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other.nvim's Issues

Not work on next.js & sveltekit

I am using other.nvim, and when the file path like this:


other.nvim does not recognize the relevant files.
Maybe regex problem?

Not working with negative lookbehind regex pattern

I am trying to use a pattern to find non-test files and point them to the test using the following configuration but it is not finding the file in the pattern:

      context = "test",
      pattern = "^(.*?)(?<!test).([^.]*?)$",
      target = "%1.test.%2",

Option to create other file

Use case: I am editing a source code file and I want to create the test file that doesn't exist yet.

It would be handy if other.nvim would support creating the other file.

Is it possible to go "back" to the "main" file?

Hi there, the plugin is very useful to navigate to the Python test file (in my use case).

I have created the following mapping for my Python files:

  pattern = '(.*)/src/(.*)/(.*).py',
  target = '%1/test/%2/',
  context = 'test',

I was wondering if there's a way to go "back" to my main file (basically to alternate between them).

I know I can use [Neo]vim's built-in C-^ mapping for this, but it could really be useful if I can use this plugin to do that.

Suggestion: Open as tab

Besides opening as split and vertical split, what about open as tab?

btw: great plugin! using it for django

Pattern matching not working?

Hi, thanks for this useful small plugin.

So I have these two rules:

	context = "lua main module",
	pattern = ".*.lua$",
	target = ".*/init.lua",
	context = "file of same name, but in different directory",
	pattern = ".*/(.-)$",
	target = ".*/%1",

The first one should switch from any lua file to the main module. It works fine, and the pattern work as expected.

However, the second case does not work as expected, given a file foobar.lua, it should switch to a different file with the same name, but in an (unspecified) other directory, for example:

pwd: ~/.config/nvim

# current

# target

Trying the pattern manually with vim.fn.expand("%"):match(".*/(.-)$") gives the expected result of foobar.lua, and then trying vim.fn.expand("%"):match(".*/foobar.lua$") matches the target file.

I am not sure whether I am misunderstanding something here about how the patterns work in this plugin or whether this is a bug with the matching implementation of this plugin? ๐Ÿค”

Mapping the current directory

Hello! Apologies if this is documented somewhere, but I tried following the examples and did have much like trying to map the following for python -> python test files.

If we have a file with the following path:


Then it should map to:


This is a fairly standard pattern in python projects.

However I am struggling getting other.nvim to match the "current" project directory generically.

I've tried the following:

    -- [...]
    mappings = {
        -- custom mapping
            pattern = "/(.*)/(.*).py$",
            target = "/test/%1/",
            context = "tests"
    -- [...]

But I quickly realised this would map the example I gave you to /tests/absolute/path/to/project/my/code/files/

Is there a way to get other.nvim to specify the "current directory" as part of the pattern and target configuration?

Suggestion: Support for Angular Services

Great plugin! I really appreciate you've taken the time to write it.

Something I'd find very useful is if for Angular it also supported Services.

Essentially when inside of a *.service.ts file, you'd have the option of :Other test which takes you to the spec file.

And when inside of a *.service.spec.ts file, you'd have the option of :Other service (rather than component).

Thanks again!

Add built-in mappings for Golang

The convention for Golang is to have the test file in the same directory as the source file, but with a _test.go suffix. For example /some/dir/impl.go -> /some/dir/impl_test.go.

Thus it should be easy to add a built-in mapping preset for Golang to this plugin. I think it could be something as simple as

    context = "test",
    pattern = "(.*).go$",
    target = "%1_test.go",
    context = "implementation",
    pattern = "(.*)_test.go$",
    target = "%1.go",

At least it seems to work on the first usages!

Splits not working when there are multiple other files

I just noticed that when there are multiple other files and one selects with the pop-up menu, then the horizontal or vertical splits are not used but the selected other file opens in the current window. See video recording:

In this video I select "a" in the menu for both tries of the split commands.

not works fine on sveltekit

I found that the latest version of other.nvim does not work for my configuration.

I found that this happens after 6913629 commit.

