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armleg's Introduction


Multi-cycle pipelined ARM-LEGv8 CPU with Forwarding and Hazard Detection as described in 'Computer Organization and Design ARM Edition'. The CPU can execute memory-reference instructions like LDUR and STUR, arithmetic-logical instructions like ADD, SUB, AND and ORR and branch instructions like B and CBZ.

Table of contents


The ARMv8 architecture is a 64-bit architecture with native support for 32 bit instructions. It has 31 general purpose registers, each 64-bits wide. Compared to this, the 32-bit ARMv7 architecture had 15 general purpose registers, each 32-bits wide. The ARMv8 follows some key design principles:

- Simplicity favours regularity
- Regularity makes implementation simpler
- Simplicity enables higher performance at lower cost
- Smaller is faster
- Different formats complicate decoding, therefore keep formats as similar as possible

Registers are faster to access than memory. Operating on Data memory requires loads and stores. This means more instructions need to be executed when data is fetched from Data memory. Therefore more frequent use of registers for variables speeds up execution time.

The 32-bit ARMv7 architecture had 15 general purpose registers, each 32-bits wide. The ARMv8 architecture has 31 general registers, each 64-bits wide. This means that optimized code should be able to use the internal registers more often than memory, and that these registers can hold bigger numbers and addresses. The result is that ARM’s 64-bit processors can do things quicker.

In terms of energy efficiency, the use of 64-bit registers doesn’t increase the power usage. In some cases the fact that a 64-bit core can perform certain operations quicker means that it will be more energy efficient than a 32-bit core, simply because it gets the job done faster and can then power down.

To favor simplicity, arithmetic operations are formed with two sources and one destination. For example,
ADD a, b, c --> a gets b + c
SUB a, b, c --> a gets b - c

The LEGv8 instruction set is a subset of ARM instruction set. LEGv8 has a 32 × 64-bit register module which is used for frequently accessed data. The 64-bit data is called a “doubleword”.
Of these 32 registers, 31 registers X0 to X30, are the general purpose registers. In the full ARMv8 instruction set, register 31 is XZR in most instructions but the stack point ( SP ) in others. But in LEGv8, the 32nd register or X31 is always initialized to 0. That is, it is always XZR in LEGv8. And SP is always register 28.

The project implementation includes a subset of the core LEGv8 instruction set:

  • The memory-reference instructions load register unscaled ( LDUR ) and store register unscaled ( STUR )
  • The arithmetic-logical instructions ADD, SUB, AND and ORR
  • The instructions compare and branch on zero ( CBZ ) and branch ( B )


Let's start with an abstract view of the CPU. The CPU comprises of a Program Counter [PC], Instruction Memory, Register module [Registers], Arithmetic Logic Unit [ALU] and Data Memory.

The Program Counter or PC reads the instructions from the instruction memory, then modifies the Register module to hold the current instruction. The Registers pass the values in instruction memory to the ALU to perform operations. Depending on the type of operation performed, the result may need to be loaded from or stored to the data memory. If the result needs to be loaded from the data memory, it can be written back to the Register module to perform any further operations.

Module Register width No. of registers
Instruction Memory 8 bits 64
Registers 64 bits 32
Data Memory 64 bits 128

A CPU instruction is 64 bits wide. The Program Counter or PC goes through the Instruction Memory and fetches a 32 bit instruction in each cycle. 4 registers of 8 bits of information each from the Instruction Memory are read in little endian byte order and form the first 32 bits of the CPU instruction. That is,

CPU_Instruction[8:0] = Instruction_Memory[PC+3];
CPU_Instruction[16:8] = Instruction_Memory[PC+2];
CPU_Instruction[24:16] = Instruction_Memory[PC+1];
CPU_Instruction[31:24] = Instruction_Memory[PC];

The data is fetched from Instruction Memory in Little Endian Byte Order. 32-bit data is called a “word”. The Instruction Memory is read one word at a time. LEGv8 does not require words to be aligned in memory, except for instructions and the stack.

The Instruction Memory supports instructions in 32-bit format. The instructions are given below with bit width of various parts of instructions.

