we have only 100 nanoseconds per packet. I see no way to optimize this any better. Luckily, though, two such operations can be executed simultaneously, so doing two of these, as shown above, is no more expensive than doing one.

There are actually some easy optimizations for the above performance problems, but they all rely upon i++, the fact that the index variable increases one by one through the scan. Actually, we need to randomize this variable. We need to randomize the order of IP addresses that we scan or we'll blast the heck out of target networks that aren't built for this level of speed. We need to spread our traffic evenly over the target.

The way we randomize is simply by encrypting the index variable. By definition, encryption is random and creates a 1-to-1 mapping between the original index variable and the output. This means that while we linearly go through the range, the output IP addresses are completely random. In code, this looks like:

range = ip_count * port_count;
for (i = 0; i < range; i++) {
    x = encrypt(i);
    ip   = pick(addresses, x / port_count);
    port = pick(ports,     x % port_count);
    scan(ip, port);

This also has a major cost. Since the range is an unpredictable size instead of a nice even power of 2, we can't use cheap binary techniques like AND (&) and XOR (^). Instead, we have to use expensive operations like MODULUS (%). In my current benchmarks, it's taking 40 nanoseconds to encrypt the variable.

This architecture allows for lots of cool features. For example, it supports "shards". You can set up 5 machines each doing a fifth of the scan or range / shard_count. Shards can be multiple machines, or simply multiple network adapters on the same machine, or even (if you want) multiple IP source addresses on the same network adapter.

Or, you can use a 'seed' or 'key' to the encryption function, so that you get a different order each time you scan, like x = encrypt(seed, i).

We can also pause the scan by exiting out of the program, and simply remembering the current value of i, and restart it later. I do that a lot during development. I see something going wrong with my Internet scan, so I hit to stop the scan, then restart it after I've fixed the bug.

Another feature is retransmits/retries. Packets sometimes get dropped on the Internet, so you can send two packets back-to-back. However, something that drops one packet may drop the immediately following packet. Therefore, you want to send the copy about 1 second apart. This is simple. We already have a 'rate' variable, which is the number of packets-per-second rate we are transmitting at, so the retransmit function is simply to use i + rate as the index. One of these days I'm going to do a study of the Internet, and differentiate "back-to-back", "1 second", "10 second", and "1 minute" retransmits this way in order to see if there is any difference in what gets dropped.

C10 Scalability

The asynchronous technique is known as a solution to the "c10k problem". Masscan is designed for the next level of scalability, the "C10M problem".

The C10M solution is to bypass the kernel. There are three primary kernel bypasses in Masscan:

  • custom network driver
  • user-mode TCP stack
  • user-mode synchronization

Masscan can use the PF_RING DNA driver. This driver DMAs packets directly from user-mode memory to the network driver with zero kernel involvement. That allows software, even with a slow CPU, to transmit packets at the maximum rate the hardware allows. If you put 8 10-gbps network cards in a computer, this means it could transmit at 100-million packets/second.

Masscan has its own built-in TCP stack for grabbing banners from TCP connections. This means it can easily support 10 million concurrent TCP connections, assuming of course that the computer has enough memory.

Masscan has no "mutex". Modern mutexes (aka. futexes) are mostly user-mode, but they have two problems. The first problem is that they cause cache-lines to bounce quickly back-and-forth between CPUs. The second is that when there is contention, they'll do a system call into the kernel, which kills performance. A mutex on the fast path of a program severely limits scalability. Instead, Masscan uses "rings" to synchronize things, such as when the user-mode TCP stack in the receive thread needs to transmit a packet without interfering with the transmit thread.


The code runs well on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. All the important bits are in standard C (C90). Therefore, it compiles on Visual Studio with Microsoft's compiler, the Clang/LLVM compiler on Mac OS X, and GCC on Linux.

Windows and Macs aren't tuned for packet transmit, and get only about 300,000 packets-per-second, whereas Linux can do 1,500,000 packets/second. That's probably faster than you want anyway.

Safe code

A bounty is offered for vulnerabilities, see the file for more information.

This project uses safe functions like safe_strcpy() instead of unsafe functions like strcpy().

This project has automated unit regression tests (make regress).


A lot of effort has gone into making the input/output look like nmap, which everyone who does port scans is (or should be) familiar with.

IPv6 and IPv4 coexistence

Masscan supports IPv6, but there is no special mode, both are supported at the same time. (There is no -6 option -- it's always available).

In any example you see of masscan usage, simply put an IPv6 address where you see an IPv4 address. You can include IPv4 and IPv6 addresses simultaneously in the same scan. Output includes the appropriate address at the same location, with no special marking.

Just remember that IPv6 address space is really big. You probably don't want to scan for big ranges, except maybe the first 64k addresses of a subnet that were assigned via DHCPv6.

Instead, you'll probably want to scan large lists of addresses stored in a file (--include-file filename.txt) that you got from other sources. Like everywhere else, this file can contain lists of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The test file I use contains 8 million addresses. Files of that size need a couple extra seconds to be read on startup (masscan sorts the addresses and removes duplicates before scanning).

Remember that masscan contains its own network stack. Thus, the local machine you run masscan from does not need to be IPv6 enabled -- though the local network needs to be able to route IPv6 packets.


To get beyond 2 million packets/second, you need an Intel 10-gbps Ethernet adapter and a special driver known as "PF_RING ZC" from ntop. Masscan doesn't need to be rebuilt in order to use PF_RING. To use PF_RING, you need to build the following components:

  • (installed in /usr/lib/
  • pf_ring.ko (their kernel driver)
  • ixgbe.ko (their version of the Intel 10-gbps Ethernet driver)

You don't need to build their version of

When Masscan detects that an adapter is named something like zc:enp1s0 instead of something like enp1s0, it'll automatically switch to PF_RING ZC mode.

A more detail discussion can be found in PoC||GTFO 0x15.

Regression testing

The project contains a built-in unit test:

$ make test
bin/masscan --selftest
selftest: success!

This tests a lot of tricky bits of the code. You should do this after building.

Performance testing

To test performance, run something like the following to a throw-away address, to avoid overloading your local router:

$ bin/masscan -p80 --rate 100000000 --router-mac 66-55-44-33-22-11

The bogus --router-mac keeps packets on the local network segments so that they won't go out to the Internet.

You can also test in "offline" mode, which is how fast the program runs without the transmit overhead:

$ bin/masscan -p80 --rate 100000000 --offline

This second benchmark shows roughly how fast the program would run if it were using PF_RING, which has near zero overhead.

By the way, the randomization algorithm makes heavy use of "integer arithmetic", a chronically slow operation on CPUs. Modern CPUs have doubled the speed at which they perform this calculation, making masscan much faster.


This tool created by Robert Graham: email: [email protected] twitter: @ErrataRob


Copyright (c) 2013 Robert David Graham

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

masscan's People


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masscan's Issues

Redis support

It would be great to have Redis support as an output option. It would be very usefu to save the output into a Redis queue to incorporate post processing tools.

What do you think?

set_affinity: returned error linux:0

Not entirely sure what this error means but it doesn't appear to be causing any errors in the scan. It happens every now and then on Ubuntu 12.04.02 LTS

Linux 3.2.0-24-virtual #39-Ubuntu SMP Mon May 21 18:44:18 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Starting masscan 1.0 ( at 2013-11-05 01:02:50 GMT
-- forced options: -sS -Pn -n --randomize-hosts -v --send-eth
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan
Scanning 256 hosts [4 ports/host]
set_affinity: returned error linux:00:00 remaining, 0-tcbs, rr=0
/home/scanner/brisket/conf/exclude.conf: excluding 14 ranges from file

Starting masscan 1.0 ( at 2013-11-05 01:03:02 GMT
-- forced options: -sS -Pn -n --randomize-hosts -v --send-eth
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan
Scanning 512 hosts [4 ports/host]
set_affinity: returned error linux:00:00 remaining, 0-tcbs, rr=0
/home/scanner/brisket/conf/exclude.conf: excluding 14 ranges from file
set_affinity: returned error linux:0

--sendq not sending packets

On Windows Server 2012, when scanning a single host, and a small number of ports, using sendq will not send any packets.

masscan --sendq -p1-10

random IP selection needs to be faster

We exclude about 50 ranges when doing Internet-scale scans. This fragments the range tables. This slows sown IP address selection, which effectively does a linear search of all ranges when looking up an index. We need a faster algorithm that runs at per-packet speeds.