How to reproduce

โ”œโ”€โ”€ +page.server.ts
โ”œโ”€โ”€ +page.svelte
โ””โ”€โ”€ +page.ts
  • Open +page.ts then run Other command

  • Also open +page.svelte then run Other command

Keep default openCommand when invoking `OtherSplit` et al. and selecting in picker

If I run OtherSplit and the picker shows up, it would be nice to be able to press <Cr> and open in a vsplit rather than in the current window. This doesn't seem possible currently, so I need to consciously remember to hit s to open in a split, which I usually forget to do.

Perhaps a new open_file_default action could be added which would use whatever openCommand Other was invoked with:

  keybindings = {
    ['<Cr>'] = 'open_file_default()',
    o = 'open_file()',
    t = 'open_file_tabnew()',
    v = 'open_file_vs()',
    s = 'open_file_sp()',

Some suggestions for improvements

First of all - thanks for creating this plugin. It is something I find very useful in my workflow as a FE developer.
I noticed it is a young project and thought I could give some suggestions for further development. I know that these may be only relevant to me, but hey it may be worth a shot.
To give some context - as a FE developer(React) I constantly have to switch between .tsx and .scss files. I have an issue though - I am working on a legacy code base and sometimes the styles file is .css(and not .scss). With that in mind here are my suggestions for further development:

  • Allow for the target to be regex. This would help when I just want the "other" file to be either .css or .scss. If both .css and .scss are present - show a file picker.

  • By default if the "other" file is not present it is being silently created. While this seems convenient, I guess having the option to disable this behaviour in the setup function would be nice. For example if I have the plugin configured to not create the missing "other" file I would expect to see (ideally) a floating window which tells me the "other" file does not exist and asking me if I want to create it.

Thanks again for creating this plugin and keep up the good work!

Suggesting repeated other spec files

Not sure if I am doing something wrong with my mappings however it seems that "Other" is suggesting a forever repeating pattern of *.spec.ts to *.spec.spec.ts, etc... I've looked at the builtin golang mapping and tried to replicate it for my typescript project.


return {
  keys = {
    { "<leader>ll", "<cmd>:Other<CR>",       desc = "Other: File" },
    { "<leader>lp", "<cmd>:OtherSplit<CR>",  desc = "Other: Split" },
    { "<leader>lv", "<cmd>:OtherVSplit<CR>", desc = "Other: V Split" },
    { "<leader>lc", "<cmd>:OtherClear<CR>",  desc = "Other: Clear" },
  config = function()
      mappings = {
          pattern = "(.*).spec.ts$",
          target = "%1.ts",
          context = "implementation",
          pattern = "(.*).ts$",
          target = "%1.spec.ts",
          context = "test",

When using :Other in a spec.ts file, it suggests the following:


Obviously spec.spec.ts is incorrect so how would I configure it to make sure this doesn't happen?

Could the mappings be "auto reversible" where if a pattern matches a target, then the target should also match the pattern?

Thanks in advance!

Idea for improvement: define names for mappings

If I have multiple targets for one pattern, but the target files have the same file name, I cannot differentiate them in the file picker.


pattern: (.*)/views/(.*).html
targets: %1/models/%2.php, %1/controllers/%2.php

Directory structure:


If I'm in the view and call :Other, than I see a file picker with the following files:


So I don't know which file is the model and which one is the controller.

So an idea would be to define a name in the mapping like this:

    pattern = "(.*)/views/(.*).html",
    target = "%1/models/%2.php",
    name = "Model"
    pattern = "(.*)/views/(.*).html",
    target = "%1/models/%2.php",
    name = "Controller"

And the file picker could than use the name and show it next to the file like

user.php / Model
user.php / Controller

More "searching" alike patterns for target file?

Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ

I'm very sorry if this is a duplicate, but I wonder if something like this is possible:

  mappings = {
      pattern = 'src/.*/(.*).ext',
      target = 'test/.*/%2.spec.ext',

So I want it to be possible that these two files are matching:

  • src/some/path/specific-file-name.ext
  • test/a/different/path/specific-file-name.spec.ext

Is that somehow possible to achieve?

Target mapping

I've been thinking of creating something similar for a while so I already love this plugin very much. Thank you!