Term Meaning
opcode Operation code
Rn First operand register
Rm Second operand register
Rd Destination register; used in R-type and I-type instructions to specify register that will store the result of the current operation.
Rt Target register; used in D-type instructions to specify register where value is to be loaded to or stored at.
shamt Shift amount
ALU_immediate Result obtained from the ALU during instruction execution
DT_address Data address offset
BR_address Branch address offset
COND_ BR_address Conditional Branch address offset

Some examples of instructions that have been implemented in this project:

Instruction Instruction Name Instruction Type Instruction Opcode (Hex) Instruction Expression
LDUR LoaD (Unscaled offset) Register D-type 7C2 Register[Rt] = Mount(Register[Rn] + DT_address)
STUR STore (Unscaled offset) Register D-type 7C0 Mount(Register[Rn] + DT_address) = Register[Rt]
ADD Add R-type 458 Register[Rd] = Register[Rn] + Register[Rm]
SUB Subtract R-type 658 Register[Rd] = Register[Rn] - Register[Rm]
ORR Inclusive OR R-type 550 Register[Rd] = Register[Rn] OR Register[Rm]
AND AND R-type 450 Register[Rd] = Register[Rn] AND Register[Rm]
CBZ Compare and Branch if Zero CB-type 5A0-5A7 if(Register[Rt]==0) --> PC = PC + COND_ BR_address}
B Branch B-type 0A0-0BF PC = PC + BR_address

As mentioned before, the register module has 31 general purpose registers, each 64-bits wide. Register module schematic:

Registers Used for
X0 – X7 procedure arguments/results
X8 indirect result location register
X9 – X15 temporaries
X16 – X17 (IP0 – IP1): may be used by linker as a scratch register, other times as temporary register
X18 platform register for platform independent code; otherwise a temporary register
X19 – X27 saved (value is preserved across function calls)
X28 (SP) stack pointer
X29 (FP) frame pointer
X30 (LR) link register (return address)
XZR (register 31) the constant value 0

Register module feeding ALU :

The operation codes determine how the ALU treats the data it receives from the Registers module. The ALU is used to calculate:

  • Arithmetic result
  • Memory address for load/store
  • Branch target address
ALU Operation code Operation performed
4'b0000 A AND B
4'b0001 A OR B
4'b0010 A ADD B
4'b0110 A SUBTRACT B
4'b0111 B (pass input B)
4'b1100 A NOR B
4'b1111 default or edge cases

The Data memory unit is a state element which acts as a data storage medium. To retrieve data, it has inputs for the address and the write data, and a single output for the read result. There are separate read and write controls, although only one of these may be asserted on any given clock.
In this project, it is initialized as follows:

Register[location] Value
memoryData[0] 64'd0
memoryData[8] 64'd1
memoryData[16] 64'd2
memoryData[24] 64'd3
memoryData[32] 64'd4
memoryData[40] 64'd5
memoryData[48] 64'd6
memoryData[56] 64'd7
memoryData[64] 64'd8
memoryData[72] 64'd9
memoryData[80] 64'd10
memoryData[88] 64'd11
memoryData[96] 64'd12

The Instruction Memory is read in chunks of 32-bits, whereas the CPU instruction is of 64 bits. The sign extension unit has the 32-bit instruction as input. From that, it selects a 9-bit for load and store or a 19-bit field for compare and branch on zero. It is then sign-extended into a 64-bit result appearing on the output.

To read a 32-bit instruction, 4 program counters per instruction are required. Each program counter corresponds to each byte being read. The program counter is therefore incremented by 4 at a time. If the bits are shifted to the left by 2, which is similar to multiplying by 4, the program counter required for the instruction to be processed can be obtained.
Example: Instruction 4 will start at Program Counter 16.
Instruction 4 in binary -> 5'b00100
Applying 2 left shifts -> 5'b10000 - (16, which is the program counter required.)

A control unit is added to route the flow of data as per requirements.

An additional OR-gate (at the upper right) is used to control the multiplexor that chooses between the branch target and the sequential instruction following the previous instruction.
The new improved architecture can now execute the basic instructions load-store register, ALU operations, and branches in a single clock cycle.

Control unit values for different instruction types.

Pipelining with Forwarding and Hazard Detection Unit

Pipelining is an implementation technique in which multiple instructions are overlapped in execution. LEGv8 instructions classically take five steps:

  1. Instruction Fetch or IF -> Fetch instruction from memory.
  2. Instruction Decode or ID -> Read registers and decode the instruction.
  3. Execute or EX -> Execute the operation or calculate an address.
  4. Memory or MEM -> Access an operand in data memory (if necessary).
  5. Write Back or WB -> Write the result into a register (if necessary).

Consider the following example,

The last four instructions are all dependent on the result in register X2 of the first instruction. If register X2 had the value 12 before the subtract instruction and 13 afterwards, the programmer intends that 13 will be used in the following instructions that refer to register X2.
To achieve this, a forwarding unit is required that can execute this segment without stalls by simply forwarding the data as soon as it is available to any units that need it before it is ready to be read from the register file.

The forwarding unit forwards the data to the ALU from different parts of the pipeline.