IPv6 support

$ bin/masscan -p80 fc3a:956e:4b69:1c1e:5ebc:11a5:3e71:3e7e
FAIL: unknown command-line parameter "fc3a:956e:4b69:1c1e:5ebc:11a5:3e71:3e7e"
 [hint] did you want "--fc3a:956e:4b69:1c1e:5ebc:11a5:3e71:3e7e"?
$ bin/masscan -p80 -6 fc3a:956e:4b69:1c1e:5ebc:11a5:3e71:3e7e
nmap(-6): unsupported: maybe one day

This is what happens when I attempt to use masscan on an IPv6 address. :(

Linux build warnings on Ubuntu 13.10

Output of build on 13.10 with gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/crypto-base64.c -o tmp/crypto-base64.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/event-timeout.c -o tmp/event-timeout.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/in-binary.c -o tmp/in-binary.o
src/in-binary.c: In function โ€˜parse_fileโ€™:
src/in-binary.c:242:13: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 4 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %8llu\r", filename, total_records);
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/logger.c -o tmp/logger.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/main.c -o tmp/main.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/main-conf.c -o tmp/main-conf.o
src/main-conf.c: In function โ€˜masscan_echoโ€™:
src/main-conf.c:184:5: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 3 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
fprintf(fp, "seed = %llu\n", masscan->seed);
src/main-conf.c: In function โ€˜masscan_save_stateโ€™:
src/main-conf.c:329:5: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 3 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
fprintf(fp, "resume-index = %llu\n", masscan->resume.index);
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/main-dedup.c -o tmp/main-dedup.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/main-initadapter.c -o tmp/main-initadapter.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/main-listscan.c -o tmp/main-listscan.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/main-ptrace.c -o tmp/main-ptrace.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/main-src.c -o tmp/main-src.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/main-status.c -o tmp/main-status.o
src/main-status.c: In function โ€˜status_printโ€™:
src/main-status.c:140:25: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 7 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/main-status.c:149:24: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 5 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/main-status.c:149:24: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 6 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/main-status.c:159:24: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 8 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/main-throttle.c -o tmp/main-throttle.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/masscan-app.c -o tmp/masscan-app.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/out-binary.c -o tmp/out-binary.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/out-null.c -o tmp/out-null.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/output.c -o tmp/output.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/out-redis.c -o tmp/out-redis.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/out-text.c -o tmp/out-text.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/out-xml.c -o tmp/out-xml.o
src/out-xml.c: In function โ€˜xml_out_closeโ€™:
src/out-xml.c:58:13: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 6 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/out-xml.c:58:13: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 7 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/out-xml.c:58:13: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 8 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/pixie-backtrace.c -o tmp/pixie-backtrace.o
src/pixie-backtrace.c: In function โ€˜pixie_backtrace_initโ€™:
src/pixie-backtrace.c:70:13: warning: ignoring return value of โ€˜readlinkโ€™, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
readlink("/proc/self/exe", global_self, sizeof(global_self));
src/pixie-backtrace.c: In function โ€˜handle_segfaultโ€™:
src/pixie-backtrace.c:43:19: warning: ignoring return value of โ€˜systemโ€™, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/pixie-file.c -o tmp/pixie-file.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/pixie-threads.c -o tmp/pixie-threads.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/pixie-timer.c -o tmp/pixie-timer.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-arp.c -o tmp/proto-arp.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-banner1.c -o tmp/proto-banner1.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-banout.c -o tmp/proto-banout.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-dns.c -o tmp/proto-dns.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-http.c -o tmp/proto-http.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-icmp.c -o tmp/proto-icmp.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-netbios.c -o tmp/proto-netbios.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-preprocess.c -o tmp/proto-preprocess.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-snmp.c -o tmp/proto-snmp.o
src/proto-snmp.c: In function โ€˜snmp_banner_oidโ€™:
src/proto-snmp.c:248:9: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 4 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
sprintf_s(foo, sizeof(foo), ".%llu", x);
src/proto-snmp.c:248:9: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 4 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/proto-snmp.c: In function โ€˜handle_snmpโ€™:
src/proto-snmp.c:563:8: warning: โ€˜request_idโ€™ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
if ((seqno&0x7FFFffff) != request_id)
src/proto-snmp.c: In function โ€˜snmp_selftestโ€™:
src/proto-snmp.c:643:8: warning: โ€˜request_idโ€™ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
if (request_id != 0x26)
src/proto-snmp.c:635:14: note: โ€˜request_idโ€™ was declared here
unsigned request_id;
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-ssh.c -o tmp/proto-ssh.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-ssl.c -o tmp/proto-ssl.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-ssl-test.c -o tmp/proto-ssl-test.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-tcp.c -o tmp/proto-tcp.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-udp.c -o tmp/proto-udp.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-x509.c -o tmp/proto-x509.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/proto-zeroaccess.c -o tmp/proto-zeroaccess.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rand-blackrock.c -o tmp/rand-blackrock.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rand-lcg.c -o tmp/rand-lcg.o
src/rand-lcg.c: In function โ€˜lcg_calculate_constantsโ€™:
src/rand-lcg.c:320:13: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 2 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
printf("%llu ", factors[i]);
src/rand-lcg.c:322:9: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 2 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
printf("m = %-24llu (0x%llx)\n", m, m);
src/rand-lcg.c:322:9: warning: format โ€˜%llxโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 3 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/rand-lcg.c:323:9: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 2 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
printf("a = %-24llu (0x%llx)\n", a, a);
src/rand-lcg.c:323:9: warning: format โ€˜%llxโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 3 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/rand-lcg.c:324:9: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 2 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
printf("c = %-24llu (0x%llx)\n", c, c);
src/rand-lcg.c:324:9: warning: format โ€˜%llxโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 3 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/rand-lcg.c:325:9: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 2 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
printf("c%%m = %-24llu (0x%llx)\n", c%m, c%m);
src/rand-lcg.c:325:9: warning: format โ€˜%llxโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 3 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/rand-lcg.c:326:9: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 2 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
printf("a%%m = %-24llu (0x%llx)\n", a%m, a%m);
src/rand-lcg.c:326:9: warning: format โ€˜%llxโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 3 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
src/rand-lcg.c:349:17: warning: format โ€˜%lluโ€™ expects argument of type โ€˜long long unsigned intโ€™, but argument 3 has type โ€˜uint64_tโ€™ [-Wformat=]
count += printf("%*llu ", digits, x);
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rand-primegen.c -o tmp/rand-primegen.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/ranges.c -o tmp/ranges.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rawsock-arp.c -o tmp/rawsock-arp.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rawsock.c -o tmp/rawsock.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rawsock-getif.c -o tmp/rawsock-getif.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rawsock-getip.c -o tmp/rawsock-getip.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rawsock-getmac.c -o tmp/rawsock-getmac.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rawsock-getroute.c -o tmp/rawsock-getroute.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rawsock-pcapfile.c -o tmp/rawsock-pcapfile.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rawsock-pfring.c -o tmp/rawsock-pfring.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/rte-ring.c -o tmp/rte-ring.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/siphash24.c -o tmp/siphash24.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/smack1.c -o tmp/smack1.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/smackqueue.c -o tmp/smackqueue.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/string_s.c -o tmp/string_s.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/syn-cookie.c -o tmp/syn-cookie.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/templ-payloads.c -o tmp/templ-payloads.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/templ-pkt.c -o tmp/templ-pkt.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -c src/xring.c -o tmp/xring.o
gcc -g -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer -rdynamic -I. -Wall -O3 -Wno-format -o bin/masscan tmp/crypto-base64.o tmp/event-timeout.o tmp/in-binary.o tmp/logger.o tmp/main.o tmp/main-conf.o tmp/main-dedup.o tmp/main-initadapter.o tmp/main-listscan.o tmp/main-ptrace.o tmp/main-src.o tmp/main-status.o tmp/main-throttle.o tmp/masscan-app.o tmp/out-binary.o tmp/out-null.o tmp/output.o tmp/out-redis.o tmp/out-text.o tmp/out-xml.o tmp/pixie-backtrace.o tmp/pixie-file.o tmp/pixie-threads.o tmp/pixie-timer.o tmp/proto-arp.o tmp/proto-banner1.o tmp/proto-banout.o tmp/proto-dns.o tmp/proto-http.o tmp/proto-icmp.o tmp/proto-netbios.o tmp/proto-preprocess.o tmp/proto-snmp.o tmp/proto-ssh.o tmp/proto-ssl.o tmp/proto-ssl-test.o tmp/proto-tcp.o tmp/proto-udp.o tmp/proto-x509.o tmp/proto-zeroaccess.o tmp/rand-blackrock.o tmp/rand-lcg.o tmp/rand-primegen.o tmp/ranges.o tmp/rawsock-arp.o tmp/rawsock.o tmp/rawsock-getif.o tmp/rawsock-getip.o tmp/rawsock-getmac.o tmp/rawsock-getroute.o tmp/rawsock-pcapfile.o tmp/rawsock-pfring.o tmp/rte-ring.o tmp/siphash24.o tmp/smack1.o tmp/smackqueue.o tmp/string_s.o tmp/syn-cookie.o tmp/templ-payloads.o tmp/templ-pkt.o tmp/xring.o -lpcap -lm -lrt -ldl -lpthread