However, at work for python projects we can have the following


and I was wondering if there was a way for the target mapping to accept different matching patterns with a regex or a list of patterns or something along these lines.

Thank you for this plugin.

[SUGGESTION] c{,pp} header and source files

In a c or project, often times you will find c or cpp files bearing the same name and path as a neighbor h or hpp file, respectively. I saw that there are builtin mappings, so I figured it would be nice to have one of those for c and cpp.

[Feature] Add spec patterns to default rails mappings

Thanks for this amazing plugin.

I would like to note that many rspec users use spec instead of test folder and suffix.
It's well handled when going from a source file to a spec file, but the other way around isn't a default.

I added these mappings in order to make it work for me.

          pattern = '(.+)/spec/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)_spec.rb',
          target = {
            { context = "source", target = '%1/db/%3/%4.rb' },
            { context = "source", target = '%1/app/%3/%4.rb' },
            { context = "source", target = '%1/%3/%4.rb' },
          pattern = '(.+)/spec/(.*)/(.*)_spec.rb',
          target = {
            { context = "source", target = '%1/db/%2/%3.rb' },
            { context = "source", target = '%1/app/%2/%3.rb' },
            { context = "source", target = '%1/lib/%2/%3.rb' },
          pattern = '(.+)/spec/(.*)/(.*)_(.*)_spec.rb',
          target = {
            { context = "source", target = '%1/app/%4s/%3_%4.rb' },

I can create a PR if you're open to it

[Feature] Add test patterns to default rails mappings

First of; many thanks for this plugin, I'm so glad that I have discovered this! I used to use the AltN8 plugin when I was on Intellij. Now that I'm back on (Neo)Vim again full-time this is a plugin that I've been missing!

For the feature request;
It would be great to have built-in mappings for a test context for rails as well.

I have the following mappings below that lets you me jump from test to src in a rails app using Minitest. I'm sure some of the rules e.g. unit ones could be expressed with fewer entries, but I wanted to make sure that I really get the expected files.

Maybe these could be a starter/inspiration for adding mappings for test files to the plugin built-in rails mappings. As another popular testing framework for Rails is rspec with different paths, maybe the plugin could provide two built-in mappings for the user to chose: "rails-minitest" & "rails-rspec".

-- custom mappings: rails src->test
	pattern = "/app/models/(.*).rb",
	target = "/test/unit/models/%1_test.rb",
	context = "test"
	pattern = "/app/controllers/(.*).rb",
	target = "/test/integration/%1_test.rb",
	context = "test"
	pattern = "/app/controllers/(.*).rb",
	target = "/test/functional/%1_test.rb",
	context = "test"
	pattern = "/app/controllers/(.*).rb",
	target = "/test/unit/controllers/%1_test.rb",
	context = "test"
	pattern = "/app/channels/(.*).rb",
	target = "/test/channels/%1_test.rb",
	context = "test"
	pattern = "/app/mailers/(.*).rb",
	target = "/test/unit/mailers/%1_test.rb",
	context = "test"
	pattern = "/app/serializers/(.*).rb",
	target = "/test/unit/serializers/%1_test.rb",
	context = "test"
	pattern = "/app/services/(.*).rb",
	target = "/test/unit/services/%1_test.rb",
	context = "test"
	pattern = "/app/workers/(.*).rb",
	target = "/test/unit/workers/%1_test.rb",
	context = "test"
	pattern = "/lib/(.*).rb",
	target = "/test/unit/lib/%1_test.rb",
	context = "test"
-- custom mappings: rails test->src
	pattern = "/test/unit/models/(.*)_test.rb",
	target = "/app/models/%1.rb",
	context = "src"
	pattern = "/test/integration/(.*)_test.rb",
	target = "/app/controllers/%1.rb",
	context = "src"
	pattern = "/test/functional/(.*)_test.rb",
	target = "/app/controllers/%1.rb",
	context = "src"
	pattern = "/test/unit/controllers/(.*)_test.rb",
	target = "/app/controllers/%1.rb",
	context = "src"
	pattern = "/test/channels/(.*)_test.rb",
	target = "/app/channels/%1.rb",
	context = "src"
	pattern = "/test/unit/mailers/(.*)_test.rb",
	target = "/app/mailers/%1.rb",
	context = "src"
	pattern = "/test/unit/serializers/(.*)_test.rb",
	target = "/app/serializers/%1.rb",
	context = "src"
	pattern = "/test/unit/services/(.*)_test.rb",
	target = "/app/services/%1.rb",
	context = "src"
	pattern = "/test/unit/workers/(.*)_test.rb",
	target = "/app/workers/%1.rb",
	context = "src"
	pattern = "/test/unit/lib/(.*)_test.rb",
	target = "/lib/%1.rb",
	context = "src"

