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jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

I've been fiddling a bit with a solution to this and i have a question: Why does the gamestate need to keep a set of "active" entities?

from thrive.

bkloster avatar bkloster commented on May 19, 2024

It may not have to, but that depends on how the switching mechanism is implemented. We definitely need some way to separate entities according to game state. For example, while the microbe editor state is active, the graphics engine should render a very different set of entities compared to when the microbe gameplay state is active.

After thinking a bit more about it, it looks promising to have completely separate EntityManager instances per game state, along with separate instances of the systems (i.e. no sharing of systems or entities between states). We'd still need some interface to access entities from another state, so that the microbe editor can access the player microbe structure from the gameplay state.

If we go that route, we'll also need to take a careful look at how scripts (and some C++ systems) interact with the entity manager and some of the systems (KeyboardSystem and MouseSystem come to mind). When the engine switches game state (and thus, the active EntityManager instance and the systems), we may end up with stale references in some scripts, still pointing at the now inactive previous entity manager and sytems.

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

Yeah it's a tricky problem. I also initially just thought it would be easy to keep seperate EntityManagers, but came to the issues with systems after i finally managed to understand EntityFilter somewhat (any reason EntityFilter.cpp isn't included in the cmakelists for files to include, confused me?).
Another idea is to change the way EntityFilter works so they don't keep their own collections of entities, which doesn't seem too intuitive to me, but obviously the system was made like it was for a reason, so it must be problematic without their own collections.

I'll try and give the issue some thought.

from thrive.

bkloster avatar bkloster commented on May 19, 2024

entity_filter.cpp is included by entity_filter.h, which seems backwards, but is necessary because EntityFilter is a template and the compiler needs to see the whole code wherever the template is instantiated. Originally, it was completely in one (huge) header file, but I separated it out into two separate ones so that the header pretty much only contains the interface while the implementation resides in the cpp file. That makes it easier to quickly look over EntityFilter's API without all that noise from the implementation.

The EntityFilter keeps a cache of matching entities around, I think that's what you mean by "their own collections". Without that cache, the filters would have to iterate over all entities each frame, which seems a little wasteful.

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

Yeah i know about the requirement for templates and header files, the reason i ask is that i have chosen the blessings and curses of staying a windows user, and the entity_filter.cpp didn't appear in codeblocks (to some confusion).
To my understanding this is because it isn't listed in srs/engine/CMakeList.txt, which is what i was curious about, is it intentional and necessary, or by accident that it isn't listed there?

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

Regarding scripts pointing to innactive systems, that could happen nomather how we do it, right? as we can be in a gamestate where some systems are innactive, while scripts still are trying to use them?

from thrive.

bkloster avatar bkloster commented on May 19, 2024

entity_filter.cpp didn't appear in codeblocks

Oh, that's right. I forgot that Code::Blocks only displays files that CMake knows about. I'm actually not sure if adding that file will cause any problems. It either doesn't, or the compiler will complain about duplicate stuff (stupid compiler). I'll try it out later.

Regarding scripts pointing to innactive systems, that could happen nomather how we do it, right?

That depends. The case I'm thinking about is when we have two identical systems in separate game states. Say, the (yet to be implemented) sound system. That sound system has a method setVolume which scripts can use to adjust the audio volume like this:


with SoundSystem being a global, similar to Keyboard or Mouse right now. When we switch game states, we'd need to change that global to the SoundSystem of the newly active state. That's not quite trivial, but doable. Where stuff breaks is when a script author hears about local variables being faster in Lua and, meaning well, does this:

local soundSystem = SoundSystem
-- Later, in some update loop

Even if we switch out the SoundSystem global, the local soundSystem will remain the same. The call to setVolume on the inactive sound system will have no effect. It's easy to imagine other cases where something like this can happen. Many of them will result in bugs that will be easy to fix, but hard to find.

Now, if we don't use completely separate systems and share them among states, this problem isn't really there. The new game state uses the same SoundSystem instance, after all, so we don't need to switch out the global nor does the script author's local variable go stale. Everything works as expected. Worst case scenario: The new game state deactivates the SoundSystem because the state is not supposed to play any sound. No biggie, the call to setVolume still works, it just doesn't have any immediately obvious effect.

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

Ah thats what you meant, i can see the issue. but I don't see the need for keeping seperate system instances in the first place.