IP checksum bug

Sigh, there is a bug in the IP checksum code. I know that because I double check the checksum whenever sending a packet. Sometimes, when doing Internet-wide scans, a message appears saying that checksum failed, so either the calculation is wrong, or the verification is wrong.

Fix TCP winsize in templ-pkt.c to avoid detection

Please fix default TCP window size to avoid easy detection:

In templ-pkt.c

static unsigned char default_tcp_template[] =
"\0\1\2\3\4\5" /* Ethernet: destination /
"\6\7\x8\x9\xa\xb" /
Ethernet: source /
"\x08\x00" /
Ethernet type: IPv4 /
"\x45" /
IP type /
"\x00\x28" /
total length = 40 bytes /
"\x00\x00" /
identification /
"\x00\x00" /
fragmentation flags /
"\xFF\x06" /
TTL=255, proto=TCP /
"\xFF\xFF" /
checksum /
"\0\0\0\0" /
source address /
"\0\0\0\0" /
destination address /
"\0\0" /
source port /
"\0\0" /
destination port /
"\0\0\0\0" /
sequence number /
"\0\0\0\0" /
ack number /
"\x50" /
header length /
"\x02" /
SYN */

"\x04\x00"      /* SET window TO 1024 MODIFIED */

"\xFF\xFF"      /* checksum */
"\x00\x00"      /* urgent pointer */

"\x02\x04\x05\xb4"  /* options [mss 1460] MODIFIED */


I've tried also to add a minimal TCP option [mss 1460] but it seems that get lost in generated pkt...

Fixed lenght somewhere in code?


XML Output

Current you do: sometext

Nmap suggets:

Changing to match the nmap dtd means that existing mmap parsing tools can be used on mass cap output.

File rotation

Can you add code to do file rotation based on size as well as time. I would like to be able to specify the size in megabytes or gigabytes based on the M or G flag following the size.

For example:
--rotate 100M

rate-limit not working

On Windows (maybe Linux too), the rate limiting it not quite working. The actual rate is about 2 to 4 times higher than the specified rate. I've spent some time on this and I don't know why.

The reason this bug is complicated is because the rate-limiting/throttling is weird so that it doesn't interfere with the speed. Since this is designed to run at 10-million packets/second, the overhead PER PACKET needs to be as small as possible.

There is probably a better way to do the throttling.