File path

I was looking to shift over to this plug from projectionist but nothing something weird related to path. When I trigger :Other I see the full path on my machine:

Screen Shot 2022-11-24 at 5 53 04 PM

And when opened, it shows the full path as seen in my airline plugin, as well:

Screen Shot 2022-11-24 at 6 01 11 PM

Where normally it only shows the local path scoped to the repo I am working on, for example:

Screen Shot 2022-11-24 at 6 00 56 PM

Is there any more info I can provide to debug this? I don't know that this is an issue, but annoying/distracting, thanks!

How are patterns matched?

I have a question because I can't seem to get the plugin working and maybe I failed to understand how the matching is done.

This is currently my setup

require('other-nvim').setup {
  mappings = {
      pattern = '/foo/bar/v10/some-folder/(.*).ts$',
      target = '/foo/bar/v10/tests/some-folder/%1.test.ts',
      pattern = '/foo/bar/v10/tests/some-folder/(.*).test.ts$',
      target = '/foo/bar/v10/some-folder/%1.ts',

These patterns are part of the absolute path of the file, which is how I understand that it should work. If I add a print here

match = filename:match(mapping.pattern)
it always returns nil but filename here is an absolute path.

It only works if I match against (.*).ts$ which is of course not what I want to do.

I even ran this manually on the file outside

  ):match '/foo/bar/v10/some-folder/(.*).ts$'

And this also returns nil, so I'm a bit confused about how it works.

Let :Other accept file path as an argument

Sometimes you do not want to map a pattern for maybe a single file, and you just want to teach :Other that the following file is the 'other' file that I always want you to open.

At the moment passing anything other than the context to :Other returns No 'other' file found

Would be nice to be able to do the following :Other my/new/file/path.rb and the plugin will store that as the 'other' file for this current file. Now the next time I will just need to type :Other and it'll open my/new/file/path.rb

Command to open the file picker without clearing the internal reference

Hi, first of all: awesome plugin!

I'm looking for a way to always open the file picker, even after I picked an alternate for a file but without having to clear the internal reference.

For example, I want to use the spec file of a certain Rails model as an alternate to quickly switch between them, but from time to time I want to pick the related controller.

Is there a way to do this?

Use custom highlight groups

Currently, highlights are hard-coded to built-in highlight groups. This means users can't customize the appearance of the Other.nvim specifically, it might look quite bad:


It would be better if there were Other.nvim-specific highlight groups so that users could override them.

Expose local findOther function as API

I would like to build a function where i can ripgrep within both current file and list of other files. But this is not possible because findOther method is local. If you expose this method, this plugin will be more usable.

Pattern matching question

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here ๐Ÿค” Would appreciate any help here ๐Ÿ™‡
I'm trying trying to match /lib/app/entities/account.rb to /lib/some/folders/repositories/account.rb
I tried this but it's not working, what am i missing?

  pattern = "/lib/.*/(.*).rb",
  target = "/lib/.*/repositories/%1.rb",
  context = "repository",  

per-project mappings?

The mappings seem like they could be represented in json. Do you think it'd be a good idea to look for something like .mappings.json in the project root as a place to do custom mappings?

How to contribute

Hi @rgroli , thank you very much for this awesome plugin!

I'd like to contribute, but I've not contributed or set up a Lua project before.

If you can add a section on how to set up this project locally, how to run tests, and how to contribute, etc, that will help!

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