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lazy-load-xt's Introduction

Lazy Load XT jQuery plugin

Table of Contents


Mobile-oriented, fast and extensible jQuery plugin for lazy loading of images/videos.

Currently tested in IE 6-11, Chrome 1-47, Firefox 1.5-43.0, Safari 3-9, Opera 10.6-34.0, iOS 5-9, Android 2.3-5.1, Amazon Kindle Fire 2 and HD 8.9, Opera Mini 7.

Requires jQuery 1.7+, Zepto 1.0+, DOMtastic 0.7.3+ built with --jquery-compat, or jQLight.

Download / Install

Dev version: jquery.lazyloadxt.js jquery.lazyloadxt.extra.js
Minified version: jquery.lazyloadxt.min.js jquery.lazyloadxt.extra.min.js


Dev version: jquery.lazyloadxt.fadein.css jquery.lazyloadxt.spinner.css
Minified version: jquery.lazyloadxt.fadein.min.css jquery.lazyloadxt.spinner.min.css


script-based tagging of lazy loaded elements jquery.lazyloadxt.script.js jquery.lazyloadxt.script.min.js
Responsive images and srcset jquery.lazyloadxt.srcset.js jquery.lazyloadxt.srcset.min.js
Print jquery.lazyloadxt.print.js jquery.lazyloadxt.print.min.js
Background image
Deferred load jquery.lazyloadxt.autoload.js jquery.lazyloadxt.autoload.min.js
Bootstrap jquery.lazyloadxt.bootstrap.js jquery.lazyloadxt.bootstrap.min.js
jQueryMobile jquery.lazyloadxt.jquerymobile.js jquery.lazyloadxt.jquerymobile.min.js

Install and manage Lazy Load XT using Bower

$ bower install lazyloadxt

Install and manage using NPM

$ npm install lazyloadxt

Get full snapshot of Lazy Load XT:

If you have any feature to request or bug to report please use GitHub issues.


First of all it's necessary to load jQuery and Lazy Load XT script. There are two versions of Lazy Load XT:

  1. jquery.lazyloadxt.js, standard version for lazy loading of images only.

  2. jquery.lazyloadxt.extra.js, version with included video addon for lazy loading of both images and videos.

To make media elements (img, video, source, iframe) to be lazy loaded, rename src attribute to data-src. It is highly recommended to set width and height attributes. Optionally you can add a placeholder src to bypass HTML validators:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.js"></script>

<img data-src="lazy.jpg" width="100" height="100">

PS. In src directory you can found jquery.lazyloadxt.simple.js, it is initial LazyLoadXT version of minimal size with excluded support of on* handlers, lazy* events, blankImage option and addons.


LazyLoadXT may be used without jQuery framework by loading small jqlight.lazyloadxt.min.js script (1.3KiB gzipped):

<script src="jqlight.lazyloadxt.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.js"></script>

<img data-src="lazy.jpg" width="100" height="100">

Note: currently addon is not supported by jQLight.



Advanced initialization

There are two ways to initialize elements if auto initialization doesn't suit you:

  1. $(window).lazyLoadXT(); to initialize all elements matching $.lazyLoadXT.selector
  2. $(elements).lazyLoadXT(); to initialize all selected elements.

For example, $(container).find(selector).lazyLoadXT(); initializes elements matching selector inside container.

You can pass optional argument to override default $.lazyLoadXT options. The following options only may be overridden: srcAttr, edgeX, edgeY, visibleOnly, blankImage, checkDuplicates, scrollContainer.

Note: don’t forget to disable auto initialization with $.lazyLoadXT.autoInit=false; if you like to use manual initialization of all elements.

To manually show elements (may be necessary for integrating Lazy Load XT with some 3rdparty plugins), call $(elements).lazyLoadXT({show: true});.

Browsers with disabled JavaScript

As JavaScript may be disabled in the browser (e.g. it may be a feature phone with limited javascript support or browser with Noscript addon), it is usually recommended to add a fallback image in <noscript> tag, mark initial image with class="lazy" attribute and hide it using CSS (otherwise browsers with disabled javascript will display both images). Lazy Load XT plugin removes this class (oninit.removeClass option) at image initialization. So, final code should be like:

img.lazy {
  display: none;
<img class="lazy" data-src="lazy.jpg" width="100" height="100">
<noscript><img src="lazy.jpg" width="100" height="100"></noscript>

We recommend to keep the order of attributes in both <img> tags, because of such a code will be effectively gzipped.

Alternative approach is based on tagging images/videos with <script> tag. It is realized using jquery.lazyloadxt.script.js addon and is described in corresponding addon’s section (note that this approach is experimental and currently is not compatible with AJAX).


The plugin is very extensible and supports a lot of options that are stored in $.lazyLoadXT object:

$.extend($.lazyLoadXT, {
  edgeY:  200,
  srcAttr: 'data-src'

You can either create this object before loading of jquery.lazyloadxt.js, or extend it after loading (but before jQuery's ready event).