SSL Cert truncation

SSL certs are getting truncated:
This is from openssl: openssl s_client -showcerts -connect XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443 </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM |hexdump -C
00000000 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 43 45 52 54 49 |-----BEGIN CERTI|
00000010 46 49 43 41 54 45 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 46 |FICATE-----.MIIF|
00000020 6e 6a 43 43 42 49 61 67 41 77 49 42 41 67 49 4b |njCCBIagAwIBAgIK|
00000030 59 51 61 30 66 77 41 41 41 41 41 41 43 44 41 4e |YQa0fwAAAAAACDAN|
00000040 42 67 6b 71 68 6b 69 47 39 77 30 42 41 51 55 46 |BgkqhkiG9w0BAQUF|
00000050 41 44 41 71 4d 53 67 77 4a 67 59 44 0a 56 51 51 |ADAqMSgwJgYD.VQQ|
00000060 44 45 78 39 4e 59 57 6c 75 55 33 52 79 5a 57 56 |DEx9NYWluU3RyZWV|
00000070 30 51 58 4a 6a 61 47 6c 30 5a 57 4e 30 63 79 31 |0QXJjaGl0ZWN0cy1|
00000080 54 51 6c 4d 79 4d 44 45 78 4c 55 4e 42 4d 42 34 |TQlMyMDExLUNBMB4|
00000090 58 44 54 45 7a 4d 44 51 78 4d 6a 41 77 0a 4d 7a |XDTEzMDQxMjAw.Mz|
000000a0 41 30 4f 46 6f 58 44 54 45 31 4d 44 51 78 4d 6a |A0OFoXDTE1MDQxMj|
000000b0 41 77 4d 7a 41 30 4f 46 6f 77 4b 44 45 6d 4d 43 |AwMzA0OFowKDEmMC|
000000c0 51 47 41 31 55 45 41 78 4d 64 62 57 46 70 62 43 |QGA1UEAxMdbWFpbC|
000000d0 35 74 59 57 6c 75 63 33 52 79 5a 57 56 30 0a 59 |5tYWluc3RyZWV0.Y|
000000e0 58 4a 6a 61 47 6c 30 5a 57 4e 30 63 79 35 75 5a |XJjaGl0ZWN0cy5uZ|
000000f0 58 51 77 67 67 45 69 4d 41 30 47 43 53 71 47 53 |XQwggEiMA0GCSqGS|
00000100 49 62 33 44 51 45 42 41 51 55 41 41 34 49 42 44 |Ib3DQEBAQUAA4IBD|
00000110 77 41 77 67 67 45 4b 41 6f 49 42 41 51 43 7a 0a |wAwggEKAoIBAQCz.|
00000120 34 64 79 6e 70 39 69 2f 7a 38 4d 43 30 4f 5a 73 |4dynp9i/z8MC0OZs|
00000130 4a 6c 58 49 6e 6e 6a 50 42 6c 6e 52 63 4d 59 41 |JlXInnjPBlnRcMYA|
00000140 6d 39 4c 4c 4e 4f 50 43 56 49 42 78 67 79 5a 50 |m9LLNOPCVIBxgyZP|
00000150 6e 48 62 59 72 67 71 2b 6b 72 54 4e 74 30 31 5a |nHbYrgq+krTNt01Z|
00000160 0a 70 50 70 36 42 6f 35 67 65 2f 49 55 44 4a 68 |.pPp6Bo5ge/IUDJh|
00000170 37 44 55 72 66 45 36 73 6a 59 68 6d 7a 4a 31 30 |7DUrfE6sjYhmzJ10|
00000180 67 42 33 54 62 61 37 43 4d 5a 48 42 78 30 51 67 |gB3Tba7CMZHBx0Qg|
00000190 61 7a 43 56 56 71 57 44 61 67 34 4a 74 59 49 44 |azCVVqWDag4JtYID|
000001a0 2f 0a 4a 68 33 48 69 79 37 6b 76 54 58 36 67 73 |/.Jh3Hiy7kvTX6gs|
000001b0 6e 4c 54 63 35 55 35 77 51 43 31 4e 2b 4f 42 4a |nLTc5U5wQC1N+OBJ|
000001c0 2f 4d 45 72 4a 63 7a 72 53 44 71 62 43 2b 4b 39 |/MErJczrSDqbC+K9|
000001d0 50 4d 6e 78 33 55 71 64 4f 56 44 67 79 34 4f 50 |PMnx3UqdOVDgy4OP|
000001e0 71 68 0a 74 4b 57 76 6a 66 61 55 59 77 30 69 65 |qh.tKWvjfaUYw0ie|
000001f0 58 52 6d 64 55 30 64 43 36 58 54 56 68 62 4e 5a |XRmdU0dC6XTVhbNZ|
00000200 41 31 61 4d 31 2f 65 46 52 43 68 75 63 4c 64 76 |A1aM1/eFRChucLdv|
00000210 35 77 70 75 46 77 58 67 38 59 78 7a 49 78 2f 33 |5wpuFwXg8YxzIx/3|
00000220 71 36 77 0a 52 78 38 43 63 39 76 55 2b 67 4f 73 |q6w.Rx8Cc9vU+gOs|
00000230 4e 50 4b 31 41 6b 4c 45 4c 55 58 77 51 36 53 6d |NPK1AkLELUXwQ6Sm|
00000240 6b 38 4f 6f 53 4a 31 70 32 45 30 77 73 57 62 41 |k8OoSJ1p2E0wsWbA|
00000250 31 70 62 42 30 32 4e 7a 77 54 56 30 52 6c 6c 36 |1pbB02NzwTV0Rll6|
00000260 2f 59 30 69 0a 78 6a 43 47 4e 64 4a 6e 5a 45 4d |/Y0i.xjCGNdJnZEM|
00000270 6e 6c 66 71 39 6a 6f 35 54 41 67 4d 42 41 41 47 |nlfq9jo5TAgMBAAG|
00000280 6a 67 67 4c 47 4d 49 49 43 77 6a 41 64 42 67 4e |jggLGMIICwjAdBgN|
00000290 56 48 51 34 45 46 67 51 55 53 57 72 50 77 42 58 |VHQ4EFgQUSWrPwBX|
000002a0 61 67 75 7a 78 0a 48 55 30 64 34 56 38 62 30 32 |aguzx.HU0d4V8b02|
000002b0 6f 64 41 65 41 77 44 67 59 44 56 52 30 50 41 51 |odAeAwDgYDVR0PAQ|
000002c0 48 2f 42 41 51 44 41 67 57 67 4d 47 59 47 41 31 |H/BAQDAgWgMGYGA1|
000002d0 55 64 45 51 52 66 4d 46 32 43 47 47 31 68 61 57 |UdEQRfMF2CGG1haW|
000002e0 35 7a 64 48 4a 6c 0a 5a 58 52 68 63 6d 4e 6f 61 |5zdHJl.ZXRhcmNoa|
000002f0 58 52 6c 59 33 52 7a 4c 6d 35 6c 64 49 49 64 62 |XRlY3RzLm5ldIIdb|
00000300 57 46 70 62 43 35 74 59 57 6c 75 63 33 52 79 5a |WFpbC5tYWluc3RyZ|
00000310 57 56 30 59 58 4a 6a 61 47 6c 30 5a 57 4e 30 63 |WV0YXJjaGl0ZWN0c|
00000320 79 35 75 5a 58 53 43 0a 49 6c 4e 43 55 7a 49 77 |y5uZXSC.IlNCUzIw|
00000330 4d 54 45 75 54 57 46 70 62 6c 4e 30 63 6d 56 6c |MTEuTWFpblN0cmVl|
00000340 64 45 46 79 59 32 68 70 64 47 56 6a 64 48 4d 75 |dEFyY2hpdGVjdHMu|
00000350 62 47 39 6a 59 57 77 77 48 77 59 44 56 52 30 6a |bG9jYWwwHwYDVR0j|
00000360 42 42 67 77 46 6f 41 55 0a 34 65 59 79 34 65 53 |BBgwFoAU.4eYy4eS|
00000370 6c 43 6e 2f 61 77 47 37 52 79 42 57 6a 4b 52 4d |lCn/awG7RyBWjKRM|
00000380 62 33 41 41 77 67 65 77 47 41 31 55 64 48 77 53 |b3AAwgewGA1UdHwS|
00000390 42 35 44 43 42 34 54 43 42 33 71 43 42 32 36 43 |B5DCB4TCB3qCB26C|
000003a0 42 32 49 61 42 31 57 78 6b 0a 59 58 41 36 4c 79 |B2IaB1Wxk.YXA6Ly|
000003b0 38 76 51 30 34 39 54 57 46 70 62 6c 4e 30 63 6d |8vQ049TWFpblN0cm|
000003c0 56 6c 64 45 46 79 59 32 68 70 64 47 56 6a 64 48 |VldEFyY2hpdGVjdH|