ForwardA and ForwardB forward the output from other stages.

Consider the following example, Since the dependence between the SUB and the following instruction AND goes backward in time, this hazard cannot be solved by forwarding. Hence, this combination must result in a stall by the hazard detection unit.

The forwarding unit controls the ALU multiplexors to replace the value from a general-purpose register with the value from the proper pipeline register.
The hazard detection unit controls the writing of the PC and IF/ID registers plus the multiplexor that chooses between the real control values and all 0s. The hazard detection unit stalls and deasserts the control fields if the load-use hazard test above is true.

The Pipelined architecture featuring the Control Unit

The Pipelined architecture with the Forwarding and Hazard Detection Unit

Testing with Instructions

To test the performance and correctness of the pipeline, some instructions are executed on it. The Register module is initialized with some values.

initial begin
	registerData[31] = 64'b0;
	registerData[1] = 64'd16;
	registerData[2] = 64'd12;
	registerData[3] = 64'd3;
	registerData[4] = 64'd4;
	registerData[5] = 64'd5;
	registerData[6] = 64'd6;
	registerData[7] = 64'd1;

The Instruction Memory is initialized with the following instructions,

  1. Testing D-type and R-type instructions.

     LDUR X10, [X1, #40]
     SUB X11, X2, X3
     ADD X12, X3, X4
     LDUR X13, [X1, #48]
     ADD X14, X5, X6
  2. Testing Forwarding Unit.

     SUB X2, X1, X3
     AND X12, X2, X5
     ORR X13, X6, X2
     ADD X14, X2, X2
     STUR X15, [X2, #100]
  3. Testing Hazard Detection Unit.

     SUB X2, X1, X3
     AND X4, X2, X5
     ORR X8, X2, X6
     ADD X9, X4, X2
     SUB X1, X6, X7

Expected Results

A summary of the instructions is provided with expected results.

Some instructions have been worked out and explained for ease of understanding.

LDUR X10, [X1, #40]

This instruction will load to X10 the value at X1 plus byte offset 40. The X1 register is initialized with the value 64'd16 [registerData[1] <= 64'd16]. This will load the value stored in Data memory at register address (d'16 + d'40) = d'56 to register X10. The Data memory holds the value 64'd7 at the 56th register [memoryData[56] = 64'd7]:

So this will load the value 64'd7 stored at address #56 in Data memory to X10 register in the Register module.

registerData[10]  = 64'd7;
Instruction Opcode DT_address op Rn Rt
7c2 (Hex) #40 00 X1 X10
11111000010 000101000 00 00001 01010

Data[0-3] = 'b11111000; 01000010 ; 10000000; 00101010

Register[location] Binary Value
instructionMemoryData[0] 'b11111000
instructionMemoryData[1] 'b01000010
instructionMemoryData[2] 'b10000000
instructionMemoryData[3] 'b00101010

SUB X11, X2, X3

This instruction will load to X11 the value at X2 [registerData[2] <= 64'd12] minus the value at X3 [registerData[3] <= 64'd3]. This will result in (d'12 - d'3) = d'9.

So this will load the value d'9 to X11 register in the Register module.

registerData[11]  = 64'd9;
Instruction Opcode Rm shant Rn Rd
658 (Hex) X3 00 X2 X11
11001011000 00011 000000 00010 01011

Data[4-7] = 'b11001011; 00000011; 00000000; 01001011

Register[location] Binary Value
instructionMemoryData[4] 'b11001011
instructionMemoryData[5] 'b00000011
instructionMemoryData[6] 'b00000000
instructionMemoryData[7] 'b01001011

ADD X12, X3, X4

This instruction will load to X12 the value at X3 [registerData[3] <= 64'd3] plus the value at X4 [registerData[4] <= 64'd4]. This will result in (d'3 + d'4) = d'7.

So this will load the value d'7 to X12 register in the Register module.

registerData[12]  = 64'd7;
Instruction Opcode Rm shant Rn Rd
458 (Hex) X4 00 X3 X12
10001011000 00100 000000 00011 01100

Data[8-11] = 'b10001011; 00000100; 00000000; 01101100

Register[location] Binary Value
instructionMemoryData[8] 'b10001011
instructionMemoryData[9] 'b00000100
instructionMemoryData[10] 'b00000000
instructionMemoryData[11] 'b01101100

LDUR X13, [X1, #48]

This instruction will load to X13 the value at X1 plus byte offset 48. The X1 register is initialized with the value 64'd16 [registerData[1] <= 64'd16]. This will load the value stored in Data memory at register address (d'16 + d'48) = d'64 to register X10. The Data memory holds the value 64'd8 at the 64th register [memoryData[64] = 64'd8]:

So this will load the value 64'd8 stored at address #64 in Data memory to X13 register in the Register module.

registerData[13]  = 64'd8;
Instruction Opcode DT_address op Rn Rt
7c2 (Hex) #48 00 X1 X13
11111000010 000110000 00 00001 01101

Data[12-15] = 'b11111000; 01000010 ; 10000000; 00101010

Register[location] Binary Value
instructionMemoryData[12] 'b11111000
instructionMemoryData[13] 'b01000011
instructionMemoryData[14] 'b00000000
instructionMemoryData[15] 'b00101101

ADD X14, X5, X6

This instruction will load to X14 the value at X5 [registerData[5] <= 64'd5] plus the value at X6 [registerData[6] <= 64'd6]. This will result in (d'5 + d'6) = d'11.

So this will load the value d'11 to X14 register in the Register module.

registerData[14]  = 64'd11;
Instruction Opcode Rm shant Rn Rd
458 (Hex) X6 00 X5 X14
10001011000 00110 000000 00101 01110

Data[16-19] = 'b10001011; 00000110; 00000000; 10101110

Register[location] Binary Value
instructionMemoryData[16] 'b10001011
instructionMemoryData[17] 'b00000110
instructionMemoryData[18] 'b00000000
instructionMemoryData[19] 'b10101110

Similarly, the instruction memory is loaded with the following instructions to test the forwarding unit:

SUB X2, X1, X3

X2 = X1 - X3	  
X2 = 'd16 - 'd3 = 'd13

registerData[2]  = 64'd13;

AND X12, X2, X5

X12 = X2 & X5  
X12 = 'd13 & 'd5  
X12 = 'b1101 & 'b0101 = 'b0101 = 'd5

registerData[12]  = 64'd5;

ORR X13, X6, X2

X13 = X6 | X2  
X13 = 'd6 | 'd13  
X13 = 'b0110 | 'b1101 = 'b1111 = 'd15

registerData[13]  = 64'd15;

ADD X14, X2, X2

X14 = X2 + X2  
X14 = 'd13 + 'd13 = 'd26

registerData[14]  = 64'd26;

STUR X15, [X2, #100]

X15 = X2 + 100  
X15 = 'd13 + 'd100 = 'd113

registerData[15]  = 64'd113;

Instructions to test the hazard detection unit:

SUB X2, X1, X3

X2 = X1 - X3	  
X2 = 'd16 - 'd3 = 'd13

registerData[2]  = 64'd13;

AND X4, X2, X5

X4 = X2 & X5  
X4 = 'd13 & 'd5  
X4 = 'b1101 & 'b0101 = 'b0101 = 'd5

registerData[4]  = 64'd5;

ORR X8, X2, X6

X8 = X2 | X6  
X8 = 'd13 | 'd6  
X8 = 'b1101 | 'b0110  = 'b1111 = 'd15

registerData[8]  = 64'd15;

ADD X9, X4, X2

X9 = X4 + X2	
X9 = 'd5 + 'd13 = 'd18

registerData[9]  = 64'd18;

SUB X1, X6, X7

X1 = X6 - X7	
X1 = 'd6 - 'd1 = 'd5

registerData[1]  = 64'd5;

Instruction Pipeline

The instructions should fill the pipeline in stages. The first write back happens in clock cycle 5 or CC 5. So, the first operation should finish its execution in fifth clock cycle and in this case should give the following result for registers Module.

writeAddress[4:0] = 10
writeData[63:0] = 7	

That is registerData[10] = 64'd7;

Forwarding Unit

Hazard Detection Unit

Compilation and Elaboration

The project was developed on Sigasi Studio. GTKWave was used to study the wave outputs. Once iverilog and GTKWave are installed, run the following commands for simulation in the src directory. Use GTKWave to see the wave output file.

iverilog -o ARMLEG ARMLEGvtf.v
gtkwave ARMLEGvtf.vcd


A summary of expected results:

Register[writeAddress] writeData(in decimal)
Datapath Results
registerData[10] 7
registerData[11] 9
registerData[12] 7
registerData[13] 8
registerData[14] 11
Forwarding Unit Results
registerData[2] 13
registerData[12] 5
registerData[13] 15
registerData[14] 26
registerData[15] 113
Hazard Detection Unit Results
registerData[2] 13
registerData[4] nops (Hazard Detection)
registerData[4] 5
registerData[8] 15
registerData[9] 18
registerData[1] 5

The results can be verified from the values seen for writeAddress and writeData:

GTKWave produces the following output.

In more detail:


A list of references and study material used for this project:

armleg's People


ronitrex avatar



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