  • autoInit: auto initialization of the plugin, that is processing of all elements matching selector selector in jQuery's ready event, if it is disabled you have to do such initialization manually as explained in Advanced initialization section (default true)
  • selector: selector for elements that should be lazy-loaded (default 'img[data-src]')
  • srcAttr: attribute containing actual src path, see example below in [Hi-DPI (Retina) images] (#hi-dpi-retina-images) section (default 'data-src')
  • blankImage: blank image for used until actual image is not loaded (default is transparent 1x1 gif image in data-uri format '')
  • edgeY: expand visible page area (viewport) in vertical direction by specified amount of pixels, so that elements start to load even if they are not visible, but will be visible after scroll by edgeY pixels (default 0)
  • edgeX: expand visible page area in horizontal direction by specified amount of pixels (default 0)
  • throttle: time interval (in ms) to check for visible elements, the plugin uses it to speed up page work in the case of flow of page change events (default 99)
  • visibleOnly: being disabled this option forces the plugin to check element position only, but not to check that it is actually visible (default true)
  • checkDuplicates: prevent re-add lazy-loaded elements (default true)
  • scrollContainer: set scroll container (overflow: scroll) for adding elements (default null),
  • forceLoad: load all elements without checking for visibility (default false)
  • loadEvent: space-separated list of events when the plugin starts to found new elements matching selector (default 'pageshow' to check AJAX-loaded content in jQueryMobile and to support backward navigation in iPhone)
  • updateEvent: space-separated list of events when the plugin starts to check what elements are visible in current viewport (default 'load orientationchange resize scroll')
  • forceEvent: space-separated list of events when the plugin starts to load all images independently of are they visible or not (default '')
  • oninit: handler called when the plugin push elements into internal list of "lazy" elements, it may be either a function (DOM element is accessible using this object) or an object with addClass and/or removeClass properties (addClass is a space-separated list of class names that should be added to the elements, and removeClass contains class names that should be removed, removeClass has higher priority in the case of identical class names) (default {removeClass: 'lazy'})
  • onshow: handler called when an element appears in viewport area, it may be either a function or an object by analogy to oninit handler, see example below in Spinner section (default {addClass: 'lazy-hidden'})
  • onload: handler called when element is successfully loaded, it may be either a function or an object by analogy to oninit handler (default {removeClass: 'lazy-hidden', addClass: 'lazy-loaded'})
  • onerror: handler called when browser cannot load the element, it may be either a function or an object by analogy to oninit handler (default {removeClass: 'lazy-hidden'})
  • oncomplete: handler called when all lazy-loaded elements are loaded (default null)


Lazy Load XT plugin triggers following events for loading elements (after call to corresponding handler in $.lazyLoadXT options):

  • lazystart, (triggered on window) before plugin's initialization code (binding to events, etc.)
  • lazyinit, the plugin push element into internal list of "lazy" elements
  • lazyshow, element appears in viewport area
  • lazyload, element is successfully loaded
  • lazyerror, browser cannot load the element
  • lazycomplete (triggered on <html> element), internal list of lazy-loaded elements is empty, that is all elements are loaded or loading.

Unlike global handlers $.lazyLoadXT, using these events it's possible to assign individual handlers for media elements.

More than images

Images are not the only page elements that may be lazy loaded. Though default value for $.lazyLoadXT.selector is 'img', you can append it by iframe to use lazy-loading for iframes, video for videos, etc. Full list of supported tags include all tags with src attribute: <audio>, <embed>, <frame>, <iframe>, <img>, <video>, <input type="image">.

We distribute special "extra" version of the plugin with additional code for lazyloading of <video> elements and <iframe>ed YouTube videos. To use this version, it’s necessary to just load jquery.lazyloadxt.extra.js instead of jquery.lazyloadxt.js.

<iframe>-embedded Videos (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)

Most of video hostings allow to embed videos as <iframe> elements (e.g. Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, and even KickStarter) and they may be lazy loaded in the way similar to images (by replacing src attribute by data-src):

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.extra.js"></script>
<iframe width="420" height="315" data-src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Support <video> tag

It is easy too, just replace src attribute by data-src and poster by data-poster (if exists).

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.extra.js"></script>
<video data-poster="/path/to/poster.jpg" width="320" height="240" controls>
  <source data-src="/path/to/video.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'>
  <source data-src="/path/to/video.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'>

<video data-src="/path/to/video2.mp4" width="320" height="240" controls></video>



Lazy Load XT plugin may be easily extended using oninit, onshow, onload and onerror handlers. Some examples are listed below.


Some effects may be easily added by using lazy-hidden and lazy-loaded css classes. For example, to display animated spinner while image is loading, just load jquery.lazyloadxt.spinner.css css file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.lazyloadxt.spinner.css">


Fade-in animation

To add fade-in animation just load jquery.lazyloadxt.fadein.css CSS file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.lazyloadxt.fadein.css">



It's possible to use a lot of animation effects (like bounce, flip, rotate, etc.) from animate.css project by altering $.lazyLoadXT.onload.addClass option:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="animate.min.css">
/* JS */
$.lazyLoadXT.onload.addClass = 'animated bounceOutLeft';


Horizontal scroll

Lazy Load XT checks that an image is in viewport in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, so that it is easy to make lazy loading of images in horizontal scroller. Let's assume that your html markup of scroller is something like

<div class="wrapper">
    <img data-src="/path/to/image/1" width="600" height="300">
    <img data-src="/path/to/image/2" width="600" height="300">
    <img data-src="/path/to/image/3" width="600" height="300">
    <img data-src="/path/to/image/4" width="600" height="300">

with following CSS rules to make .wrapper scrollable in horizontal direction and images to be alined:

/* CSS */
.wrapper {
    overflow-x: scroll;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;
.wrapper > img {
    display: inline-block;
    *display: inline;
    *zoom: 1;

Then all that you need is to proxy scroll event from .wrapper element to window because of scroll event is not bubbled automatically. It may be easily done using scrollContainer option:

/* JS */
$.lazyLoadXT.scrollContainer = '.wrapper';


Infinite scroll

Using Lazy Load XT it is easily to get "infinite scroll" effect. Just put a marker element at the end of list

<div id="marker"></div>

and load next part of elements in lazyshow handler, e.g.:

/* JS */
$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#marker').on('lazyshow', function () {
        $.ajax({...}).done(function (responseText) {
            // add new elements:
            // ...
            // process new elements:
            $('#marker').lazyLoadXT({visibleOnly: false, checkDuplicates: false});
    }).lazyLoadXT({visibleOnly: false});


Hi-DPI (Retina) images

The code below allows you to use data-src-3x attribute for screens with 3x density (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S4), data-src-2x for 2x density (e.g. iPhones 4+), and data-src-1.5x for 1.5x density (e.g. HTC Incredible S).

/* JS */
(function($, dpr) {
  if (dpr>1)
    $.lazyLoadXT.srcAttr = 'data-src-' + (dpr > 2 ? '3x' : (dpr > 1.5 ? '2x' : '1.5x'));
})(jQuery, window.devicePixelRatio || 1);


But in real world it's better to set srcAttr function and choose most suitable image URL among existing ones. Or set src attribute in lazyshow event, like it is done in Responsive images and srcset addon.


If you use jQuery-based AJAX navigation and don't like to change existing AJAX callbacks, you can apply lazy loading to new loaded content using ajaxComplete event. Note that $.lazyLoadXT.loadEvent = 'pageshow ajaxComplete'; may not work correctly because of content is not added to the page at the time of ajaxComplete event, that's why it's better to postpone initialization by setTimeout:

/* JS */
$(window).on('ajaxComplete', function() {
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 50);


Support of IE6/7

Lazy Load XT uses Data-URI-encoded transparent image for images outside of viewport (though this image may be visible during fast page scroll or in print preview). As IE 6 and 7 don't support Data-URI, you can change image for that browsers:

/* JS */
if (parseInt(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().split('msie')[1] || 8, 10) < 8)
  $.lazyLoadXT.blankImage = '//';


Lazy Load XT may be easily extended to support other lazyloading-related things. Some examples are part of Lazy Load XT project and listed below.

Bootstrap and jQueryMobile

To support Bootstrap and jQueryMobile frameworks, use <script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.bootstrap.js"></script> and <script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.jquerymobile.js"></script> addons, correspondingly. These addons recheck visible images each time related javascript plugin (e.g. Bootstrap's Carousel or jQueryMobile's Panel) changes page content.


Support of video elements in extra version of Lazy Load XT is just an addon that is combined with base version of the script. That is loading of

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.extra.js"></script>

is identical to loading of

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>


$.lazyLoadXT.videoPoster name of attribute with path to background image (by default 'data-poster').

Note: this addon append iframe[data-src] to $.lazyLoadXT.selector, so if you change $.lazyLoadXT.srcAttr option, selector option should be altered properly.

Responsive images

There are two addons for responsive images:

  1. srcset for lazy loading of images with polyfill for srcset attribute.
  2. picture for lazy loading of images with polyfill for <picture> tag.

srcset addon allows to combine lazy loading and responsive images description in data-srcset attribute of <img> tag. Format of responsive images description is based on srcset attribute draft of HTML extension for adaptive images:

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.srcset.js"></script>
<img data-srcset="image-hd.jpg 2x, image-phone.jpg 360w, image-phone-hd.jpg 360w 2x">

It's possible to simplify images description using data-srcset-base and data-srcset-ext attributes, so that actual images URI is concatenation of data-srcset-base, chosen part of data-src description, and data-srcset-ext:

<img data-srcset-base="image" data-srcset-ext=".jpg" data-srcset="-hd 2x, -phone 360w, -phone-hd 360w 2x">

If you like to have fallback image name to be data-srcset-base+data-srcset-ext (image.jpg in above example), just put comma at the end of data-srcset description: data-srcset="-hd 2x, -phone 360w, -phone-hd 360w 2x,". Note that this addon doesn't require browser to support srcset attribute.


$.lazyLoadXT.srcsetAttr name of attribute with srcset-based description (by default 'data-srcset').

$.lazyLoadXT.srcsetExtended enable support of srcsetBaseAttr and srcsetExtAttr options (by default true).

$.lazyLoadXT.srcsetBaseAttr name of attribute with prefix for image URI (by default 'data-srcset-base').

$.lazyLoadXT.srcsetExtAttr name of attribute with suffix for image URI (by default 'data-srcset-ext').


picture addon is based on <picture> tag draft of HTML extension for adaptive images. Just rename <source> tags to <br>, src attribute to data-src, and add few CSS rules to make <picture> block element in browsers that don't support it:

/* CSS */
picture {
  display: block;
picture > br {
  display: none;
img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto !important;
<script src="../dist/jquery.lazyloadxt.js"></script>
<script src="../dist/jquery.lazyloadxt.picture.js"></script>
<picture width="640" height="480">
  <br data-src="small320.jpg">
  <br media="(min-width: 321px)" data-src="medium480.jpg">
  <br media="(min-width: 481px)" data-src="large640.jpg">
  <noscript><img data-src="large640.jpg"></noscript>
  <p>Image caption</p>

Note: currently data-srcset attribute is not supported by this addon, but most likely further both srcset and picture addons will be merged into single one, so that srcset format for responsive images will be supported by <img> and <picture> tags.



Images and videos are not the only heavy parts of the page. Nowadays it's hard to find website that doesn't use widgets for different social medias (like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.). If integration with such resource is done using <iframe> tag, you can use "extra" version of Lazy Load XT to make it lazy loaded:

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.extra.js"></script>
<!-- Facebook Recommend Widget -->
<iframe data-src=";width&amp;layout=button_count&amp;action=recommend&amp;show_faces=true&amp;share=true&amp;height=21"
        scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>


But in most cases JavaScript is used to embed widgets. Specially for this case we have universal jquery.lazyloadxt.widget.js addon that allows to add some html code to the page when other element become visible. The code should wrapped in html comment inside a div with assigned id attribute, and the element should have data-lazy-widget attribute with value of that id:

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.widget.js"></script>
<!-- Google +1 Button -->
<div data-lazy-widget="gplus" class="g-plusone" data-annotation="inline" data-width="300"></div>
<div id="gplus"><!--
  <script type="text/javascript">
    (function() {
      var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
      po.src = '';
      var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

If data-lazy-widget attribute has empty value, the element itself is used as wrapper:

<div data-lazy-widget><!--
  <img src="image.jpg">


$.lazyLoadXT.widgetAttr name of attribute with id of commented html code (by default 'data-lazy-widget'). Note: widgetAttr option should be set before loading of jquery.lazyloadxt.widget.js as it is used to alter $.lazyLoadXT.selector option.



It is another issue of lazy loading: if user prints the page, only loaded images will be printed. This addon allows to start loading of all images just after browser switch to print mode to render page. Note that this feature is browser-dependent and currently it works correctly in IE only. In Chrome browser caches page state until user change print options (printer, page orientation, margins, etc.). In Firefox and Safari addon works if user chooses Print Preview before actual print (as they don't wait until images will be loaded). In Opera it works starting from 15.0 release (Presto didn't support both beforeprint event and matchMedia listeners).

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.print.js"></script>


Background image

This addon allows you to use lazy-loading technique for background images of any tag.

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div data-bg="/path/to/image.png">...</div>

Above code set background-image CSS property to /path/to/image.png as soon div element becomes visible in viewport area.


$.lazyLoadXT.bgAttr name of attribute with path to background image (by default 'data-bg'). Note: option should be set before loading of as it is used to alter $.lazyLoadXT.selector option.


<script>-based tagging

The main problem of lazy loading is necessity to duplicate <img> tag in <noscript> wrapper to support browsers with disabled JavaScript. As an alternative way, jquery.lazyloadxt.script.js addon allows to prepend tag <img> tag by <script> in the following form (without duplicating and renaming src to data-src):

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.script.js"></script>
<script>L()</script><img src="/path/to/image.jpg">

  <source src="/path/to/video.mp4">

<iframe src="/path/to/iframe.htm"></iframe>

Here L() is function that should be called before self-closed tag like <img> and <input> (optional argument is the tag name of lazy loaded element, by default 'img'), Lb() should be called before other tags like <video> and <iframe> (optional argument is the tag name of lazy loaded element, by default 'video'), and Le() should be called after corresponding closing tag.


$.lazyLoadXT.srcsetAttr name of attribute with responsive rules in srcset format, $.lazyLoadXT.srcsetBaseAttr name of attribute for URL prefix, $.lazyLoadXT.srcsetExtAttr name of attribute for URL suffix


Deferred autoload

This is very simple addon (just few lines of code) that loads all images after specified time after page loading. That is loading of images doesn't affect loading of CSSes and JavaScripts, and time to initial website rendering will be decreased.

<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.lazyloadxt.autoload.js"></script>


$.lazyLoadXT.autoLoadTime time interval between load page event and start of image loading (in ms, default is 50)


Example of page preparation in PHP

Instead of manipulating <img> tags directly (that is to replace src by data-src, add <noscript> fallback image, etc.), it's possible to do html page postprocessing using [your favorite] language. Here is example of how to do it using PHP:

/* PHP */
function addLazyLoading($html) {
  $dom = new DOMDocument();
  if (!@$dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $html)) // trick to set charset
    return $html;
  foreach ($dom->childNodes as $item)
    if ($item->nodeType === XML_PI_NODE) {
  $dom->encoding = 'UTF-8';
  $images = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img');
  $blankImage = '';
  for ($i = $images->length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
    $node     = $images->item($i);
    $clone    = $node->cloneNode();
    $noscript = $dom->createElement('noscript');
    $node->parentNode->insertBefore($noscript, $node);
    $node->setAttribute('data-src', $node->getAttribute('src'));
    $node->setAttribute('src',      $blankImage);
    $node->setAttribute('class',    trim($node->getAttribute('class') . ' lazy'));
  $newHtml = $dom->saveHTML();
  if (!$newHtml)
    return $html;
  return $newHtml;


Lazy Load XT may be loaded from jsDelivr CDN

<script src="//"></script>


<script src="//"></script>

Note that any of Lazy Load XT dist files may be loaded from CDN, not only jquery.lazyloadxt.min.js.

Version History

  • 1.1.0 (11.01.2016): jQLight script, remove lazy-hidden class for non-img elements, fix lazy loading if there is one image only, fix issues in bg, srcset, and video addons, new addons for Bootstrap and jQueryMobile events

  • 1.0.6 (19.11.2014): fix work of srcset addons in IE6-8

  • 1.0.5 (05.06.2014): fix picture and script addons

  • 1.0.4 (30.05.2014): fix calls to each() method

  • 1.0.3 (28.05.2014): support DOMstatic library (attr, class, data, event, selector, and type modules are required); fix loading of images on browser's tab activation

  • 1.0.2 (05.03.2014): fix work in jQuery Mobile 1.4

  • 1.0.1 (16.02.2014): fix triggering lazyload and lazyerror events in scrset and picture addons

  • 1.0.0 (16.01.2014): new forceLoad option, classNojs option is removed in flavour of options.oninit.removeClass, lazyloadall event is renamed to lazycomplete, new oncomplete option, fix work with Zepto, fix work in some old mobile browsers, default value for selector option is set to img[data-src], lazy* events are triggered after corresponding on* handlers, new lazystart event, remove "simple" version from build.

  • 0.8.12 (12.01.2014): significant performance improvement, fix work in BlackBerry 5, fix checkDuplicates options

  • 0.8.11 (10.01.2014): fix to work in browsers without scroll event (e.g. Opera Mini), handle touchmove event for better response on mobile devices.

  • 0.8.10 (07.01.2014): bugfix "video" addon, remove loading of bootstrap.js in zepto.htm demo.

  • 0.8.9 (06.01.2014): checkDuplicates option, fix srcset addon, speed up work with jQuery

  • 0.8.8 (26.12.2013): Fix sharing $el.lazyLoadXT object, support $(window).lazyLoadXT({...}) call with overrides parameter

  • 0.8.7 (26.12.2013): New "picture" addon, feature to pass original jQuery element object (with .lazyLoadXT.srcAttr property) to init and show callbacks/event handlers, support empty value for data-lazy-widget attribute in widget addon, minor fixes/improvements, horizontal scroll demo, infinite scroll demo

  • 0.8.6 (18.12.2013): New "widget" addon, support of per element options

  • 0.8.5 (15.12.2013): New addons, "simple" version, lazyloadall event, slight reduce minified size

  • 0.8.4 (12.12.2013): Fixed check of removed elements, support of $.lazyLoadXT.videoPoster parameter, additional examples in src (srcset polyfill, transparent placeholder for IE6/7)

  • 0.8.3 (10.12.2013): Speed up initialization, new forceEvent option, additional examples of extendability in /src directory

  • 0.8.2 (08.12.2013): Built-in support of videos in jquery.lazyloadxt.extra.js

  • 0.8.1 (06.12.2013): Add support of lazyinit, lazyshow, lazyload, and lazyerror events

  • 0.8.0 (05.12.2013): Initial release


Lazy Load XT is licensed under the MIT license alpha

lazy-load-xt's People


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lazy-load-xt's Issues

How to prevent lazy loading for elements in event handler "lazyshow"?

I attached an event listener for lazyshow event like this:

    $('img').on('lazyshow', function (event) {
        if (condition){
            // Do not lazy load this image

In the if-condition I want to prevent lazy loading for the elements that match the condition. How can I do this? Is there some kind of method like this?


Background-img with Img Tags

If I use img tags with the background-img addson (I needed to use both) I get an undefined error, this is what I did to fix it:

(This is the background-img addson code)

/*! Lazy Load XT v1.0.5 2014-06-05

(function ($) {
var options = $.lazyLoadXT,
bgAttr = options.bgAttr || 'data-bg';

options.selector += ',[' + bgAttr + ']';

$(document).on('lazyshow', function (e) {
    var $this = $(;

    //If this element has this bgAttr attibute, then...
    if ($"["+bgAttr+"]")) {
            .css('background-image', "url('" + $this.attr(bgAttr) + "')")
            .removeClass('lazy-hidden'); //I had to add this cause I was using the css fade-in css code and the opacity was set to 0.           


})(window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window.$);

Refresh lazy load when changing window size?


Is there an easy way of making Lazy Load refresh all images when the browser window reaches a certain size?

Currently (using the responsive images add-on) if you load the page with a narrow window it will load small images. Obviously if a user increases the browser width it would be great to load in higher res images.


Any chance of making this a Joomla Plugin ?

I have a Joomla web site with a Custom HTML module which is simply a iFrame that calls a web page i made with Adobe Edge Animate for a small animated banner.

I need the animation to start only when the banner (i.e. iFrame) gets visible by the user scrolling down to it. (It stands in the middle of the page)

Any chance the .js lib could easily be used directly into the "Custom HTML" module i made ? As you probable know, Joomla forbids regular jQuery calls and forces jquery() instead of $().

Option autoInit = false seems to have no effect?

In the sourcecode for lazy-load-xt I see this:

    $(document).ready(function () {
        triggerEvent('start', $window);

            .on(options.loadEvent, initLazyElements)
            .on(options.updateEvent, queueCheckLazyElements)
            .on(options.forceEvent, forceLoadAll);

        $(document).on(options.updateEvent, queueCheckLazyElements);

        if (options.autoInit) {
            initLazyElements(); // standard initialization

So, if options.autoinit equals false, then initLazyElements() will not be called on document.ready():

        if (options.autoInit) {
            initLazyElements(); // standard initialization

BUT it will be called on body.load event:

            .on(options.loadEvent, initLazyElements)

At this point there is no check if options.autoinit is true or false?

What's the point of that option if initLazyElement() is still triggered on body.load?

Using Lazy-load-xt in a Modal Window

Problem using Lazy-load-xt with a Modal Window [Flythat]
Have added the following to the Flythat modal plugin js and LLxt works for any top place data-scr images and only until I scroll to bottom of Modal window to trigger any data-scr images that reside hidden below the Modal viewport

    $(document).on('click.flythat', '[data-flythat]', function(event) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 50);

however I wish to add a body no scroll which I added below the above code


This prevents any data-scr images below the Modal viewport from loading at all - ie the body has to scroll to the bottom of browser window before triggering any more data-scr images

I know this is vague, and am on my 4th Modal Plugin trying to get this to work

Any help greatly appreciated and/or recommend a modal plugin that LLxt will work with - thank you

Multiple widgets of the same tag?

So what if I have 100 g+ buttons
do I have to do this...

<div data-lazy-widget="gplus" />
<div id="gplus"><!-- same tag -->
<div data-lazy-widget="gplus1" />
<div id="gplus1"><!-- same tag -->
<div data-lazy-widget="gplus2" />
<div id="gplus2"><!-- same tag -->
<div data-lazy-widget="gplus100" />
<div id="gplus100"><!-- same tag -->
<!-- Google +1 Button -->
<div data-lazy-widget="gplus" class="g-plusone" data-annotation="inline" data-width="300"></div>
<div id="gplus"><!--
  <script type="text/javascript">
    (function() {
      var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
      po.src = '';
      var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

Or is there a more efficient DRY way?

Add support for other image tags

Please add support for other image tags like <image>. This can and should be done via an option for the name of the src attribute.


<div style="width: 100px; height: 100px;">
    <svg version="1.1"
         style="max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%"
        <image width="100%"
               xlink:href="" />


As you can see, the naming of the href attribute depends on the namespace used for adding xlink.

Autoload isn't working with iscroll

I am having a slight problem.
I am using lazylaodxt with autoload and the images are all put inside iscroll.

The lazyloadxt is working, and i console logged both the lazyloadxt.js and the autoload.js they seems all loaded. But it seems like the autoload isnt working with iscroll. The images arent appearing until i scroll to that slide, then rescroll again for it to appear.

Wondering if it is because lazyload is treating the slide as a new page, or if my autoload is just simply not working.

iframe bug: Retina script interferes with iframe loading (Documentation "flaw")

The suggested retina script

(function($, dpr) {
  if (dpr>1)
    $.lazyLoadXT.srcAttr = 'data-src-' + (dpr > 2 ? '3x' : (dpr > 1.5 ? '2x' : '1.5x'));
})(jQuery, window.devicePixelRatio || 1);

results in the script loading a "data-src-2x" source even for videos/iframes (which of course dosn't exist). The workaround is to use a data-src-2x (and 3x) attribute for iframes. Maby the script can be changed to always load the data-src for non-images.

Tested on Safari iOS 8.2

Lazy loading on scrolling div (iPad)

I'm having some problems trying to make a scrollable div lazy load the images inside. It works perfectly on the desktop browser but when on mobile safari when I scroll (scrolls with momentum) the images are not shown until the scrolling stops completely. This also means that the onshow function is not executed until the scrolling stops. BTW I'm using both spinner and fade effect.

This is how I'm initialising the plugin.

$.extend($.lazyLoadXT, {
                                scrollContainer: "#searchResultsList",
                    onshow: function(){
                        $(this).addClass('lazy-hidden lazy-hidden-spinner lazy-force-spinner');
                    onload: function(){
                        //remove the forced spinner first to allow fade

Later on the code once an item has been added to the DOM I do the following.

var toAppend = $( itemHTML );

Related CSS is below. I am using -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); in the scrollable div to use hardware acceleration but that doesn't help. I also tried adding it to the images but still the same.

    background:url('../images/lazy_loading.gif') no-repeat 50% 50%;


    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    opacity: 1 !important;

    padding:0px 62px;
    height: 100%;   
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;      
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);

I'm sure there is something I'm missing but cant figure out what.

Thanks for and awesome plugin.



I noticed that the problem really is because the scroll event is not triggered on safari mobile when "momentum scrolling".

Class lazy-hidden not being removed from HTML5 video

For some reason, Lazy Load XT isn't removing the class .lazy-hidden on an HTML video that I have. I believe I've got the markup correct according to what you designate in the usage section. Lazy Load XT correctly replaces 'data-src' with 'src', and if I remove the class .lazy-hidden using the inspector, the video appears and works as expected. It just doesn't remove the class. It also throws now errors.

Download a zip here to see the problem in action:

Lazy Load XT not lazy loading images correctly in jQuery Mobile application

I am having difficulty implementing a lazy loading feature in my jQM application using Lazy Load XT v1.0.6.

I am finding that when I scroll down the image isn't being shown, however when I switch to a different tab in my browser and then switch back the images are there. I thought this may be a strange quirk of Firefox, however this happens on both the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome.

<img src="/img/default-img.jpg" data-src="/img/product/1872.jpg" class="product_image" width="200" height="300">

What is happening here? Is pageinit the correct event for this code?

I am using jQuery Mobile v1.3.1.

This is the code I am using to attempt to lazy load my images when the user scrolls down.

$(document).on('pageinit', function (event, ui) {
    var page = $(;
    page.find(".container .product_image").lazyLoadXT();

Loading images on mobile chrome 4.3.0 not woking


I'm implementing lazy-load-xt on a wordpress theme and everything works fine until we tested on Android 4.3 - Chrome. The image loading is not firing when you scroll.

Same implementation works fine on IOS Safari on iphone, and on same android but the default browser.

Is it something i can do or do you know a fix ?

jquery 1.4.x seems doesn't work in jquery mobile.

As subject that i had a hard time to debug the strange issue(the next image didn't show up once the scroll down event triggered ) until i found the barely problem came from jquery1.4.2 break the thing. Now, i've to downgrade from jquery 1.4.2 to jquery 1.3.2. and everything works perfectly! (Thanks for your contribution)

btw, Could you please try to use jquery 1.4.2 on below example and let me know how it works ?


No support for SVG

There doesn't appear to be any support for SVGs, is this planned at all? Currently, if you use an SVG, it isn't loaded in by the browser at all (but it does without lazy-loading enabled). It'd be great if you could incorporate some sort of SVG support with fall-back to PNG, like this javascript plugin:

Doesn't use data-src in the srcset extension

The srcset extension works great but it does not use the data-src attribute. The HTML5 srcset does not require the 1x image in the src to be listed again in the srcset. If I duplicate the URL from data-src in the data-srcset with a 1x after it, all is good but this is redundant.

Maybe after the "return false" if there is no srcset you could append the data-src URL with a 1x. Then it would find that one for 1x screens.

Does neither work with Internet Explorer 8 nor IE10

Sorry for coming up with an issue with this old browser, but your library does not work with IE8, an empty screen is shown instead of lazy-loaded images. Your example pages however do work with IE8.

I am puzzled and wonder, what makes the difference.

In the meantime is changed my code to use an alternative library ( ) ‒ which works in IE8, and my primary browser (Firefox).

Bug in firefox when using css animations

There is a wierd bug in firefox when images have been lazy loaded with css animations. The bug is a wierd one: When you hover over the image with mouse cursor, then stop hovering, the animation repeats itself. In other words, the animation repeats itself on 'mouse out' (not on 'mouse in').

Using the latest firefox (37.0.2) on Windows 7.

The bug can be seen on the demo page:

I tried using lazyloadxt on my own webspage using my own css animations (without animate.css) but the problem still occurs.

remove already loaded but not visible images

Is there a way to hide(remove from DOM) invisible images from outside the viewport and then load them again when they are inside the viewport ?

The reason is to save resources in my webpage.

Thanks in advance.

How to lazy load other html tags <p> <span> <div> ?


Appreciate the work done. Just need one help, in options you have set selector as
selector: 'img[data-src]', // selector for lazyloading elements

How can we include other tags, if we want to implement lazy load on those tags, viz."div", "span", "p" etc.

Any hack to this would help. Thanks. Keep up the good work. :)

Does not work

Hi all,

I am using joomla and downloaded these files:
and put them in the template folder under js ... they load fine as I can see them in firebug. I also downloaded the css files and put them under the css folder in the template, which load fine as well as they can be seen on firebug.

But the image are just hidden, in fact the class that the images have is lazy-hidden even if I scroll down view them ...

I have joomla 3 with the Wright Framework .. any help would be greatly appreciated.


Triggering reload on <video> tags, even though they aren't setup to be "lazy."

I've noticed that my ambient <video> that I had setup on the homepage of my site would seemingly jump/reload unnecessarily even though it was already visible and playing and I had never set it up to be loaded lazily. I was able to narrow it down to this bit of code:

    $(document).on('lazyshow', 'video', function (e, $el) {
        var srcAttr = $el.lazyLoadXT.srcAttr,
            isFuncSrcAttr = $.isFunction(srcAttr);

            .attr('poster', $el.attr(options.videoPoster))
            .each(function (index, el) {
                var $child = $(el);
                $child.attr('src', isFuncSrcAttr ? srcAttr($child) : $child.attr(srcAttr));

        // reload video

This was firing on my <video> element even though I never registered it to be a lazily loaded element. It looks like the triggerEvent() is firing even for elements which aren't even setup in it's elements stack. Is this intended? If not, I can setup a quick PR to fix this issue!

Using events

how to use each event? please use the example

srcset addon doesn't trigger lazyload event

I'm using the srcset addon to load images on my website and wanted to fade-in images once loaded. I realized that the lazy-hidden class is added when the lazyshow event is triggered but the lazyload event never gets triggered thus the class for the image never changes to lazy-loaded.

Same problem occurs in the demo:

Is this the desired behavior? If not, is there a workaround for this?


Srcset addon

Is that right that the srcset-Adon not work like a srcset-polyfill?
What i mean is the change of the src when i change for example the orientation on an mobile device or the width in the browser. That whould be very cool.

Images are not loaded when using CSS column-count

…to produce a grid layout. The images at the top of e.g. the third column only appear when the visitor scrolls a little way down the page: presumably, to where the image would be if column-count were not active.

srcset polyfill - seems to ignore sizes\use viewport width

The script looks great, but i think i may be missing something with the srcset polyfill.

As i'm sure you know, normal (browser supported) srcset uses srcset and the w params, along with the sizes attribute to work out which image to use, i believe that this polyfill just uses the viewport width and assumes that the image will be 100% of viewport width - is that expected behavior?

I was expecting that it would either calculate the size of the element and work from that, or that it would use the sizes attribute as the browser would - am i basically expecting too much? if so, could someone explain the logic that it does apply?

BG images with media queries

I am currently using data-srcset with media queries as lazy load has built in as follows:

data-src-set="image.png 640w 2x" and this works perfect. So no complaints there. I would like to know if there is a way to use the bg="image.png" with the same media queries as described above. I need a responsive background image that changes at breakpoints and from what I can tell, the bg images are lazy only and without media queries. Does anyone know if that exists? Because if not I would like to request it.


wont able to load the images properly after coming from server

hi i m using this libraary in my mobile app and i have add the javascript and call this after ajax call inside a function

img data-src="' + IMAGE_BASE_URL + item.ThumbnailImage+ '" alt="" title="' + item.Name + '"

but it wont work images loaded as it load previously.

can u tell me the proper way how can i load images properly...

Images in a hidden div

There are cases when you have images which are in viewport but not visible, because in display:none or outside of overflow:hidden. I use with data-bg.

Is here a way not to load this invisible images and loading when images get visible?

Widget doesn't work if the scroll is too fast!

If you scroll really fast (moving the bar with the mouse) or the URL has an anchor which is farther the data-lazy-widget, the widget doesn't load.

I think it has to do with this line:
visible = (topEdge <= viewportTop && elPos.bottom > -edgeY &&
elPos.left <= viewportWidth + edgeX && elPos.right > -edgeX);
elPos.bottom is always smaller than -edgeY.

Is there a way to overpass that ?

Can you edit the youtube's iframe code?

The Youtube's terms says:

  • The Service includes all aspects of YouTube, including but not limited to all products, software and services offered via the YouTube website, such as the YouTube channels, the YouTube "Embeddable Player," the YouTube "Uploader" and other applications.
  • You agree not to alter or modify any part of the Service.

So, my questions is if is ok to change the src to data-src attribute of the Youtube's iframe code?

Thank you,

Listen for changes?

I use attribute "data-bg" ( and its working fine. Now I must via click() change all backgroud-images to another folder. Easy with

$(...).removeAttr('style').attr('data-bg', url);

images get removed, but LazyLoadXT not refresh for new images (only images that was not in viewport and not updated with lazy before). I have tried call $(document).lazyLoadXT(); but thats not help me. Any idea?

This works only for images in viewport, all other images get lost:

    checkDuplicates: false


$(....).data('lazied', 0).removeAttr('style').attr('data-bg', url);

Enchancement add data-alt to be used when using <noscript>

When javascript is disabled, the alt tag still shows on the broken link if you don't set the src attribute.

As a quick fix, I modified the code to allow data-alt, as a valid attribute to be added to the alt attribute when a load happens.

Is this the right way to go about it? If not, what is a better way? If so, do you want me to submit a patch to look at it? not exaclty complicated.

elementOptions = {
            srcAttr: 'data-src',
            edgeX: 0,
            edgeY: 0,
            visibleOnly: true,
            altAttr: 'data-alt'

//later down in the load code
var srcAttr = objData.srcAttr,
                        src = $isFunction(srcAttr) ? srcAttr($el) : el.getAttribute(srcAttr);
                    var altAttr = objData.altAttr,
                        alt = $isFunction(altAttr) ? altAttr($el) : el.getAttribute(altAttr);

                    if (src) {
                        $el.on(load_error, triggerLoadOrError);
                        el.src = src;
                        if (alt) {
                            el.alt = alt;

noob question, How do I structure my script tag?

Hello I want to have certain animations in lazy load when my section is loaded (full page js)
Is this the correct structure for the script tag?

<script> $.lazyLoadXT.onLoad { ``` addClass: 'animated bounceOutLeft', addClass:'animated slideUp' }); ``` </script>


How to load a specific hidden image

I have a slider on my site containing large images whereby only one slide is shown at a time. I would like to lazy load all the images in the slider using data-srcset.
If I use the plugin "out of the box" the first slide is loaded correctly. Upon advancing to the next slide, the image is not loaded until I scroll the page a little.
I have tried the following code but with no real success:

slickSlider.on('afterChange', function() {
    $('.slide.slick-active').next().find('img[data-srcset]').lazyLoadXT({visibleOnly: false, checkDuplicates: false, forceLoad: true});

In the above code I target the next slide and look for the image and apply lazyload...
Perhaps I'm using the incorrectly.
Can someone point me in the right direction.

srcset and background-image


I'm using script to lazyloadxt to most of images in my pages right now. But i'm missing one cool feature. I would like to start using responsive images. The problem is most of images i'm using is with as background-images so i can use background-cover on it. Is there any way to use srcset option with use/convert images on specific viewports to be background images? That would be awesome feature and imo, would make lazyloadxt complete plugin.

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