000003d0 4d 74 55 30 4a 54 4d 6a 41 78 4d 53 31 44 51 53 |MtU0JTMjAxMS1DQS|
000003e0 78 44 54 6a 31 54 51 6c 4d 79 0a 4d 44 45 78 4c |xDTj1TQlMy.MDExL|
000003f0 45 4e 4f 50 55 4e 45 55 43 78 44 54 6a 31 51 64 |ENOPUNEUCxDTj1Qd|
00000400 57 4a 73 61 57 4d 6c 4d 6a 42 4c 5a 58 6b 6c 4d |WJsaWMlMjBLZXklM|
00000410 6a 42 54 5a 58 4a 32 61 57 4e 6c 63 79 78 44 54 |jBTZXJ2aWNlcyxDT|
00000420 6a 31 54 5a 58 4a 32 61 57 4e 6c 0a 63 79 78 44 |j1TZXJ2aWNl.cyxD|
00000430 54 6a 31 44 62 32 35 6d 61 57 64 31 63 6d 46 30 |Tj1Db25maWd1cmF0|
00000440 61 57 39 75 4c 45 52 44 50 55 31 68 61 57 35 54 |aW9uLERDPU1haW5T|
00000450 64 48 4a 6c 5a 58 52 42 63 6d 4e 6f 61 58 52 6c |dHJlZXRBcmNoaXRl|
00000460 59 33 52 7a 4c 45 52 44 50 57 78 76 0a 59 32 46 |Y3RzLERDPWxv.Y2F|
00000470 73 50 32 4e 6c 63 6e 52 70 5a 6d 6c 6a 59 58 52 |sP2NlcnRpZmljYXR|
00000480 6c 55 6d 56 32 62 32 4e 68 64 47 6c 76 62 6b 78 |lUmV2b2NhdGlvbkx|
00000490 70 63 33 51 2f 59 6d 46 7a 5a 54 39 76 59 6d 70 |pc3Q/YmFzZT9vYmp|
000004a0 6c 59 33 52 44 62 47 46 7a 63 7a 31 6a 0a 55 6b |lY3RDbGFzcz1j.Uk|
000004b0 78 45 61 58 4e 30 63 6d 6c 69 64 58 52 70 62 32 |xEaXN0cmlidXRpb2|
000004c0 35 51 62 32 6c 75 64 44 43 42 34 41 59 49 4b 77 |5Qb2ludDCB4AYIKw|
000004d0 59 42 42 51 55 48 41 51 45 45 67 64 4d 77 67 64 |YBBQUHAQEEgdMwgd|
000004e0 41 77 67 63 30 47 43 43 73 47 41 51 55 46 0a 42 |Awgc0GCCsGAQUF.B|
000004f0 7a 41 43 68 6f 48 41 62 47 52 68 63 44 6f 76 4c |zAChoHAbGRhcDovL|
00000500 79 39 44 54 6a 31 4e 59 57 6c 75 55 33 52 79 5a |y9DTj1NYWluU3RyZ|
00000510 57 56 30 51 58 4a 6a 61 47 6c 30 5a 57 4e 30 63 |WV0QXJjaGl0ZWN0c|
00000520 79 31 54 51 6c 4d 79 4d 44 45 78 4c 55 4e 42 0a |y1TQlMyMDExLUNB.|
00000530 4c 45 4e 4f 50 55 46 4a 51 53 78 44 54 6a 31 51 |LENOPUFJQSxDTj1Q|
00000540 64 57 4a 73 61 57 4d 6c 4d 6a 42 4c 5a 58 6b 6c |dWJsaWMlMjBLZXkl|
00000550 4d 6a 42 54 5a 58 4a 32 61 57 4e 6c 63 79 78 44 |MjBTZXJ2aWNlcyxD|
00000560 54 6a 31 54 5a 58 4a 32 61 57 4e 6c 63 79 78 44 |Tj1TZXJ2aWNlcyxD|
00000570 0a 54 6a 31 44 62 32 35 6d 61 57 64 31 63 6d 46 |.Tj1Db25maWd1cmF|
00000580 30 61 57 39 75 4c 45 52 44 50 55 31 68 61 57 35 |0aW9uLERDPU1haW5|
00000590 54 64 48 4a 6c 5a 58 52 42 63 6d 4e 6f 61 58 52 |TdHJlZXRBcmNoaXR|
000005a0 6c 59 33 52 7a 4c 45 52 44 50 57 78 76 59 32 46 |lY3RzLERDPWxvY2F|
000005b0 73 0a 50 32 4e 42 51 32 56 79 64 47 6c 6d 61 57 |s.P2NBQ2VydGlmaW|
000005c0 4e 68 64 47 55 2f 59 6d 46 7a 5a 54 39 76 59 6d |NhdGU/YmFzZT9vYm|
000005d0 70 6c 59 33 52 44 62 47 46 7a 63 7a 31 6a 5a 58 |plY3RDbGFzcz1jZX|
000005e0 4a 30 61 57 5a 70 59 32 46 30 61 57 39 75 51 58 |J0aWZpY2F0aW9uQX|
000005f0 56 30 0a 61 47 39 79 61 58 52 35 4d 43 45 47 43 |V0.aG9yaXR5MCEGC|
00000600 53 73 47 41 51 51 42 67 6a 63 55 41 67 51 55 48 |SsGAQQBgjcUAgQUH|
00000610 68 49 41 56 77 42 6c 41 47 49 41 55 77 42 6c 41 |hIAVwBlAGIAUwBlA|
00000620 48 49 41 64 67 42 6c 41 48 49 77 45 77 59 44 56 |HIAdgBlAHIwEwYDV|
00000630 52 30 6c 0a 42 41 77 77 43 67 59 49 4b 77 59 42 |R0l.BAwwCgYIKwYB|
00000640 42 51 55 48 41 77 45 77 44 51 59 4a 4b 6f 5a 49 |BQUHAwEwDQYJKoZI|
00000650 68 76 63 4e 41 51 45 46 42 51 41 44 67 67 45 42 |hvcNAQEFBQADggEB|
00000660 41 45 51 68 4b 41 36 68 2f 71 45 41 6d 65 2b 36 |AEQhKA6h/qEAme+6|
00000670 59 6e 44 63 0a 31 41 6c 2f 58 32 4a 35 44 6c 43 |YnDc.1Al/X2J5DlC|
00000680 4a 73 72 61 4a 5a 66 77 4f 4c 69 5a 35 71 30 6a |JsraJZfwOLiZ5q0j|
00000690 68 6b 6c 57 36 54 46 45 51 34 65 6d 7a 35 37 4a |hklW6TFEQ4emz57J|
000006a0 69 53 78 6b 56 30 6d 72 71 4c 44 31 77 76 75 48 |iSxkV0mrqLD1wvuH|
000006b0 43 48 4e 52 4d 0a 50 45 31 6c 51 4c 31 6e 57 38 |CHNRM.PE1lQL1nW8|
000006c0 5a 42 54 44 74 42 4b 2b 44 62 6d 75 53 42 4d 36 |ZBTDtBK+DbmuSBM6|
000006d0 6a 52 54 4d 54 62 37 6e 5a 67 4c 72 74 73 68 75 |jRTMTb7nZgLrtshu|
000006e0 4b 7a 71 57 4a 56 33 4b 51 70 31 67 33 2f 55 32 |KzqWJV3KQp1g3/U2|
000006f0 50 61 39 4c 68 51 0a 42 73 74 4e 4a 49 64 4e 33 |Pa9LhQ.BstNJIdN3|
00000700 2b 48 48 42 35 32 55 70 2b 74 37 31 43 6c 55 45 |+HHB52Up+t71ClUE|
00000710 2b 37 2f 4a 63 2f 52 47 47 2b 4a 49 6a 69 47 37 |+7/Jc/RGG+JIjiG7|
00000720 2b 2f 39 2f 31 59 55 63 6d 70 6c 54 75 39 38 4e |+/9/1YUcmplTu98N|
00000730 64 56 6a 62 52 55 30 0a 66 57 77 53 4b 35 41 44 |dVjbRU0.fWwSK5AD|
00000740 68 50 68 53 38 43 57 2b 63 75 70 45 64 4a 68 74 |hPhS8CW+cupEdJht|
00000750 43 76 37 62 4b 56 69 74 6d 2f 62 4e 4e 38 51 56 |Cv7bKVitm/bNN8QV|
00000760 43 51 5a 59 62 31 6e 39 7a 64 75 46 51 4a 4f 4b |CQZYb1n9zduFQJOK|
00000770 48 57 6f 36 31 39 4c 30 0a 4a 74 6c 66 6d 47 57 |HWo619L0.JtlfmGW|
00000780 50 61 6a 2b 31 64 38 53 7a 7a 6a 53 76 2b 4d 73 |Paj+1d8SzzjSv+Ms|
00000790 49 2f 63 46 70 72 62 6e 33 41 32 69 2f 4a 41 6b |I/cFprbn3A2i/JAk|
000007a0 37 4d 4d 6a 4b 45 51 51 45 72 78 73 70 61 61 45 |7MMjKEQQErxspaaE|
000007b0 42 65 2b 67 66 4a 42 7a 2b 0a 6c 58 73 3d 0a 2d |Be+gfJBz+.lXs=.-|
000007c0 2d 2d 2d 2d 45 4e 44 20 43 45 52 54 49 46 49 43 |----END CERTIFIC|
000007d0 41 54 45 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a |ATE-----.|