An idea i've been working on that i thought i should share:
I thought of moving the internal m_entities collections of EntityFilter into the EntityManager instead, they could be implemented as unordered_map<tuple<ComponentType1,..., ComponentTypeN>, EntityMap> with an entry for each used combination of component types. Then have the EntityManager handle changes in the collections with state changes (probably with another level of unordered_map with gamestate as key)
But i haven't thought it through completely yet with the existing code, so there might be issues i haven't spotted yet

Edit: Fixed formatting of proposed type

from thrive.

bkloster avatar bkloster commented on May 19, 2024

I don't see the need for keeping seperate system instances in the first place.

It all comes down to how we handle the entities during a state switch. We could notify systems (i.e. their entity filters) that some entities have been added or removed due to a state switch. But I'm pretty sure that only very few entities will actually have a place in more than one state. Most will be exclusive to a particular one. So, the OgreSceneNodeSystem, for example, will end up removing almost all scene nodes from the Ogre::SceneManager, then adding a whole bunch of new scene nodes from the new state.

Now, if we have separate system instances (and move the Ogre::SceneManager from the engine into an appropriate system), we can instead just switch out the scene manager together with the system. It would also avoid all the calls into the entity filters, because each system's entity filter would only listen to the respective entity manager. Since no entities are actually added or removed, the entity filters don't have to do anything.

I thought of moving the internal m_entities collections of EntityFilter into the EntityManager instead

I really don't see what that would accomplish. On the contrary, it would greatly complicate the entity manager. We'd probably need to change the EntityManager each and every time we need another component combination.

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

each system's entity filter would only listen to the respective entity manager.

Wouldn't it be simpler to have more entity filters in one system than to have seperate systems?

We'd probably need to change the EntityManager each and every time we need another component combination.

You'd just insert a new element in the unordered_set i proposed, which i guess is indeed "changing the EntityManager" but i'm not sure thats what you meant. The advantage would be that the entity manager could keep all the state changing in its internal implementation, and when the entity filter is queried for its entities, it just forwards a constant time lookup to the entity manager.
Ultimately it's a bit of a restructuring and naturally not up to me, just an idea :)

EDIT: The tuples i'm talking about here would be what ComponentGroup is defined as, if i understand it correctly.
EDIT2: I made a mistake in the formatting of my previous comment so it didn't actually show the composite type that i was trying to illustrate: unordered_map<tuple<ComponentType1,..., ComponentTypeN>, EntityMap> which would probably become std::unordered_map<ComponentGroup, EntityMap>

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

I've done a poor job explaining my idea, i'll try like this:

Use case: System X wants to iterate over the entities and thus needs a collection (AKA EntityMap) of entities.
System X trusts that it only gets the entities that have the right components and only the entities relevant for the active game-state.

This happens through 3 levels.

  • Level 1: System X requests the entities from its EntityFilter (semantically same as before)
    • call EntityFilter.entities()
  • Level 2, EntityFilter now requests the correct EntityMap from EntityManager instead of having it's own collection:
    • call EntityManager.getEntitiesFiltered(componentGroup)
  • Level 3: EntityManager does a constant time lookup
    • return (m_filteredEntityMapsState[activeGameState])[filter]

The relevant implementations:

std::unordered_map<GameState, std::unordered_map<ComponentGroup, EntityMap>> filteredEntityMapsState;
template<typename... ComponentTypes>
const typename EntityFilter<ComponentTypes...>::EntityMap&
EntityFilter<ComponentTypes...>::entities() const {
    return entityManager.getEntitiesFiltered(magic_cast<ComponentGroup>(ComponentTypes));
    ComponentGroup filter
    return (m_filteredEntityMapsState[activeGameState])[filter];

One minor advantage is that the need for callbacks will be gone, simplifying some of the code.

Things like iterators should also just be forwardable from EntityFilter to the collection in EntityManager

This idea should completely remove the need to have seperate systems, entity manager and entity filters!

I don't see any problems with this solution... but i don't understand all the affected classes completely either (perhaps the whole record-changes become problematic, i haven't looked through how that's used yet)

from thrive.

bkloster avatar bkloster commented on May 19, 2024

Ok, that makes a lot more sense than what I initially imagined you proposed. We'd need to find a good way to make ComponentGroup hashable, though. I don't see any obvious (and easy) way to do that. I'm also not quite convinced that it's better than separate systems, because it doesn't solve this problem I mentioned earlier:

the OgreSceneNodeSystem, for example, will end up removing almost all scene nodes from the Ogre::SceneManager, then adding a whole bunch of new scene nodes from the new state.

Anyway, for an example of how recordChanges is used, look at the RigidBodySystem, in particular this part. It's really just a convenient way for systems to react to new or removed entities.

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

We'd need to find a good way to make ComponentGroup hashable

With hashable i assume you mean usable as a key in a hashtable/map, which i actually thought was trivial, my lack of experience being at fault there.

this problem I mentioned earlier

I'm not sure i understand the problem, i'm not fully familiar with ogre yet. Wouldn't seperate systems also just be pointing to the same Ogre::SceneManager and having to do the same thing? or are you suggesting having seperate SceneManagers aswell?

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

Regarding hashing, ComponentGroup just ends up being a tuple of component types, right? There is a stack overflow post here that implements hashing of generic tuples, shouldn't that be able to work for us?

from thrive.

bkloster avatar bkloster commented on May 19, 2024

Hm, could work. But remember that we wouldn't be able to use std::tuple itself anymore because not all ComponentGroups have the same number of components. It would have to become kind of a "runtime tuple" that we'll need to write ourself.

By the way, are you actively working on this issue right now? Otherwise, I'll probably take a stab at it this week (albeit with the separate entity manager / system approach).

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

anymore because not all ComponentGroups have the same number of components.

I don't want to sound rude, but did you read the post? It should work for generic std::tuples, right?
I have actually been transforming some of the code in a branch, but some parts are a bit hard to understand right now, so it would take me quite a while.
It being an important thing to make progress it would probably be wiser if you took on the task.

Btw, if you want me to change anything regarding the agent-registry pull request let me know.

from thrive.

bkloster avatar bkloster commented on May 19, 2024

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear enough. I was more concerned about using the tuple as a key in the map inside the entity manager. All keys inside a map have to have the same type and std::tuple<OgreSceneNodeComponent, RigidBodyComponent> is a different type than std::tuple<AgentEmitterComponent, OgreSceneNodeComponent>. So if we use ComponentGroup as a key type, it can't be an std::tuple. We'd need to make it a class that holds a list of component type ids or similar. That said, the hash functions you linked should still work in principle.

Oh, and thanks for reminding me about the pull request. I must shamefully admit that I kind of forgot about it. I added some (really minor) notes.

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

Ah i understand now, alright. Well i'll leave you to implementing it and look at other issues then!

from thrive.

bkloster avatar bkloster commented on May 19, 2024

Some notes (mostly for myself while I'm working on this, so feel free to ignore):

  • Savegames must include the current gamestate
  • Gamestates should probably be named, both for serialization purposes (see above) and to retrieve a specific gamestate other than the current one
  • Should gamestates be completely configured (i.e. including the list of systems belonging to that state) from Lua? That would require exposing all system classes with at least their constructor. The advantage is that systems could be selectively enabled / disabled by just editing a script as opposed to compiling.
  • For now, the transition between gamestates can be a cut (i.e. just set the new state's scene manager to be the main viewport's source). Later, it might be nice to smoothly fade between the scenes by rendering them to textures and blending them together.

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

Looks good

Should gamestates be completely configured

I don't see a problem with exposing the systems to lua, ofc it's a bit of extra work tho, which has low priority.

from thrive.

patowen avatar patowen commented on May 19, 2024

A little bit off topic, but I didn't want to create a new ticket for this:

Why is the prototype branch back?

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

I'm guessing it's the branch nimbal is using for this :P

from thrive.

bkloster avatar bkloster commented on May 19, 2024

Actually, no. I'm as surprised as you are that the prototype branch (and hud-agent-addition) is back on GitHub.

from thrive.

jjonj avatar jjonj commented on May 19, 2024

Actually i think it is my fault. My laptop had those branches locally, and when i pushed the cooldown code from it, it must have ressurected those branches. Sorry

from thrive.

bkloster avatar bkloster commented on May 19, 2024

Oh, right. In the push dialog of TortoiseGit, there's a checkbox for "Push all branches", which might be the culprit.

from thrive.

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