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react-router-website's Introduction

React Router Website!


Copy the contents of .env.example file to the .env file and add your information to it.

cp .env.example .env

Install dependencies

npm install

That's it!


npm run dev

There are a couple LRUCache's for talking to GitHub and processing markdown that expire after 5 minutes, if you want them to expire immediately for local development, set the NO_CACHE environment variable.

NO_CACHE=1 npm run dev

To work on local docs clone the react router repo and put it in the same folder as this website repo:


Then point .env at it like this:


You'll notice a "local" option in the version dropdown menu when the app is running. That will pull the docs from your machine instead of GitHub.

react-router-website's People


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react-router-website's Issues

Tutorial: confirm in contact.jsx

I was receiving an error stating "Unexpected use of 'confirm'"

I was able to resolve this by adding window.confirm instead of just confirm

[Docs]: Add Copy to Clipboard Button for the source code

Describe what's incorrect/missing in the documentation

While working on the react-router tutorial, I was astonished to find that there is no copy to clipboard button for the code examples probably encouraging devs to write code on their own


[Bug]: `useLocation` docs url on vs code redirect to a 404 page

What version of React Router are you using?


Steps to Reproduce

  • Create a simple react project with react-router 6.4.3
  • Call the useLocation hook -> const location = useLocation()
  • Hover the useLocation() and a pop-up will appear:


- If you press on the url, it returns a 404 page because it redirects to instead of or something like that

Expected Behavior

Redirecting to the useLocation() docs page

Actual Behavior

Redirecting to 404 page

Edit: All the hooks docs url are wrong. The problem here is that i'm using an old react router version (6.4.3) instead of the main one (6.5.0)

[Docs]: Links on navbar do not work as intended

Describe what's incorrect/missing in the documentation

Describe what's incorrect/missing in the documentation

The right sidebar functionality on the React Router documentation website is not working properly.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Visit the React Router documentation website.
  2. Navigate to any link within the right sidebar. first navigate works correctly
  3. Observe the screen momentarily jumping and then returning to its previous state.
  4. Notice that the link in the browser updates correctly, but the content does not reflect the change.
  5. Click the same link again, and observe that the functionality works as expected this time.

Video of the bug


System info

  • Windows 10
  • Chrome Version 122.0.6261.95 (Official Build) (64-bit)

[Docs]: Right nav links semi-broken in chrome and edge

Describe what's incorrect/missing in the documentation

Expected behavior: clicking on links in the right nav of the documentation site should scroll to the anchor on the first click.

Actual behavior: first link clicked in the right nav always works, but all subsequent clicks on different links do not scroll to the anchor, unless you click on them a second time in a row without clicking any other links.


  • Affects chrome (on Windows 10):120.0.6099.110
  • Affects Edge (on Windows 10): 120.0.2210.77
  • Affects chrome on a mobile device
  • Does not affect firefox 121.0

Improve docs navigation

See for details

  • Make lefthand nav sections collapsable
  • Make righthand nav nested levels indented

[Docs]: Documentation Light/Dark Theme

Describe what's incorrect/missing in the documentation

I noticed some misbehavior in the functionality when changing themes in React Router Docs.
The theme is changing back or back and forth between dark/light when you:

  1. click on the theme icon and change the theme and then immediately click on the h2 (for example in the Tutorial page heading with the id="data-writes--html-forms") or
  2. clicking on the empty space between the main text and the sidebar with the headings

This is checked on both Chrome (Version 118.0.5993.117 ) and Firefox (Version 118.0.5993.117 )


[Feature Request]: Add 'Copy' Button to Code Samples in Documentation


I'd like to propose a feature for the official React Router documentation website. While going through the various examples in the documentation, I noticed that there isn't a straightforward way to copy the code samples.

Feature Description:

It would be extremely helpful if a 'Copy' button could be added to each of the code blocks within the documentation. This button would allow users to instantly copy the code samples to their clipboard, reducing the chance of copying errors and saving time.


  • Increased efficiency: This feature would allow developers to easily copy and paste code into their IDE without needing to manually select and copy the code, saving time and effort.
  • Reduced error potential: By enabling one-click copying, we can minimize the chance of copying errors that might occur when users manually select code blocks.
  • Improved user experience: This feature would make the documentation more user-friendly and increase its utility for developers of all experience levels.

I believe this would be a valuable addition to the React Router documentation, and I'd be happy to discuss it further if needed.

Fix broken edit link

Seems like the edit button in the footer is adding 1 too many "/docs"

issue with example We have an example for this:

          We have an example for this:

Originally posted by @timdorr in remix-run/react-router#10206 (comment)

Sorry, not shure is there a bug or stackblitz fault, but

$ vite
failed to load config from /home/projects/mkligxplv.github/vite.config.ts
error when starting dev server:
Error: The package "@esbuild/linux-x64" could not be found, and is needed by esbuild.


Fix www redirections and currently show a 500 error.
Should redirect to instead.

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