From Masscan:
00000000 4d 49 49 46 6e 6a 43 43 42 49 61 67 41 77 49 42 |MIIFnjCCBIagAwIB|
00000010 41 67 49 4b 59 51 61 30 66 77 41 41 41 41 41 41 |AgIKYQa0fwAAAAAA|
00000020 43 44 41 4e 42 67 6b 71 68 6b 69 47 39 77 30 42 |CDANBgkqhkiG9w0B|
00000030 41 51 55 46 41 44 41 71 4d 53 67 77 4a 67 59 44 |AQUFADAqMSgwJgYD|
00000040 56 51 51 44 45 78 39 4e 59 57 6c 75 55 33 52 79 |VQQDEx9NYWluU3Ry|
00000050 5a 57 56 30 51 58 4a 6a 61 47 6c 30 5a 57 4e 30 |ZWV0QXJjaGl0ZWN0|
00000060 63 79 31 54 51 6c 4d 79 4d 44 45 78 4c 55 4e 42 |cy1TQlMyMDExLUNB|
00000070 4d 42 34 58 44 54 45 7a 4d 44 51 78 4d 6a 41 77 |MB4XDTEzMDQxMjAw|
00000080 4d 7a 41 30 4f 46 6f 58 44 54 45 31 4d 44 51 78 |MzA0OFoXDTE1MDQx|
00000090 4d 6a 41 77 4d 7a 41 30 4f 46 6f 77 4b 44 45 6d |MjAwMzA0OFowKDEm|
000000a0 4d 43 51 47 41 31 55 45 41 78 4d 64 62 57 46 70 |MCQGA1UEAxMdbWFp|
000000b0 62 43 35 74 59 57 6c 75 63 33 52 79 5a 57 56 30 |bC5tYWluc3RyZWV0|
000000c0 59 58 4a 6a 61 47 6c 30 5a 57 4e 30 63 79 35 75 |YXJjaGl0ZWN0cy5u|
000000d0 5a 58 51 77 67 67 45 69 4d 41 30 47 43 53 71 47 |ZXQwggEiMA0GCSqG|
000000e0 53 49 62 33 44 51 45 42 41 51 55 41 41 34 49 42 |SIb3DQEBAQUAA4IB|
000000f0 44 77 41 77 67 67 45 4b 41 6f 49 42 41 51 43 7a |DwAwggEKAoIBAQCz|
00000100 34 64 79 6e 70 39 69 2f 7a 38 4d 43 30 4f 5a 73 |4dynp9i/z8MC0OZs|
00000110 4a 6c 58 49 6e 6e 6a 50 42 6c 6e 52 63 4d 59 41 |JlXInnjPBlnRcMYA|
00000120 6d 39 4c 4c 4e 4f 50 43 56 49 42 78 67 79 5a 50 |m9LLNOPCVIBxgyZP|
00000130 6e 48 62 59 72 67 71 2b 6b 72 54 4e 74 30 31 5a |nHbYrgq+krTNt01Z|
00000140 70 50 70 36 42 6f 35 67 65 2f 49 55 44 4a 68 37 |pPp6Bo5ge/IUDJh7|
00000150 44 55 72 66 45 36 73 6a 59 68 6d 7a 4a 31 30 67 |DUrfE6sjYhmzJ10g|
00000160 42 33 54 62 61 37 43 4d 5a 48 42 78 30 51 67 61 |B3Tba7CMZHBx0Qga|
00000170 7a 43 56 56 71 57 44 61 67 34 4a 74 59 49 44 2f |zCVVqWDag4JtYID/|
00000180 4a 68 33 48 69 79 37 6b 76 54 58 36 67 73 6e 4c |Jh3Hiy7kvTX6gsnL|
00000190 54 63 35 55 35 77 51 43 31 4e 2b 4f 42 4a 2f 4d |Tc5U5wQC1N+OBJ/M|
000001a0 45 72 4a 63 7a 72 53 44 71 62 43 2b 4b 39 50 4d |ErJczrSDqbC+K9PM|
000001b0 6e 78 33 55 71 64 4f 56 44 67 79 34 4f 50 71 68 |nx3UqdOVDgy4OPqh|
000001c0 74 4b 57 76 6a 66 61 55 59 77 30 69 65 58 52 6d |tKWvjfaUYw0ieXRm|
000001d0 64 55 30 64 43 36 58 54 56 68 62 4e 5a 41 31 61 |dU0dC6XTVhbNZA1a|
000001e0 4d 31 2f 65 46 52 43 68 75 63 4c 64 76 35 77 70 |M1/eFRChucLdv5wp|
000001f0 75 46 77 58 67 38 59 78 7a 49 78 2f 33 71 36 77 |uFwXg8YxzIx/3q6w|
00000200 52 78 38 43 63 39 76 55 2b 67 4f 73 4e 50 4b 31 |Rx8Cc9vU+gOsNPK1|
00000210 41 6b 4c 45 4c 55 58 77 51 36 53 6d 6b 38 4f 6f |AkLELUXwQ6Smk8Oo|
00000220 53 4a 31 70 32 45 30 77 73 57 62 41 31 70 62 42 |SJ1p2E0wsWbA1pbB|
00000230 30 32 4e 7a 77 54 56 30 52 6c 6c 36 2f 59 30 69 |02NzwTV0Rll6/Y0i|
00000240 78 6a 43 47 4e 64 4a 6e 5a 45 4d 6e 6c 66 71 39 |xjCGNdJnZEMnlfq9|
00000250 6a 6f 35 54 41 67 4d 42 41 41 47 6a 67 67 4c 47 |jo5TAgMBAAGjggLG|
00000260 4d 49 49 43 77 6a 41 64 42 67 4e 56 48 51 34 45 |MIICwjAdBgNVHQ4E|
00000270 46 67 51 55 53 57 72 50 77 42 58 61 67 75 7a 78 |FgQUSWrPwBXaguzx|
00000280 48 55 30 64 34 56 38 62 30 32 6f 64 41 65 41 77 |HU0d4V8b02odAeAw|
00000290 44 67 59 44 56 52 30 50 41 51 48 2f 42 41 51 44 |DgYDVR0PAQH/BAQD|
000002a0 41 67 57 67 4d 47 59 47 41 31 55 64 45 51 52 66 |AgWgMGYGA1UdEQRf|
000002b0 4d 46 32 43 47 47 31 68 61 57 35 7a 64 48 4a 6c |MF2CGG1haW5zdHJl|
000002c0 5a 58 52 68 63 6d 4e 6f 61 58 52 6c 59 33 52 7a |ZXRhcmNoaXRlY3Rz|
000002d0 4c 6d 35 6c 64 49 49 64 62 57 46 70 62 43 35 74 |Lm5ldIIdbWFpbC5t|
000002e0 59 57 6c 75 63 33 52 79 5a 57 56 30 59 58 4a 6a |YWluc3RyZWV0YXJj|
000002f0 61 47 6c 30 5a 57 4e 30 63 79 35 75 5a 58 53 43 |aGl0ZWN0cy5uZXSC|
00000300 49 6c 4e 43 55 7a 49 77 4d 54 45 75 54 57 46 70 |IlNCUzIwMTEuTWFp|
00000310 62 6c 4e 30 63 6d 56 6c 64 45 46 79 59 32 68 70 |blN0cmVldEFyY2hp|
00000320 64 47 56 6a 64 48 4d 75 62 47 39 6a 59 57 77 77 |dGVjdHMubG9jYWww|
00000330 48 77 59 44 56 52 30 6a 42 42 67 77 46 6f 41 55 |HwYDVR0jBBgwFoAU|
00000340 34 65 59 79 34 65 53 6c 43 6e 2f 61 77 47 37 52 |4eYy4eSlCn/awG7R|
00000350 79 42 57 6a 4b 52 4d 62 33 41 41 77 67 65 77 47 |yBWjKRMb3AAwgewG|
00000360 41 31 55 64 48 77 53 42 35 44 43 42 34 54 43 42 |A1UdHwSB5DCB4TCB|
00000370 33 71 43 42 32 36 43 42 32 49 61 42 31 57 78 6b |3qCB26CB2IaB1Wxk|
00000380 59 58 41 36 4c 79 38 76 51 30 34 39 54 57 46 70 |YXA6Ly8vQ049TWFp|
00000390 62 6c 4e 30 63 6d 56 6c 64 45 46 79 59 32 68 70 |blN0cmVldEFyY2hp|
000003a0 64 47 56 6a 64 48 4d 74 55 30 4a 54 4d 6a 41 78 |dGVjdHMtU0JTMjAx|
000003b0 4d 53 31 44 51 53 78 44 54 6a 31 54 51 6c 4d 79 |MS1DQSxDTj1TQlMy|
000003c0 4d 44 45 78 4c 45 4e 4f 50 55 4e 45 55 43 78 44 |MDExLENOPUNEUCxD|
000003d0 54 6a 31 51 64 57 4a 73 61 57 4d 6c 4d 6a 42 4c |Tj1QdWJsaWMlMjBL|
000003e0 5a 58 6b 6c 4d 6a 42 54 5a 58 4a 32 61 57 4e 6c |ZXklMjBTZXJ2aWNl|
000003f0 63 79 78 44 54 6a 31 54 5a 58 4a 32 61 57 4e 6c |cyxDTj1TZXJ2aWNl|
00000400 63 79 78 44 54 6a 31 44 62 32 35 6d 61 57 64 31 |cyxDTj1Db25maWd1|
00000410 63 6d 46 30 61 57 39 75 4c 45 52 44 50 55 31 68 |cmF0aW9uLERDPU1h|
00000420 61 57 35 54 64 48 4a 6c 5a 58 52 42 63 6d 4e 6f |aW5TdHJlZXRBcmNo|
00000430 61 58 52 6c 59 33 52 7a 4c 45 52 44 50 57 78 76 |aXRlY3RzLERDPWxv|
00000440 59 32 46 73 50 32 4e 6c 63 6e 52 70 5a 6d 6c 6a |Y2FsP2NlcnRpZmlj|
00000450 59 58 52 6c 55 6d 56 32 62 32 4e 68 64 47 6c 76 |YXRlUmV2b2NhdGlv|
00000460 62 6b 78 70 63 33 51 2f 59 6d 46 7a 5a 54 39 76 |bkxpc3Q/YmFzZT9v|
00000470 59 6d 70 6c 59 33 52 44 62 47 46 7a 63 7a 31 6a |YmplY3RDbGFzcz1j|
00000480 55 6b 78 45 61 58 4e 30 63 6d 6c 69 64 58 52 70 |UkxEaXN0cmlidXRp|
00000490 62 32 35 51 62 32 6c 75 64 44 43 42 34 41 59 49 |b25Qb2ludDCB4AYI|
000004a0 4b 77 59 42 42 51 55 48 41 51 45 45 67 64 4d 77 |KwYBBQUHAQEEgdMw|
000004b0 67 64 41 77 67 63 30 47 43 43 73 47 41 51 55 46 |gdAwgc0GCCsGAQUF|
000004c0 42 7a 41 43 68 6f 48 41 62 47 52 68 63 44 6f 76 |BzAChoHAbGRhcDov|
000004d0 4c 79 39 44 54 6a 31 4e 59 57 6c 75 55 33 52 79 |Ly9DTj1NYWluU3Ry|
000004e0 5a 57 56 30 51 58 4a 6a 61 47 6c 30 5a 57 4e 30 |ZWV0QXJjaGl0ZWN0|
000004f0 63 79 31 54 51 6c 4d 79 4d 44 45 78 4c 55 4e 42 |cy1TQlMyMDExLUNB|
00000500 4c 45 4e 4f 50 55 46 4a 51 53 78 44 54 6a 31 51 |LENOPUFJQSxDTj1Q|
00000510 64 57 4a 73 61 57 4d 6c 4d 6a 42 4c 0a |dWJsaWMlMjBL.|

New text output module request

Right now for output you have an option of the masscan default string or XML. A third option is needed for parsing during run or using readscan when the full XML output is not needed.

An example would be the nmap -oG output: This format uses tab separation which isn't ideal.

Proposed output is a csv format:
,,,<state (open|closed)>,<Application layer protocol (snmp,http,dns,telnet,etc...)>,

The banner should be enclosed in quotes or escape any commas. To make the use of the output the output should have a consistent number of commas for field parsing. Every field but the banner should be downcased.

Error in output

Despite what the port and protocol that is being scanned for the output always shows it is tcp.
SNMP scan, port 161 Udp
Banner on port 161/tcp on XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: [snmp] sysDescr:Technicolor CableHome Gateway

JSON output doesn't appear to do anything

masscan --nmap shows the "-oJ and -oL" but no output results from using the flag

-oL/-oJ : Output scan in List or JSON format, respectively,
to the given filename.

Open Proxy test

an open proxy test would be useful. Arguments woud be the port the suspected proxy is on and a URL to request to verify to proxy is open. HTTP response of 200, 301, 302 would be passing conditions.

Mixing UDP and TCP ports

On Windows, setting a flag like:

-p T:22,53,139,445,U:53,137,161

I'm only seeing results for UDP port 53 but expecting results for UDP 137 and 161. However in the following I get results for UDP 53, 137, and 161 as expected:

-p T:22,53,139,445,U:53,U:137,U:161

failure in permutation generator

FYI the error is that % rounds towards zero, and does not generate nonnegative equivalence classes.

If you rewrite using e.g. LongMath.mod() as per then the bidirectional verification code you have works.

If you don't, then you're basically doing many extra rounds sometimes because you generate a negative number which is masked because you compute with unsigned.

I have ported your code to Java, and it now passes the bidirectional verifier.


[35306058.762766] masscan[28216]: segfault at de23b0 ip b75e2b07 sp bf87a740 error 4 in[b757d000+1a4000]
[35306058.769081] masscan[28217]: segfault at 6993b0 ip b7556b07 sp bff8f600 error 4 in[b74f1000+1a4000]

Linux HOST 3.2.0-24-virtual #37-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 25 12:51:49 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Not sure what else you'd need for troubleshooting.

exclude not working

The options --exclude and --excludefile correctly read in the excluded IPv4 ranges (which you can verify with the --echo option), but it ignores them. Code needs to be added during scan init to remove the excluded ranges from the scan ranges.

Global out-of-bounds

ASan found this

==10003== ERROR: AddressSanitizer: global-buffer-overflow on address 0x000000465826 at pc 0x4093d9 bp 0x7fff8d1119f0 sp 0x7fff8d1119e8
READ of size 1 at 0x000000465826 thread T0
    #0 0x4093d8 (/masscan/bin/masscan+0x4093d8)
    #1 0x40d550 (/masscan/bin/masscan+0x40d550)
    #2 0x406511 (/masscan/bin/masscan+0x406511)
    #3 0x7f3843afad84 (/lib64/
    #4 0x407e24 (/masscan/bin/masscan+0x407e24)
0x000000465826 is located 6 bytes to the right of global variable '*.LC16 (src/templ-payloads.c)' (0x465800) of size 32
0x000000465826 is located 26 bytes to the left of global variable '*.LC17 (src/templ-payloads.c)' (0x465840) of size 51
Shadow bytes around the buggy address:
  0x000080084ab0: f9 f9 f9 f9 04 f9 f9 f9 f9 f9 f9 f9 07 f9 f9 f9
  0x000080084ac0: f9 f9 f9 f9 00 00 00 00 06 f9 f9 f9 f9 f9 f9 f9
  0x000080084ad0: 00 00 00 00 05 f9 f9 f9 f9 f9 f9 f9 00 00 00 05
  0x000080084ae0: f9 f9 f9 f9 00 00 01 f9 f9 f9 f9 f9 06 f9 f9 f9
  0x000080084af0: f9 f9 f9 f9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 f9 f9 f9 f9
=>0x000080084b00: 00 00 00 00[f9]f9 f9 f9 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 f9
  0x000080084b10: f9 f9 f9 f9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x000080084b20: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x000080084b30: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 f9 f9
  0x000080084b40: f9 f9 f9 f9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0x000080084b50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Shadow byte legend (one shadow byte represents 8 application bytes):
  Addressable:           00
  Partially addressable: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 
  Heap left redzone:     fa
  Heap righ redzone:     fb
  Freed Heap region:     fd
  Stack left redzone:    f1
  Stack mid redzone:     f2
  Stack right redzone:   f3
  Stack partial redzone: f4
  Stack after return:    f5
  Stack use after scope: f8
  Global redzone:        f9
  Global init order:     f6
  Poisoned by user:      f7
  ASan internal:         fe

any idea for better payload memory management ?

0x4093d8 is in payload_add (src/templ-payloads.c:444).
439             exit(1); /* out of memory */
441         p->port = rangelist_pick(ports, i);
442         p->source_port = source_port;
443         p->length = (unsigned)length;
444         memcpy(p->buf, buf, length);
445         p->xsum = partial_checksum(buf, length);
446         p->set_cookie = set_cookie;
448         /* insert in sorted order */
0x40d550 is in payloads_create (src/templ-payloads.c:710).
705         if (length == 0xFFFFFFFF)
706             length = (unsigned)strlen(hard_coded_payloads[i].buf);
708         /* Add this to our real payloads. This will get overwritten
709          * if the user adds their own with the same port */
710         payload_add(payloads,
711                     (const unsigned char*)hard_coded_payloads[i].buf,
712                     length,
713                     &list,
714                     hard_coded_payloads[i].source_port,
0x406511 is in main (src/main.c:1257).
1252        masscan->wait = 10; /* how long to wait for responses when done */
1253        masscan->max_rate = 100.0; /* max rate = hundred packets-per-second */
1254        masscan->nic_count = 1;
1255        masscan-> = 1;
1256        masscan->shard.of = 1;
1257        masscan->payloads = payloads_create();
1258        strcpy_s(   masscan->rotate_directory,
1259                    sizeof(masscan->rotate_directory),
1260                    ".");

Record scanning parameters and total count of hosts scanned in the output file

This is a request to add the following information to in the XML output:

  • Record the arguments passed to masscan
  • Record the total count of hosts scanned

Right now masscan includes the following hosts info:

From my testing, the count of down isn't being used? For example, the above output was from a scan of 256 IP addresses, and a single port. I was expecting the total count to include "256" and the down count to be the difference, or "234".

Wrong ip range calculation ?

Built from latest commit:

$ /usr/local/bin/masscan -p80
FAIL: target IP address list empty
[hint] try something like "--range"
[hint] try something like "--range"

Consider including an exclude.txt already

Seeing as you already have a list of devices who either don't want to be or react badly to being scanned, it would be nice to avoid scanning them by other people who download the project.

No guarantee in keeping it up-to-date, but at least a good start to avoid the loudest complainers. ๐Ÿ˜„

Error during current run...

A scan for 21,22,23,25,U:53,80,110,143,U:161, 443,445,1741,3389,5060

I keep getting these errors:
tcb: double free: : 0 (0x561cc64e)emaining, found=19770

Rotation weirdness

If you note the output below (not really pcaps, just named them wrong) some of the files are 2-400 bytes long and it looks like they had an error when rotating. For instance 140105-155959-snmp.pcap is 399 bytes long and rotated at 15:59. Then 140105-150000-snmp.pcap is 67M and also rotated at 15:59.

Then 140105-160000-snmp.pcap is is 68M and rotated at 16:59, then 140105-165959-snmp.pcap is 341 bytes are rotated at 16:59, then 140105-165960-snmp.pcap is 255 bytes are rotated at 17:00.

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 25M Jan 5 14:59 140105-143527-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 287 Jan 5 15:00 140105-145959-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 399 Jan 5 15:59 140105-155959-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 67M Jan 5 15:59 140105-150000-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 279 Jan 5 16:00 140105-155960-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 68M Jan 5 16:59 140105-160000-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 341 Jan 5 16:59 140105-165959-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 255 Jan 5 17:00 140105-165960-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 66M Jan 5 18:00 140105-170000-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 66M Jan 5 19:00 140105-180000-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 67M Jan 5 20:00 140105-190000-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 68M Jan 5 21:00 140105-200000-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 62M Jan 5 22:00 140105-210000-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 77M Jan 5 23:00 140105-220000-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 68M Jan 6 00:00 140105-230000-snmp.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15M Jan 6 00:13 140106-000000-snmp.pcap

Default to --seed time

masscan should default to --seed time to reduce the load on those first poort buggers in the default seed.

"***** test me ******" showing up in scan output

I'm seeing issues like the following during scanning on one of my boxes:

root@computer:~# masscan -p80 -oB /dev/null
/etc/masscan/excludes.txt: excluding 127 ranges from file

Starting masscan 1.0 ( at 2013-10-15 22:51:11 GMT
 -- forced options: -sS -Pn -n --randomize-hosts -v --send-eth
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan
Scanning 3700699389 hosts [1 port/host]
***** test me ******.00% done,510865596:27:21 remaining, 0-tcbs,     
***** test me ******.08% done,   1:58:14 remaining, 0-tcbs,     
***** test me ******.16% done,   1:44:16 remaining, 0-tcbs,     
^Cwaiting 10 seconds to exit...                                    

Wrong SSL Cert base64 encode in proto-ssl.c

I've found a bug in the "Finalize" section of base64 cert encode: it should look like:

if (px == 0) {
    switch (state) {
    case 0:
        // 0 octets in buffer b64x DO NOTHING
        // out_b64(b64x, banout, PROTO_X509_CERT); 
    case 1:
        // 1 octets in buffer b64x - 8 BITS 6+2
        b64x *= 256; // increase buffer to 16 bits 6+(2+4)+4
        banout_append_char(banout, PROTO_X509_CERT, b64[(b64x>>10)&0x3F]);
        banout_append_char(banout, PROTO_X509_CERT, b64[(b64x>>4)&0x3F]);
        banout_append_char(banout, PROTO_X509_CERT, '=');
        banout_append_char(banout, PROTO_X509_CERT, '=');
    case 2:
        // 2 octets in buffer b64x - 16 BITS 6+6+4
        b64x *= 256; // increase buffer to 24 bits 6+6+(4+2)+6
        // b64x *= 256;
        banout_append_char(banout, PROTO_X509_CERT, b64[(b64x>>18)&0x3F]);
        banout_append_char(banout, PROTO_X509_CERT, b64[(b64x>>12)&0x3F]);
        banout_append_char(banout, PROTO_X509_CERT, b64[(b64x>>6)&0x3F]);
        banout_append_char(banout, PROTO_X509_CERT, '=');

    banout_end(banout, PROTO_X509_CERT);


Have fun !!!

--interactive is broken

When --interactive is paired with any output option like -oG or --output-format no information is displayed on the screen.

A run with just interactive:
sudo masscan -p80 --exclude --interactive

Starting masscan 1.0.2 ( at 2014-01-23 21:26:32 GMT
-- forced options: -sS -Pn -n --randomize-hosts -v --send-eth
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan
Scanning 4294967295 hosts [1 port/host]
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Discovered closed port 80/tcp on
^Cwaiting 10 seconds to exit...
saving resume file to: paused.conf

A run with interactive and -oG:
sudo masscan -p80 --exclude --interactive -oG badtest.grep

Starting masscan 1.0.2 ( at 2014-01-23 21:25:31 GMT
-- forced options: -sS -Pn -n --randomize-hosts -v --send-eth
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan
Scanning 4294967295 hosts [1 port/host]
^Cwaiting 10 seconds to exit...
saving resume file to: paused.conf

Redis: FIFO support

Along with the current Redis scheme we need to add another optional scheme that treats Redis as a FIFO queue, so while the scan is running, results from one or more scanners can be sent to a redis system, while other systems extract information from the queue and do something with it.

"Virtual" interfaces not working

venet0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
inet addr: P-t-P: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:127995 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:74394 errors:0 dropped:27 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:165737898 (165.7 MB) TX bytes:6890666 (6.8 MB)

venet0:0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
inet addr: P-t-P: Bcast: Mask:


scanner@199:/brisket$ sudo masscan --rate 2337 --adapter venet0:0 --adapter-ip -p 1433
FAIL: failed to detect MAC address of interface: "venet0:0"
[hint] try something like "--adapter-mac 00-11-22-33-44-55"
/brisket$ sudo masscan --rate 2337 --adapter venet0:0 --adapter-ip --adapter-mac 00:00:00:00:00:00 -p 1433
FAIL: failed to detect MAC address of interface: "venet0:0"
[hint] try something like "--adapter-mac 00-11-22-33-44-55"
scanner@199:~/brisket$ sudo masscan --rate 2337 --adapter venet0:0 --adapter-ip --adapter-mac 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 -p 1433
FAIL: failed to detect MAC address of interface: "venet0:0"
[hint] try something like "--adapter-mac 00-11-22-33-44-55"

nmap works but you have to specify the following (perhaps it'll help you:

nmap -e venet0:0 -Pn -S <real_ip_of_server> <target_ip>

Won't take a /12 network as input

root@vps7026:~# masscan -p21,22,80,443,3389 --rate 3000 --excludefile /root/masscan/data/exclude.conf
/root/masscan/data/exclude.conf: excluding 121 ranges from file
FAIL: target IP address list empty
[hint] try something like "--range"
[hint] try something like "--range"

root@vps7026:~# masscan --range -p21,22,80,443,3389 --rate 3000 --excludefile /root/masscan/data/exclude.conf
/root/masscan/data/exclude.conf: excluding 121 ranges from file
FAIL: target IP address list empty
[hint] try something like "--range"
[hint] try something like "--range"

root@vps7026:~# masscan -p21,22,80,443,3389 --range --rate 3000 --excludefile /root/masscan/data/exclude.conf > conf/rackspace.conf
/root/masscan/data/exclude.conf: excluding 121 ranges from file
FAIL: target IP address list empty
[hint] try something like "--range"
[hint] try something like "--range"

Nmap-friendly output (or output destined to be nmap input)

Hi Rob!
I'd love for masscan to output text in a way I can feed it directly to nmap - by that I mean as though one were going to now scan the findings using nmap, since the heavy lifting of discovering ports is now done... -p 80,443,8080

so that one could literally pipe the output of masscan directly to the input of nmap - it would greatly improve workflow fluidity! :D

Thanks in advance